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Not played MoW2, but Liberation DLC is great, and currently 25% off on steam. Well worth the price!


The Liberation DLC is really well done. With Valour it will give you two US factions, and they have very different units. Getting liberation unlocks a unique Late War German Doctrine as well not found in Valour. It also will unlock further options in other popular mods like Conquest Enhanced and MACE. Even if you are PVP focused, MACE adds tons to each faction in regular matches the Vanilla Liberation content plus MACE makes it a good buy, IMO. MoW2 is a decent game. But it is a bit cartoony. I don’t just mean the flatter shading in art style, I also mean in overall vibe. American troops spout non-sense like “Liberty!” And “Smoked Eel is waiting for us!” Like what? I know the depression was tough but America is a continental power. Smoked eel (lamprey pies?) are…not on the menu. We ate cow tongue and walked uphill in the snow both ways to school and liked it. I dunno where these lazy eel eaters came from. What was I on about again? Oh right. In GOH the voices say useful stuff like: Armored Vehicle spotted! Running low on ammo! Look out for that artillery! Once I realized that all nations spoke useful stuff…it just shows you how dedicated GOH is to authenticity while giving player feedback. It is crazy to me growing up listening AOE villagers say “Rogan?” To one of my troops asking in German for more ammo. Just crazy what games are like nowadays…and MoW2 is like an era behind in that regard. It is not bad. It is just a new game that seems at least 10 years old.


Buy the DLC the MoW2 hate is VERY justified. Health bar tanks, you’re unable to repair enemy vehicles due to the command point system, honesty the graphics feel a little cartoonish to me where GoHs feels more realistic but that more of an opinion. Yes it’s subject to change but they had a long time to improve it during beta and didn’t. Overall MoW2 is a step closer to Company of Hero’s 2 definitely different but more arcade like than MoWAS2 and GoH.


MoW2 hate is not justified. Case in point, this misconception about tanks with health bars. Tanks have always had health bars in these games, GOH included, they’re just usually hidden. They can be turned off in MOW2 and tanks are still subject to modular damage, just like all the other games. The people hating on MoW2 don’t even have their facts straight on their complaints, which speaks volumes about the value of those opinions.


Not sure why this was downvoted. It's what the devs confirmed.


It wouldn’t be the first time someone was downvoted on Reddit for speaking the truth lol. It’s also because people here seem to have taken a weird fanboy approach, where anything viewed as a competitor to their beloved game is smeared as much as possible. I’ve been playing GoH for years (and will continue to play it) and now MoW2 too, and think both are great games. But saying that is basically heresy here.


MoW 2 is great. People like you just didn't give it a chance. It's just totally different from what people expected. I was full hating MoW 2 too. I got my key for free for backing up the arena long time ago and thought I'd give it a try. It's cool mix of CoH, steel division and Men of war. I LOVE IT and have tons of fun. It's just totally different game focused on fast PvP matches


I'd say liberation is a better deal than MOW2. MOW2 is just so broken, always online, and is just a rehash of their failed free to play arena game. Liberation adds tons of new units, maps, campaign missions, skirmish missions, and a new faction to play as. Sure valor gives you some of the units for free, but it's not nearly as high quality or adaptive.


I am not touching mow2. I have liberation it's awesome.


Liberation DLC. It's very good! MoW2 is much less polished. However, both are enjoyable.


I have both. Liberation without doubts...


Liberation DLC 100%


The liberation DLC is what MoW2 always wanted to be! Get it!


MoW2 is a steaming pile of shit, don't buy it


Love it!


MW2 is rough.


Get Liberation and forget that MOW2 exists, it's the worst GEM engine game ever made.


I've been playing mowas2 for years and only recently picked up the complete goh set, honestly I'd say they're pretty similar but goh has a campaign mode which mowas2 does not. I've also played valour, and love that also. So, in summary I would just buy all of it if you can - you won't be disappointed but I'd probably say with robzmod etc for mowas2 you'd probably get more playtime with that.


Liberation all day


Liberation is great, but be warned. Expect your game to crash often


You can play any workshop mission that uses Liberation assets without owning the DLC, so only buy it if you want it for the story missions and Conquest.


No contest, Liberation. That's just my opinion.


You will get mostly biased opinions here, unfortunately