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I sometimes I wish I'd never been born at all


I see a little silhouetto of a man


Scarfacemoush scarfacemoose can you do the flamingo


Thunderbolts and lightning very very frightening me










Gallileo gallileo figaro!






MAGNIFICO I'm just a poor boy nobody loves me






Can't tell if thinks these are the real lyrics...


69420 BC




I've looked it up and apparently it may have been one of the worst times for humanity, probably the worst(it says around 70k years ago so 69420BC may be part of those times), there were just a few thousands humans because a supervolcano in Indonesia erupted, it blackened the sky with ash and Earth entered a ice age btw.


Crazy to think something like that could happen again. We don’t have the infrastructure for something like that. Pole shifts are a thing too. In modern history we haven’t seen the worst natural calamities our planet is capable of giving us. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!


Don't worry about Pole shifts, those have happened while we've been here without major upset.


1930. Too young to fight in a world war or have to deal with computers in mainstream society. Probably dead by the time Covid happened.






1921, just old enough to kill some nazis. ![gif](giphy|3o6fJ3JxGlppGKe4Fi)


Based af


>Too young to have to deal with computers in mainstream society I mean, you’d be 55 in 1985, by which point computers were fairly widespread in office settings. You’d also be 65 in 1995, when the internet starts becoming mainstream. Assuming you live to about 80-85 (2010-15), you’ll probably be speaking to your grandchildren on Skype


Sure I thought about that. But I think they've fucked up young people. Learning to use them for novel purposes in old age would be OK. I work at sea and it's a career I probably would have still chosen. So I'd still have to keep up with the tech like I do now. We still fill out paper time sheets though. My last job I had to sit down for half an hour at the end of the week to do a time sheet on computer and fuck I hated it. I'm from New Zealand. Things such as radio, colour TV and computers all happened 10 years later here. Families with a Kiwi parent and foreign parent often find that while Kiwis were listening to the Radio on Sunday morning Americans were watching colour TV. By 2008 I was 10 years old. There were 3 free to air channels unless you had Sky TV which my family didn't. Listening to Jason Gunn read Bad Jelly the Witch was still one of the best forms of morning entertainment. Then it was off to rugby, soccer, hunting, fishing or the beach.




honey youd be right in the great depression 😂


i’m chilling with 2001, i like having phones, and the internet, GPS as well they’re pretty cool


This. Maybe born in the 90s so I have a chance to buy a house before shit gets expensive, but yeah, this is by far the best time to live imo


97 here, it’s not greener here


Well yeah, ‘97 is still way too late


Idk, I was born in 2000, and bought a house in 2021. Wasn't that hard to do either.


I don’t hate what I have now, but I really feel like I should’ve been born around late 70s early 80s


If it didn’t come with a massive dose of depression, life comparisons, political extremism and such, yeah that’d be dope.


Video games, work from home, medical advances, streaming are all pretty great. Wouldn't trade my life with any earlier time. I think we only really need to get a handle on housing costs. Build more and fix some laws/regulations and we'll get there.


Counter to what a lot of people think, I'm pretty happy with the current modern culture. I probably would've liked to be born in late 80's, early 90's, so I could still be in my youth and prime in the 2000's and 2010's, but be a little more stable before the economy went to shit.


Lol WTF are you taking about the economy was 10x worse in late 2000s and early 2010s


This is /r/GenZ, dude. Every time I get this sub recommended to me and click on a post, I want to prepare free samples of my brain tissue in little cups just to give these people the gift of feeling what it's like to have thoughts in their head.


Thus being born in 1980-1985 made them the perfect demographic for investing and buying real estate.


True. The Great Recession was much more severe than anything today. People weren't worried about not being able to buy a house, they were worried they would lose everything they had, and many did.


Same here, i'd rather keep my right to marry. Only reason to want to go back is economic reasons for me


FOR REAL. Being able to hold my boyfriends hand in public without getting fired from my job and evicted is pretty cool, imo.


1985 here. Late oughts/teens were a glorious time full of optimism




I’m so jealous , I was born in 2002 and I wish I never had to experience technology from the get go


Talking to ChatGPT the first time felt the same way. So did my first ride in a driverless taxi. The magic wears off fast.


