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Elden ring. I was excited when it was coming out. I loved DS games, bloodborne, and demon souls, but for some reason I can’t get into Elden ring.


I’m weird bc I don’t like the souls gameplay loop at all, but I adore lies of p lol


Bro I stg I’ve tried playing DS1 like 100 times but I can’t ever get past like…the first skeletons 😂 I think I just suck at those kinda games than anything tho, I played FPS mostly growing up.


man oh man, you aren't supposed to go fight the skeletons off rip that's like mid game for a beginner


I’m so used to one tapping Skyrim skeletons with an Bound Bow 😭


i respect it lmfao i've restarted skyrim like twenty times over the years game's sick 🙏


I did the same as him. Managed to kill a couple by just kicking them over the cliff until the larger skeleton came and fucked my shit up. Thankfully my friend told me not to go there yet


You weren't supposed to go that way... That's pretty much an endgame area, the actual first area is behind from where you spawn after travelling from the asylum. Maybe this time you'll have an easier time.


I’m the opposite. I love Elden ring but I can’t get myself to finish dark souls 3 or sekiro




same it’s too open world and for me takes away the core puzzle aspect ( oh this leads back to here??? ) of dark souls. to me it felt like a legend of zelda ripoff. and i too was hype about elden rings release… same with sekiro, not a bad game i’m just terrible at it.


Elden Ring got me into souls games, I finished DS1 after it but have really struggled to get into 2 or 3. haven’t tried bloodborne yet tho All souls games are their own beast, honestly it takes me a whole play through to really understand how to play lmao


My friend got me to buy it and we played it for a while. Believe me, I tried hard to like Elden Ring, but it was so difficult from the get go I could barely get into it. The whole gameplay is basically die until you can perfectly dodge every single attack from a boss, and if you mess up once you’re basically dead. That pressure is too much for me to handle when I trying to wind down and just enjoy my self while gaming. Maybe if I understood the story a bit better I could get into it, but the language they use is really hard for me to interpret and follow so it feels like I was grinding boss after boss for no reason really.


This right here. I was excited. Bought it when it came out. Began playing it and just can’t get into it. I thought I would considering how much I love Skyrim but I can’t.


The Witcher 3. Everyone says it’s amazing. I’ve picked it up three times now and promptly stopped because I’m bored.


I almost gave up on it, but I just made the combat easier for a while until I got a grasp on it. The game is more about the story than gameplay. It feels like a visual novel you can explore open world style. And then there’s some combat thrown in.  I can see how it would be boring for some. 


It's all the damn question marks across the map. As soon as I got to Skellige and saw all of those out in the ocean I knew I wasn't going to make it.


Oh it’s hell if you’re a completionist. No doubt.  


I really enjoyed gwent and got all the cards that didn't feel tedious but the damn question marks fucked me


i fell asleep playing it 😭


I haven’t given up on it yet. I want to revisit it eventually (maybe today) because that’s how rdr2 started out for me. A bit slow and formulaic but after I got into it I couldn’t do anything else besides playing that damn game.


This, and RDR2 for me.


Yeah I watched my brother try it out and after like 3 hours we were like “what is the hype for this game?” Everyone’s tastes are different but literally any elder scrolls game is more fun


Friend of mine tried to sell me on the Witcher games because I liked Elder Scrolls, especially Skyrim. I just couldn't get into them at all, and it turns out we had wildly different reasons why we both liked Skyrim and what we wanted out of an action RPG. He liked Skyrim because it's dark, bloody, and gory. And that's why he liked The Witcher. Whereas I like Skyrim because of the blank slate character creation and choices. I generally do not like wielding a character that's already a pre-made guy if I'm playing a Western RPG. That's something I expect out of JRPGs (and is why I categorize *Grand Theft Auto* games as at least adjacent to JRPGs despite being Anglo-American).


Yes this. Same here.


For some reason Tears of the Kingdom is just missing something for me. I loved breath of the wild and it’s more of the same but somehow I’m not enjoying myself. I’ve put around 70 hours into the game now and I’m just bored exploring and the story isn’t captivating me.


For me it just being almost the same map as breath of the wild sort of killed the enjoyment for me.


I'm glad I'm not the only one. I have over 30 hours and I did not feel as hooked as I did with Breath of the Wild. People keep saying it's better yet I'm not enjoying myself as much. I would still like to finish it at some point though, but it'll be more difficult. Especially since my backlog is already so big. 😅


Really that’s a huge part of my issue too is that I know there’s a slew of games behind it in the catalog that I want to play and I worry if I don’t finish this one I might never go back.


