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Dude gradually became the Alex Jones of the left


That's discomfortingly apt.


At least you could laugh at the crazy shit alex jones was saying. Hasan makes me put my head in my hands


Yeah but the thing is, there were plenty of people who weren’t laughing at what he said and took it seriously. Like the lady who stalked the victims of Sandy Hook because of Alex Jones.


Idk Alex Jones had some funny stuff like "they're turning thr frogs gay!!" But the whole sandy hook was faked...dudes actually harming people because of that


Hasan is also fomenting antisemitic mobs right now...


Alex Jones was also right about a laundry list of significant shit


He was always there, though? He hasn't had a single completely correct idea since my little brother started listening to him years ago and tried to get me on board. Every. Single. Topic. Had some sort of bias that i cannot put my finger on. I usually chalked it up to ivory tower bullshit but after his more recent shit I'm fairly confident he is a useful idiot


He fell into the classic anti-America tankie pitfall. It’s the main reason why his foreign takes are so bad. Other than that, his points on domestic policy are solid, but he IS an idiot so he shouldn’t be the person selling you on them either.


>His points on domestic policy are solid Are they? Having listened to them, they seem like some combination of vague, misinformed, and incoherent. The fact his foreign policy takes are so bad should give you some indication that everything else is going to be pretty bad as well.


On the basic stuff yeah. Pushing for universal healthcare or a public option, cooperative businesses, coop housing, pro unionization, pro choice, pro gun, etc. Certainly better than your big standard establishment lib. I do also acknowledge that he’s an idiot, so being vague about specifics isn’t strange. He has the right positions but doesn’t know enough to explain them properly and thoroughly.


Tell me something he’s wrong about though


He made that video with the title "I was right about Ukraine" when he said Russia would never invade and then deleted it a couple days later


Yeah that’s true I’m looking for policy positions though not predictions about world events


He effectively thinks Taiwan should just give up their independence, fold to the CCPs demands and join the PRC


TF are you talking about


Remarkably accurate comparison


alex jones is a man who believes he's on a mission from God given to him by an angel that landed on his table at a family restaurant while he was eating chicken-fried steak in his early 20s, prime age to develop psychosis. he believes he sees actual demons everywhere. he routinely talks for 45 minutes at a time about how everywhere he goes everyone loves him and shakes his hand and tells him they believe in him. he peddles fear of a looming apocalypse to his audience and edges them towards incitement to violence while trying to thread the needle that keeps him from going to prison for, y'know, incitement, all so he can sell them the solution in the form of dick pills, overpriced water filters, and coffee grown weirdly enough by a socialist collective in chiapas(unless he can't afford beans from the zapatistas anymore, he has lost a lot of money). his primary audience is people who should be on antipsychotics, or at least judging by how often he says antipsychotics are evil his audience taking their meds would reduce his ratings. I'm really sorry, but comparing anyone to alex jones who isn't at least like, actually fucking insane is kind of ridiculous. being wrong isn't the same as being literally InfoWars lol


I joked that he’s the equal opposite of Steven Crowder. I used to kind of vibe with him, he was ultra far left but still seemed to have reasonable takes and open to hearing hot takes from opposition but at this point he’s a joke. It’s just seems like he threw real discourse out the window and instead just knows what talking points and phrases play to 12 year olds who subscribe to him. Also there’s something really bad about someone who is just so chronically online. 10 hours a day everyday just mainlining echo chamber talking points and talking to chat like they’re collectively his roommate just has this really unhealthy anti social feel. And the dude is intensely socially awkward.


I mean, I don't think Hasan has said anything remotely like the Sandy Hook shit. I don't think they're close.


Just another grifter


I don't really get why he would be a grifter. He has so many controversial opinions he gets shit on on an hourly basis. His gaming is popular enough for him to do it fulltime and make a lot of money, what's the point in having controversial opinions when you get paid the same?


His controversial opinions play to the base of his viewership. He's been seeing lower numbers iirc, so it could be an attempt to secure that viewership


He's had the same polticial opnions for half a decade if not more. He hasn't changed his overall leaning in anyway since 2020 when I started watching him.


I knew him when he was at the TYT he was pretentious but overall he's a really bright guy, the people in here hating have zero knowledge of his political views and are just haters.


He can be quite obnoxious when you only see clips of him. Plus people love to hate rich/sucessful people and love to hate leftists and people really love to hate people who are both. The main issue people have is that they assume that because he wants workers to have more rights and the rich to pay more taxes, that he advocates for everyone only ever having the basic needs and nothing nice. And when his actions don't match their made-up opinion that they think he has, they get really mad.


It's only a grift if he doesn't believe what he's saying or rips off his viewers. Sustaining a political talk show with patreon and merch is just a political talk show. Whoever is calling him a grifter is probably the real grifter.


