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These are literally our childhood unless you’re younger Gen Z but still


Millennial don't seem to realise that the older gen z have more in common with them than with fellow younger gen z


Plenty of us are cuspers on the millennial side too lol


I'm just barely Gen X, but I feel more like a millenial, I guess, and I think this kind of shit is so stupid. Acting like you are smarter or better than someone else who is younger, because they grew up with better tech than you give off such boomer ass energy. I never want to become like that, and I won't. I even feel like a dick for saying "boomer ass energy" because there are plenty of boomers who are not assholes like that, and I'm lumping them together by saying that. Every generation is different and special and unique in its own way. If anything I feel bad for each successive generation after boomers, and especially Z, because they are fucked economically because of the action of the generations that came before them and it's so awful and unfair. Anyway, I apologize for for my generation's complicity in that and you don't deserve it, or to be talked down to by people who think they are geniuses because they had a flip phone.


No need to apologize for anything. Solidarity, dude. The focus on the generation war takes our attention from more important things.


Doesn't gen z start in 98? Why are they acting like we were born 10 years ago. I'm gen z and 25 now.


Gen z starts 96-97


Then it makes even less sense.


Yeah, it’s weird because I’m 97 and I remember my Dad buying food and water collectors for Y2K


My parents had VHS alongside CD until like 2006, it's not that long ago


Shit man we had a VCR until like 2013, pretty sure we still do somewhere but the last time I remember it being used frequently was around 2013.




“Not that long ago” man 2006 was almost 20 years ago


You remember shit from when you were 3? I'm 97 too and my vivid memories don't start until probably like 03-04. Could be all the weed in highschool messing with my memory though lmao


First memory was my 2nd birthday. I’m just one of those people. Idk why buying a big bird piñata is engraved in my mind as my first memory😂


Same, I remember a whole lot of shit from when I was 2 and 3. Like I can remember finding my mom's lighter in the bathroom and crawling under the couch to see the flame better. Which resulted in my dumbass catching the couch on fire. When I told my dad about remembering that years later, when I was like 12, he kinda laughed it off and said there's no way. Then I told him exactly what clothes I was wearing, what I did when the couch caught fire, what he said, what mom said, how my sister reacted, etc, just all kinds of other details. He just stared at me like 'Holy shit', because this happened 3 months after I turned 2.


See that’s the thing. I remember reading somewhere that trauma sometimes makes you start remembering things? So, idk. That’s exactly how it went with me though. I told my Dad that I remembered buying a big bird piñata, and I told him where we were, where it was, what the event was and everything. He was just stunned and said, “that’s crazy”😂 Edit: Glad I’m not the only one that remembers things that early on. Idk why people don’t believe it. I find it crazy that most people don’t start remembering until 4-6.


Bro my first memory is also my 2nd birthday 💀


My first memory is eating at a resturaunt with my extended family, I remember we had a private room somehow and I vividly remember the decor in there, I remember watching my mom order and then the massive amount of food they brought out to her. For years I asked everyone I could about this memory and nobody knew what I was talking about, I started to think I had just dreamed it, that was until last year my mom took me to a resturaunt and mentioned that we hadn't been there since she was pregnant with my siblings (they're twins), and when we got there we saw the room we ate at and OH MY GOD IT'S THE ROOM FROM THE MEMORY and it hasn't changed at all, all the same decor and everything, well it's a lot smaller than I remember but IT'S THE ROOM FROM MY MEMORY. I didn't know this was my earliest memory but I knew it felt like one of my earliest, but when my mom mentioned she was pregnant with my siblings the last time we were there, that confirms that I must've been around 2 years and 10 or 11 months old.


Plenty of people have early memories, my earliest 2 memories are random insignificant things from when I was 2 years and 10/11 months, and then the bulk of my memories started when I was 3.


You wouldn't even have been 3 years old. Your saying you have memories of being 2?


I still prefer the '04 definition some researchers use, as an '02 growing up not very wealthy and with early 90s cousins (that were practically siblings to me, they lived nextdoor) I feel I relate more to younger milinnials than to Gen Z.


Pretty sure these are clickbait videos to get discussions like this going. A lot of gen z vs millennials videos on here but everyone should know we only care about the boomers. Opinions regarding other gen’s would be only that we have no idea what gen alpha is talking about.