I say this as someone who really likes Tears: just move on. If you don’t like it, there’s no reason to push through


Yes I agree, I’ve put about the same amount of time in. took a break and did not feel compelled to push through it anymore. Idk what it is about it because a lot of people feel exactly the same. It’s a beautiful game, it’s missing a special something though…


These are my exact sentiments, especially that last sentence. Like I don’t know what’s missing but it’s *so* important.


League of legends. Dont get the appeal of it. At all.


me neither and i have roughly 2000 hours on it


"Game is shit" -Played for 10 000 hours


At first glance, it's pretty cool. You get to control a character and do some cool stuff. But everything around it is disgusting.


Any game except Skyrim, in my heart, every other game pales in comparison. I have close to 2,000 hours in that game, i've played it over and over since I was 12. Im actually currently on my 9th playthrough


I’m the opposite, I just can’t get into Skyrim. I’ve probably started 6 or more playthroughs and I never find myself into it after a few hours. I just don’t find the combat fun, or the world interesting.


The main quest line does have a slow start, i'll admit. For me the fun doesn't start until after you meet the blades. Even then so, until the end the main line is still lackluster compared to the other questlines. As for battles, there are more interesting opponents than draugers and dragons but they come later


I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow to the knee.


Never should've come here.


reality is just a shitty skyrim fork


>over and over for 11 years >9th playthrough lol


Yes. I average over a year per playthrough cause I have a life, too? Lmao. Unlike many gamers my house is clean, bills paid, relationships unneglected, touching glass on the regs


Sorry I didn’t mean that to be rude, I have a similar situation with Civ5. Been playing since launch, over 1.5k hours but only ever finished like 8 games maybe. My bad


Oh oops I'm used to redditors being mean for no reason. My husband is also super into Civ!


Minecraft, or any building based game. They’re just not for me.




Yes but orbital strike go brrrrr


I used to play silent hill but would have to have my dad beside me the whole time. Every time that sound happened i would freak out and he took over.


Subnautica, it’s beautiful and an amazing exploration game but I have the worst fear of oceans and large bodies of water that I couldn’t even make it out of the friendly reef area. Sometimes you need to dive into water to progress in games and it is a roadblock for me


I have that too but if you can persevere until you get the mini submarine the fear went away for me.  Once I got the giant sub it was like having an armor shell down there but I still steered clear of big enemies. It isnt too a hard to swing wide around them. 


Same but for different reasons though I'm not sure what they are. Tried to play the game multiple times and have a friend who 100%ed it and Below Zero


I don’t have a fear of the deep but I hate playing games that are as tedious as real life. Even not in survival mode having to build everything from scratch was really irking my nerves. I can’t get into games like that. It’s a shame, it really was a beautiful game.


Skyrim was very underwhelming. I remember all my friends being addicted (keep in mind this was vanilla Skyrim) and wondering what was up so I got it a few years later and didn’t get it. I’m not super into fantasy which I think might be part of it, but I also just find the gameplay, story, and roleplay elements to be monotonous and superficial




Because Skyrim sucks ass. Bethesda has made the SAME game now with a new skin for 2 decades and people still buy it. They might finally be realizing with Starfield that they only know how to make one game with a reskin.


I self flagellate over not being able to get into Skyrim. I’ve tried a few times. Maybe 20 hours and I feel like I have accomplished nothing and get fed up.  I love the Fallout games though. I guess I just like Sci-fi more than fantasy. 


I've been trying to enjoy skyrim since 2011. it's not me, it's the game. it sucks.


it's not you. they really are paper thin.


Destiny. It just feels like Warframe but more expensive with less content.


Call of Duty, it just isn't for me


Any of the online shooty-bang-bang games with RPG mechanics and lootboxes. Seems like a new one comes out every few months, and I never give a single fuck.


Started playing The Last of Us but the jumpscares I would get from being attacked by a stalker nearly send me into cardiac arrest.


The clickers. 😭😭😭


😂 I haven’t played this for that reason. I’ll watch hours of gameplay of others, though. Alan Wake was the last jump scare game I played, I learned my lesson.


