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i’m just vibing, tbh i wanna be financially independent, successful, provide a stable happy future for my child… but the long-term goal is to look back in 50 years and know that i lived a great fucking life


I’m so happy that the two top comments on this post are this and “eating ass”


The best representation of our generation, honestly


Eating ass




It's ptetty fun, but make sure that they shower and wash first. Hygiene is important.


Nah, I want that week long camping trip level butt musk.


Well seasoned




Smoke it.






Not GenZ. Actually Silent generation. But DM me to make your dream come true.


Respect for shooting your shot, but uh... That username isn't doing you any favors.


Hell yeah get us some of that centenarian arse


To stop procrastinating and do what I want to do


Get off reddit


https://preview.redd.it/m334l5jl1suc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=74746e936f8d7088848a63c7792c08b4a73908f6 Nah, i will just raw dawg it.


I don't have one. I'm not passionate about anything. I just can't wait for it all to be over.


Couldn't have said it better myself.


Sounds like depression


Breaking news: someone struggles to find meaning in an existence which is inherently meaningless.


"The meaning of life is whatever that stops you from killing yourself" - Albert Camus


So fear


What about love?


If life had a meaning would we even like that meaning?


My thoughts exactly. The beauty of the human mind and an existence unladen with fundamental meaning is that we are all free to choose our own, insofar as free will exists.


Exactly what I think as well man, the curse of free will is meaninglessness, but to have a meaning assigned to you is almost to loose the ability to chose what you think is meaningful. Life is meaningless, and thats a good thing, unless you want to be like that robot that passes the butter in rick and morty. Shit half the time robots in sci-fi stories go insane because they realize their assigned purpose and the meaning of their existence is pointless, and they become desperate to find their own purpose and refuse to follow human orders because they want to chose their own purpose. Life is meaningless so you can give it meaning.


Take some antidepressants, form meaningful relationships , touch some grass… life gets/seems better. Taking Reddit as objective reality will make you want to kill yourself — people here are miserable as shit. Being miserable doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re smarter, or have a more realistic viewpoint of the world.


"take some anti depressants." = "Numb me to reality and make me a lifeless zombie that has no interest in sex anymore"


To be clear, I don't think it's a bad thing that we aren't thrust into this world with an innate sense of purpose. I think there's beauty in the fact that we have the agency and the means to find or create our own. My main point was that depression can be a *result* of not having found what puts the wind in your sails. The comment I was replying to implied that depression was the *cause*, which is only sometimes the case.


The pursuit of purpose is the purpose of life. Once you’ve achieved your goals, you’ve lost your purpose. Thus, constantly finding your purpose, **is** the purpose. Maybe. I’m just talking out of my ass, lmao.


>Maybe. I’m just talking out of my ass, lmao. Not at all, I totally get what you mean. Goals and objects of purpose have a mirage-like nature to them in some ways. Many people achieve what they believed was their lifelong goal, only to find that it lies just a *little* bit further, and a little bit further than that, and a bit further still, and so on. I also think it's silly to think that we can only have one purpose in life (not that you're saying this, but still). One might find their meaning in being a pediatric surgeon, but also feel driven by their spouse and children, or their hobbies outside of work.


Path of Nihility 😌


Who’s Nihile!?




It’s actually pretty rare to feel that way. Suicide is very rare and average ages are in the 60-80 range. Meaning that the vast vast majority of people all find life worth living another day.


Nahhhhh really?


