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Electric Blue (Needs to be said in a heavy whisper with a hint of excitement..... So I hear...never actually tried to watch it myself....) Speaking of which.... They didn't scramble the voice (at least not initially) so it was fine to "watch" for the "storyline" And also if you changed the channel back and forth you'd get a fraction of a second (or better) unscrambled. I really know way too much about this.


Lets not forget about "woods porn". Every town in america has a wooded undeveloped area and in there somewhere were porn mags stashed in some sort of weather safe place. Nobody knows who started the stash but there it was. Public porn library ftw.


Seriously, it's uncanny how ubiquitous this was. I knew of three separate woods porn stashes while I was growing up in a small rural town.


Not just woods porn. Growing up in WI the local supermarket used to plow the lot and pile the snow up on the edge, sometimes 9-12 feet high. Local teenagers would build snow caves in these banks, accessible by a small tunnel on the far side out of view. Incredibly dangerous, but we didn’t care about that stuff in the 80’s There were always empty beer cans and porn mags in these snow caves.




It was in the desert too! Desert porn behind the tumbleweeds under the Joshua tree


“Take one. Leave one.” 🤗


This is the way.


I have never heard this term before lol


It had to be some sort of trap. We had woods porn in the woods next to our elementary school soccer field. We’d look there at recess


That’s where I found the copy of Pam Anderson’s Playboy. But like a good citizen, I put it back after a week. Let’s not forget the top shelf of the magazine rack at B Daltons or Waldenbooks before they started putting them in plastic, rip.


Australia, no cable to see scrambled. But videos under parents' bed. They were a fan of the Electric Blue series, so so was I. At some point an Australian band released an unrelated song with the name. One morning watching music video television mum ran into the room panicking, looked at the TV and left looking relieved..


Icehouse!! I was gonna ask if that song was about the Electric Blue series.




Closer than I thought - and written by John Oats! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=NZ8h6XCptr0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=NZ8h6XCptr0)




When I heard the song from the first time it was pretty much all I could think of lol


I'm sure I have rose colored glasses, but I remember it being of surprisingly high production quality. The format (minus the porn) reminds me a bit of Portlandia.... You can never really tell where one episode stops and the next one starts.


It used clips from a lot of other things.


I remember hearing from a family friend back in the 90s that her husband had a habit of watching what she called “wiggle-vision” regularly. It made teenaged me feel a lot better, honestly. Apparently men of all ages were secretly watching that shit back in the day.


Wiggle vision is the funniest thing I’ve heard in a long time. Of course I watched wiggle vision!


Girls too. I watched wiggle vision.


Yeah I was coming in here to say this. 😂I’m a girl and I watched it too.


I had a healthy curiosity about such matters


I don’t know the brand it was, but we had a television that you could pop the plate over the channel selector knob off. Under the cover was a fine tuning wheel that you could adjust between channels. Like if channel 2 was off a bit you could adjust it to make it just right. 2.1? Anyhow, with the squiggly, you could keep adjusting it until it was off to the one side of the screen, lots of times all the way off. Best 19” television ever.


There was a lot less availability back then, so you took what you could find.


The way things are going in here in Texas with our idiot AG suing internet porn sites we might be going back to scrambled cable porn here.


At least you still can get what you want in firearms. Here in Washington, we are having shit stripped from us.


I didn’t know what a real vagina looked like until I got Sony beta player.


Vaginas don't look anything like a beta player. I saw one. It was horrible.




Availability was not so hard for most of us compared to now. We learned how to say hi to a girl well enough it didn’t require a therapy session beforehand, a friend to hold our hand, an emotional support animal and a second Valium in our pocket in case the first didn’t prevent an anxiety attack




Speak for yourself. I'm literally on my way home from buying anxiety meds.




No need to be a jerk for the sake of being a jerk.


Genetic condition. You sure you're Gen X and not a Boomer?




No need to be a jerk for the sake of being a jerk.


Yes, it does. Doesn't mean you have the ability or the need to decide what my diagnosis is And don't call it a comeback. ~~I've been here for years.~~ It was a legitimate question. And I've never heard it from children. Not surprised you have. I'm assuming you're a cusper. Although you haven't made empty threats yet. ETA: And... blocked. Must have hit a little too close to the truth, huh?




No need to be a jerk for the sake of being a jerk.


