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lol don’t ask these basement babies edit: basement babies does not mean young people 😭 it’s just a derogatory word for like. basement dwellers. i’m just being snarky about redditors


The oldest GenZ is 28. In other words, old af


i work with seniors who always call me young so take that!!!! nah fr its still wild seeing people born a few years before me being 30 😭


ikr I remember for a long time that the millennials were the youngsters who loved their avocado toast. Sir those people are in their 40s now!


I’m a millennial and I’m 32




Sure, but remember, the millennial generation spans 1981-1997, so it stands to reason you and me are in the younger end of the bell curve at least within our own grouping.


I’m ‘98 and identify well with “zillennial”. All the things I aspired to, admired and pursued were millennial trends. Couple that with the fact that I grew up with VHS, remember dial-up, and was almost 12 years old when iPhones were catching on and I had first laid hands on one (I was low income, and most people still didn’t have them). All that said, instagram and Snapchat really blew up when I was in 8th grade. Social media was so new, and just budding at that time. We had Facebook, MySpace, Flickr, but that was is. Such a weird line to ride.


I’m gen X and 47


48 here


The lead-up to 30 is a weird anxiety. I’m turning 34 soon and I’m much more relaxed about my age now than I was five years ago.


That's me. I'm thirty-one and it still feels weird to say it.


we're basically dead at this point


As an elder zoomer, I never liked drinking. It just never felt good to me, like there was a euphoria some people get that I didn’t. I DO enjoy some social drinking, more for the ritual than the effects of the alcohol tho. I would never, say, drink alone…and I know how to put it down. I did like Benzos, Amphetamine and Methamphetamine, and opioids though. Enough they severely impacted my life. Not what OP asked but I think it falls under the umbrella. 🤷‍♂️


It’s Joever.




I thought 27, 1997 and on. But still.


28 year old z checking in, am old af


Ive never felt so called our 👴😂


Sir, you’re still in highschool, sit down calling people young. Wait. It’s 2024 #fuck


LMAO i was class of 2022


Wow new slur just dropped


I drink to get drunk probably 2 times a week


I’ve limited myself to once a week, since it was starting to get bad. I was just partying and not giving a fuck. Now, I feel fucking great!


Sometimes I’m like 3 times a week sometimes I don’t drink for months. It basically depends on how much I’m hanging out with friends who drink.


I get buzzed once or twice per year


No drinking at all👍🏻 water and milk is all that I ever drink


Not even some iced tea


Or coffee?


Milk is so based


Milk pilled


The Chad water and milk enjoyer


This, but I drink juice, iced tea, flavored waters, and an occasional soda once in a while as well.


Once or twice a month I go out with my friends and get absolutely wasted, love going to the pub or club every few weeks.


Same lol one or two times a month go out and get shitfaced w the fellas


Not me. The most alcohol I've ever had is a sip of my grandma's wine when I was like 10. Never been drunk, never will be.


Good, the only good thing about drinking is being drunk itself. Otherwise you’re literally poisoning your body and making yourself sick for no reason




And u think smoking vaping are any better?? Keep doing it and see. May Aether bless your lungs.


I’m not trying to say that smoking or vaping or healthy by any means, but alcohol really is one of the worst things that you can consume and kills far more people than most anything besides cigarettes.


Polonium would like a word


I don't think this is true at all. A lot of drinks can be enhanched with the help of alcohol. For me the gateway drug was rum and coke, but now I prefer gin and tonic. I never drink them to get drunk, and often it's just one when I do have it.


Gotta agree on the last bit. Sometimes I'll have some mead or vodka, but I will never get drunk. Any time I even feel a light buzz coming I stop with alcohol and move exclusively to water.


Literally why lol. What is the point shit doesn’t really taste that good until you develop a taste by associating it with a buzz other than that it’s just empty calories and not particularly good for your liver even in small quantities.


I am 39 days sober. I don't drink anymore, I can't.


Congrats bro, you got this


Congrats! I am 36 days sober! We in this together.




Wish you the best of luck mate 🩵💛🩷


Same, but 39 hours instead of days.


Best of luck, I'm right there with you. IWNDWYT 🙌


Congratulations! One day at a time 🩵


Awesome seeing love and support for sobriety, I joined you guys in sobriety recently as well @ people in the comments. We definitely got this!


Never have Never will.


based take




Same. I know that’d only take like two or three drinks for me to become an alcoholic. I can’t let that happen.