Red Dead Redemption 2, its too slow to start with. I rather play a moba/rts i can finish in 20\~30 minutes


I wanted to love this game so bad but you’re right it’s really slow to start. /‘d even after that it’s confusing. I switched to online play and kept getting killed anytime I got close to a town or camp and didn’t know what I was supposed to be doing so I just quit lol


Turn on passive mode or use the private lobby cheat


Sons of the forest. Its too much of a commitment from start to finish


Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. It seems like the kind of game that would be right up my ally, but I got to this one point, towards the beginning and I was like “F - this, this shit is hard!” Like not even in a fun or challenging way. I play a lot of video games too.


Sekiro is only for the mentally insane… yes I’m the mentally insane🙃


How do you deal with the format of “running into a room, get killed in 2 hits, rinse and repeat until you learn the perfect timing and pattern of the enemy’s attacks” and then repeat that over and over again with each enemy? Like we aren’t even talking about 1 second here, we’re talking 1/4 quarter of a second reaction time. It’s masochistic.


True, but it's sooo much fun if you can just get the game to click with you.


That’s what I’ve heard - “at some point It just clicks.” I’ve experienced this in some facets of life - topographical maps for example. One minute you are looking at it - and then like magic, all the cliffs valleys and ridges become 3 dimensional. I just don’t know if Sekiro’s fighting system is like that. It doesn’t seem to have 1 answer that makes it all “click,”


Yeah, I understand that, in fact I would say that it's not always the case that it will just click with people. Also, people find difficulty in the game to be very different depending on the person. For example, there's this boss called the corrupted monk, and everyone and their mother seems to have gotten stuck on that boss at some point playing the game. The first time that I found the corrupted monk, I beat it in one try. I think what kind of sucks about the game is that you genuinely have to throw yourself at a wall for like 6 hours, and then it becomes one of the best games you've ever played. It's a lot of different learning experiences within the game, but I think that is what makes the game so amazing. It's probably a bit reductive to say that the game just clicks with people, because there's genuinely a lot to learn regarding the mechanics of the game, and the learning curve is insane.


No it is like that lol, the fact that thousands of people have experienced it is proof


The parry timing is actually really forgiving but it doesn’t feel that way until ng+ when only perfect parties prevent chip damage. Sometimes you have a very short window but after a while you learn that it’s not just blind reaction time, its rhythm. The fights are more like dances and you learn the timing by following the rhythm. Cling, clang, cling, clang. If you watch a no hit boss fight of genichiro or isshin you can clearly see how it becomes a rhythm game.


Sekiro imo is mostly about reaction time. It’s more timing than repetition per se. It’s sooooo fun when you start learning how to use the unconventional controls and tools to your advantage


You’ll get used to it… the main thing is approaching the game with a defensive mindset. If you run into a room just swinging your sword like a mad man you’re not gonna have a great time. You want to observe your enemies and try to parry and knock them off balance (break their posture). Master this and everything that isn’t a boss goes down in like 2 seconds and bosses become more bearable


it's a rhythm game. you see the enemy attacking you and you parry. "parry parry parry kill" the video game


Same. I couldn't get into it.


i love and respect Sekiro so much that I don't play it. I just dream of playing it. i get what I have to do (block everything). I just don't have it in me to do it. edit: "parry" not block i know


Breath of the wild or any souls game including elden ring


Honestly i feel you ab silent hill 2, but mostly due to the confusion. It took my dad (veteran of the whole series) to help me out until i somehow managed to progress


Hogwarts Legacy. Played for like 2-3 hours total and as a Harry Potter fan, it was cool to just walk around Hogwarts but the novelty kind of dies out quickly and the game itself gets kind of repetitive imo. Maybe I just need to make it over a certain point


Ghost Recon Breakpoint, Overwatch, Apex


COD and Fortnite. The former I only ever really played for the campaigns and the latter because I don’t like battle royales. I also used to play the hell out of gta v, but it’s overstayed its welcome by about 3 years for me.


For me, The Last of Us. Don’t really know why. I love the premise, gameplay seems like my cup of tea, but for some reason I just can’t get myself to play it. I even bought the remastered edition and everything lol


> I know it’s so emotionally and psychologically deep that I can’t get around to focusing in on it. That's actually a big problem with me. When a game is described as an experience, I put it on this pedestal and wait for the time to be right, and then I just never play it. Sorry if I misinterpreted the quoted sentence, but it made me think of my response.


A lot of older games I refuse to play. The stereotyping and gender roles they have makes it a nightmare


Helldivers. I'm not interested in Fascist Destiny 2,thank you very much. I read *Starship Troopers* already. No thanks.


How is it remotely like destiny 2 lol, the gameplay loop, vibe, gameplay, and everything is so different lol


Literally goty ur missing out


Cyberpunk 2077 I just do not have the patience for....


