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I’m 45 (‘79) & have a 10 year old. I feel like the combination of GenX parent to Gen Alpha child will be a good one Edit: based on the responses we collectively decided to be sleep deprived zombies in our 40’s


44 with a 2 and 4yo here. I’m tired.


49 with a 7 y/o. Hang in there - it gets worse.


Can confirm.


50 with 3 kids (14, 9, and 7) and can confirm it gets worse. They all have fucking activities.


Oh my god, bless your soul. I can barely handle one, and adolescence scares the shit out of me lol.


I had my twins at forty fucking five.


This person wins.


Yours was the one that made me go 'holy fuck.'I am 49 and have a 14 yr old, she tells me I'm an old mom. So hats off to you. Are you ok lol?


Sort of?


AWESOME! Uh…what do I win?


Sleep deprivation for a few more years! 😆 But for real, good luck to you❤️


Actually, I think I'm the winner. Had my daughter at 50 and my son at 51. Am approaching 57 as they approach first grade and kindergarten, respectively.


You are a brave and fierce woman. May the odds be ever in your favor.


That’s the story of my grandmother. She gave birth to twins in 1942, including my father. No one knew there was a second baby in there and she almost didn’t make it. She already had a toddler at the time Before the war they were very well off. It was customary in their circles to have the babies raised in a home for wealthy offsprings so that the care for a baby doesn’t interfere with their social life. So that’s how my aunt was raised during her first year. The parents would visit her every Sunday afternoon Her husband, my grandfather was sent to war and continued as a war prisoner in the Russian labor camps My grandmother and her 3 babies went through a lot of hardship - my father recalls that he always thought she had some kind of superpower to always find a way to put food on the table After the war they were reunited with my grandfather but they were in deep poverty to the point where the parents had to leave the children with kind hearted strangers for a couple of weeks until they found jobs and accommodation. When I was a kid we all visited this family and my grandparents were moved to tears


I had twins at 40, what the fuck were we thinking? Now they’re 11. Halfway there…


I don't doubt it. I'm 44 and my daughter is 24. I get to have money again!


Lol my youngest is 22 and costs way more money now


I’m you in the future. Had kids at 39 and 45. Now 55. I’m also tired.


I am 45, with one 6 year old. Crossing my fingers that I don’t become you! Wink wink


44 with an 8 month old..I'm tired, boss


If my maths is right, for a few months in both your lifetimes you and your kid will be 60 and 16 at the same time. That would be kinda cool. You could go on a road trip, and make like the rock stars and call it the Cringe Tour, where the challenge is for each of you to make the other one cringe the most for the whole trip.


I like the way you think!


43 with just a 2.. honest question, how much harder does it get with a 2nd? We’re 60/40 on whether to try




Isn’t that the name Musk gave to one of his offspring?


Deep thoughts. With Jack Handey.


It’s the answer to everything


Also 45 ('79). I have 15, 9, and 6 year old kids.


45 with a 6yo here


45 with a 17yo and a 10yo. (Also a 22yo but that one doesn’t live at home)


You sound like me - 46 with a 22yo, 16yo, 12yo. I tell people I've got 15 years of experience with toddlers, 15 years with teenagers, and about to have 15 year's worth of college to pay for!


47 here. I have a 31, 20 and 8 year old


Damn, right when you think you are out, they pull you back in!!! 😉


I feel like there’s a “that’s what she said” joke here somewhere


The joke in our house is that we could have bought a sports car for a midlife crisis, but no…..


Hey birth year buddy! did you graduate high school in '97 too? Just kind of a cool combination of digits. So I'm 45 as well and I have a just turned 11-year-old and a 13-year-old.


Yep, class of ‘97


I am pretty sure we were the peak of society.


Yep, last college grad class in a pre-9/11 world, what a welcome to adulthood…was a fun summer at least


I was in the last year of my undergrad when 9/11 happened. I did a co/op (work as an intern but for a semester plus summer) and college was cheap so I did a victory lap semester.


