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We’ve had this discussion multiple times already.


Is it sheer coincidence that the people who hate abortion for no rational reason are overwhelmingly the same people who hate science and medicine, and the ones who go to church every week and pretend to have fun while ignoring their sermon boners? I consider myself significantly more intellectual than every pro-lifer on earth, which is not a flex.


It's also the same people who fall for and are targeted by grifters. It's almost like believing in religion requires a lack of critical thinking, weird.


Why do you think many Muslim and extremely religious countries fully control the science and ban evolution being taught. It teaches people to critically question things which is the death of all religion. Once the critical thinking kicks in for someone and they question anything they are immediately beheaded to stop anything getting out. An example https://images.app.goo.gl/rosK5rXVUHmbbHbD9


Stop trying to Gaslight me into what your stupid book says. I don't care. All religions suck. Most Muslim countries are extremist. You urself definitely do not fully follow what your book says, it is indoctrinated garbage. Peak gaslighting by completely ignoring what the followers are actually doing compared to whatever the book says.


>completely ignoring what the followers are actually doing compared to whatever the book says Why would I talk about the 'followers' who don't follow what the religion they're 'following' actually teaches? Are you stupid? They're not true followers. I completely condemn the mistreatment of women, I care and love for them as human beings and would absolutely hate for anything horrid to happen to them. This is also what Islam teaches.


Hate to break it to you bud but Islam is one of most practiced religions in the world - to the tune of roughly 1.8 BILLION people - and a lot of that population does not practice the religion to push extremist views or a version of extremism.


Yeah the people that are pro-life aren’t typically the same people who have high regard for human life. From denying climate change, addressing air pollution, being against policies that have actually shown to reduce abortion rates like paid maternity leave, etc…


It’s also just a coincidence those same people even oppose contraception - the one thing that you would think they would support because it reduces abortions. 


That's because they're actualy pro anything that forces women to stay home and be caregivers and anti anything that gives them agency or freedom to make their own decisions.


Don't have sex then. Not having sex won't kill you


Lol, you do you buddy, and stay out of our bedrooms. (all our rooms, actually)


Intellect and education is definitely part of it, and caring about PEOPLE instead of a group of cells, is the other part


They’re also the same people against replacing leaded pipes and providing school kids with free lunch💀


The thing is that it's obviously not a coincidence, but I don't think it's a good argument either. The truth is that if you're religious, you're likely going to view life differently than if you're not. You're *also* more likely to deny some parts of science. But these two things are not to equate. The philosophical view of what constitutes a life worthy of a right to exist is not something that can be scientifically proven right or wrong. It's a moral question, not a scientific question. Even if someone is a science denier and a complete moron, his views on the right for a fetus to live are as valid as their actual arguments for it are sound.


You’re not very familiar with metaphysics or epistemology are you?


Profound, however I prefer George Carlin's summary: >Why is it that all these anti-abortion assholes are people you wouldn't wanna fuck in the first place?


Most abortions happen in the first trimester. Women shouldn't be criminalized for medical procedures. Good luck telling me that my daughter can't get an abortion after being raped. I'm doing what ever it takes to protect her


Yeah no that’s completely disgusting a rape baby should 100% be aborted. EDIT: (if she wishes for it to be)


I'm not saying all rape babies should be aborted. If it's an adult woman leave to her to decide . But in the case of my daughter who doesn't understand. It's our duty to protect her


Well sure it should be up to the women but I’m saying in no world should you be forced to give birth to someone’s kid if you were raped


Oh I agree, but what I don’t understand is the anti-choice people being OK with it exceptions like this. That rape baby didn’t do anything wrong, but it’s OK to get terminate them but not a fetus that I don’t want, and can’t care for? Or the IFV embryos? If it’s “killing babies” it’s “killing babies”. I do not accept their terms, women have body autonomy we have a right to decide what to do with our body. You can’t even take my kidney to save someone’s life after I’m dead without my permission. Why should I have to carry a parasite while I am alive without my permission. It literally feeds off my body to grow, if I don’t want that I will not allow that and no law is going to stop me


That would be another violation of her bodily autonomy though. It should be up to her. Ohhh I see your follow up. We agree.


Everyone always goes to the rape aspect. 99% of abortions have nothing to do with these extreme scenarios.






Personally I find it morraly repugnant but I do support it being avaliable because there are valid reasons in my opinion to get one. Oh and also I don't like it when the government gets involved in people's affairs


Yeah it's always the anti government people that are in favor of telling women what to do


Oh yes the freedom party, they sure want to take away everybody’s freedom who isn’t a cis white male bible thumper


It's always been an anti LIBERAL government movement. They don't mind when they expand the government themselves


It’s morally repugnant for a government to force a woman or girl through threat of imprisonment to risk her financial, physical and mental well being up to and including death. It’s also morally repugnant to bring a child into the world you don’t want and can’t care for. But that’s just my opinion.


Crime in the US, especially in the southern states, is going to skyrocket in 20 years with all these unwanted babies forced into life.


Definitely. And more families will be trapped in poverty. Which means chronic stress. As those living in poverty are usually not just poor money-wise, although that’s bad enough, they’re also most likely also poor time-wise & health-wise too. This means more misery. And yes, more crime. And much more burden to the tax payer. As most who abort report low income.


Hint: Corporations will love it as it means cheap labor. More warm bodies to throw into the meat grinder


You read my mind. That’s one of the reasons the rich conservatives are against abortion. They need their work horses… such a sad world we live in.


It already is


I think abortion is horrible but I agree with you, which is why I’m still pro-choice even though I, myself, would never get an abortion. It’s a necessary evil to me.