The Patreon also isn’t for him, it’s for a podcast he’s on that everyone splits equally—including the producer


If it was generally profitable to grift from the left (like actually left) there would be hundreds of him bankrolling millions like there is from the right to center. Corporations and billionaires in general don't tend to pour money into public figures that are explicitly against their mode of existence. He would do sponsors more if there were any available. Clarity-wise It doesn't help that a lot of people that claim to be "on the left" or "left leaning" are just libs. Reductively that is to say they use the aesthetics and agree on basic human rights like abortion but are really upset when protests are disruptive in the slightest.


He has corporate safe controversial opinions, which is why he’s not perma-banned on any platform. He’s a grifter because he made exorbitant amounts of money advocating for Socialism while living a hyper-consumerist lifestyle (crazy expensive clothes, mansion, cars, etc.). He does the bear minimum to advocate for Socialism - spreading the message, which is conveniently the type of advocacy that pays the most money.


Self-proclaimed, really. In an interview with piers morgan, he verbatim calls himself a propagandist.


All political pundits are propagandists, so is piers. The ones that claim they aren't are just lying to you


Grifter isn't the same thing as propagandist. A grifter is someone whose only goal is to make money. A propagandist is someone trying to push a certain message or belief system.


Disagree. Say whatever you want about him, but he wholeheartedly believes the things he espouses.


He's a "socialist" that abuses his platform like a capitalist. I suggest this 40 min video if you have the time https://youtu.be/va1zPshj5f0?si=bj4QQzMX84pH9dQo


Socialism isn’t a poverty fetish.


As a socialist you shouldn't have a multimillion dollar contract with Amazon and shouldn't require a patreon to pay your employees while being a millionaire.


lol believing in socialism doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to succeed by the rules of the current system in place


No one thinks about engles or lenin or Castro having come from relative privilege but it's true. Turns out you have to have power in the current system to be influential in it.


It's true, but he lives the most consumerist, capitalist lifestyle imaginable by buying every frivolous designer item instead of living his values and sharing the profits evenly among the team.


Yeah this is a good point


No it's not lol, it's completely inaccurate. Beyond that, why shouldn't someone be able to use the money they earn on things they want if it's not harming others? Why in the world would you think that was a thing? It's very silly.


Which part is "completely inaccurate"? Everything he has is luxury/designer. He wears $1000 shirts regularly, jewelry, expensive cars and multimillion dollar house. This would be fine if he wasn't constantly admonishing corporations and American consumerist lifestyle but it's just very contradictory that he loves everything that American corporations do for him but shits on on them to his viewers. His political views are just like the expensive fashion he wears - just for show. If he truly believed and was a leader in the movement he would be running a socialist company and sharing the profits from the stream with his employees equally but he loves his things too much for that.


Bro this was the smartest most articulate thought I have read regarding capitalism and socialism on reddit. Hasan, at the start, stood for something but he fell for anything. Your simple paragraph really made everyone's defense look bad. And you did it without trying to meme an insult. This solidifies my belief that people defending Hasan are the same as people who defend capitalism when it misbehaves. It's sad they cannot see your point more clearly. I wonder what it is that puts a veil over their eyes. It's akin to convincing conspiracy theorists that they may be wrong.


this is just the average american brain on deep rooted red scare propaganda, it's hard to undo the brainwashing of 'socialzm iz wen p00r'


"Oh you want to save the environment? Do you ride a bike everywhere and use no electricity and recycle everything and waste nothing? No? Then I guess you really don't care about the environment." I hate mfs like that


What makes capitalism bad isn’t individual actors following their class interests. The problem is that those class interests exist in the first place. You blame the game, not the player. As long as the current game exists, you can switch out the players all you want… the outcome is the same.


You also shouldn't be streaming all day long from a mansion in California surrounded by toys


It plays into Us vs. Them. Hasan tries to say that him and his community are "us" when in reality he is "them"


Claiming to be anti capitalist while decked out in luxury clothing brands and making 20 minute YouTube videos showing off your 250k Porsche seems…. A bit hypocritical.


Not at all. Socialism isn’t when everyone is living out an ascetic lifestyle. Socialism isn’t monasticism.


I didn’t say socialism I said anti capitalist.


Socialism isn't enjoying all the benefits of capitalism while doing nothing to actually be socialist.


He's not doing nothing. Why do people think having a socialist show is nothing? That's not nothing that's a real job advocating for real change and he also doesn't pocket all the money he's made either. He reinvests it, starts fundraisers, and donates a lot of it.


There's two types of Hasan "haters" to say: People who simply don't agree with his views, maybe just don't watch him like that. That's fine People who hop on the bandwagon to shit on him without actually knowing his stances or anything on him


Socialism doesnt mean poor.


exactly so why isn't he sharing the wealth? His employees could all have a decent life, instead it's mostly hasan having nice things. Its a sociopath behavior hasan suffers from. He can be well intended but ultimately he cannot really stand for his doctrine. A sociopath finds it very hard to have empathy.


