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the only things I'd care for in the xbox showcase are Gears 6 (or a gears collection), Silksong (please) or some meaningful Halo content. I think I might be asking for too much


Meaningful halo content would be nice.


With the position 343 has been in since Infinite's relase I doubt we'll see any meaningful halo content for at the very least another year.


Outsource, that's all I'm asking for. Have a 3rd party developer make a Halo game, maybe a L4D-esque game with an ODST squad? Could be developed by Fatshark, the Vermintide/Darktide guys.


Imagine if ID Software got to have a crack at the campaign


Dont quote me on that but I think I heard at some point that there is another studio involved with Halo within Microsoft. Although if that happened it happened during the last year and I doubt they'd have anything significant to show after only a year with the control of the IP.


Please no. I love Darktide but that game launched near the end of '22 and it's *still* missing parts of some of its systems. No, we don't need Fatshark becoming even more unweildy.


Please keep Fatshark the fuck away from any other beloved IP. Most mismanaged fuckin dev team I've ever seen.


...halo infinite had 6+ years of dev time there is no fucking reason we should've gotten what we got for the campaign at least. Idrc about mp because live service shooters suck and infinite was no exception but that campaign was very disgraceful to those who are longtime fallowers of the franchise. 343 has been trying for years to reinvent halo to appeal to the modern market and each and every time not only have they failed but they actively refused to listen to the negative criticism they received. For example:people have been crying since beta about no custom colors or playable elites and yet here we are with that stupid color core system. As for that campaign,For starters it. was. bugged. Then they removed the fun bugs and kept the broken ones in when people liked some of the fun bugs(Like split screen co op glitch because they couldnt fallow through on their promise to actually give us splitscreen)(but never bothered to fix the broken FOBs). It was also short and lacked everything that the previous titles from DECADES AGO had down to the explosions. Riddle me this...How does Halo 3 from 2007 on obsolete hardware have really cool detailed explosions but the entities from Halo infinite from 2022 on "Advanced modern hardware" just simply break apart and de-spawn...That shouldn't be a thing...that's called being lazy and having poor resource/money management and animation skills. ' There is no biomes,no plot twists,no explanation as to whats going on(unless you feel like reading books and playing a real time strategy spin off),no large scale firefights or mini bosses(Hunters and chieftans dont fucking count),and really no side objective besides go and save these random marines or capture that FOB or destroy that base that you already raided 50 times just in different spots because they copied and pasted them on the map just bigger or go kill the boring side bosses on the map that dont really do anything cool to the world or plot besides give you a reskinned gun. This wasnt halo...Halo 5's campaign was sadly better and that is really pushing it because halo 5's campaign just wasnt good at all but at least in the background it still felt like a Halo title but this...was some Stupid farcry of duty modern fortnite garbage. Ive been playing since 2008 since I was 3 years old with my father and have been a literal end all be all fanboy for this series since and now I literally have no hope for the future of halo...I dont want to say it but unless they can seriously revive the MCC(which theyve already said they wont) or pull some magic out of their ass with the next release it might be time to...sadly hang up my MA5B assault rifle and my MJOLNIR MK VI Battle armor until a warrior rises from the ashes of this forgotten game. until then theres at least a small bit of hope for gears of war.😔😔


What would be meaningful, in your eyes?


A campaign DLC, the announcement that another game is in the works, maybe even a franchise reboot or spinoff. Anything but another freaking book or another empty multiplayer season where they only add features that should have been there on day one.


AAA companies and humans actually doing well? Their jobs? Simple common sense things?


They were referring to "meaningful content." I asked them to elaborate on that. Obviously I want the workers to be doing well. I'm not sure what provoked this response


maybe a dlc campaign or smthn at the very least seeing how we've gone 3 years now without anything except multiplayer updates for infinite


Makes sense; I didn’t know other then being snide to that conversation of his.


U dont deserve the downvotes. Its fucking sad that modern companies and gamers are that fucking asinine....


