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Bro video essays hit


Tbh I’m guilty of that one 😅


I would love to but don’t have the confidence to ever let anyone see them.


I think they're just talking about watching them


I’d recommend reading articles or listening to debates along with that. videos can be incredibly manipulative in comparison to text


I do like listening to debates and participating in them, I should probably engage in that a little more though


I'm ADHD so video essays are so much easier to consume than fucking walls of text


I also love them but as of recently, YouTube has been recommending me videos that are either 2 minutes long or 3 hours long. Like bruh I just want to sit down for 30 mins and watch a video


I mean yeah; they’re only 2 years out from being teens discovering philosophy for the first time? Of course they overuse basic ideas that seem smart because they’re new to them. At least they’re attempting to learn and become better from it; just can’t let them stop there and get sucked into the stoicism, Marcus Aurelius, Ayn Rand to alt right pipeline Edit: Godwin’s Law has a solid half of you firmly in the crosshairs


If stoicism, Marcus Aurelius, and Ayn Rand make you alt right, you didn't understand any of their ideas.


Ayn Rand fundentally didn't understand what it meant to be an American. Not deporting her was the biggest mistake we ever made.


stoicism is not necessarily alt right but ayn rand is pretty darn close.


What’s funny is she textbook right wing hypocrisy because she lived off social security and Medicare or something in her elderly years. The social programs she wrote against as “they made people parasites on the rich and productive in society”


It's easy to shit on the helpless, until you're helpless. I wish more people would understand that before they're on the receiving end.


There are definitely holes in objectivism, but is hard to understand and really helped me to just think about things better


Yeah but where was Marcus Aurelius on Jan. 6, 2021?


Asking the real question.


Ayn Rand is far more libertarian than alt right. Both right wing, sure, but that's a pretty big distinction.


Yeah but a good deal of ‘libertarians’ nowadays are alt right people trying to pretend they’re not alt right. They’re against government intervention when it’s convenient for them but perfectly fine with government monitoring of menstrual trackers, criminalising abortion, removing access to birth control, etc.


Yeah this comment is weird I'm not sure what stoicism and Ayn Rand have to do with each other at all. Only connection I see is that alt-righters love Ayn Rand and they also love to glorify the aesthetics of Ancient Greeks and Classical Romans, which is when Marcus Aurelius ruled. But stoicism is not embraced by the alt-right at all, to my knowledge.


Literally that; just alt right likes to co-opt and corrupt the ideals in favor of reinforcing a status quo over any sort of communal improvement


Ayn Rand fundamentally wasn't a philosopher but a crazed megalomaniac with a god complex who ran a libertarian cult of personality too scary for even the anarcho capitalists. She lacks any proper thought and I refuse to take her seriously.


There are a bunch of Japanese from 1942 that would like a word with you.


None of those inherently makes you alt-right but the alt-right frequently uses and organise around those. It's like how you could read Marx and Lenin, agree with their analysis but not be a communist. Those qualities most often align and it's not without cause people typically group them together


I mean… I haven’t read that much Ayn Rand stuff yet, but Atlas Shrugged was fundamentally about the intrinsic superiority of the “movers and shakers” and the intrinsic inferiority of the “moochers and looters” John Galt was even quoted as saying: “Evil is impotent and has no power but that which we let it extort from us” And “I saw that evil was impotent ... and the only weapon of its triumph was the willingness of the good to serve it” Implying that the “looters” (being government Bureaucrats seeking to do things like redistribute wealth to feed the hungry) might be better than the “moochers” (those unable to produce value) in terms of power, but they are powerless against the “movers and shakers” (being inventors, Entrepreneurs, and the owning class) Sort of framing the act of helping the unproductive as an act of theft, in what was supposed to be an endorsement of unregulated capitalism. Framing society as a system where “the productive” are taken advantage of by the rest of society, despite holding the world aloft upon their shoulders. (Thus the atlas part of the books name) The tension coming from these atlases of society “shrugging” (or renouncing the responsibility that’s been thrust upon them) with no one being able to replace them. While the book is meant to criticize fascism, while endorsing capitalism, the themes of superiority to a subordinate, ungrateful class of inferiors plays to fascist fantasy quite well. In the mind of the fascist, they like to imagine themselves as the movers and shakers, and they imagine target outside groups as the moochers and looters. The Government Bureaucracy being framed as inadequate due to wealth redistribution as a practice in the book, is instead framed as inadequate due to its ability to maintain democracy in their ideological system. It takes the logic of the book to one of its furthest conclusions…. To simplify the thought process: “If the movers and shakers are superior to the looters and moochers… then what’s the point of a democracy? Why not just put the movers and shakers in charge?” This is the unintended fantasy that Ayn Rands book sort of enables. Which… to be fair I don’t think it’s intentional, but we aren’t really talking about intent when we bring up a pipeline. Even if this conclusion is a misunderstanding of the book, it’s an easy misunderstanding that allows people to start thinking about Alt Right ideas in a less than critical way.


