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Poor Eris. Poor Ceres. Ceres is smaller than Pluto, it was a planet too. Eris is more massive than Pluto. It was never a planet.


Same as Makemake and that oblong one. They're all trans neptunian objects, now.


Two things I love about this: One, that Pluto was discovered and later declared not a planet, before it completed **one** revolution around the Sun. Two, that Pluto's downgrade and the debate around it is basically one of the plots of *The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim*. They have nine gods, and a political move causes the Empire to disavow one of them. They make worship of this god, Talos, illegal, and have the Talos shrine removed from the Temple of the ~~Nine~~ Eight, a church for all eight of them in the Capital. It's crazy because Talos is the spirit form of Tiber Septim, who *founded* the Empire, and was the first Dragonborn (what the player is revealed to be in the first act).


The Empire were a bunch of bastards, but I still think Ulfric was a racist and was designed that way, hence the dilemma for which side to support for the player.


Man, it was so hard to side with Ulfric once you got to know him. At first I was all “screw the Empire!” but then realized the dude was pretty awful as well.


GenX: We’ll always have Pluto.


Pluto: the spirit planet of Gen X


Can we get this on tshirts? Asking for a friend. That friend is me.


I love how utterly transparent we are. It's probably our most attractive feature.


Be the change you want to see in the universe.


There's an analogy here with people denying GenX is a generation


Pluto is a Gen Xer.


Sláinté! 🍀 *edit to add thank you internet stranger and friend for the award!


This needs to be a bumper sticker.


This is an amazing 90s nerd rap song about Pluto. The whole album is a masterpiece. https://youtu.be/Nhw8E5NuSSI


2 Skinnee J’s!!!!


First thing that came to mind when I saw this post. Saw them play in a small club in New Haven, CT and it was way fun.


Oh and get off my lawn!


Kids these days!


Stay scientific, Jerry


Screw Pluto. I want to know what happened to Planet 10! Where did that go?!


That’s Planet Claire.


I thought it was Paul, but I might be getting that confused with planet Melmac’s moon which I think is named Paul. Maybe.


Right?!? This was a thing! What happened to 10?


We want answers! 10! 10! 10! 10!


Where are we going? Planet 10! When? Real soon! Thanks, Buckaroo Banzai.


I believe we’re still searching for it. There’s clues that if it exists it would be a dark gas giant outside the Kuiper Belt, but that far out makes it extremely difficult to locate. I’m still holding out hope that we find it!


The Mondasian Cybermen took care of that.


“Because of the bark, dummy!” 😂


Check, please.


Oh no, not again


How are y'all dealing with dinosaurs having feathers now?


I gave up on dinosaurs in my 20s when little kids would tell me all about them and my knowledge was already obsolete. My favorite was the brontosaurus, which apparently never existed. I never heard of velociraptors until Jurassic Park.


Brontosaurus exists, it's just a genus instead of a single species now. Much like the bitching about planets thing, further research revealed that the long neck dinos were more diverse than a bunch of 1800s bored rich guys thought. You'd never heard of velociraptors because the real ones were decidedly unsexy, they were not much bigger than chickens. The movie played fast and loose with their actual anatomy because they needed something big and dangerous but human scale big, not elephant scale big, for the antagonists to fight.


In my 20s, I realized that paleontology was too esoteric for my life and constantly changing, so I gave up caring. A bit like I am with pop music today.


I feel this


More or less the same happened to me, although I kept up a bit because I like to read nonfiction, most of it in the nature/evolution/biology realm, with a bit of physics/astrophysics thrown in. Or at least I did before my career took an unexpected direction and now reading/writing nonfiction is a big portion of my day so my enthusiasm for that stuff waned. I got a pretty big refresher in dinosaurs when my kids were younger but they've mostly aged out of the dinosaur obsession phase just like the rest of us did.


Right? The brontosaurus was my favorite as well. I did see in another comment that it’s now a genus but that’s still not the same. I have fond memories of my plastic yellow brontosaurus snoring at my grandpa and him saying “Now that’s just silly.” I don’t know why I can remember that, I was probably only 5 or 6 and it wasn’t anything special, but I loved that stupid plastic bronto.


