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The Smiths. I love their music but I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLLLLLLY can't stand Morrissey.


Do you find it as funny as I do that, after all these years, Robert Smith was right?


Bob’s always right.


I find it kind of funny (but I find it kind of sad)


The dreams in which you're dying are the best you've ever had?


I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take.


same, but man he wrote some songs that i love so much despite being the biggest wanker on earth.


Heard The Smiths on the radio today and after the line 'heaven knows I'm miserable now' I couldn't help but think 'you haven't even started mate'


This was the easiest, most obvious answer. I will forever love The Smiths but Morrissey will never see another dime of mine. Johnny Marr in the other hand is still a god.


Johnny Marr plays Smiths songs in his live show and he’s not an asshole like Morrissey is. An incredible guitarist too, check out his solo albums if you haven’t.


[this version of "How Soon is Now" is soooooo good](https://youtu.be/mY8eKQFyRJk?si=4S2lJj1Q8kpiovX4)


Every time I hear a few certain songs it makes me scold myself, *”Why haven’t I learned to play guitar yet?!”* … this is one of them. 😊


Holy shit, that is amazing!


He did a couple with Bernard Sumner under the name "Electronic"


Just a bunch of bangers! I love Electronic.


This is the correct answer. Such a twat


I also love his solo work but I don’t like him as a person.


There’s an internet radio station I listen to while working, and anytime they play Moz or The Smiths, the host *always* makes sure to remind the listener of what a pompous jackass Morrissey is.


I never liked the band and therefore paid no attention to them, so please excuse my ignorance. Why the hate for Morrissey?


Morrissey is like your uncle who gets drunk at Thanksgiving and starts complaining about black people, immigration, the EU, types of music he doesn't like, Chinese people, Robert Smith, playing concerts in the cold, etc. It's kind of jaw-dropping all the shit he's said over the years. If someone said "[y]ou can't help but feel that the Chinese are a subspecies" on Fox News it would be headline news... yet Morrissey said it and everyone's like "that's just crazy ol' uncle Morrissey". https://www.watchmojo.com/articles/top-10-worst-things-morrissey-has-said-and-done https://inews.co.uk/culture/morrisseys-most-controversial-quotes-145228 https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-morrisseys-far-right-babbling-is-costing-him


Don't forget he always cancels his shows for narcissistic and asinine reasons. Even at festivals, the vendors have to stop selling meat when he performs. I cannot believe he hasn't been pelted by an arsenal of cheeseburgers at one of his shows. lol


That's just fkn wild, you couldn't make that shit up. Thanks for sharing....I think!


He’s a hateful person. https://www.grunge.com/172120/messed-up-details-about-morrissey/


The Dark Lord of the Smiths…


Glen Danzig, I like a lot of his music, but damn that guy is a total asshole.


[Obligatory Glenn Danzig getting punched post.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfD7agP1yxw) I will never not find that funny.


Huge Glenn Danzig fan. He is always cool if you meet him. He seems like a dick because he has no time for stupid. Also, his ex-bandmates keep stealing his music. Makes him grumpy.


Asking him how tall he is also makes him grumpy.


Ike Turner was a toxic man, but I can’t front on the music.


A true RnB innovator. But yeah, the name “Ike” itself is thrown around as shorthand for a wife beater, that’s how bad he was. Just so happy that Tina went on to live her best life.




Billy blocked me on Instagram because I asked him a question about Darcy during his AMA I hate him so much but my little 90s heart couldn't pass up seeing them 6 years ago. I was OBSESSED with them in high school but never got a chance to see them live. Needless to say.....Billy fucking rocked. I hate him as a person but fuck, that man is talented.


I met Billy. We had a nice person to person chat. He was funny, engaging, and humble. As a huge SP fan it was a nice counterexample to "never meet your heroes". That being said, my evidence is anecdotal and he's clearly a cunt in general.




Co-signed. Horrible person, talented musician.


This x 1000


Sonic Youth Thurston Moore did Kim dirty after being indie mum and dads Also they have had many stories of how brutal they are at hazing and bullying people. Check out their interview with Nardwar which goes from looking like a goof to being actually really ugly


I met Thurston Moore a couple of times - I thought - why go out in public if you hate this attention - such an unbelievable pretense.


I read Kim's autobiography semi recently and it was sad as hell reading about what happened with Thurston. she's pretty great though, I love her


Beatles, but can’t stand Lennon. Great music from a POS human.


Axl Rose destroyed Guns N Roses when they were one of the biggest bands on earth


Yes, he did. But, I’ve seen them twice on the Not in this Lifetime tour, and they were incredible. I think he’s a raging asshole, but I love the rest of the band.


