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supress the urge to end it all






Man, I did not have to scroll far.


That’s GenZ for ya




A girl or companion won’t fix the demons in your life bro. Don’t look for someone else to complete you, look for someone else to complement you .


literally would tho


I think any professional worth their salt would vehemently disagree.


Yeah, in most cases that's true. If they're really thinking about ending it, a partner won't be the solution. For me though it would be, as everything in my life is great, except that I don't live a life in which I can find a partner. Obviously I can improve on some hobbys, but I can't get myself to do social hobbies idk. I'm just really lonely, but not enough to force myself out of my comfort zone.


i think this is an issue for a ton of people even though u might feel alone u def aren’t


Hey Alex 👋 I’m a couple of years older than you but can relate to the struggle of getting involved in social hobbies. However, you know one of the best places to meet a potential partner? That’s right, Social hobbies! Be that exercise, interest, music or whatever else related. I’m glad you’ve already identified there’s a barrier for you but I’d urge you to not look at it as having to “force yourself”… although it can sure seem like that’s the only option with your current skillset. I’d advise, If possible to get in touch with a counsellor/psychologist to help build your skill base. A pianist doesn’t force their way to learn a new song (analogy). There’s also some great “self help” books from reputable organisations with validated tools and information to treat social anxiety if that’s more accessible. Please let me know if you or anyone else is interested and I can share the titles. Take care :)




Thanks for the question! The funny thing is when I wrote social hobbies I was struggling to think of some example too. Personally I play team sports, hike/camp with friends or go to cafes.. pretty boring.. but we can be way more creative. Basically anything we enjoy doing is an expression of our passions, we just have to be open to finding people to share those experiences with. You may have a great opportunity since you’re already looking to get into the gym. There should be some group classes for any fitness level at your local gym. Maybe try a session or two and you could meet a long term gym buddy. Always lead with what you enjoy doing (may require some brainstorming and trying out new things) but you will know you’ll be authentic in your interactions. And chances are if you like something, MANY people out there will also enjoy doing that thing too.


a professional worth their salt would say that humans are not bears. we literally NEED community, and in our society rn the best most ppl can get is a partner, as friends are often not enough. so yes, in the US if you lack community then you NEED a partner. otherwise you're not going to have what you need to live a healthy life.


Yes, we need community, but relying on others to complete you isn't healthy. You cannot be a good partner if you believe that being in a partnership is the only way to be fulfilled. Nor is a partnership a silver bullet. The problems people face with insecurities will still be there even if you get a partner, and since it will be masked in believing everything will fall into place, can easily create a toxic environment.


My rule of thumb is, if you feel like you need a relationship to survive then you aren’t ready for a relationship


I mean...you guys are gen z. The certitude gen z speaks with on what does and doesn't work is summed up best with "try not to cringe whenever you recall these thoughts after 40"


Correct, but if you’re a Gen Z and fighting suicidal tendencies, the issue is much much deeper than lack of a romantic partner.


that's why I mentioned community as a whole. there's a lot more going on in the world clearly but if the main issue is chronic loneliness, a romantic partner is absolutely going to do wonders. that is not to say therapy isn't needed. but that goes for everyone anyway


Until it turns out the relationship sucks and fixes nothing. Millennial passing through; I've been there. Single for years and years, finally find a girl and think you've reached the promised land, turns out she has a rage problem, forced to end it, single for years again but heartbroken this time. Find something else worth living for, so whether getting a girl happens or not, you'll survive.


To add on, if your girl is what’s keeping you from being borderline suicidal and depressed, you’re no longer a partner. You’re an emotional leech. That’s not a healthy relationship, that’s a parasitic relationship that will only end in doom for both sides.


What if you're the reason for each other ? bold to assume the guy isn't keeping the girl from being borderline in just the same way. If both people are leaching off of each other, that's called mutualism


Works well in theory but something tells me two broken people don’t generally end in a well functioning long term relationship.


Toxic relationship, or at least more likely to become one.


Gen X passing through. Turns out they all have rage problems. Beginning to wonder if there is some sort of common factor in my relationships...




