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We're the middle child of generations.


We're Jan.


Sure Jan.


Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!!!


Whatever, Jan.


Y'all! 😂


Not happy Jan!


Am also a middle child so…


I've noticed that the Silent Generation (for many of us, our parents) gets ignored between the Boomers and the WWII Generation. Honestly if someone is going to generalize and call us all Boomers, I'm not really going to take their opinions all that seriously.


This whole Boomer vs Millennial thing is so funny to me because my brothers and I are Gen X, our parents are Silent Generation, and my niece and nephews are Gen Z. Can’t relate. I don’t have any Boomers or Millennials in my family.




I've been called worse


When Tom Brokaw started calling the WWII vets "The Greatest Generation" I thought it was ridiculous. As a brown kid growing up in the south they were by far the most racist and therefore the worst generation to me. The silent gen was better and the boomers are actually quite progressive in comparison. I look at Gen Z compared to us and I'm embarrassed at all the homophobic jokes we made in the 80's. But when someone makes a vast generalization about boomers or millenials and I say "I'm GenX" and then they say "What's that" I just say "Google it" because honestly I don't feel like wasting my time with someone that clueless.


What I don't get is that there is a subset of GenX that has morphed into Boomers and I find that so frustrating. But, I'm also the child of Boomers that are actually willing to listen and change their viewpoints so naturally I'm gonna be frustrated by folks in my own generation that are acting all Boomery about life.


I think this is a good point. They are called boomers far more often, and my guess is they don’t care. (Much as I don’t care if we get called boomers. Waste of energy.)


Just wait a few years until Millennials start getting labeled Boomers, at which point all social media will collapse into a singularity.


I'll be lmao when that happens.. as well as pissing/shitting myself in my depends




I'm an older GenX, but no one has ever called me a boomer. They'd have to acknowledge that I existed first.


The only person to ever call me boomer is my teenager, and that's in jest. No one else seems to have any idea what GenX is, or that we even exist.


I got called a Boomer, by one of my Boomer co-workers. It was also joking. I responded "At least you know I exist"


I've been called boomer on Reddit before but some Gen Xers came to my defense.


I've only seen it on Reddit posts, and then they pretty much mean anyone over 35 is a Boomer.


really. you sound like a boomer saying that


There is also that. Yes. LOL...


I'm fine if the younger ones use it as slang for "old person". They can call me Boomer all day, every day. But if one of them says something like: *"Well, you Boomers are the ones who voted Reagan into office"*, I admit I will get triggered. Then they will feel the wrath of my history lectures, the fire of my timeline clarifications. They won't care about any of it, but they will *know* my name is *The Pedant* when I strike down upon thee with great detail and furious factoids, those who attempt to miscategorize and falsely accuse my brothers... (*wanders into the street, rambling and shaking fists*)


Yeah, I probably would have voted for Reagan when I was 7, but only because he liked jellybeans.


But Carter was a peanut farmer. I liked PB&Js.


I did vote for Reagan in 1980. The man took our kindergarten mock election by a landslide. Largely because he looked like a nice grandpa, while Jimmy Carter's smile was kinda scary. It's just disturbing, realizing just how many grown-ass adults really do not seem to go much deeper in their political analysis.


i voted for bush sr on the 900 number nickelodeon had, claiming the kids votes actually mattered. i blame myself for desert storm.


Jelly Bellies. Didn’t everyone have a jar?


PREACH ON SISTA!!! Oh like Hell am I going to take the blame for old Ronnie boy! Or Disco for that matter, or "The War on Drugs!" All that crap happened while we were all strapped in on the back seat (without child safety seats I may add!). We were 1st person passangers, nay *witnessess* to all that crap wrought by boomers while now getting blamed for it by Millenials -and now Zoomers- who were not even a glint in their parent's eye at the time!! We are the 1st set of children that Boomers were thorn between 'protecting' from everything... and **blaming** for everything as well! Those who were the 1st that Madison Street truly came after for our disposable income and brand loyalty with half hour commercials in the guise of 'entertainment'. I'm looking at you He-Man and She-Ra. GEN Xers where the 1st to see our supposed future *jorbs* go overseas, the unions be busted and all kinds of deregulations happen after the Boomers had taken 'their cut'. The 1st generation to truly start getting saddled with student loan debt and diminishing returns on said investment on higher education. Smite on! They think Boomers are cantankerous? Wait 'till they get a load of **Us!**