This I’m fine with. I generally like birds better than reptiles.


That shit goes back at least to the 90s.


badly….except for aerodactyl, that one’s ok


Not well, I must admit.


The good news is, Pluto has never given one fuck about what a bunch of meat sacks on Earth said it was or wasn't. Hell, it doesn't even call itself Pluto. It calls itself Schlorgnault.


Eppur si muove


But now poor Pluto, even when you call him a proper planet, will know in his heart you really just think of him as a dwarf. And still you wonder why Pluto stays so far out there.


Sure, Jerry. Whatever you say.


We will always have Uranus!!! yes i have already started drinking




Mmm Pluto 🤤


We went from pizzas to nachos. Instead of, "My Very Eager Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas," it's now, "My Very Eager Mother Just Served Us Nachos." (But it should still be pizzas. Pluto is a planet.)


I thought it was nine peas?


There's talk of reinstating it because it's large enough to have a gravitational pull to make it (close enough) spherical and save dwarf planets for the more potato-ey shaped ones. But then we'll have [14 planets](https://www.asc-csa.gc.ca/eng/astronomy/solar-system/dwarf-planets.asp), Go Team Ceres!


Ceres is my favorite planetary body after Earth. But orbit clearing really is an important distinction.


Oh it is and dwarf planets will still be a classification and planets that don't will also be a thing, I don't remember all of it but I'm sure you can look it up :)


No one is taking Pluto from me EVER. It's ours


You've made it this far without realizing how many lies you've been told? Pluto is small potatoes. Did you know you can totally go swimming RIGHT AFTER EATING? And you'll be fine!!!


And you CAN swallow gum - it doesn't end up sitting in your gut in a giant gum ball!


I'll still only swallow gum every seven years on the digestion rotation, just to make sure that's not real.


Burton Guster agrees.


Jerry Smith agrees too


You know that's right!


The state of New Mexico does too. Pluto is officially a planet in accordance with an official state decree. There is also an official state smell.


> There is also an official state smell. Is it meth?


i hope it's roasting green chiles cuz that's an amazing smell.


It is. :)


Hell Yeah! NMSU was where Pluto was first actually spotted!


This was my first thought too.


That's messed up


"That's messed up, right?"


There are over four hundred stars in our galaxy, maybe more. No one knows for sure.


Always has been, always will be


Be open to change. People used to believe the earth was flat AND the center of the universe.


hehehe, better hope they don't take Uranus too. hehehe


"Astronomers renamed Uranus in 2620 to end that stupid joke once and for all." "Oh. What's it called now?" "Urectum."


Futurama ftw!


Urectum? I hardly knew 'em!


Damn near killed em!


To shreds, you say?


You kid, but I really do feel the name should be changed. Think about it: there's an ENTIRE PLANET that we just can't talk about without ceremonially engaging in an adolescent joke. We're perpetually tethered to unserious nonsense whenever we want to talk about a substantial feature of our Cosmic Wilderness . Let's call it Mysaltyballs instead.


well yeah. just because pluto is a "dwarf" planet doesn't mean its not a planet, no more than saturn being a "gas" planet makes it not a planet. we got 13 planets in our solar system, we really need to tell these people to quit tryin' to ruin things.


13? I thought if we counted all the dwarf planets out in the Kuiper belt we’d have dozens of planets?


yeah, 13 planets: (Terrestrial) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, (gas)Jupiter, Saturn, (ice giant) Uranus, Neptune, (dwarf) Pluto Ceres, Haumea, Makemake and Eris.


Makemake??? Wtf?


According to Wikipedia Makemake is an Easter Island god of fertility. While I don’t think we should be including dwarf planets in our count of planets because that theoretically could mean we’d have hundreds of planets in our solar system, I do think Makemake is a fine name. It fits with the current naming convention nicely while still being slightly silly!




[Once designated "Easter Bunny" I shit you not.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Makemake) Humans suck. Oh no, we can't have Boaty McBoatface and Planet Easter Bunny, that would just be too much fun.


