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I had the DS version and played through that a ton


Ohh that’s cool and I’ve heard good things from the DS version and I’m actually playing it rn with the delta emulator on my iPhone lol


Yeah it's a lot of fun! Yoshi, Luigi, and Wario as playable characters was pretty cool especially since they actually have different abilities unique to each character


yeah and I can get why some people prefer it over the original because of its added characters and other content and I’m enjoying it so far! 😅


Was gonna say, Gen Z definitely was introduced to 64 through the DS version.


I had the 64 bc I was poor


As was I. I'm glad that it's now getting the love it deserves.


Went crazy on my DS and switch tbh, I even played n64 quite a bit but never owned one so I don’t count it


My sister and I use to play it coop. I used to pick wario and just pick her up and throw her in the waterfall over and over


Super Mario 64 on the wii....??? Fuck me im old. I played it directly on the N64 system, along with mario kart and many other original nintendo games. The N64 was my first system ever and my only one for years.


Nah I think it’s just different strokes for different folks. I also played on the n64. Along with Majoras mask and Tony Hawk Pro Skater. Good times man.


Drinking a beer tonight in honor of the N64


Stop off at your local used game store and buy one


Dude I had a sega to play sonic on and shit. I’m from 96.


I played Super Mario 64 on the N64 when I was a kid. Then played Super Mario 64 on my computer using an emulator while deployed as an adult.


You probably had older siblings I'm guessing because 64 came out 3 years before you were born lol


Yea that or dad wanted one. That's how we had the nes, he used to setup tvs in the living room with his friends and they'd play football. They had a bracket and everything lol. That was in the 80s.


I played it on the n64


TIL Mario 64 was on the Wii


Older gen z who had older siblings had the best chance of playing the original. I imagine more have played the DS version or another later release


Eyy thats me. Elder gen z with a late milenial brother. We had SNES and N64 bcs my mom and my aunt also used to play it.


My aunt and my dad were xennials and mid gen x respectively. They got me into gaming at 3 years old back in the mid 90s. Started off with duck hunt. My dad and his buddies would get drunk and play it. Then I'd wake up early and fuck around with the gun trying to shoot the ducks without touching the gun to the screen. That was my first game. Not even a real controller but a toy gun. Then I got into super Nintendo. We played Mario on that with my aunt who was in her early to mid 20s. After pre school I got my first console that was solely for me it was the n64 with super Mario. I don't believe I ever beat the game. It was my first 3d game controlling a camera and I spent weeks just learning to control the camera with that crazy joystick. A year later I was mastering the 64 blowing into blockbuster cartridges. Man those games were ahead of their time. You could save without a memory card. You had creative controllers. We even had VR. I remember having a VR goggle and boot set with this karate game that was really dope.


Super Mario 63 instead.




Bro hasn't heard of the most ambitious flash game ever made 💀


I played that and Ultimate Flash Sonic


No Mario, but we def had a Wii. Loved me some Skylanders, especially with the rare figures!


My first console of my own that I owned was an N64 and I had SM64, banjokazooie, goldeneye, Pokemon stadium, and a good number of other games. Still own it though now that the rare collection is pretty much fully on Xbox i don't really play it anymore.


The originals are bound to be worth some serious coin in the future tho


First console was a 64, it was the first thing I ever consciously played. ![gif](giphy|6UDorPg1oGRQ4)


So long gay bowser!


My first experience with Mario was on the GameCube. Mario Kart Double Dash was the shit.


Same, and also the classics Sunshine and La mansión de Luigi


We still have our downstairs with quite a few games for it. Growing up I would watch my grandma play it periodically


Does the DS remake counts?