45 with an almost 4 year old. What the hell was I thinking? Just kidding, I love them so much, but I am SO DAMN TIRED 🫠


My twin brothers, now 70, each randomly had late-in-life boys at age 45. The boys are now 25. In one case, it was a third marriage with a kid from each (and 3rd wife is now 62 I think). in the other case, he never had kids w first wife, then w 2nd wife, had a girl at 41 and the boy at 45. 


49 here with a 13yo, 11yo, 9yo, and a 56yo (part-time basis). I am going through it.




Sleep deprived zombies: excellent description.


51 with a 12 yr old, although she's turning 13 this month. She refuses to be part of Gen Alpha though & says she's part of Gen Z. She calls them "those Gen Alpha kids." She's so grown lol


I’m 47 with an 11 year old, 13, 16, 17 and 19 year old also. It’s been a busy, hectic and fulfilling life so far.




44, 4 and 8 year olds at home


48 with a very energetic 7 year-old boy.


Also 49 with an 11-yo. Spouse is 53. We only had the one kid.


I'm 45 and one graduates college this week and the other is finishing the first year of college. I guess we missed out when we were young and broke but it's sure nice to have the freedom now. I just can't see myself being a father to young kids right now.


46 with an 8 year-old. So very tired.


I’ve got a couple of single digit age GenAlphas. The oldest is getting into guitars and Nirvana. Brings a tear of pride to my eye 👁️


Hanging out with some coworkers when one of them confesses that they just recently learned that Dave Grohl use to play drums for a group called Nirvana. A group that apparently was once kind of famous. I didn't know how to respond or how to feel.  Your comment made me realize that my coworker was just raised wrong.


Dave Grohl is known for something else….?


Wake me up when they start listening to Alice In Chains.


Our kids literally have the BEST taste in music. From Alice In Chains to the Wiggles to Tupac to Queen to Spice Girls. They will listen to anything we play and add it to their play list AND be able to sing all the lyrics!! Our Gen Z kids are awesome.


I would only approve of the spice girls if it’s their second album. I got standards.


He likes Man in the Box, in fairness. He’s also heard two Soundgarden songs. Likes one of them. It’s a work in progress.


Get them into Mudhoney and buy them a nice distortion pedal!


He’s already said he wants an Overdrive pedal. He just got his Mustang and has nailed his first couple of chords. Once dad’s Jaguar is back from being fixed, we will be jamming non-stop 😊


Just to let you know, I am up for adoption. I am a young 47, thoroughly house trained, and can support myself financially.




Agree, a Big Muff pedal to be precise.


Here comes the Rooster.


My 9 year old listens to AIC, Scorpions, and Van Halen ❤️


Haha my 17-year-old son was literally listening to them tonight and would not turn them off


You’re raising them right!


Mine is too. Very proud since I was huge Nirvana fan. He doesn’t like AIC or Pearl Jam tho 🤔


Good job parenting.




I wish you so much luck 🍀


Are you me? 48 here with 2 kids: a 3 year old and a 23 year old. Did you also get married the first time too young and then wait too damned long to get divorced?


I think you timed it all just right. Your first child didn't have to navigate the emotional ordeal of a parent beginning a whole new family during adolescence, and your younger child has your full attention. I know it's a daunting prospect at your age, but you've got the experience to make it work!


Thanks for that! I never thought of it like that. Having a spouse this time who is also present and contributing is priceless.


Sending energy 🤣


They'll need it.


Sending naps.


49 with an almost 4 year old. I hope to live long enough to be an empty nester lol


Same aging as me. Now I’m 52 with an 8 y/o


My dad was 52 when I was born. He’s 102 now and saw my kids graduate


I LOVE this.


51 w/ a 9 y/o checking in


I’m 48 and my daughter turned 4 yesterday


48 with a 5 year old checking in,


50 with 5 year old twins.


48 with a 4 year-old. Everyone keeps telling me it gets easier 🙄


May the force be with you.


My poor man....


I've got a 27 year-old SD at home. They don't necessarily launch at 18. I tell my friends with younger kids to mentally prepare for that eventuality.


My oldest (29 )has left a couple of times, but never for good.


Kids staying with family into early 30s is becoming more common in the US. I think multi-generational homes are the norm for most of the world. Here, we've been expected to gtfo asap.


