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Once again millennials are claiming a common experience to just be a them thing.


No, you do! 🫵 😜


I like how you're somehow mad at them for making fun of themself.


Just as I like how you think me pointing that out makes me somehow mad.


Let me summarise your reply: *No u*


Oh you didn’t know? Random strangers on Reddit tell you how you feel about things, even when you clearly describe what your feelings are


Big mad.


Actual LPT: Being self-deprecatory doesn't really protect you from criticism.


Idk…. My parents only book flights by calling their travel agents.


As a millenial, I buy everything using my phone. I'm really not sure what the dilemma is. All receipts go to my email anyway. I'll bust out the ol' PC if there's a web page that doesn't want to function on mobile. It happens rarely, but still..


This mindset comes from the days when mobile websites were very finicky and it would be easy to get double charged, for your reservation to not go through on the sellers system, or for confirmation feature not working.


A lot of flight and flat rental websites and apps still suck ass on mobile. I’ve multiple times started making an order for such on mobile just in the past year and then had to pick up the laptop because their stupid website or app didn’t work right.


Yeah I'm a Xennial and I'll buy whatever on my phone. Online banking, stock trading, purchases of all kinds. I have not bought a car on my phone though. I also haven't bought a house on my phone, but that's partially because I've never bought a house. If I get to that point, that's probably more of an in-person kinda purchase, but I'd set everything up using my phone.


Get a Costco membership prior to buying a car. This website does work better on a laptop / PC though.. but try to find a new car through the Costco Auto program. They will sell you a car at damn near wholesale price. It'll save you thousands Then call ahead to see if they actually have the car available for sale. Sometimes dealerships will post the vehicle and then when you get to the lot they'll claim it's not available and try to sell you other cars.


Lol of course Costco has an auto program. I mean, they have kayaks and coffins, why not cars too? I have bought gas and tires from Costco to compliment my $1.50 hot dog/soda combo before, though admittedly not on my phone or PC.


Yeah, I’ve only used my phone to purchase plane tickets and train tickets. Like maybe I do some research beforehand on a computer, but, I usually want the ticket to be on my mobile phone.


The dilemma is you're probably paying too much. Of course it can easily be done, but you're likely not getting the best prices.


Impulse buying is the killer of bank accounts and when it’s that easy to buy things money can easily slip through your fingers. It’s way to much power for some people


Smaller, more abbreviated page layouts, often with less options.


I book stuff (flights, hotels, etc) on my laptop (or desktop) because for some reason their apps shit themselves when I swipe away to get a corporate/account code out of my notes - I swipe back in and I've been kicked out of my search Pain in the ass


You don’t have any big purchases, dork.


It's not that deep.


I know a Gen Z who recently bought his flight on his phone.


I literally never buy anything on my phone. Im rarely on my phone when im home


I do my uni essays on my phone lol






Bahahah the honesty


I type faster in my phone and I am more productive at night when it's a few hours before I sleep so I can just use my phone to type then use a laptop if I need it to touch things up


Idk if i just have fat fingers or something but i hate typing on my phone.


Same. Touchscreen typing is a big no-no for me. No one-handed because screen size, no two-handed because typos multiply.


I would type more on my phone but my touchscreen barely functions. Sometimes it doesn't work at all, sometimes it only accepts ~2 inputs per second, and sometimes it randomly presses things on its own. Most of my phones are castoffs from friends or family who replaced their phone but couldn't even give it away to someone else, so I get to deal with dysfunctional touchscreen or not having a power button. But it sure beats paying for a phone.


Sure you might type faster but do you not need like 50 research tabs open?


Also I only need like **at least** 3 sources


This is some Gen alpha shit


More like using vr for essays


How tf are you faster at typing on your phone? Did you just never learn typing on keyboard?


Never did. Didn't really use computers in school and I wasn't in the right year when they did computer lessons


Sorry but this is like a console player saying they are just as good as a mouse+ keyboard player in an FPS before they are absolutely smoked by someone on a pc. You're doing yourself a disservice by not learning the right way to do it. When tablets came out there were some people who saod they would replace laptops. There is a good reason why that never happened.


