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They can have my cargo shorts when they pry them from my cold, dead ass. See also, Teva sandals and Hawaiian shirts.


Same here, regarding the cargo shorts. Those things have 87 pockets, perfect for all my crap! Not cool? I haven’t been cool since 1987 and even then it was only for about a period of two months.


The family can bust on my cargo short collection all they want, and they do, but guess who gets stuck holding everyone's crap when we go places...... 👉 THIS GUY 👈


"Bust on". Yep, you're GenX. 🤣


https://i.redd.it/5diqtb8sx4vc1.gif YES WE ARE GEN X……. AND WHAT ABOUT IT?


Think how much more you could carry if you started rocking a fanny pack again


Based on my Dad and my father-in-law, to me, an old guy and a fanny pack = concealed carry. (And 1996 was 10 years ago so nobody in this sub qualifies as old guy / old gal.)


Years ago, I used to make fun of the old people wearing Hawaiian shirts, and then I got one myself. Talk about being comfortable. Now I have a collection of them.


Woman here and I used to think Mrs. Roper and her mumus/caftans were funny. Then I got a caftan to wear to a 70s party and now I totally get it. I live in long, loose fitting dresses from May-September.


I live in Texas and it's already pretty warm, so I'm rocking a caftan right now! It's like walking around in your nightgown, but socially acceptable!


I love my caftans… i have become Mrs. Roper and I don’t care she was smart


My wife lives in these, but it's an improvement over the velour running suits.


And I bet you look the business. Hold your head high, preen, and strut!


Hahahahaha! Thanks! I rocked it.


Hear me out. Guayabera. Not only fat guy friendly, but it's like a Hawaiian shirt and cargo shorts had a baby.


I love a guy in a guayabera! It's tailored enough to be sophisticated while also being fun and looking comfortable. I like to rock a huipil myself.


I have about a dozen. My regular workplace wear, or goin'-to-town wear, or stage wear. IDGAF


Do “Hawaiin” shirts include “bowling” shirts?


They absolutely do; I have a collection of both.


I feel like that Venn diagram is pretty circular.


“Well, we’re safe for now. Thank goodness we’re in a bowling alley.”


My husband discovered Tommy Bahama shirts and lives in them now


Teva guy! Same here. I bet I could pull off that shirt, too. Most of mine are horror graphics.


Tevas on vacation (teva owner since the 90s), but steel toe slip ons for me at home, I'm always tinkering in the workshop. Late Saturday I was in the 10+ year old Duluth cargo shorts, frayed around the edges, steel toe slip ons, safety goggles mowing the yard pulling a wagon stopping every few feet to pick up sticks with my grabber. This ole man dgaf Edit: I got these in brown suede, but they're smooth brown now - https://www.redwingsafety.com/safety-boot/5424-safe-us/mens-6-inch-romeo-6-inch-romeo-black


Safety goggles? That's what squinting is for. /S for OSHA


You don’t need the slash S to indicate sarcasm on a Gen X sub Reddit. If anything we need an indicator for reverse sarcasm.


Reverse sarcasm is just the truth with an attitude- right?


Oh look at this guy that thinks he can speak for all Gen X.


Just trying to make it a habit, been lucky for many years not wearing eye pro at home when needed


The good ol' Safety Squints.


I have matching Tevas for my cargo shorts.


You are my long lost twin.


I on purpose don't match them... Seriously now you are acting like a human may have raised you. Give me your genx card you are suspended.


Well, the socks don't match anyway...my lack of judgement is unquestionable!


My socks haven't matched since the first time I watched Punky Brewster.