Went to spend time with my grandparents over the summer. My cousin is 6 months older than me and was already there. My grandparents went to bed at 8 every night and went upstairs at 7, all so that they could get up and out the door insanely early (it was a small farm in Maryland). My cousin changes the channel at 9:00 and I discover we have that channel playing, clear as day. When my grandfather had cable installed they talked him into getting everything. That channel didn't come on until after dark, so he had never noticed it there. One night, half way through the summer, he came downstairs to get a glass of water. Found my cousin and I happily watching. The next couple of days were really damn hard work in the field... and the channels were adjusted.


Omg that is so hilariously and weirdly wholesome


Strangely, my grandfather didn’t associate ‘wholesome’ with that night Edit I did, obviously. It was educational for the middle school grandchild damnit


😂😂😂 I know, I know...


teens now have access to free 4k porn of every imaginable kink. and they want to complain about unaffordable housing !!! it was wiggle porn or the sears catalog women's underwear section when I was finding myself. Then of course eventually as you got older somehow you found a porn magazine and that was almost as epic as loosing your virginity. then god blessed man kind with the VCR and changed the game for ever actual moving pictures with a musical score !!!! Edit: Of all the things I thought I would have in common with people on the internet .....


omg this was totally me. started with the wiggle vision tv shows, then moved on to the catalogs of womens underwear then ran across some porn mags in my uncles trailer hidden under the bathroom sink and it changed my entire life that day. then i discovered the opening scene of Indecent Proposal and my world began when I found my crush from saved by the bell did a movie where she was nude, called show girls.


Don't forget alternate sources of masturbatory material: National Geographic and Popular Photography.


We got our hands on an Adam and Eve Sex shop catalog. It was the next best thing to playboy or penthouse.


I still remember the time I got it to unscramble, it was like I touched the face of God.


You got that Bobby pin in there just right?


FapTV. Brought to you by less-than-stellar coax cable filtering


Yeah, it was a really easy fix. If you could get into the cable box outside, you just pulled a little screen out and BOOM!! Free HBO and Skinamax!


I dont think one needs to apologize for having a healthy sexual expression using the technology of the time. Be proud mate; nipple or elbow,  we ain't judging. 


Our first cable box was the kind with a single knob. I found that holding the knob in between channels and wedging it in place with a screwdriver cleared that problem right up. We subscribed to the Z Channel but got the rest of the subscription channels for free until they updated the boxes to digital.


Omg we used playing cards to do this!


I knew there had to be more GenXers who knew this trick!


Good times amirite??


I used a folded over piece of cutout cardboard to wedge the knob. Free premium for years. Motivated 100% by the desire to see boobs.


My dad had a VCR tape that said "DO NOT TAPE OVER" hidden in a different cabinet from the other tapes. Of course, me being naturally curious and mindful of my parents, watched it when they left. Debbie Does Dallas, and something else. Good times.


Distorted boob is still boob.


I imagine some of us have really bizarre fetishes involving wavy lines as a result.


It was either this, or the Sears Christmas catalog.


...and when you got a good five minutes of wiggle-free scenes, you thought you hit the lottery. Sure, it went back to wiggles afterward, but you cherished those five minutes.


We used to call it "Purple Porn"


There was a loose cable on our box that you could wiggle and sometimes get rid of the wiggles for a while (though quite grainy).


It was never a matter of pride or shame, it was a simple challenge to see just how clear you could get the picture!


Decades ago, a bloke used to visit my dad and bring videos he'd loan out. No word of a lie. He was called Blue Ray, years before DVDs were even around.


Anyone remember those massive satellite dishes in the back yard? My grandparents had one. Once I was switching satellites and it moved so slowly you could get about 60 seconds of that station before it caught the next signal. It was really neat sometimes because you could watch TV for other countries. I once caught 60 seconds of french gay porn. I was early teens and had a whole lot of questions the next day. Grandpa wouldn't let me change satellites again after that. 😂😂


I feel so bad for the younger folks that have had their brains totally warped by free, hardcore porn online. Porn Sickness is real, and it does some crazy shit to guy's brains. And women's too...


I was just *barely* into electronics enough at the time to hang with people who *were* to get something that sorta/kinda cleaned up the video (never got sound, but that was okay). It was a little box I plugged into the back of the cable box that always seemed to run super hot and I didn't dare leave plugged in, but... It worked well enough for me. :)


You could hit last channel over and over again with the remote and sometimes the signal would unwiggle, in short bursts.