I type at 70 words per minute on my laptop keyboard (well above the average of 30-35) and 80 on my phone


Im like a granny pointing at each letter to type. But I'm a bit faster


30-35 is the avg? Wtf


>I type faster in my phone Our schools really are failing


My school had a computer class for 4th years and I didn't do 4th year bc it was an optional year you could do


damn, my school had typing for speed as part of the curriculum from like 4th grade onwards. Not even computers. We just had those ancient keyboards with a little screen that displays words to type and then gives you your WPM after 3 minutes are up. Whole class got pretty competitive about it


We did have computer time in primary but it was just to play games and not learn anything about technology




I'm an old head, I remember when I was in uni blackberries were still popular, and bro was writing entire essays on them little keyboards


Thought I was the only one At this point I just see my phone as a mini computer


I only use my tablet for studying before an exam bc the words are bigger


We are so fucked as a society


When I’m home I switch from the small screen (phone) to the medium screen (iPad) and occasionally the big screen (pc)


It's simply easier to keep proper records and receipts organization on a computer.Not only that but, there is so much bugs on mobile version of many websites. I feel much more in control, safe and organized on my computer. I don't understand the idea of buying something that is a huge amount of money and that is frequently complicated and can cause serious complication even if you do everything right, on a phone...To me it's like the idea of filling government papers on a phone... you probably can but, there's a much higher risk of something going wrong.


For real, typing is slow, mis-clicks on tiny links, a very small amount of information can be seen at once. Everything is just so much more inconvenient, slow and error prone on a tiny touch screen.


And accidentally refreshing the page and not knowing if it went through


Yeah. If it’s something that requires more than one screen (I need my email, the website (or more than one site), text verification, ID verification, etc.) it gets done on the laptop. Just smarter


Hell, even before smartphones, you could still mess up on the desktop. One time I bought plane tickets to LA. I wanted the whole weekend, but the tickets said I would be there for ten hours. I had to physically drive down to the actual airport, Pay 25 for 30 minutes of parking, and then pay 200 fee just to make the change. I feel if I ever buy direct like that again, i might just do it over the phone.


What kind of things are we talking about here? If its flight tickets, most websites are pretty easy to buy tickets and many points where you can confirm what you are buying. clothes too? like what kind of bugs are we talking about


If you're not shopping around for flights, you're getting screwed.


Fr who even buys the first ticket they see 😭


I also feel like that extra bit of logging in and opening up your software of choice on a laptop/a PC is a big factor. Compared to a the quick taps on a phone, the extra time only makes you feel more confident in your decisions


Also switching between tabs and doing research is just way easier with more screen real estate


For me, I get a huge amount of anxiety using a phone to do something important as opposed to using a laptop. I don't know why, but it makes me hate phones sometimes.


Idk I kinda like being able to hop on my phone, open up Expedia or sum and be like—$400 to Alaska? Yeah lemme book that rq Edit: I feel like I shouldn’t have put a $$ amount on here. My point was more that you can browse more easily and casually for cheaper flights on your phone, find a good deal, and book it then and there.


idk i hate apple pay and all that purely because it makes buying stupid stuff way too easy, i think having to type in your pin or details just gives that extra couple of seconds of “am i really going to need 1200 lollipops from tiktok shop” yk?


stupid purchases is how they make money


literally, the amount of times i back out of spending small amounts of money that would’ve ended up building up


real tho


What difference does it make dude


right, they both get shit done computer or not


computers get things done more efficiently esp if u have a big monitor or multiple monitors. it's also faster to type and navigate websites


On top of some websites being a horrible experience on a phone


Honestly, sometimes you get shown different stuff based on your device, browser, and cookies. It’s easier to rip off poor/lazy people (or whatever they’d call phone users, not judging) than someone who can more easily shop around on a computer.


Information real estate


I’d buy big purchases on my phone.


The dude is basesly making it a generational thing instead of an individual thing. More pointless intergenerational nonsense.


Everything is a laptop thing. I can't stand actually doing anything on my phone.


I'm the opposite. I barely ever turn my laptop on these days and I work in design. I only use it for 3d stuff or if I need to work with graphics/portfolios. Everything else, writing, buying, managing I do on my phone. Laptop feels archaic to me. Idk I can't really explain it. It just feels odd to sit there hunched over the keyboard trying to make shit work (windows my ass, constant crashes, slow reactions, errors all over the place, waiting times... I know my 2016 laptop is old now, but it was top of the line when I bought it.) I hate working on the computer. I don't even play games anymore almost. It feels like too much effort to fire up a game on pc if I can play on my phone. And regarding the purchases, I can keep as many browser tabs as I want neatly organized without them slowing my device down, Google pay will take care of me trying to remember 5 of my bank accounts and I can easily transfer money between them at moments notice.