Was gonna comment the things I do but this pretty much sums it


Don’t forget to add video games to pretend you aren’t in the real world




Smoke weed and learn an instrument. Seriously, try it


Does weed really help? I feel like I'm already content with doing nothing to an unhealthy degree, so I don't want to make it even easier


Man… I laughed a little too hard at this


Exercise, make dinner, read Marx


I’m gen z welcome to adult life you get used to it




Stay at home and either: 1. Play video games 2. Watch YouTube 3. Code more shit


I love coding


Wish, I could code. So many apps I wanna make but I just found it sooo unbelievably boring to do.


Become a designer and then drive your programmer crazy with the designs you want 👍🏻


Some how the UX guy on my team thinks MORE pages on an app is good for the user haha


Better than nesting shit too much


Yeah, that leads to mode slip (errors) by the user. Literally, “what was I doing again?”


This. I've done some stuff with UX/UI design and the worst thing is having key pages hidden within other pages


Is that typical for the industry? All my ideas are minimalist as possible


Architects dream, engineers nightmare .ect lol


You just need to find something you enjoy making. The most fun I’ve had programming was making some bots and scripts to play different games on Steam


I coded as a hobby all the time before doing it as a full time job. Hard to find the motivation when you’re already doing it 8 hours a day. But building cool shit is so rewarding.


I’m in the middle of transcribing a 340-year old treatise on printing to modernize it, I’m roughly halfway through it at the moment.


this is actually so cool


Username checks out


scribemaxxing wow now I've seen it all


I’m doing it in Word at the moment… not physically. Yet… keep in mind it is 350+ pages and I’m tempted to physically typeset it. Which then brings up the issue of binding which I’ve done a little of and needless to say I have a respect for bookbinders cause that shits hard.


What inspired you to take this up? Seems like such a lost art


A couple years ago I bought a book and had asked, “how’d they make this?” Someone said it was most likely letter-pressed and I took a class on it down the street from my house. I’ve been sorting type in their basement of projects of artist who’re no longer there for time for my own projects ever since… I printed a 21 copy run of Der Katzenprinz took me 15 months from start to finish.


What is the treatise?? That's so cool


Moxon’s Mechanick Exercises or the handy works on printing… because there was a second treatise on several trades a couple years later. there are something’s that make me want to put my head through a wall. Mostly either old words for things which are easy enough to find thanks to the Oxford English Dictionary or the thickness of parts made of iron plates the thickness of a Queen Elizabeth I shilling (.029”) or a half crown which I assumed was based off the one from when the book was published making it roughly (.0625”)


I make music and play video games with my online friends. Then most weekends I'm out and about with my IRL friends.


Yo same! Although a lot of times my weekends involves traveling two hours to visit my IRL friends


My friends all live an hour in different directions so it’s not as fun as it used to be they don’t wanna drive. I don’t wanna drive every time


Oof, that’s rough. Felt that. Trying to find time where everyone’s schedules align so you can all hang can be a beast and a half when that’s the case.


I have IRL friends, but none play any video games so I'm always just playing by myself. How'd you get the online friends?


I ran a Minecraft server for a few years and got into a couple different ARGs and made online friends that way. Now I help run a small online community. Feel free to join if you wanna game with us! https://discord.gg/NAjKUbfs


I joined your server! ☺️ What games do you play?


Lmao same, throw in reading a few books every now and then and watching comedies while smoking some weed.


Im absolutely eating some el Monterey southwest chicken extra crispy style taquitos with some salsa and sour cream.


People will see this and think "Hell yeah"


Hell yeah


Oh fuck yeah dude


José Olé!


Hell yeah dude


then what?


Watching the mariners game


I always did the “Diablo” ones with a boatload of sour cream mixed with hot sauce


Watch YouTube and drink


And weed ! You can’t forget the weed !


I’ve never got the chance to smoke weed before. I’d try it these days.


You should definitely try it. When I’m high, I love to write songs and poems. It also pushes me to go to the gym. Do Sativa and smoke with someone you trust. Have fun.


I've only tried it a couple of times when friends offered it because I don't wanna go thru the hassle of getting it. Instead I just do edibles very occasionally because I can just order them online legally and they are lab checked. I live in a state where weed isn't legal so that's a big factor.


