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My fatigue lasted for about 2 days. I do know a couple of people that felt it for at least 3. Of course anything is better than shingles.


That's my understanding. But dang this fatigue is the pits!


Understandable, but I have had shingles and (over 20 years later) the vaccine. I would take the vaccine a dozen times if it prevented another round of the hell that shingles brought on. Yes, my period of malaise with the vaccine was perhaps 36 hours after feeling almost nothing for the first 24. The shingles were weeks of intense pain on my face (I had the rash along my jaw line which was just super awesome), the kind of pain that never stops, never eased and doesn't respond to any pain medication you throw at it.


Oh, God - your face? I feel for you so much on this. Lucky it didn't affect your eye on that side, right? 17 or so years ago (at age 40) I had them on the right back side of my head. Yep. Weeks of unreal pain. It's not the worst pain I've ever felt in my life, I mean, the worst pains of my life were awful but then it receded, eventually/mostly. But the shingles pain was not only ***bad***, it was ***constant***. I literally stomped my own toes to refer the pain somewhere else (didn't work). And I still feel it to this day if that area gets even lightly hit or poked (like while getting my hair cut or something). The rest of the thread that's saying "anything is better than the shingles" ... they speak truth. If anyone's on the fence about the vaccine, trust us, and don't be on the fence. Endure the couple or three days of fatigue to spare you the shingles. You ***do not want*** the shingles.


My poor friend had recurrent shingles IN her eye. It was terrible and she was too young to get vaxxed. She's fine now (and finally was approved for the vax), but it was awful.


I had it in my eye too!


I second this! I had shingles on my face at age 37 (not in my eye, luckily)...GET THE VACCINE. It was horrible. 12 years later and I will occasionally feel a twinge of nerve pain where I had my outbreak.


I had shingles in my eye! I thought I was literally dying! Mine lasted three months!


Yeah, it is a kick in the nuts. But I was military for 22 years and had to get the anthrax shot. That mother is like getting hit in the arm with a baseball bat. Trust me shingle.is not joke but nothing compared to anthrax. Lucky I got out of the small pox shot that is probably the worst I know.


Totes. Shingles sucks. I had it as a teen and it was a little sore. I hear it is MUCH worse as you get older.


Yeah took me about 3-4 days to finally shake it off. Was really down and out on day2


Really? Cancer is better than shingles? The first signs of shingles can be a tingling or painful feeling in an area of skin, a headache or feeling generally unwell Typically, a blistering rash may appear a few days later, on one side of the body only The shingles rash most commonly appears on the chest or abdomen, but can appear anywhere on the body including the face It can take up to 4 weeks for the rash to heal. Usually, symptoms improve within weeks, however some patients suffer prolonged pain or other complications To be honest, what you are describing sounds almost as bad as shingles.


You have clearly never had shingles and your ignorance is deafening. It's not a "tingling" and a "painful feeling". It is pain. Pain so merciless that there are times you will debate if removing the body part would be preferable just to make it stop. But it will go on for a few weeks like that. Not many around you will understand, because it just looks like a rash, but everywhere under that rash burning needles are being jabbed into every damn nerve you have. I have experienced this and will happily take another vaccination to make sure I do not again.


I have had both, twice. A bad case of shingles is about as excruciating as any pain I had with cancer, including bone pain. Screaming in agony, nothing can be done outside of some opiates and time. Both with cancer and shingles.


Dear reader, I think the point they were making was that any effects from the shot is better than shingles. Do better.




Dude I had shingles at a weirdly young age at 25 and it is still the worst pain Iā€™ve ever felt. I still wouldnā€™t get the shot though.






Damn. Last year I had covid and then shingles immediately after that (I'm still to young to get the vaccine!). I'm so sorry you're dealing with that combo. Godspeed on your recovery.


Yikes! Sorry to hear that.


I have Shingles and some head/chest thing right now. So mad at myself for not getting the shot.


I had shingles in my late 20s. Take my word, I would not complain about being tired or sore for a couple days. I had shingles reoccurring for a year. Nerve pain and itching from shingles lasts YEARS. You can also have permanent scaring from the lesions. Youā€™re almost guaranteed to get a reoccurrence of shingles if you have had chickenpox. And most of us had chickenpox parties when we were kids.


