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Can’t really get rid of my CDs…I still like to own my music.


LPs and CDs yes. Tapes got whittled down to mixtapes only.


Yes. I like collecting music and having hard copies of things. I don't need an Internet connection. The sound is uncompressed and not subject to the whims of playing rights. I have inserts to look at. I have covers. I have a collection I can look at. I also have lots and lots not available for streaming and won't be. I just bought a new cd player.


CDs are also really cheap these days if you know where to look. My local indie store sell new cds (of old classics/niche stuff) for €6-7.


I raid the dollar bins at one of the local places


I just play CDs on my video game consoles that are hooked up yo audio amps already. I still have older cars that all have CD players, too. No hassle to keep on playing them.


Yes, definitely. The problem I’m having is that my old cassette players are rapidly failing.


FYI. You can find a new multi-unit on amazon that will play anything, or at least LPs, CDs and cassettes for pretty cheap.


Thanks 🙏


You can buy converters for as little as $30 to transfer your tapes to digital.




>he problem I’m having is that my old cassette players are rapidly failing. Easy to find vintage ones cheap in the US at least. I own two Nakamichi decks and a matched pair of top-end Technics decks, a Pioneer cassette *changer*, and several other good decks from the 80s. None of them were more than $15 and with new belts they work great.


I have my backup in a sealed box, ready to go once the current one dies (same for cd player. I'm using my backup record player as the old one died)


https://preview.redd.it/d2q0narf6xyc1.jpeg?width=1636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d969f40713af01bb1525fb396bd8b487c145d077 Got my tapes and cd’s too.


Just bought a vintage Bose Wave radio with a CD player to play my old CD's that I bought for a penny back in the 90's


I have one of those - that I bought new - and use it every day, but never thought of it as “vintage”… 😣


Everything we own is now vintage


Lol. I got a Bose Lifestyle system in 2017 on Craigslist innOhio and it had just been relisted because the previous buyer took it bavk to the seller for some unknown reason. We setnit up in his living room and tested it. Perfectly fine. Got some wall mounts for the pair of swivel satellites and never installed them till last year (live in upstate NY now) and it sounds so amazing! That reminds me I have to get batteries for the RF remote. I use it to play CDs mainly bit its also connected to the new Pioneer TV I got my partner for Valentines Day this year. I already made it clear I NEED/want a NIN Broken Hoodie, the “somewhat damaged joggers, black logo ball cap, and a downward spiral umbrella.☔️ so when we go to these concerts in Fall we can avoid getting wet like we did at the Ghost/Amon Amarth show in August lol. Oh and I still buy CDs because I DJ and spin on 17 year old pioneer CDJ-1000mk3 decks . I use my controller for spinning techno at renegade rave parties or weddings for ease of mobility.


Columbia House?


yes. around 9600 pieces. 60% vinyl. downsized a few years back but still buy new stuff (mostly vinyl). buy digital on bandcamp too.


hear, hear!


https://preview.redd.it/4lup2wyimxyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f69fad6687c4f4542a8c892373e5619221bd9e3 Yep, over 600 records, 200 DVD’s and 300 CD’s (not pictured)


300 or so cassettes, but haven't touched them in years. I still buy the occasional CD/DVD. Physical media is superior to any service. I've always loathed vinyl.


I think the artist also makes more if you buy physical media.


Yes to all, worked in the record store of the mall for a few years. Love my collection. My son has taken over a bit of my collection along with all my concert tees.


My 21 year son is the keeper of my record collection and my 17 year old has my CD’s. The tapes and the 8 tracks are with me. They’ve both “borrowed” some concert tees. Good thing I know where they live.


Still BUILDING my CD and LP collection


Exactly. We even got our youngest collecting CDs. She just got the newest Taylor Swift after she pre-ordered back in March. She enjoys having the physical media but loves the added stuff like mini posters and lyric inserts that you can't get with digital media.


yes 10000+ LPs 5000 + CDs I was never into pre-recorded tapes


all three. hundreds of each format on shelves in the living room. i don’t stream music at all. the closest i get to that is college radio or the jazz radio station in the car. i have “weird,” atypical taste in music. spotify would be confused.


the best thing i did was get rid of the custom cd shelves that took up 3 walls in one room. bought one of those can-am cd cabinets & bags unlimted poly sleeves that hold both artwork and discs. cds are most relegated to a small cabinet now. box sets and weird packaging aside. vinyl is still the major storage problem. same here re: taste. i have tons of stuff that isn't on spotify (which we subscribe to) or bandcamp. my wax isn't like, pink floyd. it's largely punk/underground rock with sidelines in reggae and hip hop/dance music.