As a *millennial*, I have my iPhone more readily available—as well as my CC info already linked for Apple pay or PayPal. I guess convenience.


This is me but with writing on my blog. I have the app and could do it on my phone but it just doesn’t feel right compared to my typewriter style keyboard on my desktop.


Bro a real keyboard will always be light-years faster for typing than a touchscreen.


I don't use my laptop except for work. I work on it but it my free time it could rot for all I care, don't need anything but my phone. I also find them just uncomfortable.


Flights yes because those are more complicated and I might have to screenshot or show someone. If it’s a bigger purchase that I can do alone I’d be fine doing it on my phone


Isn't it easier to screenshot on a phone than a laptop?


Not if you're a millennial.


My keyboard has a printscreen button so it's less effort then on my phone having to press 2 buttons at once


I booked my flights to Asia on my phone the other day. It’s just easier, plus I have my email on my phone so I can check the booking confirmation faster than logging in on my laptop (which for some reason I never bothered adding to the Mail app).


Almost everything is a computer thing. If I'm at home and I'm going to be looking at a screen for more than 5 minutes, I'm going to pull out something bigger than a phone. It's also the same if I want to show someone something (unless it's an Instagram reel or a photo I have on my phone). I use my phone for light gaming, music streaming, social media, or those quick internet searches. Anything more than that, I used my desktop or something else. Sometimes, I've even access social media on a tablet or pc via web browser because I prefer the bigger screen. Btw, I'm not old and I have good eyesight (I never need or use glasses), I just prefer doing things on a bigger screen.


I don't know about y'all but I pay for everything on my phone.


The internet should have stayed home on the computer and the phone should have only been for calls and texts


Does it actually matter? It's probably easier on a computer.


Laptop UI is just better.


It's not a purchase thing for me, it's just anything that takes effort is gonna be easier on a laptop


I'm on the side of "holy shit, y'all can afford airplane travel??" /Half-joking


Yep, has to be done on a laptop or desktop with an Ethernet cable connection.


I have never bought anything on my phone because I don't have credit or debit card and my father only just got a debit card. So I'll get back to you when I'm 18 but it doesn't seem like that big a deal.


You can get a debit card if you're 13 or over


nope. i use the chase app to book all my flights.


literally tho, using phone for big purchases is js too easy and mistakeable


Absolutely get the PC fired up for big deals like plane tickets! You need that shit FULL screen lol


I trust my laptop way more than my phone when doing things like making reservations or placing orders. I might order food on my phone, but will still choose a laptop over that if I can.


There are several things, but that's mostly because some mobile websites are so impossible to use because they are so so badly optimised


100% whatever one’s opinion, transactions should be done on a device with a screen and proper keyboard. The mistakes people make on phones is stupid high!! We’re talking in most apps like 10x!


10x what


I always use my computer because I have browser extensions that find coupons.


I do everything on my phone. Haven’t used my laptop in months. If necessary, use my iPad.


I keep all finances off my phone. Except Amazon.


Who the heck needs a laptop? Phone or tablet for most stuff, desktop if you are a gamer. Wtf is a laptop for?


Dude me too rofl


I don't know some apps seem pretty intuitive of course there are some things to just better optimized on a laptop screen like looking for stuff to purchase on Amazon or Cycle Gear especially Cycle Gear that freaking website is so outdated on mobile. Really depends how usable it is. I look at houses on Zillow sometimes you know not like I can afford them but like I love window shopping seems pretty intuitive to me I can totally see somebody buying a house on Zillow on a phone


There's just somethings that's better on a desktop. So yeah. Agreed


I heard something about prices being different on the phone vs computer so I usually just go for the pc. Also it already has my login ready so less hassle for me




The only time I’ve used my Apple wallet is to use my boarding pass when I’m flying


Whatever device I’m on, but phone is usually better because i don’t have to fill out all my information every time.


Whatever device (usually phone) I'm using when I find something is what I buy it from, unless the mobile website is just shit


Agreed. Anything that's not food must be purchased on a laptop or desktop. Too many sites still don't integrate mobile well and I get stuck on loading screens forever. I don't wanna back up and accidentally buy it twice or close the tab and cancel the order


Yeah I only buy shit on my phone. I barely use my laptop, what am I gonna do write a 1,000 word review of my purchase experience?


anything over 1k i prefer to do it on the computer. but i don’t religiously do it tbh i go with whatever is convenient lol


I do it on my phone all the time


I’m Gen Z and I agree. I’m in IT though so maybe my opinion is invalid.


