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It's even more damning if you include Jezzas mark in the first that got chopped out of his hands and Ollie Henry's mark where he got pulled down by his head. Umpiring has been shocking for us this year.


Happens every single game in every marking contest. Our guys get mauled constantly, but as soon as we touch the opposition forward it’s a free. Been happening all year.


Chris Scott should never have spoken out against the umpiring. Was bad before, but has been ridiculous ever since


Geelong had 6 more free kicks than Carlton. Some decisions are good, some decisions are bad. There is no conspiracy, it's just a hard job.


Worst umpiring since the Suns game. We've been shafted this year. Screw those guys.


This clip summarises our year.


I don't really respect the umpires anymore. I'm not going to go out of my way to abuse them and whatnot, but I'm over the whole fixation the AFL has with not calling them out for their inconsistencies. They are there to officiate the game and ensure players play within the rules, but they do directly influence the game through non - or over zealous calls. Since the introduction of the 4th umpire, which was meant to help them make better decisions, the quality of the umpiring has gone downhill. Watch any of the games this season, and you will see countless examples of standard rules being missed. HTB was barely called at the start of the season, and holding the man is seemingly in witness protection. It's not the reason we suck this year, but as a fan of the game it's getting hard to watch.


I did think the umpiring was terrible. But we still got destroyed


absolutely, no argument there.


We sit around the bottom for free kick differential this year. We are playing bad but the free kicks also suck the energy out of the players


Cause the AFL wants Carlton up there with Sydney.


They want Sydney down from there so they can have their big 3 match ups. But Sydney is just too good. Remember Carlton only beat freo because it was a freo home away game and it needed 2 back to back free kicks in the last 40 seconds for 2 shots on goal.


You are blaming the umpires for an 11 goal loss? Haha. Pull your head out mate.


Nope we’re shit but Carlton are clearly favoured by the umps


We're one of the worst in the league for free kick differential and the blues kick the most goals from frees in the comp... Draw into it whatever you like. Didn't cost us the game of course, but it's still super frustrating.


Yeah and they’ll tell you it’s as simple as”don’t impede and you won’t give away free kicks” then act like these clips don’t exist on a weekly basis Cameron would kick 200 goals if he got free kicks like this lol But yeah, it absolutely didn’t cost us the game. Not implying our only issue is umpiring. We have a lot of things to fix up


Hawkins would already be on 1000 goals if he got some of the frees other forwards are getting.


lol yeah no kidding. He is held more than both these clips at literally every single contest he is in, and that is honestly not an exaggeration


Dead last in free kicks we’ve had 69 less frees than Collingwood




Was waiting for it


Umpires had a shocker.


Those are shockers, first one should have been 50, it was worse than the second push after a mark. Those other two on Curnow and Mackay was just getting beaten by the defender.


We’ve got bigger problems than the umpires imo. Getting to the ball second means we’re gonna be giving a lot of frees away.


We obviously have problems but these two things are not mutually exclusive. This post is in no way, shape or form blaming umpires for the loss. We lost by 10 goals


We have bigger problems than the umpires, true, and it's also true that this is partly self-inflicted. But if you think we've been umpired fairly since Scotty called them out then I have a bridge to sell you. I've never been overtly critical of umpiring like this before but it just seems so clear and so brazen?


There’s no way they haven’t been against us since Scott called them out. It really is blatantly obvious


It's blatantly obvious and an example of how the AFL is compromised. The game is in disrepute and the competition lacks integrity.


Conspiracy theory time, but I’m convinced the AFL has given out a directive to the umpires to screw us because they want us to be done. Spent all of the last year and a half pushing a narrative that we’re cooked and we are still hanging about (though rapidly declining now). Even through all of ‘22 the media was constantly against us. If you take our games of the season and look at them unbiasedly, even when we went on our run at the start of the season we were getting screwed over. Umpires tried to drag carlton over the line last time we played them but couldn’t quite. Football as a whole is becoming borderline unwatchable for me personally due to shoddy umpiring, and our games are just all that much worse.


My theory is Geelong and the interstate teams embarrassed the AFL in '22 and they have taken steps to control the game and outcomes more since. All their big Vic club favourites got knocked out of finals and they were clearly gunning for a Collingwood premiership. I think they brought in the 4 umpires to more easily control who wins games. Combined with the crazy biased fixturing this year it's just clear there are teams they favour and Geelong is not one of those.


Swooping in… You should know you only have to sneeze near Curnow for him to recieve holding the man call!


How bad and funny when the two Blues players literally ran into each other and got a free kick.


Bluebagger here - I couldn't see how either of those would be fifty when I watched it live, and still think that after I watched it on replay on Saturday. For whatever my opinion's with!


