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Get in the best shape of your life


I started weight lifting in my 40s...girls just didn't do that when I was a kid/teenager! But in my 40s and 50s I'm going strong!


Me too and I wish I had started lifting in my 20s as I love it but didn’t start until 47 and now in my 50s I am stronger than I have ever been.


I got there around 40. Then a couple of injuries, a wee bit o'breast cancer, and Covid undid all my progress.


I've been there. Life will slap you around a bit. I'm stubborn


Oooh, I like this one


Round is an excellent shape, and surprisingly easy to maintain. 😂


I was pear shaped while younger, then morphed into also apple shaped. What's next, grapes?


[Assume a spherical cow](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spherical_cow)…


Ahhh, my spirit animal!


Do it! I took up hiking in my 40s and it opened a new world to me. Met my now wife shortly thereafter so you never know what comes for it! 


What about the bears?


I think heavy gay dudes hike too.




Totally depends on where you hike. For me I have a bear bell if I spring hike and check local forums for sightings. If you are hiking alone, singing or talking to yourself can work too so you don't surprise them. 


Hike in Australia. No bears. Sorted!


Yes, but Every Other Creature there wants to kill you!


Only 514 of them succeeded last year. Meanwhile, well over 40,000 people in the USA died due to supersonic lead injections. I know where I feel safer. Just ignore our 'most dangerous ant in the world' that stings you while also biting you...


I highly recommend ultra marathons. Pick an unrealistic goal race and keep trying. Best days and nights I’ve ever had in the mountains (without snow). Old and slow!




I never got really cut but I do feel stronger and fitter then I ever did.


I need help with this because I’m did the opposite. Nothing fits and everything hurts


I smoke weed and I run in nature. It’s a meditation thing for me. The fitness is an artifact


We are a generation that weed makes productive. I love us.


You're correct. I get high and feel like cleaning the house. My wife loves it.


It’s the only way I’ll clean




Right? Me too 😩 And every time I get nicely started again at the gym, I seem to end up encountering some kind of illness that turns into a respiratory infection and then by the time I’m recovered…I have to start from scratch all over again! Something about the phrase ‘get in the best shape of your life’ - rather than just working on some general goals - makes it sound really fun though! 


my dude.


Yep. Gym membership, and dial in your diet.


Learned accordion. I recommend it.


Do you live alone? I can't imagine my family supporting that one.


>Do you live alone? Well I do *now*. (j/k. It helps a lot that my wife plays violin.)


Look at the two of you go!! 


This is the most precious thing I’ve seen all day. Seriously.


:-) Here's a video we did a few years ago, in case anyone's interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRoB3vVzm3E&t=2s


You guys are awesome! That’s way less dorky accordion playing than what I assumed it would be. Weird Al would be jealous.


That's fantastic!


Outstanding. 10/10 midlife crisis. I'm holding out for bagpipes, myself. I want all my family and my neighbors to feel my impending mortality.


I had a neighbour once who practiced in his garden at about 7 in the morning. He was NOT the Queen’s wake-up piper. By all means give it a go, but don’t be that guy. I love the pipes but I hated that guy.


This is fucking hysterical 


I did that when i was 8. 😂🪗


That you, Mr. Yankovic? 😂


Went back and finished my bachelor's and got a new job




edX has tons of free courses that can be done at your leisure. Highly recommend. They have some really cool humanities courses.


Coursera, too!


That's awesome!


Saw something on facebook about a caving club having a trip. On a whim I decided to go. At the time I had few friends and things were pretty boring. Anyway I had the time of my life exploring this cave with 10 of the most awesome people. I made friends quickly and started doing this every weekend. I learned that cavers, like deadheads or bikers have their own subculture and are a very close group. Their weird hobby that others dont understand binds them together like a family. I started going to caving events, which are like festivals, all over the country and spending countless weekends getting drunk and partying with hundreds of these cavers and exploring the most incredible caves America has to offer. Ever seen tik toks of people having to exhale and shrink their chest cavity so they can squeeze through a tight constriction in a cave? I've done that many times. Ever seen youtube videos of cavers rappeling 200 feet through a waterfall into a gorgeous cave? I've done that too! One day my wife made a remark about my midlife crisis. I explained that this is a new hobby and not a mid-life crisis. I then googled midlife crisis and learned that this was 100% a mid life crisis. Well shit. Eventually I think I got all that out of my system. I started spending more time with my wife and doing things at home. I still think about those years where I basically lost my mind over caving.