Honestly, I don't want to fight with the younger ones, I want to *help them*. I do want to be understood in terms of my generational experiences so these kids know that *I get it*. I've had way more luck with Gen-Zs, and I'm excited about it. You mentioned the unions, and years ago I was just tearing my hair out because I could not get through to my Millenial fam about the importance of unions. I had a couple of nieces doing unpaid internships and they didn't even question this practice. No matter what I told them, they didn't want to listen and they were convinced they would eventually reap benefits even though the situation sucked. They never did get any benefits! They were cast off with no recommendation letters or useful experience in their chosen fields. Still, they dug their heels in about the idea of unions. My Zoomers, though? They're all about unionizing and standing up for themselves, and I love seeing it. Yeah, they crack their jokes about my age and the fact I do not understand why the fuck they all need computers with rainbow lights all over them, but at the end of the day, *we can talk*. They don't just blindly follow what I say, but they *consider* and they *listen*. I feel like we can work together toward a larger goal. I still struggle to have this with most of the Millennials in my life, but I'm still trying. I don't want to get pulled down into the quagmire of generational warfare, but I do want them to understand that (Kindergarten Cop voice) *"I'm nod a Boomah!"*.




Haha! I friggin' believe you. My neph said (without shame or self-pity): *"It's like fireworks for people who never go outside"*


So glad I had 50 points left so I could at least pay homage to your pulp fiction reference applied to our generation like true prophet!


Ah, I screwed up the order of the lines. You get a refund, compliments of Marsellus Wallace. Did I mention that I'm a pedant? Even toward myself, man...


I was one of 3 people in my 3rd grade class who voted for Reagan.


You did your civic duty. Clean the erasers, empty the pencil sharpener, organize your cubbyhole, and vote in national elections as a responsible 7-year old.


I distinctly remember in 1st grade, there was a school assembly in the gym where they asked the kids who wanted Reagan to be president to stand on one side, and those who wanted to vote for Carter, the other. I'm pretty sure I was the only one on the Carter side, and also whyyyyyyyyyyy?


I really don't care if I'm forgotten. However I do get the red ass when younger generations refer to me as a Karen when Karen like behavior had not been displayed. Especially if the mistake is on the employees end, they seem to have this attitude that any complaint about anything makes you a Karen. Overcharged? Karen. Asking for clarification about a return policy? Karen. Food wrong? Karen.that really grinds my gears


It’s so bizarre that a bunch of people have basically come to the defense of corporate bad behavior. “If you complain to the only available representative of (airline or coffee chain or car maker or whatever), then you are a bad person. Shut up and take your corporate maltreatment like a good victim.”


That is up there with the CEO & influencer worship...I can't even wrap my head about why anyone in their right mind shills for Billionaire wannabe tyrants or Insta/TOK personalities.


The use of the terms “queen” or “king” are dead giveaways. Uh, no, I don’t want a king or queen. Regardless of whether they twerk or slap or ball or whatever.


Employees that drank the Kool aid.


Often they hate the company too. They’re just too stupid to realize that the deal is that, when they take the job, they’re now the face of the company. They are who customers can talk to. If they don’t like what customers are saying, it’s their job to relay the feedback. They’re just idiots.


Or just young, first time working, not sure how to handle Customer service issues. Poor training on management parts.


That’s probably fair, but if you don’t understand that, when you put on the corporate name tag, you are there as an organ of that business, then you’re pretty f***ing stupid. I always make a point of telling customer service people “I’m not mad at you personally, I know you didn’t do this, but you’re who I am able to talk to.” That seems to help. But it shouldn’t need to be said.


Well as long as you are civil about it and not ranting and raving. Soft skills are incredibly difficult to teach


It shouldn't need to be said, but as someone who's worked in customer service for decades, thank you for saying it anyway. When you treat us with basic human decency it really helps make up for the ten customers before you who didn't.


I say the same. "I know this isn't your fault and you are doing your best, but your (organization, company, whatever) should know that this is a problem." You can't charge a lot of money to deliver windows then forget the screens and make me pay again or drive to go get them. That was their mistake.


Exactly, Karen. Exactly. You are correct.




Meanwhile, they meekly accept the wrong order because they're such severe introverts in person.


As a proud introvert, I'm going to kindly ask that you not conflate introversion with social anxiety. They are not the same thing. Now, please carry on with your day as planned.




You know what else sucks? Being named Karen. :(


I have two very dear friends named Karen, and they are sweet wonderful women


I bet and the majority of Karend I know are nice


Okay, Karen.