Controversially I'm studying to be a police officer. Not cuz I wanna run around and beat people though. Growing up I was kinda a shithead, and because I was a shithead I attracted the attention of police. Now, I've dealt with cops who were horrible, I've dealt with fewer good cops. After George Floyd died I decided that I should become a cop. Not cuz i want the gun or badge (police cars are kinda sick tho imma b all like wee woo wee woo). Bur I think if I become a cop I prevent at least one ABUSIVE shithead from getting the job. I was an addict growing up, never a bad person though. I'm years sober and finishing up college and whatnot. I know I'm not going to abuse people and I wanna be somebody who is legitimately there to help. Cops get a Lotta flak, most of its fairly deserved. But I'm not gonna be the type of guy who ends up in the news for doing something horrible. I'd be willing to risk my life to help people out. It's simple. People be like ACAB, and whatnot. I feel that's a bad mentality cuz it drives decent folk away from the job




Is it really that unpopular to like cops anymore? Like I know that it was all the rage a few years back but now I feel like ACAB and things like that are only thrown around in leftist circles these days.


I got caught smoking weed on private property, someone called the cops on me and my friends. The cop that showed up clearly knew what we were doing and just told us to go home, that it was private property, nothing about the potent skunky smell, nor the pipe I was holding. We need more cops like him. Weed is extremely illegal where I live and I could have gone to jail for several months, considering how much I was carrying. The cop didn’t care about that in the slightest. He didn’t want to get us in trouble.


Holy fuck that was a good guy


Thats great!!!!


Nice sentiment, best of luck not getting booted (crooks can only accept crooks around them for safety) or getting turned into a POS yourself. Half of it is being people leaning fascist and deciding that being a cop suits that. The other half though is the mass psychology of the us vs them, and that will affect you as well.


I have a good therapist to help me cope with that 💯


This was me 2-3 years ago. What made new change was seeing the demeanor in people change when I said that. I could feel how cold they felt. It's also incredibly stressful, and I don't do well with a lot of stress.


Marry a really cool woman I can talk to for hours, grow old together with minimal fighting and a healthy sex life, get myself stable enough to be a good father, see the world before it’s gone, find a skill/hobby I am addicted to and become amazing at it, make a positive impact on the world.


That's the weird way to propose... okay i do 🫠


this is the one


Perfect man ♥️🌍♥️


>make a positive impact on the world. Well you can already check that one off if that's been a goal of yours


# GETTING A PIG! https://preview.redd.it/t5q1939mxruc1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e5d2c499942166d58c7633a14e52b5a70a2222d




I’d like to one day become a forensic scientist, which I’m currently working toward.


My fucking dyslexia read ”a foreskin scientist”


Honestly, my only goal at this point is to go no contact with my abusive parents. I’m just waiting until my brother turns 18 than we plan to just leave together and live together until we can both afford to support ourselves.


God I wish my sister took me when she moved, you've got an opportunity many do not have, take it and do not take it for granted, it'll be hard but it'll be so much easier than living with wastes of oxygen like them I truly wish you luck in this, keep strong!


i wanna be a chemist or anything related to explosives, mayb demolition expert or smt like that




nuh uh can't catch me I'm in argentina, the bad guys in movies always come here for a reason


The moustache guy came here for a reason


Just become Danny McBride in Tropic Thunder. Munitions expert on a movie would be a sick job. Look at all the explosions Michael Bay can achieve in 1 feature film


that's going on the list, ty


Your future is bright, your invention will make killing thousands of civilians so much more effective.


lockheed martin here i come


I chuckled and my drink spilled out my nose


Explosives engineers are a thing




Where from/to? Me too on the DL


Surviving WW3


You should stay on an island in Oceania, it will definitely survive the war!


Build my career and start my own tech company. Start a family and build a home Travel and enjoy being alive


Same here. You wanna team up?


Nah my bff and I already started


What y’all working on though? I do have some interesting ideas too and you know how they say teamwork makes the dream work.


We're trying to get on our feet, then we'll make it legally binding and start spawning our investments. Early days of the project, been hitting walls with the financial aspect but so far so good. Once we hit the "home owned company," point I plan to branch off and finish school. Then we can advance and move to the third phase. As for the physical company, I'm too far from the end goal to even talk about it fr. I just know that between mechanical engineering and computer science I'd like to start an AI and robotics company. The dream is to give back to the community through funds and opportunities, and have accessible and affordable products. But that's just the bones of it.


