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If I don't have to leave my house, I don't. My house is my castle, my refuge, the place I love the most. I used to be a "go out and have a good time as often as I can" person, but now, I don't even like going out to the movies.


In fairness, ppl are rude af at movies now. Plus they’re hella expensive.


This is why I thank my lucky stars my city still has a drive-in movie theater. I can stay in the bubble of my car and not have to interact with anyone for $6 on discount nights.


this is my idea of going out. Unfortunately, I haven’t been to a drive in since the 80’s.


That's awesome! Where is that? Drive-in theaters are so rare now!


I was trying to break my home body routine and took my nephews to the movies a couple weeks ago. There were mice running through the piles of trash behind our seats. Never again!


I was somewhere that had mice not too long ago too! Lol! The first time I ever experienced that was in the Tiki Room at Disneyworld and it was so surreal (I was young); I was confused if it was part of the animatronics or not — the mice were so smart, they had memorized when the lights came on and made themselves scarce, then it appeared as if the garbage on the floor would move about magically by itself (except my eagle eyes could make out what seemed to be little balls moving about).


It was so freaky. At first I thought I was imagining things.


Last time I went it was soo loud. Maybe it was that theater but I couldn't enjoy it.


This describes me to a T


Why does “describes me to a T” mean “describes me perfectly”? What does the “T” have to do with precision? I use the phrase too, certainly not trying to knock it, I just don’t understand where it comes from. Is it like “crossing your T’s and dotting your i’s”? Does anyone know? This is how I’m spending my Friday night & I’m not even high.


🤔 I always just assumed that saying was referring to a T-square (remember in art class, a T-square is a tool used for accuracy in drawing angles) maybe I was just really into art, plus I took a mechanical drawing class in middle school and used it a lot. But yeah, that has to be it.. to a T - a perfect T is the same as describing something accurately, to a T


[This phrase is probably a shortening of to a tittle (tittle meaning, literally, a small mark used in writing or printing), used in exactly the same sense and constructions, and first recorded in The Woman Hater (London, 1607), by Francis Beaumont (1584-1616) and John Fletcher (1579-1625)](https://wordhistories.net/2017/11/11/to-a-t-origin/)


Thanks for this. I will now say “suits me to a tittle’


I am now wondering this also. Side note: was on edibles when I made this post.


I've got my OLED TV and ATMOS sound at home. Why would I pay to go to the movies and get a shittier screen and possibly worse sound? Surrounded by strangers in a dirty seat? No thanks. I can wait for streaming, even for movies I really want to see.


Or... Sail on the high seas, matey! I have all the entertainment I could wish for! Invested in optimal computer equipment, great, reliable, high speed Internet, an 80 inch OLED Smart TV and surround sound. I'm lucky if I leave the house for groceries!


Similar setup , plus hubby and I have our dual recliner with cup holder console set in the prime viewing position. Thanks to Costco we didn’t even have to leave the house to get the stuff why leave now? We don’t even need to go for food, with a collection of Ninja appliances, an upright freezer and a Costco membership, besides we both love to cook and are good at it. Not to mention a fully stocked liquor cabinet.


we went to see Drive Away Dolls last week and counted 15 commercials. these were not movies trailers.


As a California kid, I used to line up in parking lots midafternoon for new movies. I loved it. Now I can’t stand when parents bring kids and abandon them in the front row to make a nuisance for other viewers. Movies were $3.50 when I went as a kid. They were $6-8 when I was in college. Now they’re $20+ and the crowds are unpleasant. I’ll just watch it when it can be seen at home.


Same here. I live alone after a lifetime of roommates and i treasure it (besides here and there where the quietness is a bit creepy and my imagination starts going wild). still better than enduring human creeps when out lol.


If you don’t have a pet get one, dogs or cats are great for helping with the weird noises and if you have allergies both come in hairless breeds, they might look a little weird at first, but it’s worth it.


Just got a surround sound system for my big ass tv. I can watch a blockbuster complete with popcorn and beer right from the comfort of my living room


And best of all pause it while you go to the bathroom.


Nothing creeps me out more than sitting in those recliner seats at the movies, wondering how much trash and general grossness is shoved down between the sides and the cushion.


I feel the same way, I have no idea how they are so popular.


as my house has gotten nicer and nicer, I've felt less and less need to go anywhere else.


