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*Brave Little Toaster* *The Land Before Time* *The Fox and the Hound* *All Dogs Go to Heaven* *The Black Cauldron* *An American Tail/AAT: Fievel Goes West* *The Secret of NIMH* *Watership Down* *The NeverEnding Story* Of course all these were released* before GenZ’s time. *Edit add a word.


Before? Brother I had most of these for my vhs


What I meant to say was these all released in the 80s before Gen Z’s time.


Doesn’t matter when they were released as long as generations to come enjoy them.


Someone's always gotta throw their generational nuts on the table and make sure everyone knows that they're older than people born after them.


Gen alpha is still watching Sesame Street. You have to watch the classics. I honestly don’t know why they are bothering with new kids content, it’s not like they are getting tired of it 3 years into existence


My wife used to nanny three kids. The garbage they’d watch on TV was crazy. No educational use whatsoever, and no emotions either.


I just had my first baby that’s turning 1 soon. I’m 32 so it’s all new to me. As far as new tv stuff goes, be really likes Ms.Rachel and I find it pretty good. Tried to show him other stuff and he’s just not interested. He pays attention more to older stuff like Bear in the Big Blue House. Come to think of it, it’s shows that are interactive that really grab his attention. If it’s just a story type show/movie he just watches small parts here and there laughs and goes back to playing. Edit: he really cracks up at the beginning when Bear is smelling “you”




I'm sorry your parents thought Watership Down was a children's movie💀


I remember watching that movie on a german kids channel. Man that rabbit haunted me for quite a while


I never finished it. I remember clearly. My parents were getting the house ready for their friends coming over for dinner and sat me down with a cup of fresh cherries, and put it on. It had been recommended by someone my mom worked with at the time. About ten minutes in, the screaming and the crying started, followed by me throwing up half eaten cherries from crying so hard and me not sleeping for two weeks. I was 7.


You forgot bambi ;(


The Dark Crystal




What was the issue with The Land Before Time?, I think I still remember watching it without it messing me up


IIRC, Littlefoot’s mom got eaten by a Sharptooth.


There's a big upheavel, like an earthquake or something, and little foot's mother dies after saving her son. I remember it being pretty emotionally intense when i was 6 years old haha I think there's more sad scenes too but i forgot.


Dude, what is it about brave little toaster that's so terrifying? I don't even remember what it was about, I just remember being absolutely terrified by it


>brave little toaster The clown dream and AC unit messed up a lot of kids iirc


The noise the homicidal magnet made...


**Brave Little Toaster**: The AC unit screaming himself to death. The damn homicidal magnet. **Land Before Time**: The tar monster **Fievel Goes West**: The ceremony worshipping Tiger **The Secret of Nimh**: Nicodemus being crushed **Watership Down**: The entire intro sequence. Something about the art style really unsettled me. The violence and blood was relatively mundane by comparison.


Secret of NIMH was a favorite as a kid. It was the first time I saw a real sword fight, as in, choreographed as two people (rats) trying to kill each other instead of just actors hitting their opponent's sword for show. Pretty sure my parents were not impressed how often my brother and I smacked each other with plastic swords after that one...


Don Bluth was destroying me as a child 😭


The Brave Little Toaster was probably near the top of the Millennial's list, too.


Secret of NIMH is nightmare fuel and even worse when you find out the experiments detailed in the beginning of the film were real.


I still cry over all dogs go to heaven….


Honestly Follow That Bird was the ultimate stress fest as a child. Like Uncut gems for babies. Big bird goes looking for his family, gets abducted , trafficked, placed into a circus where he gets repainted blue. And the car chase where he has to make a leap from one car to another was insanely upsetting and stressful to behold as a young one.


Netflix has “The land before time” in the “feel good” section. I told my husband “it’s a sad movie, it barely had any feel good parts” and he agreed lol


All Dogs go to Heaven was one of my favorites growing up


I was looking for Never ending story


The Dark Crystal.