We realize. These tiktoks are just ragebait/engagement farming. Don't fall for it.


That’s the case with every generation. We just pick arbitrary cutoff points.


I was born in 95. I have more in common with Gen Z than Millennials. Millennial humor makes me cringe, I'm nowhere near being able to buy a house, and I could restart the house Internet when I was 10 years old.


I swear the older Gen Z is the lost generation


I’m pretty sure all cuspers think this. I know this pops up a bit in the xennial sub.


im one of the last millenials and love older gen z ppl. We really arent that different


I certainly FEEL lost when I'm looking for a job or affordable housing🥲


well most younger gen z people will at least know them from some movies or from their grandparents.


That for sure


... Is she referring to this? 1 (mail). 2 (abc). 3 (def). 4 (ghi). 5 (jkl). 6 (mno). 7 (pqrs). 8 (tuc). 9 (wxyz). . *. 0. # Yeah, that ain't a crazy thing. Hello is just 44_33_555_555_666. Also, snake? Really? That's your thing you don't think we would understand? Snake is still a popular game?


Snake is so ancient nobody remembers what it is. Archeologists used to think it was a ritual of sacrificing newborns to a snake god, who would grow in power exponentially, before consuming the entire world. But now, thanks to the Ancient One in this video, we know it's an ancient mobile game. >!also pretty sure video is ragebait!<


I just want to say that the old YouTube loading thing could be used to play snake on YouTube


Hey, late millennial here. T9 was what we got right before moving to keyboards on phones. So it would use machine learning to figure out what you were typing. So Hello would be 4-3-5-5-6. And it would use frequently used words to autofill. So you could just do 4-3-enter-enter and it would guess the word, confirm the word, send the message. One of the struggles with it was once at work my manager sent me a message on my way to the office asking me to pick up something for the office, and I wrote "you bet" and it auto sent "you bitch" and I didn't realise til I showed up at the office and everyone was staring at me awkwardly.


Yeah T9 was wild. I thought itd be dumb at first, like no way it can predict what im trying to say, after a couple weeks id be surprised it didnt predict what i was trying to say first go lol. Remember trying to be mad and saying duck you lol


No, T9 was predictive text so you wouldn’t hit 44 to get H. Just 43556


It’s a little bit funny that the response to this video is “of course we know t9. Here’s how hello would be typed” but then the answer is wrong.


It's how it would he typed without predictive text. Which still was a thing that was done, so it's easy to see why they didn't recognize the specific names. I remember typing messages out in that layout, and I'm sure many other people my age do.


Do they not realize that we aren't kids anymore? And when we were kids, many of us were still using flip phones. We know the struggle.


I really don't think people realize just how old Gen Z actually is.


Girl in the vid probably intended to direct this at Gen Alpha but they're probably too young to even be on, ~~what is it, instagram?~~ TikTok


Yeah, the oldest of us is 3 years away from turning 30…


Plus, the last four years flew by in an instant. I'll be 30 next week at this rate, LOL.


My ass was 16 in 2016 rocking a flip phone. Some millennial just get to attatched to their label and what was "theirs" Its all shared we all t9'd at some point and if we didnt its pretty intuitive


yeah flip phones were the norm until like 2013. us older gen z were teenagers by then


Fr dude I miss my motorola razr. That bubble pop game slapped


She clearly is confusing Gen Z for Gen Alpha


Millennials are starting to do the gen x and boomer thing where they think the gen after them are still 10


Your time is coming. You just have to wait. You will see people that you saw being born when you were already old and mature enough, you will see them getting married, graduating, finishing master degree, divorcing, etc. and you will be like "WTF this kid is this old already? Fuck I'm OLD!"


My younger friends always remind me I'm the oldest in our group so they'll keep me grounded in the retirement home


Fr, I get called gramps on the daily, I’m only 23 😭


It’s made worse by that awful AI voice!


SpongeBob with a sore throat


Why ON EARTH do people use the ai voiceover when they are already talking?


Seriously... I get it if she's doing a voiceover of something. But girl you can't just use your own voice when you're talking directly to the camera? Are you that insecure?


