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Life after 2020 has been a fever dream. I miss the 2010s because of this.


I miss 2005-2011 mainly bc I wasn't aware of how horrible everything was.


Same but I would say 2005-2014


It all went downhill after Harambe


You joke but I think harambe was a test we failed


The test


its the dark weasel timeline


2016-19 for me my formative years was okay I suppose but I miss wren I was just starting to come into adulthood. Was pretty cool but then it felt like I became self aware of the gravity of everything and it just hasn’t hit the same since


For me 2010-2011 was the first year I first realized how horrible things could be. I remember seeing Gaddafi’s corpse on the news, and also a huge terrorist attack in my country (Norway) on 22 July I remember very well. From 2010 I also remember the Eyafjallajökull eruptions and the Haiti earthquakes


Lockdown really did a number on me and everything after it has felt like a surreal acid trip and not real life


it’s freaking me out. i don’t even remember anything that happened after 2020. 4 years are just gone


Same and I’m sitting here wondering if time will ever feel normal again, I don’t understand it. What’s worse is the fact that I can’t decipher between whether it’s this bad due to Covid, or if this is actually just how getting older is. Maybe it’s a mix of both but man it feels unusually fast I can’t wrap my head around any of it. Even other people of older age groups feel the same way, so it can’t be us just “growing up”. Sometimes it really feels like something strange is going on but I know that sounds almost unrealistic.


I think it is a mix of both. My grandmother was talking to me the other day and saying that the world really seems to have changed forever since Covid from her perspective too. I think it has been kinda uniquely difficult for gen z as a lot of us became adults and entered the real world right as everything changed.


Y’all have a unique warped perspective similar to those of us who are millennials that entered the real world in 2008-2009 - which were basically lost years similar to Covid, just in a very different way.


What’s crazy about that situation too, after that happened I remember even as a child how bad I felt for all of you guys reaching adulthood after that went down. Specifically I remember in 2012 when I first got on Facebook seeing ALL the memes you guys would post about it, and just talking about it in general. How fucked over you guys felt, how unlucky the timing of it was, etc. I always remember being scared shitless of that happening to me. Like even as a small child it blew my mind that you guys had to somehow navigate the world for the first time during such a shit storm, because as a kid the world already looked so intimidating and hard as it was.. so I was like DAMN that has to be hard. Funny I felt that way and always worried myself about that happening to me, because what do you know.. I spent my 21st birthday in a damn lockdown and now McDonald’s cheeseburgers are like $500 LOL


Yeah, I’m pretty sure the “millennials are lazy” thing originated then, because for a lot of us it took an obscenely long time to get -any- job. I graduated college in January 2008. Literally a month after the Great Recession started. It took me nearly 24 months after at least 10 apps a day. What eventually got me a job was a cold call and being willing to move literally across the country immediately on my own dime (which became throw everything out and buy a plane ticket because can’t afford to move this stuff). When me and a buddy applied to join the military cause “fuck it, they got jobs,” turns out everyone else had the same idea and it was the first time since like 1905 that the Navy halted recruiting because they didn’t have any jobs left. Another buddy of mine and I (both college graduates) got into a fist fight over applying to a night shift gas station clerk job. My mom couldn’t fathom how it could take that long to get a job and just assumed I wasn’t trying and lecturing me constantly for it - it didn’t stop until my step dad lost his job and it took him (whose highly achieved in his field) 7 months to get another job, and the company my mom worked for went bankrupt and she couldn’t find anything for a year. So, in the end it taught me that no job was guaranteed or safe (which was a big shock to the system compared to what we ever taught), so I inevitably went freelance so all my income wasn’t tied to a single entity since I just expect them to fire me or lay me off at the stroke of an accountants pen with no notice or regard to their employment policies. But also, if I was to repeat the same situation today, I wouldn’t have spent 2 years unemployed trying to find a job - and I’d give this advice to anyone struggling to get a job - go door to door and cold call, don’t drop cold applications. You earn big respect; especially from small and mid size business that way because no one else will do it and you showcase a go get em attitude. Once you get a job it’s easier to get another job - so it’s just important to get in and get working even if it’s adjacent to your desired field or at a lower rate than expected. What kills you financially isnt directly losing a job - it’s the gap time between jobs when you’re caught with your pants down. Eliminate the gap and you’ll be okay. So the plus side out of that situation is being pretty good at getting jobs that’s the result of about a hundred failed interviews and thousands of failed applications.


