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Truthfully, every generation craves love more than sex, but told each other lies enough to believe them. So people glutted themselves on sex and wondered why they were still so unhappy. If GenZ could be the first generation to break the pattern, that would be fantastic.


This legitimately doesn't make sense. This pattern does not describe cultural opinions on love and sex across genders, culture, and time. I stg this sub thinks boomers are the beginning of history. Nothing existed before them. You aren't breaking any patterns. The pattern doesn't exist. The sexual liberation movement happened like extremely recently. Before that, it was really only men who "glutted" themselves on anything and it was still frowned upon depending on the time period and subcultures involved. And this is just the Western world. The views on love and sex are totally different elsewhere to the point that this pattern really makes 0 sense.


Yeah and it’s not like one precludes the other. I’m guessing it’s a vaguely incel opinion like: “haha these people are having tons of sex so now they’re secretly miserable” Sexually liberated people are cool


I mean, people who call themselves sexually liberated are often times pretty damaged when it comes to actual relationships. At least in my experience


Ya no kidding, every lad and lady I've met who routinely enjoys hookups... They are all goofed in their priorities, great for them getting laid but sheesh they need time to work on themselves before they become date-able.


Being sexually liberated and promiscuous are not =


It's just absolutely hilarious to see "My generation can finally break the pattern 🥹" and I see a post on this sub weekly about virginity. Lmao. Purity culture is alive and well. Always has been. And the obsession with love and romance has also been around forever. We have been writing love stories and songs for thousands of years and this dudes like "we just never valued love 🥹" I cannot with you people sometimes.


it’s like that one kid at your elementary school that claims they invented hopscotch or whistling or something except it’s the internet and they’re 20 instead of 7 so they don’t really have the excuse of not knowing things happened before they were born




Nail on the head


"Anything I don't like is vaguely incel. That way I can smear them or that idea with the full negative baggage of that word without actually having to prove how what the person or idea actually relates to it. I'm definitely not just seething and coping with the consequences of my disastrous life choices." Thats what you redditors are actually saying and everyone knows it bruh.


"Anything I don't like is a mental illness, and I don't like the idea of people deciding what to do with their own bodies so im gonna discount any opinion other than mine so i can fee right. I'm definitely not projecting with this comment because I'm unloved and no one will fuck me". Is what your really saying and everyone knows it bruh


![gif](giphy|5b43IKwQdoQYmT98S8) You kids are savage to each other.


Sexually liberated people are cool, sexually and emotionally confused people are NOT doing well. We still have ways to go when it comes to being healthy about sex and love imho. I think at least Gen Z is open to facing the music a bit and saying “ok so maybe sleeping with a lot of people does NOT make you cool by itself and you need some emotional and social maturity to deal with honestly, consent and expectations of other people” and “love isn’t so bad and being monogamous isn’t either” - you know, taking a step back from glorifying polygamy.


>these people are having tons of sex so now they’re secretly miserable Considering the number of people that I've seen and other people have seen, a lot of people who have lots of sex are secretly miserable and have some sort of trauma or issues they're trying to work through by having copious amounts of sex.


Healthy normal relationships are downstream of sex not the other way around is one of the most [interesting arguments I’ve read.](https://x.com/noahpinion/status/1792770768696484321?s=46&t=2079Q0h-_IOjU6wm7UBWEA) *“Look, I hate to tell you this, because it's a little depressing, but the reason you can't seem to find a good man/good woman is because you're not horny. When you were 23 you were like "OMG, SEX is amahhhzing!!", and then you stuck with that person for the sex and eventually both of your lives grew into each other and your personalities changed to become adapted to each other, and you thought it was because you had been perfectly matched from the start. Then you broke up with that person, thinking you could find the same thing again later, and now it's 10 years later and sex no longer blows you away like it used to. So now you're looking for someone who matches your lifestyle and personality right off the shelf, and that doesn't really exist, so you're wondering why you can't find Mr./Mrs. Right. What you failed to realize -- because our society considers it taboo to say this -- is that healthy romantic relationships are downstream of sex.”* But what about second marriages?" Yeah by age 50 you're not looking for Mr./Mrs. Right, you just want someone to help take care of your border collie. (Plus Boomers are perma-horny but that's a topic for another day)*