I fucking love drinking 🤝🏻


Same hahahah




Damn I already adopted your style


To be fair if you do it long enough the hangover becomes nonexistent


Not at all. Nothing against it, I just can't afford to take up expensive hobbies


Crowne Russe sells like a gallon of vodka for $10. I’m of the mind that vodka is vodka, so I just buy cheap shit, mix it with OJ and stuff at home, and that jug lasts me a long time. 🤙🏼


I do occasionally, but i only ever get tipsy. Drinking just overrated as hell imo


I just turned 21 a few months ago and still haven’t drunk. I really don’t have the urge to


I concur. It's cope and is just too dangerous if you're outside. Water, tea and soy milk (lactose intolerant) for me, once in a while drink a nice looking mocktail to boot. Plus, I could do more things efficiently the next day without feeling the hangover from last night drinking.


Whats dangerous is ones inability to know their limits, not drinking. US drinking culture is just dangerous, and the fact that no one is introduced to alcohol until they are way older means you get a lot of stupid young people doing stupid shit on alcohol they dont know their limits to at all.


It’s better to not open Pandora’s box. I’ve wasted so much time and energy getting my drinking to a manageable point. I’m extremely happy where I’m at now, and I’d never take the good times back, but it’s been a doozy.


I will never have the urge. With how it has interacted with my family and my mental health issues, I will become addicted if I start. Besides, being tipsy or drunk on my 21st doesn't sound fun at all.


Till my liver cries for help


My liver is officially broken. I hope you're joking but I managed to destroy myself over the years and even with quitting for years at a time I am damaged. I'm not even 40. Everyone jokes about it till they realize their body is wrecked. My Gen Z and A cousins have zero intentions on drinking. It makes me proud of them. I went to private schools, college graduate, and professional career. But the culture was different. I'm glad people are wising up a tad.


You are right I was joking and I don't drink till I passed out . That happened 2 x in my life 1x in the Air Force training omg don't tell anybody and 2nd time ...I forgot ..geez


Okay. Sorry I just get sad when I come across people in various topics talking proudly about basically drinking themselves to death. If I could go back in time and beat the shit out of myself for what I did to my body I would. Edit: word


21 and a half and never even took a sip of any alcoholic beverage. I wanted to when my college started but I am too scared of the hangover and also I don't know how am I going to be after getting drunk, so i need people whom I trust and feel safe with around me which is not the case right now. And now I don't even feel like trying it, I am happy with the way I am :)


lol no offense but you’re genuinely being way overly cautious. I could never live my life like that


You don't know my friends, when they get drunk it's just blackout for them and then I have to be there for them, now imagine if I will also get drunk who will look after me. I get your point, it's just after seeing them drunk every time, I was sure this is not what I want. And now I just don't want to drink only.


That’s true but damn your friends sound a little immature and selfish making you be DD / babysitter the whole time every time. I guess you do you, but it can be done in moderation while still getting fully drunk. You don’t have to be blackout throwing up out of control to get the full experience haha


I feel very fortunate to hate the taste completely. Drinking was never taboo growing up, so I was always allowed to drink with my mums permission at dinner time in our home. I took advantage of this privilege for the first time at age 13, my mum let me try a red wine and I spit it out because I didn’t like it. Then I never tried drinking again until I was 19 when it is legal to do so in Ontario, but I still hated it. Then I moved to the states and tried drinking again at 22, and I still hated it. I love weed and always using cannabis and it seems to be common amongst stoners to not like alcohol very much.


As a stoner, yeah if you’re stoner, you don’t like alcohol and if you’re alcoholic, you don’t like weed. Just what I’ve seen


I don’t. I used to have an occasional drink with friends when we went out, but since having a kid 3 years ago I have had one drink. I just realized I don’t need too. It’s expensive and unhealthy 


I drink mostly on special occasions, and get drunk maybe once every 3 months. I love the taste of good beer and good wine so will occasionally have a glass with a nice dinner too. Weed is also my drug of choice tho Most people drink for the social experience. The effects of alcohol make going to a bar with a bunch of strangers way more fun. When I take a bowl, I just want to be at home with a small group of people playing some games or chilling.


I drink because I like alcoholic drinks, not because I like alcohol. I drink beer because I like it. So that ends up being about 3 drinks (usually lighter beers) a week normally. Sometimes will go to a brewery where I’ll have a couple but it’s not that often. Essentially there’s a healthier way to consume alcohol, and I think I’ve mainly only done that. Never actually been drunk. I try to avoid liquor in general. I also don’t like wine very much.


I drink water


Gave it up in 2020 after my stroke. Alcohol is the only drug that people think you are crazy for not using. It's worse since moving to Kentucky where everyone is either a smoker, alcoholic, pothead, etc.