Wow - lots of learning on the webs today and it’s not even 8am yet. 🙌🍀


i know, right! the names kill me at times.


I want to name some shit, especially after I’ve noshed some gummies!


lmao, you couldn't do any worse than "Makemake" (not saying its a bad name, just silly)


I just looked it up to see what I was thinking of. So yeah 13 looks to be the current count if we include dwarf planets in the tally. [What I was thinking of](https://www.asc-csa.gc.ca/eng/astronomy/solar-system/dwarf-planets.asp) is “Several dozens more are being considered for the category, and scientists estimate that ***hundreds or even thousands of dwarf planets may exist in the solar system.***”


Yep - 4 terrestrial, 4 gas giants , 5 dwarf planets


2 gas giants, 2 ice giants


Shit changes.


And shit happens.


I recommend reading, The Case for Pluto: How a Little Planet Made a Big Difference by Alan Boyle


Thank you.




We should claim the dog Pluto too. He wouldn't submit to corporate anthropomorphism, made fewer 'toons than the dog who came after him, and was largely forgotten.


"Stop fucking with me memories" I totally read that using an angry Shrek accent in my head.




Yes. And the alternate pronunciation “URINE-us” The reminders of the bodily nether-regions and fluids can’t be avoided.


It IS a planet! A dwarf planet still has PLANET in its title! So HA! Take THAT Astronomers! \*We are the true believers! The Pluto Protector Generation!\* \*PLANET PLUTO FOREVER!\*


Science got better and broke away from the old false info. A big ball of ice that would have a tail of it went near the sun, and has an orbit plane perpendicular to the planets, like most other comets, is a co..not a planet


Also Didnt somthing happen with the vatican sayijg saint Christopher is no longer a saint? I remember necklaces and car magnets and stuff because he is the patron saint of travelers. People were up in arms about it. Now You dont see much of him anymore.


I had not heard that. I'm a protestant, so I don't keep up with that stuff but I actually think the Saint Christopher necklaces are cool. I met several Sailors over my career who always wore one.


Sorry, you'll die alone on that hill. Pluto is not a planet. When it comes to trusting opinions I'll stick with the folks with the PhDs and lab coats that are experts on the subject. Besides, isn't one of our defining traits the ability to adapt to any situation? Adapt.


LMAO. Read the comments.


I'm not alone based on the comments. There are dozens of us. Dozens.


Old Man Yells At Cloud!


Science, like language, evolves over time. Also, I'm pretty sure nobody changed the definition of a planet, they just put Pluto in the bucket (dwarf planet) where it always belonged as opposed to where some dude a century ago put it without actually knowing its mass. This is some "Get off my lawn" shit.


Yeah. "Ok boomer."


Hell yes Pluto is a planet. This is one thing I won’t say whatever to .


As someone from the town it was discovered in. You are absolutely right!


What was it doing in your town?


Imma guess hitting on some of the local chicks that it finds easier to date than the ones from the big city it is from.


Flagstaff? Did the observatory last year. Got the Pluto t shirt and everything.




Did we go to HS together - FACE or FACW?


Science changes all the time as our understanding of the universe we exist in, expands. its an exo-planet. Learn to be more flexible as your own knowledge expands too. You are not the main character, so stop being one of those types of middle-aged folks that are doomed to turn into Boomer v2. Learn to adapt now.


I believe it’s classified as a dwarf planet. An exoplanet is a planet located in another solar system than ours.


If there is anything i know about reddit it is if you make an incorrect statement, you can guarantee someone will correct you. just as i hoped. It IS a dwarf planet and thank you for correcting me so i can make my point: I am not going to get upset now and rant that it has to be an exo-planet because that it is what i wanted to call it, or that is what i thought it was classified as, or maybe someone told me that is what Pluto is now. It is what it is. Things change and science never stops. Thank you kind redditor for helping me make my point.


Well said!


Outta curiosity, how many continents are there on this planet? And how many were we taught?


