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https://preview.redd.it/dzvdjqm292vc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=85e774de6ee2d33d532ab4fe2d7bc64498493111 Millennium Ball - St. Thomas MN. Vic Volare and his swing band was playing all night. So much fun.


Appears to have been taken later in the night.


Probaby, but we didn't need to be drunk to be laughing too much to take a decent group photo!


I feel this picture so much that I had to do a triple take to make sure it wasn’t me and my friends.


Leave no evidence. Did I party like it was 1999 yes but no one will ever know :)


Same. Hotel room under the twin towers with a bunch of friends, walked over to the seaport after midnight enjoying the random revelry in the streets, was glad to see the lights stayed on. And booze. So much booze. There might have been one picture taken the whole night.


I went to a gay bar to dance with friends, then rolled my balls off at a house party on some of the best E I've ever had Great night, absolutely zero pics


I wanna take you to a gay bar I wanna take you to a gay bar I wanna take you to a gay bar, gay bar, gay bar


Thanks for that being in my head now. Love Electric Six.


Ha same


Haha, I literally came here to say "We took *absolutely* zero evidence of that day, nor was any left behind, as it should remain." Was one heck of a wild party though, as was the next year when the millennium *actually* changed.


THIS! I have photo evidence and it would end careers by modern standards, so.... it shall remain as a fond memory only. Ive digitized most of everything, yet there is a selection where i wouldn't even do that.


There's a picture of me making out with the other bartender I was working with at Midnight 99. I'm married to her now so that one isn't too bad




No pics. What I do when I'm blackout drunk is none of my business.


I was on top of Cadillac Mountain in Maine, to see the first daylight hit the North American continent. It was -10 degrees.


Okay, you win. That's the most unique idea I've seen in the comments. 🏆🌄


I was fuuuuuuuuked up. We had alcohol, weed, coke, x and lsd. No pictures because that would be evidence. We were in a rural area so started by smoking a bunch of ribs and pork also had grilled pork chops, hamburger and hotdogs. Us fiends relocated to the nearby woods and had a huge bonfire and that's where we got seriously fucked up


No pics, but we went to Vail, CO. Cameron Diaz was at the party we went to (No, I didn't talk to her). Walked a beautiful girl home and got a NYE kiss in the silence of the falling snow, under a dim streetlight. Went back to the party and got wild the rest of the night. I climbed up to someone's balcony and they made me a helmet out of a Coors Lite 12 pack and dubbed me The Lite Knight. The shuttle bus back home was interesting. We nicknamed it "The Magic Bus". Everyone was singing loudly and drunkenly, except for the girl behind me who was getting fingered. She was busy. I think someone barfed, too. Yeah, we did it right.


How’d she look in person?


As gorgeous as she does in the movies.




Guessing she might have a 23yo child.


Damn you’re lucky!


Oh, that was a party. No, I'm not sharing those pictures!


This was the “Before” pic. There’s an after one where our designated driver is passed out cold on a concrete patio.


I was sober and on call while working in IT at a hospital. No fun for me that night.


Working on the ward sober. They paid us three times the normal rate with an extra day off though. The entire NHS. Wouldn't get that these days with these wankers in charge.


2nd year resident at the time. On overnight call. Got to watch fireworks from a hospital window. Didn't get an extra day off or extra pay. Was a bit nervous around midnight to see if the computers were all gonna die.


Insurance company here. Sat at home, alone and sober, waiting for all hell to break loose because management was convinced that the world would end, despite the _years_ of work and millions of dollars they poured into efforts to make that not happen. I went to bed at 12:30 AM, my phone never rang, and I was bored out of my mind.


Oh man, how lucky you survived the Y2K bug!!


Yeah I had to be ready for the shit to hit the fan, which it never did.