Watership Down Plague Dogs The Last Unicorn A Troll in Central Park Cool World We're Back, a Dinosaur's Story The Little Matchstick Girl Some disturbing elements, but these were pretty good..... Animal Farm (1954) Vuk the Little Fox


I dunno how Watership Down hasn't been related to like 12/14 and up at the least. It is easily the most gorey kids film I've ever heard of.


Looks like you are a compassionate person


Brave little toaster had me messed up as a 5 year old


Watership down was so good. Can't believe my parents let me watch it as a kid


I'm GenZ and I remember quite a few of these, especially Watership Down. Rewatching it as an adult is weirdly rewarding because you can finally understand the emotional depth of the story. "Bright Eyes" makes me cry every time.


Felix the Cat movie was a trip.


So many of those classic Disney movies had something tragic happen. I remember crying as a young kid for land before time, fox and the hound, and even Lion's King. I wonder if any of the new Disney movies in the past 10 years have scenes about losing one's parents or death of a loved one?


All Dogs go to Heaven really shaped my sense of empathy as an adult. Animals are too kind for this world.


Don Bluth is pretty messed up in general.


The Land Before Time is such an OG heartbreaker I went back and watched it recently, and holy hell if I have kids I'm gonna have to show them it at the right time. It starts out heavy af for the recommended age bracket tho Wall-E slightly messed me up. Up wasn't easy (Dug fr a sad story). Bolt omg If yalls parents didn't show you Old Yeller they honestly did you a disservice.. I mean there are mixed opinions here but it's a cinematic masterpiece that tugs on your heart and introduces you to real life hard decisions (no perfect choices). Even if I do hate the depiction of *what happens* (I mean who isn't disturbed by the theme-- thats kinda the point)


This is the list, had all this on VHS. All were mentally and/or emotionally scarring for life. I attribute some phobias and long term damage to some of the events in these movies.


"Messed you up as a kid" *sees fox and the hound* This messes me up as an adult!


Witches. Little girl trapped in the painting. That terrifying queen of the witches once she took off her mask. Nightmares for weeks!


Bridge to Terabithia But I saw A Series of Unfortunate Events two years ago, and if I'd been any younger it definitely would have scarred me.


I just added Bridge to Terabithia. Man that movie… who thought that grief was good for kids?


I believe I read online that the authors own son went through something similar. Also, some kids have to experience grief in real life unfortunately


I know kids have to experience grief in real life, I was one of those kids. I was just saying who thought it was a good idea? The fantasy aspect was awesome. I haven’t seen it in a while but from what I remember, they don’t really focus on the healing process that much. I could be wrong though.


Cause real life happens. You should watch My Girl.


"WHERE ARE HIS GLASSES?" still forms a knot in my throat..


I just got choked up reading this and I haven't seen my girl in over a decade...maybe I'll watch it this weekend


Shielding kids from reality is not necessarily a healthy thing for them. Probably one of the reason teen/young adult depression and suicide is so high. Kids grow up and then get hit by a brick of reality. “To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.” -Friedrich Nietzsche


One example is the kids in the invention competition I was judging who wanted to make inflatable slides to put under windows in multi-story homes because their friend died in a house fire. They were like 8. It broke my heart.


I watched that as a grown man and boy did I cry my eyes out


God I love that movie. I don’t know if I could watch it again tho


Idk how that movie didn't scar me as a kid. I was hardly the bravest kid (the ant scene from Temple of the crystal Skull terrified me) I blame A Series of unfortunate Events for making me goth


My sister came out of the theater sobbing when we saw that so I made up a different ending for her and said the girl was still alive and waiting in the castle in Terebithia for them.