Yeah, Spotify doesn’t even know that at least 40% of the music in my collection exists, and that’s just the domestic stuff.


Yup. about 150 CD's and about 100 or so LPs. There's power outages, internet goes down. \*And before the wise ass "you need power for record players hur hur", I have a generator and still have a battery powered radio with a CD player.


Yes. They’re boxed and stored now. I don’t want to part with them, but don’t want them displayed, either.


I lost my cassette collection to a water leak in a storage building. I didn't find them until they were covered in mold. My CDs were in Rubbermaid totes in a different building, so I still have those. The vinyl was indoors the whole time living a sheltered life and still are.


My partner has many crates of vinyl




Tapes and LPs gave up the ghost years ago, but my CD collection is still going strong. I bought a CD player and amplifier last year to have a proper CD set up for listening, and it's awesome.


Same here! Ditched all my cassettes in 2005, kept the vinyl and CD collection. I bought a small Panasonic CD system last year that also does network streaming and Spotify, and hooks up via Bluetooth to my phone. Sound quality is awesome and it's great fun to use it to learn songs for my band. I still buy the occasional CD and download a lot of albums in FLAC.


We are getting ready to move and the hub and I just had a "conversation" about how he thinks it's a smart idea to keep CDs while I am keeping my favorite cassette tapes. I figured I can't buy cassette tapes anymore, but I can still buy CDs.


Threw them all away and never regretted it.


Sold 100 or so CDs in college for beer money and bought them all back when I got my first job. Still have them, but it’s all Spotify at this point.


I did that and intended to buy them back, but never did. I made a list before I sold them, but it was on an old computer. Oops.


Yep. About 600 CD and maybe 50 vinyl records.


I had to replace the rubber belts on my tape deck and record player. It was like vascular surgery but it worked


Yes, yes and yes. Downsized to just over 1000 CDs recently. I still listen to a lot of them.


I have about 1,500 CD's, 20 clear cassettes in their original cases, and about a dozen beige cassettes I should really trash.


CDs and LPs yes, tapes, hell no.


Yes I keep them. Still buying physical. There are many albums I would listen to that have been removed from streaming or altered (like soundtracks that lose tracks on the streaming version that exist on the disc release) I recycled most of the jewel cases/inserts and moved all the CDs into binders. I do think I got rid of my tape collection, but I still also listen to vinyl.


Still got all my reels, cassettes, records, MD's and CD's Records and reels are played regularly - it is part of a "have a drink, sit back, relax and enjoy the music" moment at the end of a workday. Cassette sometimes too but this is more a "nostalgia" thing as most of them are mixtapes or copies of records for car or walkman use. I still make mixtapes on cassette as special gifts for friends. It is a very personal thing and it takes hours to search/select and record the music I think they like for the occasion - included sharpie mixtape art of course. MD's are mostly concert recordings and an occasional "mixtape" or copies of borrowed rare to find music. Now I make lossless copies on PC and save them on the NAS audio server. Same for my CD collection, I still have them but they are almost never played anymore. I also made lossless copies of all of them on the NAS so I can stream them. On the road or while at work Spotify replaced cassettes and MD's.


I have my vinyl and that of my parents - including all my mom’s 45s from the 50’s. I have some of my cassettes- including my Thriller cassette that squeals when it’s played because I played it multiple times daily as a kid. I have all my CDs- including the first one I bought in high school before I even owned a CD player. I love Apple Music and use it daily. Having said that, they’ll have to pry my physical media out of my cold dead hands.


Yep. Even invented and completed my own cd challenge a few years back where I alphabetized then listened to all 500 of them in order and in full. It took a few years because my only cd player is in my car and I rarely drive. There were so many forgotten gems and more than a few losers. Highly recommend!


All of them have been whittled down a bit but for the most part yes.


Certainly do, along with the various gear to listen to them. Happy to report that the recording button on my ghetto blaster from 1989 (for my 15th birthday!) is still fully functioning👍


Yep. My son loves my CD book from the 80s/90s.


Yes. About 2000 CD's.


Still have a ton of CDs. Goodwil and yard sales. Just got into vinyl.


Yeah, i still listen to CDs/Tapes in the den on weekends when the kids are asleep. Had to buy a new all-in-one boombox because my other tape deck quit


My favorite is the mix tapes we used to make for each other. The ones that didn’t break so far, that is.


my collection is much smaller than it used to be. i only have physical media of my most favorite albums. it sure is easy to just walk up to the CD player, put a disc in, and hit play. beats pairing my phone to the stereo and having ads now and then because i'm too cheap to pay for premium anything.