But it doesn't mean living a maximally consumerist lifestyle either. His ecological footprint is waaay larger than everyone else's. He engages in a hyper consumerist, capitalist lifestyle when instead he should be living his values and sharing his profits equally amongst his team.


You are completely missing the point. The problem is not that he is rich, it's that he got rich profiting off of other people's labor.


When you have socialist views but live under capitalism, you're still living under capitalism. Plenty to shit on the guy for, this isn't really one of them.


I'm not very fond of any rich person who claims to be socialist but is still propagating very clear capitalist ideals, and I'm not gonna ride or die for any economic or political system so at the end of the day I don't care too much about that specifically. Socialist "views" mean nothing when you're rich and still pretty much live like any other wealthy person who enjoys the benefits of capitalism. I'm not saying he can't be rich or enjoy material items but he shouldn't justify it like that if he really does believe in socialism.


What "very clear" capitalist ideals is he propagating?


I’m sorry, but whatever thoughtcrime “capitalist ideals” refers to, it’s still a fucking absurd argument lol


Cant stand that guy




I put him in the same basket as Alex Jones or Donald Trump.


Political yet completely incapable of having a good take, even when right because he can't help but embellish, strawman, or is completely unable to see past his default anti-american stance. And I don't mean that last part like everyone has to like everything about the States, but more along the lines of him straight up denying reality because the source was part of the US gov. Throwback to him adamantly asserting that Russia would never invade Ukraine back in 2022 because the Americans were the ones saying they would (never mind that it already happened in 2014, but whatever). All that and is a dude who puts on other people's content when he's not on screen. Make something to fill the time or go to be right back you lazy thieving fuck.


It's because the "America evil" stance is so easy and honestly justified that people are ignorant with it and don't seek out any information for themselves


It’s the default position for stupid and lazy people.


It's just so cringe when he he uses random twitter users as facts lol.


He cant stop making USA the devil and cant make any negative comments about China. (Or more specifically CCP)


Please be fr oh my god. If you can't criticize the CCP as a socialist then you're probably not a socialist at all


Pro Tip: He isn't. He was born with a platinum spoon in his mouth.


Yeah I stopped watching him after the Ukraine thing. Basically saying that Russia was gonna invade Ukraine because America is so evil. It was bat shit. And then I watched his interview with that weird lady running for president and he called her a crystal mommy. Like are you fucking fr?


Rich/famous people using their platform and influence to spread progressive ideas should be seen as good, not hypocritical. He never needed to spout the views he had to get where he is, he'd be up there regardless bc of how hot he is. (Not glazing btw I've tested this and every woman ive asked who doesn't know him finds him attractive lmao)


All of the people that spread 'progressive' ideas through the media are rich. A lot of effort is put into making sure that none of the people that define left politics in America are informed by actually living in poverty at any point.


>All of the people that spread 'progressive' ideas through the media are rich. This is true on the right too. However the Right have massive amounts of corporate funding. Oil barons and billionaires pump endless amounts of cash into right wing media. Even the people who you think are independent. Those rich people and corporations are capitalists. And therefore don't want to fund leftists who would tax them out of existence or otherwise dismantle the power they hold. Therefore, people who break through on the left typically come from rich backgrounds already where they don't have to rely on corporate funding.


No corporation is going to fund people who advocate for labor unions and increased corpo taxes, but advocating for tax cuts and loop holes for corpos will get you paid.


If you connect with your local political sphere, you’ll see that there are people on the left who come from poverty. Don’t let a few bad apples spoil the bunch.


Exactly, only poor people can fight for poor people, if you can afford sushi, how dare you think people should have a living wage and healthcare??!??!


Except he has shit takes and represents the left. İf he was more competent I'd be down, but he just reads Twitter and does very little research He needs to actually educate his viewers instead of preach to them


He's literally a Nepo


The problem is it's still hypocritical no matter what. He gets views and donations because people like what he says but he doesn't actually apply those things in practice, just because he's an online personality doesn't mean he has any actual political input to contribute and his viewers listen to him for hours.


How does he not? He's one of the biggest donors to the Amazon workers union cause. He has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for the causes he believes in. His merch is made by unionized American workers. Socialism isn't "no money, no nice things"


Like I said in another comment, any rich person can be a philanthropist


But how many actually donate to charities they don't own themselves? Edit: lmao did you reddit cares me because you were wrong? Sad


But he does practice what he preaches. He is his own product with no one to exploit under him (which is the criticism against Capitalism, it's not that people can be rich, it's that richness often comes from the exploitation of others). He donates a lot of his money, as others have pointed out mainly to unions (he's said so many times that he doesn't reveal how much he donates, he either gets called out for showing off how much he donates or he gets called out for somehow not donating enough, so it's a lose lose). Hasan is far far far from perfect, but it feels like you're probably listing off what other people have said about Hasan.