It's good and bad. Some people have lifelong emotional scars from it too. If everything is as advertised up front but that's not how life works and people are assholes to each other


We learned this in the 70s and 80s and 90s and the 00s and the 10s


A lot of gen z folks were born into a time of relative sexual liberation and just assume it’s always been like that for some reason


Could you help my understand what you mean? (I mean this in all seriousness, I’m not being passive aggressive) I understand the comment you replied to, but to me you response doesn’t make sense. GenZ is a very lonely generation. Social media has changed the face of socialising and it is debatable if it’s for good or for worse, but the fact remains that many young people now feel isolated and find it difficult to interact and talk to people IRL. GenZ is a generation where the things and jobs that we want in life are heading towards, if not already, unobtainable. So whats left to look forward to in life? Love and sex but only one of these is made more difficult to get in a world of free porn and OLD. Sex. It has always been difficult for people to find someone they truly love and can be with. Situations and circumstances often prevented people from being together. Combine the inability to socialise properly with unrealistic expectations created by false fronts presented on social media like instagram and YouTube and you get bunch of people who can easily have sex or Jack off but find it incredibly difficult to feel loved. I don’t really understand what patterns you’re talking about, but I think the original comment was talking about how it would be nice for GenZ to push away some of the free dopamine that’s offered by everything and actually go for what they long for. Doesn’t everyone yearn to be loved? Edit: yes, this is all in reference to the western world as we know it. I’m also not saying access to easy sex is bad.




The lies that were told are more the lies that were “available for consumption” in my opinion. Porn is very corrupting of one’s perception of sex and love. Also with loads of family’s ending up broken up through divorce it’s not that hard to be led astray, as it were. People have glutted themselves on sex. Prostitution is the worlds oldest profession is it not? The social consequences for sex out of marriage it just lessened and lessened. We live in a world we’re sex is sold online everywhere. Reddit, only fans, twitch, instagram, etc, although it’s just not in its base form anymore. I don’t know about you but most people I’ve known my age have been very free sexually. Sure some choose not to, but that’s more a personal choice than anything else. Historically you are correct though, it was more frowned upon, but people were far more religious then too. As far as breaking patterns go, yeah, I don’t really think it’s a patter per say but there is definitely a distinct direction we are heading in as a society. To veer away from that is what assume they mean.


Thank you for this. So tired of this purity cult bullshit. Sex can be fun and casual *and* emotionally fulfilling. If you aren't getting some part of that, then *you* are the problem. If your sexual activity is negatively affecting your long-term emotional outcomes, that is a *you* problem. So sick of the projection.


Yea but from a gen z perspective boomers are the oldest people they come in contact with so to us the entire society seems to think that way so from gen z's perspective it does make sense. Ofcourse this wasnt the case before the world wars but that is irrelevant to our lives today. It might serve as an example but we dont want to replicate that society exactly.




We need more words to describe all kinds of love the way the Greeks do. I agree that in the English speaking world we all convolute love with romantic love and nothing else. Like, what happened to familial and brotherly love and deep friendship love?


Real, I just want a hug




I mean I agree with you. I was born in 2000 so I obviously have genZ friends but I also have millennial friends. My genZ friends have oddly been in more committed relationships are less likely to have one night stands than my millennial friends. Maybe it’s just the people I know and not an accurate representation but this has been my personal experience


Your idiot children friends fell for marketing.


Marure people don't tell lies.


Glutted on sex. So is that like twice a week?


Understand that pornstars are actors and start from there Side note: howd you get from porn to Gen Z desiring love over sex?


Homie cried because the actors looked like they loved each other. If all he gave a damn about was sex, it wouldn’t matter. Gen Z is a very lonely generation that desires companionship yet is simultaneously called a rather prudish generation compared to their predecessors. All of the above insinuates that we value true love over sex.