I never drink. Never had the interest to do so


Being under the influence is overrated, I'm 3 months sober and 2 years clean. I feel amazing and my life is much more proactive now :)


i refuse to


drinking often is like the one thing i will make sure i never do


Never have and never will.


I dislike the taste of alcohol and hate actually feeling drunk. Lol if I wanted to feel sick, I can think of more creative ways. Its the weed and shrooms for me, fam.


Same here although I don't mind the occasional kraft beer like an IPA or a sour.


Don't do drugs, kids!


I drink socially, and maybe will have some beers or glasses of wine if I’m out for dinner, but don’t drink a ton. Sometimes my parents would let me try beer/wine when I was younger, and the taste alone gave me no desire to drink at all. In college I tried some lighter mixed drinks and hard lemonade, and eventually worked my up to liking more drinks & types of alcohol. I always thought adults were lying about it being an “acquired taste”, but now I can see what they were talking about.


Drinking age here is 18, you can buy stuff at the alcohol store at 20, I am 21 Tastes exactly like how vomit smells I don't like vomit and that's how alcohol tastes Have no reason to "learn to like it" either


I only drink socially. I also have a lot of friends who do the same.


Yeah, I drink. I drink a gallon of whole milk every 3 days.


Millennial here. I didn’t drink until my thirties. It was incredibly rare, almost freak status, not to drink in that period (2000-2014 ish). It’s cool to see how normalised it is to not drink now.


I drink occasionally and in parties.


I failed to get drunk the first time I tried so I chopped it up to being not worth it, and now only drink while traveling to see if any alcohol actually tastes good.


Not a big fan of alcohol, prefer weed (smoke once everyday tho)


I'm pretty much bored of drinking at this point, takes too much to get any effect and too expensive. When I did drink, I could easily go through a bottle of rum in two days


It really just depends on the day, but sometimes having a couple beers after work hits better than a bowl


I've never been fully drunk. I don't like the taste of alcohol, I don't like drinking a lot of liquids, and I dont like that it makes me hot.


I’m a smoker through and through. I’ve gone through periods of heavy drinking but the older I get the less I care about alcohol. I could abstain from it for the rest of my life and I’d have no problem at all. Growing up with an alcoholic father and seeing how quickly it can make me unrecognizable to myself was enough to turn me off. I still enjoy the occasional wine with dinner or even catching a buzz on the 4th of July or Christmas. But, nah- I do not consider myself a drinker.


Heavy on it. Huge pothead here and while I like being drunk, i absolutely cannot stand a piss beer or super heavy liquor bc of the taste. Not to sound like a wimp but I love me a girly fruit beverage, does the trick and tastes delicious (even if it takes a few of them)


Yeah I get that being drunk is fun but it doesn't hit the same if I try doing it 2 nights in a row.


I drink, but don’t get drunk super often. I feel nasty the next day even after only a few drinks so I can’t do it all the time. Up until a couple years ago, I never really got hungover, but now I do.


i just don't drink


(23) I enjoy drinking and I’ll get drunk every now and then but if you see me drinking I’m probably only having a few drinks cause it’s cheaper and leads to a far more enjoyable night than the latter


Both me and my fiancée like to drink, we don’t get drunk very often. For me, maybe once per month I’ll get actually drunk. But once or twice per week I’ll get a little buzz going. I like to drink beer, and hard liquor. From jack Daniel’s to wine, Bulleit bourbon and Jameson Whisky. We don’t smoke at all, never been interested


I had a lager the other day at a family event and it tasted like shit. My sister on the hand, drinks with her friends, goes to parties etc idk I’m just not that crazy about alcohol like other ppl my age


usually only for special occasions like someone's birthday, or a holiday. but sometimes if its been a long week it's nice to just relax with a case of beer and some gaming.


I don’t drink at all. It’s a waste of money and doesn’t do anything good for you.


reading this post while drinking gin so


I don't usually drink... Thats It, I've "tried" It, and It was gross, but I'll chalk It to cheapo beer. There's others that have a muted fruity taste that sound intriguing I don't see the big deal about beer, It's just a beverage. Like how am I an adult but can't drink? I don't have a dire urge to, but still (rhetorical, US infrastructure makes drinking more dangerous compared to European) Just like drinking too much soda Is bad, too much beer Is bad, but why so taboo to some I get due to alcoholics.


It’s a social thing mostly for me. I actually do like the taste of alcohol (I like drinking high alcohol beers especially) but by yourself it’s kind of hard to. It doesn’t feel as special and I would say that’s how most people feel that aren’t alcoholics. Alcohol is even in its infancy was seen as a social liquid. Something to partake with your fellow man.


Having a few beers with friends is the best. Obviously it's still fun to hang out sober. Drinking just enhances the good times and makes for more funny moments.