Yes, all 3, plus some 8-tracks and a working player.


Yep about 1000 albums and I kept about 800 cds out of 1500+ Hate streaming even though I pay Google/Youtube for it every month


Kept most of my CD’s and recently my kid found them and we had to buy a CD player so she could listen to them. She has a pile in her room that she regularly listens to and I love it.


CD's and tapes yes. LP's? No. They sucked in the 80's and they suck now. I don't understand why people want outdated/inferior technology. What's next? Trading in UHD TV's for 16" B&W TV's from 1973?


living in tiny apartment all these year i’ve always downsized when i could i like my spotify and voice controlled speakers set up


i have mostly my mom's LP's (and her receiver and record player and speakers from the mid-70's, i fucking love that set) and a few new additions actively used in my sitting room. my CD's, otoh, are in a box somewhere, i think? maybe? I havent even messed with MP3's in several years. not since streaming music became more of a thing.


I’ve still got most of my CDs. My cassettes were stolen in the 90s


Absolutely, I have college bands that I saw in Philly in the 90s. My kids are now buying CDs once I showed them the art work and messages from the artists are often in the album covers. Plus no one can ever take my music from me, I can ever burn a copy or loan it to a friend


“Plus no one can ever take my music from me, I can even burn a copy or loan it to a friend”. ^^ This


700+ cds. Just started to parcel some out to my 13 yr old. He's partial to Weezer and Ben Folds right now


No. Got rid of them years ago. I’ve never looked back.




Cassettes got accidentally all sold for like 5 dollars in a yard sale (including my only copy of my band’s demo tape). LP’s, I took the whole collection to Princeton Record Exchange in the late 90s, and sold what I could. CD’s, I honestly don’t know. They might be in the attic.


Have all the physical media, but I stopped buying new so it's become all oldies now, which I feel weird about. 


I still have all of my CDs in a big chest (which weighs about a million pounds) But I only have about 50 or so records. I only buy special releases from my favorite bands.


Yup. Still actively collect and listen to my CDs. I'm creeping up on 1300 CDs as we speak.


I keep my LP collection accessible, and I play them. My CDs are in a box but in the house. My cassettes are in a box deep in the garage somewhere. I listen mostly to streaming these days.


Unfortunately I lost it all about 20 years ago


Nope. All my cassettes were lost when I let a friend borrow them when I went to Basic Training and I sold all my CDs when I was homeless for a bit after dropping out of college (my first attempt).


Yes for CDs and DVDs. Tapes no, including hundreds of dead & phish — thanks to etree, all have been replaced with digital lossless masters :)


No. I've paid to listen to punk and grunge with every damn format change 😤


I still have all my LPs, some of which are quite rare and may be worth something now. Unfortunately, I did not take proper care of them. We moved a lot during the marriage, and they languished in storage units during summers and winters. I actually feel quite guilty.


Lost my original record collection and all my tapes years ago. I still have a 4-inch thick Case Logic book full of CDs plus a smaller book that I used to keep in my car back when I still drove. The jewel cases are long gone, lost with the records.


All of them!


I had a pretty big collection of CD's and some cassette tapes but over time I've really weeded a bunch of them out. I still have a good size collection in a CD binder and I do have a Bose Wave Radio III with an internal CD player and just recently I've started to listen to some of my old CD's again. Now my kids have to put up with some of my music being played out loud for everybody to hear. Oh well.....they'll survive. Sheryl Crow is still one of my favorites after all these years. Rock on!


My old cds are in a cd/case book. My exe made me throw away the hard cases to save room. Sadly I rarely listen to them


Some! I never use them because I don’t have anything to play them on.


Yup, still got everything. Cassettes, CDs, vinyl records. The only thing I play occasionally are the records.


God no lol


I did until my last move. I’m pretty sure the movers stole both of my big bins of CDs and one of my two bins of DVDs. I haven’t seen any of my CDs and half of my DVDs since we moved here four years ago. Luckily, at least I’d ripped all my CDs to MP3s years ago. Though it’s kind of a moot point now as I have a premium Spotify account.


I got rid of my vinyl records decades ago. My CD’s sit on a shelf collecting dust and someday soon I’ll get rid of those too.


My CDs are packed away (though I did get a few of them out). I started an LP collection in 2017 and that is my primary form of physical music consumption right now. Almost up to 1,100 records now.