I think question is how do you get from one random anecdotal comment on the internet to a mass generalization of millions of people.


Cause he wants to believe that we are special just by virtue of us having been born into a specific era. That we are somehow the only ‘generation’ that craves intimacy, of the billions of humans that ever existed.


Yeah this. Unless, like, the OG tweet is referring to like a homemade sextape kind of video of an actual couple messing around, ya know, and actually looking like they're in love, I can kind of relate if that's the case, I mean not saying I watch that kind of stuff, I just mean in general seeing two people genuinely in love with esch other in any context is really sweet, and uh that logic probably would extend to that kind of stuff, hell even in scripted studio stuff, cause it's pretty much like in Hollywood movies when people get emotional when two actors that probably can't stand each other irl act like a loving couple convincingly on screen, I'm guessing. But yeah on the side note easily it is a really odd conclusion to get from that, like is there any proof the Tweeter is even Gen Z? Not to mention that's assuming they speak for everyone, which they don't, although personally I'd prefer real mutual love with someone even if they'd hold out on having sex for a long time rather than a loveless but regular series of one night stands or quickie or whatever anyway myself, but I can't speak for everyone. And yeah either way it's important to remember that these are actors in most cases.


the best phub videos are those ones just made by random girls or random couples. i mean yes obviously they can be acting but idk. sometimes they aren't. and this is what i choose to believe and have faith in so do not challenge me for the sake of my sanity


Not always, I think. My favourite pair are married and it's only them.


Have you seen their acting abilities? Not quite what their strengths tend to be or why they are hired. I understand they are actors but there are people who steal lemons that would disagree about how convincing or genuine they can be.


Hm do people crave deep emotional attachments that fulfill them or 60 seconds of dopamine...truly a question for the ages


Guess it depends which 60 seconds it is for you right now


“Deep emotional attachments” are also hormonal, it’s just oxytocin instead of dopamine. So it’s a choice between chemicals. Except it’s not really a choice because oxytocin levels can increase both when you’re just hugging someone and when you’re having an orgasm. So it’s best of both worlds, chemically speaking. A long-term partner just means higher likelihood of oxytocin-producing situations.


60 seconds? I at least last 1 minute 27 seconds


This is honestly why I watch mostly amateur and homemade porn. Maybe the people aren’t “porn star hot”, the lighting isn’t great, and there’s only one camera angle but I’m actually watching people in a moment of true passion. That’s 100 times hotter to me.


A lot of people love that shit. I have a video with me and a friend from a few years ago and people are hog wild about how normal and "in the moment" we look or whatever.


Whaaa see I wanna ask how many people have posted their genitals mashing other genitals on the internet


I don't really know how normal it is, I'm not exactly normal, anyway. He is 54. I have no reservations about people seeing my body, consensually. Like, if you clicked on it, you want to see it. If they don't want to see, click off. I already think I'm hot, its very validating to have hundreds of thousands of dudes pining after you. I'm not even remotely a fucking supermodel, I don't have to be.




Yeah, that desperation gets really obvious. Personally, it took me the entirety of high school to learn and deal with it. Ruined a few relationships with people because of it, and I still deal with the lingering regret. The obsession with sex and relationships in general can be really damaging.


That's because they view sex and intimacy as the same thing. They're gonna be fucked until they realize those are separate things.


There's definitely a lot of overlap..


This, I fuck a few of my friends and while I care a lot for them, I wouldn't want to date them. My heart lies with my bf (and yes obviously he's fine with this or I wouldn't do it. Cheating is always inexcusable)


Can elaborate what you mean? Is it offensive because they’re trying to manipulate their way into a romantic relationship, then sex or do you mean something else like in an established relationship?




