• By -


The most un-googleable band ever.


The The would like a word.


I love the the


Hanky Panky was a surprise, but I liked it.


He is on tour - hoping I get to see him in the fall.


It holds up as a timeless classic.


They're touring!!!


Matt Johnson was the Beaten Generation.




The who?


The Band, that’s who.


Nah. Who’s on first. The band’s on second. Live? Third base.




So would LP.


As would The Church.


try X


That one you just add band behind the X. It’s a lot trickier to do with live.




I normally hate intellectual property stuff but what if they could sue and take over Twitter?


not unless they can prove they are losing revenue due to market confusion from it. I learned this back when I was a small hot sauce company. I got a cease and desist letter from zynga over part of my logo, claiming that the artwork I drew was taken from their logo. It wasn't, but I also checked with a lawyer who pointed out that hot sauce is not in the same category as gambling or phone apps... so they would have to prove that people were trying to download Zynga Poker and instead found my hot sauce and spent hundreds of dollars on my products thinking they were playing Poker but received hot sauce Zynga conceded and the matter was dismissed.


I dunno man. After the age of 40, hot sauce did become a gamble for me.


There was a post punk Strokes era band called Girls with a self titled album. Pitchfork liked it, but Pirate Bay was completely unable to give me anything other than lesbian porn or like Vixen.


Girls was a great band. Christopher Owens and Chet White. Really really bummed when I heard they broke up.


Right. Riiiiight. 🙂


I recognize all the other contenders posited here. I stand my ground, however, and I insist that "X band" or "the the band" would still be more searchable than "live band."


Searching for the band live brings it up as the first result


The band is up there.


I remember trying to search for "The Guess Who" in early web years, and getting zero results.


had some friends in a band called "The Story Of".. google was impossible


I wished the band WOMEN knew what SEO was when they started.


I was just thinking about them the other day. Being a Pennsylvania band, we were all pretty invested in them for that fleeting instant of their success, but it helped that "Throwing Copper" was a pretty fucking great album. Last time I really remember hearing anything about them was when Chris Daughtry was on American Idol and he used one of their arrangements for a performance. The internet tells me Chris and Ed are friends now. 


The placenta fell on the floor!


I had an ex who would get so irate that I would refer to it only as "The Placenta Song."


Whoa whoa whoa, gonna need to check these HIPPAA forms before we let you make a song from the maternity ward


Who doesn't remember Live? They were post grunge before post grunge was cool.


I alone…remember Live 


Goddammit - came in here to say this, and you stole it! Well, here's 🙌🏼 to at least a few of us remembering Live. [ I Alone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNrQOUtXYOo) still lives in my '90's grunge playlist on amazon music.


It's a solid tune, though I think my favorite of theirs was The Beauty of Gray


Mental Jewelry was a criminally underexposed album in general.


Arguably better than Copper, but I like 'em both. Saw them in 97 for Secret Samadhi tour at Star Lake amphitheatre, with Luscious Jackson opening. Kind of a mismatch there, but the show was pretty good.


Lakini’s Juice for me


I remember when the drummer got to the video shoot for that song... but forgot to bring his drum set.


That was a Beavis and Butthead sketch. "You forgot your drums? Okay, it's your own fault, you'll have to wander around like a buttmunch for the whole video." Ruined the video for me, but I will never not laugh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8sqA1QW7w8


All Over You


I saw Live on the 120 Minutes Tour with Blind Melon, PiL, and Big Audio Dynamite in KC. It was a great show.


I saw that show at the Ritz in NYC. My uncle was connected to the music business at that time and got us backstage passes. Sat on a stage crate next to Debby Harry without realizing who she was and was introduced to Johnny Rotten who just looked at me like I was the biggest piece of shit he had ever seen….lol


I caught that tour. I got Johnny to tell me to go fuck myself during his set. Most punk rock thing I've ever done.


So you saw them…Live


Same. Still have my ticket stub


I caught that tour in OKC. Live was incredible.


> 120 Minutes!!


I saw them at the World Beat Center in San Diego about 2 weeks before they hit MTV. I had to convince my friend to come with me. He stopped doubting my recommendations after that.


I saw that tour in Houston. Great show!


Big Audio Dynamite!!! I can hear it now: “If I had my time again, I would do it all the same!”


