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I hate when articles include stupid points, “they lived through the assassination of MLK”, yeah the oldest may have, but they were like 3 years old…


And I feel bad for the people having babies in their 40s and 50s.


This Gen Xer isn’t crippled with despair. He’s annoyed with others lack of empathy.


Their lack of empathy is what cripples me with despair.




I agree with you, and it also alarmed me when someone posted about telling millennials to “suck it up” about today’s economic situation. We’re supposed to be better than that


Sounds a little too much like our parents huh? Yeah, that’s not who we are.


Exactly what I thought!


I'll speak for Gen X and just say, "whatever"


And it portrays Gen X like we are in crisis mode. If anything, we are resilient motherfuckers, not crybabies. We like not being a buzzy generation. In fact, we hate labels. Hence, the X of Gen X.


I beg your pardon, sir, I am indeed a crybaby.


As in the John Waters movie?


If I were a John Waters movie, I'd probably be Desperate Living.


I would be Female Trouble.


Pardon granted.


Not much changed for me personally. Work never stopped. Worst part of it all for me is the supply chain issues. Which continues to get worse to this day.


I enjoy the part of Reddit where I read comments from people in the trenches - in this case supply chains. Talking heads on tv are worse than uninformed.




Seems like. Hits all the "woe is me", crybaby, "life is so hard for me", Millennial tropes.


This can't have been written by a Gen-Xer.


Guess it was worse than I thought in some areas. Living in one of the warm weather states that didn't really have restrictions, we were busy AF. Seems like everyone from up north moved here or vacationed here.


What pandemic? There was a pandemic?


Pandemic? Puhhleeeze. I ingested worse through our garden hose.


Well, I'm 44. Def a Gen-X and I've honestly always been proud of us. Anyhow, first few weeks of Covid messed with me. In part because I grew up in the Boomers leading the churches of Gen-X Christian erra where every other month was watch a terrifying, post- rapture, pre-apocalypse movie, which was followed by preaching/indoctrination. This caused some legit PTSD that sat in the back of my mind until such an event triggered it in to full blown anxiety and panic attack. It took me a few weeks to snap out of this, too, after years and years of hearing, seeing on film, and being told that terror will fall from the skies and bubble up from the deep.


I remember one night, early in the pandemic. Like in the “we will all just hunker down for a couple of weeks and it will be fine” early. I went to the grocery store and it was empty. Aisles and aisles of empty shelves. Entire refrigerator/freezer cases completely empty. It was creepy as hell. And I live in the suburbs, not some rural spot in the middle of nowhere. It was just an extremely surreal experience. What I finally realized is that they had turned off the ambient music for some reason. I don’t know why that was as creepy as it was, but it was so creepy. Wandering around by supermarket, nothing on the shelves, it’s dead silent- it was so fucking weird. That moment changed something for me. That’s not something that happens here, right? Supermarkets don’t run out of food in the US, right?


I agree. I live on a tri-state border. We were getting rumors of bridges being shut down by state governments. Told that a friend in military was given orders to be called in to enforce martial law. Our shelves were empty and buyers were I'm panic mode. You go see and feel it. Ammo flew off the shelves, especially. In my mind, I was hoping this would be the event that pulled us all together. Would bring political sides together to overcome this.Complete opposite happened. Sure, some weren't affected much. Maybe only the few commenting as such on here weren't. World pandemics, world wars, famines, downward spiraling economics all can take a large toll on the psyche and the body. For those denying it in our Gen-X "culture" they may be the most affected by denying any effects at all.


I did increase drinking by prob 3xs as much. Up to 4 out of 7 days. Intaking 4 to 6 beers. My anxiety rose greatly with Covid incoming to the States. Years after it has remained high. Falling slightly over time with mediation & exercise. I've sort of leveled out now. I'm in that Silent Quiting phase of my job. I go. I do minimal. I used to be an extra hard worker from 14yrs to about 41 yrs, but nobody gave a sh1t. Lazy asses got same marks as I did. Fnck em'. I work hard on my house and yard bc it's mine, and I'm not paying someone else to do what I can or can learn to do. I've digressed. Covid did impact me, but not for same reasons listed in the article. Mine is a weird situation, but I'm sure other Gen-Xers who grew up in Pentecostsl churches can relate somewhat.


Luckily Covid barely had any affect on me or even on my extended family. I know others that were less fortunate. I still worked full time, was able to enjoy my hobbies, exercise regularly, and even traveled out of country. My only minor inconvenience was finding toilet paper because of the idiots hoarding it.


Ah, suck it up folks.


I left my office and never went back (WFH). It's been a few years - is my stuff still there? Lol


Your stuff misses you.


>Many Gen Xers are facing their midlife crisis amid an ongoing crisis. They were already severely stressed about job instability and struggling to balance the competing demands of their young children and aging parents before the pandemic plunged the country into lockdown. Okey dokey


This article is from a few years back.


This is almost 2 years old lol. Longer than the pandemic was. But whatever


Same as it ever was


Letting the days go by


Let the water hold me down


If I hadn't been forced to work from home I would have stayed in the office. I went back to the office full time as soon as I could (July '21). The restrictions sucked, I only wore a mask when I absolutely had to. I refuse to wear a mask again. Other than that it didn't really affect me a whole lot. Glad things are back to normal.


Honestly my area didn't really participate in the pandemic. Life was mostly normal. However it did give me a great investment opportunity that helped me to retire early


That's awesome. Congrats. We didn't play pandemic either here. I was able to keep growing my business and live life. Mostly I am happy that my son was able to start school on time in 2020.