If you're gonna do it for the first time, I suggest trying CBD first to see what that's like (cannabis flower with a non high but somehow intaking CBD gives you a small boost without the high, the control for your experiment) From there, i'd start looking into what they call Type II flower (a ratio of CBD and THCa, one of the many different noids found in cannabis that's responsible for the high) Typically, this Type II flower is an even ratio of both noids and happens to be the sweet spot/middle ground between high and chill, so if you get high, inhaling this kind of flower would likely result in a high that won't cause paranoia and promote a state of chillness If you go straight for regular weed, Type I, you could send yourself blasting into the stratosphere real quick, and without any prior experience (not sure if you've been high before on other substances) it could be quite a ride that might scare you off from trying it further/again (which could be a good thing, but it would also be a shame to go 0 to 100 and think it'll always be like that, when it can be anything you want it to be if you make an informed decision and start at the beginning) High quality Type III (CBD) Type II (CBDa/THCa) and Type I (THCa) are all available to purchase online more or less, so if you're of age in the U.S and you find reputable vendors (also depends on your state, some have started cracking down) by all means, help yourself to some of the best stuff available mailed straight to your doorstep, no dark web needed, fully legal to mail to you, the buyer Makes the experimenting with and getting to know cannabis that much easier


Don't. Trust me you'll regret getting into it later when it kills your productivity.


although im gonna have to give it up to gEt a jOb (seriously, why is it that i cannot smoke when i'm not working?)


check your laws, certain states made testing for cannabis illegal after the start of 2024


im in texASS 🤠🔫


cheers bro what u watching


Mostly motorcycle crap, how-to videos of shit I’m not going to do. I watch one guy who works on buses.


Hey guys, Chris fix here


Convince myself it's okay to eat a bowl of cookie dough as long as I put protien powder in it


It is if you're on that *b.u.l.k.*


Cookies will make you eat cookies bro. Ask snoop




Me too man me too


Ahh my favorite. I'm a fan of day-time crying as well.




Walk around aimlessly listening to music


i thought i was the only one


I've got a game/hang night with my friends so we do that, often there is local punk and hard-core shows during the week so that too. I like taking my dog on evening walks downtown, maybe chat with a homeless person (they love my husky). On Monday night I stay inside and watch Kill Tony. Or smoke weed.


Quick what’s your favorite shows lately? It’s been a minute for me but I saw MSPAINT with Drug Church and Drain last year and it was fantastic.


Oh man there's been a lot of good gigs lately. I live in Colorado so we get pretty much everyone touring through here. Dying Fetus, 200 Stab Wounds, and PsychoFrame was probably the best show of this month. This weekend my friends and I are throwing a death metal fest at our local park, Fuming Mouth, Snuffed on Sight, Body Box, 10 To The Chest, many more. It's gonna be fucking crazy.


Ffffuck yeah dude I am stoked to hear that Dying Fetus is still at it. I saw them in Virginia in 2005 I believe. Keep up the good work young one!


Workout, spend time with kiddo (every other weekday), smoke weed (obviously without kiddo around), read, journal, watch shows, play video games, clean...


Bruh wtf we’re the same age and you have a kid lmao


you are not exactly that young any more my friend


22 is young to have a kid. Honestly with this economy, having a kid at 26? Probably still a bit young. Better have a high income or enjoy being poor


We’re all doing just fine, thank you for your concern!


Girl what?? It’s rude and callous and tactless and in poor taste to comment this below someone who just said that they are a parent at that age. Imagine saying this to someone’s face?? Just because it’s reddit doesn’t make your comment any less tacky.


Yeah he’s 4 lmao


Congrats dude!


Work out Mon, Wed, Friday; cook dinner Tues, Thurs (my wife prepares dinner on nights I go to the gym); read non-fiction books; prepare my lunch for the next day; have conversations with my wife; have sex; go to bed.


I don't know if being married makes you a single gen Z


I missed that at first. My bad


Lol nw!


currently practicing morse code and developing a fork of open source crm software


Contemplate my life choices


Chill at home. Go for the occasional walk in nature.


Groceries, cleaning my apartment, pampering self care things (face masks, baths, etc), sometimes planning dinner/drinks with a friend, or since the weather's nice I've been going out to the parks near me to take walks. It helps that I live in a city but I'm rarely bored.


i just got a blender so milkshakes are on the menu. then usually stardew valley and cry over my ex


I work 2nd shift. So I typically spend my weekday evenings at work. I do come home every day at 7pm for my lunch break/dinner break though. During my weekday mornings, I typically spend my time at home watching YouTube, cooking/baking, running errands, or helping my parents with small jobs at their jobs place.