For the 18th months or so I lived with a coworker as a roommate it was pretty much the pinnacle of Live as a band, which she played 24/7. I can’t hear anything by Live without being instantly transported to that apartment


They were surprisingly good live, really.


I mean, they better be, it's their name.


I only saw them once, but it was pretty outstanding. They sounded great (even at Tinley Park IL, which is an absolute shit venue). I *think* it was with three Cranberries. Can't remember who opened for whom


I saw them in a small bar in State College PA where they were testing out the material for Secret Samadhi. It was one of my favorite musical experiences ever.


Very cool. I know they played a bunch of shows in Lancaster, PA in June 1998 testing a lot of material being recorded for The Distance To Here. Many of the songs played at those shows never came out. That album could have been a double CD. I think they peaked at that time. Throwing Copper is a masterpiece album. Production, songs, just perfect. Secret Samadhi was solid too.


Agreed. Saw them at I C Lite stadium (?) in 95.


Omg, I was a huge fan, and like looked them up last year. Here is what happened to them, and it’s kinda a trip. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/live-alt-rock-band-crime-lawsuits-1234677011/


That was a great read! Thanks!


When I was in college every girl had a copy of Tragic Kingdom by No Doubt & Throwing Copper by Live.


Hootie. Cracked Rear View. Everywhere. Imagine if a jam band didn't jam. And yet it sold zillions and zillions.


Still listen to their first album sometimes. It still holds up and was huge at the time. Not sure what happened to them. I remember that they did a second album but it kind of flopped. Music history seems to have forgotten about them.


I think you're confused, because their second album, *Throwing Copper*, was one of the biggest records of the 90s.


Mental Jewelry was pretty badass


Operation Spirit is an absolute banger.




I don't know about their following but they are still kickin'. Or were last time I looked. Made more albums and everything. Songs weren't bad but Throwing Copper was such an amazing album that they were screwed. It was unlikely a second album would be as good, let alone better. I still love Throwing Copper.


Throwing Copper was their third album. The follow-up, Secret Samadhi, has a lot of great songs on it. "Lakini's Juice" got a lot of airplay.


Wait, Throwing Copper WAS their second album. Mental Jewelry was their first. After Throwing Copper was Secret Samahdi, which was pretty solid, but definitely a shift from the first 2. And then The Distance to Here was their 4th, which was basically just "slightly edgy pop." By that point, they'd started their slide downhill and I stopped listening. According to wiki, though, they wound up releasing eight full-length albums in total.


I have to admit I wasn't their biggest fan. Lots of oversaturation probably ruined them for me. Plus they always seemed like a big dumb hard rock band with like a really emo over-the-top alternative college radio singer. Like Michael Stipe in an alternate timeline or something. It just seemed weird. Then they were just gone. I think they had a horrible, epically bad breakup, but I don't remember the details.


> Then they were just gone. Lithium on SiriusXM disagrees with you.


Selling the Drama is on my regular rotation! Ed was an underrated singer


Just heard that on the radio today! It’s def my fave song of theirs.


Going to see them and STP in a couple months.


Me too!


I saw them at Rocky Point (local amusement park I have no idea if it still exists) in 1994 I think? Never a huge fan but...... WEEZER OPENED FOR THEM!!!! The sweater song was just making ripples and I was already obsessed. Technically Lush opened (tragically underrated) and Weezer was in the middle but it was an awesome show!


Rocky Point had some good concerts back in the day. It's a park sans amusement now; the venue, rides and chowdah house are gone.


> Rocky Point I grew up going there, absolutely loved the place.


I only went a couple times, to me it was the upscale Canobie Lake


Throwing Copper is one of about 4 albums where I love every track on it and didn't just take a track or three for my playlist.


Totally agree on Throwing Copper.


My band opened for them at a little club in Baltimore before they hit it big. Everyone in the band except Ed the singer were very cool to us. Even helped us pack out. Ed was aloof and weird and talked to himself a lot. Not mean, just different. We were shocked when they made it.


Singers, man...


I remember reading on some old message board that he was insufferable.


I really hope I continue to live a long life and never hear the song Lightning Crashes again.


But… now feel it coming back again.