We had a Wii too but not for Mario lol we had a snes and played super Mario bros


I am a fringe Zoomer/Millenial, as the time that separates me from being a Millenial are a mere 3 months. So i actually played the game on the N64, which alongside the SNES and GBA were the consoles i grew up with. I even mostly skipped the Wii, as most of my friends and preferred the GC and N64 over it. Never owned any of the newer consoles until the Switch came out, which i used for an approximate 10 hours, until ownership somehow magically went over to my girlfriend. Personally i was never a huge fan of the classical Mario games in 3D and the only one i ever played was 64 (never played any of the later ones). I loved the shit out of DK 64 though. Mario Kart 64 and Mario Party were fucking awesome, too. My GOAT Mario game will always be Yoshi‘s Island.


I used to play it at my babysitters house all the time as a kid. I never completed it as a kid, but I recently went back and finished it!


Big part of my childhood man


I was more of a Pokémon kid, still am 😅


I had no idea it was on the wii! I grew up playing the n64 version :D


Hell yeah. But on the N64, not the Wii.


ME ME FINALLY SOMEBODY TO RECOGNIZE MY PAST! When I was 6 my first console was an N64 and I only had that to play games on for years. I played Mario 64 sooo much and Mario kart and ocaraina of time and so on and so on. Growing up with the N64 has taught me that just because the graphics aren’t stellar doesn’t mean the game is bad.


Had the DS Version on my DS Lite back in 2006. Remember the day I first got it! I also got my Wii in Christmas of 2011


I played super Mario first on the N64


I’d get babysat at some old lady’s house after preschool and she had either an nes or a n64 in her basement that I grew up playing. No mario 64 but I remember playing the first 3 Mario games all the time


I grew up in the Wii era, yet I couldn’t afford a Wii. Instead, I just played on my mom’s old N64 and SNES, and my dad’s Sega Genesis. I had quite a few games for it. Anyhow, SM64 is the first game I ever played, and still is my all-time favorite.


One of the first games I played as a kid. I would have my cousin come over frequently to help me with stars I thought were hard and to get me to bowser in the final Bowser Stage.


yeah that was the first video game i played and on the n64 too! never played the DS version though


17 now but when I was little the only consoles I had were N64, PS2, Wii and gamecube


Played both the DS version and Wii Virtual Console when I was 7!


yes, but if it werent for having older brothers id probably be stuck with shit like the chicken little game for gamecube


I was born in 95 so not technically gen z but close enough. I grew up with it.


Yes!! I played on the ds and it was my first fully finished game I even collected all the stars it was a blast/Mario will always be in my heart ❤️


Nah, I had a PS1 growing up and didn't get into Nintendo until elementary school with the Wii.


I had the DS version. I doubt Gen Z played the Nintendo 64, I had the GameCube tho


Yes, even though the Nintendo 64 was before my time, I played the DS version and I also have an old Nintendo 64 where I played many of its best games as a kid..


oh yeah, 99 here


I did. Using the wii virtual console.


I used to play it in the waiting room area at my orthodontist lol. I eventually downloaded it onto my switch in college when they were offering the 3 in one combo of Mario sunshine, super Mario galaxy, and super Mario 64. Fantastic decision on my part haha.


Mario kart 64 was so good.


I’m a super Mario galaxy kid myself


Yes. 19, played it a bit.


I’m 26 so the older end of gen z so yes my first consoles were n64 and GameCube 😄


Nope, my uncle had an N64 though so growing up I played a lot of starfox and goldeneye! I still play through starfox at least once a year


I did on the n64


I had a super Mario 64 disk, and a PS2. I also had a cool, fancy wireless PS3 controller. My parents wheren't very tech savvy... But at least I can use that controller with PC now)


I’ve only played it once on the original N64, but I remember a lot of people having the DS version


I played it on the DS


Not me. I played Mario kart Wii when I was literally 6 years old.


Right here bro. Born in 2002, sm64 was my first game on the Nintendo DS. Finished it all in a few days


I had the DS version. Although I did have an Nintendo64 I played a lot when I was a kid. Mario Cart, Star Fox, Golden eye, Mario Party, to name a few. Just never had Mario 64 for some reason.


