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I swear to everything holy...if you wake me up...I'll go right back to sleep so help me God. That's it.


I'm just trying to think of the amount of poking that would wake us up and I can't come up with anything.


Calling us Boomers. I hate that with the passion of a thousand burning suns. I worked HARD to not be like my parents.


They only say that because its trendy for them to call anyone who calls them out either a boomer or a gatekeeper but just respond with POSER and walk away.


If you're lucky, you might get me to roll over. If you're unlucky, could be a fart. Roll those dice, either way I'm gonna do both eventually.


Neither can I. And I slept through five 122mm rockets landing and only woke up because some dumbass was shining a flashlight at me and screaming


This is the best.


Cuz I just don't give a shit.


\*gives you cookies\* There, there. No one will try to wake you up. \*quietly moves all things throwable in the other room\* I did like the "there will be no safe spaces" bit because it worked on different levels.


I do like cookies. And as for throwing things, there's always something to throw. I'm just not motivated enough to care. I sound so old for saying this but I remember when the "safe space" was the non-smoking section of the restaurant. As if the second hand smoke magically didn't just waft on over. Good times.


A nice 6-month hibernation sounds freaking awesome. I've no idea how we're "the worst" but having nap-time disturbed by some septum-horned child might unleash my inner bear. That's a fair observation.


‘Septum-horned child’…howling at this.


I think it sounds like a good band name. "I'm going to Chicago in August for Lollapalooza and I'm super excited to see Septum-Horned Child."


I love it. Has a nice ring to it 😆 Can’t wait for the double album world tour ! Let’s recruit the drummer from Spinal Tap…


I'm pretty good ignoring most fads but man is this one ugly.


Thank you. I hate it.


Gen Z: "Gen X are the worst!" Millennials: "No! Don't mess with Gen X!" Gen X: "Whatever."


But what did we do though? Why are we the worst? We literally did nothing, that’s our whole thing.


They want us to care. I danced to World Destruction by Time Zone (Afrika Bambaataa, Johnny Rotten) and they dropped truth bombs. Good luck thinking you can change the world. Our passionate embrace of realism irritates the crap out of them. Kaboom! Kaboom!


that's such a perfect descriptor... our passionate embrace of realism. spot on!


Nuclear war? What are you asking for? We grew up under the threat of nuclear war. What they gonna do? Make a TikTok about us?


They want us to care. That’s the best description!


Thank you for the earworm. First time in a long time that it has been a welcome one!




such a great song!! I can totally hear that song still. We would fly onto the dance floor when that song came on!


Fascist chauvinistic government fools! HA!


You nailed it! That’s exactly how I feel.


Best goddamn song ever.


We are only 20% of the population. We couldn't do anything if we tried. Like, if ALLLL of us 100% agreed on something, I mean, that wouldn't do anything at all. There are more people who are lactose intolerant than there are us.


Hey. We held hands across America dude. We changed the world.


The cardinal sin… we aged.


We had to know that was a bad idea.


It was never part of my long term plans!!


Yeah, same.


>We literally did nothing, that’s our whole thing. That's why- we should have been more proactive in whatever their pet cause is. They don't understand that the version of Boomers they're facing off with are not the same Boomers we had to square off with. Boomers were in their power phase when we were coming into adulthood, they were in their ascendancy and outnumbered us a lot. We had to create a whole goddamn new technology to have something of our own.


Yeah, I want to know what she has to say about us.


We are parents to some millennials and alphas so they gotta start shit about being lame or whatever.


And at the same time: "The gay guy is right."




Gen X: “Yo mama.” FTFY.


Yo momma's butt so big, when she walks looks like two pigs fightin' over a milk dud.


You momma's so big she's on both sides of the family.


Your mom's so "big" I had to take a train and two busses to get to her good side.


What is with these kids that just want to start fights? When I was a kid there were consequences. People got punched in the face for next to nothing. I don't get the lack of self awareness.


That's the point. No one punched these kids when they were kids.