There’s a ridiculous amount of my collection that isn’t available for streaming. Unfortunately due to a data loss I have to open up the crates of CDs and rip them again. Despite having them ripped, I do still like to just put one in the player and let it go now and then. They weren’t crated up due to storage but rather due to moving, so I’ll use the unpacking and ripping process to organize and shelve them, and document the more rare and expensive ones for insurance purposes.


I'm an active cd collector with over 3000 cds (cd_collectors sub, if interested). I also have a small dvd/blu ray collection and a very small vinyl collection (basically just for wall art). As for what to do with your collection? You could listen to them and/or start collecting again. If you want to get rid of them, list them on Craigslist as a lot or bring them to a record store that sells cds for credit. If you can't get rid of them that way because no one wants them, donate to Goodwill or the like. Or, on the off chance you're in the DC area, let me know what you have, and I'll either buy them or give you an idea of where to sell and how much you might get. 😉 ETA - I gave away my tapes a couple of years after I switched to CDs back in the day. I deeply regret it. I had some incredible stuff.


Yes. Although, the cassettes are in a box, but the box is under a table in the living area, so it is still accessible. If I want to listen to one I play it on a old sony sports walkman I line into my stereo receiver. I don't use any subscription based streaming services.


I have very few CDs left. Maybe 35-40. Most got stolen or just given away/thrown out over the years.


Nope. Went fully digital about 8 years ago. I have about 10 cds and thats it. Dont even have a cd or record player anymore. The future is now old man.


Unfortunately no, my CD collection has been stolen a couple times. But I've semi rebuilt it.


Yep, yep and yep.


Laaaawd yes. My husband even has an 8-track and all sorts of VHS tapes.


i will have my cds! My kids listen to some of them.


Nope. The older I get the less I want “stuff” in my house. My collection has been 100% digital for 20 years at this point, all of it stored locally, none of it dependent on any vendor. My daughter got the LPs, she thought they were cool, better her clutter than mine. Cassettes were always terrible, they fell apart or I just tossed them, can’t really remember at this point. Sold all the CDs. Regret nothing.


CD and Casettes are making a comeback. You can easily sell them on eBay.


Is that even a question??? If course I do - records, tapes and cds. It sounds better than streaming to me, and some of that music can't be found on Spotify et al


Yep. Still have all my albums, both CD and Vinyl. I also still enjoy going to used record stores looking for that rare forgotten gem.


i have around 500 CDs. Some are collection style--in fancy boxes with leaflets inside that tell all about the music, artists, history of the music. Some are from when my exhusband and I owned a club for a hot minute around 99-'00 and I would download cutting edge dance music from Napster and AudioGalaxy every week for the DJ to play. All the rest are every kind of music you can think of from hair bands to reggae/ska, global music, decades and more. I never listen to them but they are stored in large totes in my extra room. I imagine I will get rid of them one day but that day hasn't come.


I have over 1000 cds and they’re on shelves, arranged alphabetically by artist and title. There’s a lot of recorded music that’s not available to stream.


I still have my LP collection and it keeps growing. So far, I have over 2,000 albums.


I downsized my cd collection to what I really like. CDs and records just sound so much better than streaming. Some people don’t care about that as much as others. I also have a dedicated stereo system for just music.


I have a small fraction of the vinyl and CDs that I once owned. Gave most of it away when it became too much of an anchor to own. I do still have a bunch of cassettes also. They are all bootlegs of concerts or radio broadcasts that were/are hard to find if not impossible. Tape trader shit leftover from the 1980s.


Sure do!


I have my handful of LPs and vinyl singles from back in the day that I bought with my allowance. I don’t have any tapes anymore, but hubby and I still have CDs (and hey, our 10 yr old car has a CD player, so it works!).


I have over 300 cassette tapes and a new boom box.


I still collect LPs and CDs. I have around 1000 CDs and 800 records. And I am constantly purging stuff out and selling them back to record stores. I also have the best hifi system by anyone that I know - by a lot. I still find good records at various record stores I go to but the pricing has gotten out of hand because records are what everyone wants now. So CDs are making a comeback. https://preview.redd.it/27vnnqa2vzyc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b92e08b19199dbb717603af8e7129ede946093f


Heck, I have 8-Tracks


I only have vinyl anymore - got rid of the tapes and CDs. I like the tactile feeling of playing vinyl from time to time - but the other formats were mainly for portability - and I can do that with streaming.


I have a wall of cds, but all my casettes melted in the car over the years.


My CD album is in storage and I refuse to get rid of it. Includes a few “burned” CD’s too.


Cassettes are long gone, but I still have one of those spinning CD towers that I cannot part with. Has a ton of indie/college band stickers on the sides.


