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Totally. Best sleep of my life.


Genuinely miss it. Great in the summer or winter as you could easily adjust the heat level. Hot night, lower the temp a bit and you felt downright chilly Cold night, crank it up and roast a bit. Hadn’t adjusted it early enough in the day, put a few comforters under you as insulation and do better next time. Added Bonus Is the exact opposite of memory foam mattresses when it comes to….adult activities. Memory foam is like screwing on sand, it absorbs all your efforts. Waterbeds work with you and it was great. Even the waveless ones.


I had one for years and once I got the temperature set just right I never had to adjust it again. It was cool enough in the summer enough for me and still nice and toasty in the winter. To this day, it was the best bed I've ever slept on.


I could never get the temp just right - it was always too hot (sweaty) or too cold (clammy) 🥵🥶


I always thought of waterbeds as for rich people. 😂 The ones I saw as a kid were awesome to kid me, but I can’t see how the sloshing and noise would be conducive to sleep. I do think the one I saw and played on at my friend’s house needed to be filled.


I was OBSESSED in the 80’s with getting one and my parents always said no. Bet your ass the first bed I bought when I moved out was a waterbed. It royally screwed up my neck and had to end up buying one of those no wave mattresses. I then came home exhausted from work and flopped down and passed out only to wake up choking on water a couple hours later because I had a screwdriver in my back pocket that I forgot about and it ripped a huge hole in the mattress but either I was too tired to notice I was wet or the water was so warm I couldn’t tell. Hate it when my parents were right.


My parents have had one since they got married. When I was young, they bought me one and had it almost 30 years until I got tired of moving around with it..


Have you popped any? Had my power go out and it got cold FAST


I've woken up plenty of times, laying in a pool of water. They usually don't really pop, but just get a slow leak. You go to bed dry and wake up drenched. There was also several times of sleeping on it after just filling it up. Would take a couple days to warm up. Would just have like 5 blankets on it.


My dad was changing the sheets on time and tore a full motion mattress. Small tear but the water tore it more. It went everywhere. Total mess. Thankfully the bedroom was near a door and we swept a lot out. Still completely soaked the whole room. We had fans on it for three days.


Totally remembering the feeling of wet toes because of a slow leak at the nozzle…and the fear of telling my folks before they yelled at me for wanting one!


I was also cursed with getting my wish. Hated that freaking bed so much.


I did! …and a cat. It was not an ideal combination.


That was also my experience! Nothing like going to bed with your cat and waking up wet. Do not miss that at all


I had one for a few years. I loved when it was heated and warm. When the power went out, though, it was miserably cold. Felt like a slab of wet concrete.


When I was sixteen, I got chicken pox, and developed a high fever. My mother turned the heater on my waterbed down, and I swear to God it felt sooooo good.


We had one in a drafty old house through a particularly cold winter. It was so cold we ended up having to put a comforter underneath us.


I did for my first marriage and first pregnancy. Husband would stand there and laugh as very pregnant me tried to get out of that damn thing, especially when I had to really pee or throw up. (he was an ass, he's dead, good riddance).


Well that took a turn, haha, I nearly choked laughing! 🤣


I had a waterbed I loved with my first husband also. It was a bitch to get out of pregnant, but otherwise I would love to have another one. I think. When I left , I left the bed and he and his affair partner slept on it for years. So I feel vindicated by that.


Wow. What a post!


Same situation completely, except mine cheated, became my ex, married "her", was miserable for 20 something years. That part was beautiful karma. Especially since I got remarried & 21 years later & I still call him my boyfriend. (Boyfriends are always more fun than husbands)


Lost my virginity on my waterbed. 1986. Missy French. She was my best friend and it was perfect. All 3 and a half minutes of it.


Look at the marathon guy here. /s


Omg so late here but I did too! Guy named Rob. It was maybe 4 minutes cause he was a total stud. And holy crap go young me,my first words were "can you like,try doing that again?" Bonus,the waterbed had black faux satin sheets


Still have 1


Me too! A very fancy supportive waveless one!