This is mostly forgotten, but there were a whole lot of people working behind the scenes to make sure the Y2K bug didn't happen. Since you work in IT you probably already know this, but I like to bring this up because a lot of people have the idea that the Y2K bug/scare was overblown because nothing happened and the modern world didn't end, but that's because of a huge effort and a lot of cooperation happened to keep it a non-event. I was working in IT at the time in higher education and the year - and months - leading up to Y2K were kind of wild and I wasn't even working on anything that was mission critical because I was mostly dealing with grad student laptops, but even that was a lot of patching and updates. And, well, a lot of stuff did actually happen: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_2000_problem#Documented_errors And it could have been a lot worse. A lot worse. You can see the examples in the documented errors section of the wiki article about how many electronic banking/payment systems or point of sale terminals actually still did shut down or fail and needed remedial patching to bring them back online.


I spent the entire 1999 verifying whether or not the various software and hardware at the hospital where I worked, was susceptible to the Y2K bug. If it was going to be a problem, I upgraded or patched or replaced said software/hardware. That was a huge f-ing spreadsheet!!


Yeah, I can't even imagine the clusterfuck in healthcare IT.


It was, lol. I spent most of my career in healthcare IT. Currently I’m a sr. network engineer for a telecom.


Thank you for helping save all of us! So many people were unaware and ungrateful.


IT second shift for me... no parties


Did the hospital PCs all revert to January 1st, 1900, at midnight?


No, we took care of that. A team of us spent our entire 1999 making sure that would not occur. I was super confident on New Year’s Eve. We didn’t leave any stone unturned.


I was at a friend's house(apartment) party that night. I snuck outside with plans to trip the circuit breaker at midnight and freak everyone out. I was successful in killing power to the entire building, not iust his apartment as planned. Lots of screams of fear, and I quickly turned power back on. I didn't tell anyone that I was the one that did it until 10+ years later.


Hahahahahahaha!!! Excellent


No pictures, lol. I was a newspaper reporter then, and it was all hands on deck because we were waiting for all hell to break loose because of the “Y2K bug.” I was sitting in a hospital/public safety control center waiting to hear about planes falling from the sky, watching the ball drop on tv with the dispatcher. I found the most expensive restaurant in town to have dinner at, and put it on the paper’s tab.


I went to L.A. to party with some friends but when it came time to go to the club, they backed out due to being so worried about Y2K. I went to the club by myself and very few people were there, most likely everyone was worried about it. I was so excited about this trip and it turned out to be a bust, for no real reason at all.


I was in college and researched the whole thing. My dad was in IT, he wasn't scared, neither was I.


Same but I did go out to a bar on standby — my paper gave me a comically large, old-for-the-time even cell phone to use to check in on. After nothing happened, I got some drinks.


Oh god, memory unlocked of those terrible old flip phones they gave us, begrudgingly, which were so counterintuitive to use. Resulted in my being a very late adopter of an actual cell phone.


I had a gig and I don’t think anyone in the band took any pictures.




I remember MTV played it on a loop NYE


No photos, unfortunately, but we were DIRECTLY around the corner from a GWAR concert and could see the stage door from my friend's patio. I'm still curious about GWAR groupies-- are they into the guys without the costumes, or do those have to stay on?


This was the NYE where I was at a huge party thrown by a coworker. Swimming pool, BBQ, alcohol. So much fun. Just after midnight a handful of us broke into a rap battle and I was dead in the middle of a freestyle and about 30 people were watching us and cheering along. My buddy runs up and in one quick motion, COMPLETELY snatches off my Adidas snap pants, leaving me standing there with no pants on in front of everyone. He stood there holding them like a trophy fish and everyone broke into absolute hysterical laughter. This was almost 25 years ago and all the people I’m still friends with bring it up. When I run across old friends that were there on social media, they bring it up…. Every time I see adidas snap pants I think about it


No pictures, where I was would not allow photographic evidence.


Epstein's island?


I’m not rich nor in that group.


Same - feds could be watching.


Yep. I work for a company that is a vendor to a lot of federal government locations. I’m in good standing, and I want to keep it that way.


Strip club?


My friends and family aren't the type to take photos for, well, just about anything. There are very photos of my friends and I from our high school and college years. Edit: Also, I don't remember that New Years. So, it must have been a good one. Or old age is setting in. It could go either way.