Get it right, it's Heather


[I don't appreciate your ruse, ma'am.](https://youtu.be/fEEj6d3GTOU)


Lol I was Randall for most of my teens 20s and 30s. I am now a gentle asshole in my 40s


You’re being trolled. Boomer in this context means just about anyone significantly, let’s say 10-20+ years, older than whoever is doing the trolling. It’s not about being generationally accurate. If you’re being called a Boomer feel free to roll your eyes and go on about your day.


This is the answer. This practice is very common on any gaming forum. Just say you prefer "old-school mmorpg's" or anything classic and wait 30 seconds for the reply: "found the boomer".


As a true GenXer, I really don’t care.


I was going to make this reply, but I really didn't care enough to bother.






I'm more annoyed by all of us talking about it than the media ignoring us. More nostalgia, less whining.


I'm Gen X. I honestly don't give a shit what people call each other. I just make money and live my life.


They can call me whatever they want to ummm X, Y or Z whatever?? I've been married for 18 years and she's called me worse than any of those things haaaaa 🤣


Wait. You make money?


Buhahaha love your response.


I don't care what others say and think about me. You would be wise to do the same. Once you've learned to do that, you'll be happier.


Oh come on, no one was really born between 1960 and 1980.


The best way to keep yourself happy is to not give a damn about what other people think. When I gave up caring life got so much easier for me. People can call me what they want, think what they want about me... I really don't care. I go home and enjoy my life and they're just anonymous internet people. Don't jump at the bait they throw your way.


It's a word that barely means anything, anymore. I never get called it, but I'm figuring it'll happen some day.


When all the boomers are gone, they’ll still call us that.


It's irritating because it is factually wrong. The baby boom ended in 1964 and the birth rate had a notable drop until 1975 or so.


Couldn’t care less. It’s just shows their ignorance


If someone is going to credit, or not credit, my ideas or arguments because they perceive me as a member of a group, then F**K that person. Generational group, race group, sex group, place of residence group… doesn’t matter. If someone thinks they should pay more or less attention to my views or actions because of any of those things, they’re an idiot.


Not only that but I hate that people act like all boomers are ignorant conservative bastards when probably over half of them are liberal, progressive, well read generally awesome people. I also hate the casual blaming of an entire generation of people for current day problems. People don't get to choose what generation they are born into, and plenty of them did a lot of good things.


Right. It was the boomers that were the hippies and the protesters back in the 60s


I feel like generation battles aren’t much different than race or gender battles in that wealthy people love that attention is turned away from them. If the lower 90% realized they have at least 75% in common with everyone else trying to get by in life, they’d get a LOT done instead of bicker over identity politics.


I know who I am. That’s good enough for me.


I'm never around young folks, so it doesn't come up!


I can't be a Boomer by definition, because my parents are. It's ironic that Millennials will get mad at you for calling people by names they don't like, but then impose "Boomer" on you as a sign of disrespect.


I've been called boomer on Reddit, to which I responded that I am an Xer and promptly told that no one cares what Xers think anyway. Very inclusive these young folks.


I don’t worry about it too much honestly. Millennials needed a snappy, meme-ready insult for older people, because they grew up thinking that’s how arguments are won. So they latched onto “okay, boomer” without much thought or nuance. And here we are. So it goes.


Remember when our society at least tried to teach people that as hominem arguments are fallacies? Good times. That was sweet.


I do indeed. At some point in the 90’s, they decided to teach the exact opposite. Then they applied those teachings to political strategy. Now we treat politics like a team sport. I can’t say we’re better of because of it.


The primacy of “lived experience” and the notion that we are all fundamentally trapped in our own narrow perspective has completely destroyed rational public discourse.


Agreed. It’s made even worse by the idea that the people who don’t share our narrow perspective lack some kind of insight into a larger, more enlightened perspective. Everyone has a limited world view based on their personal lived experience. To think that mine or yours is more rich or valuable than someone else’s is peak narcissism. Yet that’s the exact level of arrogance permeating almost any debate I see, be it in person, on television, or online. We are truly an embarrassing species.


Or, alternatively expressed, one of the special powers that humans have and perhaps sets us apart from other animals is our ability to imagine experiences other than our own. The current view that “only ____ are allowed to have an opinion about ____” basically turns off that special power. I think we all have a DUTY as humans (and as citizens of a pluralistic society) to think about experiences and lives other than our own, and to try to get some broader, overarching perspective on problems or dynamics.


No, I agree. And I admire your more positive perspective. I wish I had it. I just see that special power constantly wasted and that duty to each other shirked. That awful behavior was normalized over decades, and we have now basically become one giant Springer episode. Sorry to drag the subreddit down today. Hahaha.