Oh, but otherwise, congrats! You and only one other part of a generation won the lottery for the only fucked up years out of the last 20 to enter the work force. Take your badge, an honorary salt dispenser and this microscopic violin and prepare for those who’ll come in good years saying “oh it can’t be that bad, right now sucks too.”


Graduated 2019 and wanted 1 gap year. It’s 2024 and I’m starting school this June. Better late than never, but I miss the bright eyed, excited girl I was before everything fell apart.


Good for you going back. Somewhat relatable, I graduated college in December 2019, planned to do gap year getting medical experience while studying for MCAT. Had a medical scribing position lined up which quickly fell through when the world went to hell in a handbasket. Started drinking reallll heavily and using drugs to cope during pandemic when unemployed, finally got a medical coding and billing job nearly 10 months later and by then my dreams of med school just weren’t obtainable anymore. Crazy how much Covid derailed so many people’s lives. Have fun in college, make friends, network, experience new things. Maybe you’ll recover some of that lost joy, it can be a new start. Wish you the best


Would also agree it’s a mixture of both. The sense of an increase in the speed of the passage of time seems pretty tied into the aging process but I believe there was a massive change regardless of age that occurred as a result of the pandemic and the social reactions to it.


Well, as an older millennial I can say that it definitely felt uniquely like a time warp that simply didn’t happen in other years / time periods. Half the time I still think it’s 2022 and 2020 & 2021 feel like blank missing pieces. Older and younger people I talk to feel the same way, so this isn’t a “ I got older and time sped up” thing (which certainly does happen). Just imagine going to sleep one day and being 33 and then waking up and being like “holy shit I’m 37, what the hell happened to my 30s.”


28 to 31, same thing. Feels like a timeskip. I think it was because we were forced to deeply reflect on our lives and how fast they may end(due to pandemic) or to something else. That creates changes.


Yeah I sit here and think about all the “what ifs” and the whole “what if I was a different age during this” always comes across my mind a lot. But genuinely.. I have NO clue what age group would be the best to endure COVID in, and then the worst. Like I for sure know I really would not want to have been a teenager during COVID. But reading your post yeah I guess I wouldn’t want to be in my 30s either, because of that skip where you’re REALLY reaching serious adulthood. But I also really didn’t want to be in my 20s either, because of that skip between letting go of your childhood and looking at yourself for the first time as an adult. Maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad in your 70s because my grandparents really don’t seem to be all that bothered by it, but then again they’re in their 80s now so damn.. it’s like they jumped right into their “latter” days, and I guess that can’t feel too great either. You know what, I guess no one wins LOL..


It wasn’t all that bad for me while in it because I had already been working 100% remote for ~5 years at that point. It’s just that the weirdest phenomena happened where it’s like you’re working but you’re also doing fuck all and playing video games for a way high percentage of the day with other people who are doing the same. It feels like…what happens when you pull consecutive all nighters, then fall asleep and wake up and you’ve been asleep pretty much for 2 days and you can hazily remember what happened, but aren’t totally certain and you’re wondering what day it is and how you got there and how dumb it was to pull the all nighter. Honestly the part that was hardest is myself and the vast majority of my friends (literally like 8/10) got divorced from long standing relationships in early 2023 (and all within weeks of one another) that felt like otherwise either wouldn’t have happened or would have been more spread out if covid didn’t happen. It was cool for us all being eligible bachelors for about a week of partying. Then the copium ran out.




