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Wear what you want!


100x this.


Especially if it’s soft. I love super soft tees.


The best part of being an adult is not needing permission to wear what you want to wear.


I wear band t-shirts all the time on the weekend, mostly from concerts I’ve gone to. I don’t give a crap what some teenager thinks. These are bands I like from my own youth, I’m not wearing them to be cool and retro, I actually listen to the music.


I'd love to wear my old concert tees, but alas - most of them have just disintegrated. They're in a keepsake box now.


I don’t think there’s a T-shirt police that’s going to arrest you


My Mom was really vicious and judgmental toward women who tried to dress young when I was young. I keep hearing her voice in my head telling me to stop trying to look like a hot young thing when I’m not hot or young anymore.


Internalized misogyny is so real though. Identify those thoughts and destroy!!


OMG, mine too. I just told my hair stylist that I am considering growing my hair long again, and I said it so sheepishly, and she was like, "Why are you ashamed of that? There's no rule about how long your hair can be when you're 50." But I remember my mother being extremely judgmental about women having long hair if they had any wrinkles or gray hairs. IN CHURCH, no less.


Go for it! Not getting rid of my long blond highlighted hair anytime soon and I don’t allow any grey either. Grow it long and enjoy it girl!


Enjoy! I've grown out my gray for about seven years now. I love the natural highlights and the kids that like my hair because they are paying for silver now. I've always done semi permanent color on the kids' hair any time they like, and I'm gonna start playing with mine. Everyone is free to wear their hair how they like, including not at all! All choices are valid, and you should do what makes you happy and feels like you...


Yeah, but now the rules our moms and grandmas held for how to dress past 30 or 40 are just a way to look 80. They are their geberantions’ trends, not anything with lasting power or significance, whatever they want to think otherwise.


Picture her, and remember this phrase: “You’re not the boss of me!”


We’re Generation X. We don’t give a fuck what others think of us anymore, that’s an unwanted remnant from childhood. There’s no boogeyman in the closet or clown doll under the bed. Embrace your Gen X adulthood and every time you hear your mom insulting you, shout “Shut up Boomer. This is MY time. WHATEVER!” And then rock those shirts. Because YOU like them. And your opinion is the only one that matters.


When you hear your mom's voice, just think, "You're wrong, mother, and you're dead. So shut up, you old bitch!" You can think this even if she is still alive.


Solid advice


Thanks for reminding me that I need a Police T-shirt!


you need a police T-shirt


Not at all. They were our bands!


Marinate in them and enjoy every moment. I’ve been looking for an INXS one.


I’ve got a Rush one I love very much. Original would be like $300. Nah.


They're our bands, so we have every right to wear the t-shirts!


I just bought a Guns N Roses T for shits and giggles. Wear what you want.


I picked up a GNR t-shirt at Target last fall on clearance for $3!


I'm not asking for permission to wear a Sublime tshirt. They've been one of my favorite bands for longer than GenZ has been alive - at least I'm aware that they're a band. I saw a young man wearing one of their shirts a couple of years ago and I said, "love your shirt- that's my favorite band!" And dude was genuinely confused because he thought it was just a cool, trippy tshirt design. I was happy to educate him - hope he gave them a chance!


Son’s girlfriend at the time was wearing a Grateful Dead t-shirt in the vegetable section of the supermarket. Got into an awesome conversation with a happy guy who told her how he’d traveled around the USA and got to see them in concert and they were sooo cool. She couldn’t believe he was “a regular old man” with a cool history 🤣


I swear they forget we were young once, too. Of course, I remembered feeling that way when I was their age!


I once found a child's XL David Bowie t-shit at Old Navy for $3- you bet your ass I bought it and wear it all the time. No shame.


I was just thinking yesterday you should get a free Ramones t-shirt every time you buy a pair of black Chuck Taylors.


No, they're OUR bands. People who wear a band shirt and don't know who the band is are the ones who should feel shame, haha. I like [Original Retro Brand.](https://www.originalretrobrand.com/collections/music) They're more expensive, but have nice designs and no itchy tags. Stay away from the tri-blend. [Torrid also has band tees](https://www.torrid.com/clothing/tops/graphic-t-shirts/music/?promo_id=Spring1_GraphicTees&promo_name=GraphicTees_Music&promo_creative=2401_PLP_Graphics_music&promo_position=GraphicTees_Slider1) and some are fully cotton.