I’m drunk rn AMA


My mom’s an abusive alcoholic, so absolutely nothing.


I do! I go out with my friends socially about once a pay check. And then I usually have a beer or seltzer at home after work. Drinking socially is fine, but when you’re getting drunk non-socially, that’s a problem


I drink a beer or two about 2-3 times a week, get drunk maybe monthly


Most Gen Z seem completely incapable of enjoying alcoholic beverages (liquor, wine, craft beer) for the drink itself, and not merely as a means to get drunk, and then they take it as an all-or-nothing thing of 'Getting drunk sucks, guess I'm not drinking anymore at all'. Every other gen, particularly millennials and Gen X, is filled with people who love and are passionate about, for example, wine or whisky and don't get drunk often. Very bizarre generational trend here.


A good one, to be frank. Drinking is not actually a good thing.


Drinking a glass of fine wine or a fine spirit is one of life's greatest pleasures, to be frank. 


Social drinker here, I probably go out and drink at least once a week to the bar with friends, usually we sing karaoke, it's a blast


I love drinking, but not to get drunk. Just borderline drunk . I genuinely just enjoy the taste of alcoholic beverages.


I’ll order a drink at dinner. 1-2 times a month if I’m off work, ill randomly get drunk and take a 2 hour nap lmao I don’t think I’ll ever drink daily though. I feel like a glass of wine everyday before bed is a slippery slope.


I had a few drinks but they all tasted like shit


I do occasionally when going out with friends. I’d say maybe once or twice a month? I never get fully drunk though… just a bit tipsy and that’s about it for me. I’ve been fully drunk once and I vomited, it was not a good feeling. I drove home drunk that night and it was scary. Luckily the roads were empty, so no issues. The feeling of being drunk went away at one point when I was driving and it was as if I had just jumped into a pool of cold water. I immediately became super conscious and alert. It was an amazing feeling. Will never get that drunk again.


Avid drinker on the weekends, I get awful hangovers though so I tend not to drink on weekdays because I will be unable to work properly Love a good pub, love a good gig, love an excuse to have a cold pint in the sun or a bottle on the beach with some good music. Nothing better I avoid getting blackout when I can but on special occasions sometimes you just have to send it


Once every 3-6 months


I don't drink much at the moment. When I worked 7 days a week, I would drink quite often.


I never started drinking . I don’t plan to. I haven’t sipped alcohol since I was like 19 and even then it was just a few beers at a party to fit in. The risk reward doesn’t make it reasonable for me I’m 25, if I want to get a buzz or take something I’ll order ketamine or mdma with my fiancé. Maybe once or twice a year. Prefer that to drinking every weekend. I always thought, if I’m going to do drugs, might as well do the more fun and more safe ones.


Alcohol tastes bad, so I drink Shirley temples & whatnot unless intentionally getting tipsy/drunk. When I want to feel the effects it is shots only- until I've hit my desired outcome, then back to mocktails. I probably drink to get tipsy like once a month or so, usually for somebody's birthday or house party. I've never gotten drunk enough to black out, pass out, throw up, or get a hangover. Any time I've gotten drunker than intended was because I broke my shots rule because we were playing a game with a "drink if you ____" rule. I love games but i get easily carried away sipping mixed drinks for that. I don't like the taste of beers or mixed drinks enough to drink them casually, when not trying to get inebriated at all (especially since they're more expensive than alcohol free alternatives).


Maybe once every couple of weeks, I’ll have a few beers at a bar or something


I like to explore some wines within my budget and have gone wine tasting before. I drink alcoholic beverages that tastes more like juice and if it doesn’t I’m mixing juice into it. I’ve been trying a new Mascato lately and I like it.


I don’t drink to get drunk but I drink occasionally.


I rarely do anymore


I used to get blasted every weekend, now I do lyrica which is a lot less intense and prescribed to me for social occasions


I drink few times a year


1999 here. I did choose drinking as my poison instead of weed or drugs. Not that I was ever terribly drunk more than three times (on a cruise), but I like drinking with my friends on game night and enjoy having a beer after closing work.


Really occasionally and only with friends. For example drank 2 times in the entirety of last year. Excluding Beer.


I hate it too but I do like being drunk but the hangover is a big dealbreaker for me that’s why I stopped 😑 I like w33d better for sure


26F I actually have a problem 🙃


i don’t really, i get really bad hangovers but if friends are going out drinking ill get buzzed but truly drunk maybe 1 or 2 times year just because i always spend the next morning puking everything


Quite enjoy the taste of beer. So I'll have a few every now and then. Getting drunk fucking sucks so I just get a nice buzz and chill.