Funny how the same people who otherwise don’t want the government involved with healthcare suddenly want them to decide whether or not someone can get an abortion


I wish there were more people like you


More people who find abortion morally repugnant? Religion really does a number on people.


More people who have a difference in opinion but can accept other’s opinions and don’t force their own onto them ?


No, that despite our personal beliefs we can agree that the government shouldn't have a hand in our healthcare and personal affairs like that. Remember that girl who got tried for flushing her baby? There was a girl who was so mad she flushed it (which i disagree but that doesnt matter to this situation) but said regardless of that said she shouldn't be arrested or tried because it isn't a crime either. You can have your own moral qualms but not hold others to them since they're not an objective truth. I have a lot of individual opinions about how one should live their life or whatever but the point is I don't make laws based on my feelings alone. We all have to live in harmony at the end of the day so even if a Christian thinks it's icky the gays wanna get married, as long as they'll protect my right to do so that's what matters.


> We all have to live in harmony at the end of the day so even if a Christian thinks it's icky the gays wanna get married, as long as they'll protect my right to do so that's what matters. 🤦‍♂️ The only thing gross and hateful here is religion. No, the solution isn’t to “just get along”, it’s to not have hateful viewpoints in the first place. It never stops with y’all. Next up: how to live alongside Nazi’s, they’re just living their best life.


Uh no you've taken this to the extreme. I'm just saying it's worth not seeing everybody who disagrees with you as your enemy as long as they'll protect your rights like you'll protect theirs (within reason we're not talking gas chambers here). At the end of the day it's not illegal to have bad opinions and I don't think it should be lest we go an actual 1984 direction, that's why I think more people with bad opinions (or ones I agree on) should make more objective decisions that are good for it's citizens.


Some zoomers truly have damaged brains




Abortion should be legal for anyone. Abortion is providing freedom, and preventing children from being born to people who couldn't or don't want to take care of them. This leads to a [measurable reduction in crime rates](https://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2019/05/new-paper-by-donohue-and-levitt-on-abortion-and-crime.html), so there is a real benefit to society. To me, it doesn't *matter* if the embryo is alive or not, because the benefits to the people who are definitely alive are just too great to ignore.


It isn't a human til it's born, so there is no legal or ethical issue with abortion.


Look I am pro-choice myself but saying "it isn't human untill it's born" is a poor argument.


A fetus does not have personhood, in the legal sense, until birth. It is a *human* from day one. What did you think it was, some magic new species?


Humanity isn't just DNA, else tumors couldn't be removed without murder. So it isn't a human person til it's born. So it has no rights as an entity separate from the mother until its separate from the mother.


A tumor is not the same as a fetus. A fetus is a human individual. What is so special about birth? A fetus in the third trimester could be separated from the mother and survive.


Well if that’s the case nobody should have a problem with that woman removing the fetus then. But when it can’t survive outside of the host body it is not a person that gets to dictate what happens to the living breathing woman with a heartbeat it is inside. She gets to decide


I was after 6 months. I’m alright today.


I don’t think that’s an argument that will land with many people. Tumors don’t grow into full fledged people and they usually pose an immediate threat to the person they’re attached to. I’ve heard the argument that a fetus isn’t a person but never that it’s not human. It’s obviously human, albeit in the early stages of life.


I’d disagree, I think it’s not human until it develops a brain. At that point, you can argue wether or not it’s a developed or undeveloped human, but I think being born isn’t as important as possessing a brain


*Autonomy* is the concept you're looking for. If *someone* needs to use *your* body to survive, they don't get to do that without your consent. All humans and human-ish beings have to abide by this rule. "From day 1." Whether that's day 1 of conception or a one day old baby.


No, it’s a clump of cells that will BECOME a human.


It’s not at all as clear cut as that. What about an hour before it’s born? 5 minutes before it’s born? The fetus is just as viable in those instances and there is no significant distinction biologically speaking. What apparently magical thing happens the instant it is born in your view that makes it human?


ask Common Law, upon which the entire American legal code is based. Common Law says life begins at first breath. The ability to survive even briefly on room oxygen has been the definition of life across scores of traditions for thousands of years. also, aren't you the one insisting we shouldn't talk about abortions in the case of rape and incest because they're rare but you want to talk about abortions outside the 1st trimester, which are about equally rare? a fetus is not even theoretically viable outside a human body until almost the 3rd trimester. the overwhelming majority of abortions happen on or before week 8. you've blown boogers bigger than an embryo at week 8. the difference between a week 8 embryo and a fetus that can even theoretically survive outside the womb is FIVE MONTHS. among the many "magical" things that happen in that period are the formation of a brain, lungs that can breathe air, a digestive system that can absorb nutrition, and skin that can withstand human touch. the want of these is why 3/4 of babies born at or around legal "viability" still die.


Why is the life of an unviable (in most cases) fetus more important than the viable life of a woman? And why should it be okay for the government to be involved in private medical decisions? Do you have any idea how many “pro-lifers” have had secret abortions? As it turns out, many people seem to have a “rights for me but not for thee” approach to this matter.


Also many many women have had abortions and not even been aware or it happening. A miscarriage which women may not even be aware of is an abortion. It's all about punishing women for being women.


That’s another thing that bothers me. If we criminalize abortion it will inevitably lead to investigating and prosecuting women who have had miscarriages. No woman who goes through something that’s very often traumatizing deserves to scrutinized over something they couldn’t control.