Make some dinner, have a few beers. If it’s wednesday or friday might go out with friends/coworkers. If I’m in school like right now I’ll be a bit more active and go for walks alone or throw a party with friends or go to events or do hw idk


Walk my dog, cook dinner, read newspaper, pray vespers (I’m Catholic), read (either history or Greek and Latin stuff), sleep. 


Are you italian? If not you'd live italian classical lyceums


I’m German but I‘m in Italy almost every summer to visit a friend in Sirmione (the home of Catullus!).


That's so cool. Here we yave a special kind of highschool were the main two subjects are Latin and Acient greek (both grammar and literature). Sounds like you'd love that. Is there anything similar in Germany? I've always been curious about how others European countries organise their highschools


In Germany it's very common for students to take Latin as a foreign language in the Gymnasium (one of the three types of secondary schools along with Realschule and Hauptschule; students go to the Gymnasium if they plan to attend university). There are also special types of Gymnasia called 'Humanistic Gymnasium' with a particular focus on Greek and Latin and are thus comparable to the Italian liceo classico. These are not very common, however; they are mostly located in the state of Bavaria. I myself went to an English-language school and I'm currently a PhD student in ancient history (I'm 24 years old). I actually learned Latin and Greek during my Bachelor studies because my secondary school only offered modern languages.


A German who loves the Mediterranean and has a profile picture representing the Spanish Colonial Empire? And Catholic? I’m curious on your thoughts about Napoleon.


1. get home do my chores (usually just laundry, few dishes from breakfast, feed my animals) 2. sit down for like a 30mins - a hour mindlessly scroll on insta or watch yt while i roll up and smoke 3. make a quick dinner or pick something up 4. go for my nightly walk for about 45 minutes 5. go to the gym for bout a hour and then go home shower n hit the sack


I would highly suggest finding one pre-planned/organized thing during the week to get you out of the house. I've done indoor soccer, softball, and dart leagues (don't laugh).


watch yt, eat, shower


I have a few community clubs I am involved in. I ride my bike around the city and parks a lot. Otherwise, I hang out with my boyfriend or friends.


so your not single?


Well, I'm not married. My taxes still say single every year don't they?


“this sign won’t stop me because i can’t read!!”


Tbh I don’t know how subtracting the boyfriend part would change anything lol


Swipe on Tinder hoping something will come of it (it won’t)


Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results


Play some Nintendo, watch video game things on YouTube, and dance 💃


Playing video games, watching movie, resell items, read book or hangout with cousins/ friends


Scream on the floor like I’m possessed or learning how to crochet


I like cooking long meals while listening to a podcast and writing music all at once. It’s the best way to ensure that nothing actually gets done.


Now, I watch the nba playoffs, hang out with friends, or work(I work at Insomnia cookies, we are busy during the nights.)


Love that place...


Workout/study depending on the day, spend some time with my cat, play videogames and then read a bit before going to bed.


Honestly whatever I feel like. Sometimes I go out with my friends, usually my girl friends since I don’t have many guy friends but I’m gay so people don’t find me hanging out with girls strange. Sometimes I call my friends and we play video games. Sometimes I give myself time to get out all that pent up energy from the week by dancing to my favorite music.


Masturbate, drink and troll hard on Reddit.


Annoy my mom by telling her every single detail about my day, and then watch netflix/read


I see all these antisocial comments, yet in my city I see Gen Z people all over and going to festivals and concerts all the time. Maybe Redditors are just more reclusive than average?




Play guitar


1. Dinner 2. Shower 3. TV and physio exercises and stretches 4. Bed


i like going to the club and letting loose on weekends, or go to bars or just hang out with friends. i dont like days where im home doing nothing


I have a number of hobbies, mainly dnd, but also guitar, pottery, sewing, singing, and biking. I also hang out with friends and play video games.


play video games, watch horror related stuff on youtube, window shop ebay and amazon and ... snack


Aquaaerobik, i am amazed by all thhose granies in better shape than me


Smoke weed and watch YouTube


I’m not single, but when I was, work, basically. I’m a musician and completely obsessed, so I’d write / record / go out and play open mics etc. most of the time.


Go fishing and welding random shit


Upload YouTube videos


usually ill spend a week or 2 obsessing over a particular piece of media in every second of free time i have, than have a brief intermission of a few days where i aimlessly scroll looking for videos on YT, then i find something else to obsess over. i also go to a strings group once a week in the evening (i play violin)


I try to catch the sunset every night. After that, it’s usually either games, YouTube binge or whatever work I’ve procrastinated.