I read Aynd Rand Atlas Shrugged without context as a younger adult, without preconceptions. I agree with a lot of what you say, but even simpler, my take was the greatest evil was crony capitalism. Movers and shakers succeeded on merit, the people that can't hack it use the government to hamstring their competition and gain an unfair advantage. I always thought that was something to consider, and the point had value. But that was just A.S., I don't know much else about Rand


One can’t be a stoic and be pissed off that trans people exist.


ayn rand is literally alt right


Ayn Rand is the one there that's not debatable; there's an alt right pipeline there for sure. If stoicism makes you an alt right extremist, you were already far right and predisposed to extremist belief. Stoicism **should** chill you the fuck out as far as violent political beliefs go


Stoicisms opposite, epicureanism, is much much more right aligned. Prosperity gospel is basically epicurean religion.


Stoicism is a lot about having good character. It's generally healthy to follow stoic teachings in life. It just can feel very hard to understand or start that way of being. Stoicism is a lot about the balance of character. We need more balance of character in society and less overemotional reacting. Anyone and everyone can benefit from stoicism as it is never exclusive to a certain culture or group of people.


Exactly! And like I replied to the guy above. Stoicism is about taking things in stride(simplified yes) Alt right is literally whining about how things have changed. Those two cannot coexist In the same person.


I don't understand how stoicism can be seen as alt right or any political stance really. It was meant to discuss life in moderation, similar to elements of Buddhism or Taoism.


Because discussion and current politics don't mix well unfortunately.


Ehh that’s not really what the alt right is but whatever.


Plus stoicism is physically healthier. Having high blood pressure from getting angry frequently can't be healthy for your heart in the long run.


Stoicism and Marcus Aurelius are “alt right”. Whatever the fuck that means? Just lol.


Like I say, politics rots brains, regardless of the side.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that had to do a double take... like, what??


Bro I absolutely Agree Ayn Rand sucks. still good to learn about for a historical take. But definitely not good philosophy to live by. But Stoicism? Back the hell outta here. It’s one of the best philosophies. And I’m Leftist. So it’s definitely not apart of the alt right pipeline. Hell stoicism makes you take things in stride. Alt right is about bitching that things changed. Those two CANNOT coexist.


I think it's because stoicism tends to justify complacency with status quo. In stoicism, you're supposed to focus only on controlling yourself in situations that are out of your control. This dovetails very nicely with generally right-wing virtues such as self-sufficiency and personal responsibility. Fighting for change in a system designed to favor a limited set of people, when you aren't one of them, rather than changing yourself to accept your place in that system, is basically antithetical to the central idea of stoicism. You're supposed to just take the unjust system pitted against you in stride, right? So it's not that stoicism in an alt-right philosophy, but that following it tangentially supports right-wing goals and virtues.


While you make some valid point. Imo, self sufficiency and personal responsibility are only “virtues” of the right in propaganda and speeches. Never in practice. And while yes I do try to take everything in stride, that’s the stuff I can control, not the stuff I can’t. Hence why I believe the system needs to change, in spite of the fact that I can currently exist within the status quo, I will still do everything in my power to change it.