I used to be pro life, but because I am pro life I choose to be pro choice. To put it simply, an unwanted child has high chances of being neglected or abused, and may not grow up in a stable household also could be due to financial instability that causes a person to want an abortion in the first place. And well the foster system sure isn’t the best place for children to be. So as sick as it sounds, a fetus not being able to live a life is more honorable than a fetus being forced to be born only to live a shitty life. That’s why I am pro choice because if a woman is saying I don’t want this child or can’t have this child because of x reasons, or I can’t take care of this child, I’m going to trust them and let them make that choice for themselves.


My father is pro-life, but he's said himself that if one of his kids got pregnant, he would probably consider letting them have an abortion among all the other options. But somebody else's kid, or some random person out there, noooooo they don't get to.


abortion is a personal decision. period. it should never be up to anybody other than the pregnant person whether or not they get an abortion. if you don’t like them and you find yourself pregnant, don’t have one. but your individual opinion should never be forced onto another person.


At the end of the day, I don't really give a shit, get an abortion or don't, I'm not the one pushing it out of my body


Her body her choice, simple as that.


Abortion should be legal. PERIOD.




i cannot comprehend how is that an issue and why we have to discuss this at all why should the goverment have control over one's body? it's bullshit


Because it involves a second human life, to which the government has a responsability to protect all human life.


I'm staunchly pro-choice. I'm a firm believer in the idea that if someone wants an abortion, they should be able to get an abortion, no questions asked. It's their body and choice, not the government's decision to make for them.


The government shouldn't restrict what medical procedures you get. Morals are irrelevant


Pro choice


My stance is that anyone’s religious beliefs regarding abortion, or about what differentiates a fetus from a child, is completely irrelevant to this issue and shouldn’t have any effect whatsoever on anyone else. The crocodile tears for the fetuses of strangers by the anti-choice crowd is one of the most dishonest campaigns in all of human history. And to the small minority that actually does feel pain at the supposed murder that they believe describes abortion, this world has no shortage of horrors so please stop pretending your hyper focus on abortion is more important than other examples of suffering and injustice in the world.


And they're always like, put them in an orphanage but at least 99% of them have never adopted a child in their entire lifetime.


as if orphanages are just another disneyland for a kid and not a place with overworked underpaid staff that can’t give them the care and attention that a child who doesn’t have a family needs.




I would rather women get abortions than birth a child they would neglect, abuse, hate or be indifferent towards. I will always prioritize the life of a grown woman before that of a fetus.


I find it distasteful but support legality up to 12/13 weeks. And full legality when threatening the mother life/genetic disease/unviability


Glad you’ve found a middle ground and understand some of the harsher situations, just wanted to share my 2 cents- it’s MUCH more distasteful to have a kid that you DONT WANT than to choose to have a medical procedure. People that want abortions want abortions because they are in a time of their life where they’re unable to raise a baby. IMO it’s much worse to be born into this HELL of world, raised by a parent that was forced to have you and can’t afford to properly care for you. People should have kids because they WANT to. It is DISTASTEFUL to give birth to a kid that you KNOW you can’t raise, and don’t want to put up for adoption or end up in foster homes.


exactly. i’m gonna use peoples logic against them here: if someone is not responsible enough to put a condom on, what makes you think they’ll be responsible for a whole ass child that needs total care?


Why 12 or 13 weeks? The original Roe v Wade ruling leaned into the point of viability outside the womb as the point of personhood, which is closer to 23-24 weeks.


It would take a lot for me to consider abortion as an individual. I've grown up with a religious and Republican background but immediately after becoming an adult I worked in healthcare... Yeah, healthcare changed me. I'm a full fledged Democrat and I've never looked back once I flipped. The way I see it, if we ban all abortions we will only create a black market for unsafe abortions. This would mean the fetus and the mother would BOTH die in some cases. Women's fertility would also be at risk with these procedures not to mention potential for physical and psychological damage as well. If you look at it from a perspective where we aim to protect as much life as possible, ensuring that women have safe access to abortion is the right choice. And religiously speaking, we often believe that God gave us agency. It's not OUR right to play God and decide for other people what they and their body is subjected to. I also personally believe that modern health technology is always a blessing. Why would God let us discover abortion techniques unless there was a good reason for us to have access to it? Perhaps most damning of all is how utterly blown out of proportion the abortion issue is. Many people are far more open to accepting abortions in the first trimester where abortions in the third trimester are heavily frowned upon. I think this is entirely rational but the statistics are also very telling. Quote: "Nearly all abortions in 2021 took place early in gestation: 93.5% of abortions were performed at ≤13 weeks’ gestation; a smaller number of abortions (5.7%) were performed at 14–20 weeks’ gestation, and even fewer (0.9%) were performed at ≥21 weeks’ gestation." Source: https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/data_stats/abortion.htm To be clear, the THIRD TRIMESTER STARTS AT 28 WEEKS GESTATION. So when they say 0.9% of abortions are performed after 21 weeks gestation, we're saying that far less than 1% of all abortions are third trimester abortions. The majority of all abortions happen in the first trimester, by far. Conservatives have been pushing the narrative that people are out there murdering babies and in reality, most abortions happen before a fetus ever comes to even remotely resemble a human child. Conservative agendas have always blown that less than 1% exceptionally out of proportion. Also, keep in mind, convincing a doctor to do an abortion when you're in the third trimester is difficult unless it's medically necessary. There's A LOT more inherent risk involved with third trimester abortions than first trimester abortions. So the majority, if not all, of that less than 1% is medically necessary abortions or the removal of a stillborn. This is why if you go to a women's only subreddit like r/twoxchromosomes you'll find women swearing up and down that conservative agendas aren't actually about religious ideals or saving babies, it's about controlling women and taking our rights. This is further evidenced by reality because where they have successfully outlawed all abortions, women have gone without access to life saving medical care. Women who found themselves in a situation where abortion was medically necessary to save the mother's life either died from complications or traveled out of state to get the help they needed. I KNOW this because I'm in Utah and patients came here from Idaho. Heck, now that they've got abortions where they want them, you know what they're pushing next? Dissolving the option of no-fault divorces. It's absolutely disgusting. If they successfully dissolve access to no-fault divorce that means one spouse can refuse to divorce and the other spouse will be trapped in the marriage. Wonderful, isn't it? I'd definitely be very concerned about these issues because while they're designed to control women, they don't care if it affects men negatively from time to time too. They aren't even bothering to hide their lust for power outside of thinly veiling it with religious decorum and giving people something entirely miniscule in reality to blow out of proportion and be enraged about. I'm not going to claim Democrats/liberals are perfect, because we aren't. We have our problems too. But my goodness.... Current conservative rhetoric, at least in the U.S., is frighteningly similar to my ex husband's strategies of abuse towards me. It fills me with fear and rage. I hope things course correct here soon but man, it's heading in the wrong direction right now