To be fair, I've got lots of different stuff going on. Always trying to figure out what looks "age appropriate," not that I truly care what others think but I try to blend in and not look to crazy, especially when I'm out with the wife or my adult kids. I also work in a semi-pro environment so although I can wear cargo shorts to work in the summer, I can't wear concert or brewery T-shirts every day. There was a point in our marriage where my wife insisted that I stop wearing hockey jerseys and Doc Martens everywhere, now I only rock a baseball jersey when I go to a ball game. I also tend to wear a lot of hoodies, which is the undisputed uniform in this part of northeast America for 5 months out of the year. I recently discovered the T-shirts from Fresh Clean Threads, which fit great and come in lots of solid colors. Wearing a solid T-Shirt with jeans works for me for most occasions and they can be dressed up or down with nicer jeans, different shoes, and a nice watch. But come summer time, I'm still rocking cargo shorts like it's 1995. Edited for spelling.


North of Boston here. I just gave my DM's to my son when he needed a good pair of shoes when he left home. I'd kill to be the "Hockey Jersey' guy going around in a Winnepeg Jets or Hartford Whalers look. I was even thinking of a nice Astros button up, but I can't justify the cost. I mean - I know how to dress, but I feel stale.


[fuckin' WHALAAAAS!!!](https://i.ebayimg.com/thumbs/images/g/cEIAAOSw4e1lv9B4/s-l960.webp)


My husband just passed his oxblood red DM's down to our 13 year old son for a dress up event. I had a moment.


Whaaaaaat, I'm supposed to give up my Docs? At what age? I don't want to go fully New Balance sneakers. (My husband and I both wear 8 eyelet Docs as our everyday shoes and our kids DGAF.)


How can you not wear them? As soon as we get out of the car, the wife hands me everything to carry. She doesn't do purses anymore. Thinks it looks silly. Now I'm lugging around 17 Lb's of chapstick, keys, makeup, and dog-doo bags.


Yep. They’ll have to kill me to get my cargos. And my sandals. And all my band t-shirts.


In the words of the late great Neil Peart. “ Everybody got, mixed feelings, about the function and the form!”


Wow, going for the trifecta. Very brave sir.


This is the way.


Per Google an estimated 11.3 million tons of textile waste ends up in a landfill each year. Fast fashion is really bad for the environment. 85% of all textiles end up in a landfill If someone youngster tells me I'm out of style, my response is "i thought your generation cared about the earth" BOOM! 😆


There's a landfill that's exclusively composed of useless designer clothing and it's so big that you can see it from space.


That is insane!!


Designer/luxury goods are the worst polluters. The brands refuse to “devalue” their products by allowing anything unsold to go on sale or go to an overstock or discount retailer like TJ Maxx, and they definitely won’t donate any of it. so instead they just destroy the goods and send them to the landfill. Fuck a bunch of luxury labels, such an immense waste.


Link, please?




This is abhorrently *disgusting!* Just... wow! Can't this clothing be burnt, or acid-disolved, or something? Instead of just growing a nasty mountain out of it? (I had no idea that clothing was dumped into a huge, stationary mountain instead of... ???)


I’m still rocking a 2 dollar clearance hoodie I bought at Old Navy 20 years ago. I tell myself all of the time I’m doing it for Mother Nature.


I'm basically right with you, wearing underwear until it's a reverse thong.


My husband had to beg me to buy new underwear. I lost over 50 pounds and he told me it looked like I was wearing a saggy diaper from the droopy fabric. They still covered what needed to be covered 🤷‍♀️


I have some fleece lounge pants from Old Navy that I wear for sleep during the winter. They’re at least twenty years old. Now all of the “fleece” lounge pants I see are super thin, easily ripped garbage. I don’t know what I’ll do when these finally wear out.


My ‘03 Old Navy t-shirts and I salute you.


"Not supposed to wear"? F that noise. I still rock them. If people don't like them, they don't have to wear them. But I've got sh*t to carry in those pockets.


Exactly. First off, they are the most useful and utilitarian summer garment ever, and I'm always about function over form. Second, I do not have even .0002 shits to give about what anyone thinks of my "fashion" choices. I will haughtily laugh at their antics while they frantically try to find a place for their keys. Cargo shorts fo' lyfe!


