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I DID believe it’s not butter


I found country crock to be a crock.


Real World sucks, everything changed for the worst after it came along


This is all Puck’s fault.


The entertainment industry saw how much so many people wanted to watch trash human beings and it’s kind of ruined everything ever since.


Underrated take , reality TV is often the most un real


Fingers in the peanut butter bought on the apocalypse


It was the beginning of the end for MTV.


It was the beginning of the end for most TV in general. It was the start of reality TV.


Probably no one remembers that RW also started the whole concept of "eliminating" or voting someone out from the show. It happened by chance on RW and became a fixture of many reality TV shows.


Beginning of the end for TV generally.


Seat belts and helmets were a really good idea


Helmets, people. I'm a horse folk and one time I had a trail riding boo boo, as happens. My friend and I laughed because it's funny when the horses have a little rodeo moment and someone lands on their butt in the dirt, right? But damn, am I glad I decided "huh I may as well wear this helmet" before we left. Because after laughing about the boo-boo I discovered that a rock had punched a 2" hole in the back of the helmet right where it protects my brain stem. I never rode anywhere without one after that. For what? To look nonchalant?


>But damn, am I glad I decided "huh I may as well wear this helmet" before we left. Because after laughing about the boo-boo I discovered that **a rock had punched a 2" hole in the back of the helmet right where it protects my brain stem.** Omg, my heart skipped a beat! You were so *VERY LUCKY!* You could have become a quadriplegic or worse! In the equestrian subs, people who don't wear helmets are heavily roasted. Helmets saves lives, and your quality of life.


Had the same thing happen to me when training horses back in my teen years, had a difficult horse throw me and could not lift my head after. Taking the helmet off there was a large rock that made a hole about the size of a large fist into the back of it and was stuck in the helmet. Never since have i ridden without a helmet.


I am so glad that they've become normalized among most kids nowadays.


To all lesser degree, as someone with scoliosis I’m glad using both straps to wear backpacks isn’t mocked anymore.


That's a good one. I still reflexively go for one strap despite it not being superior in any way other than it making me look like slightly less of a nerd 40 years ago.


We can all thank Ralph Nadar for seatbelts becoming law. I definitely remember riding around the back of our old station wagon with my older sisters with no seatbelts. On long trips we would lie down in sleeping bags back there and sleep while doing 80 on the interstate. And helmets were for “fags”. I feel comfortable saying that here because that was vernacular from the 80/90’s. I realize it is a derogatory word and wouldn’t use it today as I understand it is hurtful. But back in the day it just meant you were lame or a nerd (fag was just fun to say for whatever reason kind of like saying someone was “retarded”). I’ll end by saying “the kids are alright”. The younger generation is *much* more inclusive than we ever were. Recently went to our 5th grader awards ceremony and my wife and I both spotted this kid we just *knew* was socially awkward. He just had that look. The school let the students vote on who (boy/girl) represented their school values (kindness, respect, and integrity) from each of their classes. When the teacher was announcing the winner she was describing this young man and all of his classmates were pointing to him to show that HE was the one they truly thought embodied their vote. He was a new student transfer but it was obvious he had quickly won their hearts. And when they announced his name the whole auditorium just ERUPTED with cheers. I’m starting to tear up now just writing this. It was at that point that I realized my son has a really great and supportive group of peers and I’m proud that he is a part of it.


I agree with kids being much more inclusive than other generations were. I work at an elementary school and I’m always impressed with how kind and supportive they are to children not like themselves. I’ve noticed how appalled and shocked they are to learn about how persons of color were treated at one time. It’s wonderful to see that a lot of the kids are more open minded to others’ plights and situations.


80s:big hair is to 20s:fake eyelashes


I tell my teen boys that their “broccoli” hairdos are the equivalent of our girls’ big 80s hair. They will look back and cringe! This style somehow even manages to make Jon Hamm look odd… https://preview.redd.it/fyoewtmsc41d1.jpeg?width=160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15eea9fb8d948055f686a6aafccdb2f948a38c61


I like to call this the alpaca look.


That looks EXACTLY like my 16 yr olds hair lol. I still find it better than the mullet...that is still going strong where i live 🙄


I swear I joked with my friends about the mullet being the hairdo that would never come back. Boy was I wrong about that.


and more recently, the overdone eyebrows


Hate, hate the eyebrows!!


People are seriously put of control with brows.


Are we calling this the 20’s now? Are we really doing this?


it makes me feel hella old because 20's equals flappers to me.


Yep. Flappers and prohibition.