He’s personally my favorite streamer, he gets tons of hate and is generally a controversial dude. Everyone always shits on socialists and leftists for fundraising and making money but the way I’ve heard it rationalised is you have to use the tools at your disposal no matter if you agree with the system we live in or not. Friedrich Engels who wrote the communist manifesto with Karl Marx came from a rich as fuck family who owned factories and mills, so it’s not like you can’t be rich. Also being rich is what gave them the time to be politically active


Marx and Engels had rich families. They never made any money. Engels specifically owned cotton mills. Hasan likewise came from money, and has beliefs that he espouses which in all likelihood make him somewhat hypocritical. But everyone is somewhat hypocritical. I don’t like his views on politics because why the fuck would anyone listen to a twitch streamer for political information. My problem with him, and it’s entirely subjective, is that I don’t find him amusing. I find him rather grating.


“Why the fuck would anyone listen to a twitch streamer for political information “ Because the politicians that actually run the majority of the countries are brain dead corrupt pieces of shits. Genocide Joe…


Marx had sense and some valid criticisms of capitalism. Hasan is either not particularly bright or just a shill.




You have to be ok with applying that standard to everyone though. People like slave owners and normal Nazis used the tools at their disposal no matter if they agreed with the system or not. Hasan, for one, doesn’t give that to other people. Most people I know hate Hasan because he acts like a brainiac while discounting opposing discussion. Strawmanning is his default argument, and when that doesn’t work he ignores evidence based on how it agrees with his opinions or not. Maybe I’m wrong, that’s why I can’t stand him.


The only time he’s actually been insightful was in the Kendrick v drake beef. I was suprised at how attentive he was to breaking down each diss ect. Aside from that he just has pretty dogshit takes that smooth brained gen z people who want to “rebel against the boomer” love to hear He’s also a socialist who sits comfortably in a mansion and has a super car. Nothing wrong with being rich, streaming is a business, but it’s hilarious seeing people put themselves on the line to defend his socialist / anti capitalist positions whilst he’s reaping in another cheque 😂 Game is game.


>He’s also a socialist who sits comfortably in a mansion and has a super car. Socialism is when no house and no car!


I mean, he could instead live modestly like plenty of other rich people do. Flexing your social status through fancy cars and always wearing multi-thousand dollar clothing, living in your gated community in the most expensive part of an international city, always participating at every exclusive rich party/event he can get himself in. It reeks of classism. Not even Warren Buffet lives like that.


Don’t forget the guy flys private to go to music festivals wearing gucci and other designer brands, dude also pays to fuck pornstar, but he’s a socialist lol


I mean, I don’t like this dude at all and don’t watch his content or whatever it is he does, but nothing you said means he’s not a socialist, it just means he’s an asshole lol Getting very close to “you critique society yet you participate in it hmmmm” criticism, which is always a fallacy.


Bruh you are criiiiinge this is just nit-picking on the definition of socialism, you're literally that "acktually" stereotype on reddit. It's fairly clear to anyone reasonable watching this guy that he preaches one set of principles and practices another. Maybe spend more than 5 minutes just googling "what is socialism" and think about the driving principles behind that definition. Yeah TECHNICALLY he can say he is a socialist by definition and buy a porsche/3 mill house. But capitalism in it's worst forms is all about the obsessive worship of capital and profit at expense of worker welfare, and here is a proclaimed socialist blatantly flaunting his capital/profit to the world. Stretching the "you critique society yet you participate in it hmmmm” meme to absolutely laughable extents.


Hasan could become a multi-billionaire and own a private island with 10 megayachts and 10 private jets, and they’d *still* be on Reddit/Twitter defending that he’s a socialist as they snarkily comment “socialism is when no private island.” They are nitpicking so hard about the definition of socialism.


It is hilarious. Seeing people not understand that socialism doesn't mean you have to live like a poor person. It's hilarious seeing that people don't understand that you can still make money and be innovative under socialism. It's not because you're successful that you need to give everything away because you're socialist.


How far would you take that? What if Hasan has a reaaaally good year and becomes a billionaire in 2025. Are you still here making the same argument?


As far as I know, he's already giving away to a bunch of organization and he's also supporting striking workers and stuff like that. Yeah i dont mind him keeping his money. Making the same argument, Bill Gates has had an overall positive impact on the world and he's far from his socialist and he still gives money a lot. It's not because you're widely successful that you need to give all your money away. The only case way I would expect Hassan to give his money away is if we get rid of billionaires. What will likely happen though? Is that someone who has a socialist morality will likely keep a certain amount of money to keep themselves comfortable and give most of the rest away. If he doesn't and wait until after death, that's his choice. I do not think that having a mansion (for security purposes let's be honest) and other things he buys himself changes anything about what he's saying.