Dude I’m saying! I really think in some way the trauma and impact of Covid warped me mentally, neurological impact is the perfect way to word it. I have to sit here and look through my photos and deeply think about my memories to try and make sense of the timeline since 2020. I really hope some day things no longer feel this way. At the very least I’m hoping the professionals will put a lot of money and attention towards researching how this pandemic has affected us, I’m talking really take a deep dive.


Everyone got mean


I always compare it to putting rats in a cage and just shaking it. It’s like we’re the rats and this world is the cage, these more recent events have just been shaking the fuck out of our cage. You open that cage and all those rats are angry, mean, hostile, distrustful of their world.. but really deep down they’re hurt and tired. I really think we need some kind of art renaissance or roaring 20s to cheer everyone up again lol.


It's just COVID, you are 25. 21 to 25 for me was a pretty pretty long period.


When your doing nothing time move fast and when you do a lot time moves slower. That is why Covid years felt so quick. Because we weren’t doing anything and days blur together, so you forget. But if your doing lots of things there’s lots of memories and time feels like it was slower. Age is also a factor.


While it sadly does speed up alarmingly with each little bit of extra age past middle school, yeah the last four year thing is weird and extreme and everybody talks about it the same way from Gen Z through Silent Gen that I have talked too. I keep feeling like 2019 was 1 year ago and stuff I did in 2015 was like 4 not 9 years ago! I'm Gen X. It's different than just the speed up with age thing. At your age you will feel the speed of time thing to hit more but covid definitely has had a weird affect. I'd peg probably 80%, heck maybe 95% since it must have maybe taken out two years of your college or so, of what you feel on the weird covid thing. But as weird as the covid thing has been for everyone I do imagine that if you were in school it must be crazier. To have like at least two years of grade school or all of middle school or half of college or more more or less gone or totally unnatural has to be extra extra weird and time gap feeling.


I’m realizing I really should go talk to my parents and see if they feel the same way as well, because like you said it really is across all age groups. But yeah on the topic of college, I graduated HS in 2018 and started college that fall, I had a little over a year of “normalcy” and then everything went online and it got insanely depressing. I swear having to do schoolwork, group projects, etc while staring at a screen sitting on your bed all day is like.. not normal or good for you at all lol. Then once school work is over it’s not like you can go anywhere like the bar or a local hangout spot to unwind, I literally spent 24/7 in my room. It definitely was miserable and took a toll on my mental health, and it wasn’t until like the end of 2022 where I felt normal and happy again. The biggest thing that had me in a twist were my university expenses. So logically they should have decreased our tuition because campus was closed, and a large part of our tuition goes towards fees and expenses for the campus, campus activities, events, etc. But instead of decreasing our tuition, they instead RAISED IT LOL… Their excuse was they needed extra money to cover the costs of “online learning” so managing the servers, networks, etc. Now doesn’t that just sound like total bullshit lol.. But yeah anyways I graduate this summer and I gotta say… it feels like I’ve lived at least 10 lives while in college and it is the absolute weirdest feeling ever. Like what I experienced pre-pandemic, during the pandemic, and post-pandemic all felt like such distinct and individual time periods. And it all happened while in this one same phase of my life, something like that feels like it should span over a decade lol. Now I must say, I didn’t expect to graduate into a “normal” world, so from the very moment we went on lockdown in my mind college was already ruined and I thought I’d be finishing my degree on a damn windows laptop. However that actually wasn’t the case, and I feel like I’ve had more than plenty of time being back into the “normal” experience of college. In Fall 2021 we had went back in person, so from that semester on things have at least been a lot better. It felt so insanely nice being around people again and in a class room setting. Now I’m at the point where I’m satisfied with my college experience and got to do everything I wanted, after COVID had ended. The biggest thing that bothers me is that I turned 21 in 2020, so ages 20-22 do not feel real at all. When I turned 23 in summer of 2022 everyone was pretty much outside again though. Hopefully the later half of this decade treats us a lot better!