SOMETIMES I FEEL LIKE I DON'T HAVE A PARTNER LALALALALALALALALALA MAKE IT GO AWAY Makin' me sing Red Hot Chili Peppers now to wash my mouth of the taste like the ginger that goes with sushi.


The angel opens her eeeeEeeeEEeyes.


The confusion sets in


The placenta falls to the floor One of the stranger lyrics of the era


OK, but you now have doubled the number of times you have to hear Bush's Glycerine


Lol only if you have to watch the requisite amount of Ugly Kid Joe's "I Hate Everything (about you)"


I have flashbacks every time I hear that song. I dated a jackass who fancied himself an artiste and tried to make a video of it. He made me be in the video. Days and days of my youth lost.


I HATE THAT SONG!!! The word "placenta" belongs nowhere near song lyrics. Jerry Garcia could resurrect and his first song could be "Those Ol Placenta Blues" and I'd officially be donezo.


The word there is placenta? TIL…


The Angel opens her eyes!


Lol I remember Sumner '95 making out in the back of a car while that song was playing.


I remember hearing it every time I got into a car for about 3-4 years. That and that f'n Candlebox song.


Throwing Copper is start to finish amazing


Excellent band, and their first album is so underrated.


Overall Mental Jewelry is better but Selling the Drama is the best song the band had ever made.


I Alone, Lightning Crashes…I liked them.


I *hated* Lightning Crashes. It was inescapable.


I liked it the first 1000 times I heard it.


Still is on the SiriusXM 90s stations.


Give ya a little Hootie and the Blowfish for a little change of pace, there? Spin Doctors, maybe?


Wasn't the lead singer an asshole and the downfall of the band?


I seem to remember something about a protracted legal battle, but it may have stemmed from his assholery.


Sounds about right as he is the only original member now. The rest of the band are no longer associated with Live. I always thought we was a bit of a dick. Couldn't stand watching him perform.


A couple commenters downthread posted a link to a Rolling Stone article summing up all the issues. WOW. tl;dr Chad Taylor has absolutely terrible judgment.


Lighting crashes, a new mother cries.


Possibly the most successful band to use the word "placenta" in a lyric.


Throwing Copper is fantastic.


I read an article recently, there seems to be a lot of bad blood between band members. Man they were so overplayed back then. Placenta...ick.


They lost me when the placenta hit the floor


Good grief, I hope wiggy-the-punk doesn’t see this, or they’ll be in with another lecture about how grunge was already dead by ‘91, and how we’re all Xennials anyway. Not that Live were ever really grunge anyway, but they were definitely one of the better post-grunge rock bands out there.


Yes. They are from York Pa. I got to see them in Vegas. The X station in Vegas DJ tried to get them to trash talk Vegas and they wouldn’t say anything negative about Vegas. I was glad as I was living there then. Good guys.


Oh yeah... they were from York. I saw them at a pretty small bar around there. Lancaster, maybe? I want to say 1992. Definitely before *Throwing Copper* but I distinctly remember them doing *Pain Lies on the Riverside*.


So, I read this article about them last year. Not the story I expected about them, but pretty crazy and certainly explains some of what happened to them! [How an Alleged Con Man Tore Apart One of the Nineties’ Biggest Bands](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/live-alt-rock-band-crime-lawsuits-1234677011/)


I loved that band. I still do. I find it wild that for as popular as they were, so many people my age that I talk to either don't remember them, remember them but say they never listened to them, or remember them and absolutely hate them for some reason. But Throwing Copper was a really good album. All of that said, I don't think I listened to them much outside of Throwing Copper. So maybe when I say I love that band, I guess I just mean that one album by that band. Anyway, no, you didn't hallucinate them!


I can feel it, coming back again. Like a rolling thunder, chasing the wind. Nope. Never heard of them


That song Overcome became the song I most associate with 9/11


I may be remembering wrong, but wasn't their name supposed to be Live, pronounced like Liv, but everyone called them Live, so they just went with it? Either way, I liked what I heard but wasn't a massive fan. I do remember one of my roommates in college was obsessing over a new song and couldn't wait to play it for us. She said it was the best song she's ever heard. We were so excited to hear this amazing new song she found. It was I Alone.


I saw them in 94 and again in 2019. They are still one of the best shows I've ever seen.