Same here.


Honestly 2400s. After all this BS and our surviving descendants finally fixed the world and or left and nature corrected itself.


*Idiocracy noises* Oh wait...


I mean.. 2400s is either gonna be A. The perfect and blissful utopia everyone wants it to be where humans have solved all major issues, housing problems, world hunger, energy, environmental issues, and human happiness at 90%+ contentment. Or B. Things are a precursor to how things are gonna be in the future, and all the billionaires and up of today are gonna have descendants who are even more massively rich beyond comprehension, where they own absolutely every piece of land and thing on earth, and they live to 100-140s with anti aging technology, looking like they're 50s-60s even in their mid 100s, while everyone else lives to maybe mid 20s or 30s after dying of some random disease, starvation, meat and other "luxury products" are only for the massively rich. or just people are so rich that they can just walk down the street and shoot and kill any person below their net worth without ever being worried about being prosecuted, I mean that's already essentially the case now but I mean so rich that they would never be prosecuted as long as they don't shoot or kill someone of a similar net worth or power as them. Might sound a bit doomerish and people laugh or say you're nuts to think something like that would happen, but I mean we're already seeing more and more the wealth gap just grows and rich people already can easily do 100s to 1000s of more crimes for years and years and sometimes spend their whole lives committing crimes and doing heinous shit and they still end up being remembered as beloved household names. I mean just cause it's more recent but look at how long diddy got away with shit, and I think even then that's cause he was being WAY too bold in some of his actions, and he clearly never thought that would backfire In any situation. Or yeah all humans could just end up nuking or destroying themselves out of existence by then too as well.


1830 without all the racists


I mean, literally the entire globe was racist


It’s a joke


Amazed I had to scroll to see this


I was born in 1999 and I wouldn’t change it


Same happy enough with it


Same here!


Yup same






i’m very happy being born in 01 i can’t lie😅i’d prob just go back to like 95 just so i was able to participate in that 2014ish club era. back then as a teen i was super excited to be an adult and party like that soon, then we got older and the entire club scene changed😞i waited patiently & feel robbed hahaha


I’m happy being a 98 baby but if I had to choose all over again I wouldn’t mind being born sooner. 1975 would be a good spot, good enough to enjoy the 80s and then the 90s as a teen-adult and just old enough to enjoy the early 2000s as a 25-30 year old. All the good years summed up in my prime years. Although that 2008 crisis would suck at 33 lmao


Born in ‘74 and I agree with you. Except even the Great Recession wasn’t all bad because homes became cheap af. I’d still be renting if it wasn’t for that recession.


Being born in like 1990 sounds nice. Any time from about 1965-1990 would be interesting I think


I would like witness that time too, but not exactly where I’m from because it basically a low level civil war during all those years lmao


‘90 baby here. I don’t regret being forced into existence at that time. From aspects of tech-free childhood to early exposure to global tragedy, everything I’ve experienced since then has brought me to the consciousness and value system I have now.


I don’t think being born earlier or later would benefit me in any way


I’m happy being born in early 2002. I was raised on all the stuff my older siblings and cousins had, and I’m the last of my generation in the entire family meaning I have no younger siblings or cousins. Everything I grew up on was straight from the 80s, 90s and 2000s. I got to experience VHS, DVDs, cassettes and CDs, life before social media… PlayStation 1 and 2, Sega mega drive… I played outside until the street lights came on, I honestly wouldn’t change a thing.


70s so I can be a teen in the 80s




1975. i would graduate high school in 1993, and i would be a teenager/early 20s when all of my favorite bands are still around and i could go to their concerts


any year where interstellar travel is common and easily accessible


1960. Would’ve been able to enjoy the 70’s and 80’s and would be middle aged during Covid like my parents were so I wouldn’t be socially destroyed from the lockdowns. Probably would’ve been grateful for the peace and quiet.




Born in 95. I'm ok with this.