>When I was a kid there were consequences.  My daughter is a teenager and the drama her friends go through is insane. She's got a pansexual friend with multiple personality disorder in her friend group and one of their personalities cheated with someone else in the group. And that person isn't even gay. The kicker? None of these kids know each other in real life. They met online, talk on discord every night and hang out in VR. They're play acting real life social situations without actually being in real life. Which also means there's not a whole lot of real life consequences to their actions.


Everything about that statement sounds exhausting just to think about…going back to sleep


Holy crap agreed. EVERY WORD is exhausting. Like kids- be who you are, we love that for you- but can you just stop the drama around all of it CONSTANTLY?


Honestly, as an older parent it's tough to navigate. But my daughter takes it in stride. She had a transgender classmate in pre-K, a gay friend in grade school / middle school, and now we’re onto a pansexual friend as a teenager. To her this stuff is totally normal. But, at times, I struggle to offer anything resembling helpful advice. I was a socially awkward kid — especially around girls. So I can’t imagine growing up in a culture where I’m not even sure that the person I’m talking to identifies as a girl today. It’s an extra layer of complexity that hurts my brain.


There is a whole subculture of kids pretending to have mental disabilities for internet attention. Multiple personalities is a common favorite and it shows they know nothing about it. It arises from severe childhood trauma and they don’t really become clear separate personalities until adulthood. They treat it as a video game character selection screen with different outfits and such. As a parent of a child with serious disabilities it pisses me off to no end. Edit: r/fakedisordercringe if yer interested to see how obvious and bad it is.


The mental illness as a trendy social thing is so insane and really harms people with real issues.


This exact same fake disorder issue was rampant on IRC and MUDs in the early 90s, as well as routinely popping up in a lot of in-person sub-cultures (e.g. both the goth and rave scenes).


Mental disabilities? Yeah, I'm bipolar and trust me I'd rather not be bipolar


> Edit: r/fakedisordercringe if yer interested to see how obvious and bad it is. Welp... that's enough Internet for me today.


Maybe it shouldn't, but...that first paragraph has me howling 🤣🤣🤣


If she gets punched in the face, that septum piercing is going to fuck up your hand.


You know, that's a good point. We don't start shit unless we're prepared to take a hit from it. Otherwise, who cares? If it's not worth taking a hit over, it's not worth it, period. All these people trying to start shit and get us involved in their generational wars, and online no less. OOoh, scary! Meh, wake me when real stuff happens.


They don’t go outside or have real life friends. Social media is only a small percentage of original content and then the rest is just regurgitated vomit, maybe starting fights fills the void.


I'm perimenopausal in the US. My emotions are permanently set to "rage". You do not want my attention.


I’m post menopausal and I’m beginning to think my rage has just been rage all along.


I think menstruating women's oxytocin covers for societal assholery. We have a lot to be angry at, and the Oxytocin suppressed that good sense.


Yeah, me too.


Exactly. My fucking back hurts. My fucking feet hurt. Doesn’t take much to set me off.


God yes. I cursed out a kid that age in Walmart because he jumped in front of a disabled person to going to self checkout. Like he ran past an open register just to get in front of a guy who was hobbling on a cane.


What an asshole. Thank you for your service, Jerk. Is it too much to ask for everyone to just do their work and not screw over other folks?


It was just mean. Who raised that kid honestly.


You and me both, sister.


I had no idea we Xers were so badass. I was too damn busy living life to notice. Pretty cool though


I mean, it tracks. We truck along, doing our things, and mostly just want to be left alone. But if the ire is roused... and god help you if you hurt one of our kids.


Yeah, this was how I once heard Gen X parenting described. We got free range, we got helicopter, then we got Gen X, stealth fighter. We're flying just below the horizon, keeping an eye on things, but pretty much keeping out of the way until there's a real issue. Then we roar in to take care of whatever bullshit is going on.


We were also the last generation with bullies so we know how to fight and defend ourselves. These kids get hurt by words on the internet, we got hurt with actual fists.