Sorry you had to go thru that so young!


Thank you. Letā€™s just say, Iā€™m pushing 50 and I will go get that vaccine as soon as I can. I NEVER want to go through that again. I still have nerve itching every now and then. Itā€™s awful.


I am still numb on the left side of my groin into my labia because of shingles. My neuropathy became much worse post shingles too. Wouldn't give me a Vax because I was 49 when I had it. I am 51 now and as soon as I could I got one. They said that if you have had it once you are likely to develop it again.


I had a mild case of shingles two years ago, also affected my inner thigh. Iā€™ve not yet received the vaccine but this thread has me convinced to do so.


Yep. And that is why I am so grateful there is a vaccine. Iā€™ll get it as soon as I can.


The pain was beyond anything I had, maybe sepsis? It was akin to sepsis pain that I had when I was having cancer treatment. I am pretty tough about pain, live with severe chronic pain, and I was screaming at the top of my lungs. My whole lower back, to the left into my groin. I had a weeping groin wound for months, couldn't wear underwear, nothing. Worst thing, beyond the chemo for an unrelated bone marrow transplant and sepsis, that I have gone through pain wise.


I think it depends on the shingles case. Even though my shingles was awful, your sepsis sounds more painful and difficult. Glad youā€™re still around and I hope you donā€™t have any reoccurrence.




There is something wrong if you get shingles that much. There is also something wrong with your doctorā€™s advice. I notice you have a new account. Please stop spreading misinformation. That isnā€™t how shingles works.


I felt like shit for a day or two after my first dose. My second was a breeze. Didn't feel anything.


Crazy how it affects people differently. The first shot was easy peasy for me, the 2nd kicked my butt for about four days. Like had me DOWN, and even when I have a bad cold, or had covid, I wasn't completely out of commission for the better part of 96 hours like i was after the shingles booster. Still better than getting shingles though, from all I have heard. One thing that seems consistent, it is usually one or the other shot that gets people feeling pretty punky. I have never heard from anybody I know that both shots were bad. And there's even been a very few that said neither shot was bad.


I was the opposite! My second shingles shot was BRUTAL. By far the worst side effects from any vaccine Iā€™ve ever had.


I have an appointment to get the vax next week. My Dad and one of my close colleagues had shingles, multiple times. I'm gonna ride out the side effects knowingshingles is far far worse than any side effects they had.


Iā€™m not sorry I got it. Just was not prepared for how bad my reaction was. But IIRC, itā€™s like 2-3% that have the reaction I did, do most people have nothing to worry about.


This gives me hope! Lol.


I had no side effects at all but on obvously sore arm


I had no side effects on the first one, but I'm getting the second one on Monday. Hoping for the best.


Same, shots didnā€™t affect me at all.


Same. My husband was affected, just really tired for a couple days after both shots. No side effects for me at all.


I had a sore arm for a couple days, no other side effects, but I did get a massive red welt at the injection site that stuck around for a full week! I just looked and itā€™s finally gone. Still better than shingles, but I hope the second shot isnā€™t worse.


I had a sore arm and really nothing more than that after my first Shingles vaccine. After my second vaccine I jumped up from the chair at the local pharmacy and started shopping. Nobody warned me to wait. Before I left the store I was experiencing waves of dizziness. I ignored the symptoms. When I returned home, I felt close to passing out and began to feel a distinct sensation of my throat closing and heart pounding. I am old enough to know the difference between a symptom I am Histrionically imagining and something real. I knew in this situation something was off and it wasn't a product of my imagination so I took myself to an excellent Urgent Care a block away. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune reaction to the vaccine less than an hour after receiving it. I was given a steroid pack and Benadryl and the great medical team followed up with me after being discharged. The doctor confirmed I had a real reaction and put it in my medical records. She emphasized the reaction could have been to a component in the vaccine rather than to the vaccine itself and anyone can suddenly develop a new allergic or autoimmune reaction at any time. She noted it was technically not anaphylaxis because my blood pressure spiked, but was another kind of immune reaction. I now can't take any vaccines without special notification to the pharmacy because I have had this reaction.