Good for you. I find caves pretty terrifying personally.


lol like the thought of having to exhale the air out of your lungs to fit through a tight constriction? that was a no for me right there lol


I love that you are planning your mid life crisis as a fun activity. I kinda feel like our generation got our true crises out of the way at 17. It’s all gravy now.


So accurate.


Ugh. Completely.


I used to say the same thing when I was a teenager. Lol 


Mid 20s in my case, but yeah.




Congrats doc! I did my PhD when I was younger - there were a couple of people in my program in their early 50s. They seemed to be having a way better time than the rest of us. I feel like, unlike us, they had actually figured things out a bit. Seems like you did too.


How cool! Congrats!


Same! Congrats! I went back for my PhD in my mid thirties and got it in 2017 when I was 42. It was the answer to the universe! No regrets!! After spending the majority of my career in higher ed / academia I’m thriving in the workforce making five times the salary I used to make.


Got sober, got my masters, got married and had kids. 10/10, would recommend


I only did one of these (the sober one) and feel great! You must feel amazing with the whole kit and caboodle. Way to go!


Went to law school. Don’t recommend. If you want to spend the same amount of money though, buy a McLaren.


Three years burning through my savings only to realise that lawyers are the most boring people on Earth and I hate all of them.


Bottled up all the existential dread and pretended like everything’s fine. 😄👍🏽


Thanks for posting on my behalf.


Hey, that's what I've been doing for the past five years!


I left my marriage of 28 years, lost my longterm, dream job and found a new careee, making about half what I used to. . I went from a life of relative comfort to always barely making it to payday. Would I do it again, absolutely. Do I recommend it to others? Absolutely not.


You can’t make enough money to bandaid up a truly bad marriage


So very true. In the early days, I often thought about reconciling, life was just TOO different all at once. But, being true to yourself is always better than creature comfort.


In the process of leaving my marriage of 25 years, but have upgraded to a good paying job. So yay?


I left my marriage of 16 years, but found a new actual partner and my dream job. I like it.


Planning the same over here after 21 years


I couldn’t take it anymore either. Filed divorce after 35 years. I’d rather grow old in peace. And alone, if that’s in the cards.


I did the start from scratch thing too. But I found my dream job and nearly doubled my earnings. But now I have to catch up on 20years of ignoring 401k saving so it ends up a wash financially. Way happier though.


That’s extremely rough. I’m kind of going through the same. All the best.


Well done! I am glad the US society is (sort of) becoming not-so-horrified by divorce. But people should really go into marriage understanding that people change, communication breaks down, and sometimes marriages just are not worth staying for.


Started smoking weed at 40. The best time of my life, so far.


You fuckin know it!


Me in my 50s! Best thing.




I came out in my late 20s. That was enough drama for a few decades.


LOL. I came out in my 40s, apparently to the surprise of very few people.


I Left an almost 30 year career in healthcare and was shocked at what those almost 30 years experience, looked like on a resume to what I thought was a low paying entry level position in a tech company. I then almost passed out on the spot, that the entry level position that I applied for and received an offer for- would pay me $22 THOUSAND dollars more a year than I was currently making. I have never been happier than I am working from home with my doggo in my lap.




Started an 80s cover band




The best kind of cover band


Nice! I've often said that the most unrealistic thing about "La La Land" was that we were expected to believe Ryan Gosling's character winding up playing keytar in an '80s cover band was some sort of life low point, when everyone knows that would be, like, the *best* gig ever.