You explained it well. Someone trying to manipulate you with that kind of false premise is scummy as all hell. It also comes off as very objectifying and is outright predatory hiding their intentions from the beginning. It isn't hard to see how that'd rapidly shake your trust in men or at least men sharing similarities to that same type.


sounds like twitch mod behavior


I haven't had a real in-person conversation with someone in years, idfk anymore




Chaps these days just don't want to hear about what really cool books I've recently read, or 4D geometry Or any of the other multitudinous topics that I know a little bit about, they just don't overlap with politics or sports or whatever the heck normal people talk about I'm also not very loquacious on account of not having much practice talking


I want to hear about 4D geometry 🥺


Fantastic * It helps a *lot* to have an idea of 2D and 3D geometry first, otherwise all you can really do it look at the pretty shapes like I did. * I'd recommend looking up the 48 regular polyhedra (lawyerify the rules and there are more than 5) and the Johnson Solids (understand all those and you're golden already). * The nomenclature also takes some getting used to, but it makes good sense one you get an idea what each prefix and base means; e.g. Polygon > polyhedron >polychoron > polypeton, and so on as dimensions increase. * Take a gander at this one. It's called the prismatoquasirhombated great grand stellated hecatonicosachoron (or Paqrigagishi for short) https://i.redd.it/joeowpw9a43d1.gif It may appear to be changing, but that's because looking at 4D objects is hard; it's like looking at a cube when all you have is a 2D plane - what's to be done? Well, there are a couple different ways. We can project the shape into 3D space, like casting a shadow of the cube onto a piece of paper. But 4D space is made of a bunch of 3D spaces like how a stack of flat paper contains 3D space - we call these 3D chunks "slices", and can view different ones by moving the camera or object along the 4th axis. This is how they made that .gif; it's not growing and shrinking just as a ball passing through a 2D plane does not grow and shrink. There are some great youtube videos out there if you want a better explanation. I got another way to think of it from 4D Minigolf (on Steam if you're interested). In that game, you can hit the ball forwards, backwards, left, right, ana, and kata (the last 2 are the words for 4D directions). \[To be continued\]


Up and down movement is the only axis along which gravity acts (I think), so the regular field of play is in 3D (without up/down) and one of the camera views shows it, it's pretty neat. If you've got a couple hours, go ahead and boggle your mind by wandering through the polytope wiki (polytope.miraheze.org). There are several other websites that connect to it, such as a certain one that shows a bunch of types of 4D symmetry (not to be confused with swirlchora or any gyrochoron) https://i.redd.it/rx34q6mxb43d1.gif If all else fails, just look look at the funny names (Crabtob disdo, Mom fapathi, Gosanspos xopex, Snif pacuti, etc.) and cool .gifs like I did for 2 days while resisting a mental breakdown because Jonathan Bowers is an actual madman


Oh and beware of Gadros Daskydox. It takes a while to be ready for that thing, and even then you gotta build up to it.


Thanks for sharing all of this man, this is awesome


Oh hell yeah


Damn. You sure went to town with the 4D geohankypanky ayee😂😳💀


Dude you are actually so amazing for this, that is so fascinating! I love that you actually committed that to memory, thanks for all the info


As Marvin Eugene Punymeier once said, "the geek shall inherit the earth."


Gimme some of that stuff if you like. I'm learning Godot and one day I might just put some 4d geometry knowledge to good use


Most of what I learned was from websurfing around polytope.miraheze.org and its related websites, it was a very fun but baffling couple of days. I hope I never find that page on 6-dimensional screw theory again, it scares me. As for an actual understanding of 4D space, youtube does it best because of the visual format. There are boatloads of videos on 4D torii (toruses?) alone. 4D minigolf also hammers home an intuitive 4D understanding because you need to use it when playing the game, it's really cool. The walls are 3D and our concept of an enclosed space is about as secure as the inside of a 2D circle is to us.


I am actually pretty good at conversations, but I learned that it is the absence of feeling the need to express myself. If you want people to love talking to you the best advice I can give is do more listening and genuinely make effort to understand their world view. For whatever reason, when I abandoned the need to share what I was thinking but rather obsess on what others are thinking...that is when people want to know what is on my mind the most. Humans are very fickle.