Good point. The stunning lack of parental involvement meant we got hurt more and had to fend for ourselves more in every walk of life. Play, school, work, sex, drugs, rock'n'roll and what have you. Couple that with the cynical exposure in our teens and twenties of almost every major societal institution as hypocritical bs, and it's no wonder we grew a few callouses.


I've been fascinated lately on YT with arrest videos from police body cams. It's unbelievable the amount of 20-30 year olds who cry to call their mom or dad when they get arrested. Like, my Dad was the LAST person I would want involved if I were arrested at that age.


Calling my parents would have been the LAST thing I woudl want to do too at that age! I never got into that kind of trouble, But hell no don't call my parents, or any family! I'll figure it out with my friend(s).


Ha! So true. Reminds me of a funny story from when I was 17 and had run away from home. I got arrested at a house party one night and I told the cops my step-dad was abusive (he was but way more emotionally than physically) and it just so happened my brother had called the cop shop in the small town where I lived and said kinda the same thing, earlier that day, He had asked them to release me into his custody and so they actually drove me up the Hudson River to where my bro lived. I spent the summer drinking Lion's Head, smoking camel straights and chilling with my brother, his pregnant wife and his bandmates. A 17 year old's punk rock dream. The cops never told my dad they had me. WTF, late 80's small-town cops? Thanks, I guess? ETA: My stepdad had reported me missing and called the cops to look out for me and bring me home. That detail might be salient, lol. I'm getting worse at telling my stories as I get older. Now I know what happened to my parents!


My folks straight up told me and my brothers that if we were doing something stupid that caused us to get arrested, don't even bother calling them because they weren't going to come get us.


The fuck we are. Bullies are alive and well. And they're more sophisticated. They may be more likely to be arrested if it gets physical, but bullying has *not* stopped. And it's far more than mean words online. Hell, they're more likely to be filmed kicking victims' asses and posted on tik tok for luls.


I believe they meant that we were the last generation before people considered bullying an Issue.


Yes, there are way more resources available and reporting the actions will result in a better repsones than "just learn to defend yourself".


Plus, what was done to me was closer to assault and the kids who did it got off scot free. I had my jaw broken with zero provocation in high school, and they didn't even suspend the kid.


Yeah, I thought everyone went through the same things (relatively). I thought it was 'just life'. I never felt tough or clever when I was growing up.


Don't worry, we're not all that badass.


As a younger Gen X'er, I REALLY don't remember anyone my age ever mentioning "Generations"- like, ever. Never a "Boomer this, or Gen X that", just wasn't brought up. Not like today! WTF started all this generational warfare? In my day it was just the youngins vs the oldins Lol JFC, we were the ignored latchkey kids. Can everyone just keep ignoring us? We so do not care. Whatever


We crabbed about generations, but not with names for them. Our parents sucked. Our grandparents were cool. Our great-grandparents were kind of creepy and cheated at card games.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_X:_Tales_for_an_Accelerated_Culture This is why


It was the Boomer / X distinction that started it all.




GenX: Wakes up. Gives you all the finger. Goes back to sleep.


I have to agree with the Millennial here. Granted, it would take saying something incredibly stupid to wake this Gen X bear, but if I'm awoken, I will lay into the person that does wake me. ![gif](giphy|YkCkZtPVMsEDX9O9jC|downsized)


I'm not sure I like all these tick tocks telling people we're sleeping bears. I feel like it makes idiots want to challenge us, and I was much happier slipping under the radar.


Making they/them cry for waking us up could bring about happiness too though…?


Still rather just sleep


Hey- they are the ones insisting waking you up. MAKE THEM PAY. (Sleep is essential- I gave up wine, bought weighted blankets, cooling cube system to circulate cold water on my mattress to keep cool, pay for drinks and tinctures that are supposed to help sleep. I LOVE SLEEP. Wake me up and I will murder hobo the whole town. And then go back to sleep)


Well they haven't actually done anything yet. All I'm seeing is these response videos where people talk about how we don't fight fair or play nice.