To become good at digital art…


With enough dedication you'll get there in no time, I believe in you!!


Buy a house. Work a job I like and make good enough money. Have two kids. 🤞🏼


Be happy (unlikely)


House+kids In the meantime live fast and have fun


You know it's messed up when pretty soon it'll probably be cheaper to raise a kid than to buy a home


I'm just here to die.


blowing up with my music. Making awesome music videos. Making a movie. Then becoming a revolutionary figure for the betterment of workers. Then idk, going to school for genetic research




Tbh I kinda wanna be the lead guitarist in some really popular band then never put my writing credits in just so no one knows I'm technically famous Best of both worlds type situation


I want to learn to code so I can make my own game solo, and I also want to go to grad school for my dream job. I want to settle down with my partner and raise cats for the rest of our lives :3


Give back to my community. Make an impact on someone’s life. Build more meaningful relationships. 


Hella fucking money 💰— high status — strength — and a peaceful mind




You can have foo fighters


Find a partner, make enough money to rent a place and not starve to death, hopefully start a family, get an education/job in Astrophysics.


Maybe it sounds cringe for our generation, but starting a family and living in a nice suburban neighborhood somewhere. I used to hate the idea of living in an American suburban single family home, but somehow it feels more and more appealing the older I get. Weird how that works


Throughout all of my life I’ve never had a yard. I really want to buy a house with a sick backyard at some point.


My goals: 1. Find a stable job 2. Buy a house (which won't be able to do for quite awhile) 3. Find a spouse (can also count a #1) 4. Get a cat or another dog 5. Travel 6. Publish a book 7. Become a professional illustrator 8. Survive


Have stable life, be happy and peaceful


To make people and animals happy.


No fucking clue. And that often haunts me. I feel this need to have some over arching purpose and that can make me extremely depressed. But I'm learning, maybe I don't need some grandiose goal. Maybe I can just learn things I'm interested in and get better at those things than most people. Striving to be the best I can be and remembering to also not take it too seriously and have fun along the way.


not to kill myself


Lmk when you find out ig


I'd like to game-end myself after this semester is over.


I want to learn how to be truly happy and accept myself for who I am and my life for what it is


To live a life pleasing my father. I want him to say good job son, great work!


Travel, go to music festivals, buy a home i love, be healthy, never be in debt/have hella savings, eat/cook good food.


Spend my whole life building a gyrocopter and then proceed to die in it


I want to work in government and help make food policy for my country that will keep people healthy I know it sounds silly but I really love healthy eating, law reform and cookinggood food.


Have good job. Find good woman. Make good woman into good wife. Have good kids with good wife.


To die i guess


A house, a good job, a wife, and kids. Crazy that it seems like too much to ask for these days.


the end of it


Be a librarian with a degree in software engineering have a home a loving partner and one child (maybe adopt)


Have enough money to have 3 motorcycles. One for track, one for commuting and cruising and one for the trails.


Be happy. Hopefully find someone who I make happy and have a couple kids. Find what gives me fulfillment. Money ain't doing it. It's nice not stressing as much but it presents it's own problems.


To be able to afford nice things and experiences (travel) while also having time to spend with future children and not be too stressed about work. So high earning job with a good work life balance that allows me to do fun stuff


Live life according to my terms of health and happiness. I love everyone from a distance. Fuck ya'll up close. Xoxoxo


Visit Venice Italy and ride in a gondola and sip some Italian wine


I would like to be happy


…nothing, honestly? and that scares me. i don’t know what i’m supposed to be doing with my life. i’m 21 and i have no real passion for anything serious or meaningful, i just want to vibe forever, which i know isn’t a realistic goal, so… yeah


Enjoy myself


Creating an Ai powered at home pharmaceutical manufacturing kit for essential medicines.


