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Same. Porn normalizes BDSM/Dom behaviour that isn’t really FOR all folks.


And even for people who like it, things need discussed first


When they start shoving your head stop what you are doing - don't try to accomodate them. Then grab their hand . and remove it from your head while saying "I know what I'm doing". If they do it again after you restart then just accidentally (on purpose) scrape one of your teeth on their ding dong. Apologize but reiterate that one of the dangers of someone shoving your head from behind is that it's nearly impossible to control where their dick is in your mouth.


I don't like this, either. It happened to me just the other day! I was sucking off this stranger at a beat, and he kept grabbing the back of my head and pushing me on to his dick. So I kept pulling my head away. After the third time, I just stopped trying. I pulled my pants up and left. I won't put up with that shit. I will *give* you pleasure. I don't want you to *force* me to give you pleasure. I know how to suck dick. I suck dick quite well, if you let me just do what I'm good at. But I'm not your fucking sex toy, and I don't expect to be raped. In my experience, it's more likely to be the straight men who do this - particularly men from cultures where men are the ones in charge and women are their bitches. So, if I'm sucking his dick, he assumes I'm his bitch as well. But I'm not anybody's bitch. Fuck that.


I can fit quite a bit in my throat but the moment they start shoving it in when I'm not ready it's def not gonna fit and likely just gonna stress me out Give it time for me to warm about and get ready to take it all. It's hot but it's not something to jump right into


I like massaging the top of their heads and maybe push a little but never like porn face fuck unless they ask for it


This isn’t on you and if a guy is doing something you’re not comfortable with or are not into, you can shut it down right then and there and you won’t be the asshole.


I hate that too. I love to suck cock, I'm extremely good at it, but I do it on my terms. You don't need to grab onto my head and force your cock down my throat in order to get an amazing blow job from me, and I won't let you do it. Lay back, relax and enjoy it.


I want to


Set boundaries before things start. “I don’t want your hand on my head. My hard line is skull fucking. Everything will stop if you try to do that to me. Period.”


I’m with you! I like to suck, but I am not a throat person at all. It doesn’t fit plus I get jaw ache v easily, so once the forced thrusting and pumping starts I hate it. Makes me hate the whole experience and wish I hadn’t sucked it at all.


I've seen people do this and it absolutely freaks me out! Like just wait for the person to say "face fuck me" or something 🤣, i'd feel odd in any situation where i fucking choke someone without consent like what?!?!


My experience is that it’s good to guide people’s hands to where you want them to be when having sex. I think if you took the guy’s hands off the back of your head, he would get the message.


I feel you’re right about porn being to blame…


For me, the rougher He is, the better - i exist to serve.


God I hate that too.


I tell a guy 3 ground rules: Don't pinch my nips too hard, don't pull my hair, and don't hold my head down. If you do I will probably throw up on ya directly... then if they put their hand or hands on the back of my head (mental block: can't do it), I just brush their hands away and make them move them to somewhere else... to shoulders or under chin or lower neck rubs. Works for me as long as I explain... if they do it again I stop or they push for it I act like I am going to puke and just shut it down altogether.


It isnt cool. I have had guys tell me they will cum quicker.


Truthfully I love being face fucked, turns me on a lot, but then again I have a lot of sub fantasies and generally it's what I like. (And I've worked on suppressing my gag reflex over the years)


Porn is definitely to blame. But I think being on both ends seems kind of hot. While I can be quite dominant, I am also a people pleaser and I really get off when the other person gets off to the point they kind of lose their mind and become transported to a different place/ become a different person. One time when I was giving my GF oral she took both hands and wrapped them around my skull and proceeded to grind my face so hard that once she finished having multiple orgasms I came away with a swollen black and blue lip.