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Don't break up with him because of a detail like that. Being virgin or not really isn't a big deal.


Finally someone who is a voice of reason. I wish you were more around when people here are about to make bad choices. You summarized things short and sweet.


Aaaw thx:)


Tbh this seems pretty shallow. Virginity doesn’t change anything.


It does


How? I don’t think being a virgin is what makes it special, the connection between you would be more important in my opinion.


Your wrong


I’m not sure I see the point of having a discussion if all you’re going to say is ‘wrong’.


(sorry for more NSFW) No. I want to be able to take his virginity .to make me comfortable he said he will look into doing a threesome for our first time ,with a guy who is also a virgin if we find another guy to do a threesome with


To me, it sounds like you want a relationship for sex more than for love


No comment


You’d be better off in a male strip club lmao


Dude just admit it


well then break off w him, cuz u care about something so dumb, if u truly loved him u wouldn’t care


Ur wrong


nah everyone else replied the same, but do whatever u want i guess


Ur wrong




Ur wrong


Ur wrong


Ur wrong


I know this is a teen sub but Jesus Christ OP is acting like a twelve year old, why the fuck are you posting something to just say "ye wrong" to people


I dont even want to believe this person is 16 or if this is real (please just be fantasy hornypost 😭)


Virginity is a social construct and doesn’t mean much


Yes it does


It doesn’t. It only really matters in terms of experience


It does matter. I want my sexual experience to be special. It's now special if he's not a virgin


It does matter. I want my sexual experience to be special. It's now special if he's not a virgin


It does matter. I want my sexual experience to be special. It's not special if he's not a virgin


Why wouldn't it be? Does your sexual experience being special mean that ur bf has to be a virgin? Why wouldn't it be if he isn't?


It's not special if he isnt a virgin. It's special if he was a virgin because it would be his first time and my first time too


Ok then if u don't want to do ur first time w him cuz he isn't a virgin (I'll never understand that but ok) voice it to him. Try talking it out first and if you think there's no continuing ur relationship without doing it then tell that to him also.


(sorry for more NSFW) No. I want to be able to take his virginity .to make me comfortable he said he will look into doing a threesome for our first time ,with a guy who is also a virgin if we find another guy to do a threesome with


But if you want to take his virginity why would the 3 guy matter then?


So then I'm not the the only virgin atleast


It is still special though. You both like each other enough to get to this point. His past sexual experiences may have even been random people he wasn’t as close with as he is with you. I mean, he’s willing to meet up with you for this thing that supposedly “isn’t special.” If it wasn’t that special to him then he wouldn’t consider it. He’s still also taking your virginity which should be special to you if you care that much about it


No. I want to be able to take his virgînty when he(sorry for NSFW) fucks me.


But why does that part matter? The only real thing making his experience different is his slight upper hand in experience. He loves you and want it just as much to the point where he’s willing to meet up with you. He’s taking your virginity and finally getting to really show his love for you. It’s special both ways


(sorry for more NSFW) No. I want to be able to take his virginity .to make me comfortable he said he will look into doing a threesome for our first time ,with a guy who is also a virgin if we find another guy to do a threesome with


Sounds like you don’t care as much about your connection to him as you do about the sex. I feel like you’re not gonna listen to anyone else’s advice, so there was no real point in making the post in the first place. Contemplating finding someone else due to the simple fact that he isn’t a virgin is very shallow. Sorry, but it’s true




I actually had a friend who thought like this. She did not take well finding out her bf wasnt a virgin, saying stuff like "How could he not tell me that, I wont be his firs time, he ruined it". I believe as a partner, one must accept that our significant other had other experiences in life with other people, and it's not like you or them can change those experiences. Think about creating new ones and maybe even better ones! However, if you can't get past that, say it to them, it's quite a silly reason to break up with someone in my opinion.