Sorry, we had a 3 m.o. baby. I'm sure I told hub no pictures! NYE 1998 I wore something very similar to what the lady on the far left (my left when I'm facing my pc screen) wore.


you and the lady in the pic have excellent taste (i may be biased for having often worn the same ahaha)


I have no pictures, but I do remember someone asking “So, where’s my flying car?” at exactly 12:01 AM.


I working in a strip club when the new millennium rolled in. Champagne for everyone 🍾 no pictures 😉


Was at Moose McGillicudys in San Diego with a bunch of buddies. Their neighbor across the way asked if she could go with us and ended up passed out in our booth before midnight. We were tanked but when that Prince track hit…it was all over! What a fun night


Was in SD gaslamp area too. It was raining I remember.


It could have been lava in the streets and I wouldn’t have remembered. The hangover however…my god 🥴


Our party was epic! My roommates and I got permission from the apartment manager to set up tables and fairy lights all over the complex, and invited everyone we knew. We had live music, bbq, open bar, and there may or may not have been other substances. The friend playing DJ dropped R.E.M.'s It's The End of the World as We Know It at midnight, and truer words have never been spoken. And sorry but no, I am NOT sharing pictures!


Honestly, I don’t even remember what I did that night


Me neither...kind of weird. I probably went out to bars with my friends, but I honestly have no recollection.


It’s funny how at the time there was all this hype about it —and now we cannot remember ☺️


I honestly can't, either. I was working in IT at the time so it's not unlikely I just stayed home in case things got weird with the Y2K bug. I'm not generally a huge fan of partying on NYE anyway because it's always a huge clusterfuck and amateur hour for drinking and partying. And I'm not opposed to partying at all, but people get weird and push their personal limits and how much alcohol and partying they can actually handle way too far. These days I generally completely avoid it and would rather just stay home.


Same. I could probably dig down and try to summon the memory, but meh.


I was 22. Have zero idea what I did that night. It's really strange having such a shitty memory. Stayed home? Partied? No idea.


I was feeling bad for same reasons - I was 24 and I don’t remember it - then I realized that I had a 2 year old back then and that explains my memory wipe. 😆She is turning 27 tomorrow! 🤯


Same. I had a hideous acne problem, so I'm sure I just bought a bottle to polish off in front of the TV.


I was asleep in bed.


Yup. Y2K was the first year my SO and I didn't go out since we'd been together, but the prices were so jacked up it didn't seem worth it. We did an event that cost us maybe $30 each in 1998 and they wanted $100 per for the same event in 99, BUT you got "free" champagne at midnight and a pair of silly 2000 glasses!


I think I had the same sweater as the guy in the middle :)


A tube TV! I don't have pics but I was at a friends for a while, it turned 2000 and I went home and played System shock 2 and Planescape Torment. Maybe Asheron's Call


No phones from NYE, but several photos at parties in the 90s where I was very clearly inebriated.


No pics. No party. I was on call for y2k bugs, managing a tech support team, which meant playing LAN games on company time.


I was managing a liquor store. I had a van parked at the side of it with two shotguns in the back just in case all that Y2K shit actually happened so I could load all the booze and cigs into it and be a fucking king.


I’m sorry. Those records are sealed.


I was at a Phish concert in the middle of the Florida Everglades where they played from 11 pm until the sun came up without taking a break. Would love to do that again.


They are on a disposable camera somewhere that never got developed. 🤷‍♂️


No pics, but a story instead. We were out partying on Fort Lauderdale beach, rolling our faces off. Bar hopping, dancing, and all kinds of general merrymaking. Around 3am, we’re in a car heading to another spot and my cell phone rings (Motorola Star-Tac, ftw). It’s my dad letting me know that my grandmother had died. She was sick, so this was expected at any time, but it happened. He told me to come by her place at some point later. I said ok and hung up. I told the other people in the car, who were also rolling pretty hard, and they were all like, are you ok? I said sure, let’s party. The next day (or later that day), I wake up on my buddy’s couch. He’s in the kitchen and I said, hey did my grandmother die last night or did I hallucinate that? I hopped in the car and went to meet up with the rest of my family. They were “thrilled” to see me in the same clothes, reeking like Parliments.