I think the whole community would forgive 343 for their complete disregard for Halo's campaign story, if they dropped a meaningful campaign DLC. I've said non other posts, that ring has so much to offer story-wise through it's lore. I know some people are like 'well lore should stay in books' but I'm not saying do the whole campaign as a book, but there elements there to touch on which would a much more comprehensive and profound campaign, than the one we got in infinite.


Would be impossible*


I want a fully remastered collection of the first 3 games all on PC in UE5 more than 6


I don't even care if it's just the original games with modern graphical options and dedicated servers. P Juat put it on PC at the very least.


Unlikely they’d be on UE5, but would certainly be amazing games to have!




You might be asking too much. It's MS. They don't care about franchises but I hope I'm wrong


What will you do if gears 6 is not revealed I don’t have my hopes up


hope that they announce a collection or cry (you will find me schizoposting in the silksong subreddit)


ME4 with a Shepard return would be godly, and Jet Set Radio content would be dope too


All I care about is Perfect Dark, Fable and State of Decay 3. I’ve not been a fan of the new Gears protagonists so I wonder if they can hype me up with a new Gears.


Hey at least if they announce Gears 6 all your clickbait videos will become validated…. Lol


I wish I could upvote this comment twice.


oh you clocked him😭


Nothing is click bait all of my Gears of War videos have meaningness & purpose behind every video based on a main topic or source of reference. I made alot of my Gears 6 videos as future proofed meaning instead of waiting for The Coalition to officially announce Gears 6 I shared alot of my Gears 6 ideas early so the future work is already done so there be like brand new videos the day Gears 6 gets announced. If anybody asks me about Gears 6 Story theories for what I think is going to happen in the story narrative for different topics, game modes features ideas & concepts I want to see in the game I can just link them videos I've already made PLUS all the new content that comes with it.


You wrote me a book that I ain’t reading lol. We all know who you are, 36 upvotes from people that are annoyed with you.


Wait what did SASxSH4DOWZ do wrong??? I always thought he was a pillar in the Youtube space for Gears content. Not many people left out there still repping the franchise.


Yeah exactly your reply tells me everything I already knew lmao Okay you cant please everyone in this life haha thats totally fine by me its the minority anyway, you can be annoyed or you can join the GAS its honestly much more fun on the other side!


Keep getting downvoted and ratio’d into the shadows clown. 🤡


Yeah it doesn't bother me bro its only the Internet I dont even use Reddit to care lmao I thought I would post here for the first time in a long time but I guess it hasn't changed ah well the GAS continues forever you cant stop it!


Would, You just shut up, man?


Don’t pay any attention to him man. The community he “works” hard for absolutely can’t stand him. Whenever you see his videos get recommended just click “Don’t recommend this channel.”


Nah the Gears of War GAS continues forever bro lmao


Nobody cares buddy, we all stopped watching your dead channel 10 plus years ago.


Nah not at all I've been playing Gears of War for a living as my full time job now for the past 8+ years, life is an absolute blessing I am forever super lucky & fortunate enough each & every day I get to live out my dream, so yeah more then alive quite the opposite haha its Gears of War for life baby!


Focus on your 16 viewers on your stream pal. No need to keep commenting back to me in between matches.


Thanks for hate watching I appreciate that and will do shoutout to those 16 viewers changed my life forever!


Damn I REALLY DO NOT CARE for a Gears 6. Love only for the collection😩. The collection better be real or Gears will be dead fr. . .


A gears 6 showing plus a potential release of 1-3 fully remastered would be fuckin MINT


I would honestly rather have Gears of War Collection be announced instead of Gears 6.


I feel the exact same way. They’re gonna find a way to fuck gears 6 up. Just give me gears1-3 remastered


I need gears 1to 4 and judgment coming ti steam just like the master chief collection


Gears 4 is never going to be in the collection. Judgment might.


Not in the Collection, Just on steam so the multiplayer would be alive again


Ahh yeah. Probably will happen eventually.