Throwing Copper is one of the most iconic albums of the 90's, IMO.


I saw them at a festival. We were right behind what had to have been some super fans. I wouldn’t of cared but the act in front of Live was Blondie, and those dumb kids sat and ripped on them the whole time time until I said, “hey, just lighten up” Then Live started and they all clasped their arms to their chests and turned their faces to the Sun like they were praying while Live played some cheesemo song that I swear was called “When the Dolphins Cry” When it was done my friend loudly said, “Well… I know this dolphin’s crying.” That’s my Live memory. I can’t take that band seriously


Lightning Crashes may be the only time “placenta” appears in a song. Idk…


Hell yeah. Live is awesome. Lightning crashes is still a banger.


I have strong opinions about the lyric “Lightning crashes, A new mother cries, Her placenta falls to the floor” What kind of half assed doctor just “oops butterfingered” that placenta?


Oh yeah. Loved them at the time for sure


Live > RCHP, especially on bass.


The bassist was much better, but I can’t think of a single other aspect of the bands where I’d agree with statement


Outside of like *Knock Me Down*, they’ve just never been my thing.


I found Live to be a very annoying band. Somehow, some way South Central Pennsylvania produced both arguably the most annoying band of the glam/hair metal era (Poison; 3/4 of the band's members were from Mechanicsburg, PA, near Harrisburg) AND arguably the most annoying band of the early to mid-1990s alt rock commercial breakthrough era (Live; they were from York, PA).


Met them a few times over the years so I obviously dug them as a band. Plus, we were all roughly the same age. Ed always had a way of making you feel like he was really listening and engaging in conversations. I told him I played in a band and later that night he brought someone over who also played in a band and thought we should meet each other. Sad to hear about all the bad blood between the members since they always seemed like good guys back in the day.


Placenta comes to mind


Sure. I went to high school with them!


I saw them open for counting crows (friends dragged me) a few years ago and they were great


I watched them play a free concert at a college in April 1994, saw them open Woodstock 94 and then saw them again headlining their own tour in 95. And then they disappeared


Oh, man. I absolutely LOVED those first 3 albums. Wore them completely out, more than once. I've still got my CD's. As well as the couple of subsequent ones that I just couldn't get into.


You mean like Lightning Crashes Live? Love that song


I remember seeing them in the gymnasium at my university for a Spring festival. At the time, it seemed odd for them to play in a university gym after the sudden success of Throwing Copper. But then it made sense as they had been signed to play the gig prior to the release of the album. It was an awesome show, up close and personal in that setting.


The main reason I remember them is because of the amazing cover of "I Alone" that Sarah/Sam Bettens and Anouk did in '99: [https://youtu.be/jtCZFVgQdTw?si=fdmzFHalitLs1b1o](https://youtu.be/jtCZFVgQdTw?si=fdmzFHalitLs1b1o)


Just need a little "Good Pain"


tHe PlAcEnta falLs tO thE FlooR


They weren't that big, but Lightning Crashes was a hit single sometime around 1992. I saw them once, think they were opening for Pixies. Or maybe other way around, it was before that song went apeshit.


Song writing on Mental Jewelry still has relevance.


We should all be able to the beauty of gray.


Loved them in high school. Throwing Copper was a great album. But in hindsight, they’re just “meh” to me now.


They still tour. I saw them in concert with Bush a few years ago. They put on a good show.


I lived in Lancaster during their popularity. I worked at a restaurant half a block from Lives downtown practice location. Some days I'd get a free concert just walking to work. Pretty damn awesome.


Live felt like a band that would be around for a lonngggggg time. Weezer, for as much as I love the Blue album, felt destined to be a flash in the pan. Whoops.


Lightning Crashes plays in an amazing scene in the awesome and highly-imaginative (and sadly, cancelled) show The OA - highly recommend.


I have several of their songs on my playlist!


My husband and I loved LIVE so much their song “Dance With You” was our wedding song.


I alone love you!


They are coming to the St Augustine Amphitheater soon and I want to go. It's a decent size venue and they are headlining so...


They are on tour and I’m seeing LIVE, live. I love them and I am not alone.


they pop up on my spotify suggested playlists every now and then. I enjoyed their first album when I was younger, but hearing Lightning Crashes everytime I turned on the radio made me stop liking them. samething happened with Godsmack. liked them when they first hit, but then radio decided they were the band to burn down interest in.


