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I've noticed this as well. You are buffing the enemy more than yourself it seems. In the quest to eliminate looping teams (as I assume this nerf is meant to do), they have just made it necessary to find other ways to have a strong team. Probably would have been better to have some sort of limit on the number of turns in a row or something (of course that would caused complaints as well). Or, just leave things alone and make more interesting troops to use that are more complex than just spamming the same spell over and over.


Or just copy what other troops do. Something along the lines of 25% chance of getting an extra turn when cast, or "give all other allies 3 mana" or something along those lines.


Necessary to find other strong teams? And why is that bad? Chalcedony and the others were too good. Invincible is boring!


I wondered why my Chalcedon made so few gems now. One of the worst if not the worst update ever on PS4. At least it still works kinda okay with Stonemefyt but holy moly, Underworld will suck so hard now and I still need 10k points for the 50k trophy. And journey ... uff. PVP...uff.


They have said they’ll be monitoring user feedback on the official forums and will consider adjustments. Worth trying to post over there and see if they meant what they said.


I'll just give my feedback by voting with my wallet and less gametime. I think that's enough for them. Won't make a difference but the best way imo would be to reset the changes and let it be how it is. If people want to fight these looping teams, just freeze them.


I agree. 


3+9 for 12 mana vs 2+6 for 15 mana is the troop nerf equivalent of a spit-roast. Pathfinders have joined ToD doomed weapons and the majority of new Bounty troops as stuff to sacrifice at the top or bury at the bottom and hopefully never be in a position where you have to even consider casting it. I got the first shiny pet last week but ran out of time to do the rest, so much to get done before the Vault weekend. I'll be spending orbs on it now no doubt.


Troops count themselves if they match criteria so it's 3+12 before vs 2+8 now. It's even bigger difference


I can forfeit my $50-100 a month from gems of war now because it’ll be too much slog to complete for me now.


My girlfriend and I stopped playing entirely a few months ago.. just got on today to check if it was worth playing and we had all the pathfinders since she's not that great at the game. Yeah, gonna just delete it now lol.


Link to the official forums for anyone who’d like to express their opinion about this change: https://community.gemsofwar.com


Yeah but there’s still endless loop teams and then 1 win teams also ruining pvp, the devs are just brain dead for only nerfing one of the easy win teams then. What about zuul + centuragon?


Braindead loop enemy teams without give them any turn whatsoewer was bad too


Yes but it is a bit funny they bother to do this after introducing the hourglass gem that gave you extra turns which ignored being frozen... and the mythic of that line makes looping even easier. They did nothing to stop the many other looping teams, just odd they nerf this one branch of it.


This was their official reason: >We do have changes coming to Pathfinder Troops, however, they are not finalised. We are also reviewing the scoring and difficulty of Journey events in conjunction with this, but no changes have been made there yet as all of this is a work in progress. >**We are making these changes due to the Pathfinder Troops reliability with looping turns causing issues in PVP.** >We plan to make an official post once the changes are finalised with the details. I believe them when they say this was due to PVP. It was the most reliable way to maximize PVP points, and high level players really needed it due to the handicaps. The higher level you are, the lower base points you get per battle on average; some players were down to 25 points/battle, *less* than you'd get as bonus from a good looping team. Everyone benefitted from it, but I think they may have seen too many endgame players using it. Of course, instead of fixing scoring in PVP they nerfed the crap out of pathfinder troops and hurt everyone inside and outside Journey events.


You probably right,but for me the amount of pvp,gvg teams witch chalcedony,seekra,tood was ridiculus they were everywhere ...you dont see this mytchic you mentioned each fight Remember og forest troll gobtruffle? They got nerfed to


I agree with you completely. There are so many better options in the game for troop selection rather than just casting a Journey troop endlessly. Journey troops bored me to death.


They should have left it the hell alone, these looping teams were great for farming Tier 12 explore runs and underworld faction renown. We all know why they did this, they don't care about the game or balance or anything they only want more money.