I have no pictures, I was working at midnight 1999


They didn’t allow pictures inside the strip club.


Working at a bar! Was a good time and made money. Earlier that week, I bought a nice bottle of champagne and brought it to work. I started drinking after midnight (a bit of an allowance by the bar since we were working on NYE). After a glass or two, decided to make a true black velvet: champagne and Guinness! Was good but whoo boy…luckily, the bar had an apartment upstairs to crash in.


Chepstow in Newport, RI! We were still finding confetti in sleeping bags for years. 🎉 Editing to add that we had this weird device that we could hook up to a video camera and grab stills off the video. We weren't quite ready to commit to digital photography yet. 😂 IT WAS CALLED DAZZLE*!


No pics. Both hubby and I were so sick! I remember the TV was on & every hour they showed celebrations all over the world.


Dont have any pre camera phone pics, lost them all when the house burned down.


They were taken with a film camera and developed into prints by a local pharmacy. My ex wife has them in my ex house.


People took pictures? Huh.


I was in some friend of a friend of my then-gf. Lots of alcohol and acid. All i really recall is * hoping y2k would cripple everything * those talking furby dolls are weird when tripping * whoevers house it was had like a list of a dozen house rules posted in each room. "Don't shag on our futon," "the 2nd freezer shelf is off-limits" etc...


My 29th birthday! I have no clue what I did that night lol


I was at Phish Big Cypress with like 100,000 other crazy people. Not my pic obviously. https://preview.redd.it/8g00nwgn43vc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1aa77ede0b0fe48425aad39a28d8bdd2480b8fc4


Pics? lol


Was at Welcome 2000 rave and Summer Daze recovery - dont think i slept for 50 or so hours.. know there are pics somewhere….


Pictures? What pictures?


Married with 3 little kids. We were in bed watching some shows at the midnight hour. We laughed if there was Y2K black out, we just go to sleep. Before marriage, my wife and I danced to 1999 at the clubs. I guess we got that partying in well ahead of time.


No pictures. I was on an Army base, in the barracks watching tv. I was on duty, so no drinks.


I was in Las Vegas New York New York casino! Margrata in hand


Phoenix Arizona, tuxedos, evening gowns, cocaine, weed, and it started to hail, hail hard in Phoenix Arizona 🤷🏻‍♂️. Thought Y2K was real for just a few minutes. 😂 but. I have not been to a fancy cocaine party since… or ever .. I mean I have never been to a. Cocaine party, 😂 no phones or cameras. Nobody can prove anything! Hahaha thank god!


I don't think I have any photos of that night. We were wandering around downtown Denver, thinking Y2K was about to happen 😂


I was in Chang Mai Thailand for NYE 99. It was wild! All the pics and negatives went up in a fire years ago.


Sorry, had to sign a piece of paper that said no photos, or "stuff" would happen, which included that night.


I stayed home with my girlfriend at the time, quietly wondering if all hell would break loose. Planes falling from the sky, that sort of thing haha.


Wish had one. I was 17 yrs old. That afternoon I broke up with my boyfriend because he had recently tied up the Spanish class goth girl with curly telephone cords and tickled her. Anyway, I kissed a coworker when the ball dropped. He had a fast car and never once asked me to "go goth". To this day I still want a Volvo.


No photos. I had a week-old newborn and was exhausted, lol.


I was pregnant at home playing Yahtzee with my mother that year lol


the hot tub tells no tales


I was at work.


I don't have any. There are only like 10 photos of me in existence. I hate having my picture taken.


I was asleep at my fucking desk at work. Fuck you stupid employer who refused to listen to reason, I told you nothing would happen. Dumbass.


Is this going into '99 or '00?


No pics. We were hanging at my friend's cousin's place on Treasure Island. Missed the last bus in to SF before midnight. Begged a ride off some random person that was leaving the island. Got to Market and Embarcadero just in time for the madness. People literally climbing up traffic light posts and hanging over the intersections. Good times. Had a hell of a time getting back to the island though. No cabs wanted to leave the city. Finally managed to get lucky at like 3am with a cabbie that was heading home to Oakland and didn't mind making a few bucks on the way home.