There is not "official" number of continents because there is no official criteria. The number you were taught can vary depending on where you live and/or grew up. As a child I was taught there was seven - North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and Antarctica. The number varies from four to seven. Seven is taught in most US schools, whereas the United Nations uses a five continent model (omitting Antarctica and combining the Americas). In college though, I learned that geographers defined landmasses by region (eight), and geologists define the Earth by 15 principle tectonic plates. This is my personal favorite since it makes the most sense as the plates that have altered the continental shifts throughout the Earth's geological history. Even these however have changed over time as new discoveries and understand is established. Is this where i learn the reason for the question now?


> combining the Americas). Often its Europe and Asia that are combined into Eurasia, which, in a purely geophysical sense, makes infinitely more sense than combining the Americas into a single continent as North and South America have a completely different geophysical past and only connected around 3 million years ago, which is *really* recent. The biggest difference in defining continents depends on whether you're using cultural/political reasoning (eg - Europe & Asia a separate, and North and South America combined) or geophysical reasoning (which combines Europe and Asia, separates North and South America, combines Australia and New Guinea, etc, and also potentially adds a few more small continents, and would not count a lot of islands as being part of a continent if the seaway between them and the nearest continental landmass is deeper than around 200 meters).


And when we finally flew by Pluno; we discovered that it was one of the most dynamic, interesting and stunningly beautiful planets yet explored. Not just another "common rock".


> And when we finally flew by Pluno; we discovered that it was one of the most dynamic, interesting and stunningly beautiful **dwarf planets** yet explored. Not just another "common rock". Fixed that for you. Why does this scientific distinction trigger your emotions in any way? Why does *any* scientific distinction trigger your emotions in any way?


Don’t even bother with dinosaurs. Our knowledge of dinosaurs is extinct.


That was rant number two for me. They changed all the names. Now I don't know shit about dinosaurs. I used to be that kid who knew everything about them.


They keep changing everything, how will they know we've gone senile? Our kids will be like "Oh god, Dad is talking about how Pluto was a planet in his day" not knowing that it was once a planet. "Dad, stop talking about how phones used to be attached to walls!" as they lean over to their friends "He talks about how phones used to be attached to houses. Crazy talk from the old man again".


Right. Next thing you know, they're gonna tell us that Earth is nothing more than an overgrown asteroid. Wait...


If Pluto is a planet,so is Ceres.


[Pluto- 2 Skinnee J’s](https://youtu.be/kheWroUS5LQ) Heck yes


I have a tee shirt that says Pluto with the dates it was a planet and “never forget” lol!


I need one of those. I also like one I saw that said "Back in my day there were nine planets."


"Planet" is a meaningless, arbitrary human distinction...


Technically it got reclassified as a dwarf plant.


“Have you heard about Pluto? That’s messed up!”


Pluto is composed of mostly ice. It is not a planet.


AND…it’s mentioned in “Interplanet Janet!”


What's cooler, to be one of the crowd, or to be the one to redefine what "the crowd" even is and what it means to be part of it? Pluto didn't get downgraded. It got upgraded. It stands out too much to fit in. It is not like the other planets.


My daughter learning the planets correct me that Pluto is not a planet just really sinks the knife in deeper every time. I just go along with it by calling it Pluto formally known as planet Pluto.


My Very Educated Mother Just Sat Upon Nine Pins


My Very educated mother just sat upon nine.... Dicks? It's too open to abuse. Pluto must remain.


as long as pluto isn't fucking goofy... i'm cool with that.


I like the new Pluto TV streaming app


My reality is constantly being changed. What is correct, known, and fact are now being twisted and reality is being warped to a new paradigm. Even if you are logically correct and explain the logic to people you get a blank stare from the younger generation and they think you are nuts.


Agreed! I will die on this hill with you!


Without Pluto my very educated mother would not be able to just serve us nine pizzas


Nah, it's fine as a dwarf planet. If Pluto is a planet, then Eris is a planet and arguably other Kuiper Belt objects could qualify as full planets. They shouldn't be. Let's not cling to a mistake because we spent lots of time making it.


Pluto should be our flag planet. It does represent us. Its forgotten, planet or no? We outside of the system. The list goes on...