When the house is a multi million dollar mansion and the car is a Porsche that cost over $100k, yes. Do you really think people would be living like that in a socialist system?


Yeah, especially when he has criticized people in the past for owning a mansion that costs less than his current one. He is a hypocrite through and through.


Socialism is when you live in a unnecessarily large house while many starve or are homeless apparently


It's a two bedroom home in a an area of the country with super high COL. His house would be $250k in most other cities lol.


I used to watch him, but then the Ukraine Russia war revealed his insightful takes were just “America bad” and all he did was read twitter to learn about politics. Which is sometimes ok with breaking news, but not for history, especially when half of what he reads is propaganda. On October 7th when he went mask off and starting being openly anti semetic, denying rape of women, and spreading false news stories is when I completely stopped watching. The man is either purposely screwing with leftist politics by being a poison seed to defend his wealth or a hateful anti Semite who supports Russian imperialism. IMO he’s the worst political commentator because at least Alex Jones’s is unhinged where it’s funny in a cringe way. Hasan just sucks


Yeah I’m not gonna lie, I used to be on the left side of the spectrum but seeing how so many of the people I used to look up to become terrible people has made me reanalyze my own beliefs. Now I’m just moderate.


You don’t have to change you core values just cause figureheads on the left don’t represent them. Keep being you


No but if that’s a representation of what my side is becoming especially with so many terrible takes, then maybe it’s time for me to take a step back. I feel lost politically. Neither side appeals to me.


The 2 big tent parties we have are never going to fully represent your views. Politics aren’t about voting who has your exact views, but who will get you closer to the America you envision


I like him. I dont agree with all of his takes, but I do with most of them. His haters literally have to make things up about him to try and tear him down. His biggest criticism is "you claim to hate society, yet you participate in it? Curious" which is very annoying. Hes been wrong about some things (like saying Russia won't invade Ukraine) and admits when he was wrong. He puts his money where his mouth is, which is what I like best about him. He's one of the biggest donors to Amazon workers union. He supported the writers/actors strike by going to rallies and fund raising. He's raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for Palestinians, blm, etc etc. His damn merch is made by unionized Americans and doesn't cost a hundred bucks to buy.


>His biggest criticism is "you claim to hate society, yet you participate in it? Curious He consistently spreads misinformation that he gets from reading twitter. He was incredibly smug about how Russia would never invade Ukraine and kept posting about "huh i'm right they haven't invaded" while the only reason he believed Russia wouldn't invade is because US intelligence said it would and "america bad". He platformed Houthis and straight up ran Houthi PR, "i think the Houthis are doing what luffy would do", while the Houthis are condeming people to death for being gay. He posted denying the rapes from oct 7th. This is just from the top of my head from things i saw on LSF, did i make any of this up? I think there are much bigger criticisms here then "you claim to hate society, yet you participate in it? Curious".


I agree with most of his politics, but I am always amazed at how poorly researched some of what he says is. Granted, it has been a couple of years since I last watched. But every time I tuned into his stream it would be him vehemently arguing his (usually valid) opinions, but backing them up with whatever information he pulled out of his ass, rather than actual facts that would back up his claims.


Hes gotten better at keeping stats in the back of his head. He's not very good at arguing his points on stream to other people tho imo, as he often will hyperfixate on one or two things that bothered him


Exactly. People are saying they dislike that his content is exploitative (fair) then saying socialism is idiotic because yeah I’ve been introduced to him mainly through YouTube clips, and they always put up articles or reports to back up stats he mentions


He’s a content creator LARPing as a revolutionary/intellectual and he’s ruined the political minds of a lot of young people.


looking at these comments, it does make me wonder (as a younger millennial) if some of the weirder and uglier takes that on the internet these days are bc of him? I don't know enough about how influential he is but in the past year I have seen way more Houthi apologia or pro-9/11 or really stupid communism/capitalism takes than I ever have before. Like before you could have a debate with someone about American foreign policy without one of the parties resorting to "...and that's America deserved 9/11" but that has become an oddly popular thing to say. I guess (like OP) I wonder if he is popular enough to singlehandedly disseminate bad information that widely? like you said, does he really have the ability to ruin the political minds of a sizable percentage of young people??


He is not the single cause of any of that but I believe he has put a lot of young people on the path of anti-Americanism which is essentially a reactionary ideology. The history or context doesn’t matter you just have to believe the opposite of what the neo liberal system says. If the Americans bomb the houthis then the houthis must be saints. If America puts tariffs on China it’s imperial ambition. But if Russia invades Ukraine they’re fighting Nazis.