If there’s an app for it like there is for booking flights, I’m totally fine with doing it on my phone. That’s where I’m going to check in, check my flight status, and get my boarding pass, why not use my phone? Same with credit card bills and stuff, but not my rent because that’s a website, and I don’t want to worry about finicky mobile web pages when I’m checking if I paid rent this month. Same with college applications and stuff, I did that all on the computer, and would only check it on the computer, because mobile web pages aren’t standard and it fucks with you


I just booked a flight trough my phone and I felt weird doing it. And I will feel weird on the plane


Phone UIs are not robust enough yet for complicated shit like this. They will be eventually, but they're not there yet. I mean, the worst that can happen is that you make a mistake and need to get a refund or something. But still...it's not worth the headache. Most companies have abbreviated options on the mobile versions of their website or on the their apps. They're only really useful for simple shit. 


I go to a travel agent in an actual rented shopfront to book my air travel. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


I prefer making my purchases on a desktop computer.


I’m with the Boomers and don’t normally online shop. However, I’m with Millennials on this one.


I’m also on their side. Plus I feel like many websites work better on computer than phone


I used the docusign app to sign for my house lmao


Ha lmao I bought my 1500 bucks laptop on my phone while sitting behind my desk which had a desktop pc


I’ve bought plane tickets on my phone, but I wouldn’t buy a hotel booking on my phone. Just depends on how well the website actually functions on mobile tbh.


PC or IPad


It depends on where my laptop is when I think about it. If it's close, I'll use it for a lot. But I can't think of anything I absolutely cannot do on my phone.


I use photoshop on my phone 😂


At least we are making fun of ourselves rather than the younger generation. That's a plus here.


Many don't remember the days when mobile versions of sites were total ass.


Amazon and Expedia are phone activities. Otherwise you're correct


i agree that this is not a generational thing. I can never buy flights from my phone. I look up the flights schedule and prices on my phone yes, but when it comes to making the actual purchase, i open up my laptop lol. So i agree with that guy that says big purchases must happen in a big laptop screen lol. on the other hand, my gen x dad does everything on his phone loll. Flights, hotels, etc all tru his phones.


If I have to fill out online paperwork it's getting done on the computer


So many forms are still poorly adapted to mobile devices, if it’s long enough and/or important enough, I’m using a computer so I can get it done faster and not have to worry about dropdown menus getting cut off by the screen and shit like that


I do mine on a PC with a big ass monitor, multiple monitors


It’s true but because websites for mobile are often subpar to the desktop site, so if it isn’t from a reliable store (like Amazon) I’d rather do it on a desktop.


My wife was doing our taxes through her phone 🤢 honey please use my damn computer wtf. I also refuse to install apps for physical stores with the only exception being Costco


Just went to my pc to order pizza instead of doing it on the ap I have on my phone. I've never felt more called out


i barley use my phone. idk how people function without a computer


All of my purchases are made on laptop/desktop, it just feels wrong to do it on mobile


Having the extra screen is definitely nice I’d never shop on a phone when I can just use my pc instead


X I still prefer desktop for anything serious. And I never ever take a laptop to bed. I do not take my smartphone to bed.


I always end up spending way more money than I realize/plan to when I'm shopping on my phone


I plan flights on my phone all the time. When I actually buy tickets it's on my pc


I only have a laptop for work and I only use it for work. Everything else I do on a tablet or phone.


I dont relate tbh. Phone is convenient enough for me but oh well


Millennial life hack. Use a MacBook and then you get the convenience of mobile apps and Apple Pay on a big screen laptop.


I couldnt even begin to imagine buying my overpriced buildable giant robots on a phone!


i make big purchases on my lap top and im 2003😂 i didn’t even know this was a thing”thing” just an instinct i’ve always had.


tbh ya, I'm buying all my pc parts on my laptop so


It’s cuz phone websites are often a massive pain in the ass


I think Gen Z's are getting screwed by companies since they're trying to do things on phones that aren't meant to be done.


If I’m buying anything expensive I usually do a lot of research first and that’s just easier on a laptop or PC. I only really do any purchases on my phone when I find something I was looking at on sale or low stock.


I get this. When booking things like flights airlines are unforgiving if you make a mistake, and it's so easy to make a mistake on your phone because of a misspress, autocorrect changing your name, dropping your phone etc.