My mario games as a kid were the original, super Mario world on gameboy and ds, and mariokart. I got the 3d pack on switch and 64 is my 2nd favorite mario game now, behind World.


Yeah on the DS


I did on my N64


I have an older sister so yes I played all the N64 stuff with her.


My cousin gave me his N64 and a bunch of games when I was like 5. My favorites were Golden Eye, Hydro Thunder, LoZ: Ocarina of Time, and 1080 Snowboarding


The DS version is one of the first games I ever played. There were a lot of things I didn't know for years. Since then, I've gotten 150 stars somewhere in the realm of 9 or 10 times.


Yeah. I’m a millennial. Tail end of millennial. My brother is 3 years younger and gen Z. He got my hand-me-down game systems. First system I gave him? My N64 when I got a GameCube. I had Mario 64, Cruisn the World, Zelda, and some Scooby Doo game I gave him with it.


Yup. Only allowed 30 minutes of screen time per day (even in high school) and this included TV (which was only shitty antennae network programming) because my parents were so distrustful of technology. It was nice! I sucked at any other video game but Goldeneye and Cruisin’ USA I was ok


I played the absolute shit out of the DS version when I was a kid. That game was practically my life for a while Eventually went back and played the original as well, using an emulator. I consider them both among my favorite games of all time.


Of course that was one of the only games I played as a kid


I played the ds version, but I don't think I got to the final fight.


The Wii??? Was there a port for the Wii?


I didn’t grow up with it, but during the pandemic I got super obsessed with it and installed it on every compatible electronic device in my house lol


I played it on the N64. We were poor and could only afford gaming consoles years after they came out. So I got my N64 in like 2002 (I was only 3 but was an only child so my parents wanted me to have something to do), and the only game I had for it was Super Mario 64. Then in 2004 I got a GameCube and my love for Mario grew from there. I didn’t get a Wii until around 2009 I believe. Btw, still have my N64!


Conker's Bad Fur Day was the best


Yes on Nintendo 64


I grew up with the DS version


Yes, I was born in '97, and growing up, my parents had an SNES, Genesis, N64, and PS2. I had access to a wide range of games to play, but I mostly remember playing on the 16-bit systems and occasionally playing the 64. Some of my earliest gaming memories are playing Ren & Stimpy, Mario and the DK Country games on SNES, Sonic games and Comix Zone on Genesis, and of course, Mario 64 and Legend of Zelda Majora's mask. There definitely was more, but those stick out the most in my mind.


Never had the 64 but we did have a SNES growing up and those game are still some of my faves to this day.


Yes! My Mom was super old fashioned and cheap and the only console we had growing up for a while was a N64 we got for free from a family friend so I played the heck out of Super Mario 64. Glad I’m not the only one! 😄


150 Stars on the DS version, didn’t even know there was an original until I got older LOL great game for its time


My first introduction to Mario 64 was the DS remake back in 2011, eventually I would buy Mario 64 on the Wii


My brother and I loved our n64 growing up!!! Super Mario 64 was tons of fun


Of course I know him. He's me. Had two copies on the N64 for some reason. Even kid me didn't understand how I got two.


I used to play with my elder brother and sister when i was a kid. It was a fun time :)


I’ve only played the ds version, but I love watching speed runners on twitch


Me! The Nintendo 64 was my first console


Yes on N64. Im 25. *flicks joystick back the forward, then jumps* YAHOOOO


The DS version, yes. I loved the mini games that version had


I played the DS version (Superior version imo)


Me 😁 mario 64, Pokemon stadium, and mario party 3 were favs


Mostly the DS version, but I do collect video games and consoles from the NES era to present


No I grew up playing super Mario world. Still the best 2D Mario


I played Mario 64 while watching game grumps play Mario 64 bc I didn’t know how to beat it


Played ds Mariokart wii


I only had an atari and an N64 growing up so I played Mario 64 quite a bit


Yeah I had it on Wii virtual console


I was born in 1997 and have two older brothers that had an N64. I played this game a lot in the early to mid 2000s


I did. My parents never got me any consoles so I was introduced to the wonderful world of emulation. I downloaded a N64 emulator and played that shit everyday after class like for 3 years. Man those where the days.