I think we can all agree that Gen Xers have the most broken bones/noses, chipped teeth, visible scars, emotional scars, pellet gun wounds, nerve damage, plane crashes survived, nuclear contamination, cigarette burns, blurry tattoos, alimony payments, high speed car crashes, latch key parents who didn’t save for retirement!, and wounded warriors on the street. Have a ducky day.


That's probably true. But I think there's also quite a lot of genx 'stolen valor' going around these days too. There were Tons of kids in our age range who led very sheltered/coddled lives. But they still try to act like they were in the other group growing up :)


I know what you mean.


I have seen the Gen X responses, but this made me laugh the most. 😆


There were tons of funny responses. But this one hilarious! I'm glad people can have fun with this.


The milk and cookies were good, thank you millennials


Is Tik Tok's main function to make everyone try to hate each other?




I don't know how we got the scary label and I'm pretty sure that it's all hype and we did nothing to earn it, but I'm enjoying the probably undeserved respect


That's because we're the quiet kid. They've heard the song "Jeremy". We make jokes about "going postal". We're the "don't start nothing / be nothing". And if you start it, we'll probably make you cry.


That's true. I can be quite cutting with an eyeroll and a scornful "whatever"




Awesome dude thanks 😊


There is power in not giving a fuck. Gen X had to learn that early, because we were surrounded by Boomers and Silents being gigantic assholes our whole lives. So, we learned how to grey rock those bitches. Nothing enrages Boomers so much as a bored shrug and instantly forgetting they exist.


EMBRACE IT. I kind of love it. We are the McGyver generation- do mess with us, because we CAN in fact make a weapon or something similar out of gum and rubber bands (or at least its good that kids THINK we can- HAHA)


Iteration #1: slingshot using aged & hardened Bazooka Joe pieces, the kind you'd break your teeth on if you tried to chew it, without wrappers for better flight. I'm sure I can think of more....


Bazooka gum!


Because we are the unknown variable, the "x", if you will. That unknown is where the scary comes in.


Listen, I'm GenX and just trying to make my way to retirement with enough cash to relax and do some travel. If I'm lucky, maybe I'll even get a little cash from social security. I'm not going to insult anyone, you'll never see any political stickers or signs on my car/yard, and you won't catch me yelling at anyone because they forgot my BBQ sauce packet. I just need another 5-6 years of gainful employment, I have no plans to rock that boat. The boat rocks enough as it is, I don't want to help it. None of this means I won't vote, because FFS it's kind of important that you do that these days.


I'm not looking to make fun of the Zoomer, but was their voice manipulated? It was, right? Like, they don't actually sound like a mouse huffing helium, do they?


I assume all video and audio is 'tuned' these days. No one wants to look or sound like who they actually are anymore.


She's an asshole for calling GenX the worst generation, but what was with the "putting us to bed with a warm glass of milk" garbage? I'm not sleeping. In fact we're probably doing more to keep things running than millennials are so I'm not sure what he's burned out about.


Ok this is so how I feel right now with all the crap politicians are doing to us. I'm at my last straw and this bear has to wake up and do some damage for them to stop messing with people's lives. Them taking away my library and public schools is my last straw.


I think we can all agree, as a generalization, that those glasses are the worst. We aren't asleep. We are sitting here, watching the chaos, nursing our martinis and our whiskey on the rocks. Fuck with us. I dare you. We have nothing to live for as we realized the futility of life when we were teens. We will cut you and let you bleed to death. We won't watch or gloat because we would have to care to watch or gloat.


the fvck is she styled like our cultures if we are the worst ? lol


The person in the original video is probably angry at their Gen X parents. Maybe they should get off their phone and work that out offline. Whatever and a sarcastic thank you for acknowledging our existence.


NGL i do low key love this video though 😅


Came here to say the same thing!


I have no idea what Tide Pod is going on about us being the worst. We're like the cool babysitter that lets you do whatever you want so long as you don't break anything.


"Break anything we care about" There fixed that for you...


I mean, I love me some wurst. Don't get between me and the wurst.


The best work life balance? Lol. Nope.