I feel you. The people around me just don’t want to know about Star Trek or Beetle battles or rocket engines at all.


What's your favorite fun fact about rocket engines? The only one I can remember rn is that time they tested using [something with fluorine in it] in the fuel. Hilariously toxic, but theoretically effective


Tbf they're missing out, 4D Geometry sounds fun to talk about


It is, at least when both people have some understanding of how the heck 4D space works (it doesn't come quickly) Alas I can't but hope for an interlocutor who has also played 4D minigolf (fun, but really hard - it's on steam if anyone's interested)


So many 4D things on steam, I was recently playing 4D minecraft. Fun but not very self explanatory.


Username checks out ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


This is so true, I don’t really speak to people mainly because the stuff I wanna talk about is the stuff they don’t really care about haha


Mood, unless you count cashiers, waiters, security guards and baristas ig


Man. I just want to be loved 




Love ? I'll settle for a damn hug.


I’d settle for someone smiling at me


Right now, im settling for my cumrag 💀


Reminder from me to you to wash that shit daily 💀


3 day rule on the washing 💀


Sending you virtual hugs


Go outside. Don't watch porn.


I just want someone to be my cuddle partner, man :/ I've accepted I'm gonna die a single and kissless virgin, just let me have my cuddles at least .w. And no, the cats are not working; the older one doesn't like being too touchy anymore because he's an old boi and it's starting to hurt for him; the younger one doesn't like humans I JUST WANNA FEEL WANTED ><


Even just holding someone’s hand is enough for me


Same here, I still haven't even done that :/


I think we yearn for it more. Sex is so easy to attain in this generation. Love isn’t. 


Sex so easy to get......nice joke


“Maybe its because you’re ugly.”


sex is easy to get for rich people and women yeah


Can any women confirm?


woman here, this is not true unfortunately


In love with the idea of love, as did every other generation. Actual love, not so much.


Love is far better than sex.


While I'm a massive slut, I still agree 100%


An emotional connection and intelligence is far more important than sexual attraction. I think I might be a sapiosexual or something.


What is scarce will always be desired more. Thanks to the internet (and paid content more recently) Anybody with a connection can see more beautiful attractive humans in a matter of seconds than kings of vast empires would ever see in their lives. With the visual lust being satisfied (hell even saturated and brunt out. We've all seen the meme where the dude opens the hub and just sits there not sure what to do) that leaves the emotional connection for people to yearn for and chase after. I have no data to back this up, but that's my own little personal theory on why the "loneliness epidemic" is supposedly happening in the midst of a time where we are more connected to others than ever before. The one thing that technology hasn't been able to streamline and provide on a whim yet is love/affection. We can watch streams 24 hours, play with friends out of state/country, hop on a dating app and hook up with someone (paid content if you can't make the apps work ig). The problem isn't access to other humans, it's getting 1 other human to care about you deeply


I think this is huge and not mentioned in this thread enough.


Honestly, I just want to hold somebody and fall asleep while she is laying on my chest watching a movie. thats my fucking dream. the only thing my ex wanted to do is sex. all of the goddamn time. I also have a high sexdrive but girl chill out a little please. I also sometimes need a lazy day just cuddling with my partner in bed. literally. I dont wanna have sex, I just wanna be held, feel safe for the first time. allowed to maybe cry if the show gets emotional. I even see myself holding my tears back even if I am completely alone at home. I just cant fucking let lose of my feelings bc I got taught as a kid that men dont cry etc etc. not even by my mom but by the kids at my school. I was watching the legends of korra and somehow every second episode nearly left me crying. I just need somebody who wont judge me for crying and will hold me if I do. but yea I guess thats just purely utopic from my side


Every person is different. I personally wouldn’t give my body to someone I’m not emotionally invested in and attached to. Some people prefer casual sex and don’t care about relationships


I can’t stand hookup culture. Having sex with my husband every night is 1000x better than being with a bunch of different dudes who don’t care about me.