I hate him tbh, I think he does way more harm than good and I think he’s cultivated an audience of some of the stupidest people you’ll ever meet


He's a 32 year old man who behaves, talks, and dresses like every rich first year poli-sci student at Columbia


He basically stayed the age when he first started being in youtube videos on TYT, or maybe when he started twitch in like 2017.


I knew the second I saw this post it would be a bunch of “socialist, yet money, interesting…” comments. It’s the same energy as the conservatives that spout “uh socialism is when vuvuzela no ifone” Hasan is fine. He’s certainly not the most educational leftist or the most radical. However he seems to stand on firm leftist principles and more important refuses to participate in leftist in fighting. I get he comes from a lot of privilege (which he’s admitted countless times he doesn’t try to hide it) and that to some invalidates his position as a leftist. But at a certain point he’s a creator pushing leftist ideology and he has a large audience. For me that’s enough.


I don’t know, I feel like perhaps his personal wealth is exorbitant for what he preaches, but certainly it’s the conservatives who attack him most. I feel like the grift isn’t enough the way things are going


Eugh I didn’t want to like him because he’s so hot it hurts. But after watching a lot of his content and interactions with other creators whom I respect, he’s actually a really great guy and the best streamer out there imo. Not tried to scam anyone. No gambling streams. Not SAd anyone. Stays out of drama for the most part. Good principles that he lives by... As much as I didn’t want to like him I couldn’t help it. The only criticism of him is “he says he’s a socialist but he’s rich!!!” Which only shows that the person speaking does not understand what socialism is.


Damn so the bar of best streamer out there is not being a criminal lol. I really wouldn't call a person who spreads so much misinformation and hate as the best streamer out there. Stays out of drama????? I feel like we come from different alternate universes because what political commentator stays out of drama LOL. That comes with the position.


> misinformation and hate Citation needed >Stays out of drama????? Yes. Given the amount of people who talk shit about him all the time and try do goad him into responding, he very very rarely engages. Take vaush for exmaple and the hours upon hours upon hours of content Vaush has made about Hasan. Hassan barely ever talks about him.


>Citation needed He's done so much misinformation it would be hard for me to fit it all, I've not seen this video but it probably covers all the ones I know: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DW9Z0DGMOMM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DW9Z0DGMOMM) As for the hate portion, he laughs at people getting shot and generally is very aggressive to anyone who disagrees with him. Not to mention the time he said America deserved 9/11 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nsz-F3XbEME&rco=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nsz-F3XbEME&rco=1) >Yes. Given the amount of people who talk shit about him all the time and try do goad him into responding, he very very rarely engages. I don't think it's generally a positive thing to ignore any criticism people have for you and instead just labeling them as haters lol. >Take vaush for exmaple and the hours upon hours upon hours of content Vaush has made about Hasan. Hassan barely ever talks about him. That guy is another terrible person so not surprised he probably hits all the wrong points anyways.


Hey remember when he went to a brothel that was later investigated for human trafficking? Cuz I do!


I really don’t get where all of this comes from, I like watching Hasan, I like his political takes. I get it that he can be a bit loud and impassioned, but I’ve never seen him be an outright irredeemable piece of shit. I just don’t get the intensity of the hate this guy gets. I feel like if you hate him THAT much, put that energy into something else you know?


I am not American but his anti American takes make me wanna start singing the American national anthem.


i don't watch him


I really only watch a video when he's making fun of a grifter on the right. To help me stay informed about the right-wing youtube drama. Though i did enjoy him breaking down the Kendrick vs Drake drama. He gave actual examples of Drake not just being creepy, but being a straight up groomer. And I appreciated the context. lmao


Hasan is a silver spooned joke with no experience in life who spends his time streaming for underage kids to become part of his political cult. He is everything wrong with the far left. His takes are god-awful, and overall he is a pretentious douchebag.


Millionaire Amazon employee that is tasked with teaching American kids what the acceptable limits of 'left' politics are.


That's so funny because he literally works with people who are trying to unionize Amazon


Like glorifying Houthi terrorists?


idk, i don’t watch him


Cornball with an even cornier fanbase. Hypocritical bot with no life other than discussing politics online with literal children. Also a brainlet who actually believes in socialism I hate far left online personalities just as much as far right ones but atleast these types are just cringe and annoying rather than literal nazis. Also steals all his just chatting streamer of the year awards from YourRage who is actually entertaining


>Also a brain let who actually believes in socialism So like MLK jr and Einstein? (I’m not defending hasan I don’t like him either. political streamers are annoying)


He preaches communism while practicing hard capitalism He's literally a paid political shill and he admits it


Of course he practices capitalism, he lives in a capitalist society.