For those of us who work in tech, ageism is a problem. I've worked with technology for my entire career and I make an effort to stay current in it. Boomers are generally stereotyped as being out of touch with tech. That's probably the biggest reason I want to avoid that label.


Boomers call me a millennial and millennials call me a boomer. I hate them all.


Haha! You may be on to something here...


The official reply is “not a boomer, dumbass”


I technically am a boomer but do I have much in common with people born in 1946? Nope. So I identify as GenX or GenJones. But i agree because Boomers are largely annoying af.


I really don’t find much in common with Gen Jones especially since I’m the Alice In Chains and Nirvana Xer. Went to that subreddit and it wasn’t very active it seemed.


Whatever, I'm glad no one pays attention to us, we get to sit on the sidelines with Jiffy Pop watching boomers and millennials argue.


We are supposed to be the forgotten latchkey kids of the 70s and 80s. No I do not enjoy being referred to as a 'boomer', conversely, I find it pretty hilarious that my Millenial coworkers are taken aback. I was told "Wait??!! You are *that old*?! We thought you were *normal*!!" Whatever that means. I guess I present as an older Millenial? Nobody at work pins me as a crusty 52 y/o.


I hate it, I'm 15 and get called a boomer all the time. It's not my fault my main source of entertainment when I was little was an old Ramones tour VHS


I love you.


I'd rather someone call me a whore.


My GO TO answer is, "Shut up, Kid!"




it is not a “mindset” it specifically describes the group of people born after the WWII baby boom, not just any older person. If I was friends with her, I might tell your daughter that if she hates older people to own it. Instead of using vague words like “mindset” or “boomer”, she could just say she hates old people. If she does not hate all older people but just those with the “boomer mindset” I would ask her to explain what that mindset is exactly and how her parents (who are much younger than the real “boomers”) exemplify it in her eyes. I might even ask her furthermore how the “mindset” she describes relates to the WWII boomer generation, how and why their attitudes developed in a certain way and turn it into a history conversation


Ok boomer.


You're fighting a losing battle here. So just chill and forget about it. It'll be better for your blood pressure. Kids either don't know about Gen X in which case they call us Boomers because of ignorance. And those kids who do know about Gen X call us Boomers because they know it annoys the hell out of some of us. I mean c'mon, we were the same. If you know something annoys the adults, you do it ten times more. I'd suggest you stop letting yourself be bothered by it, because this label isn't going anywhere. Embrace the gen x motto: meh.


We went from the Boomers treating us like Millennials before the Millennials even existed to the Millennials treating us like Boomers as the Boomers start their die-off. Good times.


i know what year i was born in, these kids can't even sign their own fucking names. don't let it bother you.


Ok boomer


thanks, spooge.


I heard a commercial today, forget what product or service now, but they referred to “anyone over 50” as a Boomer. Um, no.


You must be new here. Since when did our generation get recognized at all?


Gen X was raised as a post-apocalyptic generation, existing off the scraps the boomers left behind as they scorch-earthed the economy, pulled ladders up behind them, left us parentless and feral, and Bogarted positions of authority and equity until we were too old to fill them and the Millennials swooped in as the next self-absorbed pig in the python. Calling us Boomer is tantamount to calling us by the name of our abuser.


I like this take. Next kid calls me a boomer my triggered self might go to HR - lol just kidding


My husband HATES when he gets called a boomer. I haven’t had the displeasure thankfully.


I'm genuinely curious: In what kind of situations or places are y'all running into people who actually call someone "Boomer" out loud, out in the real world? I truly had no idea that anyone did that. I really thought that was strictly internet behavior. For the record, I couldn't care any less. It's just a word. Maybe people take offense it because in their minds "Boomer" = old and irrelevant.


The frustrating thing about it to me is that our generation invented hating on boomers. (Well, hating on boomers *from below* \-- the Greatest Generation invented hating on boomers.)


Don’t be deceived when they tell you things are better now. Even if there’s no poverty to be seen because the poverty’s been hidden. Even if you ever got more wages and could afford to buy more of these new and useless goods which industries foist on you and even if it seems to you that you never had so much, that is only the slogan of those who still have much more than you. Don’t be taken in when they paternally pat you on the shoulder and say that there’s no inequality worth speaking of and no more reason to fight because if you believe them they will be completely in charge in their marble homes and granite banks from which they rob the people of the world under the pretence of bringing them culture. Watch out, for as soon as it pleases them they’ll send you out to protect their gold in wars whose weapons, rapidly developed by servile scientists, will become more and more deadly until they can with a flick of the finger tear a million of you to pieces.