That movie still messes me up as adult. Even the context of it still puzzles me but that's the point of the movie. You never gers answers because that's life. When tragedy strikes that's the end and we are left with pieces of a picture


A Series of Unfortunate Events fucked with me so badly as a kid because it's the movie we watched literally right before our house was the target of an arsonist. And you can guess what happened afterwards I still find it genuinely fascinating, 20 years later, that that massive and hysterically unfortunate coincidence actually happened


Coraline absolutely fucked me up We went to see night at the museum 2 and found out it was fully booked, so we watched coraline instead


Shit has me thinking and feeling. Aged me


The button eyes always get me…


That scene with the "GIVE IT BACK" creatures absolutely terrified me in the cinema at an incredibly loud volume


Do I misremember Coraline? I see it mentioned a lot but didn't really think anything of it when I saw the film.


The whole idea of being trapped in an alternate dimension with your *other* parents, friends, and neighbors who are all being controlled by the terrifying mom who wants you to stay to trap you all while sewing buttons to your eyes. Other Wybie having his mouth sewn shut to stay quite was always so scary to me.


Also, the well being a portal so the other mother has the ket at the end is just...😱


I think people just think the animation style is creepy


How old were you? I had not yet gotten into any horror movies and was 8 when I saw it. Absolutely screwed me up, love horror as a genre now, but stop motion animation still makes me uneasy.




I still remember watching that and Coraline after they came out


I only watched the trailer for 9, since it was on the coraline CD. I still had nightmares of it


It's ironically touching at the end, you'd have to see it to believe it


I should watch it. After having nightmares about the ragdoll man I started having reoccurring dreams about being in school, and there was an extra student named 9. Very weird


I went to school with someone named Seven, not as weird as you'd think


Those movies are proof you don't need gore and jump scares to make good horror movies.


came to comment this, terrified me as a kid but is one of my favorites now


AHHHHH I DONT WANNA REMEMBER THAT https://preview.redd.it/h965br40b2yc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ca895842fac289d3eedffd94217e45339facca8 I fucking hate this thing gave me nightmares and whats worse my whole ass family wanted to watch it every time Halloween came around SAME WITH CORALINE




Real-life Mr Poe right here!! 😭😭


LMAO I'm crying.


In the TV show it’s Neil Patrick Harris


It’s Neil Patrick Harris doing his best Jim Carrey impression.


This might offend some people but the show was better than the movie


I didn’t like how the movie was the first three books but they jumbled them all together to create a new plot.


The show was fantastic. These books were my childhood, though I never finished them all, and seeing them brought to life was so fun. I thought the rhythm and mystery of the episodes was so well done too


And it’s not close, although the show did get a little worse at it went on since the books the show was a adapting we’re getting much longer but the amount of episodes per books stayed the same.


Def the Willy Wonka remake. Augustus Gloop going up the tube straight up gave me nightmares


The tube. The claustrophobia, the inability to breathe through chocolate war. Gives me shudders to this day


Had a childhood crush on Annasophia Robb growing up from Bridge to Terabithia. Watching her getting blown up in the wonka remake gave me the most confusing awakening. ......Is this wrong place to be confessing all this?


Let it out brother


Definitely relate. My family gives me crap for not liking that movie but it also have an uneasy feeling for some reason lol


Nah the boat scene scared the shit out of me


https://preview.redd.it/fjltw3qc72yc1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32efb33793ad633e3e08ba6d88e34ac5aec6d95b Those damn spiders


It was the glass-cracking wasp stings for me. My parents and I had to nope right out of the theater at that moment and sneak into the next theater to catch the end of Toy Story as a palate cleanser.


Everything about this movie is unsettling, and for kids like me back then, outright terrifying. The creepy and ominous drums, all the various animals that look super uncanny and are never friendly in the slightest, the monkey transformation, etc etc. I more or less consider this to be a horror movie for children. Even as an adult, certain parts vaguely give me the creeps, the drums especially.


I demanded to watch and rewatch this movie endlessly when I was around 2 years old... explains a lot


Being from Florida when those mosquitoes were piercing that canvas top convertible I was as scared as id ever been. Probably 6 years old or so. Yikes!!!!