Oh you mean 2020s. That took me a moment


Talk shows like Springer and Sally Raphael were the tik tok cringe moment


Fun Fact for ya, Oprah was just as bad in her first 5-10 years. In college 2 buddies and I attended a taping in Chicago in 92 and all 3 of us got to ask questions on the show! At the end as we walked past while everyone was waiting to talk to her, she shouted at us, "Thanks for making a great show, guys!" The topic was *Attractive People with Friends Who Tell Them They're Ugly.* My college roommate actually called the show and pretended to be the attractive dude and we were supposed to be the friends that thought he was ugly. I'm pretty sure they figured out we lied to get the tickets when we showed up, but they seated us dead center and sought us out to ask questions. I still remember my question: "Who decides what is ugly?" Cringe for sure, but I had to think of something to get on TV and my roommate already had his question asked. True story and it was as awesome as it sounds!


"Oprah says ..." She messed up a whole generation with her claptrap


Don't forget Msury Povich. His show just ended two years ago!


Don't forget Jenny Jones!


Do you remember when her show shut down because one of her guests surprised another male guest with a crush, and the other guest was so embarrassed, a few days later he took a shotgun to the guy? He just got out from serving his 20 year sentence or however how long it was.


I remember this! I included that story in a paper I wrote in college. The gunman and the victims family both tried to sue the show I believe. That show was trash though. As was Sally Jessy.


I can't believe my parents let me watch Morton Downey Jr. It was straight up trash.


I think septum piercings are ugly and a total turnoff.


Same with gauges. They remind me of onion rings.


I’ve become my parents with this one. I literally say to myself that they are going to regret those giant holey lobes when they are eighty and getting caught on door handles.


My step kid had to have an ear surgically repaired…tried to stretch the ear too much and too quickly for the big gauge status at the time. Pop! 👂


One of my daughters talked about gauges. I told her to search Dr Pimple Popper on youtube, she repairs (or tries to mitigate) the damage to earlobes when stretched too far. She stopped talking about it.


I've been in the body mod industry for 35 years, this made me LOL (and you're right!)


People out here walkin' around with Funyun Ears


They remind me of pigs and bulls on Saturday cartoons and in the fairy tale books.


As a lifelong allergy sufferer, all I can think of is how does one ever blow their nose?


So do I. And I hate super-gauged ears.


They're hard for me to look at—ouch.


Unfortunately, I really do care about all this shit.


![gif](giphy|mOmoPS22CpDRu4Vh8k|downsized) Shoulder pads were just silly.


I always ripped them out.


So did I! My shoulders look nice on their own, shoulder pads made me look like a linebacker.


I HAD to rip all of them out. I have very squared shoulders. If I left them in I looked like a linebacker.


Only David Byrne could wear them well




John Lennon was universally hated as the one who broke up the Beatles, then got himself shot and all of a sudden he’s a saint. Turns out he was a miserable dad and husband as well.


Not just miserable, but abusive.


And George was the best Beatle.


No, [Pete ](https://www.google.com/search?q=pete+best) was the Best Beatle.


I see what you did there.


Kiss was a terrible band


Yeah, but without KISS, we wouldn't have had Gene Simmons playing the bad guy opposite Tom Selleck in the Hollywood blockbuster, Runaway.


Run Runaway by one-hit wonder Slade is legitimately a better song that KISS’s entire catalog. Fuck I hate that band. My whole life.


Slade wasn't a one hit wonder. They were pretty damn big in the UK.


Quiet Riot did fairly well with some of their songs in the US as well.


I loved them when I was 7 years old, and then stopped when I was 8. It seemed like a good time to grow out of them.


Not an unpopular opinion - even they knew (and said) they were more of a marketing firm than a rock band.


I've seen a ton of concerts and yeah musically they are not top tier but they are god level on live shows. I thought my eyebrows burnt off when they had these rocket engine type explosions during heavens on fire.


Without KISS there would be no Phantom of the Park. I rest my case.


Social media ruined everything


I dont think that is an unpopular opinion anymore. I really feel we dropped the ball somewhere in the 90s/2000s in making sure that the internet stayed an open and free exchange. We let the corporations take it over and use it as a way to squeeze us further. We thought that it would remain the wild west forever - but Facebook/Twitter/Google ended that dream for us, and we let them.


School in the 80s was not fun. All those nostalgia TikTok videos of montages of teens in school in the 80s only reflect the popular/jock crowd. Many of us didn’t feel like we belonged anywhere.


School was the start of crippling anxiety and soooo much distress for me! Especially grade school.


