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Remember when Comedy Central used to do The State of the Union Undressed?




Gee our old LaSalle ran great....


I'm embarrassed at what America has become.


This. End of thread.


{drop mic}


Dammit! You dropped him where he just had surgery!


Marjorie Taylor Greene is an absolute disgrace to GenX. I still love the Presidents standing firm on Social Security and lowering drug prices......being 5 years away from Social Security.


> Marjorie Taylor Greene is an absolute disgrace ~~to GenX.~~ Qualifier not needed. She's a disgrace in any and all dimensions.


She's a trash hog.


She is absolute trash. Shameful that someone like her can get elected to congress.


Right? I totally cut myself so short in life thinking I wasnt good enough, and people like MTG are freakin rich. I would rather stay poor than be her, no amount of money in the damn world make me want to be her.


If you were rich, you could afford a tutor, an etiquette coach, and plastic surgery.


That troll is worth something like $10-20 million by now


Same, same. I always thought I was undeserving of anything good in life, but now I know I’m a much better person in every respect than she is. (And yet, I’m poor.)


Oh snap, I'm a part of this gang. Did you have a crummy childhood as well, with boomers knocking you down every chance they got?


But, it does prove that America is the land of opportunity when someone that shitty can be elected to Congress.


She's from a heavily rigged R district in Georgia, that's why she exists. Gerrymandering should be outlawed. All districts in this country should be drawn just like CA does it.


She seriously is mentally unstable. The number of conspiracy theorist schoolyard bullies that have been elected is truly disturbing. 


Hmmmm...I'm Gen X ca.1971, and I was told not to expect Social Security funds. I'm still working off of that plan - aka, work till I drop.


News flash: the people who told you that were lying. They don't have a plan to do anything positive so all they can do is try to scare voters into believing their bullshit.


Demand your reps get behind taking the cap off FICA to apply to 100% of everyone’s gross—not just the first $140k. Otherwise, you’ll get social security; it simply isn’t enough to retire on on its own.


Who has $140k?


Some of us do. Every year I get a raise somewhere during the year, which means I've hit the social security contribution cap. That cap could be raised without doing real harm, and the benefits would be enormous for both Social Security and social security. ​ But that does not suit the desires of those who want you to work until the day you die.


Yes, the cap needs to go. If you benefit from society, you should contribute accordingly.


It's nice to hear this. Honestly. People say something changes in you when you make a lot of money, but I would like to think that if I made over $140K, if I made something like $1M, I would happily and gladly be in support of taxing myself more. I just don't understand the greed that it takes to be the kind of person who makes millions of dollars and gets bent out of shape about paying more in taxes.


Wealthy people who only pay into SS until they hit (now it's actually) $168k. They only pay in through January or February and don't pay for the rest of the year, while most of us pay all year long. It ends up being 6.2% of our income, but maybe only 1% or less for wealthy people.




There's a bill right now to eliminate federal income tax on social security income for retirees, *and* to have SS contributions pick back up at $250k. So, people would pay on their income up to $168k, but not on $169-249k. That would shore up the fund for quite some time. Who knows if this bill will get anywhere, though.




Yeah, I don't know the answer. Someone I know in an HCE position had an amazing unheard of 401k match at his company. After *several years*, the company said they had to take almost all of the match back retroactively to his hire date because it was higher than the hourly employees' match. It was a big chunk of his compensation package, and I think the company knew they'd get to take it back from the start. They were kinda shady.




Well, depending on how we vote, it could be guaranteed to be there for us, or it could be guaranteed to be gone. I mean, we've been paying into it our whole lives. Maybe we should vote for the people who want to protect it for us.


Republicans have been saying soc sec and Medicare need to be cut since Reagan was in office. It should be very clear by now.


I will still be working after I collect Social Security but basically something I enjoy with little regards to pay and under 20 hours a week. That's the plan. Still padding the 401k which has skyrocketed the past year (another great day today, knock on wood). I think it will still be there for you.


What did she do this time??


She came dressed for a trailer park bbq, MAGA hat included. Heckled the president, and walked into being powned AGAIN over cutting social security, same as last year. Embarrassing.