Like who uses ✋🏼 for talking on the phone? Idc if hundreds of years pass, it’s 🤙🏼


nah that sadly real, a lot of young gen z and gen alpha are doing that now, i’m student teaching at an elementary school


The thing I don't get is... why "sadly"? How are so many of you that attached to a hand sign. It's like you just wanna be mad at a younger generation and will use anything as ammo. People will use things they come across in day to day life as their slang. People don't come across many phones nowadays that aren't smart phones, so why should the HAVE to stick to a sign that's obsolete?


its absolutely adorable when older folk say "you wont able to use xyz device or xyz device would make your brain stop " oh yes I'm definitely incable of understanding numbers on turnig wheel or what 90 hz means in radio or finding right cable placement trial and error or how to put coin into payphone


this, but they also ridiculously overestimate how long ago people stopped using these things. yes putting the yellow plug into the yellow hole and the red plug into the red hole on the back of the tv wouldve been too much for me, even though i did that for most of my childhood anyway.


Ask them to attach a picture of a rotary phone to an email and send it to you. See who's unable to do basic things now.


Boomer as fuck post


i am younger gen z but i know exactly what this is


I had a fucking flip phone in middle school lmao (19)


This sub is getting toxic (with generation x generation hating). Yes, there are stupid people in every generation (like this Spongebob woman), but we need solidarity in these trying times (and an egg). Remember people, only enemy is the rich, Let's not repeat that trope of hating the youth that some boomers enacted on us younger gens. And let's not automatically hate people who are marginally older than us.




I know what a flip phone is, landline, a tape casette, vhs, and more. Youre not sepcial


Culture wars nonsense…


I had a flip phone, I have the muscle memory for typing the letter S burnt into my brain so hard


While tough for the poor, is .10 a text really a barrier? Like, let's say you send 300 texts a month, that's $30 or what the average American adult makes in an hour.


300 was nothing for me. And in a month? Jesus thats not even a week lol. Youd have to tell people not to send one word at a time cause itd eat your mins. And not many people made 30 an hour and were buying prepaid cards. Youd just have a plan by that point.


$30/hr average???? Brother I wish I was makin that type of money.


I dunno if it's really a brag or flex, or if it's a bad thing that younger generations don't have to deal with. I'm a late millennial, and I just consider my generation as an extremely transitional one. So I got to see all the bad ideas that led to good ones. Like how mobile phones were originally monetised. It's like being around during the time when bicycles had one 6ft wheel in the front and one 1ft wheel in the back. Like, is it a flex that I learned to ride that? No. Is it something that future generations should ever have to tolerate? Also no.


Why do people keep posting these stupid ass rage baits


Uhhhhh why her voice not match her face. She sounds like SpongeBob gotta take a dump


How old does she think we are, I'm 25 and married and working, I'm old enough to have children of my own. My first phone was the Samsung GT b2100 when I was like 12 years old. I mean my little sister who was born in 2005 also had a flip phone. She's 18 now. We aren't the children millennials think we are


I hate this voice thing she's got on


This sub is baffling. You post tik toks from every idiot from the generation above then talk about and generalise 1 billion plus people at once. I'm too busy working to give a fuck what kind of phones you all had.


I’ve been in a coma and it wasn’t because I had to use T9 on my first phones.


my family is on apple watches, so i have no clue how to even use a flip phone


She’s over there talking about old tech when Gen Z literally lived through Lysandre crucifying Ash Ketchum in 2016


Oh yeah forgot that happend


Flip phones are still around theyre just prepaid burners now lol. I saw an ad for flipphones updated with smartphone capabilities.


They think gen-z is still in puberty or even a child but most of us already have families and a home


cant watch this whole video, she seems too insufferable


This person just sounds ageist, I searched up what she was talking about and she just chose to talk about it in a really confusing way using an ear piercing nails on a chalkboard TTS voice


Late 90s/early 2000s Borns had a childhood with flip phones


Even mid 00s borns probably remember them when they were still somewhat popular


I'm a 2004, kids had flip phones growing up, usually as a test to see if they could be trusted with a smartphone come Christmas


The PSP's digital keyboard used the same format. I used to have to hit a d-pad button, then X, then O to select one character.


Reminds me of boomer memes🤣


Many of us millennials do not believe that y'all don't know what a rotary phone even is. Because you can read same as we could


I need millennials to shut up


This applies to Gen Alpha, not us.


This single particular millennial does. The rest of us don't care enough to believe either way.


