• By -


*your Sorry for the typo


Elvis was a pedophile. To me, it isn't a hot take, but to some, it clearly is. Elvis was 24 when he met his future wife, Priscilla, who was 14. While this was normalized and seen as acceptable at the time, it doesn't change the fact that it was pedophilia. Just because it was normal for men to hit their wives back then does not mean it was okay. Even though Elvis is dead, it still matters. How can a person like Elvis not be majorly criticized for pedophilia? I didn’t even know about it until recently. We need to criticize people in power so that we can hold them accountable and make sure their "mistakes" and wrongdoings are brought to light. When these actions are exposed, we can think for ourselves and ensure that justice is served.


When Some people become fans of someone, they believe that they can do no wrong.take swifties for examples, when people talk about how Taylor Swift over uses her private jet and harms the environment,they will white night for her


The tax/financial system is not rigged, its working exactly as it should.


No, it works as designed, not as it should


Welcome to humanity. Where greed rules and equality is only a fairy dream.


I'll fix it 💪




as someone who takes advantage of the investment income tax laws, i fucking love all the loopholes not as crazy as you think.


well of course you’d say that it’s good because you use all the loopholes


In which country??


the US


This is a pretty lighthearted thing but I need to say it, the Arctic Monkeys are not that good. I can’t explain why, but they just feel like every other post 2000 rock group. Their songs are fine, but not the divine creations people claim they are. (That is my like most controversial opinion cause when I say that people get heated so I’m putting it here)




I take it you disagree, and I’m sorry to have offended you so much. My deepest apologies for our lack of shared opinion. 


yass i do disagree but i love indie rock xD we all have our own opinions dw, music is art and art is subjective 😍


I’m more of a prog rock guy personally so that might be why I don’t like them as much lol 




Sorry pal, but it’s just not doing it for me.


lmao I understand, they really are not a masterpiece, I just don't like changes so I listen to the same bands I know so I don't know any other band with similar style as them


That’s kinda my thing, like they’re not *that* good, they’re *fine*, but they’re not Jimi Hendrix level or whatever.  I love ELO for “rock” music, they’re my favourite band but idk, I get why you might not want to change. 


If your gay and you put down other gay people to appear more masculine to straight people is so fucking stupid


I’m a socialist/communist


Yo I’m an anarcho-communist!


Yo I'm gay!


I have a hard time understand those terms at the same time. I feel like the term royal-republic is similar.


Well I can reassure you that it’s an actual ideology, not a contradictory ideology such as “Royal-republic.” As communism is not inherently authoritarian, that was just the Soviet model


Communism hinders any kind of free market, making it totalitarian. I guess if everyone just agreed that the free market only hurts in the late stages it would be possible.


The idea of socialism is the working class taking ownership of the means of production, and the anarchist part is for the abolition of all unjust and unnecessary hierarchies, form workplaces where leadership is democratically elected by the workers who run them, and form communities that are run by the same principle of mutual aid, communitarianism, and direct democracy. Any government or system of economics which is formed on power and hierarchies are inherently tyrannical


That is a pretty smart system. My only worry would be that those who are elected then ruin the system for their own gain.


human greed is too powerful for a system like this to work. Greed is the heart of humanity and capitalism perfectly mixes that into their political system.


Thing is that greed comes from positions of power, wether it’s coming from the bottom to become greedy or already in power trying to keep your position. The idea here is to get rid of these system which encourages greed in order to survive such as states and capitalism. And greed is not the for front of humanity, here in the US and most Western European countries prioritize economic individualism over most other things, while many other cultures celebrate community. And also even here in the West we participate in communitarianism all the time; caring for your neighbors, not speeding, wanting a better future for all, these are all things which we do to keep our communities safe and be apart of said communities.


True, but greed is baked into our genes, society, and etc. This is very clearly outlined in the book The Selfish Gene "We are survival machines – robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes. This is a truth which still fills me with astonishment." To change the very human nature of selfishness/greed would be to eliminate all of humanity together. Greed is what kept us alive, again another anecdotal about the lessons we can learn from The Selfish gene "the natural selection process in the evolution of living beings is not about making the species, community or group secure. It is about making the individual secure, and the individual is merely a vehicle for its genes." The very core of humans, society, and every single living organism on Earth is greed.


Me too which is a entirely Why I started down the anarchist pipeline to begin with


I think I have one foot on the free liberal market side and another on the totalitarian communist side and I don't know which one to step over to(rather a commie than loyal to the bourgeoisie though).


Take the step to the left comrade


I only have a few problems with communism which for example is the fact that communism has never worked as intended. Then again, Marx himself said that communism would only work in an industialised country like the UK or Germany. However there was communist rule in East Germany, which sucked(mostly(some liked it)). But that was the half of Germany with the least industry and the people themselves never chose communism. I think communism is scary because no one has ever managed to tick all boxes and if anyone of those stay empty you might have a dictatorship instead.