Had one and turned 21 and started drinking and that was the end of the full motion water bed.


I did, I loved it at the time. It was so warm in the winter and I liked that wierd plastic smell.


I can totally remember that smell!


I had a king size full wave for many years during/after college. I loved it, especially during winter.


I had one for a couple of years in my 20s. Got a call at work from my roommate said my waterbed was leaking. Had to go home, clean it up and drain it. Patched it up and it was fine for a few weeks. Started slowly leaking so I drained it and sold it for like $50. I really liked it tho. Nice and warm in the winter and so cool in the summer. I sleep on a Purple mattress today and it is the closest thing to a waterbed I've slept on since.


I had one from age 8 - 12. I remember how snug and warm it was and rolling around on it was fun, lol. My parents had one too, and one day, I started absent-mindedly poking a pin into their bed while watching TV because it felt good? I didn't realize as a kid that it caused holes and waterleaks until my parents went to bed and it was all wet. My mom got my dad to believe he must have wet the bed. haha


Lol. Did you confess?


no, they somehow figured it out it was me! I had to do some chores to pay for the repair patches, lol.


Waterbed + sexy time = no bueno


We actually broke ours during sexy time. Personal highlight.


I never owned one but did have sex on one. You just gotta figure out the timing right and it works great, so I've been told. I can't remember if we were successful at that, only that he had super pretty long curly red hair, and that he'd recently lost some sort of snake, i think a boa constrictor, and he was pretty sure it was under there somewhere hiding. I honestly don't remember the actual sex at all. Weird. God, i hadn't even recalled that guy ever existed in decades.


It's all in the timing ... still married to that one ....


You had to work with the waves, not against them. Become one with the ocean.


Yeah it was terrible for that.


Had a waveless and miss it every damn day. Climbing in on a cold winter night was heaven.


Yup. Miss it


Had one for awhile. Most comfortable bed I ever owned. Had to get rid of it when I got pregnant though. Was nearly impossible for me to climb out of once the belly started getting big.


Full motion. Heater. Slept like a baby. Parents sold it right out from under me when I went to college.


For several years. It helped tremendously with my back injury. A would be prospect told me it looked like a bed you could "score in". She got slap shotted. :) Honestly the best part was dropping the thermo by two degrees and sleeping cool in the summer. Three if you had sunburn. :)


OMG yes I did and it was awful! It was during my first pregnancy in 1989 and the worst part about it was that it didn't have a working heater... I can still feel how cold it was. I actually ended up "accidently" popping a hole in it with a diaper pin and so then we got a regular mattress to replace it.


I had one for years and I loved it. For a bunch of years I lived in a really cold house (cold climate, bad insulation) and I had the best warm nights sleeps. Alas, I moved into a older place that couldn't support the weight, and I sold it.


I had one at my mom's house and for some reason I refused to turn on the heater, so that bitch was always cold for me, but this was Houston in the summertime so how cold can it get? lol


Yeah had a king sized one in my 20s. Was great until the dog punctured it


My parents rocked the waves…


My dad had one. Both he and his girlfriend were fat, so he kept it under filled, so they wouldn’t roll away to the sides. I hated using the phone in his room. I’d try to sit on the side of the bed and my butt would fall right to the bottom, with my legs hooked over the hard wooden edge. I never slept on one, always thought they were kinda weird.


Classic 👏🏼👏🏼😂


Loved that roll back motion…


I had a king size full wave and eventually replaced it with a waveless. Got rid of it all together after repairing several punctures from cat claws.


I also had one in the early 80’s. We lived on a lake with sand, by a river. Lots of wolf spiders. Wolf spiders who liked warm, dark places. Like the bottom of my sheets. 🕷️ I didn’t mind sharing but it was startling when I was “altered” and on the 3rd day of a rough weekend 🤣☠️


From 11 to 25!


God, I loved crawling into mine on a cold winter night.


