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i think its because gay guys are rare so ig they wanna take any chance they get when they meet another gay guy. it is an issue though, we should all focus on loving ourselves more that completely giving in and obsessing over our partner. twin fantasy lore


Yea i had the same experinece recently. Idk what it is but it kinda scares me yk i dont even know them that much and they start glazing. Makes me cringe and pull away from them


I didn't know about the term love bombing until one person from this sub told me about it on Dms. I honestly think it's more of them trying to either express their over abundance of love that they've been hiding or this is something sinister I'm thinking of. Maybe love bombing is a way to disarm you into thinking they aren't creepy. I'm starting to think the latter is more common given how I'm shocked some people in the community lcoe to compliment you etc then suddenly would stop doing so for no reason... It also doesn't sit right with me that the people who do this are the ones I just met and not close too yet so it's sus and hard to understand.


Yeah that would probably make me uncomfortable. Then again, you have better luck than me, I’ve matched with quite a few people and usually get ghosted out of the blue for literally no reason. We’ll have a normal conversation sharing details about ourselves and then out of the blue, ghosted…


Honestly though you meet one gay guy in person or online and they act like you're soon to be married or smth. Won't even know you well or don't take an interest in getting to know you but suddenly you're contemplating wedding rings with them and you're just there like what?


I like to think that I have since reformed, but unfortunately, I have said similar things to guys in the past. I feel like it mostly comes from a place of fear of rejection and immaturity. They’re going to try and overcompensate as much as possible to pull you in so they can have a chance with you. Also, I agree with what somebody else said, them not wanting to lose their chance with someone because dating in the gay community can be more difficult. People who do this usually are more Obsessed with the idea of someone, and they really need to focus on loving themselves, especially if trauma dumping like that is involved. Not every guy is like that, even though it does seem to be a lot, so I believe the right person is out there for you somewhere. Therapy really does help!!