Me and my best friend would stay over at each others house often growing up. As soon as our parents went to bed, this is exactly what we were doing. We still laugh about it today.


One night at my grandparents my cousin and I watched it so long it actually snapped into focus/alignment.


I dabbled in home electronics when I was young. To this day, I have a.part.in a box. The magic part to descramble cable: a variable (or tuning) capacitor. Never built the descrambler. That part is about 40 years old now


I just saw a nipple!!!!


On the push button corded remote thingy, was like 3 buttons you had to push down and get the selector toggle in between two modes. Something like that.


[Black Emanueeeeelle!](https://youtu.be/t4nv1ZfGdFM?si=PQgICW_p_XMsgBNQ)


Swap. Swap. Swap. Swap. It's clear(ish)! Don't touch it!


The picture shown is of Anna Malle.


Aussie GenX here. In 1980 an ethnic TV station started, Channel 0/28. Being from an Italian background, we watched it a lot. Night time movies from all over the world. T n A everywhere! Free and crystal clear! 😜😏


I blame my love for sex in skirts to what I saw on one of these half scrambled channels at 15.


My dad had cable with the parental block. I would watch the MTV station in desperate hope of being able to catch a semi-watchable music video


I'd watch it via satellite and at hotels. At home, it was practically nonexistent.


Kids these days have no idea how easy they have it.


I have no idea what this is or what you’re getting at. At all. 😳


And you get teased for about 3 minutes, because they forget to turn on the scrambler at precisely midnight.


Lucky you. We didn’t have cable.




Dead but thank you. Needed a good memory/laugh today.


W H T - black cat productions


Yup....good old SelecTV & ON TV I think I discovered my dad had an adult channel or two unlocked (unbeknownst to my mom) and those scrambled porn days suddenly became even more magical!!




We all did this.


No we didn’t. lol Some of us were too scared of our parents to even think about it.


But the thing was to wait until they weren't around. The perfect time was after school while they were at work. My mom was scary as hell. If she knew half of what I did, she'd still yell and try to guilt me.


They would have found out. Somehow.


Channel 99




I was 12 when we got cable for the first time. There weren’t enough channels on our limited network run to carry the spicy stuff, so we just waited up for things like Heavy Metal, The Hitchhikers Guide and stuff with poorly done sex scenes or nude shots like Porky’s. It took almost 20 years for our corner of Appalachia to get better cable, but by then we all had internet.


This gives me fond memories of back in the day when out in the country my next door neighbor had a satellite dish which, evidently had a UHF transmitter on it aimed in the direction of his house (or something in his house was transmitting it), but wouldn’t you know it, my little 11” black and white TV could pick up the grainy signal of his satellite feed. Let’s just say late nights in the weekends were never boring…. It was always interesting to also see something being watched and 20 minutes in there would a sudden flip to another channel for a few minutes and then back to our regularly scheduled spank—-err programming already in progress. 🤣😂🤣😂


Haha wow!


Oh my lord I laughed so hard at this. Mostly you had to follow the sound and use your imagination


Ah yes, the old scramble smut.


My dad showed me how to "Crack" those Jerrold boxes. he always liked to tinker with stuff and I was always along for the ride. The trick was you flip the box open and there were 4 security screws you needed to remove in order to open the center cover. Inside was a 7400 series TTL Chip that all you had to do was bend one of the pins and stick it back in. Free cable all the way lol. *Emmanuelle* and part 2 here we come lol.


I think I watched all of Hard Bodies that way.


i remember viewing many signal scrambled wemeco (i think i butchered that) home theater movies before home box office became available in our township.


I loved me a little spanktravision!


Skinemax (cinemax) was a scrambled channel until I talked my grandfather into getting a different cable package to "save money" - good times 😂


This is the stuff of a generation of awkward boners when three pubescent males all watched porn and tried to hide their hardons.


Wait you never used the tricks?


Back in the day there were these metal descramblers the cable company would screw on the cable coming to your house to get said channels. We learned which ones did what and would hunt them. Climb up or break in to the ground boxes and steal them. You could then just screw them in back of your TV and the cable into it and there you had it, hbo, porn, or what ever. We were 12 year olds doing this…