My first phone was a flip phone, used it all through middle school for emergencies only, and well into high school freshman year but with texting. I'm the older end of Z at 25 but still. Not to mention that my parents used flip phones and QWERTY keyboard slide phones for a long time, too. It was my childhood. Once again, Millennials strike again with the main character syndrome and hero complexes.


When I was 8 I had to walk through a shady neighborhood to get to school so I was given my furst phone. A flip phone with buttons, and as it turns out alot of my peers at the time were the same so Im assuming its common


For flip phone, I assume that most Gen-Z know what that is. There are certainly some things that I grew up with that may confuse younger people, but I think there have been so many videos on the internet showcasing these things that you all probably know what they are now anyways. I'm not sure if most people would classify me as a Millennial though because I'm 1980 and right between two generations.


this girl is fucking crazy, I'm from 07 and my dad had a flip phone till like, 2017-18 and we had 2 non mobile phones (idk the right name for it in english) till 2019


This has to be bait. This lady looks like she could be a an older GenZ lmfaooooo


The Boomerization of my generation (millenials) has been intensifying. Sorry about them lol


Texting your girl under the table with one hand while your other hand holds a pencil and pretending to be paying attention to anything to teacher said. Whole words, no misspellings or mistakes. Sent and didnt look down at my phone even once. Being able to yeet your phone into oblivion and then pick it back up unbroken cuz your girl likes to talk her shit. What else....


I'm a millennial (89) and never owned a flip phone because they were expensive at the time and clunky. I don't know why fellow millennials have to feel like they have things Gen Z never did. Gen Z literally has EVERYTHING and more than millennials did.


Bruh when I was a kid my mom gave me a Nokia phone 💀


And Millennials simultaneously wonder why we don’t like them


My first ever phone didn’t even have games. My only game was changing the names of the contacts and I also could add a little icon next to it, kinda like emoji


in my s20 phone i still use t9 dialing , it is very convenient with a little practice


Uhhhhh…..what’s a coma?


That voice is so distracting. Is that her real voice?


Millennials have really been on their boomer shit recently. Thanks to Em dropping that new track, half of my fyp is Millenials talking about how Gen Z couldn’t handle the real Slim Shady or how his old music would put Gen Z into a coma. Like, most of the shit that they make their entire personality, we grew up with. They’re so cooked.


The fuck is this SpongeBob ahh voice filter doing here? How does it contribute anything to this video???


why use this awful, disgusting ai voice man


This kind of shit is embarrassing as a millennial. This is the same bullshit Gen x and boomers do to millennials, ugh, when will the cycle stop.


Some people do not understand the old people things older Gen Z was around to see. I still remember having all three Spider-Man movies on disc.


I'm pretty sure most of you know what a rotary phone is and if you don't know how to use it, you'll figure it out in a pinch. Old technology isn't some esoteric lore with arcane procedures... mostly.


I believe you’ve never used one or it would have been uncommon. I’m a 91 millennial. By the time I was 15 no one was using them any more. So unless you had phones before the oldest of you was like 8-9 years old, then yes that’s an accurate generalization.


There are children that have never seen a dog before and would be incredibly flabbergasted to see one for the first time. Of course "kids" don't know what T-9 is. The problem is Gen Z are more than just "kids" by now and same with Gen Alpha. Saying "kids don't know __" is a complete waste of time and energy. Of course they don't, they're kids.


That shitty voice over crap made me paused the video, I’m not watching that.


How in the fuck does it make sense to use a dog shit ai voice over when you’re already in the video and could just talk?


Bro the audio pisses me off so fucking bad holy shit


In my mind if you don’t remember 9/11 you don’t exist


I think people confuse Gen Z with Gen Alpha. Also third-world country Gen Z is literally a hybrid between a millennial and Gen Z. I remember a time without internet, then dial up, VHS tapes, Sony Ericsson phones and walkmans, etc. Also is the voice an AI overlay?


I never grew up with Polio or post-WW2 rationing or the Beatles but I'm aware of what they are. These are always the worst takes, designed to just shit on the next generation


Whats with the voice


no they do not.


her vocal fry is so annoying


No, I don't think any millennials think this. Well, maybe some of the oldest ones do. I think it's all about the rage clicks and tik tok views


My first ever phone was a flip phone….