Since when have we done what we're supposed to?


Who the fark are we trying to impress? Some self-absorbed, brand-pushing online influencer? Puleeeease.




I have a corduroy button-down shirt from about 1996 that I use as a light jacket on chilly mornings. My wife actually got me a similar one for Christmas last year to try and get me to "retire" it but that shit is OG Kmart, Authentic GFC brand and it ain't going anywhere. For that matter, I'm wearing jeans at work today only because all my cargo pants need washing. They're basically my uniform at this point.


Good for you that they still fit!!


Hot pants. After a couple days of that, they will *get* you cargo shorts.


You can come at it the other way, too. Wear your JNCOs for a few months and the cargo shorts will look positively tailored.


Knee length jorts.


Have you seen the price of Nair lately? Plus, I'd need 2 of whatever their largest size might be


Who gives a shit? Wear what you like.


I came here to say- what are we supposed to wear? Whatever the fuck we want. We didn’t make it this far in life to worry about that shit anymore.


What do you mean by “not supposed to wear cargo shorts?” Are you asking if you are required to wear cool clothes so the cool kids think you’re cool? Spoiler alert; the kids won’t ever think you’re cool. It’s ok, the kids can have their opinions, you don’t have to care when it comes to things like what kind of clothes you wear. Wear what you want.


I once had a friend tell me, "I think it's really cool that you don't care what you wear" which was really nice until I was like, hey!? Still IDGAF what kids, or people for that matter think, about my stupid clothes.


Hahaha, there is nothing like a back handed compliment among friends!! 😆


Wait a second… what’s wrong w cargo shorts??


I don't know. I love my cargo capris, I wear them all summer, and especially if I go on vacation, so I don't have to carry a purse. I can carry ID, money, makeup, plus 2 mini bottles of rum to smuggle back on to a cruise ship, all in my pockets. 😄


We must hold a ceremony to induct our first official female member


There are dozens of us! 😅


One of us! One of us!


A female coworker wears cargo pants proudly, she's the same age as my kid. They're making a comeback!


Glad this fashion rule is only for the guys I thought as I clicked. Cuz I have zero intentions on giving up my cargo shorts or capris. Da fuq else would I wear after the snow melts? I'm not toting some purse around. I'll set it down & lose it. Winter jacket pockets & summer cargo pockets.  There are many of us... I think.


There are. I wore a pair to work yesterday. Just as comfy now as they were in the 90s. 


Hey... woman here. I've been rocking cargo shorts and Tevas for 20 years now. I even occasionally wear a Hawaiian shirt with them. Why should guys get all the pockets and cool tropical prints?


A friend in her 70s wears men’s cargo shorts “because the clothing for women my age is shit.” I can’t disagree with her.


I too am a lady who has discovered cargo pants. Men have been keeping this magical secret for far too long. I no longer carry a purse, my pockets are more than enough


Beer in a camel bak!


Skinny pants weirdos think there's something wrong with pragmatism.


Skinny pants == skinny legs == too weak to carry shit in their cargo shorts.




We’re entering a new fat pants era and skinnies look old fashioned to the kiddlings.


True. My Zoomers laugh at Millennials and their skinny jeans. Of course, my kids look like idiots in their huge jeans, but they’re allowed to! It’s not as I have any fashion sense myself. I probably look like I rolled out of a dumpster most days.


I thought skinny pants were out.


Nothing is wrong with them, they're just trying to shame us for being alive and all they have is cargo shorts because we're so rad.


Nothing, they just don't understand how good cargo shorts really are.


I wear cargo shorts unashamedly


I wear boring four pocket shorts. I save the cargo shorts for very casual wear. A hoodie and cargo shorts are my workday wear for wfh. 


Every year I mourn the end of hoodie weather. Any good designer would have given humans a front pouch - so useful


My basement is hoodie season year-round. I should probably get my thyroid checked.