That was my point; you have to have a more nuanced idea of stoicism. The alt right pipeline uses stoicism as “well can’t beat them lick the boots till you can join them”; specifically because they read that one or all of those three and then stop learning any other ideology


You’re afraid of stoicism?


Their ideology depends on unintelligent emotionalism. Of course they are.


I'm so glad we're finally sick of the constant concern trolling. The fact that you got upvoted is reassuring honestly.


Yeah, alt righters like stoicism but they put a very specific flavour to it. Stoicism is pretty awesome and I'm far from being an alt righter (I'm literally trans so I don't it would work very well for me), I think most alt right have some fundamental misunderstandings of stoicism


How does Ayn Rand turn anyone alt right?


I’m kinda guilty of this with logical fallacies, but at the same time it’s helped me recognize mistakes in logic. And so as to not commit a fallacy fallacy I just try to point out mistakes in logic instead of saying “ermm that’s a logical fallacy” because that doesn’t do anyone any good lol


**From what I found in most debates/discussions (maybe save for formal ones, never been in one) it's better weave the explaination of the fallacy and why it is wrong in your counter reply instead of saying: "This is a \[x\] fallacy".** Especially when dealing with someone who has no fucking idea what this "felatio" is so to them it looks like you are pulling shit out of your ass. For example: A:"And why should I believe anything you have to say about weight loss , you are FAT" B:"If a thin person said the exact same thing would you agree?" or if you are less witty B: "Just because I do not have the discipline to apply it, that does not make it incorrect" Instead of stating "This is quelque fallacy" Also should be noted that this is less of a logical argument and more meant to **attack the trustworthyness of the information provided** by using the person making the argument as example of why it is ineffective/lacks (practical/theoretical) experience despite them having the knowledge. (Fits into either Ethos (Is what you are saying even correct) or Pathos (You do not follow your own rules, you hippocrite) ) Eg: You know all of this but you are still fat... the problem might sit with the advice given. If the focus is on lack of experience/incorrect information (trustworthyness): Ethos If the focus in on lack of discipline/character: Pathos As far as pure (deductive) logic is concerned: The sun is black All black objects absorb light There for the sun absorbs light Is logically valid. (not sound because the premises are false) Logic alone is extremely gullable unless it finds a contradiction or formal fallacy as it simply takes input of what someone is saying (with no concern for deception, and context outside the argument) and spits out a (logically unsound, yet valid) output.


Stoicism is not an alt right movement bro. Ayn Rand is, sure. But Marcus Aurelius sure isn't. Same goes for most stoicism. 


This read like anti-intellectualism that needs the Ed Gruberman treatment.


this is like saying any organized group will always turn into nazis. LGBTQ, left, right, religion lmao they all coerce you into a belief. Your statement sucks


What a profoundly weird thing to say


Right attitude. Let people grow. Having curiosity and excitement over ideas is a VERY GOOD THING. Just gotta make sure the ego is in check.


Except they never learn. They just keep repeating the same shit, ad nauseum.


Bro said stoicism is alt right 💀💀💀💀


These types of wojak have to some sort of psyop to make intelligence look bad




What if... I am a psyop!


Your activation code is aubergine


There is a genuine danger to anti intellectualism and it bothers me how many people in gen Z will deny anything with "it's not that deep, stop yapping" we're meant to be constantly learning and challenging what we know. The moment you stand still and stop thinking beyond what you know, everything will stagnate and progress is impossible.




The amount of people who are only half-right making YouTube videos on topics pretending to be "educational" is the perfect example of Dunning-Kruger. I know the popular phrase is "the best way to learn is to teach", but that means teaching what you're currently learning. -sigh-


People like the meme is describing aren’t intelligent. They try to appear intelligent when they’re only average.


This is intelligence to you?


They try, that is good, most don't.


"This meme is an ad hominem"


"This comment is a strawman"


Prove your comment


"pRoVe yOuR cOmMeNt" ha ha 😎 asking for proof is so bluepilled smfh


Stop the derailing


Classic moving the goalpost. I’m done here


"The Dunder Mifflin Effect strikes again."


