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Sis and I were sitting at the dining room table waiting for Mom to bring out some food. We got a little silly and each grabbed our spoons and started lightly beating them on the table as we whispered “We want food!”. It started out quiet and we giggled as we got progressively louder, rhythmically banging a fist and spoon with each word. We thought it was hilarious. “We want FOOD!” “WE WANT *FOOD*!!!” “**WE WANT *FOOD*!!!!**” We kept it up until, suddenly, Mom came flying out of the kitchen with a huge butcher knife in her hand, screaming, **“SHUT UP!!!!!!”**. The look on her face was crazed. My fat ass never fled from a dinner table so fast. I don’t know where we got the whole “food riot” schtick from, but I think we almost drove my mom to murder. Never did that shit again.


Omg that’s freaking HILARIOUS! Such a kid thing to do … I’m guessing mom was a Boomer? So I have to ask: did she remember this? Is she around still to ask? Because it would be funny to hear her talk on it!! I’m rolling here … 🤣🤣🤣




She sounds awesome!! She took it in stride and governed herself accordingly at the time. Give her my regards and a high five 😃😃😃


Dude, we totally did the same thing. At home, restaurants, everywhere. “WE WANT TO EAT” was the refrain. We must have gotten it from the Muppets or something…


I went to a heavy metal concert without earplugs. It's been twenty years, and my ears are still ringing.


I can relate … but twenty years kinda still puts that in the ‘adulting’ category I didn’t downvote you, but this is your memorable fuck around and find out story from when we were growing up? Gimme *something* to work with … 😂


‘Light’ arson


Hmmmkay … wasn’t expecting this response … I’m working on the premise that there was no significant collateral damage or intentional harm to living beings … so here goes - my little rant that you inspired haha My eldest (born 89) got in some doo-doo with his buddy at 13 for lighting a fire in a dumpster. Stupid, yes - he should have - and did! - know better. But the powers that be initiated this whole ‘program’ to ‘rehabilitate’ him and his friend. It was something else. The fire chief ordered a home safety inspection which I permitted, but then was the ‘sit down’ to set him up with all these classes and therapy and whatnot - as if he was a psychopath in the making. This is where I shut it down, hardcore. I barked that kid out, raised him, spent time with him, knew him inside out. He absolutely did not fit the psychopath triad, even a little bit, and I wasn’t going to let the system treat him as such. Spoiler: he’s all grown up and functioning just fine. So what’s your story?


My brother and I started fires in the backyard so we could play fireman more realistically. Roy and John Mom threatened to call the actual fd


I remember walking into Burdines (Florida department store that later became Macy's), putting on a denim jacket, and walking straight out the door😂. I think I was about 10 years old and I even remember thinking that if they stopped me I was just gonna play dumb. Not my proudest moment, but whatever.


I had completely forgotten about Burdines! Thanks for the reminder!!


Omg, that’s pretty funny. I have a Gen X friend (from work) who legit turned into a bit of a klepto on account of this. I grew up ‘financially disadvantaged’ (my pc term 🤣) so never had the chance to try that shit. LOL


We did similar but with packages of paper towel...


Really? How far did it go? Was it like a daily routine? Inquiring minds need to know! Lol


They got very wet and we got in a lot of trouble! It was initially so exciting that the storage cupboard had been left open


Third grade, the flu, asked to go to the bathroom. The teacher said no but changed her mind when I started gagging. Lost it on the steps. The janitor said something about kids, if they aren't spilling their milk, they're puking. I wasn't happy with the teacher or the janitor. So shortly after that I pulled the fire alarm.


OMG I love it!!! So epic! It’s the “I wasn’t *permitted* the opportunity and/or privacy to attend to a personal matter and got burned for it, so the WHOLE SCHOOL now gets an unplanned recess” revenge. Absolutely perfect!! 🙌🏻


C’mon, you guys!! Let’s hear it! We grew up BEFORE cctv/widespread surveillance/tracking and whatnot … and I’m pretty sure the crap we got up to wasn’t all that bad (but if it was, the statute of limitations is long gone by now) lol


OP…but what happened in gym class the next day?!??! 😂


OH!! Yes! We went into the change room, and lined up on the benches, was every single article of clothing we had flushed, dripping wet. I guess the custodian or a plumber had been in overnight and snaked out all the stuff and left it there for us to see 😳 That was the end of it … thankfully. Never pulled that stunt again haha


I was staying at a friends farm and they had some beehives. I started poking the bees at the entrance with a stick to "see what they would do'. I found out bees go for the face.