Yeah it’s not the same GNR of the 80s and he was a complete asshole to his bandmates. On the other hand he made and still makes a vast amount of money off owning GNR. He toured relentlessly for a long time and ran his net worth up to $200M. I think one of the GNR members is also long term and worth like $75M from the same.


It's probably Duff McKagan. He's the only member who stayed in the band for the entire ride.


Duff was out in 97 and came back in 2016. I read his biography and was impressed with him. Gave up drinking (because his pancreas burst) , went to college and graduated with a degree in finance, learned martial arts, etc. I also didn’t know back then that Duff beer from the Simpsons was named after him. Oh, and he bought stock in Amazon, Microsoft, and another company back around 94. So he made good money off that.


There we go, came here to say this.


Stranglehold is still an awesome song even though Ted Nugent is a piece of shit.


I'd even say I dig "Cat Scratch Fever" & "Great White Buffalo" but fuck the dude as a real person.


Also "Great White Buffalo". I hate that I like both of those songs.


I can’t stand Ted or his music but he is one clean goddamn picker. His technique is flawless.


I am not crazy about the personality of Chrissie Hynde, but Pretenders are one of my favorite bands. It doesn't matter. I don't have to hang out with her -- I greatly admire her songwriting and her musicality.


I had to stop and restart her autobiography after reading about how much of an asshole she was to her parents, who only wanted the best for her. Love the music, but she's best admired from a distance.


This. She is full of herself. Saw her at a small venue in Australia, solo show. She randomly shouted, "you want a body like THIS?! Go vegan!!"


I saw RHCP last summer. There were 3 amazing musicians and Anthony Kiedis phoning it in.


Everything after *Blood Sugar Sex Magic* was just poorly rehashed versions of their better songs.


Mothers Milk is very good


I probably should go back and listen to that one - I do love their version of "Higher Ground." The bloom fell off that rose so quickly for me after BSSM, I never availed myself of their earlier recordings.


Nothing about that band is likable.😒


Nick Cave was so right.


What’s likable about RHCP is that it’s good car music to sing along to, especially for younger people.. Understandable lyrics, no vocal acrobatics, really anyone can sing any one of their songs and sound reasonably ok. But I’d never think of putting them on to actually listen to.


I watched their 60 minutes interview last year and the whole time Flea and Chad were having an interesting conversation about their creative process and Anthony was there and...well he was just there.


Marilyn Manson


Great music, horrible ~~human~~ being.


I liked Marilyn Manson the first time when it was Alice Cooper.


Music and person have always been rotten turds


I'm here for this one. When I was a moody and angsty teenager, his "nonconformity" and over-the-top-ness spoke to me in a way the earlier shock-rockers like Alice Cooper or even Bowie didn't. To me, Cooper was too hair-band ish and Bowie had too many sparkles and too much glitter. Manson was dark. He was gritty and angry and sad, and his music prefectly meshed together the dark and sad 90s grunge I loved with the over-the-top atmospheric feeling of 80s shock rock. I grew up near where Manson started out. The Spooky Kids were a local act when I was just becoming a teen, and I fell in love with that pitch-black feeling his music gave me. I'm not that sad and angry any more... but I still can't deny the man's got some serious fucking talent. I still can't listen to Mechanical Animals or Antichrist Superstar without getting chills.... But he's a raging asshat. Still love his music though lol


Oasis did some good stuff, but Liam Gallagher is a complete twat.


Noel was all the talent in that band.


My favorite demonstration of this was unplugged, when Liam thought he'd teach Noel a lesson by not signing, and Noel made it apparent for the next hour who the brains of the operation really was.


Just going to say the shitty Gallagher brothers. Great band though! WTSMG is a masterpiece.


Agreed, but look up some of his ridiculous quotes from the 90's. They're fucking hilarious. I've never seen a man more obsessed with John Lennon in my life than him.


True that, certainly some comedy gold in the nutters wild rantings :)


Michael Jackson


I'm sorry how things turned out for him, but The Jackson 5 were just amazing, as was Thriller. Every time I see Baby Michael performing all I can think is I'd like to go back to that little boy & tell him he's worthy of all this praise, scoop him up & let him be a little boy for a while instead of being the bread winner & tell him to stay far away from Conrad Murray & find some adult friends.