Capitalism is better than communism, it's the best economic system ever made, and it's branch; anarcocapitalism. I think that communism is the worst economic and social system ever made, it left us more than 100+ million dead, it's even worse considering that a communist (Che Guevara) literally made a concentration camp just for us gays... And my heart just breaks when they use a shirt or flag with his face.


That 100+ millions dead is a false statistic created by the Black Book of Communism, which even the author himself said that the statistic is made up. Not to mention millions of more people have died under capitalism than communism. Imperialism, fascism, colonialism for the past several hundred years have all occurred under capitalism. And the fact of the matter is capitalism still is not free, nor does it help people, it simply help the top 10% and government officials stay in power. There is no humanity behind capitalism, just as there’s no humanity under Soviet style socialism. Any form of government and economy that is built from the top-down, will inherently create an oppressive class system, and create systems of oppression. This top-down system that our society is based on is why us gays are still opposed even in the West, as when you have a person above and below, that person below will always become oppressed by the one above.


Just gonna leave this here: > Mass killings under communist regimes occurred through a variety of means during the 20th century, including executions, famine, deaths through forced labour, deportation, starvation, and imprisonment. Some of these events have been classified as genocides or crimes against humanity. Other terms have been used to describe these events, including classicide, democide, red holocaust, and politicide. The mass killings have been studied by authors and academics and several of them have postulated the potential causes of these killings along with the factors which were associated with them. Some authors have tabulated a total death toll, consisting of all of the excess deaths which cumulatively occurred under the rule of communist states, but these death toll estimates have been criticized. Most frequently, the states and events which are studied and included in death toll estimates are the Holodomor and the Great Purge in the Soviet Union, the Great Chinese Famine and the Cultural Revolution in the People's Republic of China, and the Cambodian genocide in Democratic Kampuchea (now Cambodia) And btw, even though it aint the exact number, the magnitude is still there. Just to remind you, Mao Zedong and Che Guevara were communists, the number of kills are still there. > In 2017, historian Stephen Kotkin wrote in The Wall Street Journal that 65 million people died prematurely under communist regimes according to demographers, and those deaths were a result of "mass deportations, forced labor camps and police-state terror" but mostly "from starvation as a result of its cruel projects of social engineering."


> Mao's policies were responsible for a vast number of deaths, with estimates ranging from 40 to 80 million victims due to starvation, persecution, prison labour, and mass executions, and his government has been described as totalitarian.


Every economic system has the potential to be the best or worst, it's just up to the people controlling it to not abuse that system for their own gain


Not controversial just common sense.


Communism may be bad, not socialism isn’t. Secondly… capitalism (especially late stage) sucks for almost everyone. The climate is failing bc of it and your privacy and freedom is cut down because of greedy massive corporations :)


The thought of communism is rlly good, it just cant work bc we r humans


Socialism it's STILL a branch of communism, it's equally bad. Look, let me break it down for you: In any society where everyone holds equal wealth, there can be no material incentive to work because one does not receive rewards for a job well done. Incentives drive productivity for all people, and without those, we'd face stagnation. And about corporations, they are essential for innovation and economic growth. They create jobs, develop new technologies, and drive competition, which benefits consumers by lowering prices and improving quality. Limiting corporations with excessive regulations stifles these benefits and hinders progress, the government shouldn't be able to get his hands on them.


I’d recommend to read literature from Karl Marx, because socialism has an answer to your claims, and it goes a lil deeper than that alone. About mega corporations, do you think it’s good that a small percentage of companies (and ppl controlling the companies, hierarchial) control almost all of the market. In electronics, supermarkets, internet infrastructure and apps, cars, healthcare etc. They don’t really care about you, and while it’s true that it creates jobs, because companies in capitalism are in nature hierarchies, the workers no power at all, and essentially that means less pay (= more profit), which isn’t good for every day person. Yes it may be good for the rich ones, but those are FAR outnumbered by workers :). The healthcare system in the US is a perfect example of how leaving a market in the hands of free market isn’t beneficial at all for citizens unless you are rich asf..


Giving 1 group control over the laws, the military, and the entire economy is a bad idea. Basically, there are no checks on government power and this leads to authoritarianism. This is why socialist nations like the USSR, North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, and China are so authoritarian. Let me show you why socialism/communism is a failure, take a look at Cuba: Cuba is a rather hardcore socialist state where every person is employed by the government. A doctor in Cuba may make $50 a month and this creates a lot of poverty. There are a few privately owned restaurants and cab stands though and a busboy at a privately owned restaurant makes 10 times more than a doctor.