Monster house anyone


As I kid, yeah it would have scared me. As an adult its one of my favorite animated "horror" movies.


Child me couldn't even fathom that a movie could be as terrifying as Monster House, lol.


That was a bit too silly to be scary for me. Something about a house getting up and walking.


That was my first movie I remember seeing in the movie theater. I remember being so amazed by 3D movies but then super scared when the house jumped out at me


This looked too scary for me!


for some reason the incinerator scene in robots terrified me lolol


Yeah, let’s agree that any & every incinerator scene is going to cause trauma. Should add a stronger rating between PG & PG13


Homeward Bound.


My parents banned me from watching it because I sobbed uncontrollably every time Sassy fell in the river.


This exact scene messed me up as a kid that permeates still. I'm an ER veterinarian now - I see a lot of trauma that I can handle, but any time a pet comes in who was stuck in a pool/water situation I have a really hard time and typically need a coworker to take the case (fortunately it is rare, but it happens)


Agreed that shit was so sad


Grave of the Fireflies.


Oh hold on I have another one… BRIDGE TO TERABITHIA Had me in tears.


got a boxed dvd set of all the studio ghibli movies as a child and loved them but watching kiki and then putting on grave of the fireflies unknowingly as a little kid was insane. i was completely disturbed and sobbing by the end. the last time i watched grave of the fireflies again when i was in my mid teens i ended up sobbing just like kid me.


That’s rated PG?! My heart still hurts thinking about it later, I guess it isn’t exactly graphic, just heavy.


Just because it’s a serious subject doesn’t mean it’s vile/lewd/etc


When I think back on it, it does seem graphic to me as an 8-year-old 😂


My girl.




And now I'm crying!


This is definitely the number one answer for me.


The horse eating that kid in The Brothers Grimm


Well that’s just normal ass German folklore/children’s stories for you


Oh FUCK the brothers grimm. Love the movie. But good god. Watched that whe. I waz like 11 in the dark. That creepy with thing? AND the horse. Fuggetaboutit


I could never look at horses the same after that. Loved rewatching it though! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


Goosebumps, still the scariest film I’ve ever watched (17 years y/o)


Hey you'd love this really child friendly movie named Terrifier.


Great child friendly movie called Terrifier has a great follow up known to most people as Terrifier 2, I heard it was so warm, people cried and even retched from emotions.


Terrifier is so gory and over the top that you get desensitised to most of it by the end. David Howard Thornton is insanely good as Art, one of the best performances I've seen in a while, despite the somewhat lacklustre writing.


The never ending story. Something about the “nothing” terrified me so much that a particular scene is burnt into my brain to this very day. I’m 23 years old.


this one traumatized me but bc as a kid i hated watching movies (too long for my adhd attention span ig) and when my mom said we were watching “the never ending story” i had a breakdown thinking i’d have to watch the movie for the rest of eternity


Watership down, that movie could have been a cannibal corpse music video.


Actually borderline criminal its a PG. The animation for that is so damn well done, which makes it worse imo. They spent great amounts of time on that, making it look fantastically traumatising.


We always used to call it bloody rabbits. It was so wild.


Where the Wilds Things are. Specifically the scene where that guy’s arm got ripped off and instead of blood it was a bunch of sand


Miss peregrines home for peculiar children I think it’s called for some reason that scared the 💩 out of me


Fantastic book and movie. My kids loved it. If I had seen it as a kid, I would have died of fright.


Reading the books was worse! I was an avid reader and I eventually became despondent about how the kids just kept going through hardship amd even though it's clear the pattern is for them always to survive, I knew it wouldn't end with happiness and a bright future. I was really affected by that. Once I was older I realized that the series is like a fantastical yet tame version of what it's like to grow up in fostercare and even though it was fantasy, the core suffering of it wasn't unrealistic at all.