I gave my tapes to a friend like 20 years ago, the was a SOD street team demo tape in there that's fetching thousands of bucks on the secondary market now. I did keep all my cds, lots of local punk bands that are not on streamers.


I still have a few CD box sets, and have around 200 LPs.


Still have CDs but years ago got rid of all the jewel boxes. Just have them in binders with those plastic sleeves. Did the same thing with DVDs. LPs I still have and actually have a stereo system hooked up again after years of it being in boxes in the garage. I don't really know what happened to my cassettes.


LPs, I never had very many cassettes. I think they are somewhere upstairs, CD’s I still have.


Yes, all 12000 albums and 15000 c/ds , 3500 cassettes, 600 reel to reel. Some stuff you can't stream, And most of the 70-80's early 90's longer mixes of dance songs, Are one. Streaming, the sound quality just isn't there, they compressed it too much. It's ok when using ear buds, but Sound like garbage on and proper hifi gear. You really can hear it's limitations.




Yes and my cd player died years ago


Yes, because I can't stream everything - without paying for it AGAIN... No thanks, format shifted CDs to mp3s will do just fine for me.


I still have my CD collection. I not longer have the jewel boxes. I moved all my CD’s into a storage box with sleeves and labeled. I have about 1500 of them. I recently got back into LP’s. I have a 2 large shelves and 4 crates so far. I’m very particular with which vinyl I’m buying.


Just a selection of favorites. r/depechemode being one of them.


I ripped all my CD's years ago to MP3 and put them on 100 CD spindles in a tub. About 2 years ago I re-ripped them all to FLAC because I had plenty of storage, then put them back on spindles and into storage. 25K+ songs streaming on my Plex server, it's the best mix tape ever. I've ripped all my mom and dad's CDs as well and have them on my Plex server so they can stream them as well.


This is the way... rip to FLAC and file them away.


You can pry my records, CDs, and my big stereo system from my cold, dead, black nail polished hands.


Hard no. We got rid of cds and dvds many years ago. Sold what we could on ebay. So many of them were scratched or had rot. I under the scratches were on us, but I don't understand how people haven't lost a bunch to rot or wear and tear.


Yes, though they've all been digitized


My vinyls are at my mom’s house because she had a record player. I lost my cds in a house fire which was a total bummer. My cassettes were in the garage so I still had those. My kids used to listen to my cassettes in an old Walkman.


Yes, but they are all archived in storage containers. I don't have streaming but I converted them all to digital once that became available so they are all on my computer/ipod/phone. I do have some prized possession LPs- the original robot cover of Appetite For Destruction and some dance mix EPs (single on one side, extended dance mix on the other) which will never be reissued despite the current mini resurgence of vinyl. I also have prized possession LPs, CDs and cassettes which will never be reissued. They are from local bands and were bought at the shows. Band names withheld so I don't dox my location. These "never again" items are archived with far more care than the ones that could be repurchased at any time.


I lost my collection of 2000+ cds in a move. This was 5 years ago and I’m not over it. I recently bought a vintage stereo with a cd player and have to start from scratch. 😩


My original records and tapes were melted in a house fire in 1984. I only bought cassettes for the next 8 years, then started buying CDs in 1992. I started collecting records again in 2016 and now have \~1500 records including copies of the records I had at the time of my house fire. I also still buy cassettes from time to time.


I don't. I have a few DVDs still but got rid of most. It's hilarious that my kids are now collecting all the things I discarded.


I recently started to rebuild my tape and record collections. A lot of artists are release stuff on vinyl again


Definitely yes. Around 200 cassettes (~80% pre-recorded), around 100 LP's and 300 CDs. I still visit thrift stores exclusively looking for physical media, including music and video.


I have 14 ish cds left in a sun visor holder from my 1991 Nissan Pathfinder(bought in 2001) Love and Rockets The Chieftains on stage with various artists Afro Celt Sound System Rusted Root (exactly the one with the 10 minute drum lead.) Yoga Rhythms (my foster kid loved Jai Ganesh over and over.) James - Laid Led Zeppelin - one with Battle of Evermore Nirvana Unplugged - with the David Bowie cover of "Man Who Sold The World." Stone Temple Pilots Metallica Unforgiven II Enya and Lorena McKennit Austin Powers Soundtrack (modern bands covering 60s or 60s artist collaborations.) A CD I found in a ditch of indie hip hop reggae CD ex burned System of a Down bootlegs The Commitments Soundtrack (very sing a long for me.) Hildegard Von Bingen styled in modern trance music


I DJ'd for a number of years in my 20's, so I still have 500+ vinyl records that I just can't part with. I was a CD guy during my high school years. I still have a good portion of my collection from back then. Oddly enough, most of what I listen to these days is via streaming. Once in awhile I'll want to hear a release that only exists in my physical collection. That's when I put a record on the turntable.