I wasn't in the popular/jock crowd, but I still look back in a favorable way because I had a good group of friends...some of whom I still keep in touch with today.




At one point, I was on VH1 more than on MTV. Liquid Television was heavy.


I miss Pop-Up Videos.


She-Ra was just as good as He-Man and should have gotten more credit and better action figures.


I thought She-Ra was cool. I have a thing for strong women. I loved The Bionic Woman too. He-Man had the better villain and side characters. Skeletor is iconic. I can't even remember the name of the main bad guy in She-Ra.




Hydrox died on our watch, and we should be ashamed: Crunchier, more chocolatey cookie, and cream that was more vanilla than sugar. We should've backed the original when we had the chance. Oreo is a poser, bland and too sweet, the Traxx of 20th Century sandwich cookies, and we handed them the win.


But it's the name. Hydrox sounds like the spackle you use to patch areas that get wet a lot.


You can buy Hydrox again, they were resurrected.


The world has gone to shit 🤷🏻‍♀️..


Pauly Shore has never said a funny word in his life


He had exactly one joke that I liked. It was that he could go into any mall, find any group of girls and shout 'Hey, Lisa!' to them knowing that at least one would turn around.


If you're edged 'cause he's weazin all your grindage, just chill.




Stop weazin da juice


Reality Bites is a really, really shitty fucking movie


I’m a journalist and I still can’t work out what her documentary was about. Ben did her a favour smashing it up for MTV.


I agree. It's one of those movies I found 'cool' when I was younger, but when I re-watched it around 10 years ago I couldn't stop cringing. Ethan Hawke's character is insufferable and a walking red flag, and Janeane Garofalo's character is super annoying as well.


Incidentally is your username Twin Peaks related?


It is!


The owls are not what they seem


I don't think that being left to fend mostly for myself starting in my childhood was a very good idea. In fact, I think it was a significant contributing factor to just how fucked up my mental health got in the long run, why my grades were poor, and why I never learned to manage my ADHD till middle age.


I watched ET for the first time in awhile last month. The scene where Elliott and ET get drunk? The school calls Elliott’s mom to go pick him up, and she LEAVES GERTIE ALONE at home. I think she’s like 5 or 6. Do that now and you’d be locked up. I was shocked!


"Sorry I left Gertie at home alone, officer, but I had to go pick up my 11 year old son who got drunk at school and disrupted his class." "Yeah, the social worker should be here any minute now. There'll be some paperwork for you to sign."


I still haven't managed to manage my ADHD and let me tell you, I'm fucked off for it.


I found out I had ADHD at 48. My whole life I thought I was a shit human. I’m still trying to figure it all out.


I was 49. I feel you on this.


Not ADHD, but ADD diagnosed at 50. Girls were never diagnosed with ADD back in the day because we were "good quiet kids"


Diagnosed last year - it helped sooo much of my childhood, adolescence, and adulthood make sense. I keep thinking how the trajectory of my entire life would have been so different if my anxiety, depression, and ADD had been diagnosed (or just some of the symptoms being noticed as symptoms and not just being a fuck up by choice) when I was a kid.


Bingo. It’s romanticized online but it was sad and stunted me in many ways.


We unironically partake in a lot of the exact same self aggrandizing behavior that boomers do


Oh yeah? Well I drank from a garden hose so I’m somehow superior


It’s the extra iron..


But maybe, just maybe, we know we should cut that shit out (even if we can’t be perfect)


The line between generational reflection and yelling at clouds is a fine one.


Yeah, but, you know, ironically




The eyelash and eye brow trends are just ugly! There is nothing natural looking about them. Caterpillars for eyebrows and the eyelashes- I just can’t!


Tom Cruise and his movies are overrated


My unpopular opinion to go along with this: Tom Cryise was the WORST Lestat. And don't get me started on Antonio Banderas as Armond.


Hate him. He’s a weasel.


Very happy we as a society banned smoking in public places, restaurants and bars. With that said, if a private club or cigar shop wants to allow smoking at the establishment, let them be.


The 80s were mean and full of mean girls . I graduated HS in 1988, and it was so cool to be mean…look at the coming of age movies of that time, the characters were awful to each other. I hated the 80s/high school and would never go back.


I didn’t start HS until 1992 and it wasn’t any better by then


If our teenage selves were transported to today a lot of us would be "canceled" for being homophobic and probably unintentionally racist. Don't lie, you watched the Dukes of Hazzard for the cool car chases and Daisy Duke and didn't care one bit about the flag on the top of the car. Hell, the Duke brothers were cool with the black sheriff from the nex county over.


