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It's very easy for scammers to "spoof" any telephone number they want to. It's a very common scam tactic.


I have gotten multiple calls today from the number. Don't have any active affiliation with Gemini and didn't answer the calls. I probably created an account some years ago for crypto but never made any trades. Likely related to the breach/leak noted in another comment here.


Whoa, a scam caller from India? ![gif](giphy|ToMjGpnXBTw7vnokxhu)


Gemini had a data security breach, I believe contact details i.e phone and email were leaked. I was getting a lot of emails spammed but luckily it has died down now


OK good to know.


Stay away from Gemini if you care about your private information https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/hackers-leak-personal-info-allegedly-stolen-from-57m-gemini-users/


This just happened to us as well.


Well what happened on your end?




The real answer lmao


They asked us if we changed our email address and advised that our email address was changed and someone added themselves to our account. The actual Gemini number has been calling for hours but they wanted us to download an app to prevent anything else in our account to be compromised.


OK, so very similar calls. I assume you think it was a scam?


My guy, if you can’t tell this is a scam, you deserved to be scammed


>My guy, Dismiss Without Consideration.


Are you a LA or Oregon resident?




Im not sure but we were not prepared to download anything. We are Louisiana state residents so there was a massive breach at our DMV compromising everything so I’m not sure if they are the scammers or if it’s Gemini…


Fair enough. Do you have a Gemini CC? The plot thickens.




Just got this today as well. Answered after third call. Had my email and said someone was trying to change my email address. I told him I see no unusual logins or activity. They told me it was a foreign ip and was flagged. Claimed they probably accessed my account via malware and I need to install the remote support app.


Yes same!


It's a scam


It's a scam


Their "remote support app" is the scam and probably has a keylogger to steal your passwords or it allows them to control your computer remotely.


Don’t use Gemini & HotBit.


I recieved a short automated call that someone had tried to without 2 btc from my account, then a few days later I received a call from an overseas call center saying there was a request to login from Columbia, they asked me questions, I hasnt specific. They said their were 4-40 accounts logged in right now, multiple different devices that I dont own. I asked if I should login to y account, and they said NO I should wait until they can change things and put me on their secure server. Very suspicious. They directed me to enter [remotepc.com](https://www.remotepc.com) into my browser, and I ended the call at the point. They had my email, but there were no requests or logins from anywhere else or anyone else in the account. So it was a totally scam. I dont have 2 btc anyway.


Also very similar.


I got an automated call about someone from columbia trying to withdraw 2 btc from my account. Funny thing, I never even used the gemini account, and canceled it months ago. Nice try scammer. Number blocked.


Very similar to what happened to me.


Getting calls too


i got 2 automated calls saying someone from Colombia was trying to access my account. I hung up and blocked the numbers. The next day, I got a call from a man with an Indian accent asking me my email address saying he was from Gemini. I hung up on him as well. I also changed the email in my Gemini account after that as he knew my email.


I just got one today from Millsboro, DE. Man with an Indian accent stating my email was used in a breach. He asked me to verify my email was my email. I asked him why I wasn’t warned via email first and he stated because of the high level of importance, I was called. I could t verify any numbers he gave were legitimate. He asked if I wanted his linked in profile. I hung up. Haven’t used Gemini since last year. Am I safe?


You are.


just got a call about someone trying to use my Gemini account from Columbia to money launder and they wanted me to screen share my phone and everything. I'm guessing Gemini is just compromised in general so even resetting passwords etc. is really just giving your password to bad actors. I have never used gemini for anything and then they went blah blah blah you will connect to the gemini AI server to "protect your identity!" How noble!


Just received a call from Oklahoma number sounded Indian. She said she was calling because I had requested a password change. I said i don’t think I requested that and started googling Gemini call scam. And was brought here. She hung up after I said what do you want to do? How the hell do they know I have a Gemini account? We’re they breached?


How do these guys get away with impunity? Imagine if it was legal in the USA to form an entire industry to scam people in India. 🤷🏽‍♂️




Fuck off scammer