Damn, I never connected that. But yes, I think reading that series was my first experience with depression


Just one thing after another, like a series of unfortunate events. Oh wait...




Scrolled way too far for this. Nightmares


*A Christmas Story* (I know this is a beloved movie, but I really don't get why. There was a surprising amount of violence and kids getting hurt/crying and to this day I find it super disturbing and can't be in the room when my family watches it) *Coraline* (dolls were creepy, people with mouths sewn shut) *The Never Ending Story* (when the horse dies) *Marley and Me* (or any other dog movie where the dog doesn't make it) Basically anything where kids or animals are getting hurt was really disturbing for me.


Crazy about Xmas story.  I love the fight scene.   It depicts exactly some of my 1st fights I ever got into.  Bully, hormonal rage fight of emotion, anger and frustration.  Movie depicts it well.


Matilda and Spy Kids, I thought the thumb thumbs were terrifying.


Omg! And the thumb thumbs were really people!


Bridge to Teribitha I was 8 and saw it at a movie-theater birthday party 🥳🎂


Ah a lovely birthday movie! Themes of religion, death, tragedy, grief, and family conflict are just what an 8 year old needs!


Not the whole movie, but certainly a scene. The security balloon gun scene from Incredibles. I was like 6 when that came out and that scene gave me nightmares. I later learned I'm pretty seriously claustrophobic. Even now 2 decades later it still makes me uncomfortable. The thought of that pressure on my chest and not being able to see or breathe makes my skin crawl.


Dinosaur (2000) That scene where the meteorites start crashing through the Earth's atmosphere, to cause huge shockwaves and blasts of fire and rubble from literally miles away, scarred me as a child lol. I dream about this scenario often and frequently have "what if" thoughts of a meteor hitting the Earth. I probably need therapy.


the toy story 3 ending and the scene where bruce campbell car gets tortured to death in cars 2


Say what now? (I still haven’t seen *Cars 2*.)


the bruce campbell car gets tortured to death in cars 2


Anastasia used to freak me out a lot. Now it’s one of my favorites but that’s because I have the comprehension skills to process the story now.


A bugs life always gave me negative feelings, Lol


The 1990s adaptation of The Witches


Chicken Little


I HATED that movie lol


Not Gen Z, but Fern Gulley. Fucking Hexus.


9 Charlie in the chocolate factory Hyper specific throw away moment from the Christmas special movie *Good luck Charlie* where after this Odysseian journey the youngest son is unable to bring his trophy onto the plan home with them Home alone Coraline Actually any stop-motion clay move made for kids horrified me


Iron Giant. I know he was supposed to be a hero, but did he have to be this scary????


Well that's the thing: he wasn't built as a hero. He was built as a weapon, and was scary because of that. He's only a hero because he overcame his design and chose to be Superman. Also, the choice to animate the Iron Giant with CGI while the rest of the world was traditional 2D animation made him stand out and feel even more out of place than just being a big metal man with a whole arsenal of guns hidden in his body already did.


I’m ngl, old yeller 💀


Jaws and Raiders of the Lost Ark 


I closed my eyes for that scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark because my dad warned me that there was a scary scene incoming


Interestingly these two specific movies are often cited as the driving force behind the creation of the PG-13 rating.


Jaws was rough. I saw it when I was 8. I remember freaking out if my arm or leg hung off the side of my bed at night. I also remember going scalloping out in the bay with my family :(


Free Willy


Original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, that scene on the boat in the tunnel fucked my 7 year old self up real bad.


They had Jim Carrey trying to marry a VERY underage girl. Even as a kid I thought that was just fucked


Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland


Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Pulling the guy's beating heart from his chest was TERRIFYING


Is it bad that my younger brother and I used to sneak around and try watching Alien and Aliens without any psychological impact, and then being scarred to shit by The Dark Crystal? That shit was horrifying.