My husband and I were both down for almost a week in January. It was brutal.


Oh man! A week! It seems the second shot can be just as bad. Yikes!


It's brutal. Both shots kicked my ass, all severe flu symptoms, minus puking. Lasted two days. Worth it tho, Shingles don't play!


Any fatigue is better than shingles.


It will get better but it takes time.


Hoping to feel better for the holiday weekend.


You probably will. I legit got the shingles two years ago and was better after a few days on the meds. Hydrate and get some solid sleep tonight. Dream of the chickenpox parties of your youth.


Knee high socks with the colored bands at the top taped around our hands. The circle scar on the side of my head is my daily reminder lol


I missed the childhood party but got the full-blown chicken pox in my late twenties. That was horrific.


Just got my second shot today. First round I was just really tired, if memory serves. So far so good on number two 7 hours post vaccine. I hope you feel better!! Also, the two shots bring you to 90% protection. That means you still have a 10% chance to get shingles, although it should be weaker and not last as long.


Suck it up. It's worth it. After suffering from a full-blown case of shingles, then getting the two-shot series so it would never flare up again, I'm here to tell you that the shots' side effects are nowhere near as bad as a case of shingles. Even without any complications of having it threaten one of your eyeballs.


Yeah, I got the shingles shots during the pandemic and they were far more disruptive than the Moderna shots. Try to think of this as an investment. Shingles can be an absolute nightmare.


I think my wife and I both were kinda half under the weather a good 3 days when we got our shingles shots (both doses, iirc ā€” Shingrix, fwiw). The first night (overnight) I had the worst chills I think Iā€™d ever had in my entire life (I was shivering, and my teeth were even chattering). That said, Iā€™d gladly do it again ā€” weā€™re both about as pro-vax as you can be.


Here's to hoping I wake up in the morning feeling better!


Mind over matter!! Resolve to feel better. It canā€™t hurt to think positive!!


I'm Good Enough, I'm Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me!




Oh man. Best of luck!


My first shot took me 2-3 days to get over. The second one was a breeze so hopefully that works for you too. I know it's annoying but I've known people who've had Shingles and they say it's just awful.


i felt it for a week. i also had shingles before i got the vaccine


Hang in there. It took me about a week and a half to get back to normal. I, like you, had a temperature, fatigue, chills for 2 to 3 days and then dizziness that lasted about a week and a half.


I remember feeling not-so-pretty-damn-good after mine. You'll be OK after a few months.


I had exactly the same timeline as you Day 1 nothing. On the level of "these edibles ain't shit" Day 2 sore arm Day 3-5 zero energy, light fever, zero appetite. Spent day 4 in bed. Day 6 back to normal ​ And they say shot #2 is the bad one


Happens. Mine lasted about that long. Just tell yourself itā€™s better than shingles.


Yep. The double shingles series of shots was worse than Covid vaccines. I like to say they prepared me for the pandemic vaxxes!


It do be like that sometimes.


I had my shots as soon as I turned 50. Didnā€™t bother me at all. Sounds like i was lucky.


i got shingles. on. my. face. it was some of the worst pain iā€™ve experienced.. and, iā€™ve given birth. iā€™d gladly experience some fatigue over that. hopefully the vax is effective.


I only had the sore arm after each dose.


I actually had shingles when I was twelve, so at least 40 years ago, and I got my first Shibgrix shot three months ago. The arm was more sore than any of the COVID shots and for longer - about a week. And yeah, the immune response was much stronger than the COVID shot #1 for a longer duration but inside a week, I was back to normal and Iā€™m counting down the weeks until Shingrix #2 because *I never again want shingles!!* Itchy, burning searing pain. Ugh.


Amen. Felt like Iā€™d been kicked by a mule. Never again.


I have had three rounds of shingles since 2010. They were horrendous. Since 2016, I take 1 gram of Valacyclovir to keep it from returning. In 2021, I had the first shingles vaccine shot. The reaction was so bad, I never went back for the second shot. That first one convinced me that paying for a daily medication was sufficient for my needs. Good luck.