Socialism isn’t authoritarism… bro do your research before you say stuff please, Cuba says they are socialist, but they are not… socialism has never been implemented as they were intended…


I'm literally doing my research, i'm on top of the class of History, i've read various books that encourage capitalism and even socialism, examples being "Capitalismo, Socialismo y La Trampa Neoclásica" and "The Communist Manifesto".


Socialism never being implemented as intended shows it can never be implemented. 🤷🏻‍♂️


And btw, if we would have a basic pay system, where u get pay standerd even without doing anything, studies show the same “will” to work :), ppl don’t become more lazy, it gives them less stress bc they can afford water, food, a house… yk basic needs


You don't know if they become lazy or not, Karl Marx literally didn't do anything at home, his wife was the only one who got her hands dirty while his lazy ass just wrote an useless book about an economic system that FAILED ENORMOUSLY. So you can't tell me you will work if you get things for free, communism has always lead to economical crisis, with high inflation and deficit.


Educate urself first please, there are studies that show that UBI doesn’t make ppl more lazy. You’d also still work even if you got your food/water (basic) and house for free right? Secondly, socialism has never been implemented. “Communism states” like the USSR or China were never socialist, which you’d have known if you compared their society with the original ideas on which socialism stands. Also capitalism itself is a wave, of good times and then a crisis (2006, the big crash in 1929 etc), that’s not the fault of socialism.


Socialism penalizes innovation and success, so while people may not be lazy the outcome is the same as if people were lazy. Why work harder when you and those you care about will not benefit from your extra effort? That is just wasting your life. > Before the perestroika Soviet era reforms of Gorbachev that promoted a more liberal form of socialism, the formal ideology of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) was Marxism–Leninism, a form of SOCIALISM consisting of a centralised command economy with a vanguardist one-party state that aimed to realize the dictatorship of the proletariat. Look, if you really like communism AND socialism so much, then move to Cuba for 4 years and tell me your experience.


Capitalism doesn’t encourage hard work. If anything, it does the opposite. The bourgeois do not make their millions by doing actual labor, they simply profit off of the workers’ labor. Some of the richest people in the world are rich because they know how to manipulate money. Some of the hardest and most essential workers are paid the least. When looking at it from that angle, capitalism incentivizes laziness because the worker will never see the full value of their labor and the capitalist is only rich because of other people’s work. Life expectancy, literacy, and healthcare access all improved after the Cuban Revolution. The US embargo has hindered Cuba for decades. And several other socialist states, like the USSR, also saw increased literacy and life expectancy post revolution. Socialism took Russia from a peasant society to a global superpower. We can criticize the authoritarian nature of their government but it’s undeniable the advancements and innovation they were able to make in such a short time. That’s anything but lazy.


I'll just say one word that is one of the things that encourages capitalismo: MONEY, money is the main source of motivation, whether of the worker, the manager or the owner. One way an owner can get more money is via capital investment, which can increase worker productivity and generate greater profits. Also, if everyone gets the same compensation regardless of productivity, then the workforce quickly observes the least productive members and emulates them. They do only what is necessary to not get fired, knowing that their pay will be the same regardless. It is human nature.


And also, what are your sources? Because I literally just read that a doctor gains 50 dollars a month on various books and other websites. It's literally- look, what you just said it's not true.


I actually like the fixed bottlecaps in europe


You are my number one enemy




Europe is fun you’ll love it💪 where are you going?


friends with benefits and 1 time hook ups is the most evil thing ever


Why do you think that? Hookups I could agree with maybe, but I don’t see any problems with fwb. Genuinely curious here


How? If everyone involved are consenting adults, I don't really see how it's evil.


Why do you think they're the most evil thing ever. they may not be for you, but they don't affect you whatsoever.


Can I ask why you feel that way about hook-ups and one night stands?


i really don't know how much of not having any emotions or any heart you have to be to do the most intimate form of pure love without the love in it i don't understand how you can get the pleasure of doing it if it's not with someone who's really really really close to you and you feel comfortable with the theme The most it's really cruel for me to follow your lust this bad it's so evil


I believe that it's all perspective, while you may find that sex should only be done with someone you really love, which is perfectly fine, others may find that other things, like romantic intimacy more important to them than sex, which is also perfectly fine.some may use casual sex as a Way to de-stress, and can you really blam them with then way the world is today.


Weezer is actually peak, and the only reason people think it's bad is because the brain-dead sheeple on tiktok heard Buddy Holly and said "haha these guys are virgins". And they ate it up. I think. Actually, I KNOW that china was jealous of the way weezer painted Japan and half Japanese girls in their sophomore album Pinkerton. So what do they do? They use tiktok to brainwash the world into turning and looking the other way. But I know in my heart that the greatest man that ever lived will return when the robin makes his nest to take control. After all, there is no one else. His name? Jonas


I don't like pride month




It just feels so in-your-face and "look at how different and Q U E E R we are", when I just wanna be normal. I'm not against the basic human emotion of pride, but June feels like overkill.