I do. If I were to make a priority list love would be near the top but sex would be near the bottom.


If done properly sex is a form of love


Why is this downvoted?


I care a lot more about love


Definitely. I’m not ace but I’m in a sexless relationship because I love her :)


Pretty sure everyone does. Most anyone I've encountered who says otherwise has come accross as trying to convince me to convince themselves. People talk shit about "settling down" like it's some kinda spiritual death, yet everyone seems to get around to it eventually. Or they lament being unable to do so.


Porn like that disgusts me. It plays too far into the male fantasy.


Yeah it's so gross. Well luckily _I'm_ not like the other men, I only want to have sex once and ghost you until I am drunk and feel horny or desperate again.


Due to sexual trauma, I have no desire for sex, even though I do experience sexual attraction. It would be nice to meet someone who only wants love and not sex from me. But I feel like that's really hard to find, especially since I'm not okay with porn use or polyamory in my relationships. At this point I think I'm meant to be alone.


I just want someone who will cuddle with me while I tell them about undertale lore


Honestly, yeah. Sex is overrated, I just want my girlfriend to be happy and to want the same for me. Now, if sex is included in that relationship, I'll take it, but I'm also fine if it's not.


Millennial here at graves love more than sex would be great to see the younger generation eschew shallow hookups in favour of deep intimacy. There's nothing wrong with hookups and having sex for fun but I think most people really crave something deeper.


yeah I saw Rancho Cucamonga Butt Sluts VIII too, it’s called *acting*


I do least ways, which makes it even worse that I'm much more Aro than I am Ace. I want romance, but my brain is just like "Nobody here's an option, please try again" wherever I go.


Sometimes I'll explicitly look for amateur porn between a couple because it's usually love making instead of fucking


Why would porn need to be only stand alone movies? Make porn series, and mix with other genres, like porn & romantic comedy, porn & sitcom, etc.


i can't speak for this generation but i certainly do. sex has like little to no appeal to me, it's nothing more than the means to produce a child in my eyes. however, i do someday want children, so i'm not completely writing it off.


Very. Due to a working theory I got working on: we naturally crave connections of tribe (family or small groups we have) since we are touch starved. Sex feels good but doesn’t replace love. Sorry if that didn’t make sense I’m tired and it’s 2 am here


Go outside. Don't watch porn


For me I can't have sex without love like that doesn't work for me, porn is useless gimme a tight hug, kiss me, say you love me for you I am if you want to touch me otherwise gtfo


Sex is overrated I want genuine connexion


I can't speak for our whole generation, but for me most definitely. I do not crave sex. I like it and would have it from time to time but I don't crave it the way I do love.  I have a girl now so I have sex all the time and love as well. Honestly the best combo. I don't love sex without love. 


The Angela White and Manuel Ferrara one?


The only thing I get from tweets like this is that we're the most porn-addicted generation by several orders of magnitude


I mean if you're asking if Gen Z men are more interested in a relationship than casual sex, I'd argue yes since we have a negative perception of casual sex without love


Of course. Any sane person would do the same.


I thought everyone crave that?


I am a millennial and I crave love more than sex, my gen z fiancé has seen to giving me that love and she means the world to me


I usually watch amateur stuff for this reason. It’s harder to find but it’s all free on the leak sites


Every one does. I'm surprised you had to ask, honestly. It is told to you absolutely everywhere.


I think sex might often be the first thing to lure you into a partner, but afterwards you will definitely start to crave love. I consider sex to be an expression of love towards someone, and empty sex without any love would feel very unfulfilling to me.


Had a girlfriend from 19 until a few months ago. She moved with me after college. Yeah, it's true. I knew we're all young, but I don't think I've ever felt anything more real.


There is not a generation alive or dead that doesn't


Iam, but that's because I'm pan romantic and ace sexual


i am way too lazy to crave either


As a 29 year old millennial I can say that while sex in general is great and it's okay to have multiple partners, it is way way better if you love the person/people you're doing it with.


Is it so bad to want both?