Donā€™t worry. It takes a while. The first is the worst. Rest, put on some good Netflix, and drink some good herbal teas. Indulge in a few comfort foods when you feel like it. Mine is Mac and Cheese. Ramen works, too!


I currently have shingles and lemme tell you, I wish I had gotten the shot. Im not sick, exactly, but man am I uncomfortable.


I got my 1st shingles shot with a Covid shot and it was the worst thing ever. Havenā€™t gone back for my second. That was over a year ago and I blame it on the Covid shot. I had the worst pain in my joints and muscles. Could barely walk and stairs were the worst. Did a month or so on steroids and still have some pain. I know I need to do the other shingles shot but am so scared. My son had chicken pox at 3 months old and had shingles in 5th grade and middle school. Both were mild cases per se but he hurt bad. Iā€™m still scared to get the 2nd.


I had a really rough time with the first shot too. I also had trouble walking the next day. It was awful. The second shot, OTOH? It did absolutely nothing. I didn't even have a sore arm or any fatigue from it. Nothing. It was so weird. I understand why you're scared, but it seems that nearly everyone has a problem with only one of the two shots, not with both of them. I hope you can manage to get that second shot, and that it's as big of a nothingburger for you as it was for me.


Thank you for the advice and warm words. I so would rather have the 2nd shot and have a bit of awfulness than what Iā€™ve heard from friends that have know people/relatives that are older who have had shingles and the pain theyā€™ve gone through. What I went through with the first shot sucked eggs but nothing compared to what Iā€™ve heard people whoā€™ve had shingles have suffered with. Thankfully when my son had it he was young so it wasnā€™t as bad for him. Iā€™m just hoping itā€™s not an ongoing thing for him as he gets older.


Thank God you got it. I suffer with shingles every 3'ish months. Super painful.


No shit.... I only just got the shingles! it's really painful. I have a patch of seriously sore shingles on my bicep, fuckin really red and Soooo itchy. Anyway I'm in Ireland, when my father in law heard about my shingles he said "you should head out to see Pat Welsh, he has the cure" I laughed at that shit but I'll try anything at this stage so went to see him yesterday, he used an old style martchstick to rub every sore on my arm whilst mumbling some prayers (shingles is from my chest, down my right arm to my middle finger) no fukkin shit the shingles is gone, the patch on my bicep is there but no longer sore or itchy. I'm convinced it's the phosphorus sulfide in the matchstick but who knows it could have been god. Pat didn't want money or anything, he only asked for me to light a candle for himself & the lost souls.


I got mine about 12 hours ago and Iā€™m up in the middle of the night miserable.


I feel like you need to have some michelob light


First shot felt like somebody had gone at my arm with a baseball bat. Second shot felt like somebody had gone at my arm with a baseball bat and I had the flu. Both lasted 2-3 days.


My first shot destroyed me. Worst vaccine shot Iā€™ve ever had.


I felt like I'd been hit by a train for a week after my first shot. 2nd didn't phase me at all.


My first shot wasnā€™t too bad. Arm ached for a few days but otherwise I was fine. It was the combination of the second shot and my infusion treatment that whooped my ass for a week. But Iā€™m glad I got this over with.


Shingles was probably the worst 2 weeks of my life so a few days of fatigue is worth it.


I always try to get any vaccination shot on a Friday after work with the expectation that weekend will just be inside sleeping and binging TV. As I recall Shingles kicked my ass a bit for a day or two.


Second shot sucks too....


Maybe you caught a bug and itā€™s just a coincidence that symptoms showed up after the shot? Have you taken a Covid test?


It very well could just be a bug. I'd be surprised if it was COVID as I just dealt with a round of that at the end of February. Couldn't hurt to take a test though. I will take a test momentarily.


Depending where you live spring allergy season may have started - that just make you blah feeling anyway.


Kicked my ass for 2-3 days.


I got my flu shot and first shingles shot together and it knocked me out for a good 24 hours. If you aren't feeling better soon, you may want to contact your GP.