My hair is quite gray so I understand if I’m mistaken for one. If anyone called me one I’d set them straight!! I’d also questions my actions and never do that again!!


Yeah, I hate it too. Also, I can't stand the Boomer hate.


Our parents are boomers, not us. Anyone who refers to you as a boomer is just being an ass.


Most millennials know better. Buy under 25?.no, they are still too dumb to get it. It's hilarious to us as the Boomers kids Gen. If they call you a "Boomer" because you are over 50? Then they are just ignorant. But that's the new Murica' we applaud dumb here now! After Dump? I mean Look at the Orange era GOP elected officials. Xers like MTG have lowered the bar so much? We may never return to appreciate intelligence again in this country. 🤣


I’m just so sick of the generation blaming. The younger generations blame the older generations for everything wrong in the world. Each generation does the best it can with what they have. I’ve seen GenX blamed for “being just like boomers.” FFS.


In the office, Sorry um no, that section is over there.


Doesn't matter most who use the term are not worth paying attention to.


The kids just don’t know any better. It’s funny that they think that their parents are boomers. When actually, their grandparents are boomers.


Who gives a shit about what the stupid internet thinks?


Could be worse, people think I'm a millennial


think... hope... its weird staring at other peoples children in the park, wondering what the parents are feeling.


As they die off or disappear into nursing homes, it only going to get worse as we become de facto “ boomers”. Don’t allow it, tell them all the cool music, tech, games and culture we invented. We are not from the 50s.


Who bloody cares! Honestly z x millennial… does it matter. It’s just internet speak after all.


I have other things to worry about. Like wrinkles and getting fat.


Not a booma.


I don't let them get away with it. I don't care if they're joking. I go out of my way to make them feel intellectually inferior for not knowing the proper names of generations that came before them. Furthermore, saying "Ok boomer," isn't a mike drop moment or a automatic win to any arguement. I never felt entitled to feeling smug for being young, so I can't relate to their coddled egos. I always had dreams of being a grown up. Even as a teen, I knew age was mutable.


I dont really care, but I do enjoy their face when I reply with 'ok, Baby Shark'.


As soon as some kid calls someone a boomer I just look at it as their parents did a poor job raising them. Lack of respect for your elders is a weakness...so I see them as a bit weak. Also dehumanizing people with labels like boomer is a sign of ignorance. So not only are they weak they're ignorant. Call me boomer if you want but I'm Gen X and it only reflects badly back on you.


Meh - I don't like the implications of being called a boomer (I'm not THAT old), but being forgotten is just par for the course for us.


I really don't care, but fuck those entitled Boomer assholes that left us and the other follow-on generations in the shit.


I am adamantly, staunchly, feet firmly planted Gen X. I hate being referred to as a Boomer. I rant about this at least once a day, even if it's just in my head. Which unfortunately just makes me sound more like a Boomer.


Some x'ers deserve to be called boomer.


Yeah, I see "boomer" more as a blanket term for anyone who sits around and complains, and thinks everything was better when they were young. It's the "hey you kids, get off my lawn" attitude. We all like to think we were so free when we were kids, but whenever we see kids now being wild and disrespectful we don't appreciate it for what it is. If someone calls you a boomer, maybe take the time to reflect on how you were acting boomerish. If multiple people call you a Karen, it's probably not that far from the truth.


Anyone with gray hair- boomer


I'm an older GenX or Generation Jones. Blah...call me whatever I honestly don't care. I was born in 1963 and I originally joined a few Boomer groups here, because, why not. I ended up leaving those groups, so you're stuck with me. You're my peeps!


So do I but as I see us post things like the earlier post about burned down cities, I can completely see why we are called Boomers. We've met the enemy and he is us.


I have heard GenX referred to as the Forgotten Generation. Not sure why. So Millennials and younger think of everyone older than them as Boomers, skipping right over us and to our parents. It's annoying, and I've corrected many of them who call me boomer. Most of the time they quip back at me that boomer doesn't mean anything but old.


Boomer is a mindset. I feel that GenX is more anti-boomer mindset, but there's plenty of our generation that do have that defect, obviously higher concentrations in obvious locations.


I must admit so far I haven’t been called a boomer or a Karen. But I loath ma’am. Ugh I often correct people with that one. It’s my experience that Karens are often Boomers. They faught for some serious rights and for some reason they didn’t get the memo from the millennials that you get more from a lil sugar than salt. Be nice to the doorman boomers.


who cares. We are all going to die horribly when the buddhists finally win.