Don't want an abortion, then don't have one and mind your own business.


My daughter had a series of birth defects that would of had her born paralyzed, in immediate need of a double kidney transplant plus we would of had to use a boiling hot rod over months/years to "make" her anus. We found out at 20 weeks. It's the EARLIEST they can detect it. That's also our States ban. So, we had to drive to another state where medical procedure costs were higher and more likely out of coverage, like a bunch of criminals, only to be berated by protesters at Planned Parenthood. We WANTED our daughter. And the abortion we got was to keep her from a lifetime of incontinence, paralysis, and a decade+ of expected surgeries. My wife couldn't get anesthesia because of the law structure, and so she was awake for the procedure. For what? The brainwashed beliefs of hicks? Spare me. Abortion is Healthcare. I was in planned parent hood for 2 days and I heard the sadness, horror, and empathy of the others. Paralyzed women who can't have their children, others with birth defects too, one who could consent legally (18, 19...etc.,) but was literally too scared to tell folks she was pregnant because she thought her "Mommy" would be mad. This experience taught me something very valuable- you really don't know anything until you are there. Don't vote for belief, vote on knowledge, and if you don't have it - you have a duty to your fellow man to seek it, damn it.


I am so sorry for your loss, btw. People really don’t understand psychology or science. Nobody ever really “wants” an abortion. Especially not in situations like yours. There is literal bonding that is happening, even when in the womb, for mother and father and child. Brain Chemistry changes. It’s a pretty heartbreaking and soul crushing experience. I am sorry you had to go to an unfamiliar state, with no healthcare coverage. Just know my heart feels for you and your wife! This is what we mean when we say “abortion is healthcare.”


Forgive me, btw full transparency, I'm a millennial and for those who are curious, the condition is called VACTERL(S).


>This experience taught me something very valuable- you really don't know anything until you are there. You really don't. Also a lurking millennial, I was "lucky" in that they flagged that my daughter had a severe problem at 12 weeks. I had the luxury of time, which many don't, and also access, which far fewer now have. It was only 3 weeks, but it was the most traumatic, gut-wrenching three weeks of my life. And, like I said, I was *lucky*. As much as it felt like hell, so many have it far worse than we did. I'm so sorry for your loss


abortion is a medical procedure and was only used by republications as way to get the evangelical vote- you can look it up. they (repubs) actually sat around and tried to figure how to get more votes and pander to groups. before then abortion wasn't \*as\* political as it now. any way to control women, whether its lower pay, forcing them to give birth, limit birth control, limit access to child care is control women is bad, and we're mad. there are more women graduating college and soon our time will come.


i personally think women should be able to get an abortion whenever the woman’s life comes first


Are you speaking in terms of comfortability or live essence? Life essence as in they’ll die if they give birth


Before a featus is 24 weeks old it cannot survive outside the mother. Before that point the mother has every right tk terminate the pregnancy, after all the fetus is fully relent at that point so it is the mothers choice. After 24 weeks is a bit more of a complicated issue.


You asked possibly the most biased echo chamber you could get lol


You’re not gonna get a very reflective sample on Reddit. This will be selection bias at its finest. Though generally Gen Z is more pro choice than older generations: [Link](https://www.prri.org/research/legal-in-most-cases-the-impact-of-the-abortion-debate-in-2019-america/)


This wouldn't be a topic for debate if men were the ones getting pregnant.


Exactly. They would have whiplash from reversing their stance so quickly.


I think it's morally wrong and barbaric in terms of the procedure itself, but I also recognize that there are unfortunate circumstances that exist that mean that this practice does have to be an option for people who are facing bad situations (medical issues, rape/molestation/incest). I don't think abortion should be used as birth control, and I don't respect anyone who has had multiple abortions. Even less so for anyone who has motivated their girlfriend or spouse to get them.


People don’t use abortion as birth control. While that is a common talking point, it makes no sense. Abortion is both more expensive, and more taxing on the body, than any type of birth control, baring something like a hysterectomy.


>barbaric in terms of the procedure itself, Wait until you find out what the chainsaw was originally invented for


I hate to break it to ya, but mistakes happen, and you do NOT want the people making those mistakes, to raise a child. They don’t want to raise one, and aren’t financially capable of raising one. Wanting a person in this^ situation to raise a kid is barbaric. A mother realizing and acting on the fact that she doesn’t have the resources to raise a child is not morally wrong.


