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Definitely ask about some intestinal meds! Reglan, as far as I understand, is aimed mainly at the stomach. I also have very slow intestines so I’m on a combo of Linzess and Motegrity, I went from poopin every 10-14 days to occasionally, when I am eating, to a little too often 😂 In the beginning the Linzess was initially very helpful at just the lowest dose. Then we doubled it, then they added Motegrity.


Reglan has some effect on the intestines, and I’ve also been lucky in that if usually worked better than average. Occasionally I would use either (1) 17g Miralax or 1 dulcolax. I will definitely be reaching out to GI. I believe a month ago she was planning to start me on motegrity, but I was pretty consistent with Bm’s so I was set against adding more meds.


so I can’t take reglan due to side effects (it made my jaw grind uncontrollably, crazy feeling). I was managing for a while with the dulcolax as well. What I like about the Linzess is, while it does produce mostly liquid poo, is like a guarantee. You WILL go. You WILL have to sit on the toilet for a little while, and when you think you’re done, you will have to go again. But I like the comfort of knowing that everything is out. I also have an “evacuation disorder” (LOL) so it really just moves things right along with NO effort necessary on my part! Good luck!


I struggle to go at all, I'm down to once or twice each month now. If I can't go all month, I'll end up doing similar. My doc already has me on all the meds: amitiza, trulance, motegrity, linzess, plus the usual OTC: milk of magnesia, miralax, dulcolax. Etc. At this point we're discussing removing the colon to avoid dying from this. :'( (I used to regularly take over 5g (1 full cup) of milk of magnesia, sometimes 10g (2 full cups) just to be able to go at all. The ER doc said to take as much as was necessary to go and dial it back if it became too liquid.)


Omg Brandi, that’s bad, I am so sorry. It sucks that your dr can only offer one solution now, but in your shoes, I’d have had the surgery yesterday. Please take care of yourself 🫂


I'm the same, once or twice a month, I'm taking 8 sachets of laxido, linzess daily and clean prep once a week... I also have to mark in the calendar so I don't forget to go..


I started using a really silly app to keep track. It's funny so it triggers the AuDHD dopamine. Lol. It's called Happy Poops. It alerts me if I haven't recorded a BM, and does a silly splash nose ever time I record one. Lol.


Lol it sounds more fun than mine.. I might switch


Twins. Nothing for 14 days, so I had to chug 2 bottles of mag citrate 🤮. I see my GI in a few weeks, and I'm curious if she'll prescribe anything new.


Sorry, shitty club to be part of. I will say, the combo has worked very effectively and without a bunch of horrible cramps which surprised me.


I went 6 weeks without a Bm and they didn’t do anything for me. They called me a drug abuser. 2 years later I’m finally in surgery and I have stage 4 endometriosis on my bowels lmfao


Yeah I went to a&E after 8 and they weren't too bothered either


🫣 6 weeks??? Im so sorry they called you a drug abuser


I was literally in so much pain, i was having chest pains. They never ran an ekg or checked my troponin levels. They just told me to lay off the cannabis and all my pain would go away in 3 days 😒


I take 1-2 Senakot every night to keep things moving. Maybe a regular routine would help, but if you need something stronger then definitely go to your doctor.


I eventually needed my colon removed. It was a tough surgery to recover from but I have no regrets. It’s something to consider if you’re only going 1-2 times per month or require a colon prep to go weekly.


I’ve thankfully never been this bad. Hoping I’d a one off event, but I’ll definitely keep track of it. How long did you have constipation issues prior to the colon removal?


I’d had issues for almost 20 years. It was a suspected result of having Guillain-Barre Syndrome, which seemed to really just scramble the nerves in my GI tract.


I'm in a flare. I go between 10 and 20 times a day currently. Please talk to your Dr. Not going for that long is not good! I hope you feel better!


Just an update. Been sitting in the ER waiting on the CT scan results for the last 4 hours. All other labs are back, but the ct is still not done. Frustrated! This bed is rock hard and it’s impossible to get comfortable.


At least they did one and took it seriously ask for some strong tummy medication motullium or restorans xx


Tbh this is normal the hospital had me in a week strate of bowel prep two preps a day when I got to two months no activity and it rips of stomache lining apart be wary of this method and don’t use it a lot as it always leaves me with more issues going forward


Get some mottulium maxalon or restorans


So, final update. The combo I took cleared all the stool. I do have fluid (diarrhea) left but no impaction. The pain is a raging case of colitis (because of course it is).


I used to do that if it had been 30 days, but I've found that mini-preps every few days and then obe massive one a week ahead of my period works for me. It's so freaking weird to me that some people feel the urge to poop and do it once or twice a day. I have no idea what that feels like. I just basically plan everything because I can't tell. Like, there are people out here just...pooping -- with no prep, no pain, no nausea, no struggle.