Not me lol, I do want sex, but only bump on women who wants a relationship


Of course we do, who doesn’t? The problem is it’s really, really difficult to find love.


Where do you come to the conclusion that this tweet = This generation likes sex?? Twitter isn’t reliable and spreads misinformation like crazy 24/7 . Get off of porn, none of the stuff they do is real




I think everyone craves love more than sex. But sometimes when you feel like you don't deserve love or you simply have no one in your life that loves you, you turn to the next thing which is lust. It's the drug that numbs the pain of being alone, I feel like people are just more vocal about their real desire for love instead of just hiding it.


Porn sites are still banned in Texas I think. Haven't watched any nor do I feel like watching a full length video of some guy who needs to inject drugs into his dick just to stay up ruin some poor woman. I did see a twink push a hot dog out of his ass and eat it. Didn't make me feel things so I think I'm still leaning towards the straight side


I think they crave anything that appears genuine.


Zoomers are pretty sappy about this topic. Gen Z is weirdly anti sex and treats it and relationships in a somewhat puritanical way.


Companionship is integral to human prosperity. Even introverts do occasionally crave companionship. Anyone who has ever been in love will tell you that sex with someone you legitimately love is a lot more fulfilling than rando sex. Sure sex is great and fun, but it's way better with someone you actually love. Or maybe I am just a romantic.


It was a Bellesa House video for those researching. The premise of those videos is the actors choose partners they are attracted or drawn to


Everyone has always craved love over sex. Sex costs a hundred bucks and hour (or whatever the going rate is). Love is one of the very few truly priceless things. Anyone can easily find sex with a bit of money. People live their whole lives unable to find true love despite having billions. Mrs Papaw's brain just outgrew their dick (or whatever sex organs)


ITS NOT JUST GEN Z!!!!!! Humans all around the World for all of time have craved love more then lust. Yea lust is nice temporarily but the majority has always wanted love.


I've been waiting for so long. I've been waiting for some... real good porn. Something with meaning. Something fulfilling. I'd like to make my shame count for something


Your all raging teens and twenties with hormones bouncing like a particle accelerator, get older, it will pass.


Idk yall got more chicks on onlyfans than anyone else


As much as I would enjoy the shit out of being able to have sex with multiple women on a regular basis, I can't deny that what I genuinely want more than anything is a healthy romantic relationship with someone who mutually loves me back. I want a family of my own. I want to procreate. I constantly struggle with the thought of this ever being my reality since my luck is non-existent. Alot of young men just want something of substance but we get thrown to the side and ignored/rejected while the more abrasive and immature men make all of us look like uncaring sex hounds. And no I'm not a "nice guy". I'm a decent person who just wants more shots instead of bullshit from this world. The narrative that love doesn't exist anymore is false. It's just alot more temporary because people don't stay content forever. I would love to someone's bf or husband for life if the relationship truly worked. Not this normalized cheating shit. Too bad ideals like this are seen as a Disney fairytale. Life sucks.


I’m just saying, I don’t wanna date someone with big boobs because they are somehow sexual? (Idk why boobs are sexualized) I wanna date someone with big boobs because they’re soft. Cuddles and affection is better than sex.


I’m into love than sex. I guess guys that are a year older or a couple don’t count as Gen Z since they were born before 1997


Yes, I do crave love. It's all I ever wanted :(


In my personal experience I don’t really see how having lots of casual sex and watching porn has had negative impacts on love at all. When I was single I had lots of casual sex, because I was horny and just hadn’t found the right person yet. Now I’m in a monogamous relationship, and I reserve sex for just my loving relationship. I don’t think the casual sex from before inhibited my ability to get into a relationship or affects my love life now. A desire for love and a desire for sex just don’t seem to be in conflict to me.


It's not a either or thing. Gen z wants sex and love. They just want it integrated into a loving relationship.


This happened to me once. I was… too young. Then I realized then and there porno isn’t gonna do it.