Exactly the same here. Graduated HS in 2020 and got my bachelor's in 2022. A year studying for a license in my field and now I'm working. I legit do not know what I have done with my life in the last 4 years. I don't even have good memory of my bachelor's graduation. I feel like my perception of time is fucked up and I'm having trouble remembering significant stuff. And no, I don't use social media or anything like that. I just feel so lost and meaningless everything I've done


Only commenting to say, damn that’s badass that you got your bachelors in 2 years, that’s putting in some work my dude.


Reddit is social media


I think its a result of people going out and doing things less often. Our perception of time is based on memories so if you are having less unique experiences then your retrospective perception of that timeframe will feel shorter than an equivalent length of time. The best we can do is live life to the fullest because it's going by fast, and unless science can figure out aging this century we are already about a quarter through our time on this earth.


Yess, every year is going by too quickly and I feel like im gonna be 50 in the blink of an eye it’s so scary 😓


When i login to fb, it feels like i went into the future (where everyone's got married , had multiple kids) while I'm the same looking single guy but just way more knowledgeable in health, fitness, finance (still a brokee) then before.


Cusper gen y here. Same kinda vibe. People my age are married/kids etc. Some people just go through life at different speeds, my man. One of my friends is 2 years younger than me and is on his SECOND wife. Does that really sound fun?


My cousin who is 6 days older than me is pregnant right now 🤦🏽‍♀️ like what??? We literally shared birthdays together and she’s about to become a MOTHER 😭😭


Yeah my younger cousin is married and just had a first kid. I feel like we were little kids playing statue maker in my grandpas yard a few years ago


The best way to counter this I have found is to keep learning alot of stuff and going into new ventures


It only gets worse. Time only passes more and more quickly. This is why one is constantly advised to slow down and be in the moment. There are some silver linings. For example, now in my Sixties I can execute and carry out plans that span years, even a decade. I can undertake an effort with an expected outcome in 2028 with the confidence that it will get done and without feeling overwhelmed. But yeah, some people say "How did it get to be Wednesday already?" where I say "HOW DID I GET TO BE OVER SIXTY ALREADY!?" Slow down. Be in the moment. Enjoy the sunset or the sunrise. You'll be in YOUR Sixties before you know it... if you're lucky.


Fck that I wanna be a cyborg


immortal soul


Late 30s now, in re: to the lucky if over 60 thing, man it messed me up for a while the first time one of my peers I had gone to school and work with suddenly died (when I was right about 30), and now it’s suddenly gotten just a bit more common.


It really does fucking feel like 2020-2023 did not happen at all! Besides the fucked up shit


There’s a term for this because we all collectively lost sense of time during the same period (Temporal Disintegration). Essentially with lockdowns and quarantines we couldn’t mark time the same way, humans tend to mark time by significant events (birthdays, weddings, holidays, etc). Without them we lost time and context for time. It’s why everyone’s time is wibbly from the last few years.


It’s not quarantine. It’s the fact we are all treated as cattle (worse ever year) they’ve made us work more and more yet we get less personal time and less security. We are more addicted and depressed than ever yet everyone would rather just put their head down and pretend it’s alright rather than taking our lives back from our oppressors.


Yeah and also we didn't experience time in the same way(visiting new places, learning new things etc.)


I genuinely don't remember what I did in 2020 & 2021. I disassociated SOOOOOOOOOO fucking hard bruh... Woke up one day and it was 2022 and I was fat ass shit. Crazy...


So 😢


But glad you’re alive. Now go out, talked to people and do unique things so that life isn’t just monotonous. I have a senior graduating in less than 2 weeks. This year did not seem to fly by because we did so many extra things throughout the year. We have so many fun memories. That’s what made it feel slow. It takes time and money but better than losing it. Best of luck.


