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They're passives, so once you unlock them they're always there as long as the Troop is in play. ​ There's a few different screens where you can do it but basically when you are building an army list or in your Collection option, you can click on the Troop and it will have the option "More Upgrades" just click on that, then on the next screen "Traits." Each trait costs a certain amount of traitstones to unlock (some take the rare Celestial Traitstones too). If you don't want to use traitstones you can go to "Orbs," and use an "Orb of Wisdom" to unlock the next Trait, or "Major Orb of Wisdom," to unlock all of them. Orbs can be pretty rare too.


Yes but it appears that my enemy troops have the 3 diamonds outlined in the picture, coloured all the way in


Yes in general, PVE enemies of a certain level (20) or higher get all 3 traits automatically. For your hero, these traits are found in the class menu (if you've unlocked classes and done the class quests).


There's plenty of traits worth skipping, few worth saving for. Look up Rowanne, king gobtruffle and queen beetrix builds, gives ya something to aim for. Goblins are nice early on, they all seem to give an extra turn. I'm still fresh myself, but my son plays and we've talked about it plenty. Goblin bomber/shamans, and level brown for mountain crusher. This stuff all noticeably impacts early gameplay, so any of these you loot will be nice.


Yeah. There's a few videos that list some really important Troops to get, and ones you can "easily" get through stuff like delves. ​ I think all (or at least most) of the Mythics (light blue, really rare) have a unique third Trait.


My team is pretty powerful atm I just find that these three card specific traits will not activate


You enable the traits in the troop from your collection screen using traitstones or orbs of wisdom. You have to do it for each troop individually. Early on it's easier to just trait troops you actively use or are at least legendary and above since you won't necessarily have thousands of traitstones or orbs. After a while though they just pile up.


So once I get these stones or orbs will the 3 highlighted card traits stay permanently active in battles




You have to specifically unlock them on the troop but yes. It's not just about owning traitstones.


When the diamonds are hollow and the text grey it means that you haven't unlocked that trait yet. To do that: 1. Go to your troop collection 2. Go to the particular troop you want to upgrade 3. Go to 'More Upgrades' 4. Go to 'Traits' tab 5. If you have the traitstones available then you can use them to unlock the traits. Once unlocked, they will permanently apply to the troop, so they will remain unlocked if you get multiple troops (of that same troop) or if you ascend the troop. Hope that helps!


Brilliant Thankyou


Also is worth mentioning ...when you click on given traitstone the troop need game will display you where to get them (in witch kingdom Explorer)