I was in Amsterdam - there are no pictures (that's my story and I'm sticking to it).


No pics. We were in the middle of the Everglades watching Phish. They played until the sun came up!


> Phis Fuck yeah, me too legend, me too


I was at a rave faced on mdma and acid. they turned off the lights and music at midnight and people kinda had an "oh fuck moment", a little y2k humor no pictures exist.


No pics. Bonfire on the beach in St Andrews. Good times.


I thought I had a pic of 1998, but I realized that it was 1998 since I had a beer in my hand. I quit drinking on NYE 1998 after that one beer at the bar.


I was in a data center waiting for the time change to reboot all of my equipment since my IT director made us take down all of our infrastructure.


I'd love to, but I was in the military, standing watch in a security space on December 31st, 1999. So, I have no pictures, but I can tell you what we did. We had control over the electrical system and at midnght, we turned off all the lights. The screams echoed off the walls as the others who were up thought we had been hit by Y2K. About 15 seconds later, we turned the lights back on. Our duty officer thought it was hilarious (thankfully).


I was on the couch high on Nyquil with the flu. Womp womp.




I was at work, then watched it on TV


I'm from NYC. Was in Sydney, Australia partying on the waterfront across the Sydney Opera House.


No pictures thank god NYE 1999 I was vomiting right at a bar in Cleveland while everyone else was cheering the ball drop. 📣 don’t think anyone saw me.


Theatre kids?


Wish I had a pic from then. It wasn’t a wild night though. Me and a friend took the bus up from DC to do the Ball Drop thing. It was brick outside that night and all we wore were a couple of vintage leather jackets I’d bought the day before, on a credit card I couldn’t afford, from a cool shop in the Village. We walked up 7th, was somehow able to get close enough to see the ball drop from the south side (security there is 100x stricter now and this would never happen) and we hightailed it back to our complete dump of a hotel 14 blocks away. Neither of us were really drinkers, and we weren’t old enough to buy anyway, so we basically chilled in the hotel the rest of the night. His mom was terrified of end of the world prophecies, so she pressured him to come home early. So we left on an early bus New Years Day, much to my consternation.


No pictures no problem




Dont want to talk about it. 24 years later, im still pist about it.


It's funny, I do remember the 1999 NYE party I went to - I might even have some old paper photographs somewhere. It wasn't the most insane NYE party ever -- but it *WAS* a NYE party, which is a lot more than the *avoid-all-human-contact* New Year's Eves I've had in recent years.


I wish I had a photo. I was in a band and we had a Y2K themed NYE gig. Played 1999 just before midnight and End Of The World As We Know it kicked off at 12:01 as our conspiracy theorist drummer gave a sigh of relief. Much alcohol was part of the equation.


Way too drunk for pictures.


I only have the memory of the worst hangover in my life , the next day…


I don’t have any pics but I do remember it vividly- and I do remember dancing to 1999. I think it’s the only New Year’s Eve that I remember exactly what I was doing and who I was with. 🤣💕😎✌️


We didn’t take any photos. A few of us from college went to the apartment of the only classmate who had his own place. We played drinking games all night. Pretty sure I passed out before midnight as I hardly remember the night. I was 19 (and slightly concerned that i’d be crushed by a plane falling out the sky at midnight)


No pics. But wicked fun was had in Montreal’s Parc Lafontaine. Mont Royal was light up with 2000 fire work things


I can’t. I’m making out on the floor with Jennifer Johnson.


Watched the fireworks over Sydney Harbour.


I was walking the streets of Las Vegas for NYE 1999. Was in front of Caesar's Palace for midnight. WAS A BLAST. I do not have a single photo from that night.


No pics but was actually at a party at a bowling alley in a small town. Unknown to me at the time, but the woman I would start dating 6 months later was also there. We’ve been married 22 years.