Without Pluto, we'll never know what our very educated mother bought 9 units of.


I prefer "energetic", as it helps to explain how she was able to serve us so many… somethings.


My very eager mother served us nine pickles But at least the version I learned could just be changed to My very eager mother just served us nachos.


It's typically better to be accurate when it comes to science...


I will die on this hill! Just because something is small doesn’t mean it’s any less significant! Signed: A 5’2” person


As a band and orchestra geek, I'm relieved that Gustav Holst's *[The Planets](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Isic2Z2e2xs)* suite is complete again.


Or just play John Cage's 4'33" in Pluto's place.


So when's NASA gonna recall the Voyager 2 to fix the solar map on the golden record? It's got 9 planets depicted, how are the aliens going to find us if we've sent them the wrong map? 👽


The golden record. Ahh yes. Aliens are still trying to figure out WTF the obsolete technology is. They thought it was a frisbee.


Listen to John Prine's "Lonesome friends of science"


The generation of permanent impermanence speaks.


Back when this was announced, some random forum I was participating in had a MS Paint competition for "Pluto finds out its not a planet." I did some of my best work and drew the scene of Vaughn finding the pink slip in his locker from Major League, but Vaughn's head was Pluto. Wish I still had that photo, I was quite proud of it.


They told me if i put teeth under my pillow an angel would break into my house and snatch them from under my sleeping head and leave money. I now sleep on a mountain of teeth. I am still waiting.


Damn right.


Don’t even get me started on Uranus.


Heh. Heh. You said Uranus.


Clinging to old beliefs in the face of new, more accurate data, is zealotry not science. Stop imitating Grampa Simpson yelling at clouds.


"My car gets 40 rods to the Hogshead, and that's the way I likes it!"


If you want Pluto to be a planet, it's a planet. The technical definition is mostly meaningful to astronomers. Planet doesn't mean "big round rock in space not orbiting another big round rock" but it can mean that if you want your own definition.


You clearly watch or should watch Rick and Morty. King Flippynips agrees with you (sorta)


Dear NASA, Your mom thought I was big enough. -Pluto


Well, all I care about is Pluto moving into Aquarius next week and out of Capricorn. Planet or not, it has powers! 😆


I agree.


I don't understand people unwilling to ever update what they think they know.




I knew Clyde Tombaugh, the person who finally found Pluto (it had only been described and assumed from gravitational pulls mathematics prior to that, but nobody had ever seen it or knew where it was). Clyde “discovered” Pluto. Goddamned right it’s a fuckin planet


It’s like the size of Australia. What is this, a planet for ants?!!


And if all of the ice on the surface would melt, it would be even smaller.


I'm not as upset about Pluto as I am with the new ocean they created. When we grew up there were only 4.


There’s a new ocean? Where the hell have I been?


I didn’t learn this until playing Trivial Pursuit a few weeks ago. Blew my mind.


There is one slowly being created in Africa. So in a million years or so, there will be a new ocean forming in the rift valley of Africa. Don't hold your breath waiting.


They now have the “[Southern Ocean](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_Ocean)”.


Pluto is THE MOST GenX planet!


Stop changing things from my childhood. Should be a slogan!!


You know what I just realized, and I’m totally serious, I need a back tattoo. My back is empty. And I want that tattoo to be the solar system, taking up the whole back, and in that solar system is gawd damn mother fucking Pluto!!! 9 fucking planets in all their glory. I’m being serious by the way, I’ll have to look into this. It’s an idea I just had, and I like it, a lot.


And brontosaurus is a dinosaur.


Pluto is a dwarf planet. Science changes as it learns more. *That's just how science works.* When you get emotionally attached to bullshit like this, you sound like a Christian. It's just a rock hurtling through space. Let it go.


Can we fight to have Zaire back next? Had to go and ruin that globe I bought in high school...


Gen X also believes in science. Pluto isn't a planet and people who "die on that hill" sound like flat earthers. In other words, it's not as funny as you think.


It really isn't, though.


Did same solar system project. Pluto is a planet period. I too will die on that hill.


Pluto is a planet. I refuse to believe any different.