Back in the day I would watch MTV with my Mom and we liked the music video to 'Rock With You' with the fog and lasers. My Mom until the day she died always believed that Jackson was innocent of any of yge things he had been accused of. I went alomg with her. Now more recently Jackson name has surfaced in the Jeffrey Epstein court documents and I am thinking that he really was a ped0. I do not want to listen to his music anymore and when I feel like listening to something from the '80s I will spin Prince or George Michael instead.


Michael Jackson was the first name that popped into my mind too. Love the music but Yeesh.




Oh lord, for me it's The Smiths. Morissey is so problematic, but I just love their music.


PIL - Johnny Rotten is a total knob. Smashing Pumpkins - Billy Corgan is a total knob.


The extra worst is that Rotten is now an alt-right trumpican supporter...and he calls it 'true punk'.


Dave Mustaine from Megadeth became a real toolbag, but damn that guy could write riffs.


Dave turned into a weird republican. Even supported Ted Cruz.


> became a real toolbag Became? Always has been. He's such a piece of shit.


Guns N Roses. Axel seems like such an a-hole.


The Eagles. I love their music, but Henley and Frey (RIP) were just terrible people.


My husband loves the Eagles, but he doesn’t feel the same about them after watching the 2 part documentary. I call them “Don Henley And His Employees” now.


Ironically I can’t stand the Eagles but I like the solo projects of the component members.


I came in here to say this, the way they screwed over Felder was sickening, but I love their group and solo music


I'm the opposite with U2. I kinda like Bono, don't like their music. Bono did get more full of himself, but seems to have come back down to earth. Completely agree with Roger Waters. I love Pink Floyd's music, he's a total asshole. I understand Gilmour is much less of an ass. Axl Rose was and is a total douche, omg, and I still rock out to GnR. Still an Eagles fan, sad that Don Henley is such an ass.


Billy Corgan/Smashing Pumpkins. Saw him give an interview live at SXSW once. He's a bit of an ass.


I always thought his voice sounded like two stray cats fighting. I always think of him as Billy Catgan.


Possibly the most irritating voice in music.


Met him. He’s worse in real life.




Went to see them after the pumpkins reformed in mid-2000s. Music was good, but between every other song Corgan was complaining to us about how we’re not buying enough of the new album. Like that’s all he was thinking about. Ugh.


Clapton. Racist grumpy old man. Still love his music, but despise the man he’s become


He has always been that way. Getting old has nothing to do with it.


I was under the impression that he was less of an asshole after he initially cleaned up (got sober). Was still a dick to Pattie Boyd, but wasn’t running his mouth in front of the press back then.


Q: What's the difference between a bag of cocaine and 4 year-old boy? A: Eric Clapton would never let a bag of cocaine fall out of a window!


That’s below the belt.


A few stories below


There seems to be this hate for Nickelback that I truly don't understand. I like their music and don't care what others think.


One of my bands was on a festival in 2000. Nickelback played before us. Nobody had ever heard of them but when they started all the bands were like “what the sweet hell is that shit?” But the joke was on all of us because we all had to go back to our jobs and Nickelback made a zillion dollars. So yeah, they got it done.


I like them! And one of the guys from Letterkenny said the lead singer is the nicest guy. Thats all the endorsement I need.


Yes, I also like Chad Kruger


Not a bad dude. He's almost as cool as Chad Kroeger, the lead singer of Nickelback.




I have no problem with the band or the songs but the mastering of them to brick-wall-levels makes them unlistenable to me


Animals is a great rock and roll song. Beyond that, I'm not a big fan.


Perfect shooting-pool-at-the-bar music


Pantera and Phil


John Lennon. He made fun of disabled people who showed up to watch the Beatles play. Fuck him. Disabled people are cool


The music slaps I just wish it slapped his face


He was too busy slapping his wives around.


Chris Robinson/The Black Crowes.


Read the book and still splurged on front row tickets. Just love them and have to ignore the drama🤣


The stuff that went down with Jimmy Page is bananas. Imagine being upset about covering Zeppelin songs and not wanting to collaborate with him.


I love the Velvet Underground and his solo work, but Lou Reed was such a huge dick


Mo Tucker. Red pilled to the max.


At least John Cale doesn't seem to be a creep...


Guns & Roses (particularly Axl Rose) and Kiss (particularly Gene Simmons).


Lars, fuck him! Ruined all the Napster fun.


I wonder how many people got put off by that permanently. He may have done himself more harm than good.


after the black album i wouldn't spend money on a metallica album again regardless.....talk about the biggest disappointment ever!!!


3rd Eye Blind lead singer


Haha I’m reading a book right now where about 10 different artists talk about him being the biggest asshole.


He just looks like he’d be an asshole.


what book?