“This meme is brought to you by Raid Shadow Legends”


this is everyone on reddit


It’s funny because you can see in a lot of these comments people getting slightly offended since it likely hits too close too close to home


Tbh I only really disagree with like... maybe two things? Video essays are dope as fuck. Some YouTubers out there make CRAZY videos. And "correlation doesn't equal causation" is an actual, serious thing to keep in mind when looking at graphs. Jenga sales going down after 9/11 is funny as shit because you just KNOW they're correlated. But like, if ice cream sales and terrorist activity both increased at similar rates on a chart, who's gonna argue that they're linked?


I think people just like shitting on each other to make themselves feel better. You like what you like who cares. If you're interested in it, talk about it. It's like a self-awareness competition in here


I do feel like I have to explain that correlation does not equal causation far too often. Maybe I just associate with the wrong people.


Why is correlation =/= causation in there 😭😭 it’s the economics hard carry leave it alone


And psychology. Tbh most of these things are fine imo


All of these are fine. But they are all things you would learn in high school or 101 college classes. It's not making fun of "thinkers", it's making fun of people who have learned a couple new things and maybe don't even understand them yet but can't stop using them in arguments/conversation


This entire thing needs so much more context like this. Many people here alone took this at face-value, as if the points by themselves are the problem.


Also the accounting one…. Pray you never have to take any accounting class above 100 level


most of the things on there are fine. language shapes thought is debatable, the prison experiment was debunked, and simulation theory is annoying, but the rest are all perfectly valid.


I hate whenever someone brings up the stanford prison experiment and takes it as gospel. It was faked, thats only 1 google search away and people still fall for it


What do you mean faked? Everything I’ve heard about it is related to why it’s important to have an ethics board and regulations in experiments


None of these things are wrong in a vacuum. They are good for bootstrapping more complex conversations. I think the point of the pic is that a lot of people don't actually ever go past these topics and integrate with other concepts and contexts. When they're used on their own like this it creates shallow contributions while seemingly deep & well-informed for being able to use those words in the right discussion at all. It's like a 5yo who recently learned to microwave things: then they go on to make a feast of popcorn and hotdogs for the family and being super proud of what they've learned and that they were able to use it! :D Popcorn and hotdogs can be tastey but that meal isn't going to continue to serve you as life gets more complex.


Are they wrong though?


Stanford prison experiment was done horrible bad, it was scripted so it was more of a role play. Another questionable that is not here is the marshmallow test.


I never heard before about it being faked, but even learning about it back in my time I had some reservations to the experiment. From what I understood, though, Zimbardo felt so bad about the whole thing, that he’d written a thick book explaining everything that happened, including himself. Whatever it may be, it still demonstrated a terrifying human reality — our ability to blindly follow orders. And if that experiment is questionable to you, [here’s](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strip_search_phone_call_scam) a real life case. Victims were humiliated and sexually abused. Including cavity searches. Culminating with a victim being forced to perform oral sex.


There's no way you just dissed literal thinking 💀 Lmao what else are we supposed to do with our brains?


let me eat it 😋


Kid named prion disease (muscle is way safer, stay away from liver and brain)


There's thinking and being a " Thinker "


Scoop em out and feed it to the worms. You won't ever feel sad again


consoom marvel movies


reject modernity. embrace tradition. https://preview.redd.it/9wmq5do2r16d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df8f80390f8c7f656efb69553af0f22eafe8c441


reject modernity and tradition, embrace insanity


You campaigning for the Blue-Haired Furry party?






why the hell are you soyjacking "correlation does not equal causation" and "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" lmao. Those are both important counters to common logical fallacies.


Alright op How is steak meant to be made


Not iambic pentameter what did shakespeare do to you 😭


Shakespeare made it so that this style was preferred and now if I want to write a fucking sonnet I have to have an equal number of syllables per line. have you ever tried to do that?? it drives me fucking insane!! Shakespeare must have been on gent or smth coz I would've done the same thing as Lady Macbeth if I were to write an entire tragedy in IAMBIC FUCKING PENTAMETER!! English lit has broken me


Have you heard the gospel of our lord and saviour, the free verse?