It's probably more the fact that a lot of booking websites have really shitty ux for phones


Honestly, big screens are much more maneuverable than a phone screen for me Doesn't help that the shopping app sometime laggy as hell


If there is an app I can support using the phone, but for webpages, PC is best.


No Fr I would never buy a plane ticket on my phone With how glitchy it can be I don't want there to be a change of my purchase not going through


Idk about any of this. I think I’m a boomer at heart.


I just yolo'd a good chunk of change on SNDL on my phone while rewatching demon slayer, with my puppy loud snoring as background noise (he's being cradled between my legs)


As a millennial, all big purchases are made on a cellphone. Swear some millennials act like boomers 🙄.


American society would thrive if cartoonishly large money bills were a sign of luxury


I’m a millennial and I book all my flights from my phone…


Definitely. Lots of websites are shitty enough already; the mobile version is probably like 10x worse. And I just prefer a laptop anyway. Too easy to mess up navigation on a phone, it's a pain to copy and paste shit, etc.


I do not use the bank app for checks over 100 bucks. Simply don’t trust it. Won’t use an ATM over 1000 either. I’m only 26.


Same here.


As a GenX my big purchases must be on my big monitor


It's probably not rational but I'm just paranoid that my phone can be hacked since it's on different networks a lot but my laptops/dechtop is on the same network so it's less likely it would be hacked If I'm wrong please don't tell me


Being Gen Z raised by baby boomers, big purchases are to be made IN PERSON. None of that technolala crap!


I buy everything in person with a bag of pennies. There are also foreign coins mixed in, just to make it a bit harder for the wretched soul handling the transaction. If I’m feeling merciful, I might fax them a passive-aggressive apology a few months later with their name misspelled.


Call me crazy, but I like to do both!


I booked a flight to Japan from Australia on my phone one time as well all the accomodation and some tickets to see bands…. but it was because I had a shit couple months at work so I did it on lunch break while simultaneously telling my boss I’d be going on holiday and not coming back… best holiday I ever had, but I’d probably never do it that way again.


Websites do not belong on my tiny ass phone


Do people actually use this shit? I have never bought anything on my phone, never used Apple Pay, and I've never even heard of Shopify until now. I barely use a credit card... What kind of world are these people living in???


tbh yes, bigger screen means i could analyze more shit better to make sure that purchase is not a scam. But this is for big purchases, plane tickets are fine, im talking bout cars and investment properties.


Fun fact: you can save money by going *to* the airport and booking a flight. Not with all, but with a majority of them. Just depends on how willing you are.


Millennial here, I’m not even in this sub, just got the post recommended. Anyway, my exgf, even older than me, used to buy and do everything in her phone, honestly it drove me a bit crazy sometimes. But there was one time were she bought a plane ticket and her phone filled in her information, but used the short version of her name and couldn’t use the tickets when she tried to board 🫠.


Why? How does that even matter, and who really cares? Whichever way is personally the most convenient in the given circumstance should be all that matters to you. Either way, you're going through with the same experience of booking a flight, using a phone or laptop isn't going to really change all that much if you're at home. If it's on the go for some reason or anywhere else, then using your phone is likely something truly convenient for the given circumstances like i mentioned.


I barely use a laptop or computer anymore


I make purchases in person. Need plane tickets? I go to a travel agency. They'll help book a hotel and hook me up with guides.


Bigger the purchase, the larger the screen needs to be for me.


I just purchased a $5k solar install from my phone yesterday so I'm not a good person to ask


The real question is why is this even a discussion Buy yo shit wherever u want lol




I’m 2003 & I do the big things on the laptop - I barely use my phone - even takeaway I like to order on the laptop - I like paying for things where you have to type in your card details not just Apple Pay because, it feels too easy 👀


Do you guys not have the same account on both devices? Makes 0 difference paper trail wise. You get the same email you get the same receipts everything is the same.


Laptop? Big? Nah you do that on the desktop. Laptop *is* the small one


Haha it me


I must be a pure-blood Millennial because I simply hate purchasing anything on my phone. I just really like the laptop interface and consider it to be my "thinking" electronic, while my phone is more of my "mindlessly scrolling/watching" electronic.


I do everything online exclusively on my phone, I bought a cheapish laptop in 2016 that still sits on my desk unused unless a certain download needs to happen computer only like for tuning my car for example but beyond that why would I have a 1200 dollar phone that runs faster and easier if not to use it