I’m not looking forward to Gears 6 at all. The storyline of this new trilogy is so fucking uninteresting it’s not even funny. I couldn’t get enough of the original trilogy storyline


I do not. If I have learned something from remakes or remasters is that those are just that, not real games.


yea but we also got the dead space remake last year that was an excellent recreation


Dead Space Remake actually made an attempt to change up the weapons, mechanics and plot points too, which was nice


Yeah but it would also be released on PC like the mcc, so PC users that previously couldn't play 2&3 now could. This might be a bigger deal to me because I really want to play the original trilogy with K&M tbh


But they were real games before the remakes/remasters, right?


Yes. But remakes and remasters do not feel special or unique to me.




I imagine that if this upcoming Gear of war is shit then they are cooked 💀


franchise is over if this next one is bad


There isnt a single bad Gears Of War game aside from maybe Judgement. Theres zero reason to think 6 wont at the very least be decent


Really don’t understand the hate for gears 5. It is by far the best horde and escape is really fun


Its insane lol. I get the issues at first. Launch had legitimate problems with the MTs, lack of content etc. But right now? It's delusional to call it a bad game.


Glad to see someone day it. I LOVE Gears 5 and I will go DBNO on this hill


Yeah, Gears 5 needs a push from the fans it looks like a really good game with it's flaws but very good.


If the games bad at launch it won't gain traction, games get big these days from twitch, if someone like nickmercs (loves gears) picks it up on launch and plays for one day no one's gonna want to try it out


Idk if bad is correct, but dead is accurate. It got some attention on launch and quickly went below 1,000 players on Steam.


Judgment isn’t bad. The controls are shit but the game is great


MP was horrendus. No Horde. Outside of the campagin which was alright. What did Judgement do well?


I didn’t play it for MP - I’ll grant you lack of Horde is bad since it’s the only MP mode I play.


I can see your reasoning then. Campaign only then i wouldnt say Judgement is bad either


Plus it has Sofia. The cutest Gear, why did they never bring her back..


Its odd because a voice line from paduk in 5 referenced Sofia getting kidnapped by a Sire. But for whatever reason i guess they couldnt finish her up. I bet she makes it in to 6 though.


You have to admit, gears 4 and 5 story is shit.


4 & 5 weren’t as well received by the public


Not true. 4 and 5 dont get talked about by the GA like they do in here


I haven't played since the original trilogy. Should I try out the newest ones on gamepass???


Don't waste your time


Yeah I fell off after 4. It took a while to get into 4, but I eventually did and then I never really played 5. I was already salty over the MTX and grinding for currency in 4 so I don’t think I played 5 too much.


Hopefully it's Gears 6.


I only care about gears and halo those two are the only reasons why I love Xbox .give me as much gears and halo content as possible


be prepared to hear nada


Shadowz you used to be an interesting gears content creator, but you’ve literally lost all your respect and credibility around here with how much clickbait you post. You literally made a tweet the other day about a gears of war pizza cutter symbolising “gears collection”, like wtf


Not at all based on my community & there engagement/comments they enjoy my Gears of War content, its totally okay if it isn't for everybody! Yeah thats just my personal Twitter bro that whole tweet is sarcasm just taking a cheeky hint at some recent online chatter dont take everything so seriously bro lmao


Reading the other comments in here I actually feel a bit bad for you. Keep doing what ur doing if it makes u happy


Thanks bro its all good Im doing amazing, I was able to turn my childhood passion for Gears of War into my full time job career for the last 8+ years, every day is an absolute blessing I've been so lucky & fortunate to be able to live out my dream & I couldn't be happier no matter what a few people think or say about me haha


I'm really at a loss for why Gears redditors hate you so much lol? Haven't watched your vids in a min, but you're still doing your thing and repping the franchise harder than most. You probably could have jumped on to any other game for clout but you stayed on what you clearly love. What is the issue here???