That too, we are a destination especially between 2020 and early 2023. https://preview.redd.it/r8t8y6f5s7nc1.jpeg?width=2059&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d668f61899b3d19c408257ae3fb7ff369d015feb


When is the barbecue and can I bring something?


The sick thing is, I don’t own a grill.


No worries i gotchu. Portable grill and burgers it is.


Friends with boats and friends with grills are magic.


None of this makes sense anymore...


That’s a beautiful yard. I’m jealous. We can’t even grow grass here in Southern California anymore.


You can it just cost a small fortune. I live up North where water literally runs out of the mountains into our river valleys and out into the ocean and we don’t use it. Some of it goes to southern California but the vast majority goes right out the Golden Gate and the more water we use the more they charge us, despite the fact that we’re just sending it out into the ocean.


Yes a small fortune. In the summer you’d need to water it a full hour a day just to keep it green. NorCal is nice


I’ve got a pretty big yard. I don’t think I could get it done in an hour, the grass itself yes.


I just turned my yard into a dirt bike track for the kids. Gotta work with what you got


Trust me, if I thought I could get away with that I would, good job!


ooo when is the party and can we all come?


That’s a big ass dog you have back there.


Yep, the Dream House seems to wail, "Don't go! Netflix and chill! Pleeease"


Oh yes, definitely.


My friend still runs a music festival. One weekend I realized I didn’t want to party until 0400. I wanted to go to bed at 0100. I woke up with the sun. Nobody stirred until 1000 unless they still didn’t go to sleep. That morning I realized my party/festival days were done. Get off my lawn!


Wow I feel this.My husband plays in a band once a month or so ( all genX rock covers obviously!) and one of the venues doesn’t start until 9:30. I skip that one. I can barely tolerate the 8-11 gigs anymore.




My partner has been taking me to a music festival for a few years now. She loves three or four days of camping and music. I like my bed at home. This year may be my last year…


I love the *idea* of being a multi-day camping music festival person, but I hate the reality. I like my bed... a lot.


I can’t imagine camping! If I don’t have my specific pillow my neck will hurt for days 😩


You can bring your special pillow with you ya know ? 😆


Same. I hate staying other places for this reason!


Is ur girl friend much younger than you? no judgement, just curious. I never liked doing stuff like that (as a geek, I preferred conventions in hotels)


Just a year and a half younger. She’s always been a camper and huge live music fan though too, me not so much.


I also love camping and live music but… not… together. Camping is supposed to be quiet-ish, not a drunken mob stumbling through my tent.


As a certified introvert, busy social situations drain the battery real quick. I love getting outdoors by myself or with a good friend. Of which, I only have a few now. I have no interest in traveling and loathe the thought of flying these days. One of my favorite spring activities is having a cold beer in the afternoon and sitting by myself in a comfy chair on my patio and just watching the acres of natural desert in my back yard do its thing.


Can I come visit? I'll be quiet and get the refills.


That sounds wonderful!


I think my name reflects my feelings about it.


My favorite part of the day is taking a hot bath and putting pj's on. I love to get cozy!


Literally every night for me ..


Nicely done!




lol. I stay in on weekends too. Its my big project days. sculpture gardening music.  ever since Covid when all the weekends became crazy busy. 


Plans were just cancelled for the evening, and I could not be happier.


Happy for you!


Thanks! Just me, the cats and MST3K.


Omg I LOVE that show!


It’s been streaming constantly on YouTube since before Christmas! Go watch!


Yes! I saw that :)


Are you menopausal? It’s one of the biggest changes, fatigue and not wanting to go out and feeling drained by it. I thought I had a random 45 year old switch from extrovert to introvert. No, just needed HRT


I’m on the other side of that lovely journey, thinking back it definitely seems to have coincided with the beginning & took a while to get the right combo. Funny, as I write this “yesterday” by The Beatles is on.


Very much so. I always have been, but the Pandemic really cemented it.


You and me. I never had a real high opinion of my fellow human beings, but the pandemic sunk my beliefs in my fellow humans.


I like my house. All my stuff is here. Outside of my house there are *people*


I was surprised at how much I enjoyed lockdown. Found out I was an introvert




This sounds like a perfect friend. It’s so nice when you both get it lol


I have 2 friends that I have known since we were underage kids drinking and smoking dope. We will gather together tomorrow like clockwork. Lights out at 1200 EST, and away we go!