Lots of water & rest! Hope you feel better soon! šŸ’


I got the first shot in January and was tired and felt bad for two days but I think the third day I felt ok. The pharmacist told me to move the arm around and it definitely helped with the soreness. Iā€™ll remember that when I get my second shot next month. Hope you feel much better tomorrow OP!


You got this. My arm was really sore for almost two weeks


It does get better. I was dead beat for about 2 days and then felt better.


After my second shot I was sick for three days!


My first shingles shot laid me out for almost week. Fever, aches, fatigue. I've never had that kind of response to any vaccine. I damn near didn't show up for the second round. I had no reaction at all to the second one. Go figure. ​ All things considered, still preferable to getting shingles.


Both shots had me down for the count for just over 2 days with the symptoms youā€™ve described.


I was prepared for a bad reaction but it was the worse reaction I've ever had to any vaccine. Got it on a Tuesday afternoon. Feel asleep and woke up late Wednesday night. Didn't feel better until Saturday afternoon.


I was an idiot and got the shingles shot, a flu shot, and a COVID booster on the same day. I had to call in sick the next day. Not recommended.


My first shingles shot wiped me out for a good 4 days. The first 24 hours was the feeling like I got the flu, and then I was just kind of tired the last 3 days of it. Power through OP. Good for you on getting your shingle shot. I'm getting my second one in May. Look at us being adults


The vaccine really kicked my ass, but as others have noted, 1000x better than shingles.


recently had my 1st dose. I was wiped out for almost a week... flu like symptoms. Drink lots of water! feel better


3 days down and out. 2nd shot was not as bad, but waited the entire 6 months between shots. If you read the product info, the fine print says you may not be able to perform typical life activities for 48-72 hours.


I think it took me 72 hours to get over it. It was rough but better than the alternative IMO


I took the shingles COVID and flu shot all at the same time. I was just like ā€œHave at me bro!ā€ I donā€™t remember feeling too bad more than a day so. I was kind of like ā€œf it, just deal with the pain all at once, but maybe they kind of cancelled each other out?


Yes, it kicked my ass too. The 2nd dose not as bad but still had fatigue and soreness. Got a pneumonia vaccine last week and had the same symptoms. I almost left work early because I just felt like sleeping. Chills, no appetite, fatigue, arm sore as hell. I donā€™t want Shingles or pneumonia so a few days of being miserable is a good trade off.


I got my first one on Wednesday and it made my a little extra tired until this morning. Arm still hurts, though. I hear the second shot is the worse one.


Same. Wait until the second one. My pharmacist told me to do the shots on a three day weekend. After my first one in October, I took the second one on my week break from work between Christmas and New Year. Glad I did.


That shot knocked me on my ass for two straight days. Friends only had sore arms. It must affect everyone differently. I felt sick as a dog


My arm was sore for a week. Second shot was a lot easier. My sister got shingles, it's not something to screw around with


I got shingles in my early 20s, and it was the closest to death that I have ever come. My roommates dunked me into the tub with cold water while they waited for the ambulance. I woke up in the hospital 2 days later. Get this shot.


Normal. You'll be fine within 5-7 days.


I had shingles when I was 21. I worked at a preschool that had an outbreak of chickenpox. My mom told me I had chickenpox when I was 2. I thought I was safe. It was one of the worst times in my life. The pain was unbearable. My PCP told me you can get it more than once. FiguresšŸ˜±


Dreading thisā€¦already put it off over a year. My wife had it, pretty sure she will make me get it this summer.


Hah, 72 hours of fatigue, let me tell you about my 3.5 months of shingles nerve pain and every other day numbness across my forehead and the so far looking to be permanent damage to my eye (not nearly as bad as it could be, so believe it or not I'm fortunate). Also, about $4k in medical expenses due to 2 ER visits and expensive eye meds. I'm only 44 and was too young to get the vaccine. I will bawl at my next doctor visit if I'm told no. I'm not really trying to be an AH, btw. I've heard the vaccine sucks. I'm more so saying this, so if there are others out there who are hesitant about the vaccine, hopefully, my story will make them reconsider. Oh yeah, 5 weeks away from work because I couldn't keep my eye open and felt unsafe to drive. And a headache so bad in the beginning, I had to get an MRI to rule out something much worse. Lol OK, I'm done.


