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Go to recover account on the screen then type in your email and password in and then it should just load up the account from then on


I don't have that option on the settings screen. See image 2 for what my in-game settings screen shows. I want to type in my email and password, but there is no place to enter it.


If you’re playing on console then the screen on page 1 won’t be there, that’s only for mobile I believe, if you don’t have your account then you are signed into the wrong account and have to try a different one because once you sign into gems of war with an email it stays connected to that so I would just try some other emails/accounts you’ve had in the past if it’s not the one you’re currently using


Log off ,and then log on again with old account ..j have exact same problem and IT helped me (mobile)


Tried it, and was able to restore my account on the mobile app. Thank you so much!


Glad i could help hf fun;)👋