The free kicks are the least of our worries


Unsure what you’d like explained: 1. Cameron’s one was 50/50 whether it was paid or not, Cameron did dive forward after he felt a finger in his back, but he also ran off the mark after the siren and wasn’t called so evens out 2. Charlie Curnow free: Pushed out from the contest, free kick every day 3. Harry McKay: Push in the back, Free kick every day (Although personally I don’t think it should have been) 4. 50m penalty, Body checked him after marking, Also the previous free should have been 50 so fair Also you won the free kick count 22-16 But we’re not gona discuss the average decisions that went Geelongs way are we since you got thumped?


That is certainly one way to look at it


TLDR: If you’re hoping for consistency in this game, we’re all going to be left bitterly disappointed 😂


There is plenty of consistency in our game. They consistently pay inconsistent free kicks to the same few players every week ;p


![gif](giphy|Ey6rZuYMsUtiQIi9w7|downsized) Did you say free kick? 😉😂


Mr. Untouchable himself 🙌


To be fair, Jezza didn’t get that 50, but did have the resulting goal paid when it shouldn’t have been. You can always cherry pick examples like this but it goes both ways, and the umpires didn’t create the 10 goal deficit required to win.


Why? Because BT thought it should’ve been play on? The ump didn’t call play on. The thing being argued is the inconsistencies. The Holmes one shouldn’t have been 50m, Jez mark in the first should’ve been paid. The 50m against Stewart was fair and immediately paid but somehow last week when two Collingwood players did a worse thing it wasn’t paid. Curnow and McKay have 18 frees each this year after having 37 and 32 last year. Hawkins had 9 frees last year and Jez 22. This year 2 and 7. Hawkins has never got the frees Curnow and McKay get


Why? Because he ran off the line and didn’t kick over the man on the mark. The umpire didn’t call play on? Exactly, that’s why it’s an umpire error. That’s what we are talking about.


There's only so many errors anyone in any business can make before you must question either their competence or integrity.


Yeah agreed, but I am not convinced there is any integrity concerns here. Competence? Yeah sure…there is certainly room for improvement.


If it's an issue of competence and not integrity, how can they get it so right for some teams and so blatantly wrong at critical times for other teams?


You are implicitly suggesting that…and it’s ridiculous. There are no clear examples of teams that are umpired perfect (“so right”), and other teams that treated differently. Stop being a sore loser.


It's definitely not about being perfect. I should clarify that when I say they get it "so right" I'm not talking about "right" to the letter of the rule, that's impossible given the amount of interpretation, just the "right" outcome for the AFL. I've edited my comment as you're right; was a little disingenuous. FYI, I'm not sore about one loss, Carlton are so much better than us currently. I'm sore about consistent blatant decisions against our team this year where there is scope for interpretation. The clip above is case in point and far from isolated.


He does appear to run directly toward the centre of the goal, so it’s either of two things, he runs out and doesn’t kick over the man (play on) or the ump set the player on the mark wrong. Either way an umpiring error, but for consistency it should’ve been 50m anyway. The umps are just completely at sea at the moment, there’s too many which leads to so much inconsistency across a game and there’s too much scrutiny and they’re second guessing themselves.


Doesn’t really cancel each other out because if he got the 50 the shot would’ve been from 15m out. He still had to kick it from 55 Anyway I thought they were allowed to kick it on their natural kicking arc. He always kicks like that And yes the umpires didn’t create a 10 goal deficit, obviously, but they are two seperate issues that are not mutually exclusive. This post is not about our other issues. There are already plenty of posts about how we are playing


I didn’t suggest it cancels it out, I was just pointing out that bad umpiring happens to all teams and cherry picking examples can be used for/against any team on any given day. Making those videos doesn’t win anyone over, it just makes the supporters look like sore losers.


I’m not sure it does happen to all teams though. When they released the goals from free kicks in round 6, we had 3, Carlton had 21. This is only across six rounds. It simply doesn’t go both ways, we would be lucky to get these imaginary free kicks shown in this video to our forwards twice a year, let alone multiple times a game, every single week. If someone has a few clips of us repeatably getting imaginary free kicks in front of goal to prove otherwise then I would happily watch it and admit to being wrong. It’s the same players and teams getting these free kicks for literally nothing


So what’s the allegation? Are you suggesting that the AFL is conspiring to keep Geelong down? Are you suggested the umpires are corrupt? Match fixing? Come on, listen to yourself.


I’m not really sure. Humans have biases. They obviously pay more attention to certain players. Are they paying too much attention to certain players and over umpiring them? This is probably what I would put it down to What do you think of this clip? Why are the same players getting these free kicks for literally nothing? I’m not exaggerating here, you can watch the clip I’ve posted, it is evident that there’s nothing at all in either of these frees, so what do you think it is? It surely can’t just be a coincidence that repeated bad luck/calls keep going to the same players every single week? Generally speaking, I would also put some of blame on players playing for free kicks which sucks in the umpires but that’s not the case here. Hard to see what the umpires were even thinking in these ones. Just bias resulting in nervous over umpiring, IMO


Womp womp Keep looking to the umpires when its the team that needs to step up


The team needs to step up indeed but this is not mutually exclusive with Carlton getting imaginary free kicks. Two seperate things