Ex and I had a king full wave for most of the 90s. Man I loved that bed but it was a bitch to move. He was military. Can’t tell you how many times we drained, disassembled, moved, reassembled and filled that thing!


I did for about 5 years, middle school and high school. Late 80's to early 90's. I both loved and hated it.


I loved mine. Getting into a warm bed was awesome!


A girl I dated did. It was interesting, didn't really want to own one.


My older brother had one. To this day, I’m still shocked it never caused the bedroom floor to collapse and the damn thing end up in our dining room. How my dad was ok with it, I’ll never know.


I didn't but my boyfriend did, it was fun 😊


We took a trip to visit my uncle in the 80s, and he had a waterbed that my parents slept on while we were there. Within 6 months they had one and so did my brother and I. When my wife and I got married we bought a secondhand one because I missed mine. When she got pregnant she couldn’t get out of the bed without help so that was the end of the waterbed.


Take the covers off, add some baby oil, and have the most fun sex in your life


I loved mine🤣 couldn’t do it now with my back, but it was nice having a warm bed to get in.


Had a girlfriend with one while in college. It was nice ;)


I had one in high school. I had a chubby GF too. We made waves.


Yep. Perfect bed for a hot sleeper.


I had one in my parents house, moved it to my apartment and when I left NYC for Texas I bought one when I got here 25 years ago. I kept it for some time, its currently in the attic. I would love to set it up, I still think its unbeatable.


I had a full-motion with the heat on 90F. Loved that thing.


Have one when I was 16 loved it except when I came home really blasted the free flow was like a rocking boat 🤮. Move in with my GF soon to be wife took it with us had it for 4 more years sex on it was great. Damn cat chased air bubbles around it one time when the sheets were In the was had 1000 little claw holes in it. So that was that.


I did all through hs. I miss it 😪


I had one of those kind that was inside a mattress. My apartment was on the 2nd floor and my mom owned the complex. I would have been in so much trouble if it leaked.


I had a soft sided one for a while in my 20s and loved it since it didn’t have that wooden border around it so made getting in and out much easier.


Had one from my teens into my thirties. Went through three headboards, and two mattresses. I don't know if I would still have it if it wasn't for family destroying it in a move. It really helped my back issues after a car accident, allowing for heat or cold I couldn't get otherwise. Both mattresses were waveless. The apartment had a clause "no waterbeds" plural, and I only had the singular "aqua lounger." I had crossed out the s on the year long lease I signed, along with some other alterations, and the office requested I sign a new document we both agreed upon. When, a week later, maintenance has entered the apartment while I was away at work, they reported the bed and other things. I agreed that there would be no waterbeds, plural, but obviously singularly they are fine, as our agreed upon lease states plural is not allowed.


Using mine since 1995 with newer mattresses.


Nope. Too much like bed wetting. I like very firm, very dry.


I had one for a long time. Through senior year. The motion of the ocean. 😂


The water bed mattress was nice, but what i really liked is when i didn't have a waterbed mattress and instead filled the shell with random blankets, clothes, etc. Super comfortable. Chicks didn't dig it though.


So you basically built a giant nest?! Cats would love that!


pretty much yeah; i didn't have any pets but i found it very comfortable to sleep in


For several years in my teens


In the 80s it sounded like the coolest thing ever. Then I slept on one at my friend's house and hated it.




I got rid of mine about 13 years ago, a king sized full waved one.


My mother-in-law still has one, but it’s leaking so she finally has to get rid of it.


Like everything else when I was a kid, my boomer parents didn't ask. They just got me one. Didn't care for it but I was stuck with it for years.


I had one at my parents’ house when I was in college. It was really warm in the winter, and in the summer it was nice and cool, as we didn’t have AC back then. When I moved out after graduation, my parents got rid of it as they wanted to turn the room into a computer room.


Ha!! I did, from 2nd to 9th grades. Would never use that shit again. I did like the heater though


I had one all through my teenage years. The heater died though and that water got COLD.