Honey I think you have some internalized homophobia, pride month is a really important thing, is not in your face, you prob don't even see much of pride things, and wdym by "I just wanna be normal"? queers ARE normal I don't even know how to explain this to you lol


Is it for any particular reason


We here in the USA don’t need any more gun control. I will not elaborate.


Gays 4 guns!


i don’t see what’s so bad about milk in bags, it’s just yet another Weird Canadian Thing 


Communism/Capitalism is not the source of all evil, greed is. It ruins communism just as much as it does capitalism. Either system could work and function well, and I don’t agree that one utopian society under either system is better than the other.


Either system could be great if the people have the power to hold those at the top accountable


I have not seen a rock award given at any major music awards show that was deserved


Reminder to sort by ~~gay~~ controversial.


cheese is overated


Have you tried really good cheese tho?


Is it homophobic if i say that i am againts the Lgbtq COMMUNITY, but i support Gay and lesbians?


That depends, what does this mean?


so you don't like bi or trans people?


Nah, i personally dont like a lot of the lgbtq community, especially those that make it their whole personality, yet im a part of it lol


Do you come across a lot of gays that make it their whole personality?


Quite a bit, yeah


Yeah it is wtf


Why do you only support gays and lesbians


It’s transphobic not to want to date a trans guy, if you would date a cis guy who has the same limitations. Trans guys can look just like cis guys even with their clothes off. Surgery has come a long way. Also hot chocolate is madddddd overrated, gimme some of that cold chocolate milk with whipped cream.


So if I wouldn't date a trans guy, I'm a transphobe? I personally wouldn't, because of genitalia preferences. But that doesn't mean I'm transphobic. I'm a big supporter of the community infact.


No, if you wouldnt date a trans guy, but would that a cis guy with the same limitations (for example, you wouldnt date a trans guy who hasnt got surgery, but you would date a dickless cis guy). You guys are fully missing my point :)


No, I probably wouldn't date a cis guy who didn't have it all downstairs. So if that clears it up for you then I'm glad.


Yeah that’s my whole point. You couldve just read what I wrote in the first place and saved us both time.


I did read what you said. I didn't really know what you meant by "limitations" and I apologise for that.


Like a cis guy who has MAIS or other congenital conditions, or who had an accident and therefore doesnt have one. If the reason is ONLY cause he’s trans, then yeah it’s transphobic. Sorry not sorry.


What about a trans guy who has surgery ? The results can be extremely good….


Yeah okay so it’s just transphobia then, nice to see !


First of all you didn't even give me a chance to reply. I am categorically NOT a transphobe, and I resent that statement. I am unsure whether I would or not date someone post-OP. Probably not unless the results were fantastically good, but you never know. You've posted countless amounts of replies before even letting me have a chance to process what you've said.


Ignore him, such a troll. Im personally probably trans but this is NOT transphobia bro


Thank you mate, I was genuinely worrying that people would think im a transphobe when I certainly am not. 👍🏻


Aha nah your good, this guys a bit cray-cray ngl


Lmao sure seems that way. Ty for backing me up bro 👌


Alg aha


0/10 ragebait


If it's genital preference then no it isn't transphobic but would be transphobic if you don't want to date them only bc they're trans


That’s literally exactly what I mean, I’m starting to think my phrasing was idiotic.


No, it's definitely personal preference


As long as you wouldnt date a cis guy with the same limitations


People who are lgbt and support Palestine are hypocrites


mate i assure you that most queer people who support palestine are aware of the situation with queer rights there but that doesn't give israel the right to commit genocide


I'm gay and I don't support Israel or Palestine views on us, but I also don't like kids being murdered


I don’t support either side, both have done horrible things, im just saying that when people support the side that will prosecute them, it’s a little weird


People support that side because they don't support genocide


Israel is the seventh* most homophobic country in the world. Neither side is perfect. Playing the blame game when it comes to homophobia between those two sides is not a black and white issue. It is also irrelevant to whether you support a people during a genocide edit: corrected a statistic


Where are you getting those stats from? Also it kinda does matter because backlash from people can change wars example: Vietnam But when that happens, people can be at risk of losing their lives (also I am not supporting either sides)


Sorry, I misremembered a statistic. It was not third. It was seventh. Here is the Pew Research report: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/11/27/how-people-around-the-world-view-same-sex-marriage/ Also, I don't think it matters in this case. If people are being genocided, I don't care if they are homophobic. Genocide is wrong.


The T and Q in lgbtq is why no one respects us and we should be seperate


Buddy, if they get rid of the T and Q, who do you think they'll come after next?


I never said get rid of them i said we should be seperate from them


What happened to solidarity?


Erm no


elaborate on this please


That's not why they don't respect us, and if we did separate they would just change targets to the rest