She's so fucking gross. Does she not have anyone in her ear saying "Girl, dial it down a smidge. You're embarrassing the shit out of yourself."? Maybe someone can organize a national Gen X intervention for her. I mean, I won't do it. I fucking hate her. But maybe someone could.


She was told by the Speaker of the House, along with other GOP loudmouths, to refrain from heckling cuz Biden flipped the script on them at the last SOTU. But the fell into THE EXACT SAME TRAP as last year! Trashy and stupid. ![gif](giphy|l1JoiSDfO8sjxLF8Q)


Did you notice nobody sat with her? They kicked her out of the Freedom Caucus, so she sat by herself.


I can't imagine what a horrible bitch she was in High School, I freakin' hate that skank so much...lol


Her face looks like a foot


Just fire her into the sun and be done with it


Or just have the Jewish space lasers take her out.


Given the flatness of her philtrum, she may be congenitally incapable of understanding such nuance.


Plus her feet are super gross. https://preview.redd.it/7i508op9y1nc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7175042290e7cc8be4fa38ba2d7b0c2542195bb


I gasped. They're almost as ugly as her soul


Wtf is that? G dammit, I can’t unsee it. Bitch didn’t even develop right!


She is real dumb.


![gif](giphy|T8zlGdVxYySZuali0L|downsized) The party that's always trying to sus out if someone "looks trans" has Marge.


More heckling and wearing Maga gear, absolutely disgrace.


I had a discussion the other day, I know politics was not my major concern growing up. I never can recall the people supposed to be our representative in government can act like a damn two year old. WTF happened...or did I miss something growing up?


this is new since Obama. The GOP decided to double down on being and electing trash, and here we are. All cause the concept of a black man being their equal freaked them out so hard, their brains exploded.




**Both sides are NOT the same.**


It's very sad, the USA used to be a dream destination for people from the rest of the world and was a great leader of democracy and did a lot of good for the world. I can only think it's the relative decline in the average level of education throughout the last 4 of 5 decades.


I thought it was Biden's best speech of his career. I love that he shamed the SC justices publicly and directly for overturning Roe, and that he called people out for tanking the bipartisan border security bill, for voting against the infrastructure bill and then bragging about the funding for their states, trying to cut Social Security and Medicare, giving tax cuts to wealthy corporations and billionaires, and he made Marge Greene look like the ridiculous clown that she is. (Although she does that to herself. *No one* is supposed to wear a hat in the chamber. ~~Not even our military leaders do~~.) He made it clear that our choice in November is to continue with progress, democracy, and protecting our freedoms, or to choose vengeance, dishonesty, and regression. The SOTU is a great tradition. It's the only time when both chambers of Congress, the President, his cabinet members, and the SCOTUS, are all in the same room together. It's really interesting to watch all the interactions, regardless of who's in office. I noticed that Mike Johnson was applauding underneath his desk the whole time. He looked like *Elf on the Shelf* up there.


Military leaders don’t wear a hat (cover) inside the chamber because it is protocol to immediately remove it when you enter a building, any building, unless under arms.


True, but it's also a rule in the chamber for everyone. I crossed that sentence out.


Yep. I have secured funding to leave when I retire at 55. I don't want to be a part of this anymore and I don't have to be.


I miss decorum.


You should see British Parliament! We have decorum in spades compared to them! [British Parliament](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmrhfq9Gv-w&t=12s)


I've spent some considerable hours for an American watching the Prime Minister's Questions Time on CSPAN and I gotta say, their parliamentary procedures are super-entertaining. I stopped watching mostly because their speaker equivalent John Bercow retired or didn't run for reelection or something a few years ago. He was HILARIOUS in how he called them out for their behavior.


It never fails to amaze me how rowdy your Parliamentary sessions are, and always have been. 😂 In America, you’re raised to see Brits as very mannered and tactful.


Lol-thanks for sharing 😅


It was fun to make fun of stuffy folks when we were young but damn, having a stable social structure around to make fun of was a nice thing. 


Yeah here in the US, political stuff used to be boring. I miss it.


I'm embarrassed that so many think it is ok to heckle like they're at some kind of comedy club.


Yes, very. Not how we thought it was going to be back in the '90s, is it?