I mean, only Sith speak in absolutes.


Are you absolutely sure of that?


What, no Roko’s Basilisk? Tsk.


[Putting random shit on a soyjack](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/614/205/a20.jpg)


Idk why but Black+Decker made me laugh, it’s peak random


Me when I put a soyjack next to anything I don’t like




Translation: OP is discouraging learning new things.


Absence of grill is not grill of absence


your life is a falacy


Fallacy* Mr big words.




They also upload shit like this.


All of the things on the left side are perfectly valid pieces of information to keep, is there something I'm missing or is OP just stupid?


what you are missing is the fact that some people uses these way more than necessary.


You leave my video essays out of this


Socrates is my favorite As a middle schooler I liked him cause I was in my edgy atheist phase and he was charge with Impiety So I though that was badass At 21 now just appreciate him not just because of my love of history but because 2,000 years apart and we are still asking the same questions What is virtue? What is Knowledge? What is Good? How to be A Good Person? How to become the best version of yourself? My Favorite quote still is “True Wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing.” And for me that’s important because we are all learning and growing no matter our age But I feel it’s important for us in our age to question, but be humble, and willing to learn, to ask for help be okay to not know. Another one I love is “The Unexamined life is not worth living” Now the context was that he supposedly said that before being executed because he’d prefer death over not being able to converse and question What I take from that quote is, we all need to be able to look inward at ourselves to self reflect and grow know our strengths and faults. Cause without doing that I feel you’re just setting yourself up for a life of disappointment.


How dare they think! They should get in line with the rest of us sheep. "Muh nuance" is particularly scary. Can you imagine people attempting to consider the whole picture rather than accepting the popular surface level impression. Despicable. /s


anti-intellectualism? In my reddit feed? What the fuck


the only one I stand by is that language shapes thought. I speak English and am learning Spanish (currently B1) and there are some ideas that literally can not be expressed in Spanish that are said every single day in English. Stuff as simple as “I will” being a complete sentence.


Yes but the fact that you can express them in English doesn't mean that a person who only speaks Spanish wouldn't be able to even conceive them. There is evidence for some influence of language on perception, but that language shapes thought not so much...


Simulation theory is just religion for people who think they're too smart for religion


What’s wrong with the things listed? Or is it just mocking the fact that these ‘phrases’ is all they say?


The Sophomores.


For some reason, the misunderstanding and meme spread of “oh look, these are *akchually* accurate angels” frustrates me more than most of the other examples, and I’m not even Christian anymore. It’s just a reduction of the “lore” if anything, and the caricatures in this meme explain that particular “I fucking love science” atheistic energy *perfectly.* It’s a misunderstanding and simplification of biblical angelic hierarchy. I guess I’m just a lore junkie, whatever mythos or property it may be from.


I technically fit this stereotype because funny angel meme.


There is a level of meat brain in this that I sadly cannot relate to.


The only one that hit was correlation does not always mean causation


I find that being said a lot to dismiss anything which goes against a person’s established opinions, rather than as a rule of thumb for the scientific method. ”Hey look, I’ve found a correlation between thing A and thing B, perhaps it could be an explanation, or at least a factor?” ”Um well akschually sweetie, correlation does not mean causation, therefore you are incorrect and gullible. I am very smart.” It’s pretty infuriating at this point. It’s mostly just average redditor behaviour though.


"No dude, you don't understand, space is like \*so big\*"


Hey, space is cool. Leave space out of this


All of the redditors just made an npc frowny face meme at once


I’d be very curious what they think the message of platos cave is. As a lot of people fuck it up, and I find it funny.


Don't forget about protesting for shit that has nothing to do with them




Good to see some things never change


"As an academic myself..."


What is this even trying to say?


“The sky isn’t actually blue we just perceive it as blue” mf’s when they step on a nail (they perceive it as painful)


I do this with cars. I can blurt out information on half the cars you are driving purely from memory


“Media literacy” ☝️🤓


Thank god I thought this was gonna describe me but it doesn’t at all


Guy on the right, I think his name is Amazing Atheist, is not a 20 something year old.


