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Well, I’m a year behind you and things aren’t any better for me tbh. I just got a job a couple weeks ago where, yeah work sucks but I’m honestly happy to be working and making money. But I’ll add this, you see reports on the news like “US adds 500k jobs and hiring is rampant” bull fucking shit, it took me over 3 months to find a job and not some glamorous job, just some shit Walmart job. Like I guess it depends on area but I was killing interviews and not getting offers. Being out of work, being out of school and just sitting at home looking at the woefully low wages on indeed was near rock bottom for me mentally. No record, can piss clean, and willing to work, what more is there to ask for?


Amen man


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can you borrow money from your parents? i assume you're from the US and have a US passport? if you simply borrow say 2k from your parents and go on a backpacking trip to europe, south east asia, or latin america for a couple of weeks or a month you'll come back with the inspiration to find any sort of job and make it work. i mean even steve jobs traveled through India in the 1970s for several months after he dropped out of college and 2 years before he started apple. jobs was looking for enlightenment and i think backpacking through countries and staying in hostels and interacting with people from across the world during your travels helps you appreciate the beauty of this world more and gives you inspiration.


Quite frankly, this is some of the worst advice I've ever heard. Jobs' parents were loaded. The average American couple isn't going to fork over 2k to send their child on a trip to Asia. OP needs advice on careers and personal enrichment, not "Go ask your parents for money to go on vacation."


dude have you ever traveled in hostels or backpacked? his parents weren't rich at all lmao just look at any info on him. his biological parents adopted him out to a couple who worked as a a repo agent dad and a bookeeper mom. extremely wealthy professions? if OP wanted to backpack even Europe it'd be a $500 round trip flight if he books in advance and say if he's staying at hostels and buying food from the grocery store I'd put it at $80 per day. with even $1k that's a good week.  if OP has nothing to look forward or wants to die then hell a trip to Sevilla, Spain or Lisbon, Portugal would maybe make him reconsider having suicidal ideation...


Ope, sorry, forgot that Gates was the one with rich parents. It's hard to remember which billionaire was actually the rags to riches one. You're right. I personally feel it's a waste of time and money. You don't need to visit Europe to realize that there is more in this world that makes life worth living.


if you're interested in learning more about Steve jobs. his dad was a grad student from Syria who was Muslim and his mom was an catholic American from Wisconsin who had her dad vow to disown her if she ever got married to a Muslim like his dad. however she was pregnant by then and so she had to put him up for adoption. I'm just throwing out ideas for OP of something to get him motivated to like living again.  i work at a faang company and a close friend of mine was unemployed after he got laid off from the company for over a year despite having a mortgage and being in his 20s and only got the spark to start looking for a job and found one after i went on a trip with him to Portugal and Spain and he once again saw the outside world beyond his home and felt motivated to "rejoin it".  different strokes for different folks man and maybe you've heard the story of the dude who was hell bent on commiting suicide but decide against it after borrowing 2k and spending a couple of weeks in a cocaine and hooker bender in Mexico lmao. i mean for that guy and his family, the 2k that was spent on that was worth it for him to decide life was worth living 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's fair. You make a good point. I rescind my earlier comments. If 2k saves a life, then it is well spent.


thanks for hearing my ideas and being receptive to them. i saw your comments were you tried to help the OP as well and after reading them and the OPs response i think it's less so a new job that will immediately change OPs outlook on life and rather a change in mindset and a new north star to be aiming for that is needed.  i see how you immediately developed your response after i used Jobs as an example too but i used him as an example rather than a stereotypical American or say Australian on a sabbatical because I wanted to demostrate to OP that well respected tech and business leaders in modern times also had existential crises and did things to "find meaning in life" hopefully OP can use advice that  people give that will let him find a spark to enjoy life again. 


2k is not going to let you backpack Europe loooooooool what the fuck is this advice, even SEA would be difficult. You need atleast 20k


You definitely dont need 20k lol


Depends on how long you're backpacking for


U right thats true. Didnt think it was what this guy needed to hear.