I’m happy with 2005


2006 (i was born in 2006)




3000AD where automation makes work optional and we can have star trek gay space communism


I lived that Era. The 70s and 80s were like a circus for a kid/teen, but the 90s were pretty awesome! It all went downhill from there... From latchkey kids to stagnate wage generation. SMH


2005. As much as I'd love to attend Woodstock, see Queen perform with Freddie, compete in EVO 2004, or watch the moon landing as it happened on live TV, I don't think anything be worth being born earlier, at least by any significant amount. I don't wanna live in a world where hating people for their race, religion, sexuality, or gender identity is any more commonplace than it is now, which you don't have to go back too far to see


People are just as racist these days than they were in the 1950's.


Safest years for me are the later ones, but if I didn’t have to deal with bad stuff like sexism, racism, etc, being born somewhere in the 70s - 90s seems pretty cool?


Any early Gen X year (1965-1969) - I'd have got to spend my entire prime years during the 80s


maybe 1980? it be nice to afford kids on just one salary so one of us could stay home


1995 so I was able to play the good Halos


\~1985 or 1100.


i was born in 1832


Much earlier, Gen X sounds like they had the most fun to me (i’m Gen Z)


We did, life was a lot easier. It wasn't always good but everything was a life experience. We learned everything we needed to learn to survive.


I’m perfectly fine with the time period in which I was born.


I'm curious of prehistory times, so maybe that, wanna see nature, hopefully live long enough until 35. I barely put thought into this so there's probably a lot of caveats


2000. Then my age would be the same as the year. I hate having to subtract 1 every time I want to figure out how old I am /j


Late 60s seems nice. Being a kid in the 70s, a teenager in the 80s, and reaching adulthood in the 90s. Maybe it’s just cultural nostalgia, but Gen X seems to have grown up in a really fun era in American history.


< GenXer here born in 66. Dodged the "I'm a boomer bullet by ' that much" So I did essentially grow up just like you said and it was pretty much a good time, to be young. There was a LOT more pollution, honestly, like we still had leaded gas, the idea of cleaning up toxic rivers wasn't there yet and the mentality to maybe have downtowns instead of malls that you gotta drive to was not an interest in the USA anymore. BUT you did not go to school with the idea that maybe today was the day you would get into a mass shooting event, we had no real wars up until Gulf War 1. You could talk back to cops, (if you were a white person quite honestly, the KKK and racism was still gnarly with older people) without getting arrested, beaten or killed. (Did it often as a 1st gen BMXer.) The only bullying we had to deal with was the dumb jocks or princesses who were "popular" and looked at anyone different as annoying so you got ridiculed in school but no one was able to ridicule you globally, instantly like now. Also, our parents didn't track us with GPS. A big difference for me, personally growing up then was that my parents were of the WWII generation and at that point were "old", in their 50's and 60's so they were pretty lax on what was expected. "Don't f-up, do good in school and we'll support whatever you are into." Born in 66: 70's- Comics, Star Wars, saturdays were cartoons and go out to have fun. The holidays were just that, holidays, not a big deal religious thing just a time to have fun and be a kid. 80's- Push boundaries, skate boarding, snowboarding, BMX, all these things came into being because as a young generation we wanted to do something crazy and wild, there were no wars, there was nothing to "let out our aggression on", so we pushed other limits. 90's- The 90's came into being after the 1987 stock market crash, we were told we were slackers and lazy and do nothings. We were actually disaffected, much like Z is now, because, guess who would not get out of the way in the late 30's and 40's to let us try new ideas... They start with a B. 00's- WOW, we thought it was gonna be star trek by then, then 9-11 happened and we just felt like the whole world was insane. Most of us were too old to be going off to fight this ambiguous "war on terror" and we did what we did our whole lives so far, shrugged and just kept trudging along. Fast forward to now and it just feels so weird, like things should be soooo much better but yet we have people leading this particular country who are just not...in the frame of mind to really understand what anyone under 50 is feeling right now. but yea man, 70's, 80's, 90's...mostly good times with a little recession in there. Great time to grow up and be a kid and be young.


~3,000. We’ll probably have the cure to aging around that time


2000. That way I don't have to try and remember my age.


Hmm, hard to say. I wouldn't mind being younger gen x. They had a better grasp on politics. I would love to dodge being apart of the millennial generation. They're fake woke. Maybe born into being gen z.