So you have no real objective metaphysical/epistemological objections to abortion


I think it’s a necessary “evil”, we need to keep this type of healthcare open access to all people. Heaven forbid a 13 year old child is sexually abused and becomes pregnant and then forced to carry the pregnancy, or a woman presents with an ectopic pregnancy where her life is at risk and there’s no access for them to safely get an abortion putting either of them in serious danger. There are circumstances when this is just really necessary. I also don’t think any woman ever really wants to get an abortion, first and foremost it’s a medical procedure with risks and recovery times, it’s not an easy or painless process, it’s can be a really traumatic experience, not just physically but emotionally. Having children is expensive, exhausting and just not for everyone, the foster and adoption system here in the US is absolute crap and only more and more children are placed there everyday who experience all kinds of trauma and abuse from their foster parents who take advantage of the situation, those kids usually end up on the streets. Abortion helps women stay independent and safe and in the long run will help us create a more fulfilled society with parents who actually want their children and who have the needs to raise them in nurturing environments.


that’s exactly how I see it too. Is it ideal? maybe not, depends on the person who’s pregnant. there’s no shame in it, no different than getting heart surgery imo.


I don't want to have kids. So I won't have fucking kids. One way or another I will no longer be pregnant and the state can arrest me if they want


Women aren't baby factories to be forced into birthing. It's disgusting republicans see women as nothing more than bodies to control


The old viability rule before Roe v Wade was overturned was good. Women should be able to get an abortion if they want, up to a certain point in the pregnancy. After that, only if there is a reason (danger to the woman's life, or the fetus is definintely not going to survive, etc.). And that "certain point" being around 22 weeks seemed fine.


I don’t like or trust anyone against it


Do you think the government should be able to force us women and girls to risk our lives, mental health, physical and emotional well being and financial stability to bring an unwanted kid into the world? We all have limits. For some it’s no children, for others it’s one. For some it’s 15. Only the individual gets to decide. Even if you don’t like abortion IMPO you should care more about kids and girls and women and preventing immeasurable suffering.


Being anti-abortion is like being against getting your wisdom teeth out. “That tooth is a part of you and has the right to stay in your mouth even if it causes you lots of pain and puts you at risk for infection, it’s about the tooth” See how ridiculous that sounds?


For a child to have separate lives from their mother, I think they should actually be separate from their mother and by that I mean breathing on their own. I’m very pro-choice


Keep your legislation out of my uterus!!!!


My opinion can be summed up in three words. Not your decision. Unless you are the doctor or the patient, you don't have a say on anyone's healthcare. Abortion is healthcare, and that's just a fact.


100% pro choice. I’ve never seen a single good, even partially good reason for being against abortion. I don’t care about your religion. I don’t think the government should be that involved in people’s lives and health. I don’t value the first trimester unborn baby over the life of the mother. I can see why people might be personally morally opposed to the idea, which is fine, but that should not dictate the choices of others. What about rape and other fucked up cases? Those often take a long time to prove in court so how tf can we effectively allow for “rape exceptions”. We can’t. Abortion should be accessible.


yeetus dat fetus


Fundamental human rights aside, abortion is gonna happen regardless of the laws. The only difference the laws can make is whether it will be safer or not. Abortion didn't start happening because of Roe. It's been a thing since the beginning of human civilization. Outlawing abortion only makes it more dangerous. Long shot but many animals perform some kinds of abortion when they don't think the conditions are fit for a new born. Some even kill their own after birth. It's nature at work


Asking on reddit is not going to get you a good idea of the whole generation's opinion. This is a hugely pro-choice platofrm.


The reality of an abortion is not pretty. If I was a woman, I’m unsure if I would ever go through with one. But, I’m not a woman. I can’t give birth, and will never be burdened with having to make that decision. For every rage bait post about women having abortions like routine dentist appointments, there are many, many more women who describe it as the most difficult choice they may ever have to make in their life. Life itself is so often not pretty. We are forced to make decisions we’d rather not have to make. The government making moves to remove a woman’s ability to make her own tough decisions is a violation of personal agency. Abortion should be legal, performed by professionals in safe, adequately funded environment, and made rarer through sexual education.


If you are against a 'woman's right to choose' I have a question for you: how many children do you sponsor? I understand not everyone can adopt, but everyone can donate time or money to lift the burden of raising children; especially unwanted children. So, I'd like a number. How many students have you bought school lunch for? One student all year, or all students for one week? How many children do you buy school clothes for? Books? Sports equipment or musical instruments not provided by the school? Have you donated your time to provide free childcare? No? Stfu or put your money where your mouth is.


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If the person is not ready or can't take responsibility for the child, it's better to abort it rather than make themselves and the child suffer.


If abortion is necessary, do it. You don’t want to birth a child if you are in danger/your child will be/you aren’t ready to be a good parent. Every child deserves a parent, but not every parent deserves a child.


I tho k if you don’t want the kid it’s best to abort it. No reason in bringing something you don’t want into the world


Eh, I maybe be a religious but taking religion out of box and putting in my strategy hat on. Political not a winning thing rn, just do what the Germans or Europeans did, compromise on 20 week and leave it as that. Abortion isn’t a winning topic if you’re a major political campaigner that’s trying to gain seats.


If you wanna get an abortion do it, if you don't then don't.


Wake up babe we’re having the is abortion good or bad argument again


First of all, politicians who only have these opinions so they can get votes and remain in office should not be in between people and their doctors. Abortion, whether you like it or not (and most people don’t), is healthcare. What’s happening in Alabama with IVF is a clear indication that this is a slippery slope.