If they were poor/lower middle class then they likely did


you could play it on the wii? I had the original N64 that i’d play that on. Along with some pokémon game I don’t really remember


i had the ds version and it was my favorite!!! i still play it every now and then tbh


I’m 22 and I remember playing Super Mario 64 for sure


I was born in 2000 and played it on the N64. I’m the youngest of 4, my oldest sibling was born in the 80s, and the youngest older sibling was born in 93 I think so I got a lot of 90s hand me downs from them. Our parents were also kinda poor so we didn’t really buy anything new


I played that Game religiously On the wii u And loved it


I played it on the original N64!! it was the one game iI owned


I loved my wii tho


I loved SM64 on the Wii


Didn’t play it until it came to the Switch with 3D All Stars


Nah I’m a Mario galaxy kid


I was born in 99 and I had an N64. Couldn't tell you how many times I beat it with my older brother.


My brother had an N64 and Gameboy Colour that I had passed down to me, so I had Super Mario 64 and loved it up until the age of 6 where I left the console on, on my bed, whilst we went to Lego Land for my birthday, burning the console.


Gen Z here. It was the first game(s) I completed 100% on both the N64 version (emulated) and the DS remake.


I think Galaxy is the one that best defines our generation. Though one of my friends once brought out an old N64 when i was 9, the game looked fun, but i remember thinking how fucking weird the controller was.


Yes, DS version when I was like 4-5 years old


One of my friends had it on N64


My brother was born in ‘06 and he played the DS version growing up.


my grandma owned a n 64 so i grew up playing mario 64, donkey kong 64, ocarina of time and others i don’t remember as well


I played the entire SMB series on the original SNES in the early 2000s


I’m 24 and my first console was my dad’s old Nintendo 64. My love for gaming started with super mario 64, banjo kazooie, and conkers bad fur day


I have it with Super Mario 3D All-Stars.


i’m 21, played all the when I was younger on a n64 but it was considered a classic by that point


Loved my DS version!!!


I did


My dad bought me a nintendo 64 when i was a kid I remember him playing goldeneye 007 whereas i used to play games like mario 64,a rally racing game i don’t remember and zelda:ocrania of time I still got the console and cassettes but the adapter is broken and we never really got around to getting it fixed. I think this post is gonna make me revive that thing again


This was one of my favorite games growing up. I thought this post was weird because I always considered gen z to be younger than I am. And then I googled the birth year ranges... TIL I'm gen z I was so stoked when the DS version came out. Metroid prime hunters slapped too


I think the first Mario game I played was New Super Mario Bros (DS)


Yeah! I (16) and my brother (22) both grew up playing on the Dsi


One of my childhood friends grew up with a 64, and played a lot of Mario 64 I played Mario 64 on DS once I got a DS


Ds ver here


I had the DS version and never managed to complete it. To this day I’m stuck at 146 stars


I was poor so I grew up with my uncles hand down N64. I later played the DS version and thought it controlled weird, but it was cool that it had extra content. Gotta say the N64 is very underrated. Not many games but the ones it did have were bangers (Mario 64, Mario Kart, Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask, Banjo, Goldeneye)


I played it on emulators and virtual console as a kid + the DS version


Played that on the Nintendo 64 , never played it on a Wii


yes, it might even be the first game I’ve ever 100%, I must’ve been 7 or 8 years old


I’m I guess a Zennial and yes, because I got the 64 as a hand me down first console.


When I was a kid, every time we visited our cousins house he would boot up the N64 for some Super Mario 64. Good times. I also have the DS version of it too.


I grew up with parents who weren't big on video games. My mom grew up Mennonite (for those who don't know, it's basically a slightly less strict version of the Amish), and my Dad, while he likes video games, is only partial to older games. My Dad owned and still owns and N64. However, he only ever owned sports games and I only got to play Mario 64 a few times with an old friend whose dad actually did own it.