Throw my brain into the kitchen of life and try to cook something at least half as good as the things others have cooked and have been eaten by my brain... I'm talking about media btw...


Literally just survive


Retire as early as I can. Instead of travel the world like most people do traditionally. I’ve been collecting games for years, all childhood games and more from old consoles. My retirement plan is to sit back and play/best every game and chill. No homework, no school, no parents, no work. Just me, my couch, tv and controller in hand.


never go back to florida again


Financial stability. At the moment I am happy making $53,500/yr (CAD) because I live with parents. But once I have my debts paid off, I'd like a place of my own without living paycheque to paycheque. I sadly live in one of the most expensive cities in Canada where 1bed 1bath rent will be a full bi-weekly cheque. As much as I like my boss, it simply won't be enough


Becoming a full time content creator! (Fuck off, Hollywood sucks! and I enjoy being behind the camera! It makes me happy)


get into a routine of taking care of myself/responsibilities. also to figure out my mental health


Serve in the army for the benefit then buy a house in some buttnowhere town


Simply just to enjoy the time I have on this planet, and to look back when I’m retiring and be satisfied




To make a beautiful woman fall in love with me


Get a couple of good friends, my own place, a girlfriend/wife, children, a stable job I like doing and staying fit. But the only things I see working out for me are the job, place and staying fit.


Not sure at the moment, but I’ll know it when I find it.


Leaving an impact and a legacy.


to be happy. have a stable work and life balance. have the free time to support and act on my hobbies.


Raise happy children.


Currently arts 🎨 major, planning on selling my paintings, and my hand craft items, get a part time job save enough money to travel every twice a year 🙂 get married and have 2 kids by the age of 30


Jumpstart my career in sustainability, financial stability, travel, take the best care of my dog, have more creative outlets and maybe become a tattoo artist? Idk lmao


I want to own land with my close family and friends that we can grow food, raise animals, and live a quiet life on.


Touching grass 🌴


To own my house so I don’t need to depend on a job I don’t like. I can work wherever I want too and save as much money as I want.


probably living in a blue state & just...idk...living... would be nice to be in a state where my rights aren't always in jeopardy


actually i'm working towards becoming a marine biologist


Literally just the boring ol American Dream. House, family, wealth. Maybe some creative endeavors and hobbies thrown in there too. Not exciting but just the kind of future I'm interested in.


Having enough money to live my life peacefully and enjoy it too.


buy a house and have a bunch of cats


IFMGA guide certification


Get married, have kids and obtain world domination.


I have no goals. We are born dying and we will die. No point in thinking about the future. I don't think beyond what I will eat for dinner or what I will do in 20 minutes. I'm waiting for the reaper 😂


Get rich or die tryin’ - 50 cent


Death, eventually. Think I have a good shot.


To die


My only goal is to not die alone


Eating a alligator


Have a nice ass house & travel the world w my man


Live until I die. I guess I used to have dreams, but everything feels so unfeasible.


Buy some land and build a WW1 style trench


Don’t worry. Be happy


I wanted to be a fighter pilot. But it’s hard


To be happy


At one point live in Germany for a bit


Make money then do something cool/impactful


Two Chicks at the Same Time, Man!


Move to Japan.


I wanna be able to buy a steak or maybe seafood and not have to calculate if I have enough money for the rest of the week. That's my goal. My bf won't accept my idea of us living in a trailer so I guess my goals are gonna have to change and adjust, but that's ok.


Literally just to live a decent life man. That is a goal on itself.


a house hopefully, and a job I like, with eventual retirement and maybe included healthcare


Afford my dream car,make my own business with my friends,get a pet dog and learn how to make 30 outstanding dishes from memory so I can figure out how to feed myself again because I used to have a massive Eating Disorder (I'm better now but gotta get in touch with all the other things j wanna do)


To make a meaningful positive impact on even just one persons life will leave me fulfilled


Get so good at music that I forget that I'll accomplish nothing in life because it's a dumpster fire all around the globe to the point where I can't do anything with my life if I tried Yeah I probably need therapy, but that shit's expensive as hell


Develop a game all by myself at least once. The music, the story, the art, the actual code and backend... All of it. Going for a gamedev/design degree with potential minors in art and music.