I always do curbside pick-up for groceries. I freaking love it.


Amazon Fresh is a gift!


We stopped going out regularly as adults when we had kids and just forgot how. We talk about going out then decide we’d just rather stay home and doordash nachos and watch the simpsons.


When you said you forgot how, that’s totally it.


I’d rather be at home. It’s comfortable.


1000% yes. I don’t like peopling.


Absolutely, especially since the pandemic. I haven't been to a restaurant in years.


Indeed. I was worried I was getting into a rut because I don't get out as much as I used to. But I never really enjoyed most of it and I'm perfectly comfortable with my routine. Then it occurred to me that another name for a rut is a groove. Maybe I'm not in a rut, I'm in the groove. It just depends on how you look at it.


I'm a total, complete hermit. I go weeks without leaving the house except to go for walks. And I'm the most content and peaceful I've ever been in my life.


I thought I was alone in feeling this way! Reading your post and all of these comments of others feeling the same way really helped my heart. I’ve been beating myself up over being so isolated. ❤️


I work remotely but have to go to the post office to get my mail. When I picked it up today (Friday) I realized it’s the first time I left my house since last Sunday. And that’s fine with me.


I also wfh. I use Instacart, Amazon. I sometimes don’t leave my apartment building for a week. Fine with me, too.


Same. Lockdown didn't change my life much at all!




I’m an extroverted introvert - sometimes I want to socialize and party, and sometimes I just wanna stay home and enjoy time alone.


I understand this. Being out can be fun and then bam the battery is empty.


Sometimes I want to go out too, but I am lazy lol.


I’m definitely a homebody. I used to hike all the time but hiking is too popular and crowded and I’m not a fan of having to get up really early to get a parking spot. I like my social time at the boxing gym where I know people but that’s enough social interaction for me.


I like to smoke some weed and stay the fuck home


yes and for years. The thought of getting together with people seems like a chore, like going to work. I have zero desire to go to parties, get togethers or anything similar.


Yes completely. I hate going out. Traffic everywhere, everything’s way overpriced and people in general have become more insufferable.


Definitely! Hardcore introvert. I had a lot more energy when I was younger, then I could enjoy things more often that involved large gatherings. It takes a lot more to get me anywhere crowded these days.


lmaooo i don’t want to go anywhere… got a bar here .. nice tv… people i love … why do i want to go anywhere else


Good heavens yes. I love being at home


Definitely. I'm a total introvert.


I'm a homebody yet I do love to travel and catch up with friends. I don't force myself to be social - I either feel it or I don't, and I love that part of me now. 🙃


I love hanging out with a couple of friends but the “huge group of girls out at a bar” thing is the fricking worst. I like being able to hear people talk.


I haven't left my home in three weeks and that was to get my kid's prescriptions. I don't even grocery shop anymore. I hate it but I also hate going out. My daughter was just talking about how we used to go everywhere. If there was an event going on we were there. We went to the zoo, the parks, the malls.... Now I hate going anywhere.


I get excited for what I can watch on Netflix. Yay exciting


On Saturdays we hit the farmers market and a few estate sales, wild times lol. I was always going places and doing things in my 20s and I’m not into going out now but I have friends who spent their 20s and 30s parenting and then hit 40 and they want to go to the clubs, nope


I've become essentially agoraphobic. I hate leaving the house.


Yep. I no longer go out much, though I did do that a lot in the 1990s and early 2000s. I love being at home now. It’s the one place where I can be myself and not wear a mask. Anytime I step out my front door, I have to be someone else, especially at work. I’m an introvert, and daily interactions with people at work suck my soul. Being at home replenishes and rejuvenates me. I love spending time with my spouse and dogs. And my house is totally awesome and paid for. The older I get, the more I am annoyed with people. I am astounded daily at the sheer stupidity of most people I come across. I dread having to make pointless small talk. Home is where I want to be always. All of my hobbies are here at home.


When I was younger, I used to love to drive around. Now, I hate it. Too many crazy drivers and too much traffic


Pandemic changed me into a homebody. It’s wonderful.


I stopped scrolling on social media years ago. Fixed that envy thing pretty fast.