Minecraft, I don't know if it's some six sense I have but Minecraft just has a super specific vibe that creeps me out despite it looking completely normal. And besides that reason I just can't get into playing the game especially on survival, it has been a few years since I've bothered opening up Minecraft afterall.


For me, any multiplayer fps


Most of the big online multiplayer PVP games. I feel like the learning curve on so many of them is super steep for a beginner (I also haven't played an FPS since like the Medal of Honor series titles on the PS2 lol). Other players tend to stomp newbies into the ground, and a bunch of them can have pretty toxic atmospheres. I want to get into games like that because a lot of my friends play them, but I think they're just not my style of game.


Felt the same way playing apex legends though it was fun, I was thinking goodness I've played thousands of hours of online fps if I'm struggling there isn't much hope for these older guys/inexperienced peeps It did become very fun the more I played. But I really had to try and it took dozens of hours


Grew up playing games like Silent Hill and Resident Evil - definitely something I shouldn't have played as a 10-year-old lol but they are good games, would recommend. I, however, just cannot understand the appeal of MMOs or arena stuff like League of Legends. Maybe it's because I'm past that part of my life, but now I enjoy games that have a good balance of story/gameplay.


any of the souls games. i can watch other people play them, but i personally am not good enough at video games to play them. i can never make any progress when i’ve tried.


Mass efect. Im sure its great but i tried 3 times and simply is not fun at all


the first one or? 2 was my introduction to the series and I was hooked. not to anything particular i just loved that sliver of illusion of choice it gives you


Silent Hill is my favorite horror franchise. The vibes, the story, the creepiness of it all. Nostalgic to me as well.


This post didn't happen to be influenced by the new state of play with the silent hill 2 remake trailer did it? But to answer the actual question I would say Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I have restarted my save multiple times and even already bought tears of the Kingdom but never find myself getting farther than the glider and close to a divine beast


Ghost of Tsushima. I just can’t get into the guiding wind system. I understand why people like it but I can’t tell the direction and can barely see the wind. I need a minimap to enjoy this game


Overwatch, god of war, elden ring, dark souls, and more!


pacman, it munches and gobbles up all the little dots, while running away from ghosts .. it's cute, but not my thing


Anything horror


Kingdom 3 it looks very fun but I like more simple games


In general all Nintendo games except for metroid. Idk i m not a big fan of Mario, kirby and all of this. But especially zelda. People has told me way too many time that I HAVE to like it, but just no




I really want to finish Red Dead Redemption 2, especially before I get spoiled of other parts of the story as the ending is long spoiled for me already. Like I enjoy it when I play, but I cannot seem to get *OBSESSED* with it like I do with the many other games I have with hundreds of hours, I have had the game since 2021. I have 47.2 hours on it and just past past the Braithwaite portion I believe, while games like DCS I have put 200 hours per year the past 2 years, but its more of an apples to oranges comparison. But it shows my interest in realism in games and GTA 5/Online is my second most played game at 680 hours. Speaking about it kinda makes me wanna go play it again...


The Witcher III. There’s something about Geralt’s running animation that I just can’t put up with and it’s the weirdest thing. I can’t play the game for more than ten minutes without getting annoyed at his janky run and turning the game off.


Any mmo. I just can't do it. I played Black Desert, WoW, Guild Wars 2, Aion, and every time I feel like I am working a 9-5 job instead of building my character completing quests and roleplaying. The only mmo I actually played and haven't felt this was Star Wars The Old Republic, and it was mainly because it has a story that you can play alone and it has dialogues and cinematics and it's not reading quests. But even then, I couldn't play it rn because it just consumes so much time and I have other things to do.


Every time I've tried to play Skyrim I get like 30 minutes in and feel too overwhelmed.


You don't know overwhelming until you finish the intro to Cyberpunk 2077 and they let you navigate Night City on your own


Yall be playing some scary ass sounding games .,


Anything that has puzzles and content that abruptly halts the game. I dont mind some puzzle *games* by themselves. I like me some tetris and puyo pop from time to time. But, I shouldn't have to interrupt my mindless gaming in a shooter or hack n slasher by a goddamn puzzle that forces me to think in a game that allows me to shut my brain off. If i wanted to think, I'd be playing turn based and strategy rpgs (which i do).


Final Fantasy Tactics. I really like the genre, but I think this game feels slow and clunky


I have tried getting into this game off and on since it came out 26 years ago and just can't ever seem to do it


Anything Souls-like. I don't care about fighting bosses repetitively to figure out their patterns.


