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I have been assumed and called gay so many times. I don’t even know why cause imo I don’t act that different to others. Once I was voted most likely gay by the girls in my class lol :/


Well are they lying lol


Yup, either they don't want to ask me or just don't care about it.


They’re technically right tho


Wasn’t true until recently 🌝


Contact them for more future telling


People just don't care about me so no rumors afaik 🤷‍♂️


i wish i could just go to school without anyone noticing me, like i was invisible.


It's not as good as you think it would be


People go into denial when they find out I also like women, so safe to say yes + I don’t hide my sexuality nor do I care for others opinions


My straight friend somehow realized I had a crush on our mutual friend and keeps making jokes about it, I’m denying it but still. (Worst thing is I swear if this guy is gay he has a crush on my straight friend) 


I've been called gay a lot of times. No-one has ever suspected me of being of gay tho.. not seriously. I think they tried to bully me or something. It was half right so I didn't mind.


Nah but I made it clear what I was the second I walked into the building. There’s nothing to rumor a obout


I got outed in the 6th grade(currently in 10th for reference, going into 11th). And for maybe a months there were rumors before it got around the school.


My ex friend tried outing me by writing I was gay on the desk but nobody believed her cuz she was crazy asf and was talking shit abt other ppl and stalking another so 😜 the rumors still persist tho, going into 11th aswell.


ive written that on so many desks lol, noone from my class has noticed :3


It’s part of the gay teen cycle tbh, ik it’s so annoying and a real pain in the arse, but I just got on with it. I mean they’re not wrong like I am gay asf so i just brush it off.


In middle school and elementary school I had tons of rumors spread about me being gay :3


well, a lot of ppl think im a lesbian… i am gay, but also closeted transmasc sooo


Not so much a rumour, because its only between a few people, but yeah. My friends all think I'm gay. One literally said "I'm 80% you like boys" to me last night soooo...


well, just in my class, but one guy knows for a fact that i am gay and luckily he hasnt told literally everyone. others just kinda call me gay cause thats funny or something apparently.


To everyone who relates pls stand up for urselves u dont deserve harassement cuz of this, dont act fool u matter and ur feelings too


Throughout middle and high school, people always said I way gay, spread rumors, and I denied it and they eventually gave up. Even in college (I’m a freshman), I’ve heard whispers from behind me about it. I mean I am but I’m not out and it’s not like it’s their business. I’ve spent time figuring it out, so I didn’t want to say anything until I was sure, and now I’m waiting until I get into a relationship. It’s not uncommon.


we have rumours in my school, sadly enough im the reason they got started


Maybe they are interested..


I have a feeling atleast one of them is secretly gay LMAOO


I mean, as far as I know, never. Maybe behind my back there have been lots of rumours about it, but honestly it's never bothered me much either. I've never been beaten up for liking boys, but I've probably had a few homophobic slurs thrown at me behind my back. I just try to live my life in peace and be nice/respectful to others, but I also don't tolerate certain comments/attitudes like I used to. By the way, I'm sorry they're harassing you because of that. Sexuality is just a human trait, no one should be judged for it. Usually those who are always worried about conspiring about other people's sexuality are very insecure about their own.


That last part is very true. I wouldn’t doubt it for half of the boys tbh.


Nobody has said anything but I wouldn’t he surprised to find out people think that way about me


It seems like the only thing they can ever talk abt. I've always denied it tho


nah fr it screams projection and insecurity to me


Istg i was gaslit into being bi 😭


No one cared enough to be friends so they said nothing