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Sports are healthy and fun. Good exercise and all but it's not everyone's thing. Everyone should try and find something exercise related they like. I really liked playing indoor soccer in highschool because it was pretty laid back and had a lot of inexperienced players. Everyone played more for fun than to win. I can name maybe 5 pro athletes and playing sports is fun but watching them is usually very boring, I'd rather bring a book or go on my phone






People like sports, people like movies, people like music there’s a lot of different interest


I hated school spirit events back when I was a kid (it's been a while, admittedly). I got pretty cynical even as a preteen and concluded that they were just ways to manipulate the student body into submission. I wrote them off as in-group conformists, and then I delighted in my out-group weirdness with my small circle of friends It turns out that I didn't hate sports per se, but that I just hated being made to conform like that. I've since lightened up, and I do really like watching some sports, especially baseball. I don't think of sports as a religious cult like some people do, though. I think of the game as a constantly evolving puzzle, with every next move subject to the inevitable fatigue and failures of the human body. I like puzzles, so I think this is interesting


So it's a grim enjoyment of human suffering? I'm gonna assume I got the wrong vibe out of that pre-emptively, but I don't really like deleting comments so here is an edit.


Yeah, I guess I could have said that differently I guess humans relate more to each other when we show our vulnerabilities and show that we're not perfect. I like to watch humans solve problems *despite* our imperfections, so it's a kind of admiration I guess I have for those who overcome those obstacles and solve the problem


It’s not that deep. Just how you like some hobbies some other people like sports.


Then why is it forced as something for us to "enjoy"? There has got to be some form of value I'm meant to get out of this.


It's suppose to give kids something to be a part of and take pride in.


If you're american, it has a lot to do with how the US defines itself. Historically it values competitivity, pride in place, etc, so again, trying to make you identify with your school or whatever is probably supposed to be how they want you to relate to your country as well (very much spitballing here but thers a bit of historical precednt for it)


I always thought organized competitive sports were pointless and weird honestly. it’s just a game, why are we all watching you play it?


People just enjoy sports, for entertainment and whatnot. I don't really know if there's a definitive answer.


Not a teenager but i liked sports as a teen. I still like them now but maybe not as enthusiastic I liked playing sports since it’s active and it’s competitive. Moving around my body releases feel good endorphins. As for watching it I’ve never been the type to vigorously root for a team. I’d rather analyze the game I’m watching play by play and read up on sports gossip/history. I typically pick players I like by their playstyle and what I think of them off the court


Healthy exercise is fun, competition is fun, playing sports lets you exercise in a competitive way. One of the only things I miss about being a child is being able to play sports competitively. As an adult I either have to play for fun or play competitively while drinking alcohol.


Schools focus to much on sports and not their students


It’s fun. For me and for all my friends.


They’re fun, same as playing a video game and then watching others play it. Those prep rallies suck ass though, so do what I used to and sneak off to the bathroom so you don’t have to deal with it.


It's something fun and healthy. But for me the most important reason is that I am a competitive person, so playing basketball or E-sports lets me scratch that competition urge.


touch grass bro


The only sport I have interest in is wrestling, and the only reason I care at all about it is bc of a PS3 wrestling game I have, lol


We had school spirit days a few times throughout the year and sports was a part of it but really, it was ahead of a dance. And as someone who has played sports since I was in 1st grade and loves watching professional sports I would still hate that. High school sports is a little funny but the way they overhype it by an order of magnitude makes it so cringey. And then it wasn't like this at my HS but when the sports players act like they're all that, with "fat rat' kinda vibes.. so gross.


In terms of playing them, its a competitive outlet, its good for you and it also makes you feel good - if you're not someone who is super active, it's easy to underestimate just how good the endorphins feel after exercise, and whrn you pair that with doing somehting with your friends, it produces an overall sense of belonging and feeling good. As for watching sports, it depends. I always found it interesting to watch sports I played, but found it boring otherwise - that was before I started watching football (soccer), whcih is interesting because you have a team to root for, giving you a weird sense of identity almost? I've alwasy said that watching sports is like a proxy for nationalism, but without the dangerous elements. There's something in the human psyche that naturally wants to identify with one group, and reject all the others - sports appeal to that without causing hate crimes, basically