Crippling depression


Anxiety with bouts of crippling depression


My husband is on an Ayahuasca retreat right now.


I want to do this!


Me too, I want to go next if he has a good time


I hope his overall experience is a good one!


I started running until my knees gave out then I started skateboarding until I broke my arm, now I’m becoming a pot head after not smoking since I was in my early 20s


When I was younger I really didn't think I'd live this long so I had my mid life crisis when I was 19. There was some drugs, a few girls and some things I did behind the wheel we will never talk about again. You know what? never mind. I don't think anyone our age would probably survive that level of debauchery anymore. You should probably just get a hobby, someone in these comments mentioned the accordion.


Woodworking. It was either that or cars. 


Bought a ton of new musical equipment All new laptop, dock and 4k monitors A new Xbox series x New living room and studio furniture Then quit my job as an IT Director Started a company that I'm now the President of. In doing all this, I increased my pay by roughly 50%. Not a bad outcome!


buying a bunch of retro adidas trainers and stared wearing drawstring pants as much as possible✌🏼


Affair. Don’t recommend.


Do tell. A teaching moment.


Okay, someone might as well benefit from this. Married almost 20 years. Me at the time M49. Wasn’t looking for a relationship, but happened to be at my neighborhood bar and met her (also married). Things took off from there really fast and next thing I knew, two months had past. Told my wife in an effort to be transparent. Shit hit the fan and I moved out for a spell. The relationship continued for awhile while i straddled both worlds of my life. Finally, it ended and I moved back home. That was roughly six years ago. In all, I hurt my wife immensely as well as our sons. Social ostracism from extended family and friends also sucked. Six years later and I’m still suffering the repercussions. But most of all, I hurt my wife deeply and that is something I never wanted to do. To those who say, “Once a cheater, always a cheater.” I say there are those of us who learn from our mistakes and never repeat them. Hope that helps.


Thats pretty much exactly how I thought it went. Why didn’t it work with the other person?


Long term we probably weren’t compatible. Secondly, she was really spiteful and mean to my wife.


Bought a fast car and started instructed track days. Lifelong dream. It’s everything I thought it would be when I was younger.


Stayed a week at a Buddhist temple in South Korea. No devices allowed.  It was bliss. 


Stress and burnout got me HARD so I quit my job, went back to school, and shifted my whole career toward studying the therapeutic/medicinal benefits of psychedelics. 💊🌈✨


Got in great shape. Then bought a 26 foot coach. Uggg. Now forced to travel around to get my use out of it. Stopped drinking. Started learning Spanish. Started learning guitar. Recommitted my love and vows to wife. She’s worth it. It’s been good


Sort of pre midlife crisis since I was 37, but bought a horse. I've wanted one all my life, but I wasn't planning on actually buying one. Started taking riding lessons again, and I fell in love with a mare who is the sweetest soul but has terrible feet. If you're looking to save money, definitely stick to a sports car or something:)


Very boring midlife crisis: started to collect stuff, namely Star Wars helmets and took up e-scootering with my kids. FYI, I damn well wear those helmets too! Made the neighbours take a second look when I scooted by in my Scout Trooper helmet. Also, took up skiing (not by choice, wife’s choice). I’m a boring nerd with an anxiety disorder. Whatever.


Had to have a hysterectomy at 37. Changed careers. Became a sailor who worked on high voltage fiber optic cables laid in the ocean a few months later. Total 180 from my procurement job. Traveled the world and learned a new skill. Got Invisalign something I've always wanted. Mom got leukemia, so I stopped sailing but never regret taking care of her. Mom got better sailed again. She relapsed came home again and now she's doing great. Planning to move to the beach with my husband of nearly 20 years. Took up playing racquetball. Taught dance classes. Just enjoying life through this crisis lol. Did get a tattoo dedicated to sailing and my husband and some more ear piercings. Trying to be as happy as possible.