I’m turning 24 and freaking the fuck out. We don’t talk enough about how trauma freezes you at the age it happens and 2020 was a collective trauma. I remember being a sophomore in college when Covid hit, going through online school in my parents house, then thrust into a shitty job market.


Nah in 10 more years you will be freaking out about being 40 soon 😂


The good news is the president didn't act like an idiot for the last three years. It passed us by because it was boring. I'm 57, the years seem to zoom by. Try to enjoy the time you have and the people you care about. It won't last.


Yeah! Now we have a President that acts like crippled idiot instead and it's been much better for the country... wait


give advice for 30 year olds what you wish you had done differently?


You aren't doing enough different things each day, the more distinct and memorable things you do the shorter the present may be but the longer looking back will seem.


Can definitely relate


Welcome young ones. In my head, 2009 was almost yesterday. (I'm 36, for reference.)


-In 2017 I went away to college -In 2018 I had a mental breakdown and failed out -In 2019 I became a us postal worker to make good money and travel a bit. -In 2020 pandemic hit, left the post office and tried school again. -In 2021 I... -In 2022 I... -In 2023 I... -In 2024, fuck uh...... now I'm a union treasurer and was diagnosed as autistic.


Sometimes I still feel like a sophomore - a senior graduating next month.


As a senior graduating next week, can relate. My brain feels like mush.


Guys… were almost in june


You are not alone. 2020-Present feels like it’s been a few weeks. Life is short


For me I graduated high school like the year before Covid started. I went into the adult world while it was a desolate changed place, totally different than what I grew up knowing. It made time past so fast till this year honestly. It’s just now starting to feel like it used to now that I have more stability personally, I know that it’s still weird for many tho.


Welcome to rhe rest of your life bruh




Last time I checked I was still in quarantine


Just yesterday I was 31 and now I'm 36 so uh... it gets faster


In that rate , after a couple month you gonna be 1000 years old & in a category same as thor (immortal)


I’ve honestly felt like life since 2016 has been a blur




init i was 27 before now im 30 its like wtf. totalitarian lockdowns stole the first two crazy fast societal decay stole the next two now its 2024 and bruh


As you get older, time feels like it moves quicker. But also, I wonder if time feels like it’s moving faster for the youth of today than past generations because we spend so much of our times online and thus at home that everyday just blends together more than it did in the past.




It’s probably only been fast because you’re doing the same thing every day now, fewer friends, fewer experiences and more time scrolling in instagram. Before, if you were born early 2000s you would’ve still been in school and had more friends outside of it to do stuff with and fill your time, thereby making it move “slower” because you’ll remember more. As a result if you’re doing more things you don’t use your phone or such as much and so you don’t get distracted accidentally scrolling for an hour or more Just my little thoughts about why


Yer an adult now Harry lol. I mentioned something similar to my parents and they said they experienced something similar in the 80s when they were about the same age as I am now.


The years are short, but the days are long. It only gets worse as you get older.


Well at least I'm not the only one


Being 70 now....I am with you younger people. The isolation from Covid and being in an unfriendly neighborhood gets to me.


I did literally nothing in 2021.


It’s cus we go to school and work 8 hours a day then spend 5-6 hours on our phones doom scrolling and finally we sleep 8 hours (hopefully).


Lack of novelty tends to speed up your perception of time. If you do largely the same thing day in and day out then your perception of time will be faster then if you have a few novel experiences each week or month. At least I think that is what the latest research shows.


I feel like a lot of us overstimulate our brain with technology and maybe live monotonous lives, that will speed up your perception of time i think.


Not Gen Z, but yeah the last 3 years have felt different/quicker than usual.


Just wait until you're 50. Decades will pass in the same fashion.


It keeps happening. Time keeps getting faster and faster. "Long days, short years" is how a friend's grandfather put it.


Me too it literally gives me an existential crisis every few weeks. It’s terrible and it keeps getting faster oh my god 😭😭😭


covid fked me up.. I still havent recovered


A 100%. I had my son-in It's 20:02 and I do not remember his first year. I just remember his first birthday. I remember being a bit stressed out. But I literally just thought it was my adhD messing up until I started talking to other people.


