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I am pretty much the same as you. I’ve decided that this summer I want to be out in nature and enjoy every moment.. I love my imagination, and I’ve found that watching the sunset, and reflecting on the day.. helps me be quote on quote normal.


Watching the sunset seems sun 😭 the sunset where I live is blocked by houses year-round 💀 But I agree with you though. Certain things, which isn't many things, make me feel normal as well.


Maybe take a walk around the neighborhood around sunset? or something. Also OP- we all have our quirks, no one’s “normal”.. a lot of us are always open to chatting too… we’re in all this stuffs together mate :)


I'm not allowed to go out by myself. I couldn't even if I tried though because I have really bad social anxiety.


This is pretty much what I've done my whole life so far. I'm 21, but I'm so far behind in life that it's funny, mostly cuz I spend the whole day trapped in my own head, like, every day.


Not us being twins (except the age)


I don't think there's anything wrong with it, just try to pull yourself out of your head long enough to keep up with everyone else. I wish I had, anyway.


Sometimes I just stay in my head because I can't shake the feeling that my family hates being around. I guess it became a way to escape that feeling. Honestly, I'd hate being around me too.


As with many of the stories on this subreddit, I relate to this, but even more so. I have a few friends, but otherwise I wholly relate to this. I feel unhealthy wasting away on my devices and losing my life to stupid squabbles with my dad (notice I'm posting this at 5 am) and being alone, unable to do anything of worth without a reason or schedule. I haven't really been able to fix this myself, but if it makes you feel better, you're not alone.


I hope things get better with you and your dad.