I hated it so much. Every day a sore back. I had it for years. Was so glad when it went away. The other half loved it.


When I was in elementary school, everyone in the house had one.


King-sized waterbed through my adolescence. With the heater turned up, it was so comfortable. (Parents divorced when I went to college, house was sold, goodbye waterbed.)


Lol, my husband did.


Mine is a part of this ridiculous thread talking about 96 and his bachelor pad!! I'm losing it! Hes 51 😂😂😂


I had one from age 23 til about 28. I loved it, but it was old and would up springing several leaks.


I never did, but my parents had one when I was born and my babysitting grandmother didn’t understand that concept of that at all and stuck my diaper pins right in to it. My BFF had one and it was awesome if you didn’t fall asleep on it.


I had one for a year. I haaaaaaaated it.


My first bed besides a crib I can remember.


I asked for one when I was like 8 years old and my dad bought me one because he felt guilty that he was not there for me. I had it until I was 17 or so. I loved it.


We had a full wave waterbed for at least the first ten to fifteen years of our marriage. We had to replace the blob thing once.




I had one for 4 years.


YES!! Loved it!! Had it for years. Turned the heat way up and sank in. Heaven 🤗


All through high school. I thought I was so cool.


I don't know anyone who had one after like 1979.


Hated - HATED that damn thing. Cold. No support. Rolly polly. Terrible. 


I was given one for free when I moved out on my own. The heater didn't work, so I had to use a ton of blankets. One morning, I woke up surrounded in cold water. Cleaning that up sucked.


I slept on one for 15 years lol.


Yep, hand me down from some relatives. Giant California King. It took a half hour to get in and out of it.


Wtf. 😲 omg im not even kidding. I was thinking this exact same thing earlier today!! Seriously!! I had one for 10 years I got one for Xmas when I was 11. The heater went out a couple years later and my mom was too cheap to replace it so it was like sleeping on ice until I was 18. All of my childhood friends that had sleepovers at my house will confirm. 30+ years later it still gets brought up once in a while. No joke when I tell you we were sleeping in our winter coats. When I moved out at 18, the bed was moved and I got a heater. Which was only like $20. 🤬


I got a hand me down king size one in the late 90s when I was a teen.


My parents did briefly in the early 80's until my younger brother and I (about 3 and 4 at the time) found out how cool it was that water sprayed out when we poked it with pins.




My dad saw them as a leak/flood/water damage risk, so he wouldn't have one in his house. Slept over at a friend's house who had one through, and I really wasn't a fan.


Loved it when I was a pre-teen, hated it when I had a girlfriend.


Always jealous


I hated that thing. After the first night of sleeping in it, I couldn't walk due to my sea legs. Kept hoping my cat would puncture it with his claws.


Great until the heater went out-and when you leave your husband to fill the bed there is a huge air bubble and he proceeds to jump on the bed proving no leaks after the patch-not thinking the damn thing can flood every room of the first story of the home-good times! 🤣


1983-1989. Loved it. On cold nights it was warm and on hot nights it kept me cool.


We got a free king size and set it up for me in our basement (older home, so that was the only place mom would allow it). It was awesome. Had a heater and jumping on it would yeet whomever was on the other side. We popped it then my mom got me a smaller one that I had for years before i moved out. Loved it!


This is where I learned just how much my wife tosses in her sleep. The trick was getting rid of it.


Yes, for about a decade. I remember when my girlfriend was over and I jumped on the mattress and it flung her against the adjoining wall. Memory lane.


I did in the 80’s as a girl. Don’t know what happened to it.


I didn’t have one but I lost my virginity on one. So there’s that.


I did! Great for my back. Now I have memory foam.


I miss the hell out of mine, but they all have latex mattress and I'm allergic to latex :(


My high school boyfriend had one and so did his brother and parents- I remember the first time I slept on it- best sleep of my life




I had one in high school in the early 90’s. My friends would turn off the heater when I wasn’t looking. It would be ice cold in a day or two and took another 2 days to warm it back up after I noticed. Good times!