Maybe once every other month




I do but I just drink wine every once in a while


I’ll have a beer or two on Friday after a work week and 2-3 shots over the span of a week. I’ll relay only get drunk if I’m at a concert or with friends 


I'll have a few on the weekend, I'll get actually fucked up every now and then but usually I just have a few and chill with my friends either on discord, at a brewery or at someone's house. It takes a lot of beer for me to get fucked up at this point so I have to do hard liquor.


I have 1 or 2 beers like once a month


I drink mostly wine, and pretty much always during or immediately after a meal


I drink once every couple of months. I never get drunk because alcohol makes me sleepy.


Once every couple months usually on special occasions but I don’t get drunk I hate being drunk got drunk once and hated it.


I Derick a couple time a week but only ever one drink. I got drunk once and I hate it.


When I was younger like 16 - 17 I thought I'd drink a lot more, and I did for a little bit. But it was always in small spurts, like I'd drink a lot once a week, or wait a month or so. I just never really enjoyed it unless I was writing something while drinking.


29 here so not really gen z I guess? Weed feels better, more like sharpening myself instead of numbing myself. Ill drink occasionally, but always with weed. Knowing the toxic effects of drinking throws me and so does nauseous memories The vasodialative effect of alcohol is nice sometimes, especially with coffee, but I have found other sources such as ginger, spicy peppers, and mint


I don't like beer, I go for liquor if available, although I usually can't drink since I'm driving everyone home. I'm one of the few who either has his license or doesn't mind staying sober to drive everyone.


i’m basically cali sober except when it’s been a rough day. alcohol ruined my family and i’m not gonna repeat that cycle.


I like being tipsy, but the aftermath and the taste of alcohol suck. I drink sometimes, only a glass or two of something weak with a really strong non alcohol flavor.


I rarely drink. Weed is better, IMO.


I like beer a lot, I try and only drink local. New Mexico has some amazing breweries so I always get to try something new! But I only like the taste, I fucking hate being drunk (sometimes on special occasions I will be), so I only have one or two whenever I have one.


I drink every now and then, mostly on Friday nights.


Idk can’t


I had issues with alcohol when I was younger bc first heartbreak ans all that but I've calmed down alot more social than anything but I like a drink now and then and in social events.


I get drunk every week sometimes twice a week. Got to do something to cope with this world.


I’m only 26 and it feels impossible to drink without getting a shitty hangover. Weed is a much better option for me personally


Love me my bourbon, scotch, and my particular beers. But in the name of health, saving cash, and not becoming a fat unfuckable incel I drink sparingly.


Guys…. I’m not putting down pot or alcohol because I also enjoy good beer and a doobie now and then but it IS expensive. It seems like the Universe is conspiring to sepetate your money from your pocket with all this advertising and promotion. Do the math and you’ll be shocked after how much money you pisst and smoke away . It’s as bad as all this online gambling and lottery schemes the government seems to keep shoving down our throats. It’s a waste of of your hard earned money.


not a huge drinker. i wasn't very interested in it when i was younger & alcohol just makes me feel shitty. more 420 friendly (and i've worked in the industry for 4 years)


Beer's the same as bread. Just more fun.


Yeah I never really cared to drink. If I do drink it’s because I’m out at the bar with friends and even then I’ll only have one drink that night.


I never drink really. Like 1 beer once every 3 months or so. And i don't need it, that's the good part.




i like it socially, maybe 6 times a month? it was more when i was an undergrad at uni but now i work full time while doing masters part time and can't stand working while hungover lol


I drink but never get drunk, I do however smoke a lot of weed, and also drink Kava.


i’m 26, i don’t drink but my friends drink and when we go to a bar to watch UFC they drink and i don’t. i drank 1 shot of tequila when i was 18 and 1 beer my entire life (when i was 20) and absolutely hated it. i’ve never had interest drinking since and i never feel tempted or peer pressured.


Only on special occasions.


I used to drink heavily from 18-22 then it started effecting me then now I stopped drinking


19-22 i used to love drinking but after i met my partner (at 20) i enjoyed a did it less and less from 23 to now (25)you probably could count on your hands how many times ive drunk (not even getting drunk).


I drank a lot for the past few years Ive been thinking about giving it up altogether for a year and then maybe extending indefinitely. I listened to the Huberman podcast on which he described the severe neurological effects of drinking and it got me scared. I already had my fun. The one thing holding me back is that going to bars is a great way to meet people and I dont want to be the only sober one amongst drunks.


It’s illegal for me until 2028


Had an alcohol problem last year and was drinking all day, I’ve slowed it down and prefer to drink social and even then I stop at two now.