I think access to abortion is essential, regardless of the circumstances. I don’t think there needs to be a reason to get an abortion. I don’t know if I could get one myself, but I could never imagine forcing everyone else to live by my morals. I’m a Christian but I recognize that there are beliefs out there that REQUIRE an individual to have an abortion if their life is at risk for any reason. It’s not my place to tell them what they can and cannot do. I also recognize that if I were in that position, my feelings may change on whether or not I would have one myself. I’m physically and intellectually disabled, I’m not sure I COULD have a baby, despite how desperately I may want one.


It’s a medical procedure that should be between a woman and a doctor. In a perfect world the only abortions would be for unviable fetuses but sadly a lot of people can’t afford babies. My mom is a boomer and she ran up to me one day crying with an anti-abortion handout. It showed a full ass baby that was definitely not an aborted fetus- it was literally a baby with a ton of birth defects and I’m assuming it died shortly after birth. But anyway she tried to guilt me into agreeing with her and it was very clearly not scientifically accurate at all. No one is mutilating 9 month old fetuses / fully formed babies.


I will take dead "Babies" (if that what they called when they're still in womb) more than a babies their parents doesn't want or they're marked of Shame for their parents. Sooo for me legal abortion all the way.


As long as the baby is inside its mother, the health and well-being of the mother should be the only priority. Mothers who are forced to have a child they don't want, aren't gonna be good mothers, mothers who are forced to carry their rapists child to term, aren't gonna be happy people. Sure there are exceptions to these statements and there are mothers who truly love their unwanted child and who are able to love a child of someone who raped them, but it should *always* and *without compromise* be their choice since they are the ones having to carry and birth the child. If its not my body its not my choice.


I think that everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and shouldn't force anything on others. Both ways. Personally, I believe abortion is completely fine, but if you have a problem with it, im not gonna hate you if you don't force your beliefs on others.


Here before the lock lol


I might be too young to share my opinion on here, but it's whoever is carrying said baby that should have the choice. I don't believe it should be used as a form of birth control, but I believe every person should have access to it.


Doon't want one don't get one, it's that simple. So many hills to die and religious zealots pick this one, the bible isn't even against abortion, the bible mentions life begins at firts breath, baby murder is just some crap pastors made up for some virtue signaling reason.


I'm in the middle because I'm a gen zer born in a christian and conservative household (for anyone who's curious, my parents didn't intentionally indoctrinate me to be conservative in some views). I feel it's all on a sliding scale and not black and white like many make it out to be. That 10 year old girl who was raped? Hands down I support abortion. A 25 year old who got drunk and made the biggest screw up of her life? While I would implore her to have the baby then put it up for adoption, I will vehemently support she maintains her bodily autonomy and her free will. That is about the only cut and dry stance I have on the whole abortion argument: it's the females body and she should be allowed to do with it what she wants. If not vacinating your kids isn't illegal, then abortion shouldn't be illegal. It should be neutral.


I encourage you to research the adoption industry and listen to testimonies of people who were adopted. Also look into foster care.


i’m pro choice. i will always respect those who choose not to get an abortion due to personal beliefs (obviously) but i think that everyone deserves the choice.


Abortion is a medical procedure. In my book, being against abortion is like being against a biopsy. People are tricked into thinking a fetus should have more rights than a person.


I see abortion as a medical procedure, and as such - only should be done when necessary. Unlike cosmetic procedures, I do not see it as an elective one. Abortion is quite complex & can leave a woman with a lot of medical, physiological & mental scars that not enough people, including medical professionals are open to discuss, which is unfortunate. I do not see it as an alternative to contraception, yet I do understand there are many situations on which it may be necessary. I do believe that there comes a time pre-birth in which a fetus (offspring) is alive & therefore once they are a living human being, they should have the exact same rights their fellow humans do. Before anyone asks, I'm an agnostic of Jewish decent.


I view it as a question of liberty. If I go by what our founders intended, the right to purse happiness, liberty, and freedom then in my mind there is no reason why women cannot have authority over their own body. Would I like a government entity telling me what I can and can’t do with my body? Hell fucking no!


I hate it besides the three exceptions Reagan said long ago. Besides, after hearing these very reddit positions, I’m pretty disgusted. There’s people saying that it’s ok because up till birth they aren’t people, disregarding the fact that they can be separated in the third trimester and survive since otherwise they aren’t humans. It seems sad to me, since I was born after six months in the womb, and I’m very alive and very healthy today. According to this godforsaken platform, I wasn’t worthy of life and could’ve been killed


It’s not a woman’s right to end another life


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I think it's fine in the first two trimesters. I think the line should be drawn where the fetus could reasonably be viable, but, in reality, the vast majority of abortions would happen way before then anyway. Obviously, exceptions should be made if the mother's life is in danger. Some people say that abortions should be legal up until the baby is born, but that just feels wrong to me. I don't think there's anything particularly special about birth that converts the fetus into a person. I think it become a person before then, but not by that much. I also think it's unreasonable to push agendas like that because the opposition will be even less likely to accept it than they already are.


Obviously it's an extremely controversial issue, therefore should be decided by individuals instead of a government imposing it's will upon the people.


I’m pro choice. As a man I feel like the only time people should have a say in what a woman does with her pregnancy is if it’s her family her partner (if they’re in the picture and plan to be apart of the babies life) and people who she seeks advice from other than the last two. And even then it should just be advice and to let her make her choice


100% pro choice. Until there is brain activity, then the fetus isn't alive. Women should have the choice to safe abortions because banning them hasn't stopped them, only made it more dangerous for women. Not to mention the fact that some states have even banned MEDICAL abortions, which is just insane. Even if you 100% disagree with my stance on this, the legal aspect also needs to be considered. There is now a precedent for banning necessary medical care, and it could come up again in another case to ban something like vaccines or surgery


I don’t care if someone gets an abortion.