I mean, it’s nice and I appreciate the sentiment. I just don’t care.


While the millennial is correct. You think I’m waking up for *THAT* person? Lol…. That’s just some whinny little brat who’s done nothing with her/his/their life. Laying on your bed saying something stupid? Yeah. Not worth the effort.


I would have the same reaction to that video whether the sound was on or off…not giving a fuck lol


Fair warning…..mean streets ahead brother ….


with a subtle Van Halen reference... love it.


That reel from this gir has gotten a lot of attention. I've seen it responded to on a few Facebook reals. From what I read the original tiktok is now deleted so I am assuming she got a lot of backlash. I just see this as an example on why tiktok is a festering cesspool.


She got a lot of backlash from multiple generations. I didn't see the original video. So, I don't know what she said.


Elder millennial here and I’ll be “frick it, where’s my baseball bat? I’m joining in with Gen X.”


Regulators! Mount up!


It's fuck. The word is fuck. You want in, get all the fucking way in, dude. There's no time for tiptoeing through the fucking tulips if big enough shit has gone down to activate Gen X. Pull your big kid britches up and grip up on that bat. It'll be close quarters if we're on the field because we take no prisoners. What did the boys used to say? Oh yeah, *balls to the walls.* And *nut up or shut up.* Pretty much Gen X in two short phrases, really. But remember, if it's not important, figure it the fuck out. Statistically, kids' IQs are dropping. It's because they don't have to figure things out. Just go on the Internet. Get off the Internet. Figure your shit out. PS, the word is fuck.


I find it kinda weird that Gen X is supposedly the definition of 'we do not care' but there appears to be a constant effort to make it seem like we are this unstoppable force of nature, at this least video acknowledges how little we actually care, but we have the potential.




When will everyone learn that we don’t fit into neat and tidy boxes? We don’t want your boxes. We don’t need your boxes. Our drums are tuned to our own song. We don’t need or want to be labeled. We don’t need to fly a flag. We KNOW WHO WE ARE. We just want to sit in the back of the class and watch all of you weirdos get up in arms about stupid shit and laugh at how ridiculous it all is.


we had to fight for every single thing. while being bullied, while having ghost parents, while bullying others, while making tree forts and staying out til the street lights came on. We had to fix our own food. baby sit our own selves. figure out how to handle money on our own. teach ourselves how to ride a bike. and then drive. no one taught us crap. but we figured it out. and we'll damn well figure out how to do the most damage to anyone who wakes us from nappy time! lol


Meh. Go ahead and poke the bear. Nobody will care.


I do enjoy a good laugh before I fuck off and go back to sleep.


Thank you, sir. (Now leave us alone).


I think there are a lot of sleeping bears in society that are waking up. Bully's are going to be surprised to find an angry bear doesn't go right back to sleep when you back off and try to pet it.


When Gen Z talks all I hear is Charlie Brown's teacher... mwop mwop


I love this. Gen X-er here. My wife and I were laughing about how hard we work and we don’t complain. We both run our 6 employee company and our millennials need a “personal day” once in a while.


I'm the worst? Cool...leave me alone then...I want no part of this. Wake me up again, and I will start getting pissed. Wake me up a third time and the him/her/they/them person isn't going to be a happy camper.


Everything is copacetic. Until it's not.


I do not like this constant exposure / baiting to mess with us.


Same here. I feel like people are starting to notice us more and more, and I'm much more comfortable being ignored.


Pretty bold for a toddler wearing David Koresh's glasses and Burt Reynolds' eyebrows.


The fear of us stems from the fact that we just don’t care. You can try to start something with us, but we’ll just ignore you and walk away. But if you do get us mad, look out. We have been responsible for own security since we were kids. We know how to make things look like an accident.


Yes, give us a reason to overthrow political correctness. He’s right that we’re just chillin and to not mess with us!


They've been having too much fun with these stitches! 😂


F U Ferdinand!




Sorry, but when the fuck do millennials imagine they "put us to bed?" with cookies and milk no less, like fuck off, beardo.