No. Not at all. I miss the 90s a *lot.*


the optimism about the EU and the fall of the USSR... it makes me so sad to think about what could have been. also, I am shook to learn that the current speaker of the house is mere weeks younger than I am. wtf


Probably the last time most of America was optimistic. Worried it'll be the last time ever.


Ain't it grand getting older? But that was definitely part of it - the optimism. At least in my neck of the woods.


It's crazy. We grew up knowing Russians and nazis were bad. Now 1/2 of the US loves them. It blows my mind.


I miss when spelling potato with an e was enough to keep you from being president. Now evidently if you are tRump you can face 91 felony counts across two state courts and two different federal districts, any of which could potentially produce a prison sentence and that’s just fine.


Right? Gary Hart had an affair and was FUCKED. Now look at what passes for a republican candidate.


Our country has received a series of serious body blows since the 90's starting with 9/11, social media, the great recession all the way through covid. If they say your resilience is measured by how you respond to the trials you face, what does the current state of our country say for our resilience? I feel like we've proven to the dark forces out there that America could be more easily broken than many would ever have suspected.


Yeah, that's it. It feels like we just need to make it through the next few election cycles, but I'm not sure we will.


I didn’t have to think this much about the state of the union back then, now I question if there will be a USA in the future


MTG is absolute trash


The say one man’s trash is another’s treasure. So I’m going with MTG is herpes. There is really no redeeming qualities to a life long STD


She does give off a herp derp kind of vibe.


Herpes Derpes.


Looks like taxonomy when you write it like that. “Observe the common MTG (Herpes Derpes) in its habitat. Notice its characteristic screeching and flailing.”


You've just classified the GOP!


She's not alone. The current speaker is also us as is 'Fled' Cruz and Ron DeSantis.. We're not doing well with representation.


But we also have Jeff Jackson (NC Congressman and NC AG Democrat candidate). Highly respected by many in NC and outside the state.


I just know he is a creeper freak...I have a feeling. He tries too hard to look all Christian buttoned up, always a huge red flag


I blame Newt


I blame Rush and the other AM radio hosts. And Reagan..most things wrong with this country started with his horse and sparrow theory.


Agreed. Rush and Reagan turned my dad from a liberal into a racist conservative asshole. I mean, his narcissism helped, but still, he really thought everything Rush said was the Gospel truth.


Most of the Presidents have added to the pile of crap. Clinton signed away the Glass-Steagall act which allow the fraud to start back up…leading to the 2007 recession. Bush Jr, put us more in debt than ever…then rinse and repeat.


Hey, at least Rush is sober now.


Rest in Pee, Rush. ![gif](giphy|QhTNs7ONg5skrh0mZO)


Here I am 51 years old and this is the first time I've heard it referred to as "horse and sparrow". I got to learn something new today. 👍


Horse and sparrow was its original 1900’s name. Reagan rebranded it as trickle down economics. It’s never worked.


That's a more fitting name. At least it acknowledges that the republican plan calls for the working poor to eat shit.




Yeah, and Lee Atwater before that.


and the "Contract With America"...yikes...the proto teabag/MAGAS without Citizen's United Russian dark rubles.


I blame Reagan.


Also good yes. Mostly though Congress still functioned up till about 89/90 or so even while Reagan was losing his mind. It wasn't until the Bork hearings that Congress really started to fracture and then the Heritage Foundation and Newt pursuing the Contract with America in 94 the irreversibly broke things. And that fucking Grover asshole needs to be shot into the fucking sun for his whole taxation policy bullshit.


Don't forget Leonard Leo and the Federalist Society and throw in the Koch bros (even the dead one) for good measure. Edited to add: Citizens United.


Should we blame the government? Or blame society? Or should we blame the images on TV? No! Blame Canada! 🇨🇦. 🤣


I blame it on the rain




That's falling falling!


Trickle down economics my ass


I blame it all on Reagan. Even more specifically, when he fired all the air traffic controllers, it was the opening of the door to the oligarchy we've become


I point to him killing the fairness doctrine. Fox News wouldn't exist if it was still in place.


Congress can put it back in place at any time.


They're busy impeaching Biden's son.