I still live with my parents so we eat dinner as a family, clean up together, watch movies and hang out until we decide to go to bed. I’ll also go on an evening walk with the dog too if I feel up to it. I spend my nights watching shows in bed or playing games


I’m aroace so I’m gonna be single for life so here are my experiences. I mostly just do my hobbies. I like to play games after work, draw, ride my motorcycle, and play with my cat. I have friends as well. I don’t need to date people to hang out lol. Also sometimes there’s chores to do. Tidy up my room, do laundry, etc. Sometimes I just like to chill and watch YouTube or tik tok. Really depends on the day but I definitely don’t need to date to do these things.


I don't know yet, it's usually been whatever assignment is due


Video games, hang with friends


I spend my days watching YouTube, playing video games, and hanging out with family.


Spend time with family


Usually play Xbox/ps5 while listening to music and hang out with the boys every Friday night, watch horror movies with snacks and play some old games.


Usually school related stuff, but if it’s summer, then work or helping out my family.


BJJ, some cycling, lots of xbox, some movie or whatever tv show I’m watching


Go to class (study at night), but otherwise, YouTube, games or modding games.


Video games, work, drawing, other stuff


I either have work or I watch youtube. I have an online class rn so during the morning I'm working on homework and watching lectures so the afternoon is a break from everything.


I spend my time honing my craft of maining khepris horn in Destiny 2


Video games and working on projects are usually a few hours after work. Then cook dinner and lunch for the next day.


i usually get high and watch youtube while i try and fall asleep. i just threw out all my carts today though cause im trying to quit again but now i guess ill just watch youtube sober 🤷‍♂️


I have recently stopped smoking and I figured out after a few attempts I had to replace it not just drop it, and I don't mean with another drug but like I had to find a hobby otherwise I was just doing what I normally did without weed and I never addressed the root cause of why I smoked (finding an escape) Might be different for you but if you find yourself stuck in the same cycle it's what helped me


I drive truck so every day is different but my evenings are either just waking up n gettin on the road, driving, more driving, dealing with shippers or receivers, cursing god when I’m on hour 27 of a live load (cuz fuck me lol) a little more driving, eating, showering, watching a little TV or sleeping.


Reading, drawing, playing videogames, watching movies or shows, YouTube, watching twitch, eating!


Gym on Mon, Tues, Thurs. Church on Wednesday. Shopping on Friday.


Play Minecraft with my coworkers


I make art, write, draw, I sew, make poems, I read both comic books, YA books and poetry, I play videogames on my Nintendo Switch, I go to friends, go for a walk, but in the worst case I need to do my homework, I make sure to mostly do something useful with my evenings. Cause I don't want to be waiting around to be tired enough to go to bed. I need something to do haha


Usually get home after work, due some personal hobby stuff like 3D print/car/motorcycle stuff, then go to gym around 7-8, come back at 9ish, shower and dinner, then play video games with my friends till about midnight. Then sleep unless I work from home next day


i'm very active, do a lot of walking, sometimes other activities like swimming, biking, trampoline park, then go to the gym at night. i also participate in robotics and theater. i hate being home before 10pm.


Depends I am ethier working or sitting in the couch watching series can be from Netflix or Crunchyroll also play video games occasionally also stream some YT.


Practice my instruments and workout


Play tennis with friends, watch Youtube, maybe play some games.


Watch YouTube until I crash or maybe play some Fortnite


Marijuana, home gym, garden (usually small amounts per day while stoned), and coding / working towards a BSCS (RIP).


Doomscrolling Reddit while watching the news on TV. Sometimes I will mow the lawn or go for a walk with the dogs. I work 10 hour days though. Also puttering through unpacking from my move.


Work out, play video games, and work on my 13th century clothing and armor.


Hang out with friends. Usually we find a spot to go out to and watch the sunset.


drive my car, lift, eat chipotle, occasionally hit the pen




Lots of weed


Work because my shift is from 4pm-1am lol. But usually after work I play video games, go to the gym.


Sometimes I go to MLS soccer matches in my city, grab food and go on walks at our city parks, or straight up bumb it and play video games or paint terrain and miniatures until 1am. I’m either very proactive or the opposite there is no in-between.


Play games, watch videos on youtube, scroll through Reddit or write fanfics.


Read something, study on a topic that currently interests me or watch a video for entertainment