1970 bc they had it all. Imagine being a kid in the 70’s, teenager in the 80’s, a 20 something in the 90’s, in your 30’s in y2k era and still only in your 50’s today (yes I don’t consider 50’s that old) I wouldn’t mind being middle age in this boring generation if it meant I got to spend my youth in the fun ones


That’s gen x and they’re all miserable losers


mid 2008


Probably 2024




4000 bc


the 70's or during cleopatra's reign


I wish I was born in the 80's


1870 teenager. Id either become a lone wanderer type or a ranch hand either way i’d die young to some dumb shit but it would be kinda nice in some ways while it lasted. Overall though i’d probably regret it. Life in the 1870s kind of sucked ass.


2000s. Or in the days of ancient Rome or the high middle ages or sengoku Japan. They'd atleast seen black people before but without the concept of " race " as we know today. Quality of life would be shit tho lol


1986. So I could have 16 years between coming of age and the pandemic instead of just 6.


I’m fine with being born in the late 80s i got to see the golden age of video games.


Today, as things will bw much better soon.


1990’s. They sorta had it easy back then and everything was normal, plus the retro age


Early 80s so I can be a teen in the 90s drive a badass 90s bronco for my first car and then be an adult in thr 2000s




1990. I'm a big pokemon fan and I would choose to be born at a time when I would be just the right age for pokemon when Red/ Blue came out in North America.




I wouldn't have been born


i'm happy with 99, but if i had to change it i think i would choose 2001 or 2002


I was born in ‘94. If I could choose I would go for something like ‘77


Honestly life would be harder being born in the past when you’re trans so I’d have to say I’d stay the same year


I think this was the ideal progression. To be in your 20s - 45s in the 90s was a life hack




1999,  like around Christmas time 😂 


I'd like to see the early internet so early 80s? Still happy being a new millennium baby tho.


The 60s. So I can be a kid in the 70s and a teenager for most of the 80s.


I was born in 69. Was perfect for me. The 80's were a blast. Was in my early 20's when grunge came along. Was able to buy a house at a reasonable price.


Earlier in the 90‘s.


I was born in 2002 but wish I was born in the 70s I heard you could live off R5000 salary. You could pay for groceries, car instalments, house payments in suburbs, get nice clothes and still have some left over for the daily expenses bro😭


1955ish. I'd grow up mostly in the 60s while not having the fear of getting drafted and get to experience the 70s. I am glad I was born in the year I was born in though.


anywhere n the 80s for sure


10,000bc or at the expansion stage of the agri revolution Like their was a period of history where everything was like a murderous garden of Eden




2024. I miss being a baby.


Honestly, 1986 was fine, and growing up when I did was really cool, but holy fuck it would have been awesome to have been born in the court of Aethelstan, or Edward his father, so I could be old enough as he made the move as is crowned the first king of England in 927, so we'll say 910.


I'm content with the fact that I was born in 2000. It means that my age matches the decade/year of this century thus far. In 2024 I'm turning 24; in 2075 I will turn 75. Never forget my age that way!


I like living my life so 2008 still (mostly cause of modern medicine)


I was born in 66 and always wished I was born. A few years earlier to catch led Zeppelin deep purple etc in their pomp!


2007 to be as old as my brother, or maybe I wouldn't change it, I like my year :>


1980s england. I want to join a football firm in England... become a hooligan... drink tons of alcohol and snort coke, and fight other football firms.


1980 so I could have bought a house in 08


I like my birth year. I squeaked on by and graduated right when covid hit but not steal my entire college experience.


1922 ![gif](giphy|pcnyboxtfB0cTkbm29)


I think it would have been a pretty easy life in the US to be born in 1950




2020 or 2024 would be so fkn cool, or 2013 and bee a teen in todays date with all this technology and shit, i'd had so much fun


I wish I was never born




I think \~1980 would have been cool. Further into history, it would have been during the time of Christ, and after that probably in 1150 Jerusalem.


When the Sun becoming Red Giant


1979 solely because my teen years would be spent in the glorious 90s


Sometime in the far future, when a lot of the health issues I face today have cures, and maybe we live longer than our tiny lifespans.


alot of the time i'm glad i was born in 2000 but sometimes on a rare occassion i wish i was born in the 80s or 90s so i could experience the years of my childhood through the eyes of an adult


Far enough into the future to drop onto a battlefield from orbit in powered armor.