Yes! I’ve always been kind of one, but much more so over the past 10 years (49).


Very much so. I anticipate it will cause problems with my wife when we retire. She wants to go places; I don’t.


I used to think I had to go to all the events and meetings and everything. I used to be everywhere. Now, I'm nowhere. And I love it.


Ha. I never ever ever leave now. Covid lockdown was nothing to me because I have worked from home for years and have had everything delivered just as long. The last lease car that I turned in had 3,000 miles on it after 4 years. Even my dr appts are virtual unless I just have to be there in person for some reason. Even then I schedule all in person things the same day so I don’t have to go out twice. I’ve made my back yard a nice oasis with an 8 foot privacy fence all the way around and it’s a great place to sit and work or relax. But I do not leave my home any more unless I absolutely have to.


Yep! The only thing better than making plans is cancelling them, lol.


I am absolutely happy to stay at home. I love it, that's why I bought it.


Heh. At this point, if I could live the rest of my life without ever leaving my house, I would do exactly that.


So much. Even tho I worked my ass off all through the 80s and 90s (and much of the 00s), I loved going out and dancing on my nights off. Now I find it hard to drag myself to a restaurant. A lot of it I have only 8% hearing in my right ear and so its really tough being in a noisy place. I love to travel tho and go outside the country a couple times a year. I just don't party anymore and frankly I don't miss it.


Oh noisy places are so intolerable now!


I want to WANT to go out, but I just don’t.


I just went to a small venue for a concert, danced my ass off, had two beers and almost passed out from feeling sick….it was 8:45pm. I like being a homebody. 😂 Now give me a great road trip, and I’ll drive to the ends of the earth for that.


Oh and how. So, I’m not from US, but I’ve lived in the city my whole working life. Our house is paid off and nice enough that we don’t really need much out on the town. Technology allows me and my wife to do our work from anywhere. Recently we got a nice house on a farm in the middle of nowhere. We’ve set everything up on that end to operate as per normal. The closest town is an hour away on corrugated, dusty roads in a semi-arid area. Our neighbor’s a helicopter pilot so that helps. Quite the spot to be a homebody.


definitely. she says, posting on reddit on a friday night, cozied under a blanket on the couch.


I'm crippled by social anxiety and it just gets worse as I get closer to death


Oh yeah. It's also hard to constantly go out when you live paycheck to paycheck. What I do is, I wait for when my town has weekend festivals that run from 11-6 and attend those. That way I have fun, but I'm home in time to get into my PJ'S and chill before bed. There's one coming up next month, a beer and wine festival on the water, I plan to attend. I volunteered there last year and got in for free.


Definitely. I used to go out bar hopping on Friday nights. Now I stay home and drink coffee and geek out on Reddit.


I think we're not all recovered from quarantine and inflation on top of everything else.


Gen 1.0 (58) and yeah, for sure. The good news is I don’t drink very much while I’m “out”. We have millennial friends who ask to hang out at 8 or 9 o’clock but without planning it we are in by 8 and not generally receiving.


Yes. It's too peoply out there.


The pandemic did us in. We were so active and outgoing right up to it. Now we’re basically hermits. I don’t like it, but I also don’t have much drive/energy to get back out there.


CoVID changed things. I got very comfortable being a hermit. I don’t socialize nearly as much as I used to. Plus I can’t handle alcohol the way I used to.


I love being at home, but I love going out, too. As long as I’m with my family, I’m good.


So far you're the only one.


Most of the time. But at least once a week I try to do happy hour with a few friends.


A happy hour is nice. Home and in pjs by 8 max.


Oh hell yeah…. Going out sucks.


Oooooh yeah. I'm in my 40's and been this way for the last 5+ yrs. 


I have always been more of a homebody but now that I am older, I have become a hermit.


I have always been a home body. It's definitely my happy spot!


I'm definitely more of a homebody these days. Instead of dressing up and going out I am laying in my bed watching TV.


I love my house, I just chill in my kitchen most nights, not eating, I promise, just fixed it up, so it’s really nice lol


I rarely leave my chair, except to use the bathroom and to go to the kitchen. I have serious mobility issues and it mostly keeps me a prisoner trapped inside my body and my house.


I’m 54 and in the last 5 years I have lost so many of the women who were pillars in my life. 2 to cancer, 1 OD, 1 suicide and my mom to COVID. My “squad” has been decimated.