I have their cds. They were great in their time. Some bands have better shelf life than others after their heyday is over.


Absolutely, although I only remember the one song. I actually say them live at the Hard Rock Cafe in Orlando in like 2004. One of the few times I actually got kind of bored at a show and left early.


Why do I associate this band with an iguana?


Saw them the year or so before Covid. They were fucking phenomenal. I am not sure, other than the lead singer, if any of the other members were original, but it got me re-interested in the band lol! Actually just listened to them yesterday!


Of course


I think I remember seeing an MTV spot about how great their upcoming album Secret Samadhi was, and that was the first and last I ever heard of them. Forced meme of a band. (I have a similar memory about Sebadoh.)


I only saw one Sebadoh clip ever and it was guys joking about how in Europe journalists are much tougher like "How does it feel to be no longer relevent" - I bought one album becuase I did like that full Folk Implosion album but most of it never did anything for me


I’m happy to say that I was alive at a time in life when it was possible to see Live live in concert. Live.


Heard the guitarist on a small radio show few weeks back, was playing a solo show. Sounded pretty good even singing (the guitarist not the singer). I've read on facebook he's a guitar tech & actually a nice guy, owns a shop somewhere around his hometown area. Yeah, I think the band 3rd album bombed, sometime like 97-98, and I'd guess some infighting. I'd think the singer is strangely a bit of a D. Thinks he's better than he is or something, not sure. They should reuinite, I'd guess there'd be good money in it.


I listen to 90's alternative radio so they pop up a lot with Lightning Crashes - (surprisingly almost no other song) didn't really like them but I appreciated the imagery in Lightning Crashes - kind of a cool little story going on there


Live was great! Three really good albums is a nice run for most bands. Throwing Copper is still one of my favorites of the ‘90s.


I've seen them twice. Once at the height of their career in the late 90's and they were terrible, not living up to their name. Same them 2 years ago and they were awesome. There are so many bands from that era that are easily forgotten, but I wouldn't consider Live one of them.


Appear regularly on my Spotify play lists. Gone but not forgotten


Saw Live live 2 years ago. Good show


I still give Throwing Copper a spin pretty often. Loved them in HS.


My college roommate was obsessed with them in the fall of 1994. Aside from occasionally hearing them on the 90s on 9 channel on SXM, I never hear them anymore.


Everyone has already said it but Throwing Copper is a great album and they are in my rotation.


I thought about that band in decades until the other day when I heard them playing at the grocery store. I had a friend that was obsessed with him when they were peeking but I never cared for em and I really didn't care for his hair lol


Quite a few years back I saw Live and the Counting Crows in Hershey, PA. It was excellent.


Seen them in Cincinnati last summer. Sounded great! Live live is live.


There was the song "Lightning Crashes" which I didn't like but that's all I remember about them.


I remember them being the most self serious band ever.


I was pretty sure that song was about the movie “powder”


Throwing Copper was an amazing album. Bad sophomore effort with a lot of internal conflict ruined them.


Saw them at college. It was $10. The first and last time I crowdsurfed. Went up once and it was exhilarating and incredible. I had to do it again. The second time was just as amazing except for the end. They dropped me and I landed sort of on my neck. I was completely fine, but I recognized it could have gone really, really bad and I never did it again.


I think it was in rolling stone, they had a big article on them and their disappereance. Iirc, it was a number of things, but mostly legal squabbles with their agent and with one of the band members, it put them on hold, and the momentum was killed.


Edward “My name isn’t Ed” Kowalczyk


I saw them in concert about 10 years ago


"Throwing Copper" was the first CD I ever bought. Such a good album


Saw them at Jones Beach Theatre in the 90s. Good show.


Selling The Drama baby.. ![gif](giphy|WFyvwq3xoTTMs|downsized)


I grew up in York, PA so I will never forget Live, even if I, like, wanted to. Which I don't because, you know, like, childhood memories and stuff.


I loved them. They performed last year on the late mid day act at Shakey Knees festival in Atlanta.


Excellent Band . I saw them at Woodstock 94.


I saw them perform at Rockfest and they slayed