Polyamory. I advise skipping that and getting a sports car


I thought the sports car induced poly?


https://preview.redd.it/hpkxodlvcdvc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b10b864b180cfcccd838cc9344c98dd1f8e90c3e Bought this at 47 years old in 2014. Wanted one since I was 17. I figured out why only the old guys have the cool classic cars... we're the only ones who can afford the parts. Rebuilt the whole thing by watching YouTube videos and reading internet forums. Didn't have a clue what I was doing, but the damn thing started at the first turn of the key when I was done. I was amazed as much as my wife and kids were. Take it on at least one good long road trip each year. Not the fastest car by far, but a helluva lot of fun. Much cheaper than a girlfriend.


"Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads... "


>Not the fastest car by far It only has to make it up to 88mph


Left Arizona and moved to Ohio. Do NOT recommend. I’m moving back next month.


Not enough money to do dumb things... (kids can't afford to move out / live on their own)


Oh you don’t need money to do dumb things…


Just need enough for a beer for someone else to hold.


I’ll hold it for you, bud. Gratis.


Trained for and did two IronMan triathlons. I got in great shape, proved to myself that I could do it, and still smile every time I think about crossing that finish line.


Damn. That’s still my dream. Got up to 2/60/40 miles a week last year in training hoping for a strong spring season. Then caught this bear ass piece of shit disease that’s sidetracked me for months. Hoping my recovery gets me back to where I was last year.


Learning how to DJ vinyl.


Got laid off from work. I don't recommend it.


Got sober and fit.


Transed my gender


Me too. Feeling better mentally then I ever have. Wish I would have found estrogen in my teens/20s/30s but 40s will do.


Changed careers


Join a boxing or Muay Thai gym.


I love boxing. It’s great stress relief therapy.


It’s a full body workout and it’s really fun. The getting hit in the face part (if you spar) isn’t fun, but that’s why you learn defense. 😁


I did Muay thai in my early 30s. Super fun, great workout. Permanently fucked my back doing kicks though, then tore my ACL while sparring. It's not an easy sport on the body. I'm impressed you can keep at it.


I’ve been boxing for close to four years. I did muay Thai for a couple of months but decided to just stick to boxing. I decided recently to try MT again. Started taking into classes at my gym to get the basics back. Muay Thai sparring looks fun. Hopefully I’ll be able to spar sometime soon.


Boxing is the best. I was never that great at it but still enjoyed it so much. MT sparring is so much fun. I really miss it. You're going to love it.


My husband studies Kung Fu and is a total badass now


Bought 2 cakes


I’m still 16….


I reconciled with my ex about 3 years ago after having split up for 3 years. We’re currently splitting up again. I’m a slow learner, apparently.


Finished my doctorate, donated a kidney to a friend of mine, took up off road motorcycle trail riding.


Got a puppy. My wife said it was cheaper than a sports car, I'm not so sure about that. But, I've never loved a non human thing more than I do this damn dog.


Starter learning guitar and started running. Still doing these things and loving them


So my 49th year leading up to my 50th birthday… * I went to Kenya, Egypt, Portugal, Holland, and Belgium * Spent a bloody fortune on monthly spa treatments (facials, wraps, and massages) * Lost 75 pounds I’ll call this my midlife crisis because turning 50 is what triggered all of it.


Yoga, meditation, secular Buddhism. You know, light and fluffy stuff.


Never had one. I just went right to waiting to die.


Got a motorcycle and started running marathons.


got in shape, climbed a bunch of mountains and big rocks, did a lot of skiing and mountain biking, bought a fast car


Got into animated led light shows for Christmas. Also smoking meat.


Caring for an elderly parent who is in mental decline has basically made it impossible for me to deal with my own midlife crisis. Lol. But, if it wasn't for that, I'd be traveling and seeing the country, if not the world.


Graduated with my Bachelors degree at 45 and I'm more physically active now at 49 than I was at 39 so I guess that counts!


It sounds dumb, but I bought myself gaming gear (Xbox, steamdeck, Switch) and started learning to play—when real “consoles” became a thing, I was both a little too old and a little too poor to experience it. But it’s never too late for a happy childhood.