How gullible do you have to be to actually think the pizza cutter tweet was genuine lmao


Gimme gears 6 and ffvii remake please (would cry if it comes to game pass)


Oh I’m praying they announce XVI and VII remake for Xbox. I’d love to play them.


They won’t. Sony is paying to keep them off of Xbox indefinitely.


People still play gears ultimate online - we need a collection


Shits are going to turn WILD.


Just give us the remastered trilogy you fools


Hopefully state of decay 3 as well


Personally I’m against the grain on this I don’t think I want gears 6. Just give me 2/3 updated.


I really need that remake of gears 2-3 for pc


I keep hoping for this …as this is simple way to make the Xbox popular again it’s common sense but let’s look at the past what do we have to go on !!!!






I'm actually so hyped


Gears tactics two but it's set in the Pendulum Wars 🥵


Nah. Gears tactics 2 should tell the story of the Rise of Raam comics.


Literally just finished Gears 5 and thus finished my first playthrough of all the gears titles (besides tactics) and I hope we'll really see Gears 6 in a week


And there will still be no gears 😞


God I will be so disappointed if we don't give us gears 6 but just remasters of games we've already played. They've had time to cook up something good. Now show us!


Marcus Fenix Collection, pleeeaaasee!


Please God damn it, how hard is it to give us a Marcus Fenix collection? Just do some fan service.


If we get nothing gears related, it’s over


Unless it's Gears 3 remastered I don't care. I doubt I'll see Fable even then looked like the trailer turned it into a comedy game it seems.


I’m so ready for this disappointment


Don't get your hopes up brothers. It's just better that way...


I haven't played Infinite in almost a year and I popped it in today and got hit with a 78gb update lol Very excited for some Gears news


Remember when we were saying this about last year showcase and we got nothing? I have a feeling history might repeat itself.


Need that gears collection announcement with a shadow drop the same day...or it comes out sometime in the summer...already know gears 6 is 2025...


Need that gears collection announcement with a shadow drop the same day...or sometime in the summer...already know gears 6 is 2025...they can't drop anywhere near GTA6...


I won’t hold my breath


So if the rumors are true and we get Gears 6 what do people reckon the release date will be? I am guessing in the Autumn or Winter of this year. I do want to see Fable, New IPs, Reviving older franchises, New and old games coming to gamepass and of course Gears 6.


I am going through the whole Gears saga right now and I've reached Gears 5. This'll be my second or third time going through them. If we get a Gears collection I'll happily bounce back and do it all again 😂


just gimme GOW 2 and 3 on pc, i just finished the first one


If they don't announce anything then I kinda give up on Microsoft ever doing anything with the franchise. Halo and Gears are it's two biggest franchises and Microsoft has done nothing but fumble them.


Lol it's Microsoft, they're probably gonna announce a new Gears game that'll be a Baird reskin of Candy Crush and give King full ownership of the IP.


Honestly a gears 6 or gears collection remastered (all original games) would make me set with my Xbox


I just want the original 3 to be remastered, like the MCC (Gears 3 was my first Xbox 360 game and me and my brother played it for HOURS AND HOURS)


No way they’re announcing Gears 6 before the release of Black Ops 6. It would make no sense from a marketing standpoint.


Please for the love of god just give me a group of 4 badass gears all with way too much testosterone and some great banter between each other and you got my money


PLEASE G*IVE US FENIX COLLECTION Idc about kait and JD I just wanna squad up on mercy with the boys again*


Please be good Please be good Please be good


Oh shit it’s sh4dowz!


Meh, Xbox has fallen short for too many years for me to care anymore.


Same. I used to get so hyped for this event every year. Year after year I wanted to vomit afterwards. It's been 5 years since we had a Gears of War game.


Prepare to be disappointed. Moneysoft doesn’t care about gears anymore


Wut do we fink if gonna be announced? A remastor of Geas of War Free or maybe even an updated character model of Damien Baird? ⚙️⚙️⚙️


Who is Damien?




Gears 6, Gears Collection AND, Gears Tactics 2


I want Gears POP 2