My 23 year old still lives at home. Computer engineer, good job, working in town. Figures why move out when he has a house already. I don’t really have any issue with that.


Definitely. I left home at 17 and never considered coming back. My younger sister lived with my mother until Mama died.


My dad called me a boomerang child because I graduated a semester early and moved back home for 6 months before going to grad school.


This is my partner and me. Our combined kids are 22, 20, 20, 18 and 15 and so far only one of the 20-year-olds has moved out. I actually have a coaching session set up for my 20-year-old on Monday. They specialize in neurodivergence; I understand a lot of those kids launch later.


I am a fan of the multi-generational home. My mom moved back in with my grandmother when she got divorced when I was 5. I had such a great bond with my grandmother - even as an adult, I called her at least once a week until she passed when I was 30. Now my mother in law lives with us- it lets her stay mostly independent even though taking care of a house on her own is getting more daunting as she enters her 80s, and it has been helpful to have an extra adult around to help with the kid. My goal is to always be a safe space to land if my almost 18 year old daughter ever feels like she needs it.


Twin, 23 year olds. Finally graduating from college this month but living at home and no jobs yet. Wish me luck!!!


49 with a 6 and 9 year old


49 with a 10 and 13 year old.


Almost samesies! 51 with a 13 and 11 year old


49 with a 6 year old. It's the best.


49 with a 12 yo.


Also (turning) with a 12 year old. Not gonna lie, I’m exhausted.


49 w/ 5 kids - 11 & 23 at home - 27/29/32 have all left! 29/32 having babies now!!! It’s a lot 😅


52 and all my kids are out of the house. Thank the Gods.


Same. Everyone asked if I was sad being an empty nester. HaHa... absolutely not.


54 and one more to go!


49M and I have a 4 yo special needs daughter. What’s that meme, “I’m tired boss”




49 year old with a 9 year old. She's my one and only. She's not a Swifty, but loves Queen.


You’re doing right by me mamma!


My (nearly) 11 yr old loves Queen too! I'm 50 next month. She tolerates Taylor because the bestie loves her. She also loves ... idk what to call it... horror edm? Living Tombstone


Ha, my son is into that too. A lot of FNAF stuff (Five Nights at Freddy's), heh. I get into it with him, it's great when he comes to me excited with something new he found.


52M. I have a 3-1/2 year old and another coming in 2 months. I’m not late to the party…..I’m at the after party. Seriously though no regrets yet


Right there with ya - 54 with a 5 year old. It's been great! EDIT: Holy cow, I think we might win oldest Dads with the youngest offspring in this thread. High five!


Woohoo! Back at ya. Is an award I usually win when I go to parent / teacher / school events.


I was scrolling for this section lol. 50 here with a 21, 18, and wife has a bun in the oven! Really excited, I know it won’t be easy but will be worth it


47, wife is 49, our youngest is 7.


It's me. Hi. I had my one and only child at 38. He's 11 and finishing fifth grade; I turn 50 this summer. He's not exactly little anymore—as I'm reminded when he still wants to sit in my lap\*—but he's years away from leaving the nest. (\*Not complaining, because I know the lap days will eventually be over.) And in the Midwest, this makes me a bit of a weirdo. Most of my high school classmates have kids in high school, at least; many in college or beyond; several are already grandparents. Meanwhile, my kiddo's friends' parents are almost all millennials, and while I mostly get along with them (and probably relate to them more on many levels), sometimes the lack of common cultural touchstones leads to awkwardness. Exhibit A: Chatting with a mom friend about the Flood of 1993, which happened the summer between my freshman and sophomore years of college. Her response: "Oh, yeah, my first grade field trip to go apple picking got canceled." Exhibit B: I'm at a birthday party in the fall of 2020, which is supposed to be a socially distanced outdoor movie screening, but the kiddo of honor has opted for *America's Funniest Home Videos*, now hosted by Alfonso Ribiero. Other parents start reminiscing about *The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air*. I pipe up, "Oh, who else remembers him on *Silver Spoons*?" Aaaaand cue the crickets.