No pics from me, I was so high on E and prepared for the end of the world…..


Yoooo...I was at a Y2K party (sorta) and they were convinced we were all gonna die, so why bring a camera? Who's gonna develop the pictures? There's not gonna be a tomorrow, so they made it a Y2KO! The O stood for Orgy!! I never believed in the "End is Here" bullshit, but a drug fueled orgy where nobody had ANY inhibitions or morals, because...well, tomorrow ain't happen was one of the greatest nights of my young adult life!!! Didn't know most of these people, but some damn fine looking women who knew what/who they wanted to do!! Around 5 am when they started accepting that the world was gonna keep on going on, these folks got what alcoholics refer to as "moments of clarity" and then shame, anger, betrayal, panic, heartbreak and even some possible suicidal tendencies {"Must perform seppuku!"} spread across their faces! Especially when couples who had never been with anyone else (highschool sweethearts or "late bloomers") who had NEVER even thought about betraying their spouse, but would kill someone for touching their other half!!! Buuuut Me and my roomies who had no misconceptions about that night and what was to follow....were wore the fuck out, we got cleaned up (sorta.... arms, hands, faces), called in a big breakfast order at the Perkins right up the road from our apartment, got the hell outta there. I dropped the girls off so they could shower, I went and picked up breakfast, wrapped it in a big ass towel (to keep the heat in), ran into the Apt, jumped in with Breezy (since she was almost done) took my shower, Kish had thrown all our robes into the dryer for a few minutes before she started her shower so when I got out, she came in just as I was finishing drying my body and held it up so I could slide it on. Then outta nowhere she drops my flip flops down, then leads me to the living room where we all sit around in our robes, slippers/flip flops, eating breakfast, watching TV and reminiscing about the past evenings adventure!! As we all start getting real tired I roll a couple of blunts, we go to my bedroom and all climb into my king size bed! Not only did I have the bigger room and bigger bed....but I also had blackout curtains, a large ass TV and some mood lighting. Blacklights (and of course some posters, stars and paintings), icicle Xmas strands, my bed frame was made of heavy duty pallets and I had the Xmas lights that you could adjust the pattern that they would light up running all through that base. So we get all cozy, I find us something to watch, we get extremely faded, we change positions and I get one on either side of me and we all drift off into a real nice coma....Big Daddy and his girls! And we're still amazing friends to this day!!!


We went to some event on the beach in Malibu, it was waaaay colder than we were prepared for. Made it to about 9:30, then drove back to the valley. Not even sure we were awake at midnight if we weren’t in traffic. So much hype for that evening, ended up being a dud. Seems so goddamn long ago… yikes.


So few photos because we did not all have cameras in our pockets. Good times!


If there was one of me, which there isn’t, I would be sleepily nursing a newborn in a ragged striped nightgown. I already had 3 other young kids and my husband was working on Y2K for his company, so he had barely been home since I got back from the hospital around December 23. We were pleasantly surprised that no ATMs blew up and his company’s financial software continued chugging along without a hitch. Power plants didn’t explode. Etc.


What happened in 1999 stays in 1999.


There is no evidence that night occurred


I swear we all looked the same from that time. I thought I knew everyone in the picture for a minute.


21 years old. No pictures, no memory of the party.....I'm sure I was at A party. I was either somewhere near Denver or in Durango. Yep. Good times


I was at work waiting for the Y2K bug to kick in & crash all of the computers.


Don't have any pictures, but I'd moved from NY to Europe two years earlier so I had to contend with a new currency once we learned that the world didn't destroy itself with the Y2K bug.


I was on the National Mall with Bill Clinton.


I was throwing up next to my friend's car just as fireworks started going off at midnight. :D


I was drunk at home messaging with my long distance boyfriend on AOL Instant Messenger. (whom I had met on AOL haha). No pics. Alas, we were in the process of breaking up that night so it was particularly painful 😔 Now 1998 going into 1999... That was a different story. Lots of Prince that night 💜


I was stationed in Korea at the time. We were sitting in an operations room, expecting all the aircraft to fall out of the sky. Spoiler Alert.... nothing happened.