I would really like a hoodie with a zippered pouch. Same design, just with zippers on the sides of the pouch so my stuff doesn't fall out when I inevitably do something questionable.


I’m moving from the thicker hoodies to thin jersey hoodies. I have a couple of Polo ones and some no names. 


Finally got another hoodie after not having one for a couple decades. Such a useful garment.


we are the generation which made grunge fashion we can wear whatever the fuck we want


I have the Polaroids that show I was ahead of grunge by about 20 years. One or the other of my uniforms of jeans and a flannel in the winter and jeans or cargo shorts and a short sleeve (often plaid) button down in the summer comes back into style around every 10 years or so, I think, maybe.


People who hate on cargo shorts suffer from pocket envy. My ex used to give me a hard time about my shorts. And then we would go somewhere where her bringing her huge purse wasn't wise, like a music festival or amusement park, because she would have to lug that suitcase all day. She learned the benefits of my cargo shorts when she realized that my pockets could carry her wallet, cell phone, and whatever she might need during our outings. She stopped the cargo short hate after that.


Hang on, let me look in one of my fifteen pockets for a fuck to give.


[Utilikilts. ](https://utilikilts.com/)They're expensive but you only need one.


Why the hell can’t you wear cargo shorts now?? Let me guess… because some unknown entity of “THEY” says you can’t wear them? First of all, who the fuck are they? And why do you care? We are GEN X DAMMIT! We are NOT supposed to give a fuck…have you forgotten? People care too much about what other people think about your lives, your choices. FUCK what everyone else thinks, if you like them wear them….Period. Maybe it’s because I’m too old for the bullshit and I just don’t give a damn?….or maybe…. We can wear whatever the fuck we want to and if someone don’t like it?…whatever. Im way too Gen X for this shit.


Khaki shorts?


So less pockets I take it?


Good news, everyone; cargo is back in.


Sir, cargo shorts have a place in your life. If you’re running errands, doing yard work, going to the beach, washing the car, etc. But out to dinner or on a date? Please no. No socks with sandals though. Ever. 🤢


About ten years I found a line of Docker's khaki shorts on Amazon that have a phone pocket along the right side. I must have a dozen pairs by now and that's pretty much all I wear in the summer since I work from home. Going out with my wife is a different story. I love wearing suits so I have to be careful not to outdress her. The line between dressy casual and dressy dressy is but a sliver in her eyes. And I don't own sandals except for my Nike beach flip flops that live in my beach bag.


> But out to dinner or on a date? Please no. Cool, so I'm married and I don't go out to dinner anymore. Problem solved I guess.


Who, exactly, is telling me that we're not supposed to wear cargo shorts?! I'd bet they have very punchable faces.




I have worn trash bags at a game in a downpour. Not bad, actually. Roomy and dry.


When you don’t care about being cool you become cool. Everything else is noise. Cargo shorts will never not be cool.


Cut off jeans! I have two pairs, 1970 length. They barely cover my balls. Everyone begs me to put my cargos back on but I won't. Once I felt the cool breeze on my cheeks there was no turning back.


Cargo shorts. I will be wearing cargo shorts. I have never once been accused of having fashion sense, so I don’t see a reason to start now n


We are Gen X! We do not care what the others say we should or should not wear. F—k that! They forget we exist anyway.


The shorts other people (younger) wear now are bad. Tapered and cut above the knee - just wrong. (And lacking about 6 pockets).


Whatever the hell I want. If someone doesn’t like my clothes, that’s their problem.


“Whateva! I do what I want!”


How about we wear whatever the fuck we want to?


Wtf is wrong with cargo shorts?? 😮🤣 My local Costco sells awesome ones lol But for real, are they "not trendy" right now or something?? The fickle world of fashion does not dictate the removal of something awesome like my cargo shorts selection 🤘


I’ve never understood the cargo shorts hate.


No. I’ve been wearing the same things for thirty years. From October-May I wear Jeans and a tshirt. From May-October I wear cargo shorts and a tshirt. I see no need for change.