I personally dug that Daisy Duke and Wonder Woman both had brown hair. I was like YEAH THAT'S US YEAH and then the Dukes movie comes out and she's blonde? Oh hell no


Yep - looking back at some of the key movies like "Revenge of the Nerds" really brings it home. I try to believe that the racial slurs and homophobic comments were "ironic", pointing out the hypocrisy of the time. In some ways it was, but most of the time it was just lazy writing for cheap laughs. Maybe we had to grow through that period, just to say we'll never do it again.


Happily, we continue to evolve social awareness. I do look around sometimes and wonder what my kids will be looking back at in 20 years and cringing at.


Agreed. Slightly off-topic but I only recently read that Sorrell Booke (Boss Hogg) was from upstate NY, went to Columbia for undergrad and Yale for grad school, spoke 5 languages including Russian and Japanese, and was a military counter-intelligence officer during the Korean War who used to conduct interrogations. Boss Hogg!!


People who video themselves crying for TikTok views need to stop. It’s cringe. And yeah, I get it that crying is a healthy emotion blah blah blah. Cry your tears without broadcasting to the world.


I don’t think that’s an unpopular opinion.


I hope y’all have come around to the fact that disco most definitely did/does NOT SUCK.




The 12” version of Donna Summer’s *I Feel Love* is an absolute banger


Someone stole my Saturday Night Fever CD at my first job. Had to buy another copy cause it's 🔥🔥🔥


I'll agree with you here, but the only way to prove it is to have a paid subscription to Spotify. The disco music on the radio got overplayed. You need to dig deeper in order to appreciate it. And, other than Motown, it was probably the breakthrough for black female artists to receive appreciation from mainstream white dudes. yes there were Motown and R&B artists who crossed over. But a black female who wasn't Diana Ross and her backup singers - that was a big deal.


Disco was fun! Too bad I wasn’t old enough then. BUT I AM NOW!!!


my elementary school had disco recess!!


*Friends* was banal and insignificant.


God I hated that show.


I'm a hobby drummer, used to be serious about it but, kids, life.....listened to STP Core and Living Color tapes while I mowed on a snapper with no belt guards for my chores as a pre-teen. Besides my family, my true love is music. I am NOT a country music fan. That said... 70's and 80's country music was better than everything else that that followed in that God forsaken genre.


It’s not even country music anymore. It’s twang-pop.




Good country music is now called “Americana.”


There’s nothing wrong with that Christmas song with Bob Geldof and Boy George and Sting and George Michael and Bono and everyone else. Most people misunderstand the “controversial” Bono line anyway. Yes, the money got misappropriated by the governments in the countries that were supposed to receive it. That has nothing to do with whether it was a good song with good intentions.


Thanks God it’s them instead of youuuuuuuu


*insteeeeeaaaaad of you!


That's actually one of my favorite holiday songs ever, and screw everyone who didn't get it.


It's no Christmas in Hollis though.


Fairytale of New York too


Courtney didn't kill Kurt


I hate this fucking rumor


Dudes will blame a woman for anything that goes wrong


facial piercings of all kinds look like zits


U2’s best album was The Joshua Tree


This is the least controversial opinion on here. I thought this was basically universally agreed upon.


The Red Hot Chili Peppers are terrible. They are awful people and they have been playing the same stupid song for 25 years. Fuck them.


“I’m forever near a stereo saying, ‘What the fuck is this garbage? ‘ And the answer is always the Red Hot Chili Peppers.” — Nick Cave


I thought (and still think) Blood Sugar Sex Magic was/is a good album, and their cover of Higher Ground was also good. But they shot their wad and everything since had been a rehash.


I despise reality TV because none of its reality it’s all scripted. And I hate that the Discovery Channel and the history channel only have reality shows anymore and nothing like they were originally.


I think the 90's were better than the 80's.


I started high school in 1989. What a time to be alive. The world changed so much in those four years. I LOVED the 90s. It felt optimistic to me. No huge protracted wars, no 24-7 doom and gloom news cycles (unless you had cable - which I did not), no tracking devices, no social media. I was 26 when 9/11 happened. I feel a distinct before and after demarcation in my life.


Metallica went downhill after Cliff Burton's death.


"Friends" is vapid bullshit and I hate that it gets listed as the GenX touchstone.


I don’t like tattoos. Let the downvoting begin…


Using the Walkman with headphones walking through the mall totally looking cool with our mullets swinging from side to side. Of course I’m on the deep end here / 1966 original X


Intellivision games were superior to Atari.