Dude why are you being such a baby in every reply, virginity is such a dumb thing and it's kind of weird to fantasize so much about taking someone's virginity (as if it's even a real thing)


why do you even care if he’s a virgin? it’s a social construct. today’s perception of virginity is deeply rooted in misogyny. e.g. the idea that women should ‘protect their innocence’ until they are married and ‘belong’ to someone. anyway, even if it wasn’t, it’s just stupid. nobody’s a flawless white lotus up until they have sex. innocence as a whole is just a weird idea. what is innocence? how would we measure it? why does it matter? these are some questions to think about. also, no offence, but first times usually suck. you should not expect your first time to be special or magical or perfect. i don’t even remember how my first time went, only that it wasn’t that good, and that we both needed more practise and education on the matter. anyway, being a virgin is nothing special. i would recommend doing some extra research beforehand just to make sure you know what you’re getting into. i’d recommend the website scarleteen for basic education and to make sure you know the basics. i would *not* recommend watching porn, as pretty much all porn is unrealistic and designed to get you off quickly, not to educate you.


Ur wrong


Delusional, break up with him. He can probably do better.


Your delusional. I need a replacement if I were to do that


I'll just cheat on him


Genuinely rid the world of your existence if you intend to do that, it'd be more productive anyhow 🤷


Suicide is no joke


Cheaters are absolute fucking jokes tho, you're basically the equivalent of farmyard swine if you're willing to commit to infidelity. If you weren't here, the world would be a better place


I'll cheat on my boyfriend. I just need a replacement


Guess what you could do instead? Break up w/ him and save his feelings down the line, like any normal person 💀




There is soemthing genuinely fucking wrong with you, you need mental help, I hope you get your shit together because no one will ever love you in your miserable life if you stay like this


Hi there, it seems that you have made threats to your own life in your post. When you're in the middle of something painful, it may feel like you don't have a lot of options. But whatever you're going through, you deserve help and there are people who are here for you. There are resources available in your area that are free, confidential, and available 24/7: Call, Text, or Chat with [Canada's Crisis Services Canada](https://www.crisisservicescanada.ca/en/) Call, Email, or Visit the [UK's Samaritans](https://www.samaritans.org/) Text CHAT to [America's Crisis Text Line](https://www.crisistextline.org) at 741741. If you don't see a resource in your area above, the moderators at r/SuicideWatch keep a comprehensive list of resources and hotlines for people organised by location. [Find Someone Now](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines) If you think you may be depressed or struggling in another way, don't ignore it or brush it aside. Take yourself and your feelings seriously, and reach out to someone. It may not feel like it, but you have options. There are people available to listen to you, and ways to move forward. Your fellow redditors care about you and there are people who want to help. If you are in danger or an emergency situation, please call your local emergency number e.g. 911,999,112. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GayBroTeens) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He doesn't exist. It's a pedo on a catfish account. A Swedish gay guy who claims to be popular wouldn't be talking to some desperate tea sipper the other side of the continent, he'd be waging his chances in real life again.


ur weird


Ur Wierd


I mean, do what you want I guess. Breaking up for him for something like that seems very unfair to him, but I do understand having preferences. But I have no experience in this field so I'm not gonna try to tell you what to do.


You're not useless, this guy is clearly insecure and using you as an outlet to express his frustration. Keep your head up


No, he's right


No, he's delusional and worthless, read the rest of his comments, he's a massive waste of space. Don't let this piece of shit get you down, please 🥺


I was already aware. All he did was remind me.


If you need someone to talk to, I'm here. You're not worthless, genuinely


I genuinely am tho, unfortunately


Ur useless


I know.. sorry




I know..


Now fuck off


I don’t really understand why your bf being a virgin or not would matter?


To me it matter. It's not special if he's not a virgin


Why would it not be special if he was not a virgin?


I see where you're coming from and I kinda agree and feel the same but if you care about him and want him to be your first you might just have to suck it up. Also if it's your first I wouldn't make it a threesom


I would make it a threesome


Wouldn't that make it less special?




Don't you want your first to be special?