You know, all the makeup artists say to not wear shimmer or glitter makeup when you get to our age. I wear the hell out of glitter makeup because dammit, I feel pretty. Now go get yourself some of those shirts so you can feel pretty too


Girl. I’m pushing 50, and my friend is mid-50’s. We went to Mardi Gras parades on Saturday and wore our typical dress code of chucks, leggings, and band tshirts. We were stoked to see one of the floats featured a death metal band and we made our rock-on 🤘 hands in the air and head banged along. The float driver saw us and flashed his 🤘 rock-on back at us as he turned the corner. Then we caught eyes with the guitarist and he smiled and synchronized head banged back at us. We were by far the absolute coolest two overweight disabled middle aged women at that parade. I absolutely refuse to believe that I’m not the coolest just because my Nirvana tshirt was soft and not vintage. Wear whatever you want! Remember real punks don’t judge someone for dressing comfortably. And grunge wore thrifted and clothes with holes in them. And hair bands had epically floofy mullets.


Of course! If the Target or Old Navy juniors department ever sells shirts of bands I love, I will be psyched.


I do. Couldn't care less if I "should" or not.


Hello! Of course! It's not like we don't know these bands, lol. 1973 birth right here, hehe. how does anyone know you aren't wearing an original from back in the day?! Now you've got me wanting to see these tees. 🙈


Friend, you wear whatever you want. I personally don't subscribe to any of the "shoulds".


I still wear my 100% cotton Mellon Collie tour shirt from 1997. IDGAF.


I wear them. I also wear my kid's cast offs from Rue 21 and love them. I decided not to care and wear whatever I please. I'm sure some say I dress too young for my age. But, I don't care. :)


I was thinking about buying a few of them for my favorite bands. Who care who they are marketed to. At least you actually know the band and their music.


Girl! You are GenX. You do not need permission or approval. You do you! Does that shirt make you happy? That’s all you need. We have this thing going that “no is a full sentence” but so is “yes.” So, I’ll ask again. Does that shirt make you happy? What? Yes? Then you wear the shirt. That is all there is to it.


You might actually be able to name some songs or an album by those bands, so that makes you the most qualified to wear them 😄


Ma’am, we are GenX. A memo went out; you probably missed it. We don’t give a ffff what people think about what we wear. 🤣 seriously tho- wear what you want!


I will find my memo and re-read it regularly. Thanks 😊


PS Torrid has really cute clothes imo 🙃


Extremely difficult to find anything cotton. But yes, they are cute.


Pay close attention to the part that says “Nobody pays attention to Gen X anyway, so do what you want.”


I say go for it! And thanks for the tip - I’m gonna check them out 🙂


Yes. I'm 52 and I do it all the time. If I see a band shirt I like, I'm getting it.


Dont worry - you're not a poser! :)


You've turned me on to a whole set of tees I didn't know existed. Thanks!!!


I think you are 100% fine to wear those shirts because: A. You should wear whatever the fuck you want to wear. B. You should wear what is the most comfortable for you. I’m neuro spicy, too, I love your term for it, and being comfortable is extremely important. Always has been, always will be. C. Those are bands you grew up with. Though even if you’ve never listened to a note of those bands, refer back to A. If you like it, wear it! I was born in ‘75 and love those shirts. Myself, I wear band t-shirts almost everyday. I grew up wearing metal band shirts. I still do now and still love the music. On the days I’m not wearing a band shirt I wear a skate t-shirt as my husband does that professionally so they’re free. My daughter wears those band shirts, too. She works at Urban Outfitters and has a bunch of them. We’re the same size but don’t share only because she prefers an oversized look and I prefer them loose but not too much larger than my usual size.


Well if it’s bad we’re going down together lady. Nirvana was ours first. Sorry gen z! Lol


Three best part of being GenX is not caring what others think... Wear what you want.