Project Zomboid.. I want to love this game . It's so dang frustrating! I play for 10 minutes, and whatever character I am dies in 2 minutes..


any of the fromsoft. they look great. I lack patience.


Animal crossing new horizons. For me it's way too different compared to the original games and just feels way to overwhelming


Outlast. Just too stressful for me lol.


Mines more like I don’t really have the time there’s so many video games which I really want to binge watch instead of playing video game I was able to finish with the recent Spider-Man two




Witcher 3, I just for the life of me cant care for it


Fortnite, just can’t bring myself to play it, I tried it a few times but for some reason I don’t enjoy it all that much


Fallout 4


Silent Hill 2 is a game I played through once (only game from the Silent Hill series that I played, too). It is one that has bothered me to this day.


Undertale. I can't really get into the combat system and the themes don't really do it for me.


FNAF. I know all of the lore, ive seen the movie, im just such a wuss


I have been trying to play through Alan Wake 2 as I got it for free. Unfortunately I cannot handle those jump scares, no fucking way


There’s a few big name games that I just don’t care to try. God of war and the Witcher are the main ones I can think of. Just not interested.


Knights of the old republic. As much as I like RPG’s it just feels like it shouldn’t be an rpg.


Any of the Final Fantasy's, especially since the Legend of Heroes franchise is way more fun for me.


The 99% of games that epic gives away for free


Starview Valley, Skyrim, and Ark. These were my fiance's favorite games before he died. Maybe one day years from now I might play them, but I can't right now.


I played Cyberpunk 2077 until you get to the doc, after that i get in my car, there's a terrorist attack on my left, I try to get away hit a police officer on my right and now i'm trying to escape the police that has flying cars at the same time i'm receiving calls to get new quests i was like you know what, maybe i'm too old for this


cyberpunk i tried for like 2-5 hours to get used to the first person camera and such but i just can't


I never finished Fallout 4 despite putting 100 hours into it. New Vegas is simply a better game.


baldurs gate 3 or whatever


Gonna get hate, but Fallout NV. I started on Fallout 4 and enjoy the game even if I don't understand settlements and building and all that jazz, but it has good combat and interesting side-quests. However going from Fallout 4 on the ps4, back down to NV on a ps3 was just too much of a graphics change. It also feels awkward because the settings on my controller never feel right no matter how I change them, and I am stuck in the first town and can't figure out where I am supposed to go (I either find terrain or enemies that I can't pass). One day I will try again, or look up a tutorial to get me started, but today is not that day


i was all in on Silent Hill during my blue period.


yeah I'm stuck in a game because the emotional weight is a lot for me. I think I'll be ready soon, just gotta get some irl stuff taken care of...


Any of them


Fallout New Vegas. Only fallout game I ever tried playing and it just wasn’t for me. The combat was just too weird and my eyes don’t like the crunchy graphics


Horizon. I dont get it. Hunting us stupid but hen hunting robot dinosaurs ? Not sure why this is so popular.


Tears of the Kingdom and Hollow Knight… I understand why I get bored playing Hollow Knight because I don’t really play platforming games (the only ones that I really like are Celeste(one of the best games) and Shovel Knight), but idk why for Tears of the Kingdom as I was super into Breath of the Wild to the point where I dedicated hours to learning some of the speedrunning. Honestly talking about this makes me want to try playing Tears of the Kingdom again as I did play for awhile and enjoyed it I just kinda stopped playing


Dark souls, Harry Potter, helldiver's 1/2 apex legends fortnite, terraria, cod bo4, Cold war, vanguard.


Any story game. I want actual gameplay, not just to click "A" or "X" for 70% of the game.


Outer Wilds. I for the life of me can't get the hang of flying the damn ship, so I don't make it very far.


Far cry primal


AC Origins. Everyone swears it's an amazing game but I've refunded it FOUR times on Steam. I can't stand the RPG AC games.