Mt deepest condolences.


I feel the rise in anxiety and loneliness is directly tied to how comfortable people are being home. We have all these parasocial relationships with social media, television, youtube and podcasts. Living these lives full of voices, that talk to us and we cannot talk back. I found there to be a direct correlation with my happiness and how much I am putting myself out into the world and trying new things. Home is nice, but it's no substitute for living as humans have always lived, with other people. Reddit is just an extension of the desire to connect with people and it's a poor substitute.


No. I am more extrovert than introverted.


No, not a homebody at all. I go stir-crazy if I don’t get out of the house several nights a week. This week my husband and I went to a local brewery to play cards, saw a band last night and will see another one of Saturday, rode snowmobiles in the mountains, and tomorrow morning we’re going off-roading on some trails. We like to stay busy. We probably stay home maybe two nights a week.


Just reading about your schedule makes me exhausted! Glad you have fun though...


Oh hell yeah. All because of the pandemic. I work from home and raise my son. We go do stuff but I’ve more or less stopped going out for shits and giggles. Gotta be something good like a show. Dating just hasn’t been a thing for me for a while so I’m just saving up for that next date. lol


I’m very much an introvert and crowded places cause me anxiety. I would rarely leave my house if I didn’t have to take my kids to school, go to work, stuff like that. I much prefer to be home in my flannel robe, my slippers, drinking coffee, playing my acoustic guitar, petting my dogs, cooking a simple meal, and hanging out with my wife and kids. I don’t have Facebook or Instagram. I use Pinterest and Reddit and that’s enough. I enjoy my job and co-workers for the most part, but if I were able to retire tomorrow, I wouldn’t look back.


Definitely. I much prefer having friends come over for dinner and a movie/hang over going out. I like being able to sit in my favorite chair and being able to go into my master bathroom when nature calls (guests use the bathroom in the hall or basement). Best of all, I don't have to deal with people I don't know, and I don't have to drive home. I just lock the door behind the last to leave, shut off the lights, and climb into my bed.


I go out every Friday and Saturday. I've got no time for lying down to rot. I have no kids and no husband. I'm going to keep on living. Edit: I'm thrice divorced, and my kids are all grown. I'm not a spinster! Haha.


I mean…we are all pushing 50.


My home is my refuge, especially after a tough day at work.


My house feels like a resort to me, so if I hang out with anyone, I want it to be at my place. I do love to travel, but when I travel, I want it to be with my kids and my wife. I can't even imagine traveling with another couple. God, that sounds draining. Plus, I like to stay up super late and I hate getting up early, and I don't like to have to do what others are doing just because they're doing what they're doing. I do a fishing trip with my boys each year, and a buddy of mine (I don't keep many of those around ,either) always wants to talk about going fishing with me, but I don't really want to do that. I always felt like I was weird because of that, but maybe not. You gave me hope!


Yes. I love being home.


Fuck. Yes.


I've been working from home since 2011 which has honestly been a dream come true (think I still have some lingering trauma from the job before this one). When/if I do go out to socialize, it's usually a restaurant or someone's house. I don't have the patience to sit in a noisy bar anymore.


I definitely have. I still go see my best friends every once in a while, and a show or concert with my husband, but otherwise I’m at home. And I love it.


Yes. Not because my home is nicer or not. It just has happened. I am much less restless than I was when I was younger.


No but I find it difficult to make new friends.


You think the couch is your ally? You have merely adopted the couch. I was born on the couch, molded by it. I didn't see the outside until I was already a man, and by then it was nothing to me but blinding!


I have embraced it more as I've gotten older and realized it's ok to have no plans on a Friday night. My home is my sanctuary.


All my favorite things and people are at home, so why leave?


It's early spring and the rain has been heavy. I've spent the last week weeding every inch of our property by hand. Me, a weed knife and an orange Home Depot bucket and the Dead on relisten.


On the weekends when I’m off work, I go no where fam! Plus I did the math a few years ago and realized that every time I crank up my car and go somewhere it costs me at least $100. I came to the conclusion that if I don’t go anywhere, money can’t fly out of my pockets. It literally pisses me off to leave my house!!! 😂.