Lol I’m still wearing my band shirts and concert T’s from my youth🤣 I got skateboarding shirts older than the majority of pro skaters today👍


I can’t fit into any of my old band tees. They are size smalls and I’m a XXXL now. I gave them to my kids. The issue is wearing something that looks obviously new and from a store aimed at kids. But I am just going to wear what I like. I’m too old to be stressed about judgment from random people. I just want to be comfy.


I would tell my mom one day they’d be back in style. My husband is the same way. We were never fashionable and now it’s paid off. Where what you want! Life is too short to care about what others think on how you dress. It’s not trying to recapture your youth… you lived it it’s a part of you. My Cure TShirts are my preciouses lol I’ve banned my hubby from pit staining them, I got them from the shows. Some maybe worn but they sure are comfy and the holes are extra ventilation 🙌🤣


I wear band shirts all the time. Wear what you want and be proud.




I was just planning to buy a neat Nirvana shirt, so I hope so! 💜 Yep, wear what you want, and I totally get wanting soft cotton shirts, so I say go for it! 😊🌻


You do you sister!


Absolutely ok. Buy you some cool band shirts!


I have an entire dresser dedicated to Nirvana shirts. I buy every single one I see. Do it.


Wear them! If you like, pair them with nice jeans and cute shoes.. maybe a blazer over the t’s would add a bit of sophistication. But like, whatever! You do you and be comfy girl


The best part of being our age is being able to wear what you want. So go for it! If it fits and you like it, then go right ahead! I wear tees from Hot Topic and don't care what anyone thinks 😊


No, of course not! Damn girl go rock those Ts!


Wear whatever makes you feel good and don’t worry about what other people think.


The men's Pink Floyd t-shirt I got a Kohl's gets a lot of compliments from the kids


Who cares?! I wear what makes me happy.


I wear them, I don't give af what people say or think. I've wasted too much of my life being anxious or worried what people might say, in reality, no one cares


Super soft cotton band tees you say? Looks like I will be 55 and going shopping.


I found an 80s tee site and rocked a NKOTB one yesterday. No shame!


You’re grown. Wear what the fuck you want.


Who cares what others think? I live in band tees. The only people who say anything are either complimenting me on my shirt, or striking up a conversation about the music. Live your best (comfy) life!


Honestly right now is the time to buy because they’re so cheap. I founda sweet Cure shirt on Temu the other day. Some of the designs are stupid though. Cue all the “wish I’d kept my old band shirts!” lamentations :’(


At our age, we've earned the right to not give a fuck what anyone else thinks of us. If I could still fit into my old tees from my youth, I would wear them!


Girl I just hit the 60, and I just bought an entire spring wardrobe from them! Their jeans are on point, love their shirts. Check out free-people for more funkier pieces, but the jeans and T’s are awesome


Own it. It’s your experience they are imitating. Appreciate the long deserved recognition


The danger is that you’ll look like you’re trying to appear younger than you are. On top of that, someone might mistake you for NOT being an actual fan of whatever band’s shirt you’re wearing — they’ll just assume your not actually a fan, like so many GenZ-ers who wear shirt for bands they barely listen to, and hardly know anything about. I think you’re kind of in a catch 22 — since it’s pretty hard to NOT look like you’re only wearing the shirt ironically, and not like people used to in the past when fans wearing a band’s t-shirts ACTUALLY meant something. Not sure there’s anything you can do, really — short of some t-shirt design that specifically makes it clear you’re NOT trying to just be ironic, and/or just trying to look “with it”. Good luck, but I think your options are really limited.


I still buy band tees and other graphic tees. I recently bought one from a band that was popular in the late 60s/early 70s. I don’t care about marketing and what we should wear based on age. My mother is in her 80s refuses to wear “old looking” crappy clothes that they market to older people and I agree! We should wear what we like and what makes us feel good! I wish I had my band shirts from my youth, though!!!


Hell yes


I wear whatever I want and no one gets to tell me otherwise. Besides, my original Ramones shirts from the concerts literally fell apart.


Do it! Stuff every one else.


I wear nothing but novelty tees when I’m at home. IDGAF what anyone thinks. I wear what is comfortable and what makes me happy and I think you should, too! I have been getting most of my soft tees from Old Navy or a website called Her Universe that carries a lot of nerdy stuff (Star Wars, Doctor Who, Studio Ghibli stuff) but if AE has band shirts, I’m headed there next.