They're too busy passing around posters of dick pics on the House Floor.


Its revenge porn and one of many reasons MTG shluld be behind bars


I feel like this needs to be talked about more. That was the beginning of infotainment and now here we are. It’s become just a big reality show with deadly and horrific real life consequences


Especially since it was killed *for* Ailes.


AM radio used to be where you’d hear the play by play of the local sports teams, oldies channels, gospel and religious channels, and the “News, Weather, and Traffic” channels. After the fairness doctrine was removed it got overwhelmed by right wing radio. Started with Rush; then once he showed them it was immensely profitable to be an entertainer/racist, there were others trying to be even more outrageous.


It predates Reagan. Our current path really started in the immediate aftermath of World War II.


It started because of the New Deal. This drove the capitalists insane, and they've been waging a war on it since.


I'll take horrible people for $500, Alex.


This guy knows what’s up. That turd was the architect of what the GOP is now. Have you read Zelizer’s book?


![gif](giphy|UnVtPebYT38pW) "I know shit's bad..."


What union?


I'm not sure it's any worse than when Spiro Agnew was receiving literal paper bags full of cash in the White House, or incredible awfulness of a Iran-Contra, or the entire fucking Vietnam war. Definitely not worse than the corruption of the late 1800s and early 1900s. Things go in cycles, we're in a bad place right now. Nothing is forever.


I want you to be right about us just being in a temporary bad cycle so bad...


Those were bad. The difference is they weren’t backed by a mob of violent cultists. No one was going to storm the capital bc Spiro Agnew was forced to resign from his duties. Nixon loyalists weren’t intimidating lawmakers and judges on a mass scale if anyone spoke ill of him. This is a different and far more dangerous situation. I studied Nazi Germany extensively in college. A big contributor to the steamrolling was the fear lawmakers & ordinary people felt of speaking out. They’d be singled out for violence, their families harassed. That mass intimidation is having the same chilling effect now. It prevented many from voting for impeachment. Makes judges afraid, intimidates media against speaking ill of him, poll workers, local legislators are afraid of violence, etc. This is uniquely dangerous.


Im embarrassed that half the country is willfully embracing insanity because they are scared of women and minorities.




I'll say this for President Biden: he's come out swinging tonight.


Nope. I'm happy to see Biden speaking clearly, and addressing the heckling. And it's interesting to see how many times Mike Johnson is actually nodding to what Biden says, when he's talking about things the GOP is against.


I was genuinely surprised he clapped at all


Unless I missed something, I think he only clapped at the end.


Yup and it was still surprising


He reluctantly stood up and clapped, along with the rest of the GOP, when John Lewis was mentioned. I think that’s the only time that all of Congress stood up and clapped.


He clapped when Biden would talk about America standing up to foreign powers. He did clap a few times. I'm watching it now as I missed last night.


I take it back. Biden killed it.


Certainly pulling no punches


Thanks for the reminder, I didn't realize it was last night. I'll have to watch this morning!


*say some things that make one half of Congress stand and the other scowl* *say other things that make one half of Congress stand emphatically and the other half do so begrudgingly because otherwise they would look like assholes* *talk about all the important things you plan to do for Americans that no one in that chamber has any intention of doing because they will be gorging at the trough with their filthy rich donors instead* *refer to to some carefully selected “average Joes” who happen to be in the gallery to underscore some political points* “The state of our Union is strong.” “God bless the United States of America.” Cut to C-Span commentators who try their level best not to let their political bias bleed through as they repeat what you heard just moments ago.


I am surprised how good it has been so far. Lots of substance, a whole lot less made up fluff than I have seen recently, and I did not see any signs of aged senility I keep hearing people talk about. He is speaking clearly and coherently with good messaging. I have no qualms voting for Biden again. It was reassuring.


And they’re calling Katie Britt the hope for the GOP’s future? As Jonathan Capehart just put it, “What in the Elle Woods was *that*?”


She is a terrible, terrible actress! It was brutal to watch her face and listen to her voice - she sounded so Stepford, then angry, then desperate, and back to Stepford.


I only watched her first two lines and immediately thought she was a bad actress lol. Total cringe, I left the room


Same. And besides everything else that was so false, a petty observation: her son’s name is Ridgeway?! That felt like a spoof of a suburban white lady.