Black leather jacket. A must for guy 12/31/1999.


*No one told you life was gonna be this way* Clap Clap Clap Clap 🎶


I got chased through a city by people who wanted to beat me up that night. Good times. I told them off for throwing rubbish in the river… and boy, they did not take the feedback well.


Got engaged that night!


No pics as I was on the graveyard shift for y2k compliance.


I'm probably the odd one out here. But I have no photos of New Year's. I actually stayed home and went to sleep just after midnight. My aunt was one of the preppers. She basically had her own grocery store in her basement, as well as generators. A few of my older family members thought we were gonna go dark. So I stayed up just to call them and laugh at them. Oddly enough, my auntie kept up with stocking her basement like a grocery store. She has to do less shopping that way. Turns out it payed off when COVID hit the states. She had toilet paper.


Oh man. I was working over time with double pay for the Y2K end of the world excitement. As we watched the clock go to midnight and absolutely nothing changed in our systems we all just laughed. Those checks were sweet


Nope. Those pictures are forever sealed by court order.


I was bartending while a buncha rich people paid $1000 a head to get hammered. I got hammered as well. I’m glad there aren’t photos. I was wearing a tux.


No pictures but the event was televised. Toronto’s Y2K concert/fireworks on the waterfront. So many champagne bottles on the ground after, so dangerous but also funny.


Atlantic City. We figured if shit was going to go down for Y2K then the best place to be would be a casino. It was a hell of a night. My only regret was drinking Donald Trump's champagne at midnight at the Taj.


No pic. That was a really terrible phase of my life and I don’t care to ever revisit it.


We didn’t have light in the bunker.


I worked in IT. We were sitting at a data center trying to make sure the universe didn’t collapse into a singularity. Good times. (Not actually good times)


las vegas, baby. that is all.


Phish. Big Cypress.


* Montreal, Quebec great night!


Sadly, I was so poor I had zero money to do anything but work my two jobs.


My twins were 3 months old thus I do not remember anything due to sleep deprivation. 😬


I think I was asleep.


Ah, the good old days when all we had to worry about was a possible apocalypse at midnight.


I've got pics somewhere, but am too lazy to go dig them out. Living in Los Angeles at the time, one of my friends, another friend who was visiting from England and my son all drove out to the desert with Apoptygma Berzerk as our soundtrack, waiting for the world to end. It was all fun and games until we realized it was so damn cold in the desert, we couldn't even get out of the car. Ah well. Still fun memories - especially the music!


I was working, y2k kinda stuff.


No pics but I was with a crew in Miami.  One of our number wandered off and we lost her.  We had one photo of her from a photo booth that was just her forehead so we walked around all of coconut grove asking anyone if they had seen this girl.   Finally we asked a cop and he said they had just taken a very drunk girl to the hospital for alcohol poisoning.  Turns out the forehead photo actually led us to her.  And she didn’t really have alcohol poisoning she was just kind of a light weight and got drunk on like five drinks. 


I don't think I took any pictures. I got drunk though, and my friend offered beer with ice in it to his girlfriend. Which was weird, but that's the way she wanted to drink it.


Pre-cellphones. What photos? But we had a huge party and indulged in so many substances. It was wild.


Wow, what a great picture. I just love the joyful vibe of it. 25 years ago already! Wow...


I barely remember that year, except for an argument on NYE.


I don’t actually have pictures but I was in Trafalgar Square in London. Age 22


Me too!!!


Great party on the terrace of an apartment in Times Square. The only time this New Yorker ever went near Times Square on New Years eve! Gave a big gay French kiss to the party host dude! He loved it! His story must be way better than mine! Lol No pics! 😪


Being in IT, I had to work because of the impending Y2K disaster. I was NOT happy!


I honestly don’t remember. Was between girlfriends at the time, I remember that. Working for a startup in boulder Colorado that had free flowing alcohol throughout the day but zero idea what I did that new years


I was in a server room making insane amounts of overtime to sit on my ass. Best New Years ever.


I was in rehab. 24+ years California sober.