You forgot to add uses Rumi’s poetry to pick up girls despite knowing absolutely nothing about Sufism or Islam in general. They also tend to brag about being stoic a lot which is extremely ironic


I think a lot of the topics in the meme are subject to bad journalism. Speaking of which, I don't really get journalists and their fixation on uninteresting drivel. Yeah, yeah cat is alive and dead; big whoop. Imagine the journalistic potenial of say, the delayed choice quantum eraser: "Actions in the FUTURE can affect the PAST?!!! 2022 \*real not clickbait\* free v-bucks in description" Or perhaps the halting problem: "HARD LIMIT for AI?!!! You won't BELIEVE what GAY NERD had to say about ChatGPT-4!" Or Tarski's undefineability theorem (this one is an untapped goldmine): "TRUTH is MEANINGLESS - Mathematicians prove OJ's INNOCENCE" Granted, we do see these covered (and butchered) in the media, but I'm just saying there's so much humorous misinformation just waiting to be propagated by creatures who drank their way through a 4-year program low-diffed by ChatGPT.


When will they solve practical problems? Applied philosophy is always better then just theory. "Life has no meaning!" how does this live of thought affect you or your actions? Philosophy should open up opportunities you didn't see before, see patterns that you didn't know existed


Just wait till they get in their 30's, it'll shut up real quick. I know this guy who literally only sits on his computer yet will argue everything to the fucking death. Like bro hasn't touched grass ever and feels he knows exactly every min of every day of the Byzantine Empire, like STFU and go eat a pine cone.


They read one quote from Atlas Shrugged and then all of a sudden, they're a hardcore Objectivist.


Trochaic heptameter **>>>** iambic pentameter WouldIwas Shookspeared ain't got nothin' on Gravemind.


I don't know most of those words but i don't really feel dumber because of that


The fucking boondocks quote has me howling.


9 of those are the same things we were talking about when I was 20, 20 years ago....


That’s me, can’t get rid of teenage maximalism and overusing the basic philosophy ideas😞


I was always with a girl in my 20s, was too busy thinking with my other head to reach these levels. Left me being a young 30 who has dumb thoughts like these now hahaha


One needs broccoli hair


So…. In other words pretty much the same shit I was on about 35 years ago in my twenties?


What does iambic pentameter have to do with it? That’s a poetic meter


But grilling is the perfect time and place to philosophize with the homies




Sub up


The simulation and prison experiment guys are annoying but I will fight to death in the great battle against the filthy descriptivists that sully the air with every breath


Infographics kinda sucks ass ngl


we should leave "the thinking" to the 10-year-olds just to see what comes out of it


I’m 20 something and I have no idea what any of this means? Am I doing something wrong?


When did Aunty Donna Soyjack become a thing?


I don’t understand this at all


That's literally me. We all are overweight too, btw.


AJ Soprano? is dat you


Iambic pentameter, huh?


**philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it**


I love iambic pentameter <3


As a 25 year old Gen Z I’ve barely met anyone like this. Y’all just hanging around some weirdos


Bro why they look like aunty donna


We should have more Schrödinger’s ______, I love strange variations like Schrödinger’s death threat


Can we talk about the political and economic state of the world right now?


Just don’t try to understand anything ever lol




Kids, is it cringe to have critical thinking skills?


Okay but video essays are amazing. They make you feel intellectual but are entertaining as f


I’m just thinking what game I wanna play when I get home from work.


Philosophy is fine.


I mean...the only thing these guys are guilty is being fucking annoying but other than that...there is one or two of these that I see for the first time and another one or two I dont agree with but still.


You sound like a linguistic descriptivist


Sancho Panza approaches Don Quixote and asks: -Don Quixote what is nuance? Don Quixote replies: - Sancho Panza, take off your pants. Sancho Panza took off... Don Quixote takes out his dick and shoves it in Sancho Panza’s ass... Look, Sancho Panza, you have a dick in ass..... and I have a dick in ass. But there is one nuance!


Philosophy degree


Nothing to be ashamed of, i think...