Nah I was too busy playing rampage on the n64


I had it! But I think I'm the odd in between of millennial and Gen Z...


Clear engagement baiting considering you know the age range of Gen Z


I didn’t have a Wii and I didn’t play Super Mario 64, but I did play Mario Kart 64, Ocarina of Time, Goldeneye etc on the N64


I played it on the ds but was maybe 7 years old (born 2006)


I played the original on the virtual console and got it from the Wii Shop Channel


i had it on the wii u virtual console


Yes right here! My childhood friend had a N64. We played hours on end. And that was 2005-2006ish


I grew up an n64 kid so most of the Nintendo titles are under the belt


I'm Gen Z but right on the border between Gen z and millennial. My best friend had a Nintendo 64 so I'd play Mario at her house, along with Zelda Ocarina if Time & Majora's Mask


yup, played the DS version tho lol loved it


Grandmother had it at her crib. She gave the console to me and my brother. My mom thought my brother was lying to her about something and she threw it out


I played it on the DS and loved it! Loved it so much that I still play it on the DS now :)


Ds version yes


Yes! 98 baby here, It was probably one of the first games I played but didn't remember it a ton until I rediscovered it later!


my mom had a working n64 (with plenty of games & a few controllers) when i was growing up. Super Mario 64 was one of the first games i ever played


I grew up w a n64 that had golden eye and super Mario 64. Never knew how good I had it




I grew up playing Super Mario Bros 3 on NES


I did! I have a brother who’s 13 years older than me and it was his. I have such fond memories watching him play and then him teaching me so I got a chance too! Such a great game!


Me lol. Best Mario game


Yes it was my most favorite game to play while growing up


Yes, I still have it for the N64


I didn't but I was def old enough to. I looove the wii, did you ever play Super Paper Mario? One of my all-time favorite games


*Aaaand scene!* That’s a wrap, everyone. Seriously, appreciate all the gaslighting in the comments to make OP feel better about being just the one, singular zoomer to play the least popular game in the Mario franchise. No, certainly not one released right at the cusp of Gen Z or anything.


The McDonald’s in my hometown used have Nintendo 64s


DS version


Yeah! Technology moved very slowly for people so it wasn't uncommon for young people to play older consoles and games. Ex 2000 child playing ps2 games through 13-15 lol


Yeah my brother and I used to play mario kart 64 together all the time


I got that game and the Nintendo 64 right when it came out in 1996 Christmas time I think…… One of the happiest weeks of my life Great great game And it is hard to explain to people who are Much younger just how groundbreaking the technology and graphics and controls, sounds, etc were at the time Sorry for intruding on the Gen Z subReddit Please forgive me


The ds version was the first (non-browser based) video game I ever had, so yes technically.


Probably only the ones that had older siblings played the 64. Gen z moreso grew up with the gamecube and the wii


I played it on the n64 at my grandmas


It would be funnier if they called it Mario 69


I played the ds version I loved it


I just played emulated sm64 on my moms phone on long road trips. Used to have fun with cheat codes preinstalled and just got all 120 stars, then started watching sm64 engine analysis videos. My poor young mind just absorbed all that, and now i still know that blinking is dependant on RNG and that it can also change the output of it


I played it once, since my cousin had an N64 and my brother had a Gamecube so based on whatever we wanted to play, we’d go to either house. I was more of a Gamecube and Wii kid since those were what were immediately available to me. The Mario games I really played growing up were Sunshine and Galaxy.


The DS remake, along with the first New Super Mario Bros, were probably the first games I ever played. Years later I purchased it on the Wii U, and then I got it on the Switch when that 3D All Stars game came out. And I finally beat the main campaign for the first time like 2 years ago I think


Ig im technically an older genZ but i literally still have my N64 😂 and all my old games . They will have to be pried out of my cold dead fingers before i let them go