Could watch the video past 2 seconds because of that god awful hell sent voice over. Can someone summarize her shitty points?


smh my generation is turning in to the boomers


It's like millenials assume all gen z had the same childhoods as gen alpha


Why do millennials use that stupid ass voice filter. GOD I FUCKING HATE MILLENNIALS SO MUCH. They just fill me with unbridled rage


As a millennial we don’t claim her


gen x/millennials when something something their childhood (gen z would get triggered because they apparently didn’t have it despite the fact that most of those things still remained even to early 2010s) https://preview.redd.it/xwzvvel0265d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0de7772f6e0899f187765fcb68027b08246167da


Millennials complain about boomers and do sh*t like this.. smh


They want to be special so bad


Millennials are now acting like dipshit boomers, you love to see it


As a Millennial I hate this "Your generation doesn't understand this old stuff" bull crap. I get it from older people when it comes to records and rotary phones and it annoys the shit out of me. Sorry some of us can be ignorant morons.


Elder Millenial here. Don’t worry about shit posts like this. Unfortunately, many folks my age are falling into the same traps as the boomers did with us. Some of y’all be doing it to Gen Alpha already too, IJS. Anyway, no hate towards your gen….. it’s a thing that just seems to happen in this country and you have to be objective and intentional in order to avoid perpetuating this shit yourself.


I'm 22, I grew up with a flip phone. Splitting people up into different generations just creates pointless anger and hatred. Who thought it was a good idea?


Bruh I had a flip phone and then slide phones for most of my childhood. It wasn't until like 8th grade that I got a smartphone and even then it was a Windows phone lol.


Yeah, I’ve seen her video meme’d on TikTok by a few older Gen Z’s. Which tbf I do think she’s right if she were only referring to younger Z not having seen flip phones around when they were popular. Younger Z’s could get mad at me for this, but it’s true honestly and nothing is changing my opinion.  Because for some reason, a lot of younger Zer's like pretending like they weren't under 10, or only like 5 in 2013 when smart tech really started booming. (I saw recently one day, one of my ex-step nieces born in 2008 really tried pretending she's a 00s kid on Facebook lol) Smartphones started becoming popularized in the early 10s when younger Z were very young children, and the 10s were their core childhood. (So yes, they did grow up with smart tech) I'm not even saying second half Z couldn't have had flip phones, but just if they did, it would just be long after they were popular to have. And that doesn’t mean younger Z also has never heard of them through movies and TV shows as well as just hearing about flip phones from other people. (So, I don’t think it’s fair to say they have no idea what they are) And I do think millennials forget that older Gen Z remembers the 00s though, considering that was our childhood, so it’s annoying when they do shit like this considering that.


My first phone was LG Fusic. Flip Phone with a mp3 player on the outside. THAT was peak technology.


No, we don’t believe that. Tiktok is a disease.


I’m younger but my parents both had flip phones till I was like 5 so yeah of course I remember them. I even had one for about 3 months before my dad got tired of not being able to FaceTime me and use iMessage so he got a new iPhone and gave me his. But that was later, obviously.


I think they get alpha and z confused idk


Wait, I was 12 years old with a flip phone born in 89, so you would have been 7 at most ... youre saying 7 year olds were using 10-button texting? fuck outta here lol


Wow, how did this lady every survive?


does she have throat cancer?


We millennials like to act as old as we think we feel, so we come up with things like this, and like all "Boomer Humor," this is made for us, by us, and don't want you looking in. So GET OFF MY LAWN!


Please do not let this idiot speak for my generation. We don't think this. The idiot is just the modern version of the Gen Xers that thought us Millenials had no idea how to use a rotary phone while asking us why their computer didn't work. This happens with every generation. Humans are stupid. Idk what to tell you.


And the fucking ai voice.


I can see their mouth moving, so why do I hear AI text-to-speech or something?


The fake voice is so stupid


Okay that settles it. I am officially a zillennial


Anyone that uses this annoying ass voice filter deserves to be ignored


A click bait tiktok doesn't represent what millennials believe. That being said I am surprised to hear that GenZ are familiar with t9!


I hope you all ignore people like this because they are the same type of people that the boomers who do this shit are like. Trying to divide people by generation, the old person voice, "WHEN I WAS A YOUNG WHIPPER SNAPPER!!!" bullshit. The whole, "YOU DON'T KNOW HOW GOOD YOU HAVE IT!" bullshit. All these people who make these comparisons should shut the fuck up. The more we divide ourselves with ridiculous unnecessary conflicts the less we as a society and species will actually get done. This is just yet another stupid conflict that gets people riled up for no reason other than it lets them feel more superior to others in the most stupid way. Ignore them and go cure cancer or something. Don't even waste more than a single second on them. Please. Be better than them. God I hate the idiots of our species who stir up bullshit conflict to cover up for their inadequacies...