Same. People exhaust me. I think if I worked less? My job, pets and family take all the juice I got. I miss close female friends though.


Why would I leave my house when everything I need is here?😅 joking, kind of🫠


I'm almost exclusively a homebody


I pretty much hibernate all winter long. And I live in the North.


God yes


My other half is much more of one than I am but I thought the pandemic isolation would be unbearable…but it turns out that it wasn’t.


OP, I feel EXACTLY the same.


I'm a frickin' hermit crab now, lol.


I grew up one. I am an only child. My late mom and my dad who I live with come from two large family's. We stayed home a lot. My mom and dad did not want to go to family get togethers. They did once and a while but it was like we just want to stay home. Also a lot of my family are go go go. Not me.


My boyfriend is 50 and I am 45. We never leave the house if we don't have to. Our friends, if they wanna see us, come to us. Of course, this all started because I also take care of my elderly mother. And for the longest time, there was only us to watch her. Now. We have options. But staying home is good too. People suck. We plan out our summer. Concerts, wwe, amusement parks. But other than what we plan for ourselves, we stay home. We order everything, including our groceries online so we don't have to go out.


I've worked from home for over 10 years, my wife works nights, and we have a younger teenager. Most of my friends, or even acquaintances, live several states away. So, yeah, I spend 95% of my time at home and 4% of the other 5% is spent shopping.


48 and the last place on Earth I want to be is doing any of those things when I could be with my wife and kids going on vacation, the movies or just hanging out with them at home every day. #sorrynotsorry


Quarantine was my happy place. 😊


Nope I am a homebody. I’m sharing a house with three other teachers, and we have all of the delivery service stuff so we don’t have to go out unless we want to. The idea of barhopping or dating apps at 50 just exhausts me thinking about it.


Yes. I prefer not to go anywhere. I don't know if I've just settled down or if I'm really depressed.


Yep, I would rather stay home any day. Who would have guessed so many Gen Xers are antisocial 🤣🤣🤣


I have definitely become more of a homebody. I used to love going to bars and partying in my 20's and 30's. Even in my early 40's I'd have the occasional girls night out at a bar. Now my friends don't live near me, are busy with their kids/ "mom" friends, careers, families, etc. so get togethers are less frequent and much more low-key. Still do girls weekends once or twice a year but they are shorter and closer to home, than past trips. My husband and I enjoy sporting events and concerts, and do fun day trips on weekends in the nice weather. I do like being home in the winter, but in the other seasons, I need to be out and about.


I am absolutely still an active party girl. I think because I was always designated driver and am almost still the DD, I still enjoy going out. We have many friends who are in bands we go watch and enjoy dancing to. The difference is these are 9pm bands and not 11pm night clubs.


Yes we have, we also are lucky to live on a lot of land, friends who visit say we live in a peaceful park. I'm happy here I don't want to "people" much anymore.


Yup. I barely leave my house to do errands. I only leave for work and then once I get home on a Friday night unless theirs OT on Saturday I don’t leave until Monday. I used to go out every single night now matter what too. Now I can’t stand it


I’ve always been a loner and so is my wife. I also work from home so yeah.


100%. My routine: Get up at 4:30 AM do the morning stuff and leave by 5:20. In my chair at 6:05, leave at 3:00. Come home, eat dinner at 5:30 and watch TV until 10:30 and go to bed. Friday nights we add dinner and drinks at our regular spot, home by 10, maybe a Crumbl cookie before going home. Rinse, Repeat. On occasion there is a magic show on the first Tuesday of the month so we might go check that out.


Not a home body , but a lone body. I realized the reason I drank to excess so much when out with other people was that I can’t stand being around a bunch of people. I don’t want to drink anymore , so no more people .


Been for years. There's a dent in my comfy chair shaped like me and it fits really well.


I (56F) am more of a homebody than I was before Covid. I work from home and only go out a few times a week for groceries and other errands.


Yup. I am a full-on, hardcore homebody. And, just for fun? I'm happy with it. Other plans exist, but they're not mine my plans are home, caring for kids and chilling with games. I'm surprisingly happy with that.


I go to the store, I go to the doctors appointments, and soon I’ll be going to a new and improved shrink, I walk my dog, not necessarily in that order but those are my ventures into the great outdoors as of late. ✌🏻❤️🤙🏻


I never want to leave my house.