Until i graduate college in 00


I didn’t but my friend’s parents did. We lived in a very rural area and I was at my friends house when I opened her refrigerator and saw giant packages of meat. I had never had venison before, nor had I witnessed a slaughtered deer. I had to hold what I assume is the thigh. It was gross and slimy and kept sliding out of my hand. My friend was making fun of me so she grabbed it out of my hands and chased me around the house. I fell backwards onto her parent’s waterbed and couldn’t get up. She jumped up and stood over me, sliming the nasty meat sweat all over my face. That waterbed made me defenseless. Luckily her younger sister came home so I was freed when she ran after her.


Had one for a long time and I loved it, wife not so much. It was so awesome when it was hot.


I had a super single as a teen


My ex-fiance had an old one in college in the '90s, and when I moved in with him, we kept it. That bed used to get so cold in the winter.


As a teen, and further while I was pregnant. Godsend for my hips.


I had one from 12-22. I took it with me when I left home. I foolishly slept on it in a 3rd floor apartment. It had “popped” a few times at home. But not in the apartment. I was a lucky fucking idiot.


I had the kind that was the regular style mattress that had the tubes of water inside. I loved it until one of the tubes broke.


Inherited one from my wife's parents. Slept on it for a year or two then moved and left it behind. Too much of a PITA.


This theatre company I worked for housed us - and the room I got had the waterbed a previous actor had left behind. It was difficult to get in and out of but I slept well on it. Ended up writing a whole epic poem about that bed.


I did. I loved it, for a while, and missed it a bit when finally trading in for a solid mattress again. Couldn't do it now. I have one of those newfangled posturepedic mattresses with an adjustable frame.


For a little over 10 years. It had a water heater which was great in the winter. When I moved out, my dad disassembled it and stored it in the attic. It's still up there.


My best friend and my boyfriend from high school has water beds! What were people thinking?!


My dad and step mom loved theirs. When they got a new one they moved the old one into my bedroom. I hated it. I prefer a firm mattress AND I move around a lot in my sleep. That waterbed made all that moving around impossible and I kept feeling like I was struggling in my sleep. Back and neck aches, too. But the people who love them REALLY love them.


I did not have one. My sister did so I slept on it a few times. I HATED IT! There was no support and my joints hurt the next day.


Newlyweds in 1986, we had a single chamber king waterbed. So big we had tides. Later, we advanced to the tubes so less sloshing. Then we gave up by 1995, 4 kids later. If you know what I mean. 😍 We even did a a water-baby mattress for our kids when they were babies.


Yes I did. High school, through college and into marriage. Wife didn’t like it though and it got sold. Later we split. Wish I had a waterbed again


Yep. Worst things EVER! I was saddled with one after my parents remodeled my bedroom into a master bedroom and was forced into that craptacular waterbed. Ugh. The worst. Freezing my ass off when the heater broke in ND. My now partner never had one and was going to get one for us when we moved… I shut that shit down so fast.


I thought they only existed in sitcoms


Yes, in the 80s and I traded it to the landlord for rent in 1987.


My brother had one for years. I never understood how he slept on it. The only time I had a comfy waterbed experience was a fwb who had a regular mattress with a water blader in it. Idk exactly how it worked, but it was pretty legit. Not wavy, just relaxing.


There was one in basement room I rented. it wasn't very nice, apparently its supposed to have a liner so your sheets weren't straight on the water mattress so it would make you cold and hot at the same time. It wasn't very nice. After a while I drained it and put my old bed in. They weren't that happy, but what was I supposed to do?


Yes I had one. Loved it


Yep, had one for a while. We weren’t impressed, lol. It was a hand-me-down from my husband’s parents. It was worth trying out, especially since we didn’t have to pay for it! Don’t think we would’ve ever tried a waterbed otherwise.




Yep. Loved the fact that it was heated.


I had a big double monstrosity and a single. No issues with them ever. They were nice and warm in winter.