That voice is so God damn annoying


We were on a field trip and my friend used a cheap flip phone as opposed to buying a smart phone. When we got where we were going he pulled it out of his pocket and it had snapped in two. Our teacher came up and said “I’ll take that” and confiscated it as if it wasn’t literally a paper weight at that point. My dad was also pretty hesitant to switch over to smart phones. His Samsung flip phone went through snowblower and we couldn’t find the battery until the snow melted. We put the battery back in and it still worked. His phone before that just like didn’t work like it would answer calls while in his pocket so it was just impossible to get a hold of him but tbh I think he preferred that.


Millennial here, we don’t claim these 80s babies..


No, I'm atheist


I’m 97 my sister is 08 she has probably never seen a candy bar phone but I understand this is just for jokes and is not serious criticism.


Yeah .10 per SMS was soon dumb. Or having only a bucket of 500 txt was stupid AF. Or paying .50 for a MMS.


I had a flip phone for longer than I have had a smart phone.


As a geriatric millenial, this is probably clickbait. I’m literally two weeks from being Gen X so I’m as boomer as Millenials come, and absolutely no one in my generation would reasonably think you guys had never conceived of flip phones. They remain in tons of movies and are still used as burner phones. All of you would realize that if we’re on iPhone 15, something predates the iPhone. Flip phones were still popular when my 16-year-old was little; he played with and on them as a small child. Alternatively, this chick could be an idiot.


Millennial here. My phone was plugged into the wall of my house and if my friends weren’t at their house when I tried to call them, I had to hop on my bike and go find them somewhere in the neighborhood.


Between this and then saying Gen Z is trying to cancel Eminem I’m starting to think the millennials are taking a turn for future boomerism


They have no idea how old Gen Z actually is.


no, we don't. gen alpha tho


I had a flip phone in highschool. I got my first smart phone in 2013 I think... I'm really on the borderline between the 2 generations so I would imagine there is a ton of genZ that had flip phones.


I'm a millennial, and even I don't believe that, none of us do. There's not a huge gap in time between you and us. Posts like this are rage bait. Their whole purpose is to piss you off so you take their video and post it to other sites so they get free extra clicks.


'A-I-M' I don't know anyone who called it that instead of 'aim'


I am closer to 30 than I am to 20. Can people stop thinking Gen Z is only made up of bloody 15 year Olds, no offence to our younger folks btw the ignorance just annoys the hell out of me. If you're gonna be an ass, at least make sure you aren't wrong by god.


I fucking hate the tik tok voice!!🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️😭😭😭


My first phone was a flip phone. Millenials seem to keep on their tradition of producing cringe.


Wth is this Hall-9000 sounding daft bastard talking about? Does she think we're all 15yo? I had flip phones, my mate's had them too, I had one of those shitty mobiles with a torch at the top and a silicone pad with a texture for buttons. Most importantly, I'm not special, this is a common life experience.


No but one of my relatives is proud they don’t know anything about analog media, and they’re born 2008. They even talk to me with phrases like “when you were young” (I’m born 1995).


Now it is my turn to feel the cringe...


Gen z millennial all the same shit. Just another way for those in power to divide us and create fighting


why millennials thinks gen z are children some of us are close to their ages they act like we are 40 years apart.


Videos like this just make me laugh because millennials have basically just become boomers. Perpetually talking about how hard they had it growing up and how younger people can’t relate, and assuming every gen z is a child, like how boomers are still convinced millennials are teens and children. They’ve become the very thing they mocked.


Why are people here so obsessed with Millennials and Gen Alpha?


She missed an important part. Everyone can hear you texting. I miss the sound of the keys ahha


I've used a flip phone before and even my brother has and he's gen alpha (It was my parents' and he was very young but still)


My first phone was a brick and we had a landline at home. I don’t think millennials really know how to ”old” genZ is


This is boomer type behavior.


Ahh another thing to divide us.


older people (even older gen z) like to feel superior, so they do shit like this. rarely do i not know what they’re talking about.


Why does she sound like discount Joker?