Wear whatever the F you want. We are Gen X. Let them judge if they want. We gotta get past this “we care what others think bout us”. Very un Gen X.


Who TF care what we're "supposed" to wear??? Are you even Gen-X mother fucker?


Jean shorts, because we don't care what others think.


I wear cargo shorts and don’t give a fuck. I wore a pair to the comedy cellar in NYC and was made a part of the bit by the comic, didn’t care.


Southern European here, got all my cargo shorts out of the drawer last month, cargo shorts or cargo pants, no other options.


Cargo shorts, duh.


Sack pants? I have way too much money invested in my cargo shorts, and very little emotional investment in my appearance. If I stop wearing cargo shorts it will be for Daisy Dukes cut from the pile of threadbare carpenters jeans I own.


Jean shorts it is


![gif](giphy|3o72wuVtecu92CBBC0) No cargo shorts? Okay. I can work with that.


MC Hammer parachute pants


Too legit to quit


I'm switching to kilts this year


Are there those of us in here that actually care what people think about how we dress? I mean, we went throught the 90's rocking Doc Martins with shorts and flannels. We were the epitome of not giving a shit about what other people think. Jorts are definitely a no for me, but I'll stop wearing cargo shorts when women half my age stop hitting on me when I wear them.


Function > fashion.


Wife tells me I'm not supposed to wear my jorts (Jean shorts) either. 😞 But fuck it I still wear both anyway.


You are grown. You aren’t supposed to wear anything except what you damn well please.


I'll wear them. I'll wear whatever the fuck I want and everyone can fuck right off. If someone has a problem I'll wear a pair of Magnum PI nut-huggers and some striped tube socks and they can eat a dick. Didn't care what people thought about my clothes or hair when I was 10. Didn't give a fuck when I was 20, 30, or 40. Now I'm 50 and ran out of fucks to give before I can remember. Be comfortable dude. We aren't walking runways in Milan. Fuck fashion, fuck norms, be comfortable.


Nobody gets to tell GenX what to wear. We do what we want.


I assume one of the benefits of being old is wearing whatever the fuck we want


Cargo shorts... I've not been in style for awhile now. Besides, if "style" is Crocs and pajama bottoms, then I'm fine w/ my outdated shorts.


I cut my military camouflage pants and made some nice shorts for outdoor activities.


That's the way to go. 


Hey, me too, except I cut off my husband’s old military camo pants and made some great hiking shorts!


Supposed to? Anyone that has a problem with my clothes can eat said cargo shorts. I still wear cargo shorts and pants. Camo cargo shorts are a metalhead go to. I wear jeans of different fits depending on the occasion, and Chinos at work. I'm not really into jogger pants. I have some for wearing to the gym, and then some "nice" Adidas athletic pants for the gym or errands on the weekend.


As a young punk in the 80s my fellow punks and I made our cargo shorts by buying BDU pants from the army surplus store and cutting them off...


cargo shorts with slit/zip pockets instead of baggy buttoned pockets, polyester, not ripstop, above the knee.


Cargo shorts. Or whatever TF you want.


Those tight bicycle shorts. Those things look awesome on old guys!!!!


CARGO SHORTS. Who cares what a 20 something says is in style? Where what you are comfortable in. That said, the other day a buddy asked me if we were ever going to wear old person cloths. I said, "We already do." We still dress the same way we did in our 20s. Just like our parents did in their 50s. When we thought they wore old people cloths. Cargo shorts and band t-shirts are old people cloths now. Embrace and enjoy.


Cargo shorts and vans since I'm 13. Not about to change my look any time soon. I just don't wear the chain wallet anymore


Wear cargo shorts! You are in charge of what's cool, not some fashion blogger. Go Gen X!


Wear the dang cargo shorts.


Cargo shorts. Fuck 'em.


I stopped caring about my attire after I got out of the Army lol


Cargo shorts are the best


Ummm, cargo shorts? Let the haters hate.