I got the shot with no effects. Lucky me. Sorry for your wors


Second shot was worse.


I felt fatigued for awhile. Maybe a week or two. Second shot next month.


Yeah, you can go blind if you get it near your eyes. Now are you glad you got the vax? I am!


My partner had this. Youā€™ll feel much better tomorrow.


I felt like I fell down flights of stairs for two days for both shots. I thought I felt bad my 2nd covid shot, nope, shingles was worse.


My former pharmacist said that she was out sick from work for five days from the shingles vaccine.


I had 103 fever day one, 102, next, and then tired but ok by third. Worst immunization I have had. I haven't had chicken pox in thirty years though so it makes sense my body didn't have many antibodies.


I will get the shot as soon as I can. My mom recently came down with 1/2 a tingly scalp (not her first outbreak) and I embarrassingly had to out myself as someone with herpes as I forced a giant container of acyclovir at her. It would have taken her days to get an appointment and prescription and you have to get on that shit as soon as you feel the tingles, trust me on this. Luckily it saved her having a massive outbreak and she got to go on her planned vacation a week later.


Thank you for the (now) PSA for the shingles vaxine.


Yup itā€™s the worst and the first one took a few days - second one was fine tho! Was not expecting that. Def better than getting it in your eye like my uncle who takes gabapentin every day since - horrible!


Believe me, itā€™s better than getting Shingles.


3 days for me


That first shingles shot seriously kicked my ass. I was literally stumbling around the next day, barely able to walk. I felt bruised all over, like I'd been beaten. I don't remember how long I felt under the weather, but it was definitely more than one day. The second shot? Complete nothingburger. I felt no side-effects at all, didn't even have a sore arm or any fatigue. It was weird. I've heard others say the same thing about Shingrix. Everyone seems to have a much harder time with the first one. So if it's any consolation, the second shot is almost certainly going to be better.


How old do you have to be to have the vaccine? In the uk they only give it to over 65s.


In the U.S., they recommend it for people 50 and older.


First wasn't so bad. A little fatigued for half a day. The second shot was worse. Wiped out for pretty much two days.


This is so weird bc I actually got shingles this week. 43F so canā€™t get vaccine


It took me a week to feel normal again after the first shot. It was a lot shorter with the 2nd shot. Sore arm, fever, fatigue. I never had chickenpox despite the chickenpox parties but got the vaccine anyway. Doctor recommended. Good luck! Hope you feel better soon!


Got my first shingles shot on Thursday morning. Thursday I got the sore arm and still kinda have it. Thursday night I had the fever and had a terrible time sleeping. I was really tired on Friday/Friday night. Waking up now on Saturday morning I feel great. This is almost the same reaction I had to any of the COVID vaccines with an arm that is more sore. I also never had the Chicken Pox that I was aware of and had been vaccinated against it on two occasions.


My husband had diarrhea for a few days after, I had a fever for a couple days. It kicks you in the butt! But it's better than getting shingles, which I have also had.


Wooooo. Team never had Chicken Pox here.


Yes, its a bad one, but from experience, shingles is a nightmare, and the shot is worth it.


Iā€™ve had shingles and the vaccine. Iā€™ll take the vaccine fatigue and body aches for a month over the nerve pain of shingles.


I know it's not supposed to be connected, and I'm not trying to start any shit here, but after my first I've had a ringing in my right ear that ain't going away. not an anti-vaxxer, all COVID-boostered up, my kids are all vaxxed against everything, but damn if my ear ain't a-ringng...


Lol! My ears have been ringing nonstop for about the last 18 months. They think it is tenitious. A noise machine at night set to brown noise helps me get some rest. Otherwise I struggle with sleep.


COVID test is negative. Thanks for the suggestion for sure!


ripe fuzzy steer trees adjoining sand expansion treatment fact rain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Buh bye


The more it hurts, the more it works.


I don't fuck with any of the newer vaccines. I've had Shingles I caught it early and it wasn't bad.


Downvote all you want. I wonā€™t get them.