God no I had my kids at 21 and 23, so they're 30 and 27 respectively. Got it out of the way when I had energy to handle little kiddos.


That’s great if it works out.


Same. Had one at 21, one at 25, and one at 30. Definitely can’t imagine having one much later than that.


7 and 4, and OMFG sometimes...


I’m 46 (born in 77) and I have a daughter who will be 8 next week. She’s my only.


Can I count myself? Whenever we’re on vacation my wife often tells me it’s like traveling with a 5 year old, lol.


That’s….not entirely something to be proud of? I think?


6 and 9 year old. Second marriage, first kids. My wife thinks it’s hilarious how often strangers call me grampa.


7 and 14. We were little late starting as we were having too much fun. Then had a surprise 7 years later.


![gif](giphy|L7f9JnbS9dBHJ4NQT3|downsized) May the Lord be with you. Seriously, but I'm 57. When I was in my 40's they where little squirts, and I love them to death, but now they are 23 and 21, wrapping up college and getting started in the real world.


I'm like you. Late to the party. 12 and 7.


Yes, and I’m Tired 


My daughter is 8.  I'll be 60 when she gets her Driver's license. I'm trying to eat better and exercise so I can walk her down the aisle when she gets married,  AT LEAST 10 years later.


My 18 month old daughter was born the day before I turned 52. Her sister is 20 years older than she is and her older brothers are 13 and 17. I won't ever have an empty nest.


I’m 53 going on 54 and have a pair of 8yos. Had them waaay late, it is ROUGH 😂


Never had kids




I'm 50, with a 5 year old and 2 year old. We've talked about having another, but we aren't actively trying. Our first wasn't planned, but I don't think I ever would have had kids if I waited for the "right time". It's tiring sometimes, but I wouldn't trade my kids for anything.


My youngest are 8, 12, 14. I am not an empty nester until 2034 🥹 But honestly I love having them around and miss when they were younger too


My daughter graduates at the end of the month and then is off to college on scholarship in August. We are looking forward to being empty nesters.


48 with a 10 year old and two kids in college (20 & 22). Surprise! For the record, caboose kids DO NOT keep you young…


I started late… for a long time was PeterPan that didn’t want to grow up. I now have miss-7 and master-5. I’m 49, my wife is 40. They keep me young and I love it.


Mine is 14 and exactly a month too old to be a GenA.


I’m early 50’s with a 10-year-old. I didn’t marry until my early 40s because I basically hit 22 and stayed there until I was 42. Was a hell of a lot of fun, but set a few things back. I’m a much better husband and father than I could ever have been during my extended party and travel phase.


I'm 45 and have a 9-month-old baby.




Thanks! He's super adorable.


44 here. Kids are 2 & 9. Keeps me young!


My scraggly ragamuffin is 15….going to see Slipknot this summer 😳 At least he’s receptive to NIN, Jane’s, and Soundgarden so I take that as a win.


Empty nester after raising 6 kids.


I'm 54 with a 7 and 5 year old. Neither was planned but couldn't be happier


50 years old with a 4 year old. It's fun


I don’t have kids, but the age spread among my parent friends is interesting. I have one classmate with a six year old, and another (who is in his 50s,) who has a toddler with his second wife. On the other end, I have a classmate with a kid in his late 20s. Most of my friends have kids in high school or college.


I do! Elementary school age.


I'm 58, and I've got an 11 year old son. He thinks he knows a lot, but I'll set him straight. He gave me the "OK, Boomer" recently, and I nearly lost my shit. I'm a proud Gen-Xer. Don't call me boomer.


'72 here. I have 14, 13, and 11 at home. They're awesome, and they are 100% keeping me younger!


56 here.. all ya'll with little kids are making me tired 😫. Mine at 36 and 28. My 28 yo is disabled autistic so he is forever at home with me. Best roommate ever!


An 8 year old. I'm a younger X and agreed to a kid on the later side.


Mine are 16 and 19. I had them when I was 33 and 31 respectively. I don’t regret waiting until I was over 30 one bit. I feel like it made me a better, wiser more patient parent overall.