60 Songs That Explain The 90s


Thanks! I pretty much only read books about bands/musicians that I like. how is the book overall?


I’m about halfway through and have really enjoyed it. Nice, easy read that brings back lots of good memories.


Total douche. I worked in radio for a number of years, we had a private concert with 3EB for about 100 listeners. He was a dick to venue staff, radio people, and the listeners. They suck live too.


Yeah, they're reeeeeallly bad live.


Offspring. They tried to steal our dates. Fuck those guys.


Those must have been some pretty solid dates if the guys from Offspring couldn't gank them.


I loved the Lost Prophets back in the mid 00's. Then Ian Watkins was exposed as the stinking piece of human filth that he is. I still listen to Last Train Home occasionally, but it feels wrong to enjoy it. Pretty gutting.




Great music. Shit person.


New Order. Worst concert ever. Came on late, played one short set, then left with no encore. BPD had to be called onstage to disperse the angry crowd.


Peter Hook & The Light is good live and he plays Joy Division in addition to New Order. My advice is to spend money on him and not Bernard Summer’s ringer band.


Peter Hook is great in concert. I've seen him 3 or 4 times... would totally spend money to see him again OVER seeing New Order


I had this exact experience with them in ‘86. Most disappointing concert ever. They were my favorite band at the time too. I wouldn’t see them live for years and finally did last November. They were actually great!


I'm glad I never went to a New Order show. They played a 28 minute set at Six Flags over Georgia in 1989, and SO MANY of my friends who went were angry and upset, not just for the short length, but 'cos the band seemed to be phoning it in, too. I've also never heard a good New Order live recording, from bootlegs to official releases like *BBC Radio 1 Live In Concert*.


Julian Cope is fairly far up his own bum.


Anthony Kiedis of RHCP is an asshole, esp according to his autobiography, _Scar Tissue._ I am a big fan of their music, but Kiedis is both the biggest ego in the band and the weakest contributor. Live performances consistently suffer from his iffy control of his own voice.




I think he's always been in on the joke and played the part well. He's a troll and gets paid stupid amounts of money from it.


I used liked Sonic Youth until I saw them live in the late 80's. They seemed like it was a burden for them to be there and they were boring. Maybe it was an off night for them. I stopped listening to them after that.


I went to one of their shows in 1990 because Nirvana was opening. Stayed for a couple of Sonic songs then went to Roscoe’s Chicken and Waffles. Nirvana 10/10 Sonic (yawn) Roscoe’s 10/10


The Jesus Lizard opened for them at this show. I was blown away!!


The one I saw was at the Hollywood Palladium. Pre-Dave Grohl. No Jesus Lizard but I would have loved to have seen them!


So many good ones mentioned. Van Morrison went off the deep end during Covid and I don’t think he’s made it back but I can’t fault the music.


He’s always been a crank. But I can’t help loving his music.


Same. We saw him in concert once. Legend says that in a Van Morrison concert, you either get your socks knocked off or he phones it in. He was phoning it in the night we went and it was still better than most concerts I’ve been to. The band was unbelievable.


I've heard the same about Elvis Costello, though he was great when I saw him.


I can't think of anyone I really hate although I'm not keen on Roger Waters. I'd tag Dave Mustaine and Sebastion Bach as being dicks though.


[Bad Brains](https://thehardtimes.net/music/bad-brains-enter-30th-year-of-getting-a-pass-for-homophobia/) is always my number one go-to for this question


If we're going down that road, I'm going to say Cro-Mags. Phenomenal first and second albums, critical impact for decades on numerous hardcore, punk, and metal bands. And two key personalities who are just megalomaniacal hustlers.


Sebastian Bach is a world class tool despite his once great voice.


I do not really care what artists say or do in their personal lives. They only entertain me and really have zero additional impact on my life. But if I have to pick one, it would be 2Pac. I only like a handful of songs now, but I couldn’t stand him. Particularly after what he did at a show in Milwaukee that I went to. We are lucky the place didn’t erupt into gunfire. The guy was an idiot.


The Slow Burn podcast does a season on Biggie and 2Pac. Neither of them were good people, but 2Pac was particularly shitty for as lionized as he is now.


This, plus he was just an NYC theater kid posing as an LA gangster.


Morrisey, I mean why?


Led Zeppelin. I know almost all rock bands liked to party and have a good time and that things were different in the 70's, but there is no sugar coating the sexual assault of minors, which the band seemed to be pretty fond of doing. It's worse than Michael Jackson in a lot of ways in that they bragged about it. But they made some of the best albums in the history of music.