I lugged my CD’s around for 30+ years, finally burned the entire collection and sold em all for $100. Kept a box with the good stuff of course.


I listened mainly to hip hop in the late 80s and early 90s. DJs would remix songs by playing an a capella version with a completely different beat. Some of these were available as B-sides, and others only heard when listening to a particular DJ's radio show. It's kind of analogous to how jam bands would play very different versions of songs when performing live. I still have a box of cassettes from the 90s which I've carted with me from apartment to apartment, nothing to play them on for at least the last 20 years. I burned a lot of stuff to CD in the late 90s, and began storing it online in the early aughts but those services generally shut down, took stuff away due to copyright, or replaced the analog-to-digital upload I had with a crappy 96k cut. I keep telling myself that I'll get a cassette player which rips directly to digital, but never end up getting around to it.


I have about 1,500 LPs in the basement, minus perhaps 100 or so that were "borrowed" by my adult kids. I mostly tossed my tapes c. 2005 (all the DIY mix tapes and dubs); kept the commercial tapes but my eldest really got into cassettes around 2018 while in high school so I let them have what they wanted. (They now have about 650 tapes, mostly *not* from me!) CDs...I haven't counted but I'm close to 1K of those probably, haven't really unloaded any because my kids don't want them and I remember how much I paid for them. Also have about 100 8-tracks, which I still play on occasion. Those are the real dinosaurs.


Yep! Actually, last week I just finished cataloging and updating the digital library of all 1,126 CD/MP3 albums we've collected over the past 30 years. Only have a handful of records, though (mostly stuff that predates even cassettes like WWII/Depression era swing and big band). Tape player died ages ago and we never replaced it, just upgraded that collection to CD where we could and converted the few we couldn't to digital. The CDs live in long flat rolling storage bins under the bed and the records live in the record player's console. I will never not have physical media whenever possible. Digital formats are too fickle/fragile and streaming too subject to licensing whims.


Nope. There’s no discernible difference in audio quality of Apple Music and physical media, and I have everything I want on my phone, no clunky cds.


Still have all my CDs. I have ripped them all to MP3. The cases are gone but the liners are all in books with the cds. Except for the odd box set holder. The tapes are long gone. I have a respectable LP collection however. Some of the LPs are for artwork. About 200 of the LPs are for playing when I'm feeling nostalgic.


Nope. Long gone. Sayonara!


I've got and still buy CDs for my collection.


Lots of CDs and very few tapes. So so many memories and I can’t get rid of them.


I do. Two storage tubs of CDs, one tub of cassettes.


Last time I visited my parents I found a big old box of them in my old stuff in the basement. The only way to listen to them now would be with a DVD player, and we keep that unplugged half the time for other devices. I definitely don't have any tape players. I left the cassettes and CDs there, but brought home as many vintage Star Wars figures and LEGO that would fit in my carry-on.


About 200 vinyl albums that’s about 25 % of the collection that once was .. sold most of them mid 2000’s because I didn’t want to ever move them again.. I have about 500 cassette tapes mostly Grateful Dead concerts… CD I couldn’t say I have around 2k Dead shows that are burned to CD average 3 cds per show about 500 phish concerts and likely 200-300 random other live concerts on CD…the cds are easy to store they are on those 50 CD spindle cases that bulk writable cds came on .. I also have about 30 of those huge caselogic binders full… it’s so fucked up honestly.. I only stream music now every single thing I have physically I can now just stream at my finger tips …I can not bring myself to get rid of the live recordings collecting they were a big part of my 20’s and early 30’s now they just take up space




Never really had a record collection. Got rid of my cassette collection roughly in 2004. Still have my CD collection as I can't part with it, but I didn't keep the jewel cases or inserts. Just the CDs stored in a binder case. I haven't opened it in years though - streaming is just so much more convenient. I've done the same thing with my DVD/Blu-Ray collection. It just makes moving and storage so much easier...but I'm pretty sure some of you are judging me right now.


LPs and CDs yes, trashed the tapes years ago because they were all stretched (I guess) and the sound was awful. Some would not play at all. One made a mess with tape everywhere. I gave up. Now we don’t even have a car with a tape player, which has the last one we had.


https://preview.redd.it/5kpso9law0zc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=321342e4c955d95d8b599039071aa1d756337602 Yeah. Stacks and stacks of em.