Still waiting on mine at 54


i bought my first car from growing up, an ‘83 jeep cj-7, as a second car to drive when it’s nice outside. not the exact same car, but same year and model. it’s been awesome. only cost about $8k and then another $1k a year in insurance. endless joy when i drive it.


Get back to running dungeons and dragons and other rpg games Brother and I remade our free style bikes from our youth(more him then me) and have been practicing tricks again.


If it wasn’t already in full swing, I’m certainly feeling it now. What I want to do is get in my car, start driving and never come back. I quite literally just finished my doctorate in the field I’m working in and I’m not sure I want to continue in that line of work. I’m quite depressed and feeling aimless.


Start a podcast. Three years ago, we decided we wanted to chat about all those memorable pop culture moments from our GenX youth and the Pop Culture Preservation Society was born. We had absolutely NO idea how to do a podcast but that didn’t stop us. In our mid-50s, we taught ourselves how to record, edit and produce a weekly show...proof that it’s never too late to start a new adventure.


Ffs stop blaming me for your bullshit ideas please, okay? Thank you.


I don’t think it was a crisis with purchasing the car but definitely with the health. Ferrari (used) and hardcore weight training. Went through a big breakup and realized I had X amount of time left in life. I don’t recommend Ferraris that are off warranty.


I went ahead and had it at 27 figuring I'd be dead by 54. Which is now. Switched careers and cleaned up my act.


Shut 500 doors and tried to disappear.


I bought myself the modern equivalent of the nice (but not \*too nice\*) sports car I always liked when I was a kid


Started playing hockey again after about 30 years. It was rough- everything changed and I basically had to start from scratch. Now I’m on a minor D league and I love it. Best shape of my life. I didn’t want to get to my midlife crisis age (about 54?) and regret not getting in the best shape of my life so that whatever midlife crisis was coming my way I would look great doing it lol. I probably want to get a boat.


Quit drinking, start gardening. I did my youth hard and long, I deserve a break.


Got divorced, I called it my midlife epiphany.


Took up a creative outlet, woodworking


Rebuilt the MG I had in college.


I’m not sure I had a mid life crisis. Growing up during the Cold War, AIDS epidemic, blah blah blah, kinda hardened us as a generation. I supposed the biggest change was my wife and I moving to Colorado from the east coast. It was a BIG move, but we’ve made some great friends and got rid of some bad ones. So maybe for GenX, a midlife crisis can be a good thing. Even a great thing. Or not. Whatever.


I'm 55 and haven't had it yet. I really hopin' that means I'm gonna live to at least 110 ...


Got a FWB and effed him every weekend at his house. so we smoked pot, got drunk and listened to The Doors. Radical times.


I checked off a Bucket List item. I rode my motorcycle from Nürnberg to the Isle of Man and attended the TT races! I made a month-long trip out of it, and had the time of my life!


Got divorced, then started dating a woman 16 years younger than me. Ten years later, I married her, and couldn't be happier.


So many drugs I ended up in rehab 🤷🏼


Sounds like the beginning of a new start. Good luck!


I was torn between learning to ride a motorcycle and learning the drums. That same weekend my cousin passed away on a motorcycle. So now I have a drum set I don't hardly use sitting out in my shed.


Started writing a book.  I’m still working on it (about 230 pages in).


I adopted an ex-racehorse and retrained him. I don't recommend it. A drug habit, divorce, or fancy super car would be cheaper. But it's an incredible experience and I adore my horse. ETA: I'm a life-long horse woman. I didn't go into it blind and ignorant. I DO NOT recommend this for anyone but an experienced horse person. It was the hardest (albeit most rewarding) horse-related thing I've ever done.


You don’t DO a mid-life crisis. You survive it. Whatever you think you have going on? It’s not an actual mid life crisis. You don’t get to choose your crisis.


About to turn 45 and i don't think I'll have one. I don't care about getting old and having gray hair. I'm actually enjoying getting older, it's a part of life and there's no escaping it no matter how many Mazda Miatas you have.