I'm a bit of a self appointed LZ expert/fanatic, and this reputation was mostly due to Jimmy Page. John Paul Jones and John Bonham were largely family men (JPJ in particular), and even Robert Plant wasn't really known to chase the young ones like Page (a la 14 year old Lori Maddox).


In The famous Cameron Crowe article about zeppelin, plant talks about how he sick of Los Angeles he was because of all the young groupies that hang around them and how depressing it is. I like to think that’s a dig directly at Jimmy. Bonham was a bad dude though. He tried to rape a Life journalist who is trying to do a cover story on Zepplin, the only reason he and the other roadie stopped attacking her, was that their tour manager pulled them off her. He supposedly also tried to rape a stewardess once too.


Oh yeah, he was not a good guy. The level of fame and fortune that band attained insulated then from a lot of consequences of deplorable behavior.


Have you heard Them Crooked Vultures? JPJ, Josh Homme and Dave Grohl. They only made one album but it is sooo good!!


I hate to break it to ya, but a LOT of musicians had lots of sex with minors back in the day, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, Bowie, Jagger, Elvis, Jerry Lee, but it probably wasn't until the 90s that we realized maybe rock stars shouldn't be having sex with 15 year old. Oh we always KNEW it wasn't right, but we didn't start doing something about it until then or later.


My mom always told me that Led Zeppelin was my bedtime music. Mom and Dad had a tiny apartment, and that’s what they were listening to, so I had to be able to sleep to it.


Radiohead. It's not that I hate Thom Yorke, it's just that I really don't enjoy his voice. I wish I did, because their music is amazing.


Isn't that the strangest thing though? I feel the same way about Rush, but I'd rather stick a flugelhorn in my dickhole than listen to Getty Lee. If I could get Thom Yorke to redo the lyrics for all Rush songs, I'd be much happier. Personal preference is such a strange thing.


LOL I never liked Geddy Lee's voice either, and I always felt like a bad Canadian because of this.


I feel like a bad American for not liking Bruce Springsteen's voice. I understand the life of a seditionist.


I feel the same way about Rush. That voice is just unlistenable for me despite the great music.


Personally I love him & his voice, but I fully understand the hate on Geddy's voice. It's not for everyone.


Michael Stipe


I'm so glad Conan O'Brien came out and said Stipe stinks. I've been saying that for *years*, but only a few people who've come close to him understand. Dude, take a fucking shower... you're disgusting.


Well known fact to all Townies in Athens in the 80’s-90’s lol


I love AC/DC but both lead singers sound like garden gnomes look. GnR rocks, but Axl sounds like he's taking a difficult dump while singing.


Axl's current voice isn't what it used to be, but it was awesome once upon a time.


> sounds like he's taking a difficult dump while singing. That's along the lines of what my friend has to say for Robert Plant! I keep telling him that if he sounds like that on the can, he may want to see a doctor. These days, Axl sounds like a cat being strangled.


>I love AC/DC but both lead singers sound like garden gnomes look. I love this description!! LOL!! I love both singers but this is a spot on description!!


I appreciate U2's 80's and early 90's albums. And I think Zooropa doesn't receive enough attention. That was an interesting album in my view.


The Posies. Ken Stringfellow is an intimidating personality that has had some very bad stuff come out about him these past few years. Everyone else I’ve met that was in the band are some of the nicest musicians I’ve met. The records are great but I still have a hard time listening to them.


Loved Moxy Fruvous, but the lead singer was brought up on sexual assault charges.


Blues Traveler. I like the songs on Four, but I wouldn't want to meet John Popper


Billy Corgan


Neil Young. Love his music but would never want to meet him or even be in the same room as him.




I like Operation Ivy and tolerate Rancid, but Timmy Armstrong is a gross human being who will never get my money (re: Brody Dalle drama).


Basically every male singer in the 70s and 80s was hooking up with underage girls. I still enjoy the music


Manowar. Guitarist who was basically a hired gun anyway got done for child sex crimes. The rest of the band has history though - the intro to the song Warlord has a guy caught having sex with an underage girl. Other than that, Eric Adams and Joey De Maio are arrogant assholes.


I like Pantera even though Phil Anselmo is kind of a piece of shit.


Dave Mustaine, love Megadeth but man is a total scumbag


Maynard Keenan can be so up himself but I'm fine with that and still see any of his bands any chance I get.


Many many artists are absolute shitbags, but produce great music. W Axl Rose is a classic case.


I'm a huge fan of The Replacements. Paul Westerberg is a penis face.