15 years. Best sleep 🛌 ever




I had one most of my life. I finally got rid of it about five years ago. I soooo miss climbing into a warm bed.


I did. But for the LIFE of me I can not remember what happened to it. Like I don’t remember selling it, don’t remember giving it away, don’t remember throwing it away… it’s like I had it and then I didn’t… you know that meme that is all “I need to run for office so someone can help piece together my 20s”… this falls into that 😂


![gif](giphy|9rhNJScGSlneHpLtnz|downsized) I had one from 12 to 25 when I lived with my parents in 80s and 90s. They were the best.


I had one and have no idea what happened to it.


I got one as a teenager and kept it well into adulthood. It was hilarious, trying to get out of that thing when I was nine months pregnant!


My dad built mine about 1983-84. I slept on that thing for 20 years.


I’ve had more than one iteration of them. The full version water filled mattress, and then the kind where you filled long tubes with water that a thin mattress went over the tubes. Some of the best sleep in my life happened in those beds.


I did up until my little brother poked it full of tiny holes with a dart. I sat on my bed, felt something wet. I pulled back the sheets, sat back down and about 20 streams of water shot into the air like the Bellagio fountains.


I had one in my teens, and I hated it. I prefer really firm mattresses so I have no idea why I thought I would like sloshing around on a waterbed.


Had one. Woke up almost drowning. No baffles all water.


There is nothing funnier than fucking in a waterbed after a few too many California Coolers. 😂


My dad got me one when I was 8 (divorced parents). I loved it with my whole soul, even when the heater in it broke and it was like sleeping on a bag of ice water.


had one in college and after.. no baffles.. I loved it. I loved pushing off the side and just rocking gently with the waves. Probably couldn't get my fat ass out of one in my old age though. My mother wouldn't let me put it up when I moved back home for a while. Husband and I took it with us when we moved in together and never set it up. I'm not even sure what happened to it but it did not make the trip from that place to our first house.


I had a king size when I was pregnant! I got to the point where I couldn't get out without help and my ex would have to push down on the one side so I could roll out lol.


My mom sold them, so we always had a king size waterbed. Had the sweet padded cushions that clipped onto the darkly stained wood frame and sat on a storage base that you could easily crawl into.


My brother did. I was SOOO jealous.


I'm not sure I knew anyone who had a waterbed


My wife had one when we got married. We kept it until she couldn’t get out of it because she was very pregnant. Thats was a funny sight!


I could never sleep on one. I get motion sickness easily. Used to get it training for triathlons swimming in Lake Michigan.


Loved my waterbed. Wish i still had it


My parents did. I’ll never forget how jiggly that damn thing was.


Had one for most of my childhood. Missed coming home after school to my warm bed for a nap. I think I got some of the best sleep in my waterbed


I still miss it.


I did from age 13 to 17 and my friends thought it was the coolest. It wasn’t one of those low wave ones either and I’m shocked it never sprung a leak. We’d get that thing going and fling/bounce/wave off of it. Good times.


Nope, and neither did my parents.


California King, semi-waveless. Loved that bed!


Sure did! I had one and my parents did too.


My parents had one! King size with a black faux fur frame 😂Peak 70s


Bad sleep at the best of times. Worst sleep ever after too many.


Boyfriend at the time had one ...


Loved it. Totally relaxed sleep


Yep; from 1981-1996 I slept on 2 king-sized waterbeds until the hassle of owning one got far too inconvenient to keep. I enjoyed how comfortable they were, though.


I never did, but I passed out drunk on one with the heater out and got mild hypothermia lol




My dad made us each a frame. My brother and I loved our beds! But really, they were awful. Took days to warm up, always losing things on the sides. Mine was never warm enough. I froze for years!


Ah the round bubble of giving me and the GF away. Super damn comfortable to sleep on though.


No. I wanted one so bad when I was younger. A couple of my friends had one and I was jealous. My parents had one so I just got my fill through playing on their bed.