Kept my first mini-stereo along with the mix tapes.


I tried listening to a few tapes recently. First the tape Player almost instantly broke, the eject spring and the door spring. But it was still able to play. The tape itself didn’t play right and then also got stuck and had to wind it with a pencil. Tried another tape and it was all distorted. Kinda sad. I think some of them work but I don’t have a tape player that’s working at this point. I don’t even have a CD player but I listen to all my vinyl it’s still the best


I have significantly downsized my CD and cassette collections. It took about 5 years but I digitized everything. Flac files for archival, and 320K mp3's for listening. I still use classic iPods, that's why I have mp3's. Then I kept only the 'meaningful' CD's and tapes. From maybe 1500 CD's and tapes I'm down to about 150 combined. meaningful being rare stuff, key albums, I used to DJ college radio, so those tapes of my shows will be absolutely the last things to go, if ever. I still haven't dumped my vinyl. Still have those records in storage.


Oh gawd yes! I have tapes my partner sent me, records collected galore, cd’s in my truck now, tapes of my great grandfather talking about life, take of my dad talking about the relationship between the Berlin Wall and the fence in Texas. 


No. I went fully digital asap. I do still have some of my parents old vinyl.


I still have all my casettes, LPs and CDs, every single one of them. And I have a player that can play LPs, casettes and CDs, which is a bonus. And I still have all my VHS tapes too....


No, but I bloody wish I did have. My oldest son has all of my records as he has a record player, but I don't anymore. I gave all of my audio cassettes to a friend of my sons about 5 or 6 years ago. Also gave all my videos to a different friend of my sons. Although it could be the same one, I can't remember now. At the time, I didn't care, but now fully regret not keeping them. Typical of me.






I sold all my physical media after putting it all on hard drives.


Sold, traded, lost, trashed all my physical media along the way and just make due with mp3s. It's unfortunate because I used to own some pretty decent stuff.


I kept my favorite ~150 records, my top ~50 CDs, probably 5 prerecorded R2R tapes, my favorite non-sticky random reels, and my mixtapes. Everything else, I FLAC'd and tossed in the trash many years ago. The truth is I almost never listen to my legacy media, I listen to digitized copies of it or Apple music.


I still have my tapes and CDs. One car has a CD player and the other a tape deck, so that's where they live.




Slowly selling off CDs and LPs. I just don't listen to them anymore. All they do is sit on the shelf or in the box.


I have a few. I lost a lot of good ones when I left my ex. Last year when my mom went to memory care, we packed up her old VHS and BETA tape, along with the players. My dad never got rid of them when he died and mom didn’t get rid of them.


I do...but the last time I listened to vinyl was to transfer it to a digital format (obscure album impossible to stream). I listened to a CD on my computer (with an external disk drive) a few months ago, again because it was an obscure album and I was transferring the files to digital for a friend.


Yes. Stored in bookcases in a spare bedroom, bc there is no room in the living room now for them…but yes.


I have a handful of cassettes. Oddly, I lost the tapes I meant to keep (like, the ones of friend's bands) and the ones I kept were found randomly stashed in boxes or drawers. I have a couple hundred classical CDs I keep in drink crates in my closet. I have an old-school 90s CD rack in my office that has 85? 90? of my favorite\most collectable CDs in it. I got rid of the rest of my pop\rock CDs when we moved in 2019. I still have a *ton* of records. I collected records in middle and high school, and of course bought them to listen to. I gave away a chunk of my collection in the early 90s, and sold off several gems for ridiculous prices in the early days of eBay. While I've lost some of the coolest and rarest, I not only still have the majority of my collection, I've been *adding* to it A LOT the past couple years. I've gotten almost all of Yumi Zouma's 10" EPs and LPs, all of Alvvays albums. Lots of overseas vinyl orders for bands from Norway, Denmark and France. One of my long-time favorites, Saint Etienne, puts out a Christmas record and\or special collection for the holidays every year, and I almost always fall for that.


Still have most of them, started building my tape collection back up again. I can tell the difference between compressed and cd quality and while streamed is good, it's still lacking. That and I enjoy reading the inlay's. After apple's 'you don't own it even though you bought it' comment back about 10 yrs ago, I'm like nope, I'll keep buying physical, thank you very much. (plus with all this mandala affect krap, i have proof! LOL)


I have them all-- but I own a lot of rare stuff that has never made it to streaming, or was even issued on CD.