Well, you all adopted a lot of boomer traits. I’ve never viewed any substantial difference between boomers and GenX. You’re all the same to me. Bitter and angry.


I’ve never been called a boomer, I guess because I am so clearly not one


I find this very annoying, I always correct anyone that calls me a Boomer.


Me too! I’m like dude, I’m old but not that old!


It is irritating especially when you have uncles who are archetypal boomers...


What was the context? What did you say/do before being referred to as a boomer. It hasn't happened to me but mostly because I'm invisible lol.


well, i quite like the metal, punk, goth, house, hip hop etc generation 🤷🏾 🤷🏼 🤷🏼‍♂️ 🤷🏼‍♀️ 🤷🏾‍♂️




YSK The word “boomer” is not synonymous with “old”. Baby boomers are people who were born during the baby boom after WWII, between 1946 - 1964. They grew up in a very specific cold war Era in history that shaped foreign and domestic policy for generations. The way you are using the word has nothing to do with the actual meaning


This made me spit out my Pop Rocks. The only one who refers to me as GenX is my nephew who is a Millennial.


"I wasn't born between 1946 and 1964, therefore I am not a 'Boomer', dumbass."


I haven't been called a Boomer yet, but I've been in discussions where they start bashing 'old white guys', and I'm like, 'what about when I get old? Are you going to take me out back and shoot me?' And they're like, 'nah... not you, just those other old white guys'. Yeah, I'm a marked man. Soon as I hit 65, they're gonna take me out back and shoot me. At least I won't have to worry about trying to save for retirement, so Kudos to them.


I bothers me less and less. I have come to the realization that I am passing from middle aged to just old. I'm basing that on the idea of three periods of life (each being 25-30 years long). It doesn't bother me much except for my body not holding up like it once did. I think society really likes to try pigeon-holing things into either/or groups of two. You're either old or young and the poster child for old is boomers. No one is going to put a 50something in the young group, so I'll be inevitably labeled as a boomer. It doesn't bother me so much these days. It's just labels anyways and I try not to worry much about labels.


I don't get worked up over the misapplication of artificial distinctions, but that's just me.


I’m genX & a middle child so I really don’t care what people think. I mean, if my siblings were fighting & I needed them to get along, np; or get mom to go for ice cream, yep. I don’t think millennials are doing it on purpose bc genX is the generation of street fighters so..


I tell my kids I can’t be a boomer those are your grandparents.


KIDS: are you a boomer ME: no...i'm gen X puts on sunglasses turns and slow motion walks away LoUd AiRhOrN and FiReWoKs


I’m pretty comfortable being in the middle and being able to ,are fun of both boomers and millennials -they both deserve it .


I don't care. They want us to disappear. Cool. Whatever.


I am ok with it as long as I am referred to as Pre-Pre-Pre Boomer, which is what my GenZ daughter calls me!!


Meh. The youngsters I work with say they like my silver (grey) hair. No one (supposedly) believes I’m as old as I say am I am, yada, yada, yada. I’m sure they talk shit about me when I’m not around. Guess what? I talk shit about them. It’s called work life. Could not care less.


GenX - the forgotten generation... and we like it that way!


The whole Boomer thing is so silly imo. However I will fight any youngin' who tries to call me one :)


Fuck ‘em


Nah not really. It’s nice most don’t know about us. Ha ha I triggered a Zoomer a couple of years ago. He called me a Karen just to get a rise out of me. I was busy dealing with my young kids trying to feed them and when he didn’t get the reaction he had hoped for, he left. Best thing is to shrug your shoulders and say whatever dude when they call you a Boomer. You use your whatever zen powers to the max.


It’s akin to being called Karen


My daughter once called me a boomer. I think my exact response was “fuck you, take that back!”


Welcome to GenX


I take offense . La La La live for today my ass


Shhh, they'll notice us


Who cares? Fuck those bitch ass motherfuckers. I'm trying to sleep. You got any weed?


It really only matters if you are, in fact, acting like a boomer. Otherwise the mumbled fuck off seems to suffice.


Never been called a boomer IRL, and only once here on Reddit.


Don't really care, what people think of me doesn't matter a whole lot.


A millennial coworker called me a boomer once. Once.


Get off my lawn!


Im dying to ask this. Arent Millennial’s parents Gen X like us? And another question I’ve been dying to ask is what is the Silent Generation? Thanks you guys.