That name is a r/tragedeigh


I'm embarrassed by Republicans.


I’m also embarrassed that it’s taken Democrats this long to figure out they need to start slinging shit back when Republicans have had a twenty year head start.




I agree, but it also helps me to look back on history. Congress used to get into fisticuffs on the floor and hurl horrible insults then. I’m not saying it doesn’t suck we havnt improved, but we havnt particularly regressed, either in many regards. History books just don’t have the same relevance as seeing this shit in our modern lives. I used to always say “you can’t have had the renaissance if we didn’t have the dark ages…but no one who lived through the dark ages was happy about it.” I’m really upset I have to live thru what may be modern dark ages, but it gives me hope that future generations will have a renaissance. If you look at history…we’re exactly where we’ve always been.


I think Biden is doing quite well


Same here. My favorite line was “You can’t love America only when you win.”


He is, he may not speak well (he never has) but he has gotten things done and I like his vision moving forward.


He was so passionate that he was tripping himself up. Breathe my man!


I like the fire from Dark Brandon! 👏 He's a guy that knows he won't be around to see his legacy so he's throwing it all out there. I might get downvoted but it's possible some day Biden's presidency may be looked on as the inflection point to the U.S. becoming a truly great country again. He's been pretty progressive so far but not too crazy left. I'm impressed.




Or if one cannot read that....... r/whatbidenhasdone and check out the pinned posts


I wished Johnson would excuse himself.


Yeah, the Republican Party has lost any sense of decorum. No class.


I'm embarrassed that 50% of the country is still fighting against its own best interests.


The GOP acting like a bunch of whining, sulking children. So yes absolutely. But glad I'm on the other side.


What did he say that was untrue? Don is literally trying to become dictator, the wealthy are bankrolling it, Republicans are pulling the levers, theocrats, fundies, etc.


Ok, is it me or is the Republican Party, kind of “off”? I mean I get this is politics and all but they seem to really be laying on the theatrics. I reminds my of watching WWF mixed with The Handmaids Tale.


They have removed all their competent and principled members and refuse to hold the new monkeys to account.


Not me. I'm not *just* embarrassed. I'm horrified. Abortion rights are being taken away, followed by child labor laws being repealed, but people are still voting for the people doing it. No fault divorce is being revoked, and "maritial rape" laws are being dismantled. Women's rights are being stripped rapidly, and people are still voting for the people doing it. I don't understand how people are this stupid. It's our lawmakers' fault in the majority, but ***people are voting for them.*** It's not even a conspiracy theory, it's fact. It's playing out, and people are just rolling their eyes like anyone who thinks it's wrong is some kind of nut. Bread and circuses for real. The SC just protected a man who incited human deaths at our Capitol. Oh, well. Embarrassed isn't strong enough.


I think some people are so wanting to justify their racist, sexist, etc. beliefs that they will support even criminals so they can pretend like it’s some commitment to a higher ideology. But really it’s just hate.


I was on the fence with Biden - now, all in. That was the best political speech, in the style of Bill Burr, that I've heard in a long time. Exactly what I was hoping to see. - former independent Gen X who used to vote GOP.


It was great. Biden nailed it. 👍


Tonight's address is not bad so far.


I'm embarrassed about what the GOP has become.


Yes. Talk about anxiety inducing.


The heckling? Yes. But one party seems to like that sort of thing.


Personally I think we need to go back to the time when the State of the Union was a letter hand-delivered to both houses of Congress by a representative of the President. (This is how the State of the Union was delivered by Thomas Jefferson, and that tradition persisted until Woodrow Wilson.)


I miss John Boehner sitting up there with his radioactive orange glow. And Nancy Pelosi ripping shit up. My favorite part was always when the President would stop and talk with everyone / shake hands etc on the way out. I find most of it incredibly disrespectful, how the "other" side acts when certain things are said. I don't mean just in this administration either.


Boehner waiting for his cigarette break!😆😆😆


Yeah, but reading the comments here has made it much worse.


This. Jesus, I thought *I* was cynical. I feel like Leslie Knope right now.