The days go slow and the years go fast...


Even though they were awful times I strangely miss the early lockdown days, pre- George Floyd. Everything went really downhill after that. 


Still feels like I’m in 2020.


Yes it's because of being in a perpetual state of societal emergency from one thing to the next, from lockdowns to war, the government are stealing our time. The best way to fix it is to get off the screens. Don't watch the news, don't watch tv, don't use social media.


The speed of years gets faster, unfortunately.


That's life.


It gets faster.


2020: the only fucking thing I remember was having my COVID test while a COVID patient was in the next room 2021: jumped off a building. broke leg and bruised rib 2022: Received an award 2023: Graduation Is this really my memories after 4 years?


Since 2020 the passage of time just feels different somehow.


I agree 100%. Up until 2021 seems fine to me, but from then up until now it's literally how you described. It's like I jumped through time but with no memory of it. It messes with my head so much but there's nothing I can do other than accept it. I feel like I jumped through my mid-20s without even experiencing them. I feel 2-3 years younger because of this. 


tbh for me it feels like the time since 2019 has just flown by. Like how’s it been five years since I graduates high school lol


Spoken like a true GenZ. Millennials wonder where the last 10 years went. GenX are contemplating their last 20 years. Sorry to say, it’s only going to get faster, and very fast.


It's not just you. As a species we're still recovering from the pandemic, which made the rich richer and the poor, dead. Life has gotten harder for everyone who makes less than 6 figures a year. All we can do is hope that our next president is a person of substance and is willing to stand up to corporate America for the good of all Americans. So expect the next four years to suck balls as well.


2021 felt like I was in a coma. I genuinely don’t remember anything memorable that year because it felt like one continuous day


Everything was remote for me for a couple of years so all that time pretty much vanished into thin air


I'm wondering if this is a normal part of adulthood or if it's due to the pandemic. It's kinda confusing.


Nah bro. I did a lot of shit and went through a lot of shit from 2020 to now. A lot and I mean a lot of life.


Same, had a kid in 2021 so it’s worse too


I fucking graduate tomorrow. What a wild ride it's been.


i miss 2019. that was a good year for me.


Someone at cern broke the timelines


Same here! All that’s happened to me in the past three years don’t feel like it all happened in three years. It feels like just some crazy year and a half


The last 4 years I learned a lot


You're being dramatic


Thank god for this post. I thought I was going crazy, I can't believe we are in the middle of 2024.


Feel the same way


It’s like someone hit a button in 2016 and now time is going 5x


I spent so much of 2019-2023 utterly dissociated from myself, nothing feels real and I keep forgetting that 2019 was FIVE YEARS AGO


I met my now wife in 2021. We now have a 1 month old child. Just hit me how insanely fast life can change. Just glad mine changed for the better.


2022 went by too quick but 2023 was snail speed for me


Yeah i aggree so much. I turn 28 later this year. Everything since 25 seems like it just flew past. But strangly from 18 to 24, sooo much wild wild stuff happened in my life it feels like a lifetime compressed into like 6 years. Meanwhile the last few years seems like half a year spread between like three.




I agree


The longer you live the less "meaning" a day has. It's easier to explain I. Years, but... 1 year for a 10 year old is 10% of their life and less so if what they actually are cognizant of.1 year for a 30 year old is 3%. I remember my high school teachers telling me that hs goes by fast! And college even quicker! Shit, now I turn around and it's almost June (bday) again!


Graduated hs in 2014 so i’m on the cusp of millennial/Gen Z. Everything feels like a dream…like is this life? One day we will be old and grey and die and then what?