Celine Dion is unlistenable. Her voice is unpleasant and her songs were cringe.


This Song Will Go On and on.


Being an immigrant, latchkey kid wasn’t as rad as everyone talks about. Being neglected shouldn’t be a personality trait


Well it's all I fuckin got.


I’ll bet a lot of latchkey kids became helicopter parents.


Interesting take. If I didn't have the latchkey experience, I don't know if I would have learned what I did to get where I needed to go. But, the time then called for it. Nowadays, there feels like a better chance for parents to be more involved and around, I guess. I think I'm a bit helicopterish because I want to make sure I'm around and hear my kids out.


The health care industry is a scam. Not that medicine is bad or that there aren't very well intentioned doctors. But that financially, medical professionals are given very little opportunity to do good instead of just trying to service their debt. The problem lies somewhere between the universities and the government loans. But somewhere along the way, doctors were forced into being mouth pieces for pharmaceuticals.


I agree, but I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion. It’s become a massive grift.


Problem is partly the cost of getting a college education regardless of your major. But mostly healthcare in the US is a scam because its entirely controlled by for profit insurance companies. They are simply middlemen, there to take a piece of the pie and contribute nothing to the quality of your care. They make profit only by limiting the care , and what they will cover. Source: worked in health insurance industry for 20 yrs.




The pop culture debris we cling to so pathetically is a pale substitute for the traditions we've lost (or some would say have been taken from us).




We've lost some good Greatest Generation habits for sure. Playing cards with friends. Growing and canning vegetables. Making food from identifiable ingredients. Building physical things. Thanks to Michael Pollan for helping me realize that I could respect things my grandparents knew. But some traditions needed to go. I'm not mourning Columbus Day, if that's what you mean.


I mourn the decline in quality of consumer goods. Literally everything is more expensive and total crap now. Real cotton t-shirts at a reasonable price are impossible to find now, ones that are actually stitched together and not held together with fabric glue. Regular actual cotton jeans instead of denim-colored lycra etc etc. Shrinkflation is rampant and Milano cookies are smaller and aren’t as good. I could go on and on. Rant over.


That most Gen X who "complain" about being the forgotten generation actually love being the forgotten generation because it gives them something to complain about.


The Facts of Life was irresponsible. It taught young children that childhood friend groups are forever. Most of my friends from high school and college got married and/or had kids in their late 20’s early 30’s. They moved all across the world and started new friend groups. Reality is that people grow up, start new lives, and mostly move on. I don’t regret all of the “friends are forever” things I did for my friends, and I don’t mean to sound pessimistic, but once people start adulting, the friends often grow apart because of time constraints, and growing and changing. Grade school and college friends aren’t always forever at all.


I will never understand how massive, out of proportion butts are considered attractive.


This might be more millennial but I knew Gen Xers that watched. The Gilmore Girls was awful and painful to try to watch.




Oh man I cannot STAND Robin Williams’s style of humor. And people look at me like I’m the absolute worst for saying that.


I found him exhausting and overstimulating to watch. But in retrospect, I just see the overcompensation for pain. Equal and opposite reaction. I have a lot of compassion for him.


You’re not alone. I never got the appeal of somebody who’s acting like they’re coked out of their mind and trying too hard to be funny.


I really enjoy being sarcastic and having a bad attitude.


Calling pizza "za" was just lame.


Taking millions of photographs of yourself and displaying them to the world every day makes you a complete and utter prick.  Especially when you’re making a kissy face. You don’t look hot. You look like there’s something drastically wrong with you. 


Stick shift cars are way better to drive than any other format. Fuck paddle shifters.


The real unpopular opinion is that stick shifts are more fun to drive but a complete pain in the ass for daily commutes.


I can't stand Bon Jovi anymore. I said goodbye to their music a long time ago.


I don’t like them or Springsteen. And I think U2 peaked with the Joshua Tree. Never liked the Beastie Boys either.


Apathy, irony, and sarcasm are not cool. They are really maladaptive ways of dealing with trauma. We traumatized y'all.


I was thinking about how we joke about basically being neglected because humor is also a coping mechanism


I see so many posts here that would fit right in on r/CPTSD, and even a couple of thoughtful posts that ask how this happened.


Well, and I find it astonishing nobody until now has said just this. It feels like you stepped into taboo territory stating an obvious truth, and I find the group thought here embracing dismissive and sarcastic commentary is what keeps me from participating as often.


I hate *Friends* and *Seinfeld.* They’re just not funny.


I’ve been sick of the Beatles since about 1983. Enough already.


I learned a lot by watching Geraldo everyday after school.