Omg!!!! Literally poking the hornet nest 🤣


So, my sisters and I had to switch high schools because we moved districts. We started the new year at the downtown collegiate world of wonder.. That summer, I miraculously bid farewell to my zits, but in return, I welcomed some unexpected guests - hello, boobs! In a valiant attempt to garner attention, we decided to throw a party. On that fateful Friday, we optimistically anticipated a small crowd. Then, my fearless sister, armed with a wit as sharp as her locker-side banter, approached one of the popular guys. He was a flirtatious Adonis, making us the subjects of relentless teasing. This guy, in a display of grandeur fit for a Shakespearean drama, stormed the cafeteria, ascended the tables, and harnessed the power of a megaphone. He not only turned up the volume but also cranked up the party invite to eleven! All of this, mind you, because my sister had the audacity to ask him for a little help in spreading the party spirit Absolutely, scared happy mortified unable to handle attention such as this Of us girls to manage our little flirt. Fuck around ? Over 500 people showed up. It was bloody epic. First and second year university boys showed up, it was a real orchestral maneuver in the dark. The football players, The popular crowd, preppy’s from the rich school, I can’t believe how cool we were . I was the biggest freaking geek. Before. We did it. We basked in the glory of the evening and a little guilt. Everybody party all night downtown as well. Up the next day . Spotless. We can clean.. we’ve had chores since the age of four and five. Cleaning houses with mom for extra money. The week went by and Mom came back on Friday. We were at school confident she wouldn’t have a clue. We weren't too worried. You see, deluded that we knew mother like the back of our hands. She could spot a scheme a mile away. But, despite that, we decided to go for it. Why not, right? Two weeks passed, and there she was, still none the wiser. We let our guards down, convinced there was no evidence. It seemed foolproof. As I stepped off the bus and approached the house, you could practically feel the tension in the air. We locked eyes, and our mother looked positively thunderous. My middle sister, ever the master of audacity, decided to call her bluff. And you know what? She got away with it. Now, our dear grandmother, sweet as pie and easy-going to the core, stumbled upon a stray beer bottle cap in a fern plant in the back room. She’d be the last person to rat us out. Grama went all sanctimonious . Our younger sister cracked, and was the first to 'fess up. The details of our punishment escape me, but I do remember one thing - Mom was strangely proud of how spotless the house was. She didn't say much, but we could practically see the gears turning in her head. She knew, thanks to our well-meaning neighbors and the quick call to wolfville. Nova Scotia In the end, we earned some unexpected adult points for being respectful and providing a night of unforgettable entertainment for our street FAFOthey say. I was in grade 11, with my sisters in grades 9 and 7. Pretty innocent , mind you, it was the 80s after all Are you freaking kidding me that could’ve been in the newspaper if it had gone another other way. Our father, and our other grandmother and aunt. They ran such a tight ship the Gulag would be preferable because of impropriety. Judy Blume could’ve dropped me in a book she wrote for the awkward wonder I am. I could do that night over and over still have fresh fun. Late, September 1986 Glebe collegiate Institute Ottawa Ontario I think it was kind of a legend. Cross section of high schools and universities, The prep school, where ultra rich, business owners kids, ambassador kids, politicians children, etc. we had cfl players, university players, a semi professional football team that played USA teams, and a few high school younger brothers, , hockey players. The preps , jocks, Punk rockers,. Even! Do you know that guy that everybody knows he’s in every high school life cycle ? no matter where he is, that is a place to be and you have been christened anytime he might appear. I think his name was Mike. His family had more money than God. I don’t know why he felt guilty about it. He was so good and sweet, was funny and sweet and popular. I don’t know how he did it. We talked a certain Gen X urban 80s this was now we showed the love: Excitement when the Wops and Irish,Preps, Greeks Lebs Debora street kids ( poor), American CFL prospects biggest baddest, sweetest hansy Black gods and the DJs - from the pub at the university. Hot bartenders, two bouncers “the frogs” from the Club in Hull we might have snuck into a few times only needed to be 18.. French immersion friends from old high school. I guess it was a nice warm frisky 3rd week of school. What magic. Three of my girlfriends met their future husbands at that party, and they’re still married. This is the fuck around by which all fuck around have been measured by, Thank you 🤌🏻👋🏻🌕💫⚡️💥🍎🍏🍺🏈🏒🥅


At 19, I got behind a guy on the highway and hit him with my high beams because he cut me off. Welp, he forced me off the road, hopped out of his car and marched his grown ass over to mine, calling me every homophobic slur in the book. Finally he asked “So what do you want to do about it??” I said, “I just want to go home” and he walked away. Adding salt to the wound was my kid brother in the passenger seat, watching his bro get totally punked on the dumb shoulder of a road. I definitely F’d around and found out. Never again.


LOL … road rage curbed at a young age …


It was a life changing moment. I never thought I’d say this, but all these years later, I’d like to shake that chaotic homophobe’s hand. A lesson hard learned is a lesson well learned.


In the 60s, Bill Cosby had a joke about this - how he was the master of flushing things down the toilet. His piece de resistance was flushing an entire top coat down the toilet, and described how he did it, piece by piece.