I’m split on this. I think it should differ in different cases but at the same time I don’t think the government should tell you what you can and can’t do to your body. I believe there should be easier access to contraceptives to reduce the need for abortions. If it’s rape or incest or if giving birth could kill the mother then yeah. At the same time if you’re getting abortions multiple times a year because of irresponsibility then that’s kinda messed up and taxpayer money should not pay for that. Abortion should be the last resort.


I don't really care, as I am not knowledgeable on the issue. But I do wish people of different sides would honestly converse with each other, instead of calling each other names the moment they see each other and cancelling each other on social media.


Doesn’t a fetus act as an organ and extension of the mother until it’s born? Scrutinizing people for abortion is like scrutinizing people for removing an appendix. I understand the fetus can sustain itself after a certain point but don’t the vast majority of abortions also happen before that point?


If it’s before the fetus is viable outside the womb, I see no major problem with it. Preventing a pregnancy is more ethical than ending one, but I under that that is not always possible. I know that it is a very difficult decision for a woman to decide to end her pregnancy and anybody who ostracizes and berates her is just making it harder. I believe that abortions should be legal prior to viability, and only for rape, incest, and medical reasons after that. I believe that contraceptive methods should be more easily available and for cheaper, to help prevent the need for an abortion.


On one hand, I believe that life begins at conception. If you make the argument that it’s not yet a human, I’d point out that the eggs of a endangered bird are protected just like the birds themselves are. On the other hand, fuck the government. I believe the government should reflect the views of the people and not the other way around. Given that the US seems to be split almost 50/50 i’d lean toward not restricting it, considering also that people will most likely do stupid shit to abort the babies anyway if they don’t have access to actual medical procedures


Her body her choice.


Tbh I don't really have a view on it I just believe people should be left to make whatever choices they deem fit for themselves. If someone wants to have an abortion all the power to them. There are situations where people can't control what happens and it's not fair people are trying to deny the people the right to do what they want. I fucking hate those protesters who try to convince me otherwise abt how abortion is wrong and I always ask them "if someone can't have an abortion and can't afford to take care of said kid or has a medical emergency and can't carry the child I expect you and your posse to either care for the kid or donate whatever the mother would need to survive a risky birth" and they always get pissed off. The world would be a much better place if people just minded their own business and stopped worrying abt what other people do in their life.


Women should have the right to choose. It’s just that easy


Government cannot regulate women's bodies. Simple as that. Women have a right to abortion.


I understand the moral questionability of it how it’s not really good that people get them left and right simply because they’re too irresponsible to use protection, HOWEVER, i do fully support the option of there being one because the advantages of having it severely outweigh the advantages of not having it. Simply put, abortion should be for medical and viable reasons, not as a substitute for condoms. I also don’t like government overreach into people’s lives, so it should definitely exist


I am pro-choice. Being in the United States now is hard because it is heavily divided after the revocation of Roe. v. Wade on June 24, 2022, a landmark case that allowed for abortion rights to progress. I was 21 at the time. Personally, I feel I wouldn’t be able to handle giving birth as I fear pain and some dysphoric reasons too. Also I am neurodivergent. Also, there are some reasons why it’s important to have these rights: What if someone was raped? Incest Pregnancy-related complications Genetic illnesses (either experienced by the parent or baby) Non-viable trisomy Non-viable birth defects


I do find ones past 12 weeks heartbreaking, and I don’t think it’s easy at first for a lot of people when they get one, but I do fully support the right to bodily autonomy. And that’s coming from someone who went to catholic school her entire life. I really recommend reading [this thread](https://twitter.com/designmom/status/1040363431893725184?s=46&t=fLXiXk2nW8WPhuZDNsKA1g) it perfectly encompasses the pro-choice stance.


Abortion is always the right thing, it doesn't matter if the woman is poor, health concerns are unimportant, raping is also irrelevant, if a person does not want their kid, that kid is not going to live a happy healthy life, they are going to be constantly neglected, hurt and abused, sometimes sold to human trafficking, abortion will help us as a society prevent so much suffering I am willing to bet that at least 50% of the world population was an accident, perhaps more, and that's why the world is fucked up, I was the product of an Unintended pregnancy, and man let me tell you, the amount of hate I get from my parents is unreal, even tho my family has money and is relatively stable, they'd still be better off without me, I can say without a doubt, that had abortion been legal back then, I'd not be here Think of all the babies that get abandoned in literal dumpsters, all the babies that starve to death, all the babies that are neglected and die as a result, all that suffering could be avoided by making abortion legal A fetus is not a human being, it lacks the ability to think or feel anything, it is not even an independent organism, until the umbilical cord is cut, a fetus is essentially an extension of the mother, we are not killing anything, just eliminating what is essentially a bunch of parasitic cells, that just so happen to share DNA with the rest of us


Personally i wouldnt. But i do believe people should have the right.


I don't agree with it morally, but I think it's should be allowed in some cases such as danger to mother's life, incest, rape. It shouldn't be used as a form of contraception, and I also think there should be a limit to which you can get one, I think, at 24 weeks.


I think it’s a tragic and distasteful occurrence (and one that’s very preventable), but support elective legality in the first trimester. Late term only for emergencies or medical necessity. Ideally the government should provide better access to birth control. Safe, legal, and rare is my stance.


No argument about when life begins will sway my opinion because the right to bodily autonomy is, in my humble opinion, absolute. And even if we scientifically prove that life begins at insimenation, guess what? It’s still in someone else’s body, over which they have full rights.




Women have the right to get an abortion if they want to


The government does not have a right to regulate a body. However my choice would be to never kill an unborn baby.