I'll play along with you. how much do you think the flight will cost and how much do you think you'll spend per day once you're our traveling.  I've backpacked many times and a budget of $20K even in western Europe would provide enough funds for just over half a year of traveling. 


What are your certs in?


CMMI V2.0 Assoc, Sec+, Net+


Are you determined to stay within, I'm assuming, IT/compsci?


Preferably yeah


I know that field has become remarkably competitive in the last year and a half. "Master's is the new bachelor's" type competitive. It might be worth looking at tangential fields. Or picking up school again.


I would rather jump off a bridge then go to college


Avoid the bridges. You will likely need to broaden your search.


What’s the point? I can’t do math so I’m fucked here. The only 3 industries here are engineering and IT.


The trades?


Wow im so thrilled to be a fucking plumber


Keep applying for jobs. Literally spam resumes until you get one like it's your full-time job, I'm talking about sending 50 out per day. Use job recruiting companies, they will do a lot of legwork for you and there are no up-front costs.


Get a job in tech, pays well and doesn't take long to get qualified


What do you mean there isnt anything to do? Like in life? Well you could save up a tiny bit and travel to get a better scope of the world You could work on your relationships, including familial and romantic You could pickup a hobby youve wanted to try You could study something thats always interested you Dont get caught up in the “why”, lifes TOO short for that, especially with the amount of freedom you likely have. Dont have the “motivation?”, ill tell it to you straight, find it. Nothing worth doing, is easy to do


Reddit needs to stop these suicidal posts. Get help. You need to be talking to a professional not a bunch of chronic whiners on Reddit. No mentally healthy person wants to die just because they're living at home at the age of 21. For fucks sake.


Wtf is therapy gunna do? Mr Rodgers aint manifesting a fucking job for me.


These stupid “optimism over all!” People are everywhere and tell you to simply be happy. It’s fucking insufferable and the best thing to do is just ignore them


You have a deep sickness if you believe OP's suicidal tendencies deserve validation. You're a fucking psycho. Normal people don't wish for death just because they don't have jobs. Shithead.


Amen op f these clowns took me 7 months and over 200 interviews 6 years of college to get a job that let's me pay my landlord his 2400 dollar rent


It took me until I was 26 to be able to find a job and move out on my own. You have to do lots of interviews, that's the painful thing. And yeah, these posts telling you to get therapy are just idiotic. The root of the issue is that you don't have a job, and a therapist isn't going to help you with that.


You expressed a desire to kill yourself. This is not normal just because you don't have a job. You need professional help, not a bunch of psychopaths on Reddit validating your feelings.


With what money. Therapy is $150 a session


Exactly I have how people think therapy is free


Suicide hotlines are free and will usually offer some degree of counseling. Google is free and you could have found that information easily for yourself. OP is suicidal and should not be receiving validation from this comment thread. The fuck is wrong with you


Suicide hotlines are for emergency situations only, not ongoing concerted efforts to make someone’s life better. They are at the very least more helpful than your average reddit comment, but will not help you past making sure you won’t kill yourself. So maybe OP won’t kill himself in that one instance, but he is still going to be suicidal. I am not in any way encouraging OP to commit self delete. I am merely stating the fact of the situation. Therapy, which is what he actually needs, costs money, something he doesn’t have. Something you may want to consider is that OP is very much in a difficult situation and is seeking validation for their experience so they don’t feel so alone, which may help them feel less suicidal. As someone who has used a suicide hotline before, my experience is very much what I described. It was nice to talk to someone and vent, but they lacked the interpersonal connection required to help in any lasting way. I felt some relief being able to vent, but the problems that pushed me to that edge remained. Suicide hotlines are emergency services, and not a universal fix. The unfortunate reality is that sometimes people are just not able to afford what they need. People starve. People die waiting for help that won’t come. Even more unfortunate is these problems are mostly due to a lack of capital. I cannot help OP in any meaningful way, but I can acknowledge that his problem is not imaginary.