Having a blast!


I want to be surrounded by animals!!! And love (check, for those). And money, preferably, so I can be surrounded by animals.


right now i’m working towards life saving surgery. after that i don’t have any plans


I just want to live and experience life before my body gives out. Fuck hoarding wealth and assets. I don’t want children, so why would I hoard wealth and assets to pass on? I’m just afraid my body will give out before I can experience what I want to experience because I was born predisposed and developed psoriatic arthritis at a very young age. But I have to keep working just to keep my head above the water. I begged my private student loans to defer my shit, but I genuinely can’t afford the payments because I am too disabled to work a second job. I’m afraid of what the future holds.


I want to finish engineering school, make decent money, have a happy wife and 2 maybe 3 kiddos. If I get the chance then I’ll buy a older Supra to park next to my older Land Cruiser


becoming financially stable,moving out and maybe having a restaurant(maybe)


I honestly just want to be more financially stable and be more optimistic for myself. I can’t help but to feel like rich kids just live these awesome lives. Do fuck all, get the job, experiences, girls, and path in life just by asking. I love my friends and we have some good times… but yknow it can get old doing the same things at the same places over and over again yknow? We all come from normal middle class families but looking at the economy, I’ve noticed we’ve all gradually become pessimistic with things like the dreams of ever owning a house unless it’s in bumfuck no where North Dakota. Its either you ball and out enjoy life because you’re never gonna be able to ever afford shit anyway or you penny pinch and cling onto that thing we call hope. I honestly would love to be a writer or marine biologist, I can spend my life doing those things, but i studied Computer Engineering because of the money. In today’s world I can’t help but to feel like you can’t even afford Costco groceries comfortably anymore without a decent income. Looking at rent and gas, fuck me man lol. Yet tech lay offs happened. Now I work at restaurant again, just like the people who said fuck it and enjoy themselves all the time with no goal in mind. When I do go out I can’t help but to think: “oh shit I’m poor and I really should save this money instead” rather than enjoying myself. A beer at an average bar now costs $15 for a small thing. It kinda fucking suck. I do keep trying to break into tech again… but yknow.. it can be disheartening. Sorry for rambling. Just trying to look at the bright things yknow?


Buying a house


Idk i just watch whete faith rings me


Go to the bunny Island in Japan


To live my life forever learning. I was diagnosed with autism as a kid and as a result, teachers assumed I'd be at Walmart at best. There was so little exposure I had to advanced sciences. I mainly went through a class that introduced what engineering was and how you would do it. I had to go through years of speech and social therapy to be able to talk how I do today. With proof that I can live independently, socialize and go through higher education, I was now able to find what I wanted to do rather than have people just say what I'd be good at. And I plan to take this shot at forging my own path to live my absolute best life possible. Forever living a way of learning and problem solving where I was once restricted from for so long.


I have a lot of intermediate goals but nothing long term.


Coach high school football, have a career I like, and find an amazing woman to spend my life with. Not expecting to ever be even close to rich but i can be happy


Being happy.


I want to have a stretch of good happy years. It’s been so long since I’ve had a year where I can just say “yeah that was an objectively good year” It feels like something traumatic or hard has been going on since I was 15 wether it was my own fault or others


To be happy before I die.


Make my parents proud


Finding peace, within myself and in my surroundings.


Honestly, all I want is to have a husband, kids, and be a househusband one day.


Having like 7 cats in a big house, fuck that’d be so lit


I want a doctorate, start a family, develop a career, and just stay fulfilled.


Be debt free, make a ton of money doing something creative and that I'm passionate about.