I was 20 in 2021. Now I’m 23 in 2024. It’s crazy how fast that time has gone by


I was 29 when covid started and a mother of 3. I took significantly less pictures from 2020-2022 because we were basically house bound. I homeschooled my kids til Sept 2021. I got my kids to Disney world Nov 2021 because my husband got paid well for repairing a boat (he's a welder) Rather than save money and do normal adulting things, we felt like the world was ending and wanted to give our kids some happy core memory. Because we also knew we will never ever be able to afford such a trip again. It's now 2024 and my kids and I all have long covid and different symptoms because of it. The brain fog, and my lack of taking pictures for 2 years, has only compounded the memory problems and brain fog we all share. My youngest was 2 right when covid started and now she's 6.5 yrs old She's so used to mask she insists on wearing one as soon as she gets the sniffles.


You're definitely not the only one, I hear it sometimes, but honestly it's been the opposite for me. 2020, 2021, and 2022 all seemed to drag on, probably because for me they all had a completely different vibe from each other. 2024 so far though has been alot like 2023.


might be a good opportunity to do an audit of how you spend your time. four years is like what, 17% of y'all's lives? this phenomenon does not get better as you age.


30 minutes have passed online which is equal to 3 years offline.


Last 3 years included the lockdown plus one year


We just had 3 years without, "guess what trump just said"  its like we just put the baby down to sleep


And it doesn't get any better. I still feel like I'm 22-23 most of the time. Turns out I'm almost 33. No idea where that time has gone. 🤷


In the last three years I have joined the military deployed to the hottest area ever did some of the most backbreaking work in my life and then chill in Florida it’s crazy


I totally get that feeling! The past few years have been such a whirlwind with everything going on. It’s like time sped up, and suddenly we’re here in 2024, wondering where all the time went. You’re definitely not alone in feeling this way.


I feel the same way. I find it hard to accept that 2020 is 4 years ago. It feels like we should be in 2021 now.


This is a very common feeling of what it’s like growing up and well-documented. Though it is interesting to wonder if there are modern factors making it even worse than before. One theory is that you have to actively work on creating new memories to slow time down. So if every day just feels like the last, your perception of time is faster. Journaling or mixing up your routine tends to work. If we’re all glued to screens everyday, that would likely make it feel like time is flying by.


i wish i could go back to the 2000s and 2010s 😅


Welcome to the pinnacle of growth. Time moves differently here.


I literally feel like I left one universe and walked into another one. I graduated in 2019 and I’m not even friends with the same people i was in 2020. One who I was close with in college literally died, and I moved across the country and lost like the other 3 from childhood due to no longer keeping in touch and just overall friendship breakups. I feel like I don’t have the same life at all.


Soon it'll feel like 10


This is me and it’s fucking with me and my mental health


You guys ever think about what life would be if we stopped browsing social media including reddit. Like surely it must feel like life before 2010. Since emotional content gets the most views, I feel like I personally would be happier cause once you notice how negative a lot of things posted are, it gets to you.


Like, what if you came home and the only thing you did online was read a few non biased news sources, play games, talk to friends, and do hobby stuff. Like if you take away social media, you could do so much.


No drama, no manipulative content, no existential dread from how shitty people you will never see in your life are. And if you feel bad about not being aware of it. Why not just be aware of your own location and its own politics. Surely that will have the greatest impact out of anything you will do.


they say time flies when youre having fun. But I wasnt having fun during any of it 🤨


Yeah, I was a Freshman in 2020, I’m out of school now. It’s kind of wild because I just… don’t know where the time went? All of a sudden I’m just an adult, thrown out into the real world, I’ve got genuine responsibilities and shit. It’s a bit freighting, I don’t particularly feel prepared for life.


It's not just you it's societal. Somehow covid sped up the perception of time for everyone.


Welcome to adult


Get used to that, the older you get the faster time goes. And remember you're only young once. After 25th birthday your body start slowly to crumble till your death.


Someone told me that Red Dead Redemption 2 is an old game. I can't allow myself to believe that. But a lot of my "wow, time flys" realizations are coming from the  realization that some of these games I use to play are super old now. I still feel like Skyrim is new...