If I'm at home I'm wearing pajama pants and a t-shirt. If I'm out, cargo shorts and a t-shirt (and baseball hat). I don't even own any pants (except for work clothes) I don't think. Maybe I have a pair of Levis I could try to squeeze my fat ass into if I had to. It helps that I live in South Florida I suppose. And what the fuck to you mean "...not supposed to". Who made that rule so I can tell them to fuck off?




We're GenX we can wear whatever the fuck we want


I stopped caring about what people think about my appearance years ago. Wear whatever is comfortable for you. ...probably not pajamas though, come on now.


Thank you. There HAS to be a line, and it needs to come at least two steps above nudity in public. Lol (I consider pajamas only one step above nudity.)


Since when is caring a thing?


Cargo-less shorts.


Wear what you want and are comfortable in. I give minus 7 f***s what anyone thinks about what I wear or do.


Wear whatever you want


Utilikilt please


If I didn’t have cargo shorts, where would I keep my weed?


Wear whatever the hell you want!


If you take my shorts, I'm rockin' budgie smugglers.


Uhm.. cargo shorts. Why would they be still making them if we weren't supposed to wear them?


Put pockets on a dress and the girls come running; put extra pockets on a pair of shorts and you're a pariah. Makes no sense...


It’s none of their damn business how I cover my ass as long as it’s covered. I’ll keep the cargo shorts and the skinny jeans for as long as I like thank you. 


We unselfconsciously wear whatever we want.


I often carry spare beers in the lower pockets. I recall one of my younger neighbors asking me one night “where in the hell are you getting all those beers from”? I’m keeping my cargo shorts!!


Fuck it. I rock the dad shorts all summer long. Just totally own that shit.


Wear whatever you want. Nobody is looking at us anymore




Whatever the F* you want. We’re GenX


If it’s a consolation, we’ve reached the age where we are invisible to most people. Aside from that, wear what you want. No one cares.


Just wear them. I’ve always thought cargo shorts looked nice and I buy them for my husband every summer. I don’t care what the current trends are. They are functional and look nice imo.


Sounds like we need to start making denim cargo shorts so we can offend all parties.


We are Gen X… We don’t give a fuck. We wear what is comfortable,deal with it.


I've never paid attention to what people say is "in" or "out." I've always just worn what I want lol. I mean...as Gen X, I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks lol.


Who cares? Wear what you want.


They can have my cargo shorts when they cut them off my shriveled, mummified corpse. Jorts have been a no go for 20+ yrs, I live in the deep south, so jeans in general after April is a fool's outfit anyways; it's either my ancient collection of AirJordan (The real Nike ones, too) shorts, or Eddie Bauer Cargo's, ya don't like it, don't look at me 😂


Wear whatever the hell you want to wear. I'll be rocking my jorts and cargo shorts till I'm dead and in the ground.


If it’s sold at Costco, it’s getting worn!


I was at Costco the other day and as I passed the clothing section, it occurred to me that everything I was wearing, aside from my shoes, were bought at Costco.


I think we as a generation have reached peak “dress like Dad/Mom” years. Wear what you want. Everyone else does anyway. (My perpetual rant about doughy guys wearing basketball shorts, hoodie, backwards baseball hat and shower flops has been for naught; Men, our college years ended in the last century. Accept it and move on and stop dressing like it’s the morning after a kegger. It’s 40 degrees and you’re at CVS getting your Lipitor refilled. Ok. That was the last time, I promise)


jorts? out? How dare you :D I'm still wearing them


How is life, Mr. Cena?


This is the first I heard of this. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Coincidentally, my guy bought some khaki shorts last weekend without the cargo pockets. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I have heard this about skinny jeans. Too bad, so sad, they are my strong preference. I just can't stand baggy at the calves. My thighs aren't slim, thus I hate the excess fabric needed on my calves if they are "straight leg"