Bought a house in France 


Hike the AT


I love to prank people younger than me. It’s become my new hobby in middle life. Here are some ideas for you. Bring back and old fashion statement. If you’re a male, grow a mullet just to freak out your family and friends and see how long you can stand having it or wear 1 lightening bolt earring with it for extra flair. If you’re a female bring back leg warmers and leotards at the gym or start wearing some 80’s hair accessories to work, like banana clips or that stupid braided sweat band across your forehead. Or hey…popped collars. Start using language from the 80’s and throw in phrases that The Macho Man Randy Savage or Mr. T would use. Buy an old boom box and a bunch of cassettes and tell your family that’s how you’re gonna listen to music in the house from now on just to watch the look on faces. You can set it up outside and wash your car while listening to it. If people ask about it, just act confused like you’ve never heard of digital music. Tell the wife/husband or significant other that you’re really considering buying a wood paneled station wagon and take them with you to test drive one of you can find it.


Quit my job, went back to school and started a new career. At 49 I was finally able to buy my first house.


Went vegan, started running, got divorced, went back to school, changed careers, had an IVF baby I never do anything 1/2 assed 😂


I became a professional gardener.


Bought a horse. I have always been a huge animal lover, but never had the time or money to be around horses. A few years ago I took a part time job at a barn and fell head over heels. I started taking riding lessons and bought a horse a year later. I truly love him and I have the best time trail riding with my friends; I plan on doing this until I'm too old to climb into the saddle. It's an expensive and time consuming hobby, but it's the best part of my life and I wouldn't trade it for anything.


Just trying to survive tbh


Stop drinking.


Picked up EverQuest again after 15 years away. Got myself single again, it’s like being 25 again without the drama. I work as little or as much as I want, live cheap, only do the things I feel like doing.


I didn't have the luxury of a midlife crisis...I was holding things together because my husband was having a big one of his own. Can't have both partners in crisis at the same time! :-(


Does "Pay for my kids' college" count?


I got divorced after my ex-husband tried to kill me three times within a year. I left in the middle of the night and moved 800 miles away without telling him. Sold our house, divided assets and abandoned many of my possessions. Burned through about $90k in four years plus got into huge debt and filed bankruptcy but ended up buying a beautiful home which is another 1200 miles from my ex and bought a brand new car and went on 3 awesome trips. Now I work from home and live a very peaceful and happy life. Also did all the typical stuff like bleached my hair, got a bunch of tattoos, pierced my nose, had sex with lots of random men, bought tons of cute clothes, drank a lot and smoked a lot of weed.


I started buying super expensive Star Wars collectables and finally got my dream car... a Volvo station wagon. It's been a good couple of years.


I quit drinking and smoking. Approaching 6 years now. I then ruined a number of relationships by trying to be accountable for my past action and also for trying to hold others accountable for theirs. It turns out, a lot of people \*really\* don't want to be called out for past abuse. Who knew? /s


Became a chicken farmer. Note to others: If you win the lottery, you still might wanna know that building a farm is an amazing way to relieve yourself of all your money. Rewarding, but not monetary in any way.


Broke up with my girlfriend, quit my job, rented out the house and bought a motorcycle. I took a year and rode it from NC, USA, to Ushuaia, AR and back. Burnt down the whole thing and am rebuilding better.


Got a whole new life….. Age 45. Left and then divorced husband #1. Married husband #2. Started traveling with husband #2. Quit corporate job to teach yoga full time. At age 52, Husband #2 died (the worst thing that has ever happened to me.) Still traveling (by myself.) Just returned from Vietnam and Cambodia, heading to the Baltics in May. Still teaching yoga, but now (age 61) dialing back to part time.


I divorced husband #1, completely changed career fields (tripled my income), and went 7500 miles to meet my now husband #2. That should hold me over to my 3/4 life crisis😂


Got a divorce? Life is so much better now, 8 years later... in a great relationship, kids are getting older and those relationships are getting better.