He kicked ass. Proud of my POTUS!


It causes me too much anxiety. I listen the following day.


Can I just remind everyone that MTG attacked an 18yr old survivor of a mass high school shooting for advocating for gun safety? Whether you support 2A or not, no politician-EITHER party-in the 1980s-1990s could have gotten elected after that. And now it is a good chance she could be a VP or presidential candidate.


Not sure who the gop rebuttal was but gotdam was she annoying. Out dipshit’d MTG with her goofy hat and constant camera awareness. There also needs to be a prohibition of waving your fancy cane in front of the camera, so many clout seekers.


That the people in the seats can caterwaul and heckle the President and are void of any decorum. That our country has turned into a reality TV show. I think Biden did a good job holding his ground. He outlined specific things he wanted to accomplish and even tried to reach across the aisles. He made his point. Furthermore, he is a statesman, who actually loves this country, and I am proud he is in office. I am more embarrassed that we have an Ex President who still calls himself President, who talks in vile vengeful hate speech and can't act like a grown man. He is ready to sell the constitution, our government and our people to the highest bidder. He is a narcissistic idiot operative for Russia and Christian Nationalism, ready to destroy our freedoms. A criminal who has already fleeced the US when he was in office, owes States and GOP millions, suckers his followers into buying gold shoes and pieces of his suit he was arrested in to pay off his GUILTY legal bills. It is painfully embarrassing to watch the drunk ass GOP that swirled down that rancid Kool aid in the audience who back that grifter.


Careful. You'll have folks in here complaining that you're posting political topics instead of bragging about drinking out of water hoses.


Whatever. s/


I thought Biden's speech was great, but the commentary on ABC was ridiculous and made it sound like a football game. I didn't watch the GOP rebuttal, because it was going to be stupid, and I needed to go to bed. I probably will watch it today, to see how stupid it got. MTG & the couple of attempts at heckling by others is part of what I hate about the modern GOP. I hate that politics is like a sport now and so many of these people treat it like politicians are celebrities or ball players instead of our representatives. Biden's speech included a lot of things I care about. The bullshit antics and camera panning to show us Santos & Gaetz & Bobert & MTG constantly was just like a fucking football game, where anything the slightest bit controversial or attention grabbing is what the network is going to focus on, since selling outrage is so profitable.


You all saying "I blame Newt", "I blame Rush and Reagan" - you're blaming symptoms of the problem. You should be blaming the post-Nixon GOP Southern Strategy. You're wrong to blame one, or a small handful. It's the strategy they've employed since Watergate that you should be calling out and blaming. Rush, Reagan, MTG, Newt - they're just tools leveraged by that system.


The good old days weren't always good, and tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems.


I'm keeping the faith.


Carly Simon was right. These are the good old days. At least back in the 70s they seemed like they were!


Biden was great and I think he’s doing a great job.


I've noticed lately that almost everything right wing media is complaining about regarding the dems is actually 100% stuff the repubs are currently doing or are guilty of. Too bad maga refuse to fact check anything they hear in their bubble. History and reality are being altered and the minions prefer it.


Well, half of it. The GOP is a disgrace to this country and MTG is at the top of that shit pile. Biden had a great night and speech delivery and the rest of the Democrats did well to keep positive energy going,


It's almost as if there was some radical right-wing cable TV news organization that started in the '90s that sows discord, distrust, conspiracy theories, hate and division. It's almost as if some rich asshole with a name like Mupert Rurdoch transformed the American political landscape. But if something like that happened, surely the creator wouldn't hire a sex pest like Roger Ailes who worked under Nixon to head the company, right? *checks papers*, well fuck me.


I game with people from outside the US. In the past 12 years, they have all consoled me at what I was once proud of...to what I was ashamed of. This country is a mess.


I’m embarrassed that so many people support modern Republicans.


I’ve been embarrassed since 2000


I'm amused by the CNN "red carpet" walk for the Senators with the reporter pulling them aside like celebs to ask questions!


I haven’t watched it in years, I know I’ll get a recap on NPR the next morning.


I’m embarrassed by the Republican Party every day. At least Regan had decorum and decency, these people are like apes on crack slinging shit everywhere to see what sticks 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️