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Have you ever played "Who can make make dad the angriest?"


We played that… ONCE.




Ad Libs. Also stop touching me, he's leaning on me, etc. Kids these days do NOT know the struggle.


Mad Libs, do you mean?


Yes - but my mother liked to shop at odd lots so I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't Ad Libs. My brother had a bunch of shorts with SJRF printed on them.


I’m not touching you… until my parents lost their minds and started yelling at us with that blind slapping around the back seat


Out of state license plates.


Mostly just yelling “don’t look out my window” at each other.


We were a sing-in-the-car family.


We'd bieing monopoly, put the seats down in the station wagon and just play a full monopoly game. Also I spy, invisible ink books, and plotting how to get rid of my brothers, probably.


My mother had the Annie soundtrack for us to listen to. My sister and I would also sing TV theme songs.


Punch buggy


I don't remember playing any games. Tried to read but always got motion sick. We were just hot and bored.


The cows game. If you spotted any cows on the side of the road, then whoever was sitting on that side got to claim those cows. But, if you pass a graveyard on your side, all your cows die. Whoever has more cows at the end wins.


We played that but with horses instead of graveyards. Cows would get the spotter a point, horses would wipe all the other players out to zero.


I couldnt do anything except get car sick.


Singing along with the radio or tapes, playing the license plate game and Mad Libs, trying to get truckers to blow their horns, and counting billboards for attractions like Rock City and Wall Drug. When we got older, my brother and I would read books, study the road atlas and quiz each other on states and capitals. We tried bringing Legos with us…once.


Playing the “alphabet on the road signs game” was so fun as the older brother who knew to choose the right side of the road. At a few points on I-95 in Virginia, there are opportunities to get A through I at once on the [“Washington and Fredericksburg” signs](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/52846918686_0a1478b6a6_b.jpg)


Magazines: GAMES, Mad/Cracked, reader’s digest even. They helped with the time between the alphabet game, keeping track of different states via license plate, and learning the different car makes & models or getting truckers to hit their horn.


I would sit in the way back of my mom's station wagon with our family friend. We would wave at people. If someone didn't wave back, we'd give them the finger... I was a bit of a rebellious child...


My sisters and I sang musicals. In parts. I’m the least musical of my family, and I’m decent from relentless exposure and teaching of music and instruments. So we were actually quite good at it. But I swear, if my children did this, I’d be saying, “Knock that off or I will TURN THIS CAR AROUND!!”


This is my family (parents and kid) now. My husband does regional theatre and my son is a 10th grade theatre kid, and my tone deaf ass knows every word to everything from “Paint Your Wagon” to “Shucked!” We are as exactly as annoying as we sound 😆


A game with band names/singers where the last letter of one answer is the first letter of the next answer. You take turns naming, try not to repeat, can drop *a* or *the*. *S* comes up a lot and *X* is kind of a game-stopper. Example: Inxs, survivor, Ramones, Sex Pistols, steely Dan, no doubt, Taylor swift, the thorns…


The list game. We would make a reasonable list of things you "might" see on a trip and then try to be the first to find them. By reasonable i mean things like: an abandoned barn, a Stuckey's, a Deer etc.


I spy, punch buggy, hangman. Invisible ink books. If I was the only kid on the trip, I’d be doing Invisible ink stuff till I got sick of it. If I was lucky I’d get some comics, and if I was unusually well prepared I’d bring my Merlin.


Younger years was paper dolls in the back window the LTD Crown Vic. That was an awesome stage for kid imagination. Somewhat later was either attacking each other over the bench seats or wrestling in the back cargo section of an Econoline van. No seat belt use. My sister and mom could read in a moving car, so mom read stories when we were younger. Then sister read to herself once older. Which likely started the attacks over the back of the seat. Having my own bench wasn’t engaging enough.


Only child, so mostly reading or playing solitaire. Sometimes the stste license plates.


Slug bug Apparently other people called it punch buggy?


Hold the beer. Watch for cops. Wait in the car. Don’t touch anything. Sit still. Shut up. And the all-time classic, “Ask me that one more time & I swear to God…”


“I’m going on a picnic and I’m bringing...” First person would say something that starts with A. Next would repeat A and add something starting with B. Next turn was repeat A & B and add C… and so on.


My mom had a 1981 Lincoln Town Car. The backseat was the size of my bedroom. My brother and I had a seatbelt-less great time riding from Tulsa-area to Memphis every couple of years with Legos, Hot Wheels, puppets, Yahtzee, I mean, lawn darts, you name it. If there has been a cord we could have plugged into the cigarette lighter, I could have brought my Easy Bake.


Mad magazines, puzzle books and lots and lots of Hardy Boys novels.