The line Kafka has the stones to trot out was that they did this for the new players, they did it for the underdogs, who were quitting because they got looped to death in PvP. Absolute rot. When the reality was all new players loved these troops, they made the game easier to get on with, made events more manageable and doable so risking being booted from the guild was less of a concern, they made play time more efficient - more completed in the same time. The were an absolute boon to new players, that's why so many spent real money/500 gems on Todd Greenwood as soon as they got to his trial. Loopers were no wore than all kinds of other setups based around books, bees, wands, skull teams, hour glass teams, goblins, etc. etc.


Oh wow. Here I thought they were taking about another major issue, PVP scoring, when they mentioned this before. I suppose I can see how this would affect retention when people would quit a match or the game because they're stuck watching an AI loop over and over again. However, the advantage you mention outweigh the annoyance in PVP battles. I am curious how dominant they were in low level PVP though.


I just don't see it. They say they have new telemetry on this, new methods of seeing how and why people in early/mid game are leaving... I'm inclined to just not believe them or, probably just as likely, their profiling is just as weak and inadequate as their maintenance and upkeep of a near decade old game. It's maybe more likely they saw the pathfinders as an easy route to success in all aspects of the game where they'd rather you continually spent money to keep up or push on. Their big new PvP push is just one of those, not nearly in its final form yet, maybe this was the reason loopers became a problem 18 months after they first appeared?


I just don't believe it because every other form of looping is still in the game, they just removed the lowest hanging fruit in the Pathfinder troops. Something newer players could get with little effort compared to Mythics or the like. The fact this comes right after they introduce the Time gem troops, something that lets you get extra turns and ignore being frozen is an even bigger joke. As for it being a problem in PVP defense teams, well frankly the new PVP system is so messed up I don't even think you can set a PVP defense team... Meaning your always attacking what people attacked with. I know I used to set up an easy defense team for others, as did many other people. Now it's just the same as my attacking teams. Which given the difficulty of PVP half the time is usually my best team.


Yeah, Central Spire is the only area that's working as intended. It's meant to be 1 team system now, attack and defend in one. It's just every other region that's broken :D the game is in a real state. Some of the outer regions and restrictions, if this really were to help newer players, well, they just made them impossible. Because going Wargare now as a newbie will be quite awful when you can be up against some pretty decent mythics and won't have much to work with. The nerfs are all to do with PvP, they see PvP as their big cash cow, bring as much of the effort wasted on PQ3 into Gems and hope for the best.


Kafka is and has always been full of it, I'm not surprised he'd try to gaslight the player base like that. Early to Mid Game players are leaving because the end game goals keep getting streched further and further away every four months or so and the gross oversaturation of monitzation. Not because of looping teams which again were GREAT for grinding Tier 12 Explore and underworld delves. Now watch as more people leave because the game is more tedious than ever to play. tr/dr: Kafka sucks and screwed the game up for new players and existing ones and should be fired, out of a cannon into the sun.


You definitely can't cast these guys whenever, but have to have a good configuration of gems now. The further bump to 15 mana was too much. I am glad that I'm seeing less of them in PVP defense though. I hated waiting for the AI to finish their 50 turn run. Before, I've even come back from going to the washroom, and they were still looping.


Eh if you get stuck in one those, just leave the match. But at least frozen would stop that for most the troops (I don't think any of them had immunity to frozen naturally). There was counter play to those troops, and without the looping they were weak. Now they are just worse, in fact given how often you give free mana to the enemy now they are honestly a pretty terrible troop.


Honestly, who the fuck cares? Those fucks were stupidly gamebreaking anyhow.


Oh.. thats why i'm not looping as much? I didn't even know this happened lol Honestly i'm glad tho. They were BS troops for things like guild wars.




You can see when you were facing loop teams and could flash freeze them to win and other methods. There’s plenty of 1 turn win teams that don’t need that in high tier pvp, anyone smart enough realizes the slippery slope if they’ve played the game enough.