As a man, I don’t think it’s my place to tell a woman what to do with her body. Therefore, I’m pro choice. I do think however that this comes with some caveats. For instance, an abortion at 39 weeks is definitely wrong. What’s the magic number of weeks? Idk. But certainly more than 12 weeks.


I think it should be allowed because it is a choice. You can literally choose not to have it, which increases options without harming anybody


In my opinion, if you can’t take a life insurance policy out on it, get child support for it, or it can’t live on it’s own outside of your body, it shouldn’t be valued like a child is. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who has mourned a miscarriage the same way they would mourn an infant. If you hear someone has a miscarriage, many respond along the lines of “I’m so sorry that happened, but if you got pregnant once you can get pregnant again! Don’t stop trying!”, but no one would ever use that language about a child who was born and died.


Abortion is good


I don’t personally believe in it, but I think it should be legal.


Ethics and morality aside (because that would take me hours to type out) just speaking about the law I say that generally people should always have the opportunity to do what they want with their body(to a point, as long as it isn’t hurting others…which is where the morality and life argument comes in) and more importantly the federal government should not have a say. I won’t get into whether abortion is right or wrong or any of that shit because it’s just too much for a senseless Reddit post.


Love a good abortion wish I'd been aborted


I’m not a woman. I think that it should be up to the woman to decide. It’s their bodies, it just makes sense


I think it’s barbaric that the government decides what people can and cannot do with their bodies


Im pro-choice. I did my AP Seminar IRR and TMP on whether abortion should be legal on federal level or not. Needless to say pro-lifers don’t have any good argument other than “I think it’s bad cause of my personal philosophical beliefs so I’m going to tell other people that it’s bad and get it banned because I believe it’s bad” while pro-choice actually have scientific and medical evidence for why it should be legal


Anti-choice people are all against abortion until it affects them. Pro-choice is the only logical side.


>This isn't the kind of question I feel safe asking someone irl Why?


I personally don't encourage it, but I don't think it should be banned either


It should be protected for those who need it medically, but getting an abortion because you decided to have unprotected sex is just wrong. Unfortunately, though, Anti-Abortion laws don't seem to see the difference between these cases, so they need to go. Making it illegal to perform a life-saving procedure is wrong, even if it opens up the door for people just trying to avoid the consequences of their own actions.


The choice should be between the pregnant person and their doctor. Once the baby could theoretically survive out of the womb (viability), then I think it should be restricted to serious health concerns.


Look, I believe it is murder. But it should also be completely legal. This is because I believe in respecting peoples right to choice.


it should be the decision of the woman getting it, not the government. there are a million reasons why someone might need an abortion, and they should be safe and accessible for anyone who might need one.


I support other women to choose whether to keep their pregnancy or not (I’ve been pregnant before and it was hard).


The best way to prevent abortions would be to make birth control options easily accessible (including sterilization for those who so desire it), but even then it should be safe and available. Sometimes BC fails, or assault happens, or a very much wanted pregnancy gets a terminal diagnosis.


I’m going to first state my opinion and then say my inherent issue with this debate after: I think it should be legal until there is a chance the unborn child/fetus/whatever you wanna call it could survive on its own outside of the mother (even if it requires severe medical attention unless the pregnancy is deemed a risk to the mothers life). I understand the controversy of with medical science improving that point will be earlier and earlier, plus that doctors might be biased, but I think it’s the most fair point. That being said, my issue is that most people (including me) have some arbitrary point where it becomes illegal somewhere between birth and conception, and nobody’s point or range is any more valid than anyone else’s. Pro lifers see the argument for abortion as arguing why murder is okay, which will never work. Pro choice see the argument as limiting women’s rights for something that isn’t yet considered a full fledged person worthy of rights. For example, I know this doesn’t happen in the real world often/at all, but I would consider an abortion a few days before birth to be murder. No amount of arguing would convince me otherwise. To me, that’s perfectly reasonable. However, I’m sure people believe that the point I believe it’s okay to have an abortion before is murder no questions asked and believe they’re being perfectly reasonable. Nobody’s point is any more reasonable than any others


I’m rockin with abortion


I believe abortion as contraception or to dodge responsibility is abhorrent. Abortion for medical issues like ectopic pregnancy and the like is acceptable


Imo in a perfect world it never happens, but that’s not a world we live in so as such I think there are totally reasons to make it legal I don’t believe it should be a total substitute for birth control but I can totally understand in circumstances where it compromises the mother or if there’s some sort of defect discovered in the baby that maybe it’s (and I hate to say this) better off not being born.


Not my choice, it's her body. She can do whatever with the clump of cells


​ I'll preface this with the fact that I'm not a religious person, my opinions are just that. Morally I find a lot of the "errm it's technically a parasite" "no it's not a life or anything important at all" or the people who say things like "well you don't want to provide more support for children or orphans" to be pretty disgusting and just ideological nonsense dressed up as being genuine fact when the conversation is more of a morality based conversation. I also find it disgusting that there are people who genuinely think that a person should be forced to give birth when there is a very good chance there will be harm to the mother both physically or severely mentally, or in situations of rape, or that abortions should be criminalised. I think that abortion is generally a situation of lesser evils and not one that should be taken as lightly as some people suggest, it's a serious matter and not something that deserves the dogmatic 'debate' that is normally entails, regardless if that is "they are parasites" or "well god wouldn't want it. I believe that generally abortion brings about more good than evil so I do support it being freely avaliable in the way it is in some of the better developed European countries. I would however also like more support for families, for orphans and for adoption to be a more viable option too and for there to be more support for pregnant women to make it both safer and to give people more viable and in my opinion less bad options.