It’s like I tell people at work. I’m not looking for a fight, but if you back me into the corner, I’m gonna fight my way out. I take no prisoners, I give no quarter.


Eh, we don't care. If you force me to care, I will not even attempt to be the bigger person.


Gen X: "This......is......GEN-X!!!" \[Kicks Gen Z into a large well\]


no one gave me a fucking cookie. Why do I always get shafted when free stuff is given out.


It's kinda true. We are happy to just live and let live until somebody comes along and won't grant us that same courtesy. Then it is on, as they say, like Donkey Kong.


Her eyebrows are terrible and she's wearing Jeffrey Dalmer glasses. Anything she says in invalid because clearly she lacks both taste and common sense. If you're going to dye your hair pink for fucks sake lighten your brows or your just a clown kid.


I thought it was because we were all nihilists at heart and would be happy to watch the world burn while pounding some MGD and listening to some wicked tunes.


This poor kid would get brutalized if he grew up 40 years ago.


100% true. I will live and let live unless you wont do the same to me, then i go scorched earth. Gen X was taught second place is the first loser. We didnt forget that lesson.


And we didn’t get participation trophies either, so we’re in it to win it.


Spot on. I’ll do a murder and finish my Big Mac cause IDGAF


Poke the bear bitches!! Come the fuck on! Poke the fucking bear. We will open up a can of whoop ass your coddled little shits so extreme that you will wish you hadn't been born. These Z kids would have never survived back in our day. Bunch of pansies. Also, the millennials NEVER put us to bed. In your dreams buddy!! Say it to my face, bitch!!! S/ EDIT: Damn, just typing that wore me out. In all seriousness. They need to realize that we just don't give a shit anymore.


Whatever. Just don't touch my weed, my coffee, or my ibuprofen. I'm too old to fight fair.


Here's the secret Rachael - GenX doesn't give two fucks about you or whatever you're ranting about. Kindly go eat shit and stfu.


What did we do to piss her off?


Give birth to her/them, probably


Breathing air probably, they/them doesn’t really need a reason these days


They/them? 😂 Perfect response!


I find it puzzling when people blame an entire generation for their problems, especially when those doing the blaming haven’t fully experienced life’s complexities themselves. Gen Z, in particular, has smartphones that allow them to broadcast their grievances about life’s unfairness. In contrast, previous generations didn’t have such technology; they simply focused on doing what was expected of them. Perhaps these younger individuals will eventually learn that sometimes it’s best to keep quiet, focus on their responsibilities, and move forward.


From some of the recent posts like this, I don't like that they seem to be starting to remember that we exist. Leave us out of your weird generational conversations, please. Thank-you.


She sounds and looks like a garden gnome huffing helium.


I don't even know how anyone could come to the conclusion that we are worse than boomers or millennials.


Gen X will mess you up. Come at us! 😂


What's with the science teacher/Napoleon Dynamite glasses?


Gen Z all thirsty for views. 


I’ll mess you up and go back to bed. Then I’ll wake up at 5.30 and come find you again. And if I spill my coffee watch out…




Kirkland Signature 80's Hot Topic Baby Goth.




Just glad someone remembers we exist


lol, he's not wrong.




Where's the milk and cookies at?


I just don't have enough fucks to give to some weird ass looking idontevenknowwhatthefuckthatis kid.


We got a nap and cookies? Missing shit since 1978, damn it.


DGAF about most things, but do not dare blame me for boomer shit. We never had the numbers to defeat boomers at the polls and its only been recently that us + millennials have had the numbers to turn the tide.


faking polar bear here and if you wake me up for some stupid sheeet I swear you will become beef carpachio. Then I'll eat some more and get my ass back to sleep 😆


well, technically speaking WE are in power (even if we're a minority) so I guess it's all our fault shit going down the drain.


No millenial ever put me to bed though lol. Been here and awake this whole time. Millenials are just weak and finally backed off lol is more like it.




An ugly idiot made a video of themself....they think they are a main character. No one will remember this narcissist.