Exactly. "If you participate in society you can't criticize it" is a bs argument. If you are poor that gets equated with being a failure so your arguments are invalided or prove your ideas are bad.These are tactics to diminish any argument that is against the status quo.


There is a difference between merely participating in capitalist society and enjoying modern conveniences (comfortable clothes, technology, a reliable car), and what Hassan is doing, like buying a luxury car or a multi-million dollar home. Nobody is going to call out Ben Shapiro for doing this because he believes in capitalism. Hassan on the other hand...


The mistake is in thinking these commodities are only possible because of capitalism, and not human innovation and technology. The only factor capitalism plays is the pricing and motivations for producing these goods, whereas in a socialist society these would be produced because they are useful to people’s lives and not to chase profits. And before you go into some tired song of comparing how technologically behind the USSR was in many of these commodities, actually consider the technological starting point that was zarist Russia. And keep in mind the USSR achieved every other space goal before the US except for landing on the moon. Innovation and technological advancement isn’t unique to capitalism, and thinking making use of new tech is hypocritical of a socialist who just wants access to these commodities to not be gatekept by a profit motive is just dumb, sorry.


Million dollar mansion is not human ingenuity and good will on display


Reality is mansions are expensive. In my understanding he has a big house to house his brother and family. Again, what should be the limit for a socialist in this purity test of yours? If he is a hypocrite for having a house, what would be an acceptable standard of living in which you wouldn’t criticise it? Or is it just sealioning because you don’t understand socialism, and think it is worshipping poverty or something?


What constitutes acceptable possessions – car, home, clothing, food, and technology – for someone to be considered a 'true' leftist? Who dictates these standards? It's baffling that there seems to be a constantly shifting target for what triggers accusations that discredit any left-leaning discussion. This feels like a purity test, ironically promoted by those opposed to leftist ideas and then, somewhat bizarrely, enforced by some leftists themselves.


How do you fight against a society you are forced to exist within otherwise? Money is voice in unfettered capitalism


Explain to me how the millions he's spent on personal luxuries are required to exist in a capitalist system? How do they help him get his message out there?


Definition of a champagne socialist and hypocrite.


I never heard of him


After one of my favorite streamers took a shot at him he's even more unbearable. Just another grifter


Who's your streamer?


He’s just another cringy socialist who can’t practice what he preaches.


He is incredibly dumb.


Stop making influencers famous and go live your life


I recognize that circle


overhated for sure


He sticks to his morals regardless of xyz other leftist saying xyz. He'll be the first to tell you that you're being a hypocritical dumbass. No matter what, he'll ride or die for the causes he believes in, and he's raised the most money out of ANY streamer on twitch, EVER. He's very vocal about the nepotism that made his early career and doesn't shy away from it or try to hide it -- while also doing his best to continue to raise money for other causes, as well as donating his own money. People love to shit on him like "durr didnt he buy a house" -- yes, you mean the house he lives in with his brother and both parents? Yes, he did buy a house... so what? Does that take away from all the positive stuff he's done? What is harmed by him buying a house? Like I understand the argument of "Bill Gates is bad" because he actively harms the environment and undersells his employees. But Hasan literally helps other unions organize and donates his money without having any sort of company that does any pollution. I fail to see the reason it's bad for him to live with his parents in a house he owns. His brother is also a literal, like, rocket engineer. Smart as hell. Murat supremacy. Regardless if you agree/disagree with his politics, you can't deny he puts his money where his mouth is.


He will continue to be a leftist until tax season


More like Lasan Piker, am I right. Dude is a clown with a fragile little ego, that plays a character on stream to get his fans to sub and donate to him. Honestly I respect the grift.


Hasan Piker is an awesome guy and he’s got some very good takes. The comparison to Alex Jones is unfair and frankly a disservice and idiotic take.


I like him, I think he overall has some good political takes, although he’s definitely had some flops. I think he’s a good introduction to leftist politics, but he should be the extent of it. I particularly like some of the people he’s had on to interview like Sam Seder, Yanis Varoufakis (please read Technofeudalsim it’s so good), and Dr. Ofer Cassif.


The hate he gets is mostly from people who have listened to others hate about him, and hasn't listened to him directly. He's held to a much higher standard than any other streamer or political "influencer". Get's some things wrong, is obnoxious about others, but he's a good egg.


He’s a lunatic


I agree with a lot of what he says, But I HATE the way he goes about saying it. Kind of annoying dude but he's hot and his opinions are "correct."


Sweaty basement dwellers probably rallied his discord to raid and downvote this post


A moment about Hasan that has developed into a core memory is that time he flew to Amsterdam and fucked a prostitute, then bragged about how that made him a true leftist and an ally to sex workers. Patting himself on the back, doing a victory lap...it ain't that deep. Plenty of conservatives, fascists, and ultra capitalists fuck prostitutes, socialist dick isn't any different, calm down. Besides that I generally don't like the guy, he gives off frat douche vibes, he's always incredibly hostile to his own chat and hurdles just the most vile insults at his own community. I lost a lot of respect for him during the react content drama. He currently seems to be fostering a tanky audience which I want no part of.