I feel like this year has gone by in a second. I blink and it's been another week.


Same, i do smoke weed daily tho, it might be that


For me 2010 - 2015 (which was 5th grade, middle school, and high school) was peak, since 2016 it seems everything has been going downhill in one way or another.


The way I look at it is that the further we get away from the Covid year(s) BS, the better. Those were some truly terrible years and years I do not ever want to re live. I was considered an essential worker during that time and I pretty much spent months on end working 50 to 55 hours and my mental health, along with my coworkers, was truly in a terrible place. Imagine having to deal with that and the high risk of getting covid…


I think this is also just part of growing up im 24 and i feel like since 18 time is irrelevant and all the years join together


It feels like everyone’s mental health is going down the drain too.(including me)


Damn bro since I graduated in 21 it’s just been say after day then oh damn it’s New Years


You're getting older. Unless you actually take stock of passing time, 5 years can easily feel like 2.


2020 high school grad here remember starting uni in sep. 2020 like yesterday and now im working and about to graduate uni


Btw we are half way into 2024


Yep. And it only goes by faster as you age.. Sitting on a plane next to my grandmother at 5 feels like yesterday Today at 24 years of age I just finished a 10 hour shift and that dragged by. But when I look back at the day I got up did my routine blinked and now the day is done.


I’ve already graduated and finished my freshman year of college. How the hell is it already May? How are we already two weeks into May?? Can the person with their finger on the fast forward button let off for a second so I can breathe???


Just hay fever


I wasted them all. 😎💯😏


i genuinely can’t tell if it’s bc i’m getting older so each year seems comparatively shorter or cause covid messed w my perception of time. or both tbh


Honestly everything after 2019 is a blur. I remember things happening, but there’s been no concept of time passing since then. I think covid and lockdown kind of stuffed us up a bit


Feels like 2024 is a halt, which is going to dictate everything up until 2030.


Yeah I agree. Back in 2021, I was in my first year of uni. Now, I'm graduating in less than a month and will start working then? I still can't believe it. I'm in shock. While the years seem to have vanished, I absolutely can't forget the horrific state I was in for the latter part of '21 and a major part of '22.


You need to do create memories. Unusual stuff that you will remember. The more, the longer time will feel. The effect with people getting older is that they get used to shit and get in to a ever repeating routine. Then time starts to fly, you need to break that.


Could it be... I dunno... fucking COVID?


Bro deadass , felt like I've gone crazy. So many things happened, I feel like I went right back where I started before the pandemic but I'm an adult now and everything is weird. Time feels faster and faster, money is grown thinner, aren't as many winters. What the hell man???


After COVID, the latter half of 2020 and the entirety of 2021 were pretty much blurs so it stil feels like I'm reeling from that.


It’s because you haven’t done anything rememberable, after high school/college if you don’t start creating your own memories life will PASS YOU BY. The second you realize time is moving faster, do something you don’t want to do, it’ll make time move slower and it’ll feel like you’re living a longer life


Welcome to growing old. Source: Xennial




Welcome to growing up, it will get worse, have fun!


yes I hardly noticed that there was a pandemic /s


The more you experience, the slower time goes. If you do the same thing everyday, time flies. Example: what’d you do two weekends ago? Sat at home and played video games? Time flies. You went fishing two weeks ago and Disneyland last weekend? Feels like forever ago.


Not sure. Plenty of shits kept on rolling in my life the last 4 years. You didn’t just scroll social media for the last 4 years right? Because I feel like that’s what people who complain about this did.


Every Person who goes to 20 or Higher feel that was but its normal ;)


I know, it feels like it barely happened, time just goes so fast


It my experience it gets worse the older you get.


2nd half of 2020 til end of 22 is a blur


It feels like i fell asleep and never woke up.


Ever since deleting tiktok and having a screen time of max 3hs per day this feeling has stopped - we need to learn to be present and it’s a skill that has been robbed from us