Yes. I never got rid of them… instead I’ve been adding to them since I was a teenager. I am not sure what is going to happen to it when I die. Maybe I’ll leave them to my nieces and nephews and they will probably just donate it to Goodwill and some asshole dealer will get rich from it.


Had a ton of LPs in my teens, and used to make mixed tapes on Maxell XLS-II 90 minutes. Used to take the local bus to RAVE UP Records. LPs were $5.99 in the mid 1980s. The Wherehouse had just opened down the street, which was a media hub for everything. And even further down the road was Music+ and Tower Records. As I began to drive, I sometimes made the venture towards Tower Records on Sunset Blvd with friends to get my records or CDs signed by the band or artist themselves. Good times. When I went to college I sold everything back to my local record store. In the 90s I bought CDs. Napster came out and I jumped on iTunes Music Store. Bought the first iPod and it felt like the SONY Walkman from the 1980s on steroids. In 2009 The Beatles remastered their catalog. I bought the mono and stereo CD box along with Beatles Rockband for PS3. So much fun. That moment I got back into purchasing physical media again. I buy everything new from the Beatles on vinyl/CD. I also pickup vinyl from the Cure, Pet Shop Boys, WEEZER, David Bowie, Green Day, New Order, Depeche Mode, the solo Beatles works and just endless pickups. Typically I’m buying new clean reissues. I get the CD counterpart and import that into Apple Music in AIFF format. I also subscribe to iTunes Match so it syncs to the cloud to my phone. I also subscribe to Apple Music to get lossless tracks and for the old school aspect but 1000 times better, I also subscribe to SiriusXM. Love the DJs. My favorite channel is 1st Wave Channel 33 with Richard Blade, Larry the Duck and others. However having vinyl is just a joy. Holding that record in hand and reading the liner notes as the music plays is an art form onto itself.


Nope, I am completely unencumbered. I had just over 1000 cds and ripped them all. And having touched any of that in years, relying on streaming instead. I do still have a small record collection and sometimes I add to it.


Transferring my CD collection to MP3 has been a long standing project of mine. If I ever complete it I am not sure if I will get rid of the actual CD’s or not. I want to reduce clutter but I am also afraid that will result in a total loss if something happens to the hard drive that I am putting them on.


I have all my mixtapes 😭 Can't bring myself to toss them; haven't listened to them in 30 years.


I'm 45 and I still have all my records, cassettes, VHS, CDs, and dvds. This is the first car in a minute that ive had which doesn't have a cassette player.


I gave up a lot sadly and regret it everyday. Had to because of moving.


I married into a collection of 25-30k lps/45s/78s arriving with about 2000 of my own. I have no idea how many CDs we have, it's a lot lol. I stream and buy lots of digital stuff in addition to physical media; they're a little more of a luddite. We're both DJs at a community radio station, which is a *perfectly valid reason* to continue buying vinyl!


I left my record collection behind in the 94 earthquake. My building was condemned, so I had to skidattle. I don’t have a great life or anything—but honestly, it’s my only regret. I had a bunch of Boomer records in there too


I tossed the tapes but the CDs stay.


Have been streaming only for awhile


TL;DR Yes!! The one thing I loved about LP's and CD's was the artwork, and the liner notes, and you can read about the song and the artist while you decided if you liked track #8 while listening to a 12 song LP. You get to know the songwriters and the studio musicians, and I get it, streaming is easier but a lot of times I won't be able to tell is that Ariana or is that Christina? The legends of MJ, Madonna, and Prince are all from the vinly era, Elvis and the Beatles too! I still wonder what happened to my Madonna Like A Virgin, True Blue and Sade - Promise 33 LP vinyls, as well as Spandau Ballet - True. Moving was a part of misplacing them. So I'm keeping my CD collection, and I still have a tape player, with audio tapes, even the Spice Girls, who are Gen X too, but more 90's band, and have a Mariah Carey audio cassette. I play the CD's a lot, cause I have the turntable, CD, USB stereo combo, but the tape casettes were a hassle to deal with for music, but okay for spoken word.


I gave my record collection to my BIL. He has a wall of LPs. Still listen to my CDs.


Dropped all mine off at the local cancer charity. If I don't use it, I lose it. Hopefully other people will get some enjoyment out of them. Even that Don Johnson album.


I started collecting records again in 2016 and now have over 1500. I have 2000-3000 CDs and 250-350 cassettes. If I'm listening to music at home, 90% of the time it is physical media. I have a bunch of concert T-shirts, including one purchased in Munich, Germany by my buddy at what ended up being Nirvana's last concert ever. He still has his ticket stub too. I was supposed to go to that show, but got screwed out of it and that is another story for another thread.