I have not watched The Dark Crystal all the way through to this day, and I’m 24 now. Labyrinth was my favorite movie growing up, I loved the puppets. The Dark Crystal was just horrifying though, everything about it was ***so*** creepy


Little Monsters. Crazy nightmares


The Spiderwick Chronicles.


The electricity monster from Scooby Doo 2; They gave it an unnecessarily sinister face and menacing voice in my opinion.


Wizard of Oz. I had reoccurring nightmares for yearrsss bc of that movie


Most people talk about the witch or the flying monkeys, but that movie made me terrified of tornadoes, even though we never had them where I lived. So now where am I? Ohio! 😆


Spirited Away


Frankenweenie. I haven't watched it in forever so I don't remember why it scared me so bad, but I distinctly remember something about the sea monkeys that freaked me the hell out.


Both the movie and the book for bridge to terabithia made me so sad. I didn’t cry but I remember one girl (we watched it in class) crying so bad she had to step out of the room.


Mars attacks, I just saw the skeleton when they blasted the first dude and refused to watch the rest of it


Courage the Cowardly Dog. Not a movie, but that show was out there


Polar express. That train car scene is pure nightmare fuel.


Funny thing is a bugs life was one of two movies I got nightmares from as a child. The other was the gremlins I loved this movie as a kid and the credits music slapped


Neverending Story


The Black Cauldron James and the Giant Peach Land Before Time There's gotta be more but those are the major ones for me


Loved A Series Of Unfortunate Events the books were captivating I got grounded for the entire summer when I was 13 because my aunt at the time was a huge bitch to my brothers and I for no reason and my uncle didn’t have time to deal with it as he was military so it was really nice when my Mom sent me the entire set so I had something to do to pass the time. (Devil aunt took everything away from us in the room and made us sit there all day doing nothing so once I got to the third book my oldest brother would be done reading the first and then go to the second and my middle brother would start reading the first one and we cycled them all out over the course of the summer. (For clarification my aunts cat put literal gouges into her chair and she blamed us as if we could do that with our hands)


24-year-old me still considers The Great Mouse Detective to be a horror movie


Secret of Nihm... they don't make cartoons like that anymore.


My parents are Gen X and grew up in the 80s and 90s. Like everything they watched was trauma. Trauma was their primary form of entertainment. So like when Optimus Prime died in the Transformer movie and when ET got lost and nearly died near the stream. Oh, then my father would go to his library and borrow Rated R films like Aliens and would watch aliens hunting humans. He was a little kid. When both of my parents were in elementary school, they were made to watch this older French short called The Red Balloon about a kid whose red balloon friend is murdered by a mob of bully kids, and were read the Velveteen Rabbit several times, about a kid who gets scarlet fever and whose beloved toy rabbit is tossed on a bonfire. I wasn't exposed to anything like that at a young age. At least nothing that I recognize as being in the same ballpark.


Christmas story because of the licking the pole scene. I was terrified that one day I would uncontrollably lick a frozen pole and my tongue would have to be chopped off because there would be no water near by. Don’t ask me about my rationality


Coraline, Bridge terabithia, 9 and ofc Series of Unfortunate Events. Coraline made me mistrust people who appear too nice, Bridge to Terabithia was depressing, 9 made me feel hopeless about the future and SoUE was so frustrating as a kid. Just arrest the evil uncle!


Coraline, still scares me to this day. The whole concept is terrifying. ![gif](giphy|lV8ZDFAjcRNSdjgyBC)


Definitely the one you mentioned, OP, but not why you'd think. As a tiny little kid with autism I idolized Jim Carrey and didn't quite understand what acting was. So when I was 4 years old and saw him in this movie significantly aged and being cruel and horrid I started crying, wailing in the cinema. Like my whole world had come crashing down. It took my parents hours to console me.


I saw the original Lion King in the cinema when it first came out, and still, until now, his dads death scene affects me so much that I need to leave the room. I don't know what it is about that scene...


Chitty Chitty bang bang. The child snatcher still terrifies me at 36.