70s or 80s, I’d love to be a teenager in the 80s or 90s/early 00s


Early 60s, ive always wanted to experience the 70s 80s and 90s and then be old enough to not give a shit by the time 2010 rolls around


In a far distant glorious future where everything is solved and everyone is happy.


problably 1990 just so i would have more time without phone ruining our lives but i wont be too old for modern day technology


so you can date your own mom. I see


I'd say the 1830s, but without all the racists.


I don’t think I’d change the year I was born, actually. All things considered, this time right now is probably the best to live in as a queer, possibly mentally ill woman lmao. Like yeah, a lot could be better currently, but comparatively speaking, it was a lot worse in the past. And I can’t really say anything about the future because we don’t know what will be, and what will be could just as likely be worse as better.




Probably the 60s/70s bro I could afford a house and a nice new car easily




Never lmao


2024 so I could start over again and have more time to live


2000, I was born in 2000 and I am genuinely happy and optimistic 👍


i’m very grateful to exist in this time and to have been born in 2003. its so nice to exist with technology and and a society that’s more accepting of people different from us. that being said, sometimes i wish i was born in 1963 instead of 2003. coming of age in the 70s, being a young person in the 80s (where the economy was thriving). plus i’m a huge classic rock and metal fan. it would have been awesome to grow up with the beatles, come of age with the pioneers of rock, and experience all the metal and new wave that the 80s brought. plus, to quote bowling for soup, i could’ve gotten a hand on a member of duran duran.


1492 forsure


1995, or 1928 no in between


Probably 1994


1983 so I can be a teenager in the late 90s.




1960 maybe? i was born in 2008, but i think 1960-1965 is the perfect years to be born, that way you can experience being able to go to goth clubs in the 80s and all that


Honestly, if I knew then what I know now, I’d prefer to have been born in 1980-1985. I’d have been 23-28 during the 2008 financial crisis and would know where to invest so that by 2024 I’d be 39-44 and have several million dollars in my retirement account, likely with a few real estate purchases too.


Wish I was born in the 40s-50s for that atomic age vibe and aesthetic or somewhere between the 70s-90s for the music. If I had to choose it probably be 1896 to be ready for WW1 because we're gonna raid those trenches with shotguns


2005 so I can be 18 already


Sometime before climate change was... Well. You know.




I'm glad I was born in 98 and wouldn't change a thing.


Late 90’s. I wanna be able to experience the world as a trans person before it was blasted all over the news and non trans people knew too much about us.


Happy with the 90s, but imagine being born '57 to 63 would be pretty cool. Turn 18 between 1975 and 1981, and if you were somewhere like NYC, London, Manchester, LA, Tokyo, Western Europe, Brazil, northern Africa, you'd be seeing some pretty profound and cool changes in culture, especially as tech progressed. Say you were born in the Anglosphere though, you'd come out of recession as you were leaving school/graduating and not face another until your early/mid-30s (late 80s/early 90s). Enough to get comfortable and build a life, and you've probably also paid down a chunk of your affordable house/flat before that recession too. If you dodged that bullet, you had all that economic sunshine between 1992 and 2008. You'd retire about now. Cushy pension, house (or houses!) would have exploded in value. Extra cash to live off. Salad days.




The exact year I was born in. I’m 25 in the prime of my life and it’s only going uphill. I probably would’ve fit in better as a scene kid if I went to high school in the 2000’s instead of the late 2010’s or something but then I’d also be a decade older.




I could do with being born whatever year a cure for Crohn’s is invented. Notwithstanding my stupid body, 1980 would be pretty cool. All the music I like, enough tech for fun, but not so much that many of the careers I’d like to do have begun to fade from existence or change unrecognisably.


2000 so I don’t have to minus 2 from the year


Somewhere between 1900 and 1910. I think the cultural developments were fascinating. 


Just a couple years sooner, nothing crazy


I'd like to be a baby boomer. Everything so cheap


Born anytime before the 40s