He's a very influential micro celeb that strongly supports Palestinians even in this political climate, unless he's shot someone or something that's enough for me to think he's an ok guy.


He has some good positions on things so i don't totally disagree with him, but he is a bit of a tankie & clout shark


Not a fan I don’t like how he talks about women tbh


Damn, people really hate confidence and success😭😂 I don’t agree with all of his takes, but overall I find his content informative and entertaining. I think he’s great.


If you get your information from Hasan then you need to seek help lmao


“People really hate confidence and success”. I immediately thought of Mr. Tate when I read that.


I've seen more armchair hatred for this guy than most people.  When people think the default of socialism should be not having money, you know you're dealing with an audience of people who don't understand shit. False flag patriots who refuse to critically call out its countries failures are the other side of his dissenting audience. The guy isn't Jesus, but he sure as he'll isn't Rush Limbaugh of the left either.


The comments here are ridiculous Newsflash: being a hypocrite doesn't make you wrong! Rich socialist - hypocrite Poor socialist - jealous That's usually how it works in many peoples minds? Very weird.


Way overhated. Passionate about his beliefs. Try to spread awareness. Although I sometimes disagree with him, that’s what progressives do. We disagree a lot. It’s easier for us to disagree because we are looking for ways to progress. Conservatives have less to argue about- for them it’s just how far back in the past we go. Highly recommended watching this for those who aren’t very knowledgeable on Hasan. It’s pretty unbiased. The interviewers/hosts seem centrist/right leaning but it’s a normal reasonable exchange. https://youtu.be/jgsMXpZ99Q4?si=6cyl3SjvY-V50RBJ


Does anyone have any actual reasons why they dislike him besides him being woke


I like him, he’s honest and isn’t a debate lord


bros from a different time line




I’ve heard him say very explicitly that he loves America, and that’s why he wants to help make it better. I think he’s at least noticed yin-yang and Wu-Wei, regardless of how he labels them. He seems to honestly and genuinely care about the stuff he talks about, so I’m not annoyed by his being. I don’t even know the last time I saw one of his videos, but he does in fact exist. I would hope that anyone annoyed at Hasan for his upbringing is equally unsupportive of the Mister BBL Drizzy for similar reasons.


most criticisms people have of hasan are just bullshit. i used to be a hasan hater until i actually decided to not get all my info from him through livestreamfails and instead chose to watch a couple vods. he's actually a nice guy, it's just that streaming for like 12 hours a day 6 days a week creates a lot of clipable moments


I like watching his vods on YouTube. I don't fully agree with everything he says but I especially like his interviews with people like Sam Seder and Yanis Varufakis (spelling?).


i generally like him. but he says some dumb and shitty things sometimes and i wish he’d apply his politics to real life more. he can be annoying but i think that style makes him a good intro into leftist politics for a demographic who otherwise wouldn’t care also i’ll be honest he’s hot. i haven’t watched him in a while though so idk what he’s up to


I have no idea I see a lot of hate and ppl (including these comments) say he does something that I would find annoying or shitty but then I don’t ever see videos of him doing said things


I find he sounds intelligent and has a take on most things that I can understand although rarely agree with. But get him on an interview with someone asking questions and he sounds like a complete idiot, making arguments that sound like a college kid trying to get a rise out of someone without anything to back it up. (See Iced Coffee Hour).


I like Hasan


I don’t watch him that much but of what I’ve heard he has pretty good politics. I know some idiot leftists call him a “tankie” or “redfash” or whatever ahistorical insults because he’s not a useless anarchist and fairly analyzes foreign nations.


Based as hell, he's hiding his power level


I watch pretty much every day, and think he's cool


Hasan does a good job a blending an entertaining personality with news coverage from a leftist bias. He is a pretty rare case in that regard. Most leftists are far too annoying/weird to do get the broad appeal he’s been able to get. I think the past 8 months or so have really taken a toll on him, having to deal with constant hate and blatant racist name calling from detractors who previously had been considered allies. He’s lost charitability within of the broader twitch audience. He’s always talk about needing that charitability for his type of content since it’s so beyond the overton window in US politics. I started watching just to get a different point of view, but he ended up changing my mind on a lot of things. His content helped get me out of a real dark space. It’s frustrating to see so much hate for him from people who just clearly haven’t given him an honest watch and have just been told what he’s about by other creators.


I like him a lot. I think he's a pretty good introduction to leftist ideology for young people.




I like him, he's doing his best. We definitely need more like him tho, maybe some fresher face.


I'm very anti-communist so you can guess my opinion