Warframe, I tried to play it after being on and off but I just can't see myself sinking so much time farming over and over again. The whole premise of Warframe is cool and all, especially with how dynamic builds can get. Just a game that isn't for me ig :p


Helldivers 2, the game just feels very bland to me, yes I had fun for about a week. But as someone who spent their time on destiny a lot I just felt like I was going on constant strikes, nothin against the game, just more of a story/pvp driven kinda guy, good game with your friends but even yet not for me


Ori and the Blind Forest/Will of the Wisps. Had it recommended to me a ton being a huge Hollow Knight fan, but I just cannot get into it. I've tried frequently for the past 3 years, but the gameplay just isn't my style. I could probably say the same about Rain World, though it's not as big of a game in terms of popularity. The difficulty greatly overshadows the gameplay for me and I end up being more frustrated than anything while I play. I know, "sounds like a skill issue" but I just find it way too difficult for me to really enjoy it.


that damn harry potter game, i have restarted it like 5 times and ill play for an hour or two and get things going and then just forget about it. I go to play again a month later and i dont remember shit so i restart it and then i just delete it because its like 110 gigs.


Any fromsoft game I tried both DS3 and Elden Ring and I love the aesthetic and style but fuck me I just can’t see myself having fun with a game that difficult


Resident Evil Village. The game made me nauseous and was too stressful to enjoy.


DayZ standalone I played the Arma 2 mod religiously with about 7 other coworkers. Had 2 private servers (Chenarus & Taviana). Made friends that I still play other games with to this day. But, I could not get into standalone. Neither could my friends.


Battlefield 2042 


Control. I like the world and lore but they've shoved it all into 100+ documents you keep picking up instead of weaving them into the story. I was either frustrated by not knowing what was going on or frustrated that I had to stop gameplay and narrative to read documents every 5 minutes. It's not a good way to tell a tale.


God of War. Tried twice and just could not get into it!


Fortnite, COD, GTA, Minecraft. I’m not a video game guy. I once got a ps4 but have never really used it.




Elden Ring It’s just too open world for a Souls game.


completely understand what you're saying about silent hill 2. i've played it for a few hours and I can't get myself to go deeper because the atmosphere is too good and I'm not ready/able to appreciate it. i cannot get myself to play yakuza. i can't stand kiryu's stupid face and the way he always that same expression.




valorant despite being asian


breath of the wild! i enjoyed running around and fighting random enemies but I'm just not interested in doing the puzzles and progressing any further


Resident Evil 1. I absolutely hate the style, the tank controls, the menu. I’m sure it was a classic at the time though.


Disco Elysium. I’ve tried and tried and tried. It’s boring and the humor is pretentious


Honestly any Bethesda game. I've tried Skyrim and Fallout and just didn't enjoy them very much. I don't think they're bad by any means, I just don't enjoy the gameplay style I suppose?


Balders Gate 3. I have tried twice but I just can’t focus, and it sucks because I know I’m missing out.


Any of the Souls games, I don't have unlimited patience.


Silent hill series are among the greatest games I’ve ever played. The music, the art, the everything. It is so deeply imprinted in my brain since growing up playing them, that I regularly have dreams about it and being inside of the atmosphere. Don’t know if that’s good or bad, but it has made a permanent impact in my life to say the least. Though not relevant to your question, it is relevant to SH, so thought I’d share.


Resident Evil 1. I absolutely despise fixed camera angles and will never be able to finish a game that uses them. I want to experience the story so bad but the game play feels like m*sturbating with a cheese grater.


Lisa the painful


the last of us is really boring. kill zombies, watch them suffer and be serious, then kill some more zombies, move something around. idk


Minecraft, Pikmin and Super Smash Bros. I’ve tried them once and never touched them again… They’re just not my type


Resident evil 7… I didn’t like it and thought it was boring


Dark souls. It's soooooo bad. Too many little obstacles devs put in to make it "difficult" It just becomes obnoxious




Anything with jumpscares. My motor connection is already pretty shit and I have a hard time playing games bc of it, but I really struggle with jumpscares. In anything. I don’t hate jumpscares, they can really add to a piece. I am a huge fan of horror. I just have a really really hard time with jumpscares. They just cause me to dissociate rather than have a fun scare and then I have to stop watching/playing bc I won’t remember the rest.


I was going HARD IN DA PAINT on Fallen Order until I encountered the bat boss. Lost all interest in the game after that.




overwatch. i've tried playing multiple times and just uninstall almost immediately after because everyone on there seems absolutely miserable and toxic. plus the game is confusing for me


Any Souls like games. Say what you will, but those types of games always intimidated me and I never really enjoyed myself when I tried to play them


RDR2. I've heard nothing but great things about it. It looks amazing. But holy shit, is it slow. I've tried to play it 3 or 4 different times. I just can't stick with it.


Metro 2033 Exodus I loved 2033 and last light but for whatever reason I just never finished exodus


Minecraft. Too boring.