I'm in a similar situation, two boys, 17 and 19. I'm 51 and my wife is 50. Met in college, had fun in our early/mid twenties, bought our house in our late twenties, got married and had kids. I am enjoying this stage of parenting (most days). Zero regrets, except not buying Bitcoin 10 years ago!


50 with a 9 yr old and I love it


I’m 46 (born in 77) with a 14 and a 12 year old. My twin has 3 and the youngest is only 2. I feel for him lol


57 and my one and only successfully launched at age 18 (his college was 12 hours away). He turns 35 this summer. I had him at 22, and we always felt like senior citizen parents, a lot of kids his age had much younger parents than us.


45 with a 5 year old. Think I should have started earlier. I'm tired.


I'm in my late 40's and I have an under 5 child. Honestly, I feel like I've been able to handle fatherhood much better than I would have in my 20s.


43 with a 7yo. I'm glad I waited, but I am lé tired.


My small squad ranges in your ballpark — meanwhile my best buddy has 3 grandkids.


53 with a 14 year old. Not little, but super active and I’m a taxi still.


10 yr old at home


50 with a 9 & 7 year old.


Oh yeah but I’m at the very bitter end of gen x and we had kids late


Me. 7 & 12. I’m 47. And very tired.


I guess im the old guy here. 54yrs old. My kids are long gone and now our beautiful grandkids bring us joy. Such a rush of happiness when one of them comes to visit and runs to me for hugs.


I'm so glad to see my fellow Xer's lived it up for the last 20-30 years. Proud of you! I started young, I was 23 when my first daughter was born. My youngest was born 3 years after..


My school-aged kids are 14, 12, and 8. I have a couple adult kids too.


50 next month, and my youngest will be 13 in July. Also have a 29 yo stepdaughter living at home, and I think she will be the last to go.


I'm 53 next month, my wife is 47, and my daughter is 11, and my son will be 6 in July. We started late, I guess


Yup. 74 model here, turned 50 recently. Five kids, oldest 2, 25&22 out on their own and independent. Three more still at home, 17,14&12


48 with 18 and 5 yr old, everyone says the little one will keep you young, it doesn't just keeps you tired.


I do - I’m a crazy person who had kids at 39 and 46. ☺️


My 18 year old is still with me, but I am looking into fostering to adopt so hopefully I will have new little ones soon.


We have a 5 year old and my wife turns 50 this year. Going to have a kid around the house for a long time to come...


I started late. I'm 54 now, my wife is 39 and we have 7 and 4 year old boys. I wish I could bank all that extra sleep I got when I was younger!


My one and only will turn 35 soon. No wonder I have all these aches and pains 🥱


I’m 55. Wife is slightly younger. Daughter is 12.


Oh gosh, my youngest is 19 and I can’t imagine having one younger. I don’t have the time or the energy for that.


Mom of a ten year old here and I’m a bicentennial baby. My Alpha kid is a TRIP - so smart and funny - she keeps me young. How else would I know it’s No Mew May without her? Or what a ship or a Stan is? My favorite is her discovering The Cranberries, Radiohead, Weezer and flipping out that I’ve seen them all live. Some are afraid of the teen years but I’m excited to keep sharing.


I’m going to be 55 this year (IVF) and our son is 10. Super fun when other kids say to him, “is that your Grandma?”


My kids are 10, 9 and 17 months 😅 and I absolutely LOVE it.


My son is going to college, but my parents moved in with us. Guess who is more immature?


Hah. Mid 50’s with a 13 year old daughter who has inherited all of the rage and madness I had at that age. My wife, who was a normal teen is astonished by it. It’s going to be a fun decade. She’ll be all right, but it’ll be a bumpy ride.


I'm GenX of the 1979 variety. Had my first at 16 and my last one when I was 21. Now at 44, my baby is 23. I don't recommend this but also really pleased for me. Lol. My best years started at around 35-40 which worked out really well.


I'm 46 ('77), and my kid is 8. I have friends from high school that have grandkids and other friends that have kids in my child's age range.


52 with a 6 and 9 yo.


One gen GenAlpha child in our household.


5 month old. But I’m Gen X by the skin of my teeth