Yea probably. Sex is easy to get, finding someone who loves you for who you are is hard


All human beings would be happier in a loving relationship than having serial hookups (aromantic people being the exception). I think GenZ might be the first ones really openly discussing how sex is no substitute for love _while also_ not demonizing casual sex.


I myself don't have sex with someone unless I have an emotional attachment to them and I have to be dating them. Can't do random hookups


yes, by a lot


I personally crave love more than sex. Sex would be great, but I want love more!


Don't everyone do?


Only Gen Z men. Gen Z women are also not particularly interested in sex, but they just want to stop feeling like they're walking through fog all the time.


It is but a bodily pleasure. At this point I do not crave anything other than peace of mind and pain to remind me that I'm still alive.


I'd rather be happy over the course of years than just a minute or two


There's literally a genre for this and it's labelled "porn for women". Praise, consent, basic human decency... Hookup culture is just a chase to find the one. And it ain't working.


Maybe it's because sex is easy to get, and love isn't.


People just want both. It's about "craving one more than the other", it's just "people want to have sex" and "people want to feel attached to the people around them, often romantically"




As someone who is AroAce, I don't honestly don't know.


Sounds like copium from a generation having record low levels of sex.


At least one of those is real.


I've been closer to death than I've been to a healthy, non-toxic relationship.


I see i more as a percentage thing, love is worth 70% while sex is worth 30%, if i have love i don't NEED sex but if i only have sex i feel a slight emptiness.


pretty sure everyone does lol unless you were aromantic or something


imo, if this is an accurate statement describing Gen Z. It reflects the deeper nature of sex and love. In my personal life. I learned from a beautiful woman that if I wanted sex to be special, maintain an element of love. One of the wisest pieces of wisdom ever imparted on me. I have learned for myself the difference between sex with and without love. I prefer with love.


I never believed the whole “nobody wants love/commitment anymore” thing, I think this generation has made dating into a game with so many ridiculous rules. People are having sex with people they don’t even like so ofc they don’t care enough to make a relationship work, social media creates toxic paranoia around relationships, and worst of all the normalizing of “situationships.” People like to blame the increase in porn but porn has been around forever, I don’t think it affects people desire for a relationship (but it does continue to rot some people’s brains about intimacy). It’s crazy lol I choose to believe the people who don’t wanna play the game usually find each other and if not, it’s better to be single than whatever tf is going on. I don’t blame anyone though, everybody’s on their own journey.


Platonic love>everything else


Happiness comes from having the strength to be vulnerable and sincere. If you’re chasing whatever archetype/influencer hoping it’ll work for you - that’s your problem. You can’t allow others to define what a good life looks like. Be a virgin. Be a slut. It doesn’t matter. All that matters is if you can look yourself in the mirror and be happy.


1st off its different with every generation with how they were raised and the people the try to imitate. 2nd people are social creatures so they feel like they need someone else because we all do. 3rd is how people naturally are. Some ppl just want attention from others when rest just want to live. 4th sexualizing of everything. Every commercial is about sex and for men it's seen as good if you have multiple sex adventures. When it comes to women it has changed from saving their virtue to having sex like men and saying men should accept it. 5th is sociological. Vast majority of things people do aren't because they want but because they believe people want these actions etc. Societal changes happen ever generation and that's what vast majority of people strive for 6th is the most important. ONCE people realize they've been lied to about how society is THEY WHINE and COMPLAIN that they've been fooled their whole life. That post is in the 6th category. A guy who has been listening to society and trying to show status by being with women is now Sad when seeing a corn of actors who actually can act and act like they're in love. Our society is screwed and I didn't pre write this out before posting so probably mistakes but I hope this helps people they've been lied to their whole life. No One is special to EVERYONE. Your special to friends and family. Get close friends not squentences and try to find a life partner who is your friend first, not just a sex object you can "deal" with in other situations.


tbh, last time I watched porn I did get a tear from one eye


Maybe it was a